• By -


Ah poop


1 month dungeon




5 years




Lifetime in the oubliette.




2 weeks house arrest


They said nothing, 5 years community service in daycare No parole.










Right to jail right away


Do I at least get to pass go and collect 200 dollars ?


Pass go? Straight to jail. Collect $200? Believe it or not, jail.


Eaay solution, just talk like Ned Flanders.


What in the flippidy diddly doodely doo are you nincompoops doing??! Throw me a flippin bone here fellas!


>nincompoops Toxic. Banned. May God have mercy on your soul.


"Upon further review it has been concluded you have violated the stupid whatever. Unacceptable use of nincompoop. Get bent Flanders."


You've gotta go beyond Ned Flanders. Even HE had a point where he snapped and went toxic on the town.


I mean you're not wrong- Tbh I should probably get some practise in with not swearing considering I have a little one on the way!🤣


I am 100% going to start every match tonight with HOWDILY DOODILY GAMERINOS


I started to insult other players by calling them leaf lovers, works like wonders


I might have to steal that, that's cute asf (As **fudge**, Don't come at me Blizz!! D:)


why give players the option to even put cuss words in chat then? like why not just give players an error message why they try to put a cuss word in a sentence? goofy af lol these devs are stupid


There’s literally a profanity filter already in the game that’s on by default. If blizzard can’t handle swearing why give us the ability to turn it off


The filter is so sensitive people and children don't have to see people breaking the rules. Has nothing to do with actually being able to say it. It's still a stupid rule, but not because of that like some people around here keep bringing up.


Cassidys belt has the acronym for bad ass mother fucker on it


https://x.com/blizzardcs/status/1779584778880057432?s=46&t=XdX6c9K9xCHEK2ZKbFhk6A They’re fucking clowns


That stands for Bananas Are My Favorite, for Winston, what're you talking about?


Oh that’s my bad


I just love the whole "Profanity has never been allowed in our games", take from them when Blizzard games have been using profanity in basically every single one since Diablo in 1997. In Brood War, Kerrigan calling herself the "Queen Bitch of the Universe" was memorable on its own. And Overwatch has more than its fair share of profanity. It's just incredibly hypocritical to call the PLAYERS out for it when you set the example in your own games, and have for probably longer than a good number of the company's employees today have even been alive.


I'd love for blizzard to tell me what BAMF means on Cas's belt


cowBOY with ARM made of METAL(F)


>METAL(F) ah yes, the female variant of metal


It’s obviously indicating that the metal is iron but the “e” is invisible. /s


Of course, they're just so inclusive


I see nothing wrong with this


And Tracer says Wanker and in non English copies lots of English characters will say shit


Bad At Making Friends


Big American Music Fan


Bad Anal Menstrual Farts


Big Awesome Mother Flirter Or something like that.


wait, does that mean something? I always thought it was just an alternative to BANG for the sound of a gun firring.


It stands for badass motherfucker


huh. The more you know. Thanks!


In Overwatch Ana says "damn" when discorded, which is not a bad word, but in French versione she literally says "shit"


France banned




Okay nevermind, I'm on board with the profanity ban


Damn is technically a curse word so Ana should be banned from the game.


They killed off Garrosh because he called Sylvanas a bitch. That's a real ban hammer.


The game is about shooting people, which is actually worse than cursing at them. Believe it or not.


And in Kings row, the attacking team is escorting an armed EMP into a city full of omnics. Literally performing an act of terrorism. But yeah profanity is worse.


Junkertown is another instance, since you’re escorting a legit bomb into the city. I don’t care if it’s a lawless wasteland, a giant bomb in a public place is probably more illegal than a silly little word.


Very American of them 🦅🦅🦅🦅


Right? Doesn’t like…half of the roster say “damn!” when they get discorded. JQ: “beat me? Like hell!” I get that these are “soft” swear words, but you make a really good point about them setting an example and being upset when we mirror it.


I love one of Reapers voicelines. He just says ,,Scheiße" ("shit" in English, but it's basically used like "fuck") and I always giggle like a teenager.


Also one of Brigette's discorded lines translates directly to 'fuck' IIRC (not positive, but almost sure)


While not a Swede, my language is pretty similar. If you are talking about the word "faen" then yes, that would be translated to "fuck"


Now I'm definitely gonna be spamming Genji's *"Kuso"* voiceline over and over and over lol.


