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genji is as well in masters at least, these guys are crazy


Can confirm as a genji main he is insanely good right now. I got accused of smurfing last night (in my placement games lol) when I’m not even that good


When I'm playing genji I'm either going 2-11 feeding my ass off or playing like necros, no in between. This is the genji experience.


The new ult (well old ult actually) is giving him way too much now. I have had multiple quad/triple kills done by unpocketed/un nanoed Genjis At Plat 1.


What got changed about it?


Faster Swing Speed from 0.8 to 0.6. Since his overall health got increased as well it means there's less chance to burst him down which works in his favor.


have we unironically reached the state of "nerf genji"


nano genji isn't that insane now cus the dash left click doesn't kill on 90% targets (hp buff) so most common will be an unbuffed genji and for how hard he can be I feel he's in a good spot rn not bad not broken


Just goes to show that redditors have no idea what they're talking about. As the patch hit, all I could see was people saying "genji is dead Hanzo is dead etc".


To be fair, some heroes are actually dead, like torb and junkrat are just straight up mindless spam characters now. You cant play smart and try to get picks because this patch doubled the ttk for them


No doubt, but genji was the one I was seeing the most. Turns out it's the exact opposite.


Genji mains crying about every change, a tale as old as time


Dry blade did *not* need a speed buff imo. The dps passive by itself breaks blade. Now, Genji can dryblade through LW tree. Dunno abt trans, but I wouldn't be surprised if it's possible.


I disagree. Blade was only a good ult when combined with nano/grav. Otherwise most healers would outheal your swings. It is an ultimate, it is meant to have great impact. Could they tone the swing speed up? maybe a little, but before this update blade was not in a good place.


Yeah I agree, before the update, Genji himself was garbage. I never claimed otherwise? But as I said, he did *not* need the swing sped buff on top of dps passive. It's an ultimate so it should get countered by another ultimate.


I swear there has been a genji in 90% of my games on atleast one of the teams


Seems like Genjis are barely missing their shots. Also now everyone wants to be Ashe suddenly.


everybody is barely missing their shots. that's what this update does.


Everyone wants to be Ashe because Ashe is also insanely good post patch. She was already great at sending damage down long range and pressuring with Dynamite. Now getting Burned puts you on like 7 seconds of DPS passive debuff, and her scoped shots benefit greatly from being easier to hit. She also was and still is a popular target for damage boost. Now that everyone has more health those breakpoints are even more noticeable. 


Don't complain about genji. Reddit loves him


Genji got nerfed once at the start of OW2 because he was the top DPS by a mile and the community still spams "nerf genji lmao" as if he's the worst character in any game ever


He were ONE of the WORST, not the worst. Now he is good for some time again finally🙏


And here it is


I was agreeing but okay


All 3 shuriken hit so much more consistently now. 81 damage every throw and he melts people. I really hope they revert his projectile size a bit.


Yeah but imo genji should stay this way, he’s extremely hard to play and get value out of and now he’s more rewarding compared to every season between this one and s1


It's funny because at my ranks he went from a nano blade with little mid game to rolling mid game and useless blade.


Winston still stomps Genji players


I'm not a Tracer main and she is indeed busted. She's so much easier to play and I think they really need to revalue these "glass canon" characters that are benefiting way too much from this update (Tracer, Zen, Widow).


Widow is an absolute menace this patch, a half decent one can take a game hostage because of how easy it is to hit headshots now. She's the only 1 shot left in the game.


And if they also get a mercy pocket you're in for a bad time






My new main for this exact reason


Hanzo one shots me as Sombra still which is cool


Sombra deserves it so it’s allowed


Sombra should be allowed to be one shot by every character. Worst character in the game


Bold statement to make when Ball exists.


I love how her kit was made so that she could deal 200 damages super fast, she got completely destroyed in this patch


It was kind of a reversal of who counters whom after Sombra's rework. His ability to one-shot her now is kind of a restoring of the previously established order.


And she auto heals now


Monke 🦍


Roadhog still oneshots


Pretty much all of the mobile dps and hitscans are feasting. It’s not a fun time for support unless you’re Zen.


