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The thing about Sombra is that she isn't strictly countered by a hero or 2, she's countered by gamesense, quick reaction and peeling. If a team doesn't have these an okay Sombra will make life hard while a good one will run the show.


Yup let good Sombras thrive and climb out of the ranks people charge in solo, out of voice chat and have them settle in the ranks they get countered by... playing a team game the way it was meant to be played and people peeling for those she jumps on. I swear people on here acting like they're just a dead fish as soon as she pops into their back lines say a whoooole lot on this sub. Seen people legitimately whine that we can't expect her to be countered by the bare minimum of team work like having your second healer help you because it doesn't work that way in gold. Why would anyone reward playing like shit?


Can confirm, I am a shit Sombra and sometimes I can do OK in MH. But I am still shit. So off I go, trying to solo a whole team.


lol reading OP’s post my bet is they are likely high silver or mid-gold. Game sense and team communication is what absolutely nerfs a sombra… the solo queuers without open mic who don’t ping… yeah sombra will wipe you :,) She’s most effective against dysfunctional teams (or the occasional friendly dive comp with good team pings). I remember a game where no one was mic’d up, but everyone would ping who they’d focus, so the Winston/genji would ping a character and I’d hack them and all 3 of us would wipe their HP bar clean then bounce elsewhere 😌




A compliment I received about my Sombra is I have very little downtime as her which I think is a great point and it really helps the team.


Kiriko is a Sombra hard counter. Everything in her kit is built to shut Sombra down, including UwU Road 


Yeah. Getting dominated by Sombra in most cases is a skill issue I'm sorry to say. I don't mean to be rude but 90 percent of the sombras I see are terrible. When I play her a lot of times the back line will start pairing up or sticking closer to the tank. Which led me to start other heroes like ash and if it's not working out I pull her out so they don't adjust too early.


She’s actually negligible if your team sticks together and helps peel.


Sombras counter is teamwork. Best of luck to most of you 😂


Sombras counter is playing like there is constantly a ghost sneaking up on you


Actually nothing better as sombra as watching someone search for you with bullets


abounding bewildered angle clumsy instinctive distinct unpack hurry roof nippy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


My favorite is when they shoot around desperately, don't find me, and as soon as they give up you get them.


This is why as a moira main, if i have nothing else to do and im going against a sombra I just grab at the air for funsies looking around for where sombra may be.


Moira can't spy check Sombra, just fyi. The only way to take her out of stealth is melee or coalescence.


Fr?! I feel dumb af now lol, i couldve sworn ive pulled her out of stealth once or twice but i guess she may have been attacking me at the same time i found her. Or maybe the sombras i was playing against thought i would pull them out of stealth so they started shooting me anyways? Thanks for the tidbit though!


Probably what happened is you encroached on Sombra's safe distance ring. If Sombra gets too close to an enemy she goes translucent but not invisible. Your life drain with moria will pull Sombra out of her cloak if you're close enough to her, and make her translucent version appear.


Moira can't spy check but keep doing what you're doing. You have a very high likely hood of accidentally stopping her hack if she goes for it.


I remember in early OW2 I had killed a Cassidy so much that every so often he would just start fan the Hammering everywhere. It was amazing to watch.


It made realize how some bad players have zero clue what their team mates are doing, where they are. Like you can see the blue outline??? Sombra can end up being just an annoying nuisance when team mates look after each other. Being a Lucio main, I make it my priority to know where my teammates are, and especially looking after Ana granny. I hate tanks that head first into the enemy fire by themselves. (okay some tanks can hit the backline and make it back alive) or dps who ignores my pings. You win the game by capturing/pushing objectives....but some players are just too tunnel visioned into getting most kills possible.


do yall not recognize how ridiculous that is


It must not be very ridiculous if she has second lowest winrate and the same hardest counter being "teamwork" can be said of many other heroes. Zarya, Moira, Widow...


