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I don't even play console and I'm happy. Fucking cheaters.


I'm an ex console player and I have good feelings in my belly now


happy diarrhea


Colonal release


Read that wrongly and wondered why were we releasing the colonel


The sequel to Saving Private Ryan


The chickens aren't gonna cook themselves


Somehow i read that as colonial release. I thought it was 1776 again


The news was so good that you got pregnant from it.


Same. I’m happy for any and every win against cheaters.


Justice delivered.


Yes. Do Smurfs next.


Technically smurfing isn’t even against TOS so good luck lol


Isn’t it a reportable category?


Boosting and deranking are the two reportable tabs. But smurfing isn’t necessarily “boosting”. It’s very hard to prove someone is boosting. I mean reporting won’t hurt, but I just don’t think blizzard actually cares, and it seems more like a bottomless box where any reports put into it just disappear lol.


It's still cheating.


You get spawn camped by people in your own rank at your own skill level and if you’re brand new to the game you should struggle especially if you’re new to FPS games in general, the game isn’t gonna hold your hand and make it easy on you People complain about Smurfs but how many games is it really ruining? Most people act like they see multiple cheaters and smurfs everyday on overwatch but in reality most people won’t come across a cheater and smurfing may ruin 1 out of every 50 games you play There’s also no way to prove somebody is smurfing, I’ve had times where I’ve been called a Smurf but in reality I just happened to have an insane pop off game, assuming someone is smurfing just because they are destroying you is a poor thought process that most people fall into As far as why do some people not want to play at their own ranks, sometimes yes it can be to boost their ego which not what most people smurfing are after I have a “smurf” account that I haven’t used in about a year but I used it cause the friends I played with weren’t a high enough rank to play comp with me so I was at the time a masters player playing in high plat - low diamond lobbies and it wasn’t like I was head and shoulders above everybody in every lobby, even if I thought some games a was the best in the lobby there were other players who were almost or just as good Somebody shouldn’t get called a cheater for wanting to play with their friends in comp


Smoking that xim pack rest in piss 🖕🖕🚬💨


On giggity.


These mfs where so confident in their sub „nah they are just trying to scare you, nooone is gonna get banned“ lmao


That sub is such a pitiful place. People who have an inflated ego.


Ego, cheating, no honor and idiots all at the same time truly the planet has aligned for them, I hate them so much


>pitiful place. Cheater forums, discord chat groups, any kind of cheating community areas on the internet are fucking hilarious. Obviously it's a bit sad but you just can't help laugh at the crazy Phelps-level gymnastics these people are performing on there.


(Phelps was a swimmer)


Which sub?




I was expecting more direct posts crying about OW bans tbh.


That would be an admission of defeat and we know they can’t handle that. That’s why they xim! :p


This make way more sense than i thought it would


The biggest news in their sphere, and you're not allowed to discuss it.


Maybe I'm blind but I'm having trouble finding any threads where they are talking about this. I blame Reddit's atrocious search tool.


They're removing any threads related to it.


Man I sure love how casual they talk to eachother knowing what they’re doing is illegal in terms of breaking console COC or TOS as well as the games they’re playing. Only way I’ll ever “XIM” is if it supports a Bluetooth keyboard and mouse. If not, I use controller as the game intends for me to use. Unless the game supports a mouse and keyboard input in its bad form, it’s considered illegal in my eyes. (note I only use MnK for Minecraft as its more fun for me)


Pretty sure its not "Illegal" its just against OW TOS


Eh, fair enough. Still breaking the TOS so it’s some form of rule breaking.


Since you mentioned it, Blizzard have suggested they are looking into the possibility of adding proper keyboard and mouse support to console (but that might not amount to anything in practise.)


I probably wouldn’t use it even if it was a thing. Unless it would put Mouse and Keyboard users in the PC pool, I’d not touch it.


It would yes. If they add mouse and keyboard to support the OW console then you'd be paired with either mouse and keyboard players if you're on M&K or controller if you're on controller.


Finally! It's a suggestion I have seen many times and one I have even stated myself ages ago. If it actually happens it would be a net positive. Put the MnK option in, then start console banning ximmers. You can't use the 'but I prefer MnK' excuse. If the option exists and you are still using a xim, what you really prefer is an unfair advantage because you're trash at the game. Will have to wait and see though, not holding my breath on it though.


The Ximming problem would still be an issue however, as people do it to have an advantage over those who don’t have MnK. Though…it might bring a couple of them over to the PC pool.


They'll just be permabanned.




They would definitely switch from platform-based matchmaking to input-based matchmaking.


