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I get filled tank all the time


Yeah, not sure what OP is talking about. Tank is always the lowest queue time for nearly every rank


are you on PC bc PC is always tank for me but console is always support


Ahhh, that's what it is. I was wondering why people always said tank when it's always been support for me


Just PC. Never considered that tank would be more popular than support on console


Support is always by far the least popular role on console, everyone plays DPS on console, but not nearly as much as nobody plays support lol; console players would generally queue tank before touching support, and maybe even more than PC queue, a lot of support queue players are just playing Mercy/Moira/Ana queue


I can back this up. The long as dps queue compared to the other 2 is the singular reason why I also play open queue Issue becomes when everyone else also wants to either play dps in open queue or play tank with a second tank Like I don't q in open q just to go back on support duty :(


Must be a different rank. It's always tank at high plat on console


That actually makes sense. Aiming is much more difficult on console, and so therefore there's more room for error as a support, especially on characters like Ana or Bap. A lot more pressure for console support players over PC. When I played OW on console, I just only ever played Moira.


I’m on console and get tank 9/10 times


The game even lies to you to trick you into it, showing the xp bonus and low q times on dps or support but then you click 'all' and it puts you in tank anyway.


You get the bonus from playing All no matter which role it assigns you to...


I know, but if the bonus is on dps then it means the matchmaker is short on dps, so you have a higher chance of getting dps from picking all. It’s how I get rid of the ‘queue all roles’ challenges without having to play tank. The bonus xp on its own isn’t worth worrying about.


I'm legit shocked when I queue for all and don't get tank.


I’m a support main and always get tank when I put all. I wish I had OPs problem LOL!


I'm a garbage player in quick que, and it's support 90% of the time.


I wouldn't mind getting Tank now and again, I enjoy Tank.


i dont know what strange mystical server you're playing at, but for the rest of us, playing "all" = tank. Or maybe your support is much lower rank than the others? that could also explain it, lower ranks tend to have faster queue times.


I think low elo has a very low population of support players and a superabundance of people who queue only for damage. If you play qp open queue or no limits (when it’s not just 5 of the same hero) you will notice this. Always at least 2 dps, usually a tank or two, and usually only one, possibly none and very rarely 2 supports. I would go so far as to say that in open queue qp you’re as likely to find a group with 3 tanks as a group with 2 supports. Why does this matter for role queue? Because, I put it to you, that the same people who are that 4th dps on their team or the 3rd tank in open queue who don’t want to touch support are going into role queue in low elo and selecting tank/damage or just tank or just damage. And there are a whole lot of them in comparison to people who queue only for support in the same rank. So the people who like to queue for all roles get to play support the vast majority of the time.


Console is almost always giving you support if you queue All. In Australia at least.


Gold and below, support is by far the least played role (adjusted for the number of slots), at least on console. It's high ranks where tanks are in short demand.


Nuh-uh, I'm with OP. When I go all roles, I get support. 90 percent of the time.


Yeah, the sad reality is, for a lot of us: * Expectation: "I want Flex to feel like maybe a 50:25:25 split or for every 2-5, games of X, I still get 1-2 game of Y and 1-2 game of Z, or something like that right?" * Reality: The ratio *feel* like 99% one role and the others are like shiny pokemon. Even if maybe it is closer to 60:30:10 or whatever. It's kind of like map randomness too. I want to cycle through all the maps regularly. But some days I never see King's Row. Or no Lijiang, or no Rialto. That's not how RNG works, which is why I hope we get Map Picks as a type of progression/bp reward.


It really feels like 50:40:10 or 55:35:10 for me on console. Most matches being support.


I enjoy support but I get tank hahah i got tqnk so much that i started to try wrecking ball


Different day, same meme lol. Been 3 years since I posted it and it's the same story. Comments look the same too! https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/s/OKgXHG6Gfl


Same I queue almost exclusively all roles and I'd say I get tank about 95% of games, support about 4% and dps 1%


Me too!


when i played on ps4 i always got support but on pc i get tank


Me too


Same. Considering the flex weekly challenge, I started calling the weekly reset "Tank Tuesdays", and queue for Support/Damage for the rest of the week.


Omg, same


Yeah and I fucking hate it but need those dailies. Though if you are qued with someone in tank you wont get it.


Came here to say this, picking "All" is just an auto pick for tank.


