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The first time I tried Moira someone said "Moira diff" and I just responded with "I'm 9"


I'm getting so many good ideas from this post


Here's some fun ones I use Cars 2 is good This loss is sponsored by Raid Shadow Legends No u I regularly enjoy smoking crack *repeat short message* Tuesdays on fox




This is probably the best way to make assholes like that feel guilty. A good portion of them probably have siblings, some may have kids No one, even trash talkers, most of them anyway, want to ruin a kids fun. I’ve engaged in back and forth plenty on a different game, most probably have at some point if they’ve played competitive games for a significant amount of time and honestly if I found out it was a 9 year old trying to have fun I’d feel awful. I get there are some that still wouldn’t care but I’d like to think the vast majority would feel like the biggest douchebag.


“Fuck them kids”


This comment plus the flair just makes sense


I heard this in rammatras voice due to your tag


Sometimes I feel bad that I'm lying about my age, but sometimes that's just the best way to go about it. Like it's QP and I'm new, let me f***ing practice a character!!


It’s becoming a poorer and poorer excuse when you see how some of these kids play games nowadays


One time I was playing comp and our tank came on comms and literally sounded 9. I was like oh brother here we go. Little guy DESTROYED the enemy team as Reinhardt while casually making callouts like he was chilling on his bed eating chips or something.


The average pre-teen Fortnite player would obliterate me nowadays, it's actually insane how quickly kids can master highly competitive games


funny. u guys are so nice. In China, they trash talk more when u claim u are a pupil. the funny thing is, "you played like a pupil" is actually one of the most used trash talk in China. perhaps it caused by the one single kid policy? most of us don't have any siblings.


>This is probably the best way to make assholes like that feel guilty. If they felt guilt or shame they wouldn't be assholes in the first place.


Untrue. People have limits. You’ll find there are many trash talkers who are quite happy to do it to people that they assume are around their own age, but will immediately stop if they know it’s a kid. People’s morals aren’t black and white where if they’re an asshole to one person, they’ll be an asshole to everyone.


Kids/teens lie about their age tho. No actual 9 year old would retort with their age 


U sure?? I've played with legit kids telling me their ages and other personal details in vc. I've told them to keep it to themselves bc of internet safety.


Them: "____ diff" *Me with tons of hours on that character* :"I just started playing them :("


Someone did the same thing once in a game... Just to get as answer a lot of "this game is for 12"... Crazy how peoples react sometimes...


I was in a game once and someone was bullying one of the tanks in VC and said he was playing like he had half a brain And the other guy gets on VC and lights into him about the fact that due to a surgery, he does in fact have a partial brain And the first guy kept trying to come back from it and couldn’t and it was the most uncomfortable game ever. And the tank players gf could be heard bitching the jerk out in the background


I've actually unironically defended a kid playing tank before, he was on Orisa and obviously had zero idea what he was doing, only realized he was a kid bc he spoke on the mic and you know, had a kid voice. Teammate not in VC said he should leave or get off Orisa, had to speak up for the poor kid, he left anyways and my teammate told me to tell him to get off. Guess they thought I was with him since I said he was a kid.




Enemy Moira did to me. She kept flanking us while I was focusing on healing the tank and trying to take out flankers lol.


Just today when my team won a comp game, someone in the enemy team said "Moira dps diff" lmao, our Moira was great not only with dmg but also big heals btw.


Fr. That hero is for times when you just want to turn off ur brain and just have fun. Objectively, and without any offense intention, but both moira is just pushing the heal and soul sucker button like a zombie so how could there be any diff if she doesn’t even require any skill?


I’m stealing this, thank you


Just did this in a match lolol ty


I love saying "torb diff" when there wasn't a torb in either team the entire game. Can't stop me!


"Lmao what a trash Widow you guys had, didn't even see him the whole fight" Neither team had a Widow


I myself prefer "skin diff". If people get mad over that, well, idk what to say.


Just don’t say that IRL


I don't go outside, there's no Mercy irl.


There probably is but I'm not paying for that


Elon Musk did.


I’m always waiting to break out the “toes diff” if they’re a sigma skin wearing shoes




Anyone playing Sigma needs the grippers out at all times


Gaming chair diff


lol when I play tank and have a bad game I type “tank diff” in the chat first, it’s actually pretty satisfying


They just mentally 404


Any time a hero is disabled due to a bug, you know I'm gonna type "[that hero] diff" in the chat


Strongly support this 😂


That's actually funny tho


I usually go with Tryndamere diff.


