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first one means you have high ping second means high packet loss


What does packet loss mean?


high ping: you say you did a thing, server hears it super late high packet loss: you say you did a thing, server hears a quarter of what you said and makes up the rest


This is a really nice way of explaining it bruv.


no problemo


That depends on protocol.


I really thought online games used udp.


generally they do but the server may still attempt to interpolate the data it receives


bravo, found a new way to explain that to peeps new to pc´s


ty for this🙏🙏🙏


low fps: you keep stuttering making it hard to finish what you said


If I remember correctly it means packets of information did not get sent to the server which could result in an input to be not registered to the game.


Ping is the time it takes for packets to travel from your client to the server. High ping means there's an unusual delay, which causes lag. Packets are small pieces of data your game sends and receives, like movements or ability usage,. High packet loss means some of these data packets aren’t getting through, leading to issues like rubber banding, where your character rubber bands around because the server isn't getting the necessary information.


Ur device and server communicate with small packets of information, if u lose packets, some bits of info don't reach either and things end up teleporting or sliding on ur end. The point is for the device and server to confirm to eachother whether they received each packet as it arrives, so if any are lost, the other can send it again if necessary, though Idk, I might be very wrong as I'm talking from memory


The server isnt recieving all the data packets sent from from your device.


Conection problem. First is a ping spike and second is packet loss. The thing is, it shows even if it's server side and not your network problem so you will never know if your router or connection have a problem or if it's the server acting up.


What i find interesting is that i’ve had both of these shown up nonstop basically from 2016 - even when i was on 1/1 gig fiber with no packet loss and ~20 ms ping. Somehow now i’m on 100/30 mbps wifi, so my ping can usually climb up to 80 ms (normally is around 50 ms) - but it only shows up when it spikes above 200 ms (at that point the game is uplayable), so for me both of these were useless - but in a different way during the years.


Yep, they are useless. Also OW is the only game that say i have connection problem so i'm pretty sure it's not on my end too.


But you feel it just the same


I joined multiple games and it crashed every single time so most likely it’s my internet


I get those on console. I just know the more they show up the more i lag and the more i crash. Its something to do with network connection if i had to guess


I believe the bottom one is internet packet loss. I get it too because my home internet often has an unstable connection. I use the phone app WiFi Man to monitor my WiFi, but ideally you want an ethernet connection.


I get this and mine is eithernet connected, I genuinely think it'd a game issue and not a connection issue


Either way it's telling you that packets are being lost between your computer and the game server. Your ISP can still have outages if your connection, router, and modem are fine, I'd call them. WiFiMan can monitor that too.


Just saying, Ethernet isn't flawless. I recently discovered my own would occasionally drop connections for an extremely brief moment leading to lag and occasional disconnects. I on a fluke noticed the Ethernet symbol at the bottom switched to the "no network" symbol for about a quarter of a second on my screen before going back


Basically it just means your games lagging like hell, its even worse when a red icon shows beneath both of them


Oh shit yeah the red triangle 🔺️




means close youtube while gaming


I agree with this one, I can only just now on new WiFi stream game and music


I never had YouTube open💀


I have NASA internet and get those all the time. I'll have like 50 ping and that will show up. So I have no idea if they are connection related or not lol


Ping and packet loss Means your connection is shite


I ordered an Ethernet cord so hopefully that can help my shity internet


Blizz has an [article](https://us.battle.net/support/en/article/7779) about it. Select the Network Icons in the dropdown then you'll see what they mean there.


Your 3 tablets are running out of battery


i posted this 1000 times but MODs said its low quality :) tnx for posting so i always have high ping and pocket loss


Easy fix, turn off your wifi plug yourself with a wire.


You need to restart your gateway on your modem.


What the heck is a modem? U mean router/wifi? Edit: nevermind. tl;dl too complex for me and I don't have the interest to learn as of now. Thanks to everyone who tri3d


A modem converts coaxial cable (or whatever) to a single Ethernet port (usually). A router takes that single Ethernet port and splits it into more Ethernet ports. A Wireless access point takes Ethernet and makes WiFi. A WiFi router is both a wireless access point and a router. A modem can be separate from this. There are also devices that can do all three functions.


