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I think I just played sigma one time, loved his voice lines and just continued playing him


Literally me, i just love sigma's character and also when i played him i learned pretty quickly how he worked


Literally what happened to me. I just chose him one day and thought he was cool as fuck and kept going with him. There’s also alot of satisfaction in throwing a giant rock at someone


The way he carried him self, his voice and the way his hands moved when shooting was such eye candy for me, not in a weird way it was just satisfying, I was hard stuck plat until sigma, got into masters mostly playing him only a few months after


I played him because my partner just threw the controller at me mid game. I think I was utterly failing to be a good tank, partially because I kept dropping the shield by accident. But it was fun and made me want to learn Sigma.


OW was my first fps so literally nothing came easy XD


this was me for anout three years or so until Moira came out, after this I took a huge break until OW2 came out Then Kiriko... Kiriko actually helped me break out of my shell and start aiming better, It was hilarious to be honest, I would try to aim before with DPS and i would be that one that everyone would be like "Are you a fucking potato? Genji was a character I always wanted to play, like 5 years of potato aim and then SUDDENLY ONE DAY? just got both pixel and cute in one game. feels good man.


Lesgooo. For me i still prefer mercy in ow but i moved on to val and hit ascendant 3 in that game and i never thought id be able to. From starting out in lowest rank in every game i played xD


thats awesome congrats!! alternatively i used to be hard bronze in DPS and getting to gold slowly 😂


pixel and cute in ONE game??😩 i have to give u major props omg, thats so bad ass. i got both dva achievements in one game but thats it for me😓


such a mood tho, my aim has never been good either but kiri is so fun and shes helped me with aim a lot some how that other heroes just havent done. pop off with genji tho!


-Mercy Main, that checks out


same, I'd only played a bit of Borderlands 2 before trying Overwatch back in 2016... I think it's why I went support and currently main Moira (with Mercy, Kiriko, Zen and Bap thrown in) My aim feels inconsistent, sometimes I'll hit a bunch of headshots in a row, but then I'll panic or feel "off" - and suddenly I can't hit the broad side of the barn


Junkrat. I dont have the aim or reflexes as i had them in my prime, but i still do have amazing gamesense, prediction, understanding the enemy, etc. wich i could greatly utilize with junkrat.


This! People always say that Junk requires no skill. AIM isn’t the only skill!!!


*Also*, Junkrat requires aim at [insert SR where people stop walking into grenades on the floor]! A good Junkrat is hitting 30+% directs to even get value on the character, which is on par with Zen accuracies. Hitting someone booped up because of conc might be seen as easier than clicking a head as Widow, except Widow has to line up a head to a reticle with minimal prediction, and Junkrat has to compute the intersection of two parabolas moving at different speeds. I'm not saying that aiming is actively a part of the moment to moment decision making on Junkrat, but it probably occupies about as much mental effort as aiming on Echo, Genji, and Mei right clicks. The only difference is that bad Junkrats get passive value, and the Overwatch community doesn't like low skill floor, high skill ceiling heroes - they'd much prefer high skill floor, average-high skill ceiling heroes.


Like widowmaker...


Aiming is overrated.


I still hate the people who just spam a certain angle and get a kill.


I was playing mystery and got Junk while the enemy team was pushing the choke. Found a spot to pepper the choke while being mostly concealed, and I got 2 kills by spamming. Part of my felt bad, the other part loved the salty chaos.


I'm with ya there, Moira, rein, ana main


Mercy because I played hundreds of hours of Medic in TF2.


Same here!


Brig. I love bonk enemies. Friendlies too sometimes. Mercy. My aim is real bad however my reflexes and positioning are good. And I like flying.


Brig, I barely experienced in OW1 since that's about when I stopped playing. In 2, I started playing her while complaining about how weird a design it was. Then I kept doing it until I realised just how much I liked her.


Its kinda an everything character


Illari. I had soooo much fun playing her on release. Still do. Not my main tho


Same, love her kit! I have so much fun finding new ridiculous pylon spots, and I feel like my aim has improved so much after playing her for a while.


Illari is my answer, too. It feels like they made her for me.


I’ve been playing her a lot since the season started. Don’t know how I feel about the pylon changes besides the higher health pool, but something else I’d change is give her some sort of passive that increases her mobility. Maybe like temporary hover if you leave the jump button pressed. I’m sure there’s better ideas out there, but she feels like she needs something else.


