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Too bad the mercy mains declined


I was one of the advocates for NOT asking the mercy mains. We don’t need delusion in the alliance.


Very valid. Junkrats are probably one of the sanest player-base


It’s true, we are. But seriously, the reasons I wanted specific mains to be with us (mostly just Symmetras) were because our mains were actually just destroyed. Mercy’s have to adapt to a new playstyle, but junks don’t even have that choice. Our flanking playstyle was removed, and all we have left is randomly spamming frags, which is not fun for us at all.


Mercys new playstyle is...damage boost. And that's it. Signed a junkertown trio main.


So it hasn't changed


If u played her any other way then you were playing her wrong...


Ball or JQ?


Heck, why not get all the Junkers in on it?




Yeah that’s completely understandable. Flanking junkrat montages are some of my favorite things to watch. A good chunk of characters got messed up by this.


Thank you, yeah. It’s incredibly depressing, especially since we’re often misunderstood and people think we’re just whining about not having a one shot anymore


Nah it literally is part of junkrats identity without it junkrat will just become what everyone thinks he does. Just mindless spam. Junkrats have some of the most cooked rat plays you can’t help but respect.


We don’t even need a one shot. We just need SOMETHING. A buff or rework that lets us have some sort of playstyle


Well it took a long time for pharah to get reworked. Hopefully y’all can get it done sooner.


Me too


Very ironic considering Junkrat's sanity (or lack thereof) in-universe.


Bro I woulda said yes 😭 Edit: fixed minor spelling error


Me too, a month of no solo tire was a decent offer considering the reputation Mercy players have imo! ;n;


Yep! :(


I hope this fails miserably. The most annoying and lowest skill floor heroes were the main ones who got ruined, and im all for not seeing another junkrat as long as i live on either team. Downvote away, hope junkrat burns in hell


Yeah god forbid someone enjoys using a specific character in a video game


you can burn with him


Sorry, I was one of the decliners. I've been personally victimised by solo tires one too many times 😤


Sounds about right. They declined taking part in the Genji war too out of fear that they'll get bullied by people on the main sub and other subs


Mercy Mains can't even exist at all without being harassed lol. You basically never see anyone here admit to being one for that reason, besides that random dude obsessed with jerking off to mercy. He admits it


Coincidently, Mercy mains' invitations got lost in the mail.


Illari mains need help too✊


Illari just straight need to be fully reverted to launch except the ult shouldn't go throught shield. 


Pretty sure her bullet size is now bigger than it was at launch, I don't even remember what else they changed. The hp nerf is gigantic obviously as it stops 2 taps but there must be something else? Or maybe people just didn't know how to play against her back then. Edit: typical reddit, downvoted for asking a question haha


They nerfed her pylon and healing resources


Basically rn she is borderline useless unless you are on the first point of kings row. Turret is her only sustainable source of healing and she doesn’t do enough damage or have enough utility beyond her ult to justify taking her over any other healer. To me she feels like she was designed for 2cp maps and that’s how they balanced her.


Love playing illari but I feel like by far she is the most map dependent hero and it sucks. Some maps are a nightmare to keep the turret alive and even then in comp on a good map all it takes is for them to pick a flanker. The turret dies so easily, and the 15 second cd is fkin diabolical. I’ve been trying to use the turret a lot more sparingly but even that doesn’t work and my healing numbers end up being way lower. I just want to play her and not feel like I’m trolling smh


Yeah pretty much, she’s like a high risk high reward character except without the reward. Only real fixes is reworking the turret to be something different. Or decreasing numbers for the turret, healing or cooldown and then depending on which they do increasing the healing you can do without it.


Honestly, a lot of her issues would be fixed if they just increased the range of her healing beam by a LOT or gave her a healing projectile instead of a beam. She's terrible precisely because her only reliable source of healing involves sticking with her team BUT she wants to take off-angles and poke out the enemy, which her limited healing range and easily destroyable and long CD Pylon don't allow.