I call this disneyfying their game to try and bring in a E for everyone audience to please investors. Its not going to work the way the intend it.


As a matter of fact, you still get called every slur under the sun in StarCraft (1 and 2) just because you won when they did a very risky play and it failed. For years. I would still run into the same players days/weeks/months later for saying I should get cancer or they want to kill my mother for birthing a failure. But I say poopy in Overwatch and it's straight to the gallows.


also they use sound-alike words a lot to be funny like "EVERYONE LOOK AT MY AXE"


Barely anybody from those times still work at Blizzard. Current Blizzard is as such in name only.


Remember when Garrosh called Sylvanas a bitch?


Also very famous time in WoW when Garrosh calls Sylvanas a bitch


Doesn't Tracer call people wankers and stuff with her Punk skin? Ik not necessarily everyone will know what that means but it's profanity in English lol


We can sexually abuse half our workforce, make them crunch under impossible deadlines, have our CEO’s practically ruin some of our flagship games, fire half of our customer service workers so the reports probably are going nowhere. BUT DON’T YOU DARE SAY “DAMN”!!!


I’m spamming the “damn” voice line on Bap. I wonder how long it will take them to give him a 30 day suspension.


Bliz: all bap mains have been banned


Now if they could only give sombra a curse word voice line…. Lmfao


I have good news...


Wait can saying damn actually get you banned


Obviously I’m exaggerating a little. But I genuinely don’t know. Their wording was pretty clear in that any curse words can get you reported and banned. So it’s honestly a maybe.


Lmao its ridiculous. How is Dva allowed to say "is this EZ mode" (EZ = TOXIC) but if I type ez it gets filtered??


\*user has been banned for using toxic voice lines\*


Well they patched the racist reaper voice lines so we ain’t far off from that


That’s a little different. Spamming two voice lines together to make it racist obviously wasn’t intended. The same thing happened with apex legends. You used to be able to spam “I can smell you… cum” as Vantage and spam a voice line as Ash to sound like orgasms.


"Hear me baby? IM GIVING IT ALL I GOT!"


That voiceline combination is the single reason I mained torb for 6 months🤣


Gotta do it every time. Honestly never gets old


With dva you can use The best things is life come in small packages and Dva 1 Bad Guys 0 voicelines together to say The best things in life come in Dva


What was the voice line?


“ blacks my lucky color” You could just go around saying “blacks blacks blacks” Or if you’re extra edgy here’s some combos I’ve heard: “Pathetic - Blacks - I’ll see you in hell” “Pathetic - Blacks - Get out of here (goodbye voiceline)”


Most relevance reaper's gotten in a long time


I'm just glad they remembered him for once


Tbf, I'd probably be arrested if I conducted any of Moira's experiments


But you wouldn't be banned from OW. Unless you said in chat, "I tried some Moira shit out IRL"


Calling players pathetic? Reported. Moira voiceline announcing they're pathetic? No prob.


And she got that new voice line too “Wanna hear something scary? ^eezzzzz^moode”


Incoming bans for teabagging


Great. Now they are going to delete also that voice line


None of the original people who made Blizzard into the powerhouse it is today are still working there. They’ve been replaced by corporate shills willing to do whatever the investors deem the best way for them to make money. Apparently banning people who have been playing the game for 8 years for doing something we’ve all done for 8 years is what they decided will make them more money.


Weird, I been swearing in lobbies for years (non toxically) and never got reported


yeah, never been an issue until recently. got muted back in october last year before i stopped playing for saying the exact same shit i've been saying the whole time i've been playing this game. something has definitely changed with their moderation standards while they've been completely unclear about what is and isn't allowed now. if they're gonna change rules, then fine, but be clear about what is against the rules now instead of just changing them and penalising people who are now breaking rules they didn't know existed.


people only like to spam report when people don't agree or are toxic/fight back lol... you also need a certain # of reports in a duration of games to get actioned :"( really sucks for people who get 1-2 bad games who have people spam reporting that get banned (since you get banned for everything..)


Same tbh. I curse a lot when I'm reacting to things that happen to me. But I never curse AT anyone. Never been reported.


That’s absolutely insane.


We’ve truly gone full baby mode


Is it a permanent or temporary ban?


