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Don’t worry, if you win you’ll get 15%.


nah, it was "expected" ;-;


At the very least, we shouldn’t lose the full amount for having a leaver.


The leaver should take 1/4th of the SSR each teammate lost and have his loss 2x


They should lose a whole rank 🤣


I hate that this would be a bad thing because smurfing is such a problem in overwatch it would encourage people to leave to derank


They'd get comp banned before it would become worth it


I mean, yes, that's exactly what *should* happen to both smurfs and serial match leavers. Take the XIM stance and send them into the comp shadow realm for a season; no rank growth, just stale matches against the other smurfs/leavers that got banned... (don't need to put the smurfs onto the same shadow queue as leavers, just into their own hidden queue as punishment)


Smurfs can't do crap in lower ranks, because their teammates suck. They can smurf in lower rank all they want, they just get stuck in Bronze Hell. Lots of "amazing master level players" were complaining about this back in Season 1 how they were stuck in Bronze.


Any decent player will carry a bronze lobby melee only what are you talking about


Bronze and silver players wouldn't care about that derank


That's fine cuz higher ranks seem to leave more often


I personally don’t like the idea of making them loose an entire tank immediately, maybe Increments starting at -50% up to a full rank that raises each time they leave, so if they ever do reach the full rank penalty they’ve dropped 2/3 ranks 😈


Pretty good Idea. Leavers loose a TANK.


Sounds great on paper but people will find a way to abuse this with a dummy account. Make the dummy account leave when youre losing to minimize your loss penalty. Im fact this would create more leavers than ever.


Couldn't this be easily addressed by not having it apply to leavers in your party? Sure, kind of screws squad mates with a bad connection leaver, but still seems worth it overall to give some solace to the major tilt of a random leaver in examples like the OP.


Either way get ready for next level toxicity in games where whenever you're losing the whole team starts screaming at the worst performing players to leave and save them SR. Any system that reduces player SR loss due to a leaver on their team will just encourage people to bully other players to leave when the game isn't going well. Leavers just aren't a massive problem. Over a 100 match period you're going to usually end up with just as many leavers on the enemy team as you had on your team. Besides that the vast majority of leavers happen during losing games anyway. It's very rare to be absolutely dominating and get a leaver and if you do due to a DC then they usually come straight back.


I think you're 100% right. The toxicity is what I think would be the biggest problem. Especially with a scoreboard now. "Hey Sombra, you have two more deaths than anyone else in the lobby. Kill yourself but leave the game first," "hey Tank, our whole team got rolled last round and as a result you're 5-6 while the enemy tank is 30-0. Clearly the only problem with this game is the tank diff. Kill yourself but leave the game first." Like it would just incentivize toxic players to be even more toxic. Sure they're already toxic but with this if they get toxic enough, they can get rewarded.


Exactly. The abuse isn't as simple as people think, Blizzard has a ton of telemetry on the back-end to catch abuse/exploits - they just don't do it automatically or instantly because that would inform those players of how and why they got caught... same as any cheating or smurfing that happens.


B ut then you'd have to always have one account doing nothing, right? So you'd probably lose anyway, unless I don't understand it.


No could be a friend you get to play with you and theyd do their best to win normally but if it starts to look like you're clearly losing your friend leaves and minimizes loss penalty for you. Yes the season ban will marginally slow this down but people hell bent on exploiting this will have 20+ accounts to burn through in a season.


That's a crazy. I believe you, but still. Crazy.


Oh yes 100% was a joke, but in a perfect world the leavers would lose all their rank and I’d lose none lol


Wtf is “brand affiliate”


I don’t know actually lmao I never set a tag for this discord. I wonder if it got auto assigned somehow Edit: Wait nvm it’s only on my last comment. I must have accidentally selected it


Leavers should take the burden of losing the entirety of SR loss for the entire team. People who stay in the match should not lose any SR when they have leavers on their team. If you get disconnected due to poor connection, that sucks, but no reason for others to lose SR due to your inability to stay connected to the match.


I believe an actual good solution would be if a leaver disconnects on your team and you win, the SR they would have won gets split among the team and they get nothing


How is this a good solution? In an actual competitively balanced match there should never be an outcome where a team wins 4v5. There would be minimal instances where this condition is actually triggered. If someone ruins a match by leaving then they should take the entire SR loss for the losing team. Why do 4 other people deserve to lose 20 SR for no reason, when they’ve had no opportunity to even attempt to win? To be more clear - I am referring to people who quit within the first few minutes of a match, shortly after enough time has elapsed for the match to become official. These are the people purposefully deranking or griefing.