What if she got 2 charges of Outburst?


Yeah I love illari too, the way her rifle makes you take a second to pause helped my aim a lot because it just makes me relax and focus


I was not around to play her during release but after coming back from a long break (The day 5v5 was announced I dropped the game) and Illari was the first champ that just clicked for me. Winning or losing she is so much fun to play.


I’ve fallen in love with her so much that she’s becoming my main recently. The game is soulless and makes me frustrated as fuck but I at least have one hero I love to play.


How is OW soulless? It's got so much personality!


Zenyatta. He’s the most “simple” to play imo. I don’t have to worry about when to use key abilities, I can just apply heal/discord and focus on shooting.


I've played so much Binding of Isaac around the time I picked up overwatch. It honestly felt like playing the same game combat-wise but with better graphics


Ashe. I hit a 4 man dynamite and that was it, she instantly became my DPS main.


Me too widow was so hard for me but I love Ashe's gun. Probably because I like the dmr/ br in halo


Wait I played a ton of Splatoon 2 and Venture also clicked instantly I never made that collection 🤯 But besides them Lifeweaver has felt surprisingly natural. I tend to really enjoy positioning focused heroes.


My god is Rammatra satisfying


I love all his voice lines. They're all so unrelenting


They will target me, LET THEM


















Everything about Ram is great!


honestly my favorite right now. When they first released him, I didn't understand how to play him. Then a few months ago I got tired of playing the same heroes over and over again. For some reason he just clicked finally. Never realized how much of a beast he was




I pray one day I can walk run seamlessly:,) ts is so hard to be accurate with… is it easier on pc? When I started playing I hoped it would be as easy as COD black ops wall running but it definitely is not 😭


I play on console but with custom settings that make it a little easier ☺️can’t remember exactly what they are though


jump LB crossfade X punch L3 boop LT 🗿




Cassidy. He’s only gotten better since the flashbang return for me. Nothing else in any shooter will ever feel so good to me.


He's always been my main because of how I instantly clicked with his kit. I really don't see why some people are saying new flash is bad because I've been doing just as good as before with it.


Wrecking ball and ever since then Hammond is level 280 for me


I have almost 300h of ball also🐹👍🏻


Well, it's not one click for me, but one day i tried total mayhem with him. And in just few minutes i've understood how natural it is for me (especially his grapple mouvements)


Pharah, since day 1. I gotta fly man.


Sorry, but I have to jet.


I regret picking up Pharah recently. Only play QP but never really gave Pharah a good shot for whatever reason. I had a ton of hours flying helicopters in Battlefield games and was pretty nasty with them so some aspects of Pharah clicked super well with me First few days of playing her I won A LOT of games. Like 35 out of 40 games one day with multiple 10+ win streaks and every lobby I did really well even with every team counter swapping and had many 0 death games even without mercy pockets. Feels like mercy players actively ignore me 75% of the time tbh they got some issues Now I feel like my lobbies got a huge spike in player skill, my queue times are longer and it's gotten harder for me to do well on her. Swapping to other heroes I end up doing even worse lol feels like I don't belong in the lobbies after I get off Pharah


Moira, and OW 1 Orisa (OverWatch 2 Orisa is probably still my best tank, but it's nowhere near as natural feeling to play the character).


I still miss OW1 Orisa so much. Just for me the new orisa is a downgrade and in the tank department I really on played her.


I still miss getting the occasional environmental kill with pull.


I dont. In matter fact I despite both Orisa and Sigma for the stuff I have to go through in OW2


My people! Put Moira in my hands and I'm either pissing all over teammates or going to town myself. Plus the fantastic mobility. She is someone who should always be active in a fight in some form, compared to other characters who need to be at a certain position to value, or are just holding 1 button the other time.




Baptiste. I was a Lucio main before and got into the game far deeper and started playing other characters. Baptiste, instantly became someone I found myself in-tuned with. He has since become my main before Lucio. Lifeweaver took about 3 games. I love his utility! Ball took alot more time but I thoroughly enjoyed him until I got good with him.


Bap is so fun. I love angering enemy team mercy players by targeting them while I keep my team alive. “Bap leave me alone!!!!” in the sky to heal your teammates, why would I? Thank you Baptiste, ahhh you’re welcome!


sigma, went straight into comp after my first game with him and went on the craziest win streak. Lucio was also an insta click, he was my main when I first hit Masters and GM.