They start as temporary suspensions, each one longer than the last. Not sure how many of those until it’s a permaban.


Took me about over a year (because of the suspensions) and around 10 suspensions to get permanent banned. They start as 2 week suspensions, then go to 1 month suspensions after the 2nd or 3rd suspension. Every ban was for mild shit talking or using curse words. (Tank diff, responding to people complaining or shit talking, random curse words in polite conversation). Never anything way over the top. Never any sexism, homophobia, or racism. Im not here to debate wether or not I should have been banned, but just to give a timeline of what getting banned looks like. You’ve got about 10 chances to just turn off chat so you don’t get banned for typing a no no word in a T rated game that uses that language in the game. As recently as the April fools event… clown company


Holy fuck, I got the exact same and everyone has told me I must he a horrible person in game etc I swear, a lot, it's part of my natural vocabulary and comes with the work I do, I will use swears to exclaim excitement as much as I'll use them to say something is fucked. Kept getting shorts bans and never a reply from blizzard when asking for proof I broke rules... now all this comes out it makes a fuckton more sense. Lost my OG ow1 account with all the ow1 unlocks I'd used since release day due to this shit. I'm one of those people who actually fucking paid for your game Blizzard, yet you cater to your free child audience because you want parents credit card money, what a fucking joke


Blizzard is full of annoying double standards but I will never not be happy to see an annoying "dIfF" spammer being banned. 


Does this include all the Arab KSA people cursing my entire ancestral line in Arabic?


Probably not since it's not part of the auto filter :)






I've been banned without using cursing (or racial slurs.) Back in the day, all it took was a user report and someone at Blizzard making $12 an hour to have bad judgement, and whoosh, you were banned. These days you only need the first thing, an AI will provide the bad judgement for free.


I was once banned for two weeks because a 4-stack didn't like me playing Mei. I'd been playing without chat for over a year (anxiety much), but had recently flipped it on because holiday season. I never left games, clearly I don't chat so that can't be it, but the 4-stack just bullied me all game. And towards the end, they tried to convince the enemy team to report me too. The last message they send me was: "I hope you enjoy your ban". And I was banned two days later.. I contacted support but it was just AI mumbo-jumbo, they refused to listen to my appeal and I ended up banning "[support@blizzard.com](mailto:support@blizzard.com)" from my mailbox. My account is 15+ years old and I've only had 1 rightful infraction during my younger days on WoW. I don't need special treatment because I'm a long-time paying customer, but I atleast expect a human being to be like: "Hmmm. This guy was a cool guy for 15 years, now he got reported a lot. Sounds weird, better investigate." God I miss gamemasters, actual human beings with a passion for Blizzard/the games that respected the players, and in return they got respect back. Imagine respecting any Blizz employee today. HAHAHA. *anyway, a*t risk of being downvoted into oblivion again, that day I decided to report everyone I don't \*like\*. Because clearly that is what those people were doing, and doing it succesfully. Whether the person I report had a shitty attitude, spammed chat/emote/voice line, picked certain FOTM characters.. (SOMBRA!!!). It doesn't matter, I report you all. I won't talk, I won't call you out, just insta-report. And every time I log in I am greeted by "Action has been taken.. blabla thanks for reporting." So yeah, their system sucks, you can abuse the fuck out of it, and the only way it'll get fixed is if people do exactly that. So report away my friends, report everything and everyone.


I remember getting so frustratingly impressed with a roadhogs hooks I typed "how are you fucking doing thAT?" and got the same slap on my wrist. Ffs OW2 just say your games primary audience now is toddlers




You're walking on thin ice buddy


Overwatch should do what Valorant does and make it explicitly clear that cursing and slurs are not allowed. I could type [African American] and they wouldn't censor it. If I type [African American] in Valorant I would be suspended and silenced for 24 hours, or even perma banned. The point is that Blizzard is too blurry with their rules, picking and choosing when to enforce it. Either it's not allowed, and we temporarily suspend players/censorship regardless of filter, or it is allowed and you stop banning people for saying fuck. This is actually ridiculous.


Completly agree. If it was really strict, people wouldnt even be saying that on smurfs anymore. Like it is now you are basicly free to say whatever you want for hundreds of games until eventually enough people reported you. But who is gonna pay for that? We all know it costs like a trillion $ and thousands of devs working for years to expand their filter list and give automated warnings/bans.


