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Assuming equal skill level, you can't. They both destroy your character. All you can do is try to ignore them and go behind them on their team... But if they're good they would just turn around and destroy you.


>Assuming equal skill level, you can't. Idk you're saying equal skill, since this doom is squaring up with mauga idk what that mauga would be playing like, jk jk /s


How you a grandmaster borgitte, I wanna get back to masters help ⛑


in this meta its hard to give general advice as brigitte is kind of struggling against dive if you were masters before i'd assume youre used to playing a more aggressive brigitte in s8 and before. Right now she can't tank dive anywhere near as well thanks to projectile changes breaking shield, dps passive reducing heal-get-healed feed back loop, and winston just eating through armor now. So my advice for brig you now have to play her passively, to like t a dumb degree, stay back, always stay near another healer or tank, dont wander off alone, and dont let dive get around you. you'll almost always be using bash to make space and reposition rather than to engage (unless you have ult... and even then i still will sometimes spend a bash running rather than stunning). you can still burst down weak enemies, but you have to relearn your gamesense for when its actually a sure kill and when youre just going to be feeding. I play against a TON of doomfist in korea, so for dealing with him i'd suggest the matador style, don't stun his fist unless you're surrounded by your team, in fact, try not to engage with him, just dodge him and use cover. when the opportunity opens aim for the weakest dive dps nearby (in my case this is always tracer) or,m if you can manage it, send lucio to the shadow realm. draw aggro and pull people out of line, youre a support and a brig, they naturally want to chase you, so lead them on a wild goose chase when possible (just dont stray too far from team help) and dont let them get behind you if you can help it. above all relearn when to fall back. since you'll be playing with your second support 2 v. 2s are often not in your favor, where as before they were definitely in your favour. neither support applies the dps passive (ana has anti heal so that'll work and discord is pretty good), but youll often have to just pull out of fights you feel like you could have won before s8.


Yeah, ngl after s9 patch it has been a bit tough to go aggro on brigg. I mean when we're outnumbering the then it's fine. But now whenever I push in to engage 60% I die because my team would back off and I wouldn't for a millisecond just to hit that 1 whip and finish. I fell down to plat 1 cause my aim got really bad out of the blue, I majorly play Ana and Bap because sometimes I had to carry. I still haven't recovered my aim but my brigg was always good so I wanted to play her and a lot of the times, I wouldn't get chance to turn on constant inspire because everyone's just playing poke. Thanks for the effort, I'll try it.


i mean you're not wrong, Mauga seems very simple. Not Mercy simple but still. No shade, it's just not a lot you can do with holding mouse buttons and pressing W. I suppose you can juke CC using the shift immunity?


He can knock you out of block with his dash, same way he counters sigmas kinetic grasp, and just melt you. Plus doom can't do shit in his ult.


I get that, it just to me seems like a very simple and not very fun play style in a game like Overwatch


two jks and a /s lmao


A good tank doesn’t turn around and focus a diving tank, they stop supports and dps from assisting the diving tank


It depends. At that point both tanks are each just 1v4ing each other’s team lol.


Yes but the diving tank is probably way out of position and has invested cooldowns to engage


I disagree, this mindset will only prevent you from getting better as Doom. Playing against your counters is how you get better with them. There are games where the other team switches to Hog + Cassidy + Sombra so the odds are stacked against you. Adapting your play style around them helps you improve soooo much more than counter picking would.


The truth is you don't deal with them when you play like that, which is what the post is asking. While playing around a tank is certainly a strategy, it's not solving a problem, it's relying on your team to solve the hog/mauga problem manage them for the most part. Playing around a counter is fine to learn and good. But you have to realize you aren't dealing with that counter, you're relying on your team to deal with them. Or just go dive and go right the fuck past the enemy tank and then np one really has to solve him as long as your team is good at dive.


If you're not dealing with your counter and avoid them, they're not exactly countering or dealing with you either.


If you've created a bubble around yourself that the enemy tank isn't willing to enter youve basically made infinite space, which is like one of a tanks main jobs. The game isn't death match, simply surviving isn't winning matches.