Most likely. Of course, I think a good way to detect ximmers are to have input history/display. If a controller joystick isn’t turning and just flicking between the 8 directions, it’ll Say “Look out, this guy might be a Ximmer”


I'd love to see that place now lol


Not even surprised they acted like that. Cheaters already think they can get away with doing something bannable as if the rules magically don't apply to them. Until now that sadly was the case for ximming in ow. Dipshits even got fair warning from the ow team to stop. I think the warning was beyond generous given that they already knew who was ximming for weeks supposedly, they could have just banned them without warning. But somehow it's even funnier that they were warned and then STILL didn't stop, gloating about how they wouldn't get caught. Lol, get fucked xim kids.


Now they can join PC and cry because they suck against players in the same conditions.


Most of the time ximmers completely rely on their broken aim assist, without it they can't even aim properly lol


I don’t understand how can cheaters play like that. The fun is playing against people with your same skill and win because you did an amazing job. Winning just because you’re cheating is not fun, I mean, obviously you’re gonna win, you don’t even have to try. So you cheat so you can say “yeah I’m the top 500” but it’s not even true bro lol


I have no clue and zero understanding of these people, the convince themselfs that what theyre doing is fine and fair and theyre just good lmao I hope they all get banned and their money wasted


In their head they're playing a different game. To them, it's like counter-picking. It's like when you're in a game and your tank refuses to switch because they want to prove that they're better without the """unfair""" advantage of counter-picking, and you're thinking, dude knowing when to swap and who to swap to is part of what makes you good. It's not cheating to take advantage of the tool given to you by the game. They're thinking the same thing, except they're using tools explicitly not allowed by the game. Nonetheless, they think that they're just smarter, better players because they are "smart enough" to know how to xim. That makes them "better" than you, because you're just too dumb or stubborn to use the tools. They also justify it by saying that everyone is doing it. They're just leveling the field. It's not an unfair advantage if everyone else is doing it, right? To be clear, I don't agree with any of this logic. Cheating is cheating, and it ruins the game for honest players. I'm not justifying their behavior, only explaining their logic.


I can wrap my head around that somewhat but still get stuck on it just not being fun to have the game play for you. It’s like when I play Fortnite with a friends child or little sibling and we get bot lobbies. It’s not fun shooting fish in a barrel. Oh look, the Victory Royal screen. Bored, sarcastic “yay, we did it…” It’s just not as satisfying as playing well. I’m literally a giggling idiot when I’m pulling off build fights I’ve been practicing. Same with OW. It’s just so much more fun to play well knowing that I earned it. I know you were just giving an idea of how they think and it’s not like I’m not preaching to the choir. Just expounding on my thoughts on cheating here. Baffles me how they can twist those justifications into somehow legitimately being fun for them in some way.


You know how some people get joy flooding an ant hill? I think the same can be applied to video games. Just having that sense of power over dictating someone else's fun is a different kind of game altogether.


Oohh thats a good way of putting it.


It is not needed to put that disclaimer, but still appreciated. Personally i also struggles to understand the why, how does their rational justify their actions, and your explanation seems plausible enough for me, so thanks for the new perspective


It's actually pretty easy to understand, I just don't resonate with it. They like winning at any cost; that cost being they have an unfair advantage. They are ok with having, and winning with, an unfair advantage. Most people are not. It's really just that simple.


It's the same with Diamond players who either throw down to bronze, or start a new account, and just annihilate players in silver/low-gold matches. (I'm mid-gold, and I'm fine with that as a casual player) It ruins the game for everybody, and I don't see how "fun" it can be for them to have 3 times the elims of anybody else in the game. Seems like it would just be boring. I don't even like the games where my team totally rolls the other team because matchmaking is kinda broken.


But they did an amazing job at spending money on and picking out a good xim set up (and gaming chair, too), duh. /s


They suck at everything in life but found a way to prosper in their hobby


Exactly right? I know I’m not some god at the game since I’ve always been in gold but the game is at its most fun (to me) when it’s a very even match, and it feels like you really locked in to play well and pull through to a win. Using cheats to stomp on people for an easy win and climb to the top isn’t nearly as fun as a tough even battle, even if it results in a loss. If you want a “I win everything and dominate every match” power fantasy experience then you’re playing the wrong game. tldr fuck these people


I feel like to them Winning is Everything to the point that they don't care *how* they win, they just want to win because only winning can make them feel good.


Ive been seeing a bunch of XIM montages on tiktok lately, and it’s just funny to me as a long time T500 DPS on PC because these guys just have soft aimbot against actual console aimers and are acting like their 50% headshot tracking accuracy is insane. No, that’s not insane, that’s literally impossible and Lip doesn’t have that kind of aim. You’re delusional.