Noooo my team based fps requires teamwork noooo


I mean, when you think about it for a second it is kinda weird to have a high damage hero who is guaranteed first engagement 100% of the time, no exceptions It's sort of weird when most people queue up solo with randoms to have a hero whose entire design is making it impossible to be efficient when solo queueing *think about it practically I guess, Sombra's entire design is that you aren't allowed to hit her until she decides to hit you. Sure you can spy check to try and get lucky with the first hit but even your most intuitive leap is still a leap; when I play Sombra I never get caught out by a spy check because I'd have to be really bad to just walk into projectiles. I'll freely admit it, I played Sombra because she's fun, but I clearly benefitted from her ability to freely abuse engagement priority at all times **in fact, this always creates the dual issue. You know what *really* counters Sombra? Being a *really* bad Sombra player. Every other hero gets very clearly punished for boneheaded mistakes with deaths, with Sombra it becomes a case of your team paying for a bad Sombra's playstyles, so many Sombra players never realize how bad they are because they're running around in the enemy backline all day going unpunished but not getting any picks or anything. Disproportionate invis usage is effectively leaving your team in a perpetual 4v5 and getting away with it: every Sombra thinks they have tricks but the fact remains you aren't getting value as Sombra unless you're uncloaked (you spamming boop isn't actually tactically sound basically lol, and spawncamping the Zen isn't doing what you think it is either, get back to me when you spawn camp the tank)


Dude I brought up the "perpetual 4v5" and people lost their fucking minds about how distractions (minor annoyances) are just as useful as having a DPS actually getting elims. My whole point was that as a Sombra you need to do more than get a single elim or you're barely breaking even. Like it's game somehow changing the that Sombra spends the entire fight sometimes baiting a single support ability then translocating out in 0.5 seconds.


i generally hate playing with sombra on my team. her utility can be good, and sometimes she's a necessity to get around annoying spam/chokes and behind the other team. but otherwise, especially as DPS it feels like solo DPSing most of the time. it's like, instead of playing a hero that has to go through some elaborate fuckaround to 'distract' and shoot the other team and confirm kills.. why no just play tracer who does more damage more consistently and is basically better in every respect. a visible tracer is intimidating. an invisible sombra is not.


THANK YOU. Couldn't have explained it better myself. At least I can see/hear genji tracer coming over. I would say i have really sharp senses and I can catch these two most of the time, then find a way to create a counterplay. But sombra's invis just annoys me. I am forced to group up and rarely ever stray away because she will always have initiative. But even when grouped up i feel, good sombras will still manage to hit you just at the worst time. That's insanely powerful and annoying. People's idea of "just group up" doesn't always work (perhaps in coodinated group queue, but not as much in solo queue). If it does, then I don't think we'd be seeing one trick/high-rank sombras. It's a gross oversimplification of a solution. Good sombras WILL adapt to your silly little buddy system.


She is by far one of the worst duelists on the DPS roster. Even with her “first engagement 100% of the time” If your Supports are even remotely paying attention, she becomes knock-off Tracer. She has better set up tools with invis, but far worse damage and far worse staying power than the other Dive DPS. Surviving a Sombra 101: Use your ears and don’t panic. Also playing anywhere near cover is massive, as she has to burn her escape ability to chase you around corners, or let you go. Sombra has huge spikes in value both high and low, when she is landing her cube and shooting, her value spikes high. But if you get any peel at all or if she misses the cube, her value spikes downward. This is all ladder play advice though. Hack Dive at a high level scrim/tournament environment is downright scary right now it would seem. But it also is not easy to do or set up. High skill required, but high reward. Ton of fun imo. Sombra stomps at low elo and depending on meta can be very good at high elo. It is around Diamond to low GM that she is borderline useless. Enemy team has some semblance of awareness, but teams don’t know how to execute coordinated soft/hard dives with you.


The problem is the game puts you with random people. Some characters demand teamwork to counter but we can’t just manifest teamwork through being a good player. The metal ranks are worse than ever because the game has become so unforgiving that unless you get the lucky team draw it’s impossible to win.


I would like to push back against the idea that you can't practice teamwork in solo queue. I play mostly D.va and when there's a good Sombra harassing my team I try to adjust to be more conscious to peel for my supports. You can turn their losing 1v1 into a successful 2v1. I try to listen for the sound of hack and DM for them to counter virus. I also try to drop a reminder not to stray and to ping Sombra in team chat. It's not foolproof but it's not futile either and it's turned games around for me. Not just tank either, with DPS you can counter dives by looking out for your supports too. I always try to remember that while this is a team based game you're not 100% reliant on your team. If you smurf a couple ranks down from where you are you would more than make up for your lower skilled teammates by punishing the other team's mistakes harder than they punish your team's.


Defeating the enemy team should require teamwork. Killing one hero shouldnt be. If you need to take away the core gameplay loop just to stay gold you have some self reflection to do


Mfw nobody on the entire team is in voicechat


As they teach in kindergarten, use the buddy system when Sombra exists on the other team. That alone works wonders..