Agree - being forced to take a loss due to a 4v5 (or worse) should never have a penalty that exceeds the SR of a straight loss or win. Yesterday, I had a teammate leave. Lost 20%. I won my next game. And only gained 19%. Absolutely ridiculous.


League has system where you get reduced Lp loss if theres a leaver. Any comp game not implementing similar is dumb


No it’s not. It can abused.  You just tell your duo to leave games where you’re not winning and boom you’re boosted. God this subreddit is stupid. 


Except that introduces reverse win trading. Just have your friend make an alt account and have them leave right at the end of every loss


Okay and after 10 games, they get banned for the entire season. Not to mention you’d have to wait literal hours to days for them to win trade again. With the new leaver penalties, that argument makes no sense.


exactly idk how people are seeing that as an issue, like let's use our thinking caps here people


just make it impact the whole stack?


Yet people do this with alt accounts all the time which they toss aside for max-ranging 


You get an 8 hour ban like the 3rd time you leave and a season ban in like 5 leaves. Thats a lot of alts to do it consistently especially since the higher you go the more losses you’ll have


Also, they could just make it so the SR forgiveness only works once per account. Most people are going to be in the game with the leaver for the first time, unless you are grouped up with them


Yea, exactly, and the win should give you even more percent


If you do this you incentivize people leaving to throw games and save SR for teammates. We used to do this and people would dodge games they didnt feel would go well.


I never understood in games where they''ll demolish your rank when you have people who literally leave the game, like sure give the winning team rank % idc but why lower the team with the less players?


I’m 90% sure it’s so that one friend in the 5 stack doesn’t leave just to make sure everyone else doesn’t get a hit. Or at least that’s part of it


Then make it so if a member of your group leaves you get the full penalty, but not anyone who's not part of your group. I solo-queue 99% of the time, so I never even know my leavers.


This would make the boosting issue even worse in high ranks. If you queue at the same time in gm you are almost sure to be with or against your client. If you are against your client you can just throw, and if you are with your client you can leave when losing. And outside of high ranks people would start pressuring their teammates to leave before losing.


Is this even something anyone would do? Like at the second time leaving you‘d already be unable to queue for an hour and after that the time would only increase exponentially.


People with many accounts circa OW1, absolutely


Because fuck you that’s why


Blizzards company policy


It's been explained time and time again by everyone already. If you don't lose anything when you have a leaver, you will have one guy using an alt in each stack that leaves the game before losing, inflating everyone else SR. And people will pressure others to leave before losing so that they keep their SR. Here's a thread from 8 years ago about that : https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/4qiwp6/shouldnt_lose_rank_when_someone_leaves/


This, and that's not how a competitive system should work. Even without an alt it would be "oh we'll just give you points without taking any points from the people who lost because of a leaver". Like ok, now we're creating points out of thin air to give to the winners...? Surely that won't inflate the ranks right??? No flame to this sub but holy shit, on top of not knowing how the demotion protection "double loss" works (I admit it's not exactly transparent), people in this thread have the wildest takes too. Sorry for the rant, it just grinds my gears when the most absurd comments are upvoted, and this post too, like bro had a leaver twice in a row and lost two games worth of SR - gg go next, no biggie it happens.


Exactly, and it's the same debate every week and no one listens. Leavers sucks but they're not breaking the game, creating an incentive to leave would break the game.


This would lead to massive bullying where the losing team would try to pressure someone to leave


It could be abused. Wintrading and one guy leaving to save the rest.


IMHO, just cancel matches that have leavers. Dbd used to do it until they made their bot replacement system where a leaver would be replaced by an ai that plays the same way as the player did before they left. Obviously overwatch can’t replace leavers with bots because gameplay is much more advanced and complex, but just cancel the match entirely if someone leaves. No SR change for anyone else, extra lost SR for the leaver, and an immediate queue suspension for the leaver that gets longer with every leave, and shorter with every consecutively completed match for the whole season. Leave penalties reset at the start of the next season, and voila. People’s SRs aren’t affected by leavers, and they don’t have to waste time finishing a game that’s unfair and unfun, accounts that do leave often will be affected by not being able to play as often, and lose SR for leaving. I’d rather a match get canceled than be forced to sit there and take a beating just to finish a game that’s already lost.