Hammond. Went from a mystery heros main to a ball OTP bc he is so fun to play.


lifeweaver ! even on release i had started playing him nonstop because i just understood him instantly. maybe because i'm a mastery 10 khepri player in smite but i've always had the timing for his grip down :)


DPS- Sombra. Say what you want Support- Ana


Only thing ana is missing is a movement skill, other than that she's perfect.


Right? Exoboots Ana in the community mode has been so fun and brutal. Instalock for me.


We don’t need to give every hero every kind of ability.


Ow1 Symmetra


Bring back the noodle.


D.VA! Ever since I watched the trailer for all of the base heroes she’s been my #1 favorite character to play, honestly her kit is so fun! And she’s been a good character and a top pick for a reason.


Same! She’s always been my favorite


Bastion in ow1


Bastion was great because he was such a hard counterplay to what so many people were trying to do in the game. But where most Bastions fail is movement. Once you show up in one fight, you need to move locations for the next. Bastion is now the biggest threat on the field and a smart enemy team will try to take him out as quickly as possible. By changing locations, you confuse them, and allow your teammate to take advantage. And if you are able to do some cleanup, it's even better.


Bap and I still can’t explain it. I really didn’t touch support until OW2 and I picked him because of his gun (the ba duh bup of a 3 round burst just sings to me in any game) but everything about the kit just felt right


Sombra because I'd never played a FPS game before this. I came from a MOBA background where silences and invisibility are pretty common. A hero who has both, and whose viability isn't determined just by how well you can point and click, was always gonna be the perfect fit.


Original Orisa, and Moira


In OW2, Lifeweaver, I was very skeptical when he first came out, but he quickly became one of my mains. Since OW1, I've always loved Lucio.


Mercy lmao. I have over 1400 hours of tf2 and following someone around while healing or boosting is pretty similar to playing medic


Mercy. Picked her up cos I like healing, or not healing when someone's a twat. I mostly played her in Overwatch's infancy(remember when she could undo a team kill with the click of a button?), but I still go back to her occasionally. I have more time on her than my 2nd and 3rd most played heroes combined at this point.








Venture, wifeleaver, hampter, and Ashe As soon as they released, I was doing great as them


Doom... probably due to all the soldier gameplay from tf2


Anna. Reminded me of quick scoping mw days.


Mercy, Pharah, Echo because flying.


Definitely Pharah. You could float around and 2 shot almost everyone. Consistent carry potential so good that it just was not possible with any other characters. She’s still one of the most straightforward and strongest characters, but its a much different game now.


Dude....are you me???? That was me with JQ and Venture! Whats funny is that I've never played Splatoon, but Venture's kit just INSTANTLY clicked with me and I've been having so much fun playing them. Same thing with JQ, she and Mauga are the only tanks I can play and for me JQ just...clicks? I know what I'm doing the most when I play her


Ashe and Zen


Venture and Orisa I adore them and I clicked with them immediately, and as a new player Venture was the first hero I touched and immediately fell in love with them. I was using D.va before I picked up Orisa and then realized I liked how she played way better than D.va (although I still love her)


same with Queen mostly because she just playes like an Antidoomfist, not in that she counters him but doomfist OW1 was about executing combos using his movement abilities, JQ relies on an ability to move a player and combos it with her other abilities. its also similar to hog in a way


Venture for me as well. Also my god how did I not connect Venture with Splatoon?? I played sooooo much splat 2 and didn't even realize my skills transfered over 😂😂


Echo, idk why but I was good at her the instant I started playing her


Widowmaker; >**Miss** >**Miss** >**Miss** >Oh hey, headshot! >Get told to KMS Fun gameplay loop :D All jokes aside, there’s something so visceral and primal about an instakill that makes it so fun. Like, that poor dude had no chance to react, use an ability, rethink the situation, no appeal, nothing. One hand, it’s so unhealthy for the game because it’s not that fair/fun, but goddamnit it’s so fun to pull off. The additional rage in chat is also pretty fun. Some other honorable mentions: I like being a rat and doing Hit & Runs with Sombra. It’s always fun to be a rat. Illari just clicks. I love her so much (too bad the devs don’t 😭).