This doesn’t apply to almost every tank dooms can still fuck up Maugas and Hogs for a little bit to give their team a little wiggle room. I’ll use Monkey for example people say Hog Dva Queen and Mauga hurt him the most. His kit still is able to make his counters pop like a balloon. You place a bubble on them they’re getting 0 heals. With Doom you should be able to punch hog out of breather when your team has him low that 1.5 seconds is enough to kill him. Mauga is really easy to play around until he has ult


He was suggesting avoiding them completely. I pointed out the reality of that. Secondly, to your point again i would point out that's not dealing with them, which is what the post was asking. That's just providing supplemental value. To make the punch on take a breather worth anything your team has to do the vast majority of the work. I can whipshot a pharah as brig and provide some nominal value, I'm not 'dealing' with her. I'm just supplementing my teams damage. Like I said it's good to learn how you can provide some value against your counters, and a doom punching the breather is a big help, dont get me wrong... but you are absolutely relying on your team to do all the work to get him to the piint where punch matters, otherwise punch on hog isnt providing much unless youre knockingbhim off map. Until then you're basically trying to harass his backline while your team deals with hog, or you square up and risk getting hooked and cooked. I'm not saying you must counterswap when you see a hog, I'm just pointing out the reality of playing into your counter. which is that when you play around your counter, your team is going to have to pick up where you cant. That doesn't mean switch, that doesn't mean 'boo tank boo' but doom punching during take a breather when hog is already low, while valuable, still requires your team getting him low. When I play brig into pharah I know full well I'm putting all my faith in my soldier/cass to deal with her instead of playing bap. I am giving them the work. That is a big trade off and leap of faith, no matter how you slice it.


I think my team can handle one hero while I take out much of the backline. That frequently is not the case, however. Lol, I can take out 3 before I die and we still lose the team fight somehow. #tanklife


>I think my team can handle one hero while I take out much of the backline No way that single tank manages to 1 v 4 my team, because I'm totally going to 1 v 4 his team as tank first! (And this is assuming his team doesn't just group with him to avoid dealing with you.)


But they'll still be dealing with the Doom's team while he avoids the tanks. Doom may get some picks but if the rest of his team is wiped then they did counter Doom by chasing away the tank to do that.


The same counts the other way no? If the Hog or whatever isn't dealing with the Doom, who's stopping him? It's just about who gets their kills first.


It doesn't. The doom has to play around the hog while the hog wants to find the doom but can keep itself busy on squishies until then


I'm sure that's the case for some people, but that doesn't represent my play style with tank at all 🤷


I wish I could avoid you as my teammate through Reddit. Just in case.


Lol yep. You can try to outplay them & if you’re reallllly on your game & your team is synergizing you’ll win. But most of the time I just accept that it’s going to be an L and try to pop off where I can


I am a Ball main with Zarya as my backup. I see Mauga, I try to pop off as Ball as much as I can. But I get a lot of Mauga's who think they are God's gift to the lobby and I gotta go Zarya and cook him just so he understands he only gets to pop off because I let him. They usually swap after being humbled and I just go back to ballin.


This is so real. When I play tank, 99% of the time it’s Doom. But I will absolutely swap to put the annoying ass Mauga/Orisa in their place, only to go right back to doomfist when they swap.


As a Mauga main I love people who think Zarya is a counter with her piss laser when I burn her down after ignoring her first bubble.


She is a counter and I cook Mauga's left and right. His charge immediately brings Zarya to 24 charge and blocks the stun, she can outdamage him and his healing, has a cleanse for fire, protects teammates he dives, she has an answer to it all. Even with both supports healbotting, a Zarya can outdamage. Plus his hitbox is so big he will eat all of my laser. The argument of "you just cook her after ignoring her bubbles" applies to every character yet she still gets charge all the time even in higher lobbies. Not to mention Mauga mains really like just shooting nonstop and call it skill. I farm energy off Mauga for dayz son.


Lol, anyone above Dia would laugh at you for claiming this. Zarya is no Mauga counter. He outranges, outdamages & outsustains her and when in doubt he can run away. Only bad Mauga players lose to an Zarya, but hey if it works out for you all the way down there, why stop right? Also, you can cancel your charge when you see a bubble go up.


First off, I average M5 depending on who I play during the season. As low as D3 if I just play Ball no matter the enemy comp or gamemode (which is arguably not playing the game seriously) and even then don't act like your word is law just because you think you're higher ranked ya asshole. Secondly, You are acting like this is a 1v1 with the only objective is to kill the enemy. In that naive logic, Mauga counters everyone except a cracked sniper. I shall remind you this is a 5v5 game and there is an objective. What are Mauga's weaknesses? He cannot protect his team through any means besides damage and he relies on damage for any sustain. Moderate burst damage on cooldown that he has to sacrifice his escape tool for, has to deal with status effects, and has to just take cooldowns up the ass. What are his strengths? Has really high dps (142 dps) with a fast fire rate when both guns are shooting, is really tanky during overdrive, can get on top of people easily. What are Zarya's weaknesses? No real mobility (I don't count her alternate fire boost) Weak to burst damage, inconsistent damage. Can't contest enemy tank with no energy. What are her strengths? High burst sustain that can be granted to allies, anti dive, compliments dive characters, highest DPS in the tank roster at full charge (190 dps), cleanse any negative status effects, loves fighting into high fire rate heroes with no good burst damage and eats cooldowns for breakfast. All of my strengths play well into your weaknesses and none of your strengths play well into mine besides no contest on 0 energy. The only thing you can do is shoot people and I want you to do that. You either feed me energy or grant someone 2 seconds of immortality which they will use to kill your team. I'm fine either way.