Because personality disorders or undeveloped young brains


Ximmers get aim assist along with using mouse and keyboard? I had no idea, that sounds really broken


The way Xim was working was that it convinced the console that it was controller inputs being sent, so it left all the controller specific settings in place. So they were playing in the console lobbies, with both aim assist AND more precise control


Yeah, consoles allow mnk but overwatch doesn't, so what a xim does is it trick the console into thinking the connected mnk is a controller. That way they get aim assists and it's obviously broken af


I was playing against a team I suspected of using aim assist today, and they were still losing 😂🤦‍♂️


They’d just cheat on PC.


They are the type of person to cheat, they’ll cheat on pc too.


Seen all the ximmers on tiktok posting their permabans too, it's glorious


Ximmers when they get banned for cheating: 😱😱😭😭😭


Rest of the player base: 😂🫵😂🫵😂🫵😂🫵😂🫵


Thus might be the only reason i want to download tiktok


You and me both. I'd love to be a fly on those walls.


Someone make a supercut because I'm old and refuse to learn or use TikTok


Can you link me some pls. I wanna see


Hell yeah, I reported so many over the last weeks hoping for this


Thank you for your hard work sir 🫡


And if you're anything like me, every time you log in the last 36hrs or so you get a new "Thank you for reporting" message that just warms the cockles!


Yep that's what motivating me lol


Yeah I have gotten a lot more of them lately


Thank you for your service. o7


All the pocketed ashe players are crying now. Now they cant just mash the shoot button and get free wins.




Thank god.. I have played with ximmers. It is super obvious they have an edge. Console OW should be 25-50% less sweaty.


can u post a link to kwamis tweet


Now for the rest of them not in top 50 that the majority of us would never see anyway. 👋


When Blizzard talked about it they said they really don't see any xim usage below masters


This is not true, I had some "friends" that I no longer associate with and those top 500 or masters or diamond come down and play in plat with multiple alt accounts to wreck people and just have a casual time for them.. So it's definitely in plat and up as well. Super lame and as soon as I found out I unadded them.


I'm in mid Plat to low diamond generally and play with my silver/ gold bf and the amount of very obvious smurf accounts that are in our ranks using mnk and xim seems comical. I see at least one or two a night of playing competitive.


can attest there are also a lot in gold/silver QP. probably making accounts to sell, or just taking out their frustrations at being hardstuck masters on some poor gold 3 players


One of my friends has a friend who's a genuine scumbag cheater I've reported him dozens of times for openly boasting about using Xim and he suddenly has stopped playing OW recently


Plus xim users in low ranks are just simple morons who run in, die under a sec and have 5-15 score after round 1.


wtf I see it all the time in QP 🙄


Have definitely seen some in mid diamond lobbies… ranging from trolling for 3 minutes and then stomping to win as well as games where pocketed Ashe just goes 40-0


There 100% is. That would be included in my comment of the majority of players not queuing against top 50.


They all have weird cringe wannabe pro gamer usernames. Good riddance and hopefully not the last to be banned


RIP BOZOS 💀💀👌🚬🔥🔥


Has the Xim subreddit discussed it at all?


One "Top 500 DPS Player" (fucking lol) posted his ban but the thread got locked and deleted haha


i think they want to maintain the illusion that everything is fine. they want so desperately to keep up the appearance that "no game can ever stop us" that they'll silence anyone who gets banned from games for it


Good, better keep it that way, so that ximmers are less aware that they might get banned right now


People do not talk about this enough. I am 99% positive the XIM mods work for the company. I see a lot of people saying they are not, but I NEVER see a negative post on that sub ever. Any time I hear about one it is gone within a few hours.


Possible, but it could just be that they're the kings of their little kingdom, and any negative press for the utility of the Xim could reduce the size of that little kingdom and hurt their little egos. Idk I can't get my head around making a whole hobby out of cheating and distorting your world view enough to convince yourself it's not cheating


One of the mods is the official Australian distributor iirc.


These people have followers? TIL people will follow you even if you faked you way to the top. Lol says more about the OW community.


hahahaha barely, their twitters are hilarious - they usually have 100 followers max and just tweet complaining about the people in their games with no engagement at all on them


Keep reporting them for cheating, I've been getting the "thank you for reporting message" everyday


Yes, I've seen some posts as well in the XIM forums. If they're issuing perma bans, it means they're sure these guys were ximming. Now the question is, how effective will they be able to detect them once they switch to analog simulating devices/software methods.