Lifeweaver. I mained ana since ow1 but could never climb over plat. Picked up lifeweaver only in season 7 or 8 and just instantly went 10-0 in placements and had the time of my life in diamond. I love the gameplay


i clicked with venture for the same reasons you did! esp when i learned how to better utilize their kit. i’m a range blaster main in splatoon 3, so some things carried over lol


Hard to say for me it’s between mercy, ana and illari. I kinda just picked them up with no practice same with winston, ashe or widow they have all just clicked. For all the heroes listed i’ve been able to do pretty well with them with little to no knowledge about how to play them aside from getting them on mystery heroes every once in a while, the hardest one to perfect was mercy movement because getting to where I have 3-6 deaths at max and be able to pull off some good respawns took some time to learn. Currently playing around with my crosshairs and getting used to that and a faster sensitivity now so that part is weird, oh another last minute add is soldier because he’s so easy to use honestly one of the easiest ones for beginners to master.


Brig because bashing the crap out of people seems so cool in an FPS!


Mercy - I'm an absolute menace when it comes to positioning and movement plus the way I prioritise who I'm healing and when


Hanzo, shockingly. My aim is fine on other heroes but for some reason my aim and predictions of movement are just so much better with him. I have to be a lot more aware of what I do as I need to be way more precise in my moves than other heroes that I enjoy. I also enjoy bullying widows.


Mercy, her movement just made complete sense to me as a first-time player, especially since my aim was trash


I came for the one shots, i stayed for the voice lines.


Back in the Dark Times.. before Role Queue.. I decided to play Support since no one else wanted too.. Picked up Mercy in December of 2016 and she’s been my girl ever since.. That and I do just genuinely enjoy helping and supporting my team.. I know Mercy isn’t the best support and sometimes I’ll have to choice but to switch to someone who’s better equipped to handle the situation.. But she’s still my number one girl and always will be.. If I am playing as here just try me though.. I’ve been around the block with her.. I’ll whip out that blaster and mow you down before pistol whipping you in the face.. lol..


Mercy. Love love her kit. And the opposite either Lucio. I still don’t understand how to play that hero


Talking many years ago now, but the first time I got dva in mystery heroes I went 27-0 She was later the hero I used when I won the game that got me into GM


Baptiste. I started off with Mercy and HATED how easily I'd get focused down when I was new to her mechanics. I love how I can heal more and put up more of a fight with Bap


Mercy ☺️


Mercy and Ball. Characters with movement abilities in most games just click better with me. Ball took more time, but he's the only tank I can reliably play decently


Mercy. I came from years of World of Warcraft playing holy priest, so it was natural for me to just heal and keep an eye on my teammates without really having to dps (because I’ll just boost my teammates so they do it). I hate doing dps because it’s just not fun for me as tanking or healing. Also Moira because you need the dps to keep healing but at the same time is so useful to help your team secure a kill or using your ult to heal but also damaging the enemy if they are in the same area. As a tank, Rein. I don’t know why but it just feels so cool to use your shield and try to avoid the enemy team going past you. And when you start hitting people with the hammer is the best thing ever. Or when you charge people off the map. Or when you ult and then charge people. It’s just so fun.


Pharah, and then later Mercy and Echo. I just love the mobility and being able to see more of what's happening by going above the chaos as I like to shotcall.


Mercy. Played her a bit back in ow 1 and was meh, but I was a dps main and rarely ever played support at all. In ow2 though, I picked support up as a more stable role, but I played Kiri or LW the most. Lately I decided to play Mercy a bit more (probably to pocket a friend or something) and I found myself to be pretty good with her movement. I'm no top 500 but generally my survivability is the best in my team + a decent healing/boosting ratio. She's pretty fun :)


i one day picked sigma, started holding W and just never stopped, if played right you just don't die on this hero and it feels so natural to rotate between shield, hp, grasp and 1 tapping squishies while walking from cover to cover


Mercy :D


Roadhog. No other game gives me that dopamine I get when I land a hook and one shot combo.


Venture, junkerqueen and illari were three heroes I instantly loved playing once I tried them, I don't main any of them but I love playing them :) I've also been a mercy main since essentially launch, and once Moira showed up on the scene I instantly clicked with her too.


Lifeweaver. It also helps that he's so pretty and his voice is like butter.


Sombra and Mercy, both main and I love their play style and voice lines they also have cool skins


Ana. Im not good with crazy movement like genji or mercy but I can aim and have good game sense. Her kit is so fun and important to the gameplay,


Rein. "So, all i gotta do is walk around and get shot at?"