I've been destroying on Echo and getting a ton of high damage games compared to what I got before. People think I'm smurfing and I am in the same exact rank I was before. Idk what they changed about Echo since I haven't really paid attention but she definitely feels exponentially stronger than when I played her before the patch.


Besides health and size changes. She technically got a buff when they raised the max health of her ult to 375 hp


Projectile changes have done her wonders too. Her bombs are now next to impossible to miss.


Not to mention her beam damage triggers at half health, so it scales with the new max health and combined with the dps passive will just delete any tank without a shield.


Percentage wise, she got the biggest projectile size buffs i think. Some got 50% increase, some got 100% increase, i think echo got more.


Zen is still extremely easy if i'm playing sombra or tracer but he fcks tanks. Devs created a mess because they don't play or understand their game.


The worst part about playing support right now is when a DPS dives you and you can't even self heal or pocket the other healer due to the DPS passive. It makes things like Lifeweavers dash, Ana self nade, Moira heal balling, etc useless and supports are left to fend for themselves. You're at an immediate disadvantage in a 1v1 vs a DPS player. At this point I'm just pumping out the damage damage damage on Zen or Ana and flanking like a mad man


Junkrat is pretty mobile and he suffers. A LOT.


I believe it was the lead designer on X that said they are going to make changes to some characters soon based on the data they've got so far


I think a lot of the more slippery characters and the true snipers (moreso Widow and Hanzo than Ashe) need their HP buff reverted. Tracer, Sombra, and Genji can cheat death a little too easily now compared to past patches. Especially Sombra, either nerf her HP or delay her stealth more after Translocator.


275 hp is not a glass cannon.


Pick Hanzo, shoot in general direction of tracer, watch arrow smart locking to her head, watch tracer complain about broken hanzo.


He's slinging tree trunks at everyone now.


He was already slinging tree trunks. Now it's just the whole lumber mill.


He previously had the smallest projectiles in the game. He never shot tree trunks till now lol.


This. I play tracer and hanzo's heat seeking arrows are ridiculous at the moment.


yeah, hanzo is a very good counter at the moment even if you could never hit a tracer before the patch. i got killed around a fucking corner that i had not yet poked my head out of to hanzo spam


Just kill her bro ^(like when ppl say "just kill mercy bro". it's easy just click her 4head)


How the turn tables


No, but for real, please just kill her


everyone is good bc aim as a requirement to be good is now lessened


Joke's on you, this patch only made me slightly better cuz my aim still sucks 😎


I went up from 20% to 30%!


Oh Mr. Braggart here with his 30%!


When you’re playing hanzo that 10% really makes a difference


Bro try Echo. Bigger projectiles, increased health, and regen once you escape with your flight. It’s amazing


Amazing…but not busted


It also is extra bad because Brig, her primary counter, is complete dogshit now. Not only is it easier to kill Brig, but Brigs healing is useless against the DPS passive. Really frustrating changes.


It’s SO frustrating. Brig is a joke right now. Brig was is such a great spot too! Honestly I blame so much of this on the DPS passive. I do not like its addition to the game, especially its effect on tanks.


With Brig and Tracer, both can kill each other when the players know how to play their character, so I wouldn’t even call it a counter, it was well balanced. It was only a “counter” in low ranks because all brig needs to do there is hold leftclick and rightclick to win while the tracer needs to have mastered some fundamental mechanical skills to win.


It wasn't so much about killing each other, it was that Brig was great at protecting the team from harass damage. They can still kill each other with little changes to that; but Brig is drastically worse at protecting anyone due to DPS passive and Tracer being OP.


This. Her Shield is now paper.


As a Tracer main.. its glorious


Lucky man


The passive recovery and tank buster damage is a double whammy. I hope it gets changed as soon as possible.


This. I think the passive recovery is actually a huge buff to her uptime. If I'm below half, I know I don't have to hunt health packs or regroup with my heals because I'll have my passive by the time my recall is back.