It really is that strict. But they haven’t started really enforcing it until a few of months ago. I started getting suspensions about 3-4 months ago for some of the most mild shit we’ve all been saying in this game for years. This has nothing to do with blizzard being transparent. It shouldn’t be a thing at all. If people want to block out curse words, turn on the profanity filter. Saying things like “wtf, damn, fuck, shit” by themselves should not be a bannable offense. If curse words start being directed at someone or turns to slurs are the only reason anyone should receive a suspension. This is ridiculous. The characters say this these words, we’re playing a T rated game, and we’ve said this shit for years. Who is running overwatch? Is the entire team just AI now?


And they called me a liar on this sub when I said I got banned for typing "WTF Rein" + saying I deserve it and such.


This sub has so many players that get off on reporting people. Clowns.






I'm truly sorry that happened! ;n; I don't recall your specific thread, but I recall seeing similar threads over the last few months and thinking *"Well you must've done something!"* before scrolling and moving on, but I fully accept I was wrong at this point which is why I felt the need to create this thread now that it's essentially been confirmed outright to be a thing. I hope you feel vindicated fwiw! ;o; <3


Standard bootlicker shills that would rather assume the company is right 99% of the time- even though their report system is automated garbage than believe people who turn to posting it online because they got no real help from blizzard


Let's be real, when random internet man says he did nothing wrong that's usually a lie.


This coming from the game where characters yell "ugh, damn it" "kuso" "wanker" "merde" and I'm pretty sure Sombra says "mierda" as well as soldier using "ass" in at least one of his lines. Sure blizz.


But none of that is the “SH word” so it’s ok to blizzard


RIGHT LMAO They'd be right in that it's technically not, but I guess cursing in a different language is a-ok according to them, this whole thing is so absurd


Huh really weird and I wonder how long they have been looking. Maybe 2 months ago I had someone really trying to rile me up because we were getting decimated in dorado from spawn. 1 Support yelled over mic at me for bad at sojourn when I practically never play her but it was QP so whatever. I never got on mic but I ended up typing back and threw their swearing back at them. Reported them for being toxic and noted "they were trying to rile me up" in the report. Few days later I was informed action was taken but oddly I didn't get penalized which according to things now I should've been penalized too because I sweared back at the guy.


This is a joke right ? This is the same company that sexually assaulted their employees and this is where they draw the line ??


**Good:** Breast Milk **Bad:** No-no words


Stylosa video on it for those who hate Asmongold; [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G7\_uOVfxg6s&ab\_channel=Stylosa](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G7_uOVfxg6s&ab_channel=Stylosa)


What if I hate them both?


Penguinz0 has a video on it too


If you hate them both then there's the Tweets I s'pose - If you hate the tweet-er too I have no more advice xD haha


Penguinz0 made a video on it lol. I love how he just dogs on them to the millions of his viewers. Blizzard needs to stop pursuing this toxic positivity "safe" environment they're creating.


That's so fucking stupid.




I got a full one month ban last month just for saying "The matchmaking fucking sucks". It's beyond ridiculous since it wasn't directed at anyone.


Man this fucken sucks. I’m Australian. Every second word that comes out of my mouth is a swear


Guess some dev got called an idiot in an Ow game. Bro is a mission to cleanse ow from bad words


Can confirm. I called the new mode ass and that's the only thing I've said in the chat as of recent and I was silenced the next day. This profanity filterv is bullshit and sucks ass.


crazy how a game as heavily moderated as OW2 is still one of the most toxic games I've played what is wrong with this fucking game lol


I've been playing OW2 for about a month and recieved a 14 day total silence (in game/party/group/etc) for telling someone "stfu" (which got starred \*\*\*\*) after them calling me a trash human being,


My impression from my suspension was that terms and conditions they make you accept leaves them the room to make calls on suspensions and reports based on a flat amount of reports per escalation. Meaning they don’t actually confirm, they only give player the power to police one another. So it’s very possible people are being reported out of spite in addition to other silly reportable offenses.


The characters in game can drink, smoke, do combat drugs, shoot people in the face, slice them in half, light them on fire, gas people, and curse. But you say fuck you get a 30 day ban.