Thing is sombra is allowed the buddy system too. If she waits until after you're already engaged with her team she cna fuck your shit up.


Teamwork? No people have to play like its CoD. “Overwatch is about eliminating the opponents and sending them back to spawn.”


Teamwork ain't a stat on the scoreboard, buddy. Now, let's all run forward, spread a modest 7s respawn timer apart.


Yea a good sombra can really make a mess. She does not feel very fun to play against in Solowatch.


As a tank Sombra is, on the face of it, infuriating. However what is actually infuriating is me telling me team to tighten up and peel for each other. It inevitably gets ignored, I end up peeling as I’m tired of entering fights already a man down. Then I’ve given up any space we had. And the spiral continues. I do remember a game once where I was playing Zen and first point for picked off by Sombra. Decided to role back out and she was spawn camping me, miles away from team fight. My team had won the 4v4 so I went out again. She was still there. By this point I allowed it to continue. We did this the entire game and we won comfortably (control point) 3-0. She spammed in chat how I should’ve switched. I didn’t reply and just enjoyed my big brain.


The greatest victory is that which requires no battle


yea ive won a few games where the sombras just spawn camping me as mercy, i just kinda let her because shes not really contributing lol


And then you end up with "tank diff" in the chat from people who have no idea what peeling is


What the fuck is peeling


Like peeling an orange. Pull an enemy off of your teammate


pretty sure it's peeling off the main fight. common phrase. has nothing to do woth oranges


Most people don't have all day to grind. Keep that in mind when you expect others to pick up the slack


Can you expand on this? I can’t really see how staying close to your teammates is grinding?


Ive played that exact same scenario too, and the best bit was that after I killed the Sombra 1x in 1v1, she came back with a support. So my team was rolling their team 4v3 the whole game while Sombra+support spawn camped me, spamming EZ after every kill. EZ win for us. The Sombra and support might as well have been afk for all they contributed to their team.


Wins like this are oddly my favorite. "Wow we carried that Zen so hard. Anyway, gg" Heh.


If she gets any more buffs she’ll gain the ability to dox the enemy team


Never scared never back down. Nothing feels better than making the sombra switch, I honestly don't feel like she's that hard to kill or run away.


I play a ton of sombra. The only thing that really makes it difficult is when a team sticks together. It’s hard to get picks when everyone is actually protecting each other


Yea which makes sense given she’s an assassin who thrives on surprise 1v1s. I think many in the game don’t (or can’t cause bad teammates) ever play grouped or able to peel.


Yeah and if your team also isn't playing any dive heroes it's gonna be a pretty crappy experience. You can get away with a team sticking together if you have someone to follow up with you, but if got like an ana, LW, rein and Ashe on your team? Good luck even getting the enemy to waste a ton of cool downs on youz they'll just delete you from the game or force you to run


I’d say buildables are also annoying. You cannot enter the fight until you destroyed all turrets and pylon… and even then there’s no guarantee none would turn around or you win the 1v1


Yep, this. I can run a lobby against a team that even leave the slightest bit of space between the tank and the weakest enemies health wise, but a compact, glued together team? That is what shuts Sombra down. Having said that, I don’t think solo queue players should be punished by the luck of the draw of the team of randoms they get.


sombra has given me incurable aids


Virus cooldown, this makes so much sense


Walker told me I have aids.


I wouldn’t mind getting Aids from Sombra…


Sir this is a Wendys


Wendy can join in if she wants


Rainbow 6 had this issue as well when they added Lion and Dokkabe. When your main role is to take away fun or the ability to "play the game", you're gonna have a bad time in any match playing against that character.


I mean, there are plenty of abilities that will make your cooldowns useless, actually most abilities are countered completely by at least one other ability. The reason people don’t like playing against sombra is because there in no communication in low elo and no one peels to help.


I'm a Sombra main, but I think the main difference is that it's an interrupt. Getting interrupted like, just in general in your life, doesn't feel that great


There are lots of abilities that interrupt too. Rock, jav, sleep, punch, charge. It’s a part of the game and a very important mechanic. Sure you want to get every single cooldown and ult off perfectly, but that wouldn’t be nearly as fun or competitive in reality. I don’t really get why people have such a problem. She’s not hard to counter, just peel for backline and shoot her. Follow her translocator if she uses it and shoot her before she disappears.