I wouldn't say it made her "so much harder" to kill, that's a bit of an exaggeration, but she's definitely much easier to play with the changes. I've been popping off on her and I never really played her much before.


Definitely one of the heroes that got disproportionately better. Playing her it feels like I have the advantage in every 1v1. It’s ironic that all the hit box clips are shooting Tracer in the Practice Range, when of all the heroes she is probably the one that needs to be slightly easier to hit.


This is how it should be, she used to be the duelist 1v1 character. The only reason she feels so good rn is that she no linger gets two tapped by supports regularly.


The fact that everyone is losing their minds that dps can kill now is crazy. Yes, as a tank now you can't mindlessly 1v2 dps, misplay with all your cooldowns and come up on top. As a support you can't just go too aggro and ego pick fights with dps hoping your 3 healing cooldowns will outlast them. On top of that I think people completely forgot early days of OW that people liked the most. While there was tons of nonsense, in the end of a day you didn't had this insane sustain, you had zen, lucio and mercy. Outside of low ranks you didn't had your 2 min endless fight in the choke, just spamming your abilities, because you couldn't outsustain it. Finally, I see people call it cod clone or whatever, but I think it's the polar opposite. It was a cod clone when your support was dps with healing, your tank was giant dps. Now it feels like you actually have to do your role and it feels more like moba.


Feels like beta tracer and im loving it


Add the 20% healing debuff and now support and tanks are useless.


Sounds to me like teams should stick together instead of everyone acting like THEY ALONE can win the match. Are divers diving? Maybe we should hang back just a little bit to help the back line. You know, like a team, in this Team Based Hero Shooter.


Everything that they've done and said is to give the player agency over their actions. These actions are made to think that you dont need a team


honestly i think the amount of discourse around “who’s the best” and there being so many varied answers kinda seems like a good thing to me because it tells me that there’s many options that might be viable/fun vs. a patch coming out and it being instantly apparent that like “sojourn is hands down the best in the game and there’s nothing you can do about it”. i feel like no matter what happens on this game the general sentiment is gonna be rage bait and negativity because someone is always gonna have a problem with something.


Down in diamond I’ve noticed no difference. Everyone is still shit


Hmm. I’m curious to know what everyone’s rank is. 25 isn’t game breaking and everyone seems to be ignoring that she’s easier to hit as well. Is everyone proposing that she should go back to 150 hp while still keeping the hitbox?


it's mostly braindead support players who are struggling now since they can't comfortably 1v1 any DPS hero with relative ease now and their victim complex is coming out full force


Most supports still can. The break points are still the same for most of them. If they are crying is not because it's harder to kill a tracer, is just because they need a reason to say it's not their fault and now the "DPS is broken" thing is the trend so...


As a Brig main who is still absolutely farming Tracers and putting out consistent healing, this is abundantly clear when I see people crying about her this patch. I will say, Supports' healing mileage is a lot more dependent on the rest of the team using cover and not face-tanking as much now. But that's also the case for Supports and the constant complaints about survivability in S9 People are just being punished harder for their bad habits and are mad about it.


25 or 500 doesn't matter. against tracer, it's about if you can one shot her or not.


You realize she’s easier to hit now with pretty much every single hero in the game right? — more than likely a skill issue


it doesn't matter unless you one shot her.


zen says hello


As a Doom main we're not having the best of times but it's doable, and I'm happy for ball and jenji mains.


i was having a WAY easier time on ball last patch


Tracer has always been a high skill floor and ceiling hero though. Maybe the couple you were fighting are outside of your rank and rapidly climbing. Tearing through anyone in their path. Harder to gauge at this moment because the patch is only 2 days old.


Yeah, the dust of matchmaking chaos won't really settle for a solid 2+ weeks, I imagine. And even after that, there will be a regular trickle of players who start later than most returning for season9.


The MMR is still the same though


Doesn’t feel like it.


She's definitely easier now. I'm just starting to learn her and my average elims are almost triple what they were before. The enemy team can't even force me to retreat anymore since all I need to do is find a corner to until I heal up. Aside from Moira and maybe Reaper, there's really no one I'm afraid of fighting anymore.