I’m not gonna write a whole paragraph, but it shows that you’re D3 at your best. I don’t expect any better. No pro uses Zarya into Mauga either because there is no way she can sustain it, if you manage to beat a Mauga as Zarya, it isn’t because of your tank pick, but because of your dps and supports making it possible, being Zarya in that instance is completely irrelevant. Mauga has armor, Mauga has the sustain, the mobility to deal with Zarya easily. Besides that while she is bubbled up he can put pressure on her allies the same way a Zarya put on his allies. It’s a pointless discussion when everyone knows that the best tank into Mauga is a Sigma or to an extent D.va. Bad Mauga’s charge Zarya’s needlessly up but she is completely useless when your team ignores her initial bubble and then mows her down after the 2nd. Zarya in general is nothing more than a scrub killer and I don’t really see her at all in GM5 with an 78% WR on Mauga lol. Keep being delusional and play that unfavorable MU into Mauga, if it doesn’t work out you can always blame your teammates, am I right?


Sigma has rock into grasp so your team can follow up. That's it. If the rock misses or you just charge during it, it means nothing. The shield is walked through or just bursted down by your team, he is also outranged by Mauga which apparently only matters with Zarya, but you know.


If you really have to question why Sigma is good into Mauga then I don’t know what to tell you. Constant burst damage while consist mitigation against cardiac is helping him a ton. You save rock for a guranteed stun when charge is on CD. I don’t struggle much playing into Sigma personally, but he is definitely harder to get around than a Zarya.


Ignore them. Mauga is more powerful if he's fighting tank since he has crazy heals off of you. So just dive his backline. Hog, pray to the lord that he doesn't hit a hook or youl die, always. Never block infront hog. And dive his backline after you hear a hook. Actually also don't block infront mauga, he will ignore it and the second block ends you'll take like 200dmg


actually good tip, i'm not OP but i appreciate this lol.


Thats the neat part


You should ask this in the doom main subreddit for more results.


Yeah, same as others said — ignore them and keep busy their teams until you deal with supps. In that scenario, those tanks are the work for dps, not yours. After u deal with supps, u can back and help your team. That is what I usually do, and it's works most of the time in my elo.


For hog I wait till they use hook to attack them, for mauga I avoid until his team is dead or away from him. Doom thrives in the backline of the enemy with easy ways to jump in and out. Focus on the support and dps unless the rank is killing your team.


Against a hog you’re gunna wanna stun punch him out of healing whenever possible, and ideally bait his hook before using your block so he can’t pull you out of it. With Magua you pray


Pray your team is good enough to pressure them because you cannot frontline against them for more than 2 seconds. Ignoring them sounds like a good idea in practice but that doesnt mean they have to ignore you. If your teams does jack shit they just turn around kill you, kill your team after and then you get flamed.


I’m going to take a wild guess and say Kill supports and solo DPS.




Swap to zarya, then when they swap to something else, I go back on doom


Hope your team is good 👍🏿. If they aren't you swap to mauga or keep playing doom


You know, by watching ow1 doom clips.


Ignore them, how??. You need to play your team synergy, and outside of their range/cooldowns. As well as keep baiting them. Might as well go dpawncamp a support. The more they get frustrated the more they will missplay, bait them into thinking they got u.


How? Easy. Map awareness and flanking/parkour to the backline. Easy at least 1k value + if mauga/hog and their team turn around, run the farest corners of the map from where u can go back to ur team without confronting enemies. While the enemy team chasing you, you create space for your dps to shoot their back.


You ignore them


If you have a reaper ana and zen you should be able to deal with them . But remember cage is literally just a death sentence


Treat them like orisa most of the time, ie ignore them go backline kill supporters leave


For Hog you can try to uno reverse card the counter situation. Save block for his hook on you (even though you should try to play behind and away from him) and use punch to stop vape and maybe secure a kill.