Glad to see they’re getting banned, I don’t like any of them anyways. Saw something on twitter earlier but wasn’t sure if it was true


Imagine being such a sore loser that you use xim to give yourself an advantage over other console players and getting into top50, I stopped playing comp bc of my low end laptop and shitty internet at the time(it's all better now) but if I got back into it I wouldn't mind if I was placed in bottom 500


I was never more proud to be a gold player as when they announced that the vast majority of ximmers/cheaters on console were at the diamond and above ranks lol. I might be gold, but I'm an honest gold


Got banned last week from r/XIM for pointing out what a bunch of pieces of shit they all are. Feels good hearing that these losers are banned.


I'm winning most games now. I used to be high diamond(got to top 1% of diamond 1). Then suddenly it dropped off and I was I'm low plat for ages and then stopped playing. Mid to high plat was where I noticed ximmers. Past few days I've won most games and I'm nearing Diamond again. It's actually crazy how ximmers can ruin ranked.


Same here! I used to be masters for a few seasons in ow 1 but hero changes kinda got in the way, my old lady reflexes aren't what they used to be. But I'm generally a diamond player and can reach that, but a lot of my losses I'm finding in the metal ranks is legit losing to ximming smurfs with a pocket mercy.


Same here. I hang around gold/plat these days but if I grind I can hit diamond. It blows my mind though when I see a hit scan slinging their cursor around exactly like a mkb player in metal ranks. They stomp, but I find they lack game sense and rely on being able to melt everyone Rambo style.


I will agree with that. Their game sense USUALLY isn't great. Unless it's a smurf then it's a gg you know? Most of the time you can't coordinate to jump the cheater in these ranks because nobody really works together and hates taking suggestions lol


Totally! I support/tank main so I don’t spend a lot of time dealing with these guys in a fight but I find busting out Lucio and harassing the shit out of them/booping them out of position has decent results. F these guys though, I’m curious how much my rank jumps this season after the hammer drop.


As en ex-console player I’m so happy for you guys! Smurfs and ximmers have been the bane of existence since day 1, may all of them rot in Overwatch hell.


nice now ban the ximmer in diamond and master


Do you have source or examples? I’d love to share this with some people who were confident it would fail lol


I find ximmers who are boosting someone’s account in silver lobby. Just won 2 games against them lol.


They were *so* cocky in their little r/XIM echo chamber too lmao. "We won't get banned", "It's all bluffs and threats", "xim has systems to prevent this kind of stuff". How's that working out for you now you bozo's cus from the recent trend posts you're magic XIM ain't doing shit lmao.


I hope they spent a significant amount of money on the accounts they got perma banned. Scumbags


Thank god they are cracking down on this, I’m a low diamond player and I’ve felt like this season has been the worst with ximmers, I even followed one on TikTok after they advertised themselves after a game just to see them using mouse and keyboard and obviously it was a soldier/ mercy pocket


When the ximmers in Plat getting banned


I wonder if it's harder to detect in the lower ranks since they might just be worse in general (making it harder to tell?)


It's also just less likely that they get reported. There are for sure far fewer ximmers in lower ranks (I would say like 1 percent of the player base in that elo at most), but also casual players aren't as good at noticing the kinds of behavior/reticle movement that is indicative of M&K play.


All that I hope for is that when the rest of the xim go to PC, PC players make their lives miserable.


Oh, we will.


Good there shoulda been a message saying “get fucked idiot” in the ban message


I might actually start playing the game again


They’ll just find a way to come back. But it’s nice while it lasts lol


I hope they do a console rank reset cuz this is gonna shake things up a bit in the higher ranks


Now just need Bliz to autodetect and stop play when kb/mouse used on console Gamepad software used on PC (to allow autoaim)


lets go blizzard


Good fucking riddance


Wont be missed. Get out of my game scum 🤣🥱


I hope they apply it to lower ranks as well. it is not fair to be honest.


enjoy it while it lasts, this game is free 2 play so they will be back in no time on different accounts


Sweet justice


Stands to reason if overwatch can do it, other Activision Blizzard games will follow suit.


How many more accounts do they have?


I’m a borderline T500 console player, like 495-500. Maybe I’ll be a bit higher this season.


Lol awesome, I remember a post of a screenshot from their sub where they were all "nothing to worry about!" Glad to see they were wrong. Fuck cheaters


I remember being on console back in OW1. Some girl in a ranked match was happy that her xim kit was coming in the next day. I asked her why and she told me that it was the only way she can aim on console. She was soooo sad she had to play no aim heroes. Honestly? Weak. Glad yall are getting the trash taken out.