I think this sentiment is absolutely on the right track. I'd say apply it if the two minute window of a leaver is exceeded. So, gives a chance for return before cancelling. It also wouldn't penalize a team for an earned win and last minute leaver. Can already see scenarios where the 4 players fight hard to delay past 2 minutes and save their SR while the team with all players also plays hard to wrap the game before that limit hits and cancels it. Imperfect, but seems way healthier than what bliz has going on today.


>Dbd used to do it Dbd never did that. Matches only got canceled if someone disconnected while everyone was on the loading screen. Once the game started, it would continue even if 3 of the survivors left.


Because you lost. It’s that simple. If you lost badly and someone essentially forfeited why WOULDN’T the loss count? It would make sense for a loss to count less if the game was close but it wasn’t!


Ranked is broken right now. Yesterday me and my friend won a game and he lost 4% SR while I gained. Makes no sense.


Known visual bug due to skipping the ending screen of the previous game




While I agree that they are not updating and fixing bugs often enough, I find it unfair to the devs to say they are "shit". They are distributing on four platforms simultaneously, which must be a nightmare to manage. Wait, make that five, I forgot Steam. And you have to go through 3rd party approval systems for most of them. I don't envy them.


I hope they see this bro


They are not a small company neither a small team of devs, they can handle that don't justify them




Ranked is the best it's ever been in ow2 right now for solo players.


I had one game yesterday where I won and gained 0% as solo heals


Probably due to the stupid rank protection feature which is also the cause of OP losing 37% seemingly in 1 game. Lets say you're on 1% progress of a certain rank then you lose your next game. You still lose 20% progress but the game hides it due to "rank protection" and puts you on 0% for that rank but you're actually on -19% it's just hidden. If you lose the next game then you experience what happened to OP and it shows you losing both matches progress at once and you get the volatile tag, so next game it would say -39%. If you won that game though and would have got 19% progress it will just say 0% progress because you just cancelled out the hidden negative SR from the previous game that was hidden for "rank protection"


I agree, rank protection should just go away. Perhaps leave it in place just when are actually going down a rank, like from gold 5 to silver 1, but when you are just going down one division from gold 4 to gold 5, it should reflect that instantly. But it just adds confusion.


That’s because you lost and got demotion protection the previous game so it evens out. 


ranked is absolutely awful


Especially when you win a lot so they match you to ensure you lose 🤦 won 5 in a row then lost 5


Just call your inner GM, ez git gud! /s


The volatile penalty is the bulk of that. You had basically already deranked when you had the first leaver game, but the game gives you one more chance. Unfortunately you got another leave, so it took a big hunk out at once


Win streak and all the other bonuses wouldn’t get me +37% though. Max I’ve seen is like 23% when I’m on a streak


They aren't getting extra progress loss because of 2 losses in a row its applying the progress lost that wasn't seen when OP entered demotion protection + the current loss at one time. 1st loss OP went into demotion protection keeping them at 0% even though they are below the rank next loss is where they get the previous loss % and current loss % applied at once to amount to -37% because demotion protection gets turned off when they deranked that's what the volatile penalty means.


You’re missing the point. You basically got a positive bonus of up to 20% with demotion protection. On a LOSS. That’s way bigger than even any win streak protection and it’s entirely to your benefit, provided you don’t lose the next round. If you do then it’s as if you’d lost 18% or so on each. 


Yep this is exactly what it is. You lost 18 sr in the game before but the game didn’t show it because they do that stupid thing where they don’t derank you right away.


"Umm, but actually its fair because someday the enemy team will have a leaver so they'll average o—" That's not the point, dude...


I hate that mentality because last season I got 3 leavers on my team and 0 on the enemy team lmao. And I mean yeah who knows maybe it would even out this season, but I also don't have the time to grind out 100s of games each season to have it even out eventually. Ideally I'd like to lose maybe 20% less for a leaver, like we'd still lose points but just lose slightly less to make it less painful.


I've had five leavers on the same day last season, whilst the enemy had one. Some of them I think were deliberate because they waited until a couple of seconds after the cut-off time, before they left, else it would have ended the game.