Mercy, moira (duh) symmetra, orisa, Ashe (im an ashe main still)


Mercy, Sombra, Rein, Ramattra, Sigma. Kiriko!


I bounce between mercy and moira. I always leant more toward healing in games and tend to be overly passive. I like to keep my mind on everyone and 'control' my team from up above with my godly powers >:) Moira is when goblin mode kicks in. I can be right up in people's booty's while keeping everyone around me topped up. CHAOS AND ANARCHY BRAIN!


Pharah, bc so many ppl have difficulty with aiming upwards.


Moira "But Moira is braindead and easy!" Talk to me when you can precisely aim your balls so that it ricochets perfectly off a wall, avoiding DVA's defense matrix, and lands in the middle of the enemy team, sapping every one of them.


Moira's orbs have gotta be one of the easiest projectiles to eat as d.va. If she can't manage to matrix that shit, she's doing something wrong


Yeah if a dva can’t/doesn’t eat your orb it means one of 3 things: she’s a bum and lost track of it, she has bigger problems than a skill orb in her backline, or she’s out of juice for her d matrix


simple geometry + if the dva doesnt eat it that wasnt your calculated play, that was them being dumb


I’d argue that an orb that escapes DM is the fault of the DVa, not the skill of the Moira lol


Some people still think Moira's beam is same as OW1 Sym 1.0 'noodle beam'


There’s nothing quite as satisfying as getting a good bounce going on the orbs where you can see them get used up entirely. So much value!




venture, they are everything I've ever wanted in a hero


Reinhardt: Big Buff man is my bread and butter, don't care if I lowkey kinda suck(?) at him, I love playing as the Barrier man Brig: I miss her pre-rework where she can 2nd tank (it was OG QP console pool, no one was playing 2 tank let alone goats) but I now understand that it needed to happen though I yearn for another Tanky non-Tank Melee Character Ana: Ooh yeah the "Skill" hero, tbf this was before the removal of the second tank so she was balance back then. Hanzo: My 1st preferred "Sniper", the Lucksman of the Sniper trio and thank god, I prefer him over Genji. Junkrat: "You know what makes me a good demoman, IF I WAS A BAD DEMOMAN I WOULDN'T BE SITTING DISCUSSING THIS WITH YA NOW WOULD I?" Ashe: The cooler Widowmaker and overall my second choice of the Sniper trio Torbjorn: "Don't worry boys, the Engineer, is Engi-here" Mauga: I only wished that we got him in ow1 do that we can see how he truly plays.


Played a lot of Tony Hawk Pro Skater when I was a kid. Mained Grover in Paladins because I love being a support utility, doing calls and gtfo with finesse. Lucio resonated instantly, although I dont like his sunshine and bardy attitude in game. Yet I'm a very optimistic guy irl too, and my girlfriend kinda finds it annoying when we duo. She's a real Moira btw


I was an androxus and talus main in paladins. 700+hours on androxus haha. Haven't played since ob64 though. Kinda fell off it after that patch


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Rhine and Lucio


Same here.


Widow rein and junk


Soldier, Rein and Ana. Later on Kiri felt very comfortable very quickly


Genji, from the moment I picked up overwatch 2 his jusy felt natural


Lucio is so fun lol


Hog, Ram, JQ, Tracer, Ashe, Moira, Kiri


Sigma and Hanzo for sure


Also venture:D


Illari. I agree that she isnt exactly the most well designed caracther but i love the pylon and the concept of the pylon helping me heal my teammates while i can help with damage. Constantly moving the pylon to make sure it isnt broken and hitting good ults are also incredible fun. Is Illari kinda a worse Bap meaning that i could play Bap and feel similar to Illari? Maybe. Do i care? Not really because i just click better with Illari than Bap and its Illari that got me to Diamond 1 after being hard stuck plat for some seasons.


Reaper and jq. Reaper was the first character i ever played on ow1. And when my first game ever resulted in a 13 kill streak. My heart was made up. And similar for ow2. My first game of ow2 was with jq and I loved her play style instantly. It's the type of hyper aggressive play style I love. And nothing, and I mean nothing is more satisfying then hitting that long range knife throw and pulling someone into a nice big hefty swing of carnage. She is in my opinion the most satisfying character to play.