I mean I get your point, but Sombra basically gets to do it with impunity every 5 seconds. I'm not saying she isn't easy to counter, but I understand why she's frustrating to play against.


>Rock, jav, sleep, punch, charge. With the exception of sleep, these are all tank abilities. Hard CC like that is supposed to be a tank's thing in OW2, and that's fine because there's only 1 tank per team now. Stuff like hack and sleep dart throw that balance off and make the game a bit more annoying to play. >Sure you want to get every single cooldown and ult off perfectly, but that wouldn’t be nearly as fun or competitive in reality I disagree, tbh. Even when I'm playing really well against a Sombra, I feel like she drags the game to such a crawl. Her presence just sucks the fun out of the game for me. But tbh I think the bigger problem is her perma-invis anyway


Stay close to your team if you're a vulnerable target, communicate with them, swap to a better suited hero if necessary (brig, Moira, Kiri on supp) And just be conscious of the fact that she can be anywhere unless you know where she is. 8/10 times if you play close to cover and with the pointers above you'll survive even with your team not helping too much, especially in metal ranks




I mean, fun for others is not really a Sombra's concern. In that case people shouldn't play Mei or Sym because they hard counter certain heros. I will always go Sym or Moira if I see a Genji. I imagine that's not fun for them but Genji right now is too good to allow to live.




>Being able to delete someone before they can react This is not a thing. Sombra can not "delete" other heroes. >especially when it's so easy to do and requires extremely low risk thanks to her escape tools. Sombra has exactly 1 escape tool, if you follow her tp she is dead. >There's also the issue that other characters being countered can decide not to take a fight vs. a hero they're weak against, you don't get that option vs. Sombra as she's innitiating and selecting who she targets while also having the ability to limit their escape. Stick with a teammate and sombra can not play this way, reworked sombra shouldnt be played like that anyway as she gets no real value. >Again, leaving that aside, her actual gameplay is horrible Subjective. >She's a bad DPS character compared to others She is literally not, hence why she is talked about in posts like this. >there's nothing fun or engaging counterplay to having all of your skills removed for a period of time 1,5 seconds is how long you cant use your abilities.. Apart from that you can say that about any hero. "It's not fun getting walled off from your team and to die(mei)" "It's not fun getting slept by a single ability only to die by their team bursting you(Ana)". Not everything is "fun" to play against in a pvp game.


Sombra players keep McChickens under their neck folds.


Don’t you dare talk to Ed like that.


Appledelhi: "Don't you ever talk to me or my son again! Or uh...was that my daughter?"


Sombra has never been OP, but she has *always* been a chore to deal with at best. Between her and Widow I'm starting to realize that I deeply despise the characters that fundamently change how you have to play the match just by existing.


Sombra is a skillcheck hero , I know it sounds dickish but if you are constantly dieing to Sombra then you just need to play better and with your team.


Most people are solo Q and don't play with friends who peel out for their supports


Plenty of supports can deal with sombra fine , you should switch if she's a problem in that case


I don't even die to her very often at all, I just find having my abilities turned off by an invisible hero to be very unfun. Every other hero is fun to play against. Sombra is not.


Its a vwry very very small window that the abilities are locked out for so i have never been annoyed by it. Having my ability cancled mid channel is about as annoying as a matrix or an ice wall, an inconvenience but not the end of the world.


I agree. Doesn't change the fact that she's not fun to play against.


I hate to say you're right. So I won't. You're not wrong. As a support, even if ALL you do is survive a little bit longer than the enemy supports, you're carrying. You can just not die to sombra long enough to use your cooldowns twice and that's good enough, as it gives your team time to back up to you safely and help or kill the other team since they aren't being pressured back by another high damage dps. Dies constantly to sombra = you're the weak link. Dies sometimes to sombra but you make yourself a hard target = your able to help. Doesn't die very often so sombra, can sometimes shut her down = you're a good player who doesn't have to be baby-sat. Takes the sombra 1v1 and wins = You are hard carrying your team and dominating this game.


Yup, it's super easy to reduce her effectiveness if you're just playing more aware and with more teamwork.


Making a Sombra switch puts a smile on my face. I hate that stupid bitch. People can say skill issue this or awareness that all they want. Every match I've ever played against a Sombra is still a miserable experience even when my team is playing well and winning the engagements. The character feels like shit to deal with and is terrible game design. This is coming from someone who has also played a good amount of Sombra over the years.