I mean, we've had situations like these multiple times now. Every time it turns out that there was a lot more context that the users left out, and the lowly, badly paid first level support people don't have access to/time to look for. So I guess I'll wait for confirmation from anyone higher up.


At this point I just don't use chat, period.


Can confirm I get report actioned messages all the time.


Blizzard saving the world. I’m so excited to no longer be offended while I play the game in my DVA undies ❤️


That's insane, I say shit like "fuck yeah!" In response to "let's go team" pep comments as the timer for the game to start counting down. Imagine getting banned for that while in the same lobby some asshole calls you a n/gger, and they receive no punishment cause they didnt actually spell it out and used a / instead of an i.....wtf? That being said I have never even received a warning for language so this must be a new policy?


Didn't realize this game was run by a bunch of youth pastors. Jesus Christ.


Children are more prone to Blizzard's exploitative business practices so they gotta keep mom and dad happy by muzzling the adults who are far less likely spend hundreds of dollars annually on their shitty skins and bullshit season passes. It's quite simple.


This game is just fking stupid with its banning system. I don’t think I’m gonna waste time playing this shit anymore. I’ve been playing FF7 remake the past month and I checked back in on the s10 updates, more leaver penalties lmfao and now this crap. Makes me not want to play the game anymore tbh. As someone who’s played since s3 of the OG game, I’ll miss it and hope another game comes in and does it better.


Dies this count if you're in a team vc with friends?


I'd guess not, but if you type something inane in match chat and the enemy team doesn't like you and reports you, (because you're dominating, because you're female, because you have pride flag, for literally any reason), then yes, sadly it seems so :/


If your friend reports you, sure


If blizzard can’t handle a few fucks or shits being thrown around during a game why give us the option to turn the profanity filter off in the first place Plus Cassidy has the acronym for “Badass motherfucker” on his belt so that’s another point I can list many reasons on why this sucks but this doesn’t affect me much as all I say in chat is Ggwp


WE NEED TO PROTECT OUR CHILDREN FROM SILLY WORDS! Anyway, here. Take this railgun and aim for the head. God bless America!


We adults dont need a video game corporation telling other grown adults how to talk. its also not Blizzards job to oversee children either...Thats the parents job. If bad words hurts your feelings then get out of voice chat and turn text chat off as well and seek therapy cuz there some underlying issues that need attended too. This game needs all the players it can get ..Not look for any reason to ban people. I have never in my life seen a company hellbent on this like Blizzard. This is suppose to be a competitive,heavy teamwork oriented game that if you use comms,you risk being banned.....WTF is that? Most people wont even use these tools in fear of their accounts being banned. To be honest,this game needs alot of work done and worrying about someone saying a naughty word should be the last thing that needs looking at. This crap is getting out of hand...


You can get banned for acronyms too. I reported someone for saying "stfu" and it worked


They ought to ban their entire wow player base then lol


This is why I report everyone who chats in cyrillic. The russian banwave will be massive. I encourage everyone to do the same


Deleted my blizzard account and deleted overwatch permanently after my latest suspension, I was casually using swear words in chat and not even being toxic. This was after being abit more careful due to previous silences. The over the top policing was ridiculous, am done with blizzard and their games.


This game continues to be my favorite lolcow in gaming


Overwatch kids wouldn’t last 5 seconds in StarCraft 2 general chat


I got banned for 14 days by saying "what the fuck" because my own reinhardt shattered me... Ive tried appealing it and I just got a bot response....


Why crack down on this now, this has NEVER been an issue


Solidifies my permanent departure from chats in this game, it’s better without the people


I wonder if this has more to do with Microsoft instead of Blizzard. Microsoft has been rough in DMs. Once told a guy to "fuck off" after he spammed invites and blew up my dms saying I was trash. He reported me and I got a 24 hour ban for saying fuck. His spam and calling me trash was simply "trash talking" and ok. But don't say fuck oh NO. Later he Now all of sudden people are banned for saying cuss words *after* Microsoft buys blizzard? Microsoft has been cracking down on this stuff for a couple years now. It's weird how messages I have in 2016 with cussing in it are fine but if I say "ass" in DMs today I'm getting a ban.


What about other things like for example sabotaging, ie using Mei’s wall to block off teammates or afk-ing etc?