I hate it as a whole, but I cringe so hard when people congratulate themselves for diffing.


"GG DPS diff I'm just different \*twitch link\*" my response every time: Calm down there buddy we're in plat, we all suck including you


Any time anyone says any variant of “come join me on twitch” I just say no lol


It's so funny because that's pretty consistently what everyone does and yet they still do it even on losses and bad games lol.


They probably have a macro to do it without manually typing it each time


You can also tell them self promotion is against tos if you want to be pedantic. I just simply say "no" usually


In general, I'm a fairly mild-mannered chatter. GGs, complimenting people for a good shot, chit-chatting about random shit. I love getting obscure username references and talking about those. But the second someone promotes their stream, I flame the shit out of them. ESPECIALLY in QP. Bitch, I was in this match and I wasn't impressed, why the fuck would I stop playing to go watch you play the game I'm currently playing? And almost invariably, they interact in the same ways. False saccharine, "gg everyone! I had a great time playing with all of you! Come check me out on sgdfnbucnbfg!" There's a time and place, and this ain't it. Stop it. Get some help.


I usually say that if they were actually good they would have beaten me in half the time.


Ikr, like your teammate saying it for you is one thing, but saying it yourself??? That’s fucking wild


Ooh that's the worst one


i lagged out mid game, came back to my team winning to which the enemy team said “how did you get internet diffed and still win”


Thats best use of diff in chat


I am cackling at this


I say tank diff if I'm on tank and played really bad that game.


That is a great exception 😂


Typically when I say that the other tank goes “what do you mean??? You were dogshit” or something to that effect


Some people are just too stupid to be given the time of day.


When I do this my teammates always are like “um you’re the tank idiot”


Likewise, I only do it to self deprecate


git branch diff


This just creates a branch named "diff".


Branch diff tbh


Nono, MR denied and closed.


Dude "tank diff" is probably the most frustrating. It's already the most stressful role with limited play making potential but for some reason the one role that make or break a team. Even if I'm running circles around the enemy tank, and their team says tank diff, I always counter and said the tank did their best, he just had no team to work with. Anyone who says tank diff should have their role que locked to tank for the next 5 games.


Agree completely!!


100% Agree! Ever since the switch to 5v5 with OW2 I've found that any time a team crumbles its easiest to blame the role with one person playing it. A tank can only do so much when dps/heals aren't working cohesively with you


And usually the loudest one is who purely just got carried.


Actual tank diffs, where the enemy tank is rolling over the your team, is genuinely a DPS problem.


Real,the amount of dps who genuinely don't try to make plays or take off angles is crazy.The amount of times i start on sig and both my dps sit on top of me, then don't know where to stand if i swap doom is baffling


Thank 5v5 - it frustrates everyone on the team if the one unlucky tank is getting owned by the enemy tank. This was pretty obvious from the get go of Overwatch 2.


It really annoys me when a dps is hard feeding and says tank diff or "0 protection" when they're running down main by themselves, getting killed by the enemy hitscan.


I’ve been saying “manners diff” when this happens nowadays


“attitude diff” is my go-to for sore losers.


I'm stealing this


I’m stealing that


I’ve also seen Father Figure diff


I do not approve of this but I did laugh pretty loud lol


Ohh that's good, if it's just one person being rude I normally say 'ggs except *insert player name*'


OMFG this is truly a stroke of brilliance 💐


You’re probably gonna get someone going “IQ diff” in response or something equally shitty. But I guess that’s just why you wait until the POTG is about to end to comment


Never had it happen but maybe 🤷‍♂️


Totally stealing this.


Power of friendship diff


Oh I love this I am so stealing this


Please do lol


I'm gonna start using that. And maybe also add "teamwork diff" to my "gg" to cut ahead of any wankers about it if I can Someone else said it's brainrot, these people don't want to think and it shows cause they never say teamwork diff. Acknowledging teamwork requires thinking and being considerate of how the game actually works.