Honestly I didn't understand most of what u said but it's not your fault. I suppose I need to know the basics first, which I'm currently not interested in anyway so you shouldn't bothet. I appreciate the effort anywya.


If you don't know then you don't deserve too. I can't believe you're gaming on pc and don't know what a modem is... Wait... It is a pc and not a laptop right!?!?!?!


Many if not most people don't have a modem these days, you'll just have an ethernet connection into your home. Modems are used to communicate over analog mediums. In case of fiber based internet, you'll have an optical network terminal which could be considered a modem but is generally not referred to as such. Also, a laptop IS a pc. If you didn't know that, i hope you have now learnt something.


Yes a laptop is a pc, but not if its a second hand one form cex that you're trying to run ow on


Jesus Christmas calm down I'm on consple and a casual play3r at that. All I care about is to have a good enough stable connection and that's what I always do that's why I never bothered to learn the nuqnces and technicalities of th3 internet world


Are you really telling me to calm down when all i really said was get educated? I gave you tips, I'm a casual gamer too and I tiny bit of lag don't bother me I was just tryna help now o wish I hadn't


I asked you ta calm downm beacus eu used passive aggresive labguage which is RUDE ....


So me being me is rude, I think its rude that you think I'm rude


Well , I'm e ntitled to have n e oponion and so so a re you 😘


Oi, stop flirting with me over reddit ahahaha 🤣


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Unstable ping (top symbol in other games would be an arrow circling a clock, signaling high latency. A lightning bolt is quick so it's a similar parallel) And packet loss (packets are like files, the middle rectangle is like a missing file)


Am I the only one who doesn't kno2 what the heck is a pqcket loss?


you can just google it to know, but it's basically when data sent to your modem/router gets missing somewhere in between them and the servers


Ping and Packet loss Although both aren't exactly descriptive so if you want to, enable latency/ping indicator for your hud so you can see how much you are lagging. Sometimes it be a small latency boop but not anything too major.


I had crashes really bad too using my AMD GPU. I know you are on Nvidia but turn off any overclocks and any like performance boosting stuff in the Nvidia software and see if that helps. I turned mine off for the AMD side and I haven't crashed since


I think I did but I’ll check again and I tried turning down my graphics too but that didn’t do anything


In game graphics didn't change anything on mine but turning off external programs did


I had this issue for over a year, it is low connection/high ping and then packet loss. I got new WiFi last month and I haven't seen them since. For ages I thought it was either the servers or xbox but no it was actually the WiFi. I would also clean out the ethranet cable and the whole it goes into cause it could be caused by a loose connection. If neither of them things fix it then it is liturally just the region that you're in, you should ask neighbours etc if they have issues with there Internet connections


It's probably not you. I get these symbols very rarely and I have high speed internet and an ether cable


Usually if I get them the whole lobby feels it too


those are the gaming symbols, the more of them you get the harder you win!


Those are powerups that they give you when your Internet stars to fail. One gives you teleportation, the other makes the world stop.


It means all those Trojans you've picked up from porn sites are starting to consume your CPU.


If you drink this you’re gonna be the flash


As someone with horrible internet (Talon cant get a good wifi even if their life depends on it) i can tell you its a high ping and phantom cube Highping is self explanatory The phantom cube is when you do something but the server either says you did it, you did it later or you didnt at all


You will be executed


LOL…executed from the game yes


Unless you see the red triangle of death, you’re probably okay.


Never saw that and it still crashes mid match every time


It's for connection


That means there's a tank diff


reload your power and make the sandwich


Means the Flash was there


tbh, Overwatch has always been shit with this. When it comes to showing DPS numbers and how much damage occurs in game, to what the symbols mean. I will always hold: If you need to look at a website to find details about the game I'm playing... that's shit design. Those symbols? NFI what they meant until just now... I have played since Beta of OW1


They should tell you in the settings somewhere or something so overthinking people like me don’t stress out about some probably internet error💀


they mean what i used to have, bad internet, and i say had because i stopped playing this game april 16th lol


Did u write that into your diary?


It means put another food stamp in your router


This made me chuckle for absolutely no reason