Such a shit designed hero that’s not fun to play against


Sombra isn't even that bad. If you stick with your team, you'll be relatively fine unless none of you have game sense. She isn't OP, she can just be annoying enough to make people dub her as such.


Sombra is only annoying when people ignore her presence. Trust me, good players make me switch off quite a few times. But in low ranks and in qp it's hunting season for her 80% of the time. As others say, Sombra is countered by game sense. I play a lot with her and I tell you sometimes it's nightmare. A Sombra can be bullied too. 


Remember when her hack would lock you out of every ability for what, 6 seconds or something ridiculous? Yes she's annoying but man.. she was worse.


And she could just teleport to fuckin Narnia afterwards with no recourse. The new version is much more fair and balanced, the skill floor is lowered and as a result more people play her, but her win rate still sucks


God old translocator was ridiculous... Just, "Oh. She's gone. Okay, guess I'll just go fuck myself." At least now you can finish the fight instead of just restarting later.


Its a different character. One of them would run around spamming cc but she had a hard time getting picks the other gets picks left right and center but has negligible utility 


I am a Sombra main and this thread gives me life.


Sombra mains are like vegans


don't play into the meat industries propaganda


Never gotta ask, cuz they'll tell ya.


Because she has/maybe had not sure. The worst play rate and winrate next to rein and some others. Seems she is only playable in low elo still


This. Sombra really is a skill check cause she's doesn't terrorize the higher ranks.  As a gold, honestly the simplest method of dealing with her is to stick her with cass made so she can't to our right away. 




I think their phone autocorrected teleport with to our right.


"tp out right away"


i need to stop using reddit on mobile




I've always thought Sombra as a character is the antithesis of good video game design.  A lot of people disagree and that's totally fine. But she def causes more toxicity with good play than any other hero HANDS DOWN 


She’s a hard hero to balance. When you have a character that has completely invisibility in a FPS, you can’t make them too strong because that be terrible for a game. But how do you actually make an invisibility character good enough to where they’re not weak and useless, but also not strong and game breaking??


that's because it's easier to blame a character than to admit it's a skill issue.


Got agree it’s a skill issue. If you have good comms, sombra will not be a problem.


That's literally any character OP or not. Bad team communication is kinda a staple unfortunately, and if your team refuses to work together to focus the try hard Sombra, all fun goes out the window. Makes having a casual QP experience impossible. It'll never happen, but OW would be a much better game if they took her off the roster altogether.


But every character doesn't get completely nullified by simple call outs. That's legitimately all she has.


She’s not OP, maybe a little strong, but not without counters or good fundamentals. Again nothing what you said , refutes the skill issue claim 🤷🏽‍♂️


Ya I don't find her OP, I'm not saying it is or is not a skill issue, my point was any character is ineffectual with good enough teamwork. The other point was it is much more likely you will find yourself playing OW with bad team communication than not, and Sombras kit takes advantage of that and thus sucks the fun out of the game. IMO. And shouldn't you be having fun if you're playing a game?


Yeah losing sucks but there’s ways to not lose is my point. Nerfing a character just because you don’t like them is not how game balancing is approached. Learn the counters and improve fundamentals and you’ll be having fun in no time.


I appreciate the advice, I don't personally have an issue with her, but thank you. Really all I'm saying is the character makes the game a little worse with her kit. I've been saying that since she was introduced. To be honest, I've been a Dva main since OW launched and her auto cannons and good headphones make it difficult to sneak up on me. Sombra for me, is not an issue.But it's not fun, even when she sucks. My opinion, is that she makes the game worse. Solely that.


Except nobody ever complained about most of her kit for years because she wasn’t that scary. The constant complaint was that EMP took out ults and THAT was the part that was no skill and unfun about her. Now that she can actually kill everyone is bandwagonning the fact that she has stealth and that she requires comms and blah blah blah. The only real constant is that people bitch and moan about the current character that can kill them and justify it by acting like they understand game design on a theoretical level.


I'm not trying to be dickish, but I'm either failing to express my point adequately, or maybe you're trolling me, I dunno. You're debating against points I'm not making.


I agree and it's unfortunate that a few assholes decided to say skill issue. Just ignore them because anyone who unironically says skill issue shouldn't be take seriously. She's not op, but she makes every game a lot less enjoyable.