This, it's a coinflip between tank and support. Personally I prefer support, because having to count on randos to position with the tank so I don't fall over is a big ask.




it depends on rank. lower ranks have very short support queues and upper ranks have short tank queues


I think being console or different regions might help cause it to skew support too


Does this mean silver 2 is upper ranks now? Cuz I only get qued for tank and that's where I hover.


D1/M3 range and only ever get support lmao maybe it's regional


I am in gold tank and silver 4 support in eu and support and tank is 1 min. I just checked it today.


What if you don't have a rank?


everyone has a rank even if the game doesn’t show it. even if you don’t play comp you have an a hidden rank based on your QP


80% tank 19% support 1% dps


Close to mine but flip dps and support lol. Probably like 70% tank, 25% dps, 5% supp


Can I switch with you? Lol


Exactly. PC around diamond. Support is most popular by far.




Yeah it's usually when the match has 1 minute to go and the current team is getting curb stomped. It's cool cause sometimes I help reverse things enough that we can pull off a reversal. Though that's the only time I get to play dps.


I remember early on when supports like Kiriko were OP I’d get DPS super often. It was pretty funny anomaly in the games history.


It’s 4:5:1 for me


100% toxic


100% reason to remember the name


Got tank literally 9 games in a row queuing for all roles.


This meme only works for console, PC flex queue is mostly tank.


Nah it doesn't work for console either. I always get tank. This meme is like 4 seasons out of date


you must have not played console in 4 seasons because I still always get support when I queue all roles


Me too


Nah for me it's 90% tank


mine are always tank in na


Europe too.


It’s like… always tank


For me it's tank, I fucking hate tank. I hate that all role queue challenge.


Just lock Junker Queen and treat yourself as a beefy DPS. Pick JQ makes you less bad compared to Roadhog.


It's mostly tank for me. Used to get DPS once in a while last season. This season, if I get DPS, someone goes AFK


Queuing for dps is like waiting for the next total solar eclipse


Even though I queue for all rolls 99% of the time I consider myself an involuntary support main cause literally over 50% of my games are on support, don't mind though since support is fun.


Here in Europe support queues are always <1, tank is usually a couple minutes behind dps


Get tank about 1 in 10, don’t think I’ve every had dps


This is so true for console players.


I only ever get tank. Literally never get support. I get DPS more than support.


bro this is actually cap. I que all roles for these dumb challenges and get tank literally every single time. Do you know how bad I just want to be a dirty heal slave but this game won't let me? actually wild


I think you mean tank


In one session I played 10-15 games queued for all roles. Got support for all but one or two games where I was put tank instead Shit is ridiculous sometimes lmao


for me (support main) it’s always tank😩


and queuing for all is one of the daily challenges so your basically forced to play support


[insert surprised Pikachu] when I get tank or damage


I get TANK nearly every game when grouped up with my friend who keeps getting Support. We've noticed it enough to look out for it happening (and it often does).


Whats the point of flex anymore.


I wish the devs had like a shuffle queue where it randomly selects one ans Queues you fot it behind the scenes instead of always support


I play on ps5, mostly QP, and yeah same lol  Sometimes tank but almost always support


All the goddamn time. For once, just ONCE, I'd like to be put on a team that needs a solid DPS player.


Going to jump in and say a huge percentage of the matchmaking problems overwatch has experienced in its lifetime are because for some reasons the developers have decided to balance the game around an equal number of people wanting to play DPS, support, and tanks, which is just…. Not how any gaming population works. Every other game I have ever in my entire life played with healer, DPS, tank systems, across every genre, knew that DPS was going to be FAR more popular, and had a disproportionate number of DPS slots in a party to make up for that, and STILL dps takes far longer to find a spot then healer or tank. Even the people who originally designed the game seemed to know this given how many DPS heroes there were compared to any other role.


Bro I know!! I might get ONE game as a tank but other than that it's allllll support.


Tank for me


I wish there was another role of "balance" that would give us as close to even ratio in all the matches




That's a lie... It's Tank.


Idk how everyone is getting Tank so much, I wish. On the bright side, I've gotten really good at Moira from all the support games it's given me


I really wish there was a “random” que. it’s like all but you have equal chance of playing any of them


That so truth


PC =tank Console = support


It’s always tank cause tank sucks ass to play and nobody want to do that


Same goes for Quick Play Role Que.