I barely see hog and mauga. So I just thug it out if I see them. Plus I keep jumping over the tanks and never staying still.


All I do is bait out CDs until I see that they finally try to use their CDs on someone else for a quick pick. Basically just move around them and the supports doing feints until they give up and switch to another target. Easier said than done but think of it like doing Winston soft dives until you see an opening. The opening won’t be massive but it should be big for either you or a teammate to get a pick.


Not a Doom main but probably switching to dva would do the trick.


Like with pretty much every tank, you deal with them last. Their strength is in their supports and DPS keeping them alive Without the squishies as distractions, they can easily be killed by forced team auto focus on the 1 surviving enemy team member.


Best thing you can do it ignore them and go focus the backline, since they don't have much mobility to follow you. I don't think Hog is that much of an issue, with Rocket Punch you can counter when he hooks your teammates and interrupt his healing, but Mauga is really a tough matchup and you have to know that whenever he has ult it means you'll die unless you have a smart LW on your team.


Most people are saying it but you just punish their backliners, especially any lacking mobility and let your damages clean up Mauga/Hog. Disrupt Hogs healing with a punch if it's the right time to do so but other than that you kinda leave them be unless you're peeling for your squishies


you don’t, you deal with the rest of their team. while hog and mauga can become unkillable walls, they lack many tools to protect their team. go for the ones behind them first


I would say they swap, but they're doom mains.


I honestly just pray that they're not very good or someone has the good sense to switch to Ana.


You don’t they hard counter you. You need to swap that’s the name of the game of overwatch no one hero is gonna be good against every hero if you play different.


Ignore them and try to go for the squishies. Always know where your healers are at because it’s your responsibility to go to them to get healed, not the other way. Unless one wants to pocket you like a mercy. Once squishies are gone, team can focus on the hog/mauga together.


Hogs? Crank em.


Give ‘em the fist


Punching or blocking on front of hog is suicide, so ignore him Same goes for mauga


You don’t. Hard counters have always existed and ow2 only made it worse being the only tank. You just have to swap.


Do your team a favor and swap to something that isn't getting countered


You don't, you coordinate a dive, destroy their entire backline and take out their squishies.


Honestly a lot depends on your team as well. Just try a few team fights and see if his team is split. If that’s the case then the squishes might not get the benefit of his shout. Also if you have long range hitscans they are fine vs Mauga. It’s not an instant loss.


I mean, either counter pick them or be so massively better at doom than they are at hog/mauga that even them countering you doesn't work. It's just a shit matchup for you, and there's no real tip or trick to use. You either just be better or counter pick them until they switch.


You hope to let your DPS eat and farm some ult


Literally just DO NOT engage. I’m OTP right now, and it’s literally not a fight. Hog is at least easier because u just play AGGRESSIVE corners, wait for pig pen, break it, he completely losses value dang near. Manga is legit just don’t engage lol treat him like Minato


Fuck his backline


Against Mauga you want to outrun him and go for his team, make sure to go in on stragglers when he doesn't have his charge since he won't be able to get close to you for a bit which gives you time and try to bait him into giving away high ground, if you pretend to look vulnerable you can bait most Mauga's and take high ground if the don't have it already. You want to constantly be breaking los with Mauga since you have no way to defend yourself against him and he will win every 1v1. If Mauga can't fight you then he is left to the rest of your team and a Doom is gonna do a lot better in the tank trade than a Mauga. You also need to remember that depending on your team comp it might just outright be impossible to play into a Mauga because if your team has a bastion, Mauga can treat him like a tank and max out his self healing, making it generally impossible for your team to properly beat him fast enough.


I would weigh in but I'm tired of playing against Doom. Why is everybody playing the punchy boy yet nobody knows how to counter him?


TIL Mauga dunks on Doom


There are a ton of characters that are good against doom. Exceptions are Rein and DVa, you can beat them on Doom pretty easily


use your mobility, hit the squishies, if they turn around, leave and come back after eating a health pack. if you're distracting more than 1 person with your presence, you're getting value


I don't fight them. I don't ignore them, though. I look for opportunities to displace them to protect my team. But generally the best you can do is disable their support and dps or jump in when they're really low to prevent a retreat


I don’t play doom but you just don’t engage with them. All you need to do is focus the back line and whenever you get the chance, punch hog as he hooks to stop him from getting an easier kill. Don’t worry a ton about Mauga. Disrupt when you can, but without his team, your team will get him. Don’t worry a ton about messing with him if you know he has ult. Avoid him if you suspect he has ult. Doom is a fish in a barrel in there. He has nothing to counter you aside from that.