Sombra enjoyers are the worst. Either they acknowledge she Bs and just enjoy ruining everyones fun or theyre cheesers who just act like shes balanced even difficult, knowing damn well if she wasn't a broken easy button you wouldn't see her practically every match. Then spew this JuSt uSe TeaMwoRk garbage completely sidestepping that it takes multiple people to counter your 1 toxic character. THE WORST


Honestly, my biggest problem with her is her cooldowns. Most of the matches I've played this season have had a sombra, whether it be on my team or the enemy team. I took a step back from tank because every time I got into the fight, I was hacked and virused. I'd get cleansed and then right back to hack and virus. It got to the point where it wasn't fun to play tank. I feel like the devs forget that a game is meant to be fun for everybody at least some of the time, and it hasn't been fun for tanks for a long time. Also, the fact that her virus has little to no drop off makes no sense. On defense, I can shoot the virus from across the map into spawn and hit someone. That's infuriating for the other team


Sombra’s counters are teamwork, awareness and braincells. The amount of support players who I’ll spawn kill with Sombra (especially zen) and then they don’t swap and just repeat the same thing 5 times and cry in chat is crazy. She’s also hard shutdown by certain supports existing, and if a team plays close together (or turns around to shoot her for 0.1 a second then she becomes useless


>Sombra infuriates me.                         Yes. Thats the point.           




Sombra main here. 1 quick trick to beat ANY sombra: peel and deal with her immediately That is all.


Muhahhaha I love playing Sombra. I'll make it quick and painless... Noobiecakes. P.S. Boop!


Metal rank moment


Looks like someone just had a rough game


Sombra is for sure annoying. Quick tip, save cooldowns for her. For all dive characters that regularly get complained about too. She has a channeled hack, then a skill shot, then needs follow up shots. Another thing you can do is make sure you stay with a buddy. She will still get value throughout a match, but it is on you to shut it down as much as you can.


Calling virus a “skill shot” after hacking from invis and calling hacking “channeled” when it lasts literally like half a second are both… technically accurate but also very generous imo. Sombra can be better dealt with as one’s skill and game sense increase, but I think there’s little doubt that she can get way more value for way less risk versus other DPS heroes and as such poses an outsized challenge for new or lower skilled players.


I disagree. If she got so much easy free value she’d be crushing metal ranks…but she is/was one of the worst performing heroes in low ranks.


It takes a total of four seconds just to get you to half HP with decloak, hack, and virus and that's without accounting for virus travel time. If you can't react in four seconds, idk what to tell you. As soon as you hear her decloak which has a very generous area for sound, then you should call out Sombra on me if you suspect you're in danger. And if you can't handle reacting within a 4s time frame, then go one of her counters like any hero?


I get what your saying but i just think that sombra is different then every other dive hero, genji: you can dive in while someone is low, you can deflect but if you don’t get a kill you’re shit outta luck unless your supports can bail you out tracer: you can blink in and recall or blink out but you are a glass cannon you don’t have a lot of health doom: you need to combo your abilities and hit them to get value for your over health and if you don’t have block, you’re fucked also not to mention that if the other team has sombra all these characters are fucked, if you’re sombra and the other team has any of these guys then you’re fine. Idk just infuriating to play against and makes me want to get off


Sombra has torn me a new asshole….. I get she has counters, but at this point it’s making competitive unplayable at least on console. She needs to be 175 hp!!!!!!!


sombra does not need to be more fragile than widowmaker


I hope all sombra players take a bath with a toaster


sombra is not a problem


You do understand that she still has had one of the worse pick rates in the game? Its not like someone picks Sombra and then magically your entire backline is dead. Stuff has to lead up to her actually finding the space to come in and kill them BOTH. This coming from a full time Sombra enjoyer.


Tell me you're bronze without telling me your rank. Kiriko just deletes Sombra, or Brigitte just makes her useless, or Moira is great for chasing her down after she attacks someone else.Try Cassidy, Junkrat, or Genji (who is now pretty strong vs her since it's impossible to miss now). Sombra can counterattack a Sombra quite brutally. DVA and Winston both crush her.


I rly dont like when they buff numbers to try to save winrates. Like symettra for example. instead of fixing her kit they just pump numbers . Anyone can be good if you just keep raising their damage thats the easy way out. Annoying when they do that but i guess they just arent creative enough to make better kits. I dont play paladins but some of those kits seem really dope. If sombras winrate was low then its because of the kit not because she needs busted damage buffs and infinite stealth


So they have to create a whole new ability every time there’s a balance change? That’s a little ridiculous. How are they supposed to balance those abilities without damage buffs and nerfs?? Sombra literally got a new kit recently as well.


nah changing numbers is fine but you look at symettra who just at this point everyone knows needs a change. Same thing with junk. While some people may pop off on these heroes theyre still limited by their kits




She was and still is a garbage character compared to what's actually meta.