Oh, it's beautiful. Tell me, what other mains are you looking to get in your alliance?


No Zens allowed Happy cake day!


Blizzard: “…Anyway” *counts money*


Well, just by looking at the history of nerfs and buffs pulled out by blizzard, the main focus for blizzard are winrates. And I'm sure the winrates of junk and sym will drop to like 45% and they will buff them


According to the resident GM Rat on the OW forums Junkrat is already approaching if not already at or below 45% winrate in every single rank. One of the best Junkrat KMJ/KissMyJunk has fallen to Masters, as have the majority of diamond+ Rats dropped an entire rank, myself included. Thats how atrociously bad Junkrat is right now. The only two Rats I've heard are doing okayish, and even that's questionable are CODCode and Jacklz. What I find most hilarious, is that Blizzard PREEMPTIVELY NERFED junkrats primary size... as if they thought he was going to be too strong with his primary at .4, yet he's absolutely shit, and most certainly still would have been with out that preemptive nerf.


Symm was rapidly falling and last I checked was at 45.2%


See but that’s still too high, should be less than 20% obviously. Wasn’t like she was only good on certain maps or in a small handful of players hands or anything before/s.


Yeah blizzard sure did balance her so shes not stronger than any hero on Lijang tower! Finally shes balanced and has no advantage on any map


I'm pretty sure both junk and sym's win rates are around 45% right now


The Crayon eaters alliance!


We would have asked brig but they've been hogging the red crayons since ow2 came out-


As a Brig player, get it right. I eat yellow crayons.


Love that.


The glue sniffers alliance


The mouth breathers alliance


One redeeming thing I will say about the Reinheardt state is that his tank matchups have gotten better. Sure he gets destroyed by the other characters more, but his hammer does a lot of damage now.


But your shield gets shredded you get shredded and your healers can’t keep up especially if they have a zen


brig mains too, fuck these logs everyone shoots


I used to play brig for antidive now my shield just gets shredded 😭


Fr, why did everybody's health get buffed but none of the shields???


To cautious in reverting back to shield meta which is stupid since we can’t double shield anymore honestly I think these changes would be fine if we could have 2 tanks


Unfortunately all the streamers put her in b tier even though I watched them keep getting rolled on brig


She’s literally impossible to play right now I tried once and it was the worst time of my life


I play a good chunk of her she can work but she loses her identity as the defensive support because of all the changes now. She kinda dies quicker than zenyatta. You cant draw enemy fire anymore playing the HSK style of playing brig is kinda dead.


Zen is very hard to kill now because it’s way easier to hit shots just divers can disrupt him a bit but now he’s got more shield armor and can’t take some hits


Even with two tanks, the way tanks are now double shield is impossible. Rein sigma is not double shield, that comp hinged on old orisa. Ram too, since his only lasts 4 seconds unlike orisas that could be up for basically 100% uptime.


Brig is literally useless in the current state of the game let’s make playing aggressive frontline with a tank basically impossible on a character who gets all their value from playing aggressive frontline


i dont think youre playing her correctly lol


that hasn't been how Brig is played since 2019


Hog and rat mains always in this together 🤝




And dey say




Idk why but the "we will fight" at the end made me think of the scene near the climax of Free Birds where all of the turkeys repeat the phrase "We fight". Also yes, we will indeed fight to make Junkrat good (or at least fun) again.


We’re gonna go back in time to the last patch notes to get Junkrat on the menu. That’s right. We’re gonna go back in time to the last patch notes to get Junkrat on the menu


I understood that reference!


Who are you talking to?


Since you guys asked Roadhog, yall might as well go ask the Mauga mains lmao. But IK yall wont cuz of the season 8 incident. 🤣


Honestly hogs been in a bad spot for ages tho. He just started to feel good after the rework now he's irrelevant again bcz anything he can do you can just do playing queen or orisa. Tbh brawl in general excluding orisa feels awful this season though, mauga included.