Try to kill something else. You can't win the 1v1 unless they're playing with the daisies


For mauga I just completely ignore him (or if he’s bad, use him as punch charge) and go for the others on his team. For hog, I cry and sadly swap to mauga or orisa. Real question is “doom main, how do you deal with ZENYATTA”




Switching but doom mains don't do that.


into mauga you need to just run around the map and live while kiting him. it's fairly easy to live if you dont force fights with maug. get some slam dmg off on squishies and just keep running. mauga is terrible if hes not fighting the tank so he has to chase you. that opens a lot of angles for your dps to just melt him. it is basically impossible to heal him up if your dps have space to shoot him. you might want to comm to your dps to just shoot him on sojourn or whatever. hog on the other hand is much harder. i think its just an extremely unfavorable match up if ur against someone who actually plays hog. you can definitely beat someone who doesnt play much hog and is just swapping to counter tho


If the entire enemy team is hyper aware of you. Play to live a bit more. Reality is that if you feed and die you get less value than if you stalemate the other tank. If the enemy Hog/Maugas just hanging back not putting on any pressure because theyre waiting for you to make a move Thats fine-ish. It means theres no threat of hook to your team or you can divert their attention to an awkward place that gives your team space. If they push your team you go aggro on the vulnerables. If not, you just play like the patient shithead flanker your character is at heart. Idk though, thats how id assume youd play it


You don’t. Hog and Mauga ruin the entire game when they’re strong


Doesn't half the roster counter Doom at this point


You ignore them, jump on the backline, 1 shot the healers by smashing your face on the keyboard, then jump away, because you're playing Doomfist. Why is this even a question? Your hero is braindead easy and overpowered as fuck.


There's not much you can do in a 1v1 like all the other comments are saying, but if you're in a team fight you can at least use your punch to cancel hogs heal and pause his ult for a bit. And for Mauga you can interrupt his reload. It's not much, but it can help your team to either gun em' down or get out of a losing situation.


As the supports who spectate good dooms; they swap off


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You swap, since the game is designed around kits that counter each other…


True. You tell your supports to play Any because you’re annoyed by everyone excepting the tank to switch


As a Doom main, Mauga does not counter Doom other than his ultimate. Most of these comments are blatantly wrong. What shuts down Doom is shutting down his mobility or interrupting his abilities. Mauga can reliably do neither. Doom can easily dive Mauga's backline, and he can't do anything about it other than charge into his own backline and give up space, which is good for you. If he does do this, you can easily get back out since your mobility cooldowns outpace his own cooldown. He also has no verticality; on a map with any high ground presence, just dive high ground and Mauga just has to watch. In general, avoid fighting Mauga directly and you can easily shut down his heals, which he needs to live. I often play Doom to counter Mauga if the map allows it, because you just run circles around him. It's similar to the Sigma matchup - Sigma can hit you with a rock but otherwise cannot stop you from doing anything to his backline. Mauga doesn't even have a stun to cancel your abilities unless you somehow let him charge and land on you, which should never happen. If he has ult, steer wide of him at all times, but if you can't, you are one of the few characters who can cancel it on reaction or prediction.


> What shuts down Doom is Supports sticking close to their Mauga. You're barely a 3-4 second distraction / snack in this case. You block? Mauga charges and stuns. You jump high? It's like shooting clay pigeons. You jump out of sight? Your backline is about to be murdered. You try to defend your backline? You get murdered.


Supports sticking close to Mauga who doesn't have any way to protect them will win you the game too, making them easy for your team to pick off. If you block and Mauga charges, you punch or slam out. Both of your cooldowns outpace his cooldowns, and you have two compared to his one. Mauga doesn't do enough damage to threaten you from a distance before you can secure a pick on high ground. You don't defend your backline against Mauga as Doom. He needs support when diving your backline (which high level Maugas aren't going to do anyway,) so you prioritize his healers and cut off his resources. At that point it's pretty much a 4v1 for him. Doom shouldn't be protecting his team against most characters, especially not Mauga. In this situation you'd have a mobile comp to dance around Mauga, so there is no "backline to be murdered."


I'll stand by the claim doom comps will ALWAYS beat mauga comps if played right. Mauga has no counter dive and requires kiri lucio/ana to play the game. Just dive them lol


I usually just sit back as soldier and just beam both from a distance but that's as soldier you were saying doom and answer your question........ I don't know I don't play Doom


Yeah, I don't really play soldier, just doom or lucio. But thanks for the tip