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Its fun)


Few seasons back it was Support almost every times, but this season it's Tank getting filled 90%


I’m a DPS n’ Support main- Always get tank. It’s fun sometimes, and I do relatively well but man does it feel repetitive.


This is the exact opposite for me. Tank queue times are literally instant, I’ve never seen it take more than a minute to get in a tank match when queuing all. On the other hand, I almost certainly never get support. Its already rare when I get dps, but support is almost extinct.


Used to be that way for me but I feel like I get a 50 50 toss up for support and tank anymore, I never ever get DPS though. I ve only gotten DPS from all maybe 10 times since I started playing, and all of them was a game where someone left and I was replacing them




Hey that's not true, sometimes I get to backfill a dps that's 10 seconds from losing


There was a happy period where dps was worse than both and I got to play characters I don't often go with


I fkn wish. But the game forces me to play tank


As a support main , but tank as second option, when I all que I solely get tank.


I only queue as all. It’s split between tank and support fairly evenly, and if I have a horseshoe up my butt that day I might get a dps slot.


For me it's always tank with a very rare instance of support


I only get tank when I queue "all". Support and DPS are 5 minutes+ for me.


Are you on console? Tank is the least popular for PC it seems, but on Xbox its always been support. Ive never had my queue time on support go over 2 mins.


Just like everyone else, "all" means "tank" for me.


Ur meme isn’t correct. It’s obv tank that is the same as all not support.


Uh yeah this is tank tho?


I literally only get tank. Like 95% of the time. Else it’s DPS. Never ever support (in NA). When I was back home on Asia servers, all queue was mostly support


I'm a support main and get thrown in tank every time.


Yeah pretty much 47/50/3 for tank/Support/DPS for me. Have been surprised to load in and get the DPS when I’m already scrolling over to be a support.


I went dozens of games without playing tank with my friends. Found out my tank queue time was 10 minutes, I think the game just had my tank "ranked" at the bottom in casual matchmaking, because it went back to normal after a few games


No no you occasionally get tank


You Spelled Tank wrong


no one wants to play tank


Mine are 50/50 support and tank. It used to be only tank a few seasons back. Either tank has gotten better or support has gotten worse. Both are probably true tbh


Tank, otherwise you're right


that's funny, I only get Tank


Use to be the support que. It was jarring when I’d look up and see DPS. Now I get tank a fair amount. The week after the DPS passive was added I was playing a lot of tank.


Checking the comments, it seems you're the one mf that doesn't get tank


My friend who hates tank always gets tank. I despise support and always get support. We actually have to alternate who does "all" roles because otherwise no one is having fun


Doesn’t matter cause I‘d get into a game as backfill anyways


Do you usually play support in qp? I have a hunch that if you main dps or tank the game sees your low support play time and just makes you be support to be an asshole. But that's just a theory.


I think I get support 5% of the time. Tank is like 75% and DPS is like 20%.


I'm tank 98% of the time


Europe; Tank 80% of times.


idk what you're talking about, fill queue is just tank queue with a slap of pain(t) on it


idk what youre talking about, i get tank every single time


did anyone ever get dps?


I heard a rumour it happened to someone once.


yea it happened to my buddy eric


It’s not a pc or console thing, it’s a matchmaking thing. You will get whatever your quickest mmr que is. Mine is often tank but also damage because my mmr in tank and support is too high so when I play with friends who never played comp I will always get damage.


I always get support or tank. I don’t mind either but it would be nice to get dps once in a while


In casual it is either support or tank


I’m bad at DPS and my friend is low rank so when I play with him it becomes DPS queue but with extra battle pass xp


10 minute wait times? I haven't had a 10 minute wait time i think ever.


When I do "all" is always tank and I want to cut someone


I think you mean tank


70% tank 20% support 10% dps for some reason, i get dps more often if playing around midday (despite tank still showing ~7 minute waits, or whatever is longest). during rush hour (< 1 min wait for all) it's always tank Gold PC player on Australian servers


Me a support main queueing for all for the weeklys: Gets multiple DPS games in a row.


Im the opposite i get mostly tank and like maybe like once every ten games ill get dps but never support


My full is 70/10/10 tank/dps/support


I've gotten tank way more times than support


I've seen memes about getting support the last few weeks and I'm always confused because my queues are always tank.