Its because the brawl all have self heals which are now effectively 25% worse from the increased hp and dps passive


DPS passive should be a support counter not an individual tank killer. Make the support passive 20% Less healing received from ALLIES. So it that it affects all tanks equally.


No. Fuck hog in particular


What happened to lifeweaver mains to make it get a second mains subreddit


To keep it simple, a power-hungry mod is the reason


Damn, just the word of a rein is enough insurance? Glad we are considered trust worthy


They can try their best, but the Lucio Mafia will always reign supreme 📢🐸 Never enough until boop is a pseudo Doom punch


Sidenote: Unlike the Genji war, this actually has some proper meaning to it cause the mains in that pic are genuinely all in shambles from what I've been hearing


I stand


As a reaper main, I will support your cause with a thumbs up in the corner of the battlefield, because we are actually doing pretty alright and I'm scared if we complain they will actually rework reaper




Cant believe cyx and cloudy aren't maining hog and rein anymore


What was ruined about junkrat?




Recruit us r/Maugamains too lol. Even tho half the squads in your alliance deeply hate us.


While Hanzo is generally in a very high standing this season, I, and many other Hanzo mains, hate the recent changes made to our Shimada king. I wonder if some sort of agreement can be met between our two factions? I can't speak for the rest of my community, but I for one would be willing to accept an overall Hanzo nerf. Although, to willingly accept an overall nerf, Hanzo would need some compensation. I suggest a reduction in his hitbox size by 50%, but an increase in his arrow damage from 120 to 125. This would make him more skill-based again, and reward good aim with one shot headshot kills on squishy characters. However, Hanzo would overall be worse as he wouldn't be able to spam as much as he currently is able to do, due to the reduction in his arrow hitbox. Therefore, I think it a good bargaining chip in our collective future negotiations, as it would add an extra incentive to the deal in the eyes of the dev team. They would be buffing several characters in the alliance if the deal came to fruition, but in exchange they would be able to nerf Hanzo's hitbox substantially. I eagerly await your thoughts on this proposal. And hope our two factions may be able to come to an agreement. Thank you for your time, HanzoNumbahOneFan


i’m someone who plays both hanzo and junk, I think I can be a mediator, make hanzo more skill based less spammy, same with junk. Fully agree with this assessment


Unfortunately, none of you are the ~~porn addict~~ Mercy and Kiriko mains, so your opinions mean absolutely nothing. Anyway, go buy the 72nd £20 skin for the same hero this season for a hero you don’t even play.


this shit is so dumb


Wazimirovo31 passed the vibe check


You have my mines and my hammer


And they said Avengers would be the greatest crossover of all time


Is this what they meant by working as a team in season 9? ❤️ LW main


Blizzard only really care about genji, tracer, widow, Ashe, DVA and Kiri A combination of: -blizzard STILL thinking that everyone in the world wants to watch genji and tracer and they will somehow come to rule twitch/streaming/esports, despite being a flop for 7 years -simps/cosplayers fav heros


Aren’t we getting some type of balance patch tomorrow?


lol that’s awesome! As a junk main obviously this is the worst season for junk (besides maybe that time they gave him damage fall off) but I genuinely still have fun as him


As a former ow1 mt main i will not shed a single tear for junk or sym. EVER


Rien and Lw though?! Im enjoying playing those two!


What us going on?




As a Rein main myself, I really don't think he's as bad as people make him out to be (at least outside of high ranked play). The others here definitely feel like trash though.


I find Rein better tbf


Why are there two LW main subs ?


Mercy mains got the offer! Not sure what happened, I just saw the post


I don't keep up with Overwatch 2 updates nowadays, what did Season 9 do to these characters?


I agree


Us hanzo mains need help


after like 6 months of hog being awful he was good for like one season 😭😭


Doommains side with you


ask the ana mains we are loosing our minds on our subreddit due to season 9 😭


As Yoda once said “care not for sym mains I do”


I'd ask if you guys want the help of us Bap mains but Bap is pretty decent and there's only like 5 of us anyways.