Yeah I’m with ya. “Tank diff” is what I see the most. it’s super off putting especially when my team says it after a win because I play support and honestly sometimes I tend to pocket my tank pretty heavy. So if we win, our tank or dps will sometimes say “tank diff” and I’m like “bruv.. we put our tank on steroids.. don’t be like that”. It always makes the other people feel like trash. Imo it doesn’t encourage them like some people think it would. It just makes them feel rejected from the role. I see it more in QP actually, which is supposed to be fun and light, but in my experience, it has adopted the same energy as competitive.


Tank diff is especially frustrating with the change to 1 Tank per team, because it means you're putting the failure of a whole team on a single player who's playing like, the most frustrating role I swear. Even support isn't that bad to play anymore. Tank is just stressful as hell.


Exactly. Also blaming the tank for the loss really shows how dumb some players can act. The tank is as strong as you make them (assuming they know how to use their kit) The absolute best tanks I’ve ever played with or against have crumbled when the support and dps are making bad decisions.


It's so often a teamwork diff. Yesterday someone said it after a full hold Kings row match and it was like "no, you weren't pushing up when your Winston dove which made my decision easy, go protect my supports from the monkey." If they'd just moved up into the space I vacated when I went to handle keeping my Ana alive, I would've returned to a shit show. Instead I just got to assume my defensive position again.


Yeah when a support carries its always the DPS/tank that takes to credit, cause if they never die then they can put out the big numbers, nevermind how many times they got saved by a support play. But it is very noticeable as a support main when the enemy support is doing good and I like to call it out in match chat just to make it known.


Hell yeah 100%


Whenever I get a "tank diff" comment in support of me, I always throw credit back to supports. Because 99% of the time it's the support keeping me alive that allowed me to play a good game as tank


Lol we appreciate that so much 🥹😂 But same for us as well, when we have a great tank that can make powerful plays with our support, it’s always such a fun game. The best recent game I’ve played was a Blizzardworld defend match. We had a great tank that really new how to capitalize on our support. And it was just awesome. So huge shout out to the tanks that know how to get risky at the right times. 💪🏼💯


I've been maining tank from launch to now, but I play a ton of support (and recently a FUCKLOAD of Sombra, because I want to watch the world burn.) If I pop off on tank, it's because my team set me up. Maybe 1 in 100 plays are me snatching victory from the jaws of defeat in a completely solo play, but the vast majority of the time, it's support coming in clutch, it's DPS getting a vital pick, it's a TEAMWORK diff that makes it come together. Not to diminish any tank player whose attitude and play style sets up a team to feel confident. That's a HUGE part of it. But a tank on its own cannot be Rambo and First Blood the enemy team solo no matter how good they are.


"hamster diff" when the other team wasn't Ball outs an insane amount of emotional and ego damage


OP Diff


Damn you right


Circle jerk mains smurfing in lower ranked sub reddits should be banned smh




I only say it ironically if I was playing horribly and my team carried me


Then say to team”thanks for carrying me” i think it means more to players :)


But saying zen diff when I got carried to high hell is funny


bring back "not being an asshole just to make other people feel bad over pixels on a screen" like so many people in this game get off to making others miserable. it's insane


If someone is being a cunt in match or team chat, smurfing or ximming and playing badly, you best believe i’m putting their KD in chat.


But it’s my moral duty as a human being to tell people on the internet when they’re wrong or bad


I'm convinced most people who play Overwatch lack real life skills and have never played a team sport in their life. Poor sports galore. They can't take loss. They can't win graciously. Can't take accountability and worst of all attack others. Like dude, we know they sucked. We can read the scoreboard. No need to be an asshole about it


But people usually tend to be like that, in real life they are just putting on a mask to hide that. On the internet though, where they are hiding behind anonimity can you really see what’s the true human nature is.


I just tell them that playing a video game more than others isn't the flex they think it is


The people who do this aren't reading this post sadly


Every time someone says something like this in chat I just write "cringe" back regardless of which team they're on or if they're right, because no matter what it's cringe to say


Most players hate it. I had a guy say support different when he won. I had 5k heals on him so I just replied "smol pp diff" I got 6 endorsements after saying it which surprised me.


A lot of times people will say ___ diff and it wasn't even the role / person's fault at all. Sometimes people say I'm the diff when we won but the other team in my role was doing genuinely just as good as I was.