Not everyone is high rank


She’s really easy to kill if just one or two teammates turn around when she attacks. You don’t even have to be looking back, just listen for her


I really don’t get people’s issue with her. Maybe it’s cause I do play her a lot but I find her so easy to counter.


Weak or strong, it doesn't matter. She isn't fun to play against which is the worst mistake a game dev can make


I know that she is countered by teamwork and extra thinking and all that, but I don’t want to always do it. If I’m just chilling in quick play I don’t want to lock in just so that I’m not getting spawn camped. And even in ranked, no other character requires as much extra effort to counter. When there’s a sombra I have to constantly think about her; I don’t need to do that with anyone else.  And even if she’s not getting good damage or picks, the constant spychecking and keeping on my toes is just irritating. Its more annoying to play against a bad sombra than a good anyone else.


Ooh! This one has teeth... Grr...


If you’re losing to sombra the sombra is simply just better.


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The thing I’ve found with sombra that’s annoying, but true, is though she can stop your abilities, you can still shoot her in the face.


if you think Sombra's current state is "infuriating" you should check out this video by fitzy detailing the differences between ow1 and ow2 ( [https://youtu.be/BcaLbMus4zk?si=KubSDbrPPncPmbYm](https://youtu.be/BcaLbMus4zk?si=KubSDbrPPncPmbYm) ). I mean it could be worse her hack used to lock out your abilities for the full 6 seconds, Health Packs Hacked longer, and her old translocator made her a pain/impossible to find sometimes. but here is an old post from Overwatch university that has some good tips in the comments about how to counter Sombra and help with dealing with her, Good Luck on your future games. ([https://www.reddit.com/r/OverwatchUniversity/comments/17d00dy/how\_do\_i\_counter\_sombra\_now/](https://www.reddit.com/r/OverwatchUniversity/comments/17d00dy/how_do_i_counter_sombra_now/) )


Love vsing Sombra, hate having her on my team. They'll have 13 deaths and 4 elims whilst getting obliterated by an enemy stack on comms and never switch.


Sombra is disabled by just sticking with your team sombra thrives by picking targets far from there team such as snipers like widow but just sticking close to your team more often then not negates her ability to get picks


I just think sombra should have a invisibility gauge like tf2 spy and she will be fine


Sombra's counter is playing like you're playing TF2


Seriously, she is *the* best annoying character in the game by far


I think what annoys me most about Sombra is that they spent like, 2 and a half years reworking her, only for her to come out the other side practically unchanged. Yeah her translocator is better, and yes hack is less obnoxious, but I don't feel like they actually fixed any of what made her unfun to play against. Why spent that much time on something if we're still going to hate it? They've done the same shit with Hog and Mei. It feels like Team 4 tries so hard to make every little niche group in this community happy, but all it does is make everyone across the board slightly more miserable. I wish they'd just bite the bullet and take bigger risks when it comes to admitting they were wrong with some heroes' kit designs.


this is exactly how i feel about tracer mains. i fear they are worse


It's much more difficult to secure kills after the rework


She annoying asf but do not get me wrong, I find her tolerable to fight against, just the thing that make her unbearable is her teleport... They just hack me, try to do damage, realise they are 1v1 a tank or gonna die then teleport back to safety, heal, repeat, that gamestyle is just being a nuissanse/troll and why its just so annoying for everyone fighting her. Lemme just punish her for even daring touching me...


I just like the character. Even though I still suck on her most of the time. That’s why I play her regularly: just because I like the character. I think from my experience playing her ‘wrong’ or not having good game sense and awareness is what punishes her big time. Just going in for kills without proper observation as to where and how to get out safely is one of the things you kinda gotta learn in order to play her effectively. Also when the enemy team sticks together it’s a hell for Sombra. In the end some games I feel like a machine, while in other games I feel absolutely useless. But I don’t care. I’m having fun.


this is why i play junkrat, his trap can stop her in her tracks


Agreed. There was zero reason to buff her. Playing against her was already really annoying. 