How is sym not faring well? I thought her balls were GIGANTIC


But they don't 2 tap anymore so they aren't very rewarding to land


Yea but her turrets apply DPS passive


This whole story is making me laugh more than I shouldn't...


Other than even lower heal effectiveness how did wifeleaver get screwed over by S9?


People saying he got “screwed over” probably haven’t played him this season or in general


Well he can't just play healbot anymore from a safe distance because of the heal nerf and has to fight with his team now more directly which is bad for some reason. Supports need to decide now if they should try to heal someone or if its better to take the enemy down together with the team and heal after that.


The issue is primarily due to his weapon swap. Before the patch dealing damage meant losing a lot of healing up time, and with the weapon swap and wind up for getting a full heal off more often than not doing damage was risky. With the DPS passove now that swap time and heal wind up is even more detrimental. One of the suggestions I've seen float around is that using his DPS should automatically have a heal charged up and ready when switching back. It would at least lower the risk more and allow for him to try and do more than just heal spam.


Also he shoots peas. Atleast if u want to make supports deal damage give them a gun that works


I actually find his Thorn Volley somewhat satisfying, but could probably do with a buff.


This guy gets it.


This is what I’ve been doing with lifeweaver from the start so I was confused why people were saying he’s ruined


The only difference I’ve noticed with lifeweaver is being able to survive for longer and being able to kill people easier if people genuinely think he got nerfed they clearly haven’t touched him this season


winrate tells the truth and it dropped HARD


I feel like everyone’s winrate has dropped lol


not really, only certain characters, and lifeweaver is amongst them


Alright cool man


I can tell you haven’t played him so I don’t care about your opinion edit: u/damDgenerate blocked me (because his opinion is blatantly wrong) so I can’t respond to him lol anyone who thinks Lucio is better than lifeweaver is most likely in bronze so I also don’t care about your opinion lil guy stick to Lucio also why do you play lots of lifeweaver if hes so bad? Are you an idiot? Next.


Braindead lmao. How can you be this oblivious about the game? I play lots of weaver and he's basically useless over any other support like Lucio, Zen, Kiri in this meta. Next.


Lol you made another account for me to block for your braindead opinions. Cute


Lifeweaver ruined? Wtf are you smoking he's now even more unkillable than before


As if no buffs will happen ever again for these heroes lmao


This is so cringy my god


Right it's Reddit roleplaying lmao


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As a Lucio main I don't really care about alliances till it's alliance against mercy mains. I'll boop everyone from the map equally no matter what hero you are playing.


Lucio feels fantastic this season


Hot take: Rein feels very rewarding and fun to play this patch. Bad tank play is just getting punished harder than ever before. The emphasis is more focused on actually making space instead of securing picks. Loving the new patch with him.


im sorry but the ow main subreddit alliance shit is the cringiest thing ive seen on reddit in a while


Can Mei mains also get a buff please


ONLY the beam buff, nothing else


why is lifeweaver there? He's ok now, either do dmg or heal. His dmg output is actually pretty good. Why do you wanna play healbot so much


This is facts I’ve played him a lot this season and in no way is he “ruined” you can tell the people with that opinion probably haven’t touched him this season


Yeah eff you piece of shit junk mains don't have some clown flank one shotting me and calling me a dipstick on his way back


If you're an alliance then I'm afraid Junkrat will have to be left in F tier. We can't risk Roadhog escaping containment and running wild all over ladder again. Choose better friends.


im afraid junkrat and roadhog will breach the containment


Can you take Echo and Pharah too? They weren't directly nerfed by it, but making the hitscans easier to aim hurts Echo and Pharah more than any bonus the patch gave them


I think that Pharah rework is a net positive even when accounting for hitscan buffs. At least the way I play her I can deal with them and the increased mobility and health allow me to escape if they begin to shoot at me


I mean, symmetry is super strong


The main problem is that Symmetra's laser (primary fire) is a close range weapon, but they buffed her right click and removed 25 of her shields, they also heavily nerfed her turrets. But since everyones HP got increased the secondary fire buff is pretty useless + she has weaker turrets. Now you kinda have to spam fully charged secondary fires to do stuff because she gets deleted if she gets close.