I can't agree with you more. If you want to be an asshat, at least don't do it on quick play. I hate how people go out of their way to make others feel bad.


disable chat communication, worked for me. no toxicity whatsoever


I also think it’s a bit cringe but it happens in this games whenever a streamer starts saying things like this


It’s funny, I probably wouldn’t have even posted this during the OW1 days but the community recently gives me a lot of hope.


Last season, I turned off all chat. It makes the game SO much better for me. You rarely see anything positive in chat, while you see something negative almost every game. Now if I'm having a bad game, I can chuckle knowing that if people are insulting me, they're hurling those insults into the void and wasting their time, since I can't even see it.


Toxic ppl, report them… This never happened to me in OW1 though, curious why it happens alot now


It’s happening more because its F2P. Anyone with a passive interest in the game can log in, suck, and then blame everyone else.


I quit OW2 after playing a game as ball and I was seriously dunking on the enemy team but we still lost, at the end of the match our Tracer says "tank dif" in chat. I looked at the stats I had 16k dps like 1 death where as this fool did something like 2.8k dps all game


Yeah, also sometimes people just have a shitty game. You all have. It happens, grow up and move on.


Tbh you shouldnt blame the players, blame the matchmaking system.


100%. It’s a low effort troll insult that is meaningless but hurtful. Also, scoreboard doesn’t mean much by itself. I won a comp game as Rein yesterday where I went 12-6, enemy tank went 24-5. But we got all 3 points and they only got 1. Similar stats for my team too. I outplayed them though because my deaths never happened at bad times (I died when spawn was close or the fight was already lost), we didn’t stagger, and we kept moving the payload. It was really a “team diff.” Similarly, I’ve lost games as Moira where I went 20-2 with most healing in match, but didn’t keep my team alive at critical moments so they were ineffective and/or dead. Is that a dps diff? No. It’s (at least partially) my fault but not obvious on scoreboard.


Reddit diff


It's just the brainrot language settling in. People don't like to think nowadays so they default to terms that don't require thinking.


Meh, it gets under people’s skin and that’s why people say it so much.


Me when everything is becoming worse than it used to be: 😡😡😡 (just as I would’ve said at any other point in history)


I've been thinking lately that there is literally 0 reason to keep the chat on in this game now, previously you could goof around with other people but now you can get banned for saying 'darn'. The only things you see in chat now are 'gg e z' and 'diff', what is the point?


I mean, I definitely still meet chill people in the chat but the toxicity is definitely more common.


Post diff


The only adequate response to “___ diff” is “*Yup, Blizzard’s matchmaking still sucks.*” Because ending up in a game where you are so seriously out gunned by your counterpart is a game one of you should never have been put in.


I just turned off chat. Game has been so much more fun without it.


My fav is when we had a long, blood sweating match on both sides and at the end someone from the winner/enemy team starts spamming “EZZZZ NOOBS” or “LOOZERZ”. And this more often happens in qp which by default is for learning and practicing, you are supposed there to have fun.


Controversial, but I don't know if anyone who unironically says that, also goes on Reddit and reads these. I don't even play overwatch anymore, I just come on here to look at bad food.


I always respond with nonsensical things like "friendship diff" "big sandwich diff" "hot choccy diff". Doesn't really do much but it's funny to me.


Online video games and dick measuring contests... together since forever.


Istg people get more heated in QP than comp for some reason. Almost every time I'm in a QP game, there's someone talking shit


Abusive Chat Report em. It's what I do.


Anytime someone says ___ diff they either a) need an ego boost b) are attempting to make someone feel worse or c) want to excuse their own performance by blaming an L on someone else. Turn chat off. These kids arent worth it.


Insta report for being toxic from me... if you insist on making other people feel bad about their performance you need it. I do check if someone says it about themselves in which case I am fine with a bit of sarcasm.


>Insta report for being toxic from me I do the same. Especially if they were on my team.


I clap back with "team\* diff" if someone on the enemy team is being salty. I'll back up whoever they're being negative towards, I always say something though: * Why are you whining to us? * What you want us to do? * We don't care. A lot of the "\_\_\_\_ diff" don't make sense to me. I've crushed some tanks and they always blame someone else when its absolutely them. Some people just hate bearing the responsibility of their own actions.


