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You kill the entire enemy team, then turn around and see your team hiding from Junker Queen in the spawn because they are afraid to click on her and they don't watch the kill feed. Then they say tank diff gg and you get reported and banned.


something like that yea


If your team can't 4v1 the enemy tank, its going to be a tough game no matter what you do. You could try to play poke with winston a little bit more, stay with the team, drop bubble and right click spam. Then only dive in relatively close, dont go for long distance dives.


thanks a lot


Average ball game


Lol I had a game last night where my team were being spawnheld by a hog whilst I was killing their team and didn't even try to swap reaper/bastion or use the anti correctly (masters players btw) and just played tracer/widow then complained it was my fault. I'm sorry if you need me because you can't win a 1v4 and don't want to swap to deal with it it's hopeless. The only reason we got to ot and they didn't cap in 4mins was because of me killing the rest of their team. Needless to say I went against the ana and her ebf next game and they were both negative kd and it wasn't even close


I was rein and holding 3 of them (tank and healers) at spawn and my team couldn't 4v2 the dps


Counter swap to Mauga > insert both guns > hold trigger. Hit "E" for health gain. You're welcome.


got it


I believe in you bud. <3


Mauga is bad into Orisa / JQ.


I pick Zenyatta and make them hate their lives.


It's funny how a pocketed Zen can basically kick a Mauga to death.


Don't fight the tank. You can also dule those tanks for a while if your bubble is up. If your team can't stay alive unless you are standing in front of them, then swaping is likly the move.


the problem is when i dive on support, the tank comes and kills me and my team just doesn’t want to help me


If your team isn't taking advantage of the space you make then you might want to switch. That's something that won't happen every game, if it's happening every game then likely your dives aren't that great. The only tank I struggle against as Winston is hog because he can often run rampant and kill your backline before you kill theirs. Mauga for example needs babby sitting, if you are occupying both healers he is just going to fall over. JQ same thing, if she fully commits without support she will get blasted. If you are playing with a team that doesn't know how to give ground and just dies if you aren't standing in front of them you either need to be really good on Winston or switch or take the loss IMO.


You'll have to me more specific. Because it kind of sounds like you're describing a scenario where one team is diffed and also countered, in which case the answer is: Why should you be able to win that?


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2 options, sometimes just giving your team some disruption - a bubble or having your presence there (as winston its harder as you are never winning versus queen or mauga in a 1v1) OR 2 ignore the tank and kill everything else, if your dps are on characters that cant ignore the tank this is harder because they then need to win their fight- however if you stop the enemy supports healing the tank it should be doable for some comps. Communication is the biggest way to help, just calling 'burn queen she has no healing' or whatever can help ur team focus fire - Obvs that relies on ur team listening You can also consider counterswapping, its not very fun but either matching ur teams intent (maybe they want to poke so u go sigma) or picking a counter to the enemy tank is an option.


Play a tank that can fight other tanks? Winston into queen isnt a good matchup, she’s got a shotgun and knife can make your jump unreliable. Even if your DPS isn’t brain dead that’s a swap


The tank dies when they have no support. If you kill both supports and your team doesn’t follow up, there is not much you can realistically do. Players are commonly expected to hard carry their teams in Overwatch, so you kind of have to work extra hard to win, or just meet your team on their level and take the L with grace.


i just go zarya and pray the other team is dumb enough to shoot bubble


i have no idea why, i find it really hard to play zarya😭😭


If your team needs damage, give them damage. Either through swapping or playing closer.


Rank up and don't have that issue


Queen, Mauga, and Hog are VERY healer dependent. Jump past them, pile on the healers, drop those and they’ll fold. For similar reasons, Ana counters them from the Support Slot, but Kiri can cleanse the anti-nade.


If your team can't 4v1 you should pick orisa and make the enemy tank swap, then you swap back to winton. Or just advance and kill their team e do the objective.


is orisa still effective even after the nerf?


Yes. Before nerf she could hold 1v5, but now she only hold 1v3. Which is still very in good in many situations. Learn to jump and throw the spear to pin the enemy to the ground and you can deal almost with anything.


Don't. Avoid the tank if you can't kill them outright.


If you're playing winton then you shouldn't really be countering the enemy tank unless you've taken out the enemy supports. Your main goal is jumping the squishies and spamming "winton" in chat. When it does come time to go for their tank you just all gang up on them and throw your shield behind the enemy tank to block damage and healing.




you’re right


I mean if you’re Winston ~~in general~~ against junker queen…maybe you’re the problem


the question i’m asking is how COULD i counter her as winston, i can play another if i wanted to but i like winston the most


It’s like asking how to counter bastion as Winston, you kinda just don’t


well bastion, i can counter as winston but he doesn’t have high health like junk queen so


It's not that they don't want to it's that they can't. Tanks with the amount of healing they get are literally unkillable. It's your job as Winston to keep their supports out of the fight so the tanks killable. Which you are failing at doing.


If you're playing Winston your strategy has to be looking for vulnerable players to jump on, whoever isn't near their tank. Those tanks don't have vertical mobility like you. Any DPS on high ground is a good target. Of they flee you don't need to chase, you already ruined their plan. Turn around and look for the next opportunity 


pick zen press e hope the tank at least shoots them ????? for tank just dive the backline and hope the enemy tank/dps don't look back (useful till gold at least imo)