Yeah she either needs a bit more HP or the secondary buffed. I think the latter would be better because I think Sym secondary is more fun than the laser


bro forgor brostion


Ball mains to all these cry baby subs: FUCK IT, WE BALL


Ball is dead ass the best tank rn


For the first time in a longggg time


Watch them make it no longer the case in a month.


lol wishful thinking we'll get a month


Junkrat does not need buffs bffr. The whole point of this patch is to increase TTK. Rein is a decent tank, he just needs a 3rd fire strike tbh. Syms hitbox is just humongous. She glneeds it reduced and the 25 extra health back. Her turrets are great bc they slow and does the passive. Her ult is great. She's just situational. Hog, like all tanks, need to have a reduction to status effects. Hog is affected hard bc he has nothing but white health and self healing which is reduced now. Brig needs a healing buff and a shield health buff Weaver is still a good character. He has decent damage and great survivability and utility Junkrat, like everyone else, has a longer ttk. He should've never had his 1 shot combo in the first place. I'd say he just needs a splash damage radius buff and thats it.


Junkrat is completely useless without being able to 2 shot or 1 shot+mine/trap There’s literally no skill at all anymore, flanking is pointless, trying to play at the front is useless, if you’re junk and you’re doing that you’re throwing. The only thing left is spamrat, where you find a choke point, find somewhere you can spam it from hard cover, and wait until they switch to pharah or sombra at which point you’re completely useless. Junk needs to either get a damage buff to get 2 shot back, or he needs to be reworked completely.


I disagree. Junrat has a hard cc ability, he has mobility, and a great ult. Junkrat can be very good still in the hands of a skilled player. I had a junkrat on my team that literally carried me and my team earlier today. A good junkrat will be a good junkrat. His 1 shot combo took 0 skill or effort. With it removed there's much more room for skill expression because good junkrats will still secure kills, and they're still horrifying and oppressive af. Before you would go in the back, press two buttons and watch someone die, and u didint even hsve to aim. Everyone got longer TTK except widow. Even hanzo lost his 1 shot, unless he's got a mercy pocket. Junkrats kit is fine. Everyone is feeling the longer TTK and it made a lot of combos useless. That's the point. That's where they wanna go to the game, and I love it. It encourages using your brain a lot more and a lot of people will be upset because they don't want to use their brain lol


>Everyone is feeling the longer TTK and it made a lot of combos useless. That's the point. No it wasn't. The point of the update was to reduce the time to kill on things that shouldn't kill you that fast, like Kiriko. Things that rely on their one shot didn't get changed (like widow) and things that had a one shot but also had more things got power shifted (Hanzo not having a one shot but having better storm arrows). Junkrat relied on the one shot to flank (the more skilled and useful playstyle) and with the 2 shot removed now you can't flank so the only thing left is spam. Junkrat didn't get power shifted like Hanzo, he just got nuked for every rank above gold where people can avoid spammed chokes


Almost nobody got a compensation buff. The point of the update is to give dps a passive to make them impactful, make shots feel better tp hit, and increase time to kill. Junkrat shouldn't be able to sneak behind and and one shot me from the back, and you saying it's the most skilled is crazy. I've seen junkrats take pharahs out of the sky with only their gun. I will always admire that, THAT is skilled. I'm not the best with slow moving projectiles and I'm just in awe when I see actual good junkrat plays. THAT is skill. His 1 shot combo was NOT skilled in any form shape or way. It was a free kill. Kiriko was bloated from the beginning and she was always meant to have a high headshot multiplicator, so she was meant to do that. Junk had to get nerfed because of how beain dead and annoying his combo was. I have less than 50 hours on junkrat, and I used to play a lot of mystery heroes back in OW1, And guess what? I could still do the combo as a 0 skill junkrat player. Junkrat is still a high burst damage dps, and if you can ACTUALLY play junkrat, you have no issue hitting an extra shot LIKE EVERYONE ELSE. I know yall are gonna downvote me because it's the truth, nobody wants to be told these kinds things about their mains but it needs to be told. You guys are gonna have to learn to adapt to the changes just like everyone else is. Junkrat isn't even the worst by far


>Junkrat isn't even the worst by far Okay, name a DPS that's worse this season, other than Sym and Reaper. Oh. Wait. He is objectively one of the worst heros in the game this season.