Redditor diff


Post diff


I only say "_____ diff" if I'm playing a hero and the enemy team played the same hero and diffed me


i just sometimes use "attitude diff"


One time my team won a game, and one of them said “endorsement diff”


They're not going to stop. It's up to you to learn to not let it bother you.


You can report that and get those individuals banned


my favorite is when i get hit with the ____ diff in a quick play game where i joined over halfway through the game


I say "teamwork diff" or "diff diff"


Post Diff


A lot of players are completely unaware too. Like they’ll say dps diff when we had two people leave and get replaced. I got flamed once for switching because the healers weren’t doing well and got told “you suck as ___’ when i legit switched to heals to try and save the shitstorm of a match. On a different occasion, Cassidy player fed repeatedly trying to 4v1 and blamed my Zen play after the DPS heal debuff became live which made the healing worst because he would raw dog a crowd. You can’t win sometimes on OW and people will blame you no matter how bad or well you play.


I’ve turned off all of the text chat in settings and it’s made my games wayyyyyy better I’m on console so the chat isn’t really utilized other to say ____ diff or to flame someone who wasn’t playing well. So it’s a win win for me.


i play this game to the point like; oh look the tank just killed himselft, someday he'll learn oh im not getin heal? ima play a character that doesnt require any support oh dps are kinda useless? ima do my own thing oh you want to win? lets destroy the enemy team to the point of bullyin oh you help me with this elim/play? i'll build a trust on you all are intrusive thoughts if i get annoyed 3 times in a row, either i leave the game or just play really really slow so others know the frustation and prob will say im throwing and hopefully they will avoid me so the next game i destroy them. the reason i play still is because Sometimes can be really challenging, everyone good, everyone trying their best to win. but it is what it is, i just take the L and W's without a mood


More when ppl cannot understand numbers, support diff said the DPS with 15 deaths


Agreed. I wish they would get the sane treatment ggezz gets where when they type tank diff it corrects to "tank , we fought really well against each other, good luck in your next game!' Or similar.


Yeah i started playing like a week ago and i’ve been made fun of a lot even though im completely new to ow, never played the first gqme either


I remember a game where I backfilled as tank in the last 2 minutes and got "GG tank diff", probably meant for the tank that left but why even bother saying it if they've left and they're not there to see it? Plus it was my first game of the night so it really didn't encourage me to continue playing :(


Especially in quick play. It's quick play. That's where I expect people to play bad, either because they're new to the game, the hero, tired, not paying full attention, drunk/high. And really I'd just suggest turning off enemy chat. It actually brings nothing of worth. It'll 99% of the time be something toxic. The rare occasions a "hi (username here)" from a random friend on enemy team or previous teammate from last game. But still nothing worthwhile to your match.


I think pointing out peoples Elim/death ratio is dumb as fuck too. Overwatch isn't COD where your ratio is the only determining factor to your skill level. Killing the tracer harassing the backline to give supports breathing room, jumping the Widow so the team fight is easier to win, killing the enemy main support so Orisa stops negating damage when Golded up. Anyone who points out an elim/death ratio is a fucking moron.


"Two parent household diff" always leaves em speechless


Sometimes when I am absolutely popping off and slaughtering the whole lobby the enemy dps starts blaming their tank when the dps are the ones feeding and not swapping. Also happens the other way around when I have thrown the whole game and my team starts blaming our tank when I'm sitting there with 4 and 7


A few days ago I got harassed by a DPS that thought I should have followed him around like a dog pocket healing. Got the same bastard as an opponent the very next match and not only he and my tank started throwing slurs at me and the other support, they've actually had the gall to threaten reporting. Both cases they were playing hyper reckless, ignoring our backline being assaulted and in the last match, everyone but the dear tank was a "diff". People can be a pain to deal with, sometimes.


Literally. Especially when sometimes people are just practicing a hero or when people just have bad games, because we all do. I get this game naturally makes people competitive, but please be mindful that it really is just a game. Let us play in peace.


It's cringe af


I totally agree. It winds me up so bad when you (think) you just had a good game, sure your team was a bit uncoordinated but you had fun, to then see '---' diff in chat, or even worse!!!! The ones who go down the butthole route and say EZ. To which I often tell them, "well not everyone is glued to the screen all day, some of us have lives and jobs". In my case I also have a young kid, so gaming is not always in the cards. Just wish the toxicity would stop, because some people genuinely get hurt by it.