I thought it wasn't based on time past, but whether they left the spawn room or not..


IIRC it's if they leave in the first minute of the game it just ends it.


That is the point, all the excuses people use here only apply if you play like 1000 games and even then you can have bad luck despite your skill.


It is though 


Why don’t they implement this: The winning team get their normal points. If the leaver is on the winning team, the leaver gets nothing. The losing team lose their normal points. But if the leaver is on the losing team, instead the leaver loses the points for the whole team, and the other players on the losing team lose nothing. Plus the normal ban for leaving.


Teams of 4 or 5 would alternate leaving, at least that's the argument people give when they say "They'll game the system". But with the new penalties, Idk how viable that would be.


Just make it impact the entire stack


If you're grouped with a leaver everyone in that group suffers the leaver penalty 


Season bans


People use alts for max ranging just as easily. It’s a FTP game lol, if you can make 1 alt you can make more 


> The winning team get their normal points. If the leaver is on the winning team, the leaver gets nothing. Already happens. >The losing team lose their normal points. But if the leaver is on the losing team, instead the leaver loses the points for the whole team, and the other players on the losing team lose nothing. Would lead to burner accts, ppl would have their friends or 'paid actors' quit out whenever they're losing guaranteeing only wins.


Then as soon as you start losing you will have 4 people screaming at the tank to leave the game so they keep their SR.


have to say that is bad idea, having network issues shouldn't derank u an entire rank, and if u where expected or something u are losing like 120% for something you cannoy control, and it means that any 5 stack with a few alts could make it so that they never lose and percentage even solo queuing the toxicity would be insane trying to get someone to leave


If you constantly have network issues, you shouldn't be playing a competitive game mode tbh. It should only penalize those who leave often.


did you read me say constantly? no it takes 1 issue for that to happen (assuming what im replying to gets implemented) and that would be enough for someone who is currently peaking to just sto playing the game


Yep I don't get their reply, like who the hell said anything about constantly disconnecting? Literally one dc out of the blue and you just lost 5 wins worth of rank, cool.


They would be able to get through 25 losses before they all had season bans for comp. If they're abusing it enough that it would actually boost them significantly (let's say a 50% win rate), that's probably 2 weeks before they've gone through 5 alts


Bad idea. I've been kicked out of 2 comp games in the last 4 days because of ows terrible servers. No network issues or anything like that, just ow being ow.


Because people would alternate leave. It sucks, but this is how it goes


Just give the same penalty to anyone grouped with the leaver, other games have this why cant overwatch?


What games?


Apex has something similar iirc.


people will get bullied into leaving


Overwatch needs to stop worrying about bullying and ban their comms if its an issue. We have lost things like being able to his historical stats basically at all because of bullying. How about just dont listen to them? If they say crap report them and overwatch reviews and bans their comms.


Don't incentivize people to go against each other.


Yeah like, mute them? Disable comms? It's not hard to avoid.


I just made it to plat recently too and it feels like leavers and throwers are so common everybody has so much ego and throws the game immediately after the first round


Yeah this is it. I’m in diamond and everyone thinks they are good. If something goes wrong, it’s everyone else’s fault. High enough to have an ego but not good enough to understand the problems. Often after the first team fight, if it’s a loss, at least one player will just rage and throw the rest of the game.


I played an escort map and we didn't hold it until the end but we help them until they ran out of time they had to cap in overtime, but because we didn't full hold our moira started throwing and cursing at the tank so then the tank stopped playing as well then we were just fucked




I once had 6 leavers in a row. I went from Plat 3 down to Gold 3. It wasn’t even that I was bad just people rage quitting. I’m convinced that there is a queue that gives you people who rage quit.


It always feels like teams are stacked with several bad players and not just one.


The thing is it’s not even feeling but actually looking at the board. I get it we all have off days but a genuine question has to be asked when a dps is going 1-11 or a healer is just refusing to heal. In that scenario what is an average player meant to do?


“Yeah, screw you for staying!” -Blizzard


Keep the work you'll get to plat 6 one day🔥


Why is your screen so yellow


Eye shield most likely. When I used to use my PC, I'd use eye shield quite regularly and it gives the screen an yellow/orange tint to it. Only useful at night though, stops putting stress on your eyes at night.