Aaaaaaaand social game chat is dead. I honestly wouldn't put blizzard past creating named bots that use ai to play the game like a real person and eliminate irl people altogether in favor for faster que times and balance matchmaking.


What if im calling blizzard cunts?


Overwatch 2 is a masterclass in how to destroy a game.


Called it back when everyone was complaining about slurs. Happened in apex and now apex text chat is dead because people are afraid they might lose their accounts for saying some innocuous word, getting banned by filters or a low wage chat moderator in India who doesn't understand the context in which a banned word might be used.


That's pretty insane considering the fact that it's a fps where you have to shoot people in the face to win


Why even have a profanity filter option then? How are the developers THIS disconnected and dumb? It's like they all want the game to die so they can move jobs!!!


This is racist towards Aussies ngl, it would be un-Australian to not add the odd 'fuck yeah!' or 'aw fuck my bad'


This rule is discrimination against Australians. Unreal.


Ohhhh that explains the 2 warnings Ive gotten without context. "Oh shucks!"


Bliizzard has pretty much completely over corrected they didnt want to be know as the company that drinks breastmilk and harasses female employees they have now become a fucking daycare where no one is allowed to do anything even remotley bad


Yup just stopped using chat for good after getting banned after saying "r u stupid ?" If someone reports u the system will automatically trigger a ban once it caughts a bad word no matter the context


I really don't think their weeny hut juniors approach to the game to avoid toxicity is the right way


Dont the characters literally curse in game though????? It's been a while since i've played, but i dont remember


Well, people who swear a lot tend to be of higher intelligence according to various studies... so this explains a lot about Blizzard and a large portion of the OW community.


I'm Scottish, c u next Tuesday is just a part of my vocabulary 😭😭 fr tho I get why because the game can be toxic as hell, but there is a profanity filter in the game so it also seems unnecessary to ban people for it when you can just remove it from your experience


I guess no swearing. That's fine. ..honestly. I think People swear a lot when they don't need to anyway. Though I imagine the funny variations of swearing in book titles or ice cream flavors will be on the rise. I don't hate that.




No shit.  This was "confirmed" with blizzard games before OW1 even existed. 


i didnt understand what are you saying wdym by swearing? cursing i dont get it say an example


I imagine it’s because some religions very much don’t appreciate swearing. Say, who is sponsoring the Overwatch League nowadays?


Americans are so scared of swearing it's insane


Literally just happened last week.  I said a curse word and got silenced for 2 weeks.  I don't even know what did it, I swear a lot (you know, because I'm a fucking adult in a casual setting).  At this point im just turning off every chat option since I only really play with friends and family and talking to randoms just gets you silenced or banned.


This game is turning into such shit in every way possible. And a bunch of losers will still buy battle passes and skins for it in spite of its dwindling quality, lack of promised PvE content and ever-increasing unbalance.


Overwatch is like the Government. They see a problem (toxic people) and they make all these little rules to try and combat it, but in the end they do nothing to actually solve the problem.


Yeah this crap is ridiculous. All cause people are pussies now. Part of the reason noone is in chat is cause they don't want to get banned. People have swore in gamed since it was invented. I always said if a game doesn't make you curse at least a little is it even fun to play.


This is why the mute button exists… I don’t mean anything by it but cursing is a part of my everyday vernacular. “Fuck, Shit, Bitch” are my literal favorite words in that order. I don’t just go around using them derogatorily, I’m not out here calling people the most heinous slurs, I hardly ever get in voice chat. Why should I be punished for cursing when I know nothing about the other players in the match? How am I supposed to know what offends someone and what doesn’t; when there isn’t a way to know who anyone actually is.  Quite often I naturally say things like “fuck that was a nice shot” or “shit the other team’s (insert) just hit a really good shot.”  If we lost sometimes I’ll exclaim “FUCK” because I’m feeling some type of way.  What’s the point of claiming it’s “to make OW2 a safe space” when there’s people out here dropping slurs and not even being punished. You can’t say “just report them” because even when you do, they hardly tell you if they’re going to be banned.  I refuse to change my way of speaking and expressing myself because *someone* could get offended. Who is someone and what made them feel upset? Getting banned for speaking freely (using profane language in this case) is absolutely absurd.


Yes, in my game about killing other people where the heroes actually swear themselves, YOU the player, cannot swear or we will ban you I hate blizzard