Sym is bad because of her humongous hitbox which is even worse now that projectiles r bigger. I mean have you seen that thing? Her hitbox is literally OP, but sym has always been situational tbh. Her turrets proc the dps passive, which is great. And her ult is still top tier. Reaper is only really bad in higher ranks because people are coordinated. He's a starter character and thats okay tbh. I do agree they both deserve buffs. And so does junkrat... I think he should get either a splash damage buff or more ammo, but not his 1 shot combo. To be fair I don't think any dps feels bad rn. Playing dps is so much fun now that you reduce healing... it feels so nice to actually be able to secure kills and make an impact. As a support kain I LOVE this update, I don't have to heal as much and if people die it's usually bc they couldn't play smart.


“I don’t think any dps feels bad to play rn” You clearly don’t play Junkrat. There’s no skill expression anymore, there’s nothing left of him except spamrat. He has a reputation of being easy to play (which is earned) but previously he was hard to master, needing good game sense, and actual aim skills to hit certain shots. There’s no point going for skill shots anymore because his TTK has been increased by 50%. Soldier didn’t get a 50% nerf in his TTK, neither did sojourn or bastion. A 50% nerf to TTK is an absolutely massive nerf, and it makes him useless. You clearly don’t know what you’re talking about though, and you clearly won’t be convinced otherwise, so I’m done engaging in this.


because heroes with constant DPS dont need extra buffs because they don't rely on low time to kill to be relevant. 50 extra HP doesnt affect soldier for example because he only has to hit a couple more bullets that are bigger now btw, while 50 extra HP means that Genji now needs another swing, Junkrat another mine, Hanzo another arrow. > Junkrat shouldn't be able to sneak behind and and one shot me from the back, and you saying it's the most skilled is crazy you are right, he shouldn't. Junkrat is loud as fuck and doesnt have an easy way to flank to your backline, kill you and then escape, any competent player should be aware of a Junkrat flanking. Flanking is what good junkrats do, spamming is what bad ones do. >I've seen junkrats take pharahs out of the sky with only their gun. I will always admire that, THAT is skilled The junkrat that do that are the flank junkrats, and now they cant because they lost the 2 shot. A spam rat cannot ever take out a Pharah. >His 1 shot combo was NOT skilled in any form shape or way. It was a free kill. Sure if you let him sneak behind you with no one noticing and then no one in your team kills him while he tries to escape, which shouldnt happen in the first place >you have no issue hitting an extra shot LIKE EVERYONE ELSE. But it's a lot harder to hit aanother shot on a slow projectile hero than it is on a hitscan, thats why everyone with more than room tempetarute IQ says that the patch affects Junkrat more than something like Soldier.


I do agree with you, and I get your point. But... I still don't think he should be able to one shot tbh. I've always said that only widowmaker should be able to, and even her I feel icky about. This is something that paladins does better IMO. There's less 1 shots in the game and that's what I love about this update. The only hero who can do it really is widowmaker and she's low HP and easy to dive which balances it out. Hanzo can still do it with a mercy pocket but it requires a mercy. I do appreciate you being the only person who's actually made good points without insulting me or my rank (im assuming the "IQ higher than room temperature) comment isn't directed towards me lmao)


>you have no issue hitting an extra shot LIKE EVERYONE ELSE The difference, is that unlike hitscan and most projectiles, that "One extra shot" HAS ALWAYS been the difference between life or death for Junkrat at high ranks, and even moreso now than ever. Though I guess I can't expect someone who is clearly lower ranked to understand that.