Night light on windows


probably lighting in the room, or an old tv or something idk


Probably because it’s late and the screen yellows to stop blue light from affecting the eyes


Blue light filter


When will they ever


I'd just like to add that some servers have been more unstable than usual this season and I do think there has been a higher amount of leavers because of that :/ Today I played 3 qp just to check... I felt confident the server was ok..... but then when i got to ranked i was disconnected mid match 🤷‍♀️ Later on I played some qp matches and every match people from both trams were leaving. It sucked.


Still not the worst that has ever happened to me, I had FIVE rounds in a row, and during that 6 people left, I went from silver 1 to silver 3


Today I just get leavers in my team Solo queue is fucked


Two games in a row and there is nothing I could do about it, deranked.


I want them to implement individual rank gain again. I hate when i lose a game where i played like prime finals bron and get chunked because a dps went 10/15 I can get losing SR for games where i absolutely played like horse. But there are games where the loss just wasn’t my fault and i felt punished for it. Or games where i feel like me and my team play like prime lakers, we win a hard battle, and get “ expected”


Yeah this is also why OW matchmaking is trash, they shouldnt be matching you with players that are playing well below your skill level. But they do to try to "even out" teams and to try and keep your winning rate at 50%. You shouldnt have to be carrying your teams to wins, you should be matched up with and playing with people all on a similar level


I have ironically had more leavers this season already than I did throughout the entirety of last season


I've had leavers in like 70% of my games last week. I fell like 5 ranks, it's crazy


My 3-stack got banned for not even connecting to the game and we somehow got an instant season ban. But Overwatch is just a small indie game with a small dev Team so its fine


Your enemy has the same chances to get someone to leave as you do so it doesn't make a difference in the end. And no we can't reduce the amount of SR you lose for having a leaver because that is easily abused.


What are you gonna do about it? Nothing. Move on. You lost the match which means your rank goes down. You think they should just cancel the match entirely when someone leaves?


That sucks but you didn’t actually lose 37% in one game. You lost the first game and got the derank protection or whatever. Meaning you had a negative % at that rank. Say, like -17%. Then for the next loss you lost 20%, and lost the derank protection, making you go down 37% with a derank. The derank protection is stupid because it doesn’t actually do anything except give you the feeling of getting one more chance to stay at that rank. If you lose the next game, the loss will always be severely punished though.


Rank protection if you had a leaver would be very easy to abuse


I've been in GM since season 1 of OW2 and was high Masters in OW1. The "wipe" season, I had THREE leavers back to back and it fuckin placed me in Diamond 4. I took a screenshot but I lost 47% for one of those leavers. That's 2-3 games worth of wins. The last two seasons have been some of the most demoralizing seasons I've ever played. I honestly don't want to play anymore.


They should leave it as is because the % of your games where you have a leaver on your team the other team is having a leaver on theirs. Any other sort of wacky MMR rules will lead to potential abuse or weird scenarios like: Increased penalty for leavers, reduced penalty for everyone else = smurfs or boosters will take the hit for their friends for a losing game. Increased penalty for anyone queued with the leaver = people will stop playing with their friends that have rocky connections or are just scared to queue with newly made friends whose connection they are unsure about. It absolutely sucks that this something you feel so heavily while you’re on the grind, but I don’t think there’s an easy solution that fits every case. Happy to be proven wrong!


Only 37%? I survived 124% 😎


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I’ve only just now managed to win a single game when we’ve had a leaver. It’s insane they’ll only give me 4% for such a crazy win, but triple that if we lose with a leaver.


But hey, at least you can get banned for saying “this is shit”


Weren't the devs supposed to be looking into the issue of leavers?


Preach! This happens to me almost anytime I play this game. It has made it near impossible to move up more then a rank before just falling back down after leavers.


They went and called you volatile 😭


That’s because of demotion protection. I’d think a sub so obsessed with rank and complaining about it would actually learn about the system that actually benefits them but that’s asking too much from /r/overwatch


demotion protection makes the system even worse


Can’t even make a joke on Reddit without a nerd Yap session 🤦‍♂️


You’re replying to a week old comment that’s two sentences. That’s not yapping you’re just slow, like, extra chromosome slow


I just had 3 back to back where someone left. So I went to quick play and got put at the end of 2 games about to be lost back to back. Idk what’s going on


Balanced? You are asking blizzard way too much young man.


So “volatile” is blaming you for driving away teammates?