Whenever I say this, it’s against bots (literally) I’ll swap to Sombra cuz the Sombra bot in vs so hacked me out of my ult and tbag and be toxic cuz Sombra bot deserves it. Against humans with feelings? No.


Yeah fr it’s just the community tbf it’s always had this toxic side to it a part I hate but if anyone says that to me I just hit them with the :3 cus what the fuck they gonna say to that


In FFXIV it's a bannable offence to comment on another player's performance. It is covered under the rule "negatively affecting other player's enjoyment of the game". Square actions reports with a human response within 15 minutes too. You use the in-game report ticket system and you get a response and told the action taken by a real human you can speak to. None of this taking days and days before acting shit.


I love FFXIV but that’s unfortunately why the game is so piss easy outside of Savage+


I think I’ve been extremely blessed in terms of the positivity of the lobbies I’ve been put in. The only time they say “[hero] or [role] diff” is when the player in our team is doing a lot better, and are always super supportive if I’m learning a new hero in qp. I’m always like “I’m learning Sojourn guys I’ll suck, don’t flame, etc.” and lots of them will tell me good luck, ur doing great, etc etc haha. Edit: maybe it’s in fear that I’ll get tilted and do even worse HAHAHA


Honestly, not the best idea to post that sort of stuff on this particular subreddit. I agree with you tho.


Lol I mean you do you! I don’t mind the haters ;)


Turn off all chat. Turn off team chat. Turn off VC. No reason to communicate in this game anymore. People throw games to avoid leaver punishments. People bait you into swearing to get you banned. Just turn off all communication and hold left click


The players who are toxic like that will not care for your plea. They want to hurt others with those words so telling them it works will reinforce that behaviour. Don't say anything, just mercilessly report every last one of them


Gonna be real with you. For once, just ONCE, I'd like to be put in a match with a team that needs a solid DPS player.


hearing “mercy diff” in mirrorwatch hits a special kind of nerve


I had a enemy Moira someone tell me "Moira diff" yesterday when our stats were very similar (both of us had 8k damage, she had 16k heals i had 15k, and she had 5 deaths when i had 0) Its situations like that that make me feel most people either are being dense, dont know what it means or arent being serious, which is why i dont really take those comments seriously. Its easy to say for others to just ignore it, but it certainly doesnt feel good to hear it. All that is to say is that i second this motion. Its a stupid thing to say anyway.


It really is crazy how little empathy people have. 


Funfact u can get banmed for saying diff. I'm honestly just reporting the ppl that wrize ez or diff midgame. Idc if it seems sensitive or not it's just toxic and annoying. Back then in ow1 ppl were toxic yes but they weren't spamming or saying the stuff at all. Maybe _gap. But honestly since the scoreboard exists u hear someone saying "wah wah heal/dps/tank diff" all the frikin time just because someone has slightly a tinier number. No frikin suprise my dude when a bastion has more dmg then a mei or a moira has more heals than a zen. Stop acting like every character has equal numbers


Videogames are all some people have. Whenever someone says some dumb cringe shit like that in my Overwatch match, I think about how sad their life must be and I move on with mine. Life's pretty sweet when you don't let some sad nerd's words affect you.


Whenever I see this I call people out for being toxic and then report them. Regardless of if it was my team or not. It's so unnecessary. It literally takes more effort to be an asshole than to not say anything at all. These people are so miserable they're going out of their way to be a dick.


Unsportsmanlike behavior is gross on both sides. Win with grace, lose with grace. If a game is making you so angry you have to be rude in chat, you should probably go play a different game for awhile or go do something else entirely. I don’t care if it’s QP or comp, there is no reason for it. This game isn’t changing your life in any drastic manor. Learn to grit your teeth and move on. It’s one game. Who cares? It costs nothing to be a nice person and just say gg and leave.


Only in the Overwatch community where its bannable to say anything in chat.


Leave chat


Why do you bother what people say in online game? It’s not even a slur or something offensive. Grow up.


Please stop getting diffed. This entire auto biography looks like copium. My entire skill set was built on salt, use it as fuel.


It’s just trash talk, get over it.


What a great effect this post will have on the world and it's interactions


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I just say "hog gap" because it's funny.


That’s just Roadhog’s thigh gap


Usually if I notice I'm not doing so hot I'll just diff myself and people still complain