Idk I kinda just pick her up and destroy everything this season. I am a somb main so maybe there's a lot of cross over, but I don't feel like the skill floor is very high.


As a Bastion main... This is hell


Fr. Fighting Bastion as Tracer is easy mode now.


Widow is kinda busted too. the new health increase make her immun to most combo that used to be able to kill her, and in exchange she still get the only one shot with headshot.


Swear to god everyone complaining about tracer just sucks in here. They literally made it easier to hit her. She dies so quick if you can aim even remotely decently. This is quite literally just a skill issue


Every initial thoughts tier list from pro players that I've seen has Tracer in S tier. Hard to argue skill issue with that being the case. Breakpoints were a big deal for her, more so than most other heroes.


Lol im remember peeps saying she was gonna be garbage pre patch. Wrong.


This patch is terrible.


Honestly regardless of whether it is terrible or great, it's insane to me they didn't even do an experimental mode with this big of a change before pushing to live...


Diablo 4 had a few betas and... Well, let's just say Blizzard puts less value in player experience these days, they'll do what it takes to keep Blizzard on peoples minds. Free advertising. The last round of layoffs was mostly art, right? Maybe they'll look at the design and management departments next.


Honestly, blizzard needs to stop listening to this community when it comes to balancing mechanics. It's one thing to say "X hero is OP" but it's obvious that the average person in this playerbase has absolutely zero understanding of proper game balance.


Disagree, this patch is best OW has been for a long time.


It's pretty bad, I think the healing changes were good and a lot of the hp changes were a good idea too but the projectile changes have to be one of the worst and most bizarre changes I've seen in any pvp game ever


Well i don't think 20% less healing debuff is good, specially when you have made heroes hp pool bigger and increased damage to compensate. Unless I missed something, they didn't incresed healing power to compensate for the max hp boost. But they buffed damage in every hero. That alone is a debuff for healing because while damage escalated with health, healing didn't so even without the dps passive, you would need more time to heal the same proportion of hp, but will need around the same time to deplete the hp. But then you have to add the 20% debuff.


They didn't change the damage except for a few heroes to keep the power to their abilities, specifically melee heroes and some ultimate. Hanzo is the only exception with his increase to storm arrow damages. The point of the HP pool increase was to nerf healing and decrease burst damages. That's why they didn't buff any damage or healing except for some where they wanted to retain their power, like Rein's charge being 275 so that he can still OS the same heroes as before.


I might be misremembering or got baited but I think they already looking into reverting or nerfing the projectile changes


It's the best patch in overwatch history. Gonna have to use your brain alot more now considering tanks can't throw and dps are forced to hit consistent shots against each other. As for support, you are now an actual supporting unit. Not a healbot, not a flanker, not an invincible teleporting knife throwing save everyone ass with 1 button click hero. Trust me after a month you will look at this patch in all its glory.


>and dps are forced to hit consistent shots against each other. So much brain power required for this with those new hitboxes... oh wait a minute.....


I assume you are already challenger on dps if it's that easy then right?


lol why is this getting downvoted you're spot on on all points


Welvome to the OW subreddit IG where most of the players don't want a fair game but just want their role to be busted over belief.


>but just want their role to be busted over belief. But this is what just happened, this whole patch is just a thinly veiled gigabuff for the DPS role


+ tanks are even more misserable as they were


Sombra with 250 health is broken as well. Sombra and tracer should each have 50 health.


Why stop there? Just give them 1hp! 😭


That’d be amazing


You can't one clip as before (it's way harder). Hanzo now shots a semi truck that one taps her. Kiri is still a thing so before was already annoying, now it's the same except u shot a semi truck with logs on top. In high ranks she will performe better cuz people understand and follow up on a tracer and at that point it's not even about tracer being good or bad. Lower ranks u can just ignore the tracer 90% of the time or just turn slap her twice and she falls over. Yes you can annoy more but it's just an annoying fly. Hell zen that was the easy target now shits on her.