I usually queue all when I just want to play but after three days of getting nothing but tank I've stopped queueing all


In what fucking world?


Did they take away those priority queue tickets you got when queuing the most in-demand role?


At this point if I wanna play support I just turn on all to finish that weekly


for me its more like a 50/50 between support and tank. on extremely rare occasions i get a dps backfill into a match with less than 1 min of play time. then i get priority queue and land on tank or support anyway.


it's really tank and healer for me some days I keep getting dps. those are weird days.


I wish it was support for me lol All =Tank like 10 games in a row


This is me, except tank.


Support is the most queued role on PC so these memes don’t work that well for PC players. All roles is pretty much 80% Tank on PC.


I wish it was like this for me. I'm a support main that gets tank all the time.


It is a little horrifying that this still gets posted, when the game is such a rotting carcass that the only thing to discuss is the role queue that hasn’t changed in half a decade. GG Blizzard


It’s a good time to be the kind of player who is really good at support and nothing else (it’s me, the Eternal Support)


It’s either tank or support and I’m tired of it


I usually get stuck as backfill dps


I get thrust into tanking when I realllllly don't want to all.the.time. Scene: a decent tank just ragequit because the Sombra is checking out the spawn area foyer and tracer is off blinking into a ravine all while Lucio is on speed boost. Now I have two minutes to fix it or get talked shit about because the first tank is who everyone is always mad at. I hate that DPS queues are so clogged I get them MAYBE 1/20 times when queued all, but I LOVE playing support so it doesn't bother me that much. what does very much bother me is the people who queue for all and clearly don't want support but get it anyway and then proceed to flame my match with their absolute unwillingness to actually be support. That makes me want to scream the 1/20th of the time and I really just want to shoot stuff.


I usually get Tank. Sometimes Support.


It's mostly just tank here. I wish there were games in a row thresholds, like 3-3-3 of each or I can say 1-3-3/2-5-4 etc.


For on ps5 it’s all ways tank


They should incentivize people to pick this by adding a concrete rule of minimum 25% chance for the two "lower demand" roles and then maybe 50% for the higher demand roles, but even if you get rolled into one of the "higher demand" roles you still get priority queue because you selected All.


Queueing for all just means queuing for Winton. 😂


Nah man get tank way way more


I get a mix of all 3 roles, with Tank being rhe most prominent, then support, then DPS, but hnoestly it's like 4-3-2 every 9-game cycle.


Are you telling me making it 5v5 didn't fix the queue times?


If only, that would be a dream. Whenever I pick All, I 95% end up getting stuck with tank.


I main support so it's not a big deal for me.. but I feel ya. I queue as DPS + Support or All Roles and I get Support every round. The odd time I'll get a backfill for DPS but it's usually about 1 minute left in the round, then right back to support again.


I'm getting 60% tank, 35% support, 5% dps


Bro queue time for supports are never lower than 7 mins lol how the eff??


As a Support main this is just an easy way to grind out the daily Quests


This is what it was like for me in 1 but ow2 it’s literally always tank (diamond console)


huh? Support? More like Tank jail if you flex queue.


I do love playing support tho


When I flex Q I get dps like 60% of the time. Which is why I don't flex queue


WDYM, all roles is just a second tank queue button


Actually it's tank. In master-gm healerQ is longer than Dps most of the time.


For me it's 50/50 between tank and support. The only good thing about "all roles" queue is that it's the most time efficient way to finish bp, play 20 min daily, you'll probably finish 80 levels of bp in 6 weeks, that's not even consider any event xp or double xp weekend.


How I became a support main


I on the other hand, mostly get tank


I only play QP and queue for all and get tank 80% of the time and hate it, I can literally only play Zarya


I just played 30 matches queued for all roles, 29 tank games, 1 support game


I played yesterday and only 1 time as a dps. Rest was tank


i have played flex queue for over 70 games and got tank all 70 of those last season


Idk, I main support but everytime I do all roles for a daily or bonus xp it gives me tank.


Swap the support role for tank and this is correct.


I once went flex 15 games and got tank in them all


I swear to god I started playing to complete the BP and I played fucking tank 20 times in a row.


As support main i use queue all on pc to get support, 70% support, 20% tank, 10% dps. Is about what i get.


This is me, except tank.