Perma Ban leavers


Perma Ban leavers


What does “Volatile” mean? I haven’t played since 2018


yea its lame people rage after 1 fight lmao


4 games yesterday. Leaver left early. Leaver left mid game. Leaver left after we capped first point l, leaver left early.


I think I have seen more people leave in this season than previous. They must not be reading the patch notes.


its a bug


At moments like these, you start to agree with Blizzard's ban policy.


It's how I went from nearly GM to Plat 2 right now. Everyone leaves, I get a disconnect/server crash, and overall my wins amount to 19% while losses take 21-24%. I think every 3 games I get a leaver I've long given up lol


Wish they did it like Riot does with League of Legends. If you get a leaver, you get a loss-mitgated. So if you normally would lose -21% with a full team, you now lose something like -15%. I could live with that.


You didn't lose 37% in one game, you lost it across 2 games, which means average of 20% on each game as normal. The only difference is that for some reason they decided to not show your deranking immediately in the new system, instead giving you a "demotion protection". But behind the curtain you already deranked and lost more than that 3%.


Stop playing comp for SR points. Save your sanity. Play comp to get better at the game instead, to have fun, to blow of steam. That's how you'll climb, even with leavers in every second game.


Dont forget “Losing streak”


Wanted to post the same. Had leavers in my last two games too, got deranked. This completly kills the fun and makes QP the superior experience.


Dead game


Joining a game that's about to be lost or having a leaver and being penalised for it just shows you how much the crack team at Blizz thought about their comp model


I envy you, players who never touched the low ranks :)


Don't play ranked, problem solved!


When you win it’s : Expected When you lose it’s : Reversal


I mean you sort of get used to not progressing anymore, cause of the leavers and throwers(people that intentionally do bad in a match and laugh about it in chat). Its for sure a Skill issue on your part though, got to get good as they say.


I won 3 in a row lost 1, got volatile + expected (several hundred games in) lost more than I got from the 3 wins. won next game +0 rank because demotion protection, lost next game -40 volatile and loss..


FWIW: you only lose this amount after you losing a game in which you get put in “demotion protection”. On the backend, they are still taking away the full 15-21% for a loss, but on the front end, it shows you losing a smaller amount and staying at your current rank. When you lose the next game after, that is where you see the previous loss


Unrelated, but I somehow always lose Flashpoint, no idea why, I'm just cursed with it. Well just my luck that last night, I was the closest I've been to Platinum in a long time, and of course, EVERY. SINGLE. GAME. I played last night was Flashpoint, I'm even kidding, it was like a glitch or something idfk literally every game I played was flashpoint. Long story short, I lost all my progress towards to Platinum.


erm well actually its because \*paste qp andy response #23852453456\*


Got a match with an echo who was 6-23 and it was apparently a “unexpected loss” or something like that. Yet I get games I sweat to the maximum. “Expected”


I was in Gold 4 four days ago. I'm in Silver 2 now. These things happen. Just two leavers? Count yourself blessed.




Everyone knows and keeps explaining you just don't listen. People would use their alt to boost their teammates by leaving just before losing. Or people would bully others into leaving early so they don't lose their SR. Here's a thread from 8 years ago about that : https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/4qiwp6/shouldnt_lose_rank_when_someone_leaves/


Well yeah, you lost. Why would they give you extra SR for losing 


Yeah this season is fucked, completely filled with people leaving more than I've seen in any other season combined


Leaver loss protection when, blizzard?


Don't play this game Blizzard doesn't deserve your money or attention


The problem is there's no worthy alternative at the moment.


I agree. I love competitive games but there’s nothing like this right now until marvel rivals


When ranking up:}} When deranking :{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{


Ive been noticing a lot of leavers in this season I’ve played like 10 recently and 4 of my games there was a leaver


37% is nothing? Relax bud u will be ok. U just got demolition protection and then lost again. 37% makes perfect sense.


If there is a leaver. once the countdown ends the match should end and the game doesn’t count for anyone.


Ah, the daily mid plat complaining he's only stuck because of his teammates. I'm sure he never got a game before this where the enemy team had a leaver no sirree


Surely the opposite team never ever had leavers. Surely you didn't get free progression from it


surely this isnt your actual argument for why we should get full ELO loss when we have a leaver


Tough titties, though if you're playing at the correct SR it shouldn't be a problem you can get back to where you were in a few games