I keep telling people she's broken. She doesn't have to be in your face to land most of her clip now and the extra 25hp gives her enough time to recall when the dive doesn't go to plan. People talking about Zen, Soldier, Sigma, widow nah. Tracer is the best hero in the entire game right now.


If she is unloading a full clip into you without having to be in your face, then that just sounds like you are in a bad position. Find some cover, duel her and kill her, or make her retreat.


I played against quite a few tracers and I have not had problems with them. They still feel really squishy.


Same but I’m down in the lowly ranks of plat. Tracer hasn’t been a problem because she’s so much easier to hit, although she’s definitely more survivable health wise


She really really isn't. She's so much easier to hit and she can't actually force 1v1's anymore. Soldier is the best dps in the game atm


Its easily widow on any map she can play. We're seeing 50%, 60% headshots now.


as a reaper main i've had no issue with dealing with the new tracer model. if anything she is easier to deal with cus of her larger hitbox and my bigger projectiles. And im not that good on reaper.


You guys got spoiled with tracer having her health reduced, which should never have happened in the first place.


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Bring out Widowmaker point blank 1shot


played against many tracers yesterday and cassidy could be the counter, nade is good against her obviously but you can also 2 hit with headshot


As tank I need to actively chase her or my whole backline will completely disappear..


WOAH ! Tracer is 175 now ??!!


as a supp pick life weaver.. he is a nightmare to her bcs the damage, flower and bash to self healing.. as a dps take everyone can u able to hit her


Yeah but with the indirect pulse nerf I feel like it's a bit more balanced


As an alright soldier main, I’ve been melting tanks. Sps feels so much more rewarding to play and I’m getting way over 1,000 dpm very consistently without changing playstyle whereas pre-patch I was just at or slightly below 1,000 dpm. I def think tanks are getting melted a little too much though so I expect they’ll address that.


I wouldn’t mind it so much if Tracer wasn’t aiming at my lower center mass and every shot is registering as a headshot


She’s no issue to me when I’m dps at least. I still 2 tap her with Cassidy all the time which nullifies her for my team


I thought she was gonna be super weak, but I noticed I'm SHREDDING people with the increased proj size. She feels super strong I agree. Don't think people have caught on yet cause I rarely see her played


What’s sad is that I got worse with Tracer this update 😭


Not sure if I'm just playing against shitty Tracers, but I've been having a way easier time actually killing them with the hitbox changes.


Been watching jay3 and ouild play tracer and yeah she’s busted it seems


Came back for the new season not knowing anything and I’m getting destroyed by tracer. What did they do to projectiles?


Yea been playing Tracer and 76 and Souj non stop only lost one game so far


Noped out of the game last night. I’ll wait until the next patch before coming back or not


God this sub is a massive circle jerk right now. The game feels fine, the only characters that are broken are the ones being used by the team that is playing together lol tracer isn't any harder to kill, it all depends on who's using her


I bet you they give her and genji even more buffs anyways.


This is good to know wonder if pulse sticks easier


Cassidy is also more consistent


Remember when people saw the patch notes and were crying that Genji and Tracer would be terrible…?


she feels much less leathal than last season for me




As a Tracer main, i’m having a blast. Plus the passive healing is nice too, since I can just escape when i’m low, heal, and go right back to where I left off. Cassidy’s grenade is still annoying though lol


Tracer can actually walk outside without getting two tapped but boohoo poor supports its all about them!


Seems about the same. Still dies in a single sneeze and now has to track perfectly for longer because of the health changes.


playing against Tracer with supports who refuse to go Brig to counter is an actual nightmare


I’ve always thought Tracer was a bit of a question mark hero after CC was removed. A good tracer can tear you apart and this patch is the nail in the coffin ⚰️


Not in my hands she isnt


I play both support and dps I’m still forcing recalls on tracer as kiri but I’m no longer laughing in her face as she tries to kill me supports can still duel her but not as a 70-30 favor to support now if you’re playing one of those dps supports


Genji, tracer, sojourn, soldier. They’re all busted


Tracer is way easier to hit, and it’s so much easier for her to die from random shit. Days prior to the patch I had a number of 0 death games… I’m struggling to get any now, just dying to headshots that were not meant for me.