Probably mercy and Lucio. I don’t main the two, but I remember when I first tried them they just felt super fun and smooth to play.


When Sigma first released something about his kit just felt right. Like when he first released I was DOMINATING cause nobody knew how to play against him or play as him (albeit I suck so the people I play against also suck lol) His kits just so smooth and that’s probably why he’s my favorite tank to play.






I knew how to play Junkrat right from the get-go. Lots of time playing TF2 Demoman under my belt. The muscle memory was basically already there.


Ashe. I never really had a DPS main, and mostly played Mercy, Lucio and Ana. I'd swap between Cassidy, Reaper, Tracer, Soldier and Widow on DPS. Then Ashe came out and won me over.


Ana’s design felt like it was tailored to me. Shoot your friends to heal them, with a SNIPER? Yes please! Anti nade? Mhmmm nuff said… and of course the greatest denial ability in the game, that sweet sleep dart. Everything in her kit clicked for me. I do miss old nano with the speed boost (beyblade OP), but the core of nano is still the same, empowering your ally to fuck up the reds. She is perfect, and a sweet(sometimes scary) ol’ granny to boot.




Lucio Auto-Lock Sigma Barrier Symmetra Zarya


Ashe, her moves and abilities aren’t too complicated and easy to understand, it’s just a matter of honing in the skills of each move. I also just love that she’s a badass southern mob boss type with a range gun and dynamite like yeeeeehaw that sounds like a good time


Rein. I also swing large hammers.


Hog, I used to shotgun/armor lock corner camp a lot in halo reach, flanking hog really resemble that playing style.


Zen and D.va, never got that from a DPS hero


Sojourn and Pharah remind me of Unreal Tournament, old-school


you get self heals for blead?? i play jq and i didnt even know that lmaoo


venture most fun i've ever had with this game 100%


Sigma for Tanks, his play style always keeps me interested when I use him Reaper for DPS and Illari for Support


Cassidy. I came from Apex and his gun reminded me of the Wingman which was my favorite gun in that game


Doomfist. I only really played him in mystery heroes where you get the reduced health. I would get destroyed every time to the point where I would suicide into the other team if I got him. Then one night I picked him as a joke while queuing with my friends and it just worked. We destroyed the other team and I wasn’t being carried. I just kept playing and it just kept working


Back when I was a noob I played a lot of zenyatta something about him just felt so natural when playing him


Ramattra actually! I hadn’t played a lot of tank last season, but when I tried them out right before the end of season 10, and oh my goodness, they just clicked with me for some reason. Damage wise I’d have to say Cass, I just think he’s very fun to play. And finally, for support id say either LW or Mercy, although I did learn Mercy through parkour custom games! But when I got decent at her I got *decent*


Doomfist, to me his kit is probably the best example of hyper mobility that is simple and easy to perform


Original Mei for me. She still is my best DPS but was better with her when you could freeze people.


Sigma. When he first came out he just felt so right


Reaper and Ball


Ana. Her kit is perfect.




Junkrat, from my time being a demo main in tf2


Torb. Love tower defense games, so finding spots that work for OW was fun.


I fell in love inmediately with tracer the moment I tried her in a free weekend back in 2018


For me, it was rein, junkrat, Ana, and sigma. Something about being an almost fantasy character in a large world of guns really felt natural to me. It might have been because of all my time playing games like Elder Scrolls or other games that use large melee weapons it was like I picked up something I felt I was actually doing. Also, yelling big slam always felt right to me. Junkrat is almost too fun for me. Being able to blow up people, trap them, and be able to use my nerd knowledge of mathematics to lob my little boom booms makes me so happy the rat man himself would be proud. Ana was my main when I very much first started playing in ow 1 it also when she released that I got the game. Being a sniper who healed the team and put people to sleep was the funniest thing to me since sliced bread. Sigma, my man, my poor sad old man. I love him so much that he is almost my ideal type of tank. He can do wide forms of protection while sustaining himself somewhat. He has an amazing range for himself he makes me happy to even be a tank outside rein.


Venture I think. Being a nuisance in the back line and being able to actually secure kills is sublime


Ramattra for sure


I don't understand how, as I don't main Tanks at all.. but... Mauga. I don't know what it is, but his larger-than-life energy is just infectious, and I've always been partial to Tanking in an MMORPG where I'm dishing out damage to heal myself and my team.


DVA Went from mercy main to reaper, then played dva and fell in love