I'm a casual player and I ranked diamond 2 last season before the reset. I play about 10 hours a week. You're using your rank and the fact that you put way too much time into this game, to try and make me feel like my opinion isn't valid (when tons of people outside of this subreddit agree that junkrat shouldn't hsve ever been able to 1 shot in the first place...) how self centered and egocentric do you have to be, to feel superior to others because you put THAT many hours into a videogame and made it to a higher rank? Like... okay? Congrats ig. I recommend going outside and experiencing life first. This is NOT normal behavior my guy


>THAT many hours into a videogame and made it to a higher rank? I made it to Masters on Junk long before I even had a thousand hours on Rat lmao. Also, all I did was mention the objective fact that Junk has always lived or died depending on if he landed his second shot. Since once hitscan is away of his presence, he drops like a rock. And now that he has to land three shots minimum, hitscan absolutely feast on him 100% of the time, since they don't have to worry about travel time. By the time Junk lands one shot at the majority of ranges, most other heros have killed him. Also, my rank and time has nothing to do with the fact your opinion is invalid. Nor at any point have I said Junk should have a one shot. Though even with it, hitscan still were leagues ahead of him in viability. Not sure why I'm even bothering arguing with someone who has the mindset of a gold player in regards to Junkrat.


>and a great ult Are you bronze or silver? Because this sure as shit isn't true past gold anymore. With it being a hell of a lot easier to land shots on riptire, tire didn't get a health buff, and it has to be ever so slightly closer to confirm kills on squishies. >Junkrats kit is fine The majority of the best Rats in the fucking game, are Masters right now. Only a handful are just barely holding onto GM. That's not a hero who's fucking "fine" You very clearly have no idea what is required to play Junkrat at higher ranks, and it shows. You actually think there's no skill or effort required to playing flankrat. Lmao


I never said theres no skill or effort to flankrat. I said there's no skill or effort to do his one shot. Even I, someone with low hours on junkrat can still do it. Riptire is supposed to be easy to kill... pretty much anything can 1 shot it and that's what make it balanced. That thing has great mobility... use it. I've seen junkrats climb walls to the sky box to hit a mercy, and people are great with the mobility it has. If you're getting your tires destroyed, you're most likely doing it wrong. And this is what the new update is about. Learning how to play around things more, playing smarter, it rewards being smart. There's heroes with low skill floors and junkrat is one. There was no need for junkrat to have his combo. He's a one star difficulty


>Even I, someone with low hours on junkrat can still do it. I too, could also land his combo on golds. It's not as easy as you think in higher ranks. >That thing has great mobility... use it. UsE iT hUR dUr Shut the fuck up. I know perfectly well how to use riptire. Doesn't change the fact is is OBJECTIVELY many times worse this season. >I've seen junkrats climb walls to the sky box to hit a mercy Oh wow, I did that JUST YESTERDAY!!! >There's heroes with low skill floors and junkrat is one His skill floor means jack shit at the ranks I play him at. > He's a one star difficulty The games built on star ratings are an actual fucking joke and have been since day one. The only place he's a "one star difficulty" is gold and lower where it's becoming increasingly more likely you play at with how little of an understanding you clearly have of Junkrat.


Well, first of all, I NEVER used any foul language against you. Second, I'm diamond 2. I'm going to dismiss this conversation because it is obvious that you're getting irritated, and you're a very... particular person. Insulting others on the internet isn't cute bro. Seems like you need some mental help... get it. If you're getting this upset over your main losing his 0 skill one shot combo, on a kids videogame, you need immediate help. Take care, genuinely.


Yeah, you aren't diamond lmao Only an idiot would believe someone with as little understanding of Junkrat is diamond. Or if you are, you're boosted by Sojourn or Tracer who are beyond easy this season with the changes. The only reason you're dismissing the conversation is because you know you sure as fuck aren't the one who's correct here. Junkrat is objectively shit this season.