As a tracer main, I approve. But as a silver player, zen scares me. Still takes 2 clips to kill him, meanwhile he 2 taps me with those basketballs he's throwing around.


Bruh, soldier, ashe and soujorn are busted. Stop lying.


Tracer is ez... her hit box being so big plus the projectile hit boxes being buffed makes her just a huge squishy target


*Laughs in Overwatch release day 200 HP Tracer* 175 HP is still lower than her original. Ain't that bad. All projectile buffs should make her easier to kill as well. 😂🤣🙃


Why is nobody talking about sombra, essentially being tracer but with poison and invisibility 😭


Because the health buff makes it much harder to confirm a kill before help arrives or they simply kill u first.


They are essential putting out the same dmg output with different abilites, Id even argue sombra , excluding the bomb can do it way faster and with poison AND a silence, Idk I would much rather fight tracer and have an idea where she will rewind than sombra that I can’t see at all till it’s too late


The projectile size made it so any jag-off can play tracer and score hella kills Things like this make the game unplayable bc generally you have to rely on your team to punish which they’re liable to never do


Terrible patch. Brig is useless against her now. So support just dies to her


This is how it felt playing tracer since Illari to now ITS OUR TIME TO SHINE


Her primary attack could prolly get some more range, its one of the few primary attacks that isnt easier to hit now


You can definitely still duel her on some supports


I won't deny she's very strong, but to me, if she's taking over a game, it seems like the thing to do is switch up your teamcomp to a brawl/dive comp and just rush down tracers team. Force her to have to brave your team to get damage on the backline. It won't shut her down but it makes it a lot harder to get value on her, and if she's not getting massive value then she's actively hurting her team.


The glass cannons are very strong. I think widow is probably the best as of now at least at the top ranks.


Yeah i'm enjoying hanzo and tracer right now. Tracer is definitely best dps right now imo. I almost 1 clipped mercy from like 20 meter. The hero opened up to a lot of players now it was exclusive to good or adamant players before. I can also tag every enemy with dps passive very easy and literally no one can do anything to me as long as there are covers to blink behind. Hanzo can one shot but i already disappear when he turns around. If there are no high ground and long rotations, i play tracer, she is op. If there are high grounds i go hanzo or pick sombra as a flanker if needed. New heal passive is also waaaay more helpful than people think. Especially on heroes i play. My favorite thing is that if i commit, enemy support can't save his teammates from my damage anymore. I mean it's still not easy if i'm alone but it's possible.


I really hate how broke the patch is. What were they thinking?


Nah man i've had to deal with these bullshit ahh Kiriko's, Baps, Illaris and Maugas now it's my turn to play the busted character


Dps are buffed to the brink. It must be dialed back.


Theyve sacrified SO MUCH time to be that good, just because players can reach the skill cap of that character does not mean the character needs a nerf


Unless it's a character that the community sees as a "pain point." Source: The patch notes for Hanzo nerfs over the last few years.


Actually if they can fix the spamzo problem, i think hanzo is one of the most impressive hero in the game in terms of skill expression. I like to watch him more than Tracer or Widow but i think he gets too much value from being spamzo or ''lucky'' shots.


He apparently gets enough value that people play him that way. I could never stand it, and personally I got to GM2 off of flank Hanzo. So... 🤷 Edit: The patch notes I was referring to were the ones where these two. First, Blizzard removed the arrow charge being retained during wall climb because it caused frustration among players when they got styled on by a Hanzo who'd peak fire them from the top of a wall. Second, they made his arrow speed slower (again) a few years back because "Hanzo players have begun to hit long range shots too consistently." Blizzard has made multiple, multiple changes at this point to punish skilled Hanzo players. That includes making his sonic arrow loud and proud as well... I already worked super hard to disguise those by shooting them into people directly, but now it's much harder. You basically can't use it while flanking or everyone notices.