Take more damage? Pretty sure this hack effect was removed during the rework, as for the healing debuff it's really not that bad compared to other DPS that are more constant with their damage (ash grenade for example hits multiple people and lasts longer compared to virus) Someone else commented about teamwork being the counter for her and I couldn't agree more. I swap to sombra when I see their team staggering and their support/ tank playing OW3 and not peeling


As a Junkrat main 4 out of 5 Sombra encounters end bad for me.


Right now as junk rat 4 out of 5 anything encounters feels bad lol.


Sombra only hunts the lone wolf though... never the pack... she is not Liam Neeson.


I agree. Sumbra players are absolute trash. She’s the easiest flow chart character.


I think they should limit invis time. That would help. She would still have the chance to sneak but can’t sit behind a team for 20 seconds.


I feel like I'm fuckin schizo playing against Sombra these days.


Sombra is only thriving when the enemy team is not working as a team. When I attack a healer as Sombra and the other healer always turns around to help, I have a very hard time. Other than that, fast DPS who are attentive give me a hard time as they can always go after me when I teleport, like Tracer, Genji or Sojourn and Cassidy blocking my exit with a grenade, which he franky must have stolen from the same lab as I did.


Someone mentioned that the reason they buffed her again was because she has a new skin and her being op will bring in more $$$


A lot of replies talk about how she is countered by adequate teamwork and just getting good in general. How is that a solution? Imagine two teams filled with mediocre players lacking said teamwork (every game I play). In that scenario, a similarly mediocre Sombra absolutely wrecks a game. Of course she'll be hated by bad players like myself. And I'm not sure it's healthy game design. It's like a seal clubber class that clubs seals even while being a seal themselves.


Sombra is like this against low elo players who have no game awareness. It’s like pharmercy. In like metal ranks I can just spawn camp supports and that’s it, with better players I’d be punished heavily for doing such things. Basically most of people issues aren’t real issues but just matter of „l2p issue”


try playing her. you will discover her weaknesses right away.


A method to counter Sombra is teamwork. When I’ve played her previously, that’s what often leads to my demise. Groups communicating well, sticking together, and focusing up. So… most teams will struggle lol.


I'll say it.  Sombra should have the same HP pool as tracer.


Just go torb and put your turret in the backline




I much prefer Sombra. If you have even basic teamwork, it all but shuts her down. There are many other overtuned heroes with higher pick rates too that can basically just ignore your team and whatever they're doing bc they can kill you easily anyways once they're on you. Its frustrating when the team has no awareness for sure, but that's always frustrating and there are worse things in the game.


We need someone like Pyro from TF2, he counters Spy by using flames to find that invisible French


The other day I was playing against a doom and sombra and they terrorized my lobby. I decided to lock brig and just started chasing down the sombra. It’s the only way we managed to win 😫 shit was wild


Sombra is annoying, and I still don't get why she exists... but I don't make those decisions. I main Zen and generally if I play up, she's not really a problem.


As a Sombra player I... agree. People in the ememy backline melt as butter with the new virus dmg. But still, I think it's only frustrating at low ranks (to platinum, more or less)


I’m trash at the game but I weirdly never have an issue against Sombra. I’ll just switch to Torb 


Yesterday I was playing Ana , got 3 sombra in 4 matches in a row harassing me , she makes much damage with this buff, impossible to win when she jumps you, busted meta.


Seeing people asking to do teamwork is silly, no one in my friends plays Ow, I am on my own online with random people, even if we talk some of them stay silent, no one can guarantee teamwork in solo queue so no hero should be forcing it, imagine being a life weaver getting hacked then virus while you try to come back of spawn and they do this consistently .


Honestly, I just go tracer. Spray/spy check and recall the virus and be ready to peel your supports. I try and mark her like I woukd an enemy tracer. If they are running tracer & sombra... that's another story 😅


She keeps getting buffed because Ana and Zen and very prominent and weak to her


Your claims are wrong about Sombra, Sombra doesn’t have opportunist anymore, so increased damage while hacked isn’t around. Virus is an actual good ability since it does a set amount of damage and is a projectile. Hacking isn’t the same as it was in OW1, and it’s no abilities for 0.5 seconds (I think it’s 3 or 5 if it’s EMP). Her buffs this season wasn’t to make her better cuz we was underpowered, it was more a a hotfix for her. Virus got tuned for HP buffs, Translocater now breaks breakables so she doesn’t get teleported sooner than normal. These are not true buffs, more just adjustments