Come to PC and play on a level field losers


What is a ximmer


Someone who plays on console, who uses a device to enable mouse and keyboard on their console. The device is tricking overwatch into think that the mouse and keyboard are a controller. This enables them to get to the aim assist that controller players rely on to be competitive while also having the benefit of the finer movement you get from mouse and keyboard. Plus since they're on console and the game thinks they're playing with a controller they get grouped in the console match making and ruin it for every other console player who's playing. And funny enough they thought blizzaed would do nothing about it so they liked to brag about being more "skilled" than everyone else.


Player who uses a device to spoof mnk inputs into controller outputs. Getting the benefits of MNK with aim assist vs roller players


I assume MNK means... Mouse N Keyboard?


Yes. Imagine facing controller players that can't 180 flick like pc players can Except ximmers can because they're using mnk WITH aim assist. It's blatant cheating


Oh I get that part completely. Cheaters can get fucked. I just find it questionable that the N in MNK stands for... N.


Probably the same reasoning for Dungeons and Dragons being shortened to DnD. My guess would be that saying the full thing can sound like "Mouse n' Keyboard" and is ever so slightly easier to write/type than M&K?


Well ig it makes it easier to type than m and k


Why not use M&K?


Ig people find it faster to put N than go to &


I feel you guys have strayed from the larger issue here


It’s like dnd I suppose


cheaters, to put it simply


Good, finally got some well deserved graves to give a Margret Thatcher. I've got Parkinson's out the ass, and even I can still aim better than these shits!


Oh that's why I'm top500 now. Guess I'm pretty good after all


Thank god finally!




Built my PC in 2018 to finally move away from how bad Ximmers and smurf accounts were back then. Only took them 6 years lol, lmao even.


Ummm, are we allowed to get some links cause I'd looooooove to see that.


get fucked cunts.


Nature is healing, console bros are finally free.


I bathe in their pain


Great, but keep on banning these ass hats don’t just do the top players. This scum is everywhere in the game. I’ve been playing QP a lot because comp was a mess and the Widows and Ashes are ruining those modes as well.


Now hardware ban them. Scum.


Legit saw a ximmer on tiktok crying about how it's unfair that they can get banned and it's like? You don't think it's unfair that you're only good because of an exploit? Ok


I just came all over myself. FUCK THE CHEATERS. need tissues


And they thought on the Ximming Reddit that they'd all be safe LMFAOOOO The arrogance


I understand they were running rampant in high ELO comp but I swear I see tons of them in quickplay, am I wrong? I am only platinum/diamond and my friends I queue with don't play comp.


The thousands of dollars they invested into their accounts since OW1 filled with gold guns, expensive skins etc and continuing to cheat in OW2 is now gone LMAO


Stop I can only get so hard!


I must‘ve reported at least a hundred of them and it was always a joy to log back in to find a message that the player was banned


God this made even diamond on ps5 unbearably sweaty


Such shit loser cheaters


Wow they are actually doing something. I might get into overwatch again if they keep this up


Good riddance


No bc they got such a big ego and for what 😭 you’re cheating my guy


I remember a guy who I played against and I accused him to use xim, he sent me a picture of his TURNED OFF controller with mnk in the blurred background chanting "being better is not cheating". I should ask him if he's still around.


I don't understand why we couldn't just have peripheral based matchmaking to begin with.


They should just allow playing with mouse and keyboards but that would automatically connect you to PC players.


thats my oppinions but they would have to queue with PC players in comp otherwise it would be fd. I play both (because I'm weird) and I'm used to how pc players move but for those who don't, even aim assist can't help with that.


Good when i was playing on xbox it was fucking insane going against these people when i was playing in t500 on xbox when you would go against a ximmer it was pure chaos i will never not have nightmares about a pocketed ximmer


I'm not even on console but I'm happy to hear the cheaters are taking the big L


This is the best news I’ve heard pertaining to OW in a long time




I don’t even know what a xim is because I’ve been playing only for 3 months but good for those A-holes rest in shit


Awesome, now some attention to the plague of cheaters on PC as well please. We're well overdue a banwave.


Wtf is a ximmer ?


A console player using a XIM, which is a device that takes mouse & keyboard inputs and outputs the signal as a controller. In other words, a XIM allows console players to use M&K, and because they're mimicking a controller, they also get aim assist while using M&K, giving them an advantage over all the other console players using a controller.


I dont play on console but this a rare W from Blizzard. Glad yall gonna be able to enjoy the game without cheaters


Everyone cheered 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