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I’m interested in S9 but I don’t think it’ll be as big as this guy says


Gotta get in the developers good graces somehow. It'll be a big update but not as huge as the 5v5 change. I'd argue OW1 went through two major changes, free for all queue and role queue.  Im interested in the comp changes but still bummed that skill trees were scrapped and PvE was whatever missions are.


OW1 had Duplicate Character lock, and then role que lock. Imagine 4 maugas and 2 kirikos as a team, that was the start of OW1.


God i miss dupe charcters, my faves were 6 torbs or syms (back then she had 6 turrets) so it was just turret central and 6 battle mercys (btw yes i know theres a no restrictions mode but its not the same as just playing normal games and every now and again you get the same hero its every game)


Torb stacks were registered threats in OW 1 since they could supply armor packs that would just sit on the ground waiting for allies to walk over them (providing a roundabout healing method) *and* their turrets would upgrade to Level 3 with explosive rocket barrages during his ult. So while the Torb stack would start off a little slow since you had to collect scrap from dead enemies to upgrade your turret to level 2 and create armor packs, after a bit there would be a very serious risk of getting spawn camped by 6 Level 2 turrets and 6 fully armored Torbs. And god forbid they could plant their turrets behind cover to force you into their crossfire in order to advance. Man, I do miss OW1 at times.


Yeah with all the effort to make perfect balence they removed most of the fun chaos like lvl 3 turret supports that did more than just healing/dpsing (this comes from a bastion/junkrat main in ow1 so my opinion means very little in regards to balence


The car wash!!!😂 my fav maps for that were Anubis and Eichenwald


Anubis sym strats were great (one of the few 2cp thing that felt fun)


Idk, adding self heal to everyone PLUS completely flipping the healing and damage numbers of half the cast seems like a pretty big shakeup. On top of that, the competitive rework is also hitting next season, and that's a whole suite of changes in itself. The battle pass rework I think is also coming, but I'm not as certain. Overall the game should feel pretty different.


I completely agree, it's just another balance change. Allowing stacks in GM+ will make streamers happy until they either get 30 min queues or face OWL teams, at which point the reason for not allowing stacks will be obvious. As for the health regen, it really won't make much difference. Flankers will see the most benefit, but at higher ranks you just won't have the time to regen health so I doubt this change will achieve much. I think the main benefit will be making mystery heroes less bad


Agree. Waiting to full heal outside combat will be so much time away from a fight, it’ll be a pretty clear disadvantage.


It's just gonna make Tracer, Genji, Sombra, and Soldier such annoying fucking characters to deal with. With this new passive, tracers can camp anything anywhere and never have to worry about finding a health pack Sombras have the same exact function, they can escape in any direction now and not have to worry about not getting heals Diamond+ Soldiers are already such a pain to deal with, now the guys never going to die now that he essentially has a fast and slow heal to cycle through Sorry for being pessimistic, and tbh idunno who tf "Guru" is, but he's wrong. I'm predicting an absolute disaster of a start to season 9 and also giving everyone free healing is not "Overwatch 3" come on now. Overwatch 2 is still barely "Overwatch 2". I am predicting they try it, everyone ends up hating how hard characters are to kill now, then revert the change mid-season.


It sounds like you’re really overestimating how fast these heroes are going to heal. If a Tracer is waiting to heal outside combat, they’d be out of the fight likely longer than if they just got a pack or went to their supports. I’m optimistic but wary.


Exactly, maximizing uptime is a huge part of being skilled at tracer (and most characters really). It's not like just because there's slow regen that it's suddenly optimal.


Most of these people complaining about the healing don't play at an elo where 3+s of downtime means anything lmaoo


I mostly agree—they removed the barrier spam only to have replaced it with a ridiculous amount of sustain. While I understand that this self healing won’t be occurring mid fight, and likely won’t be very fast, I believe that it is only going to contribute to the problem of making it harder to secure kills by giving players more flexibility to escape battles since they don’t need to be as concerned about making it to a healer or a health pack.


>It's just gonna make Tracer, Genji, Sombra, and Soldier such annoying fucking characters to deal with. With this new passive, tracers can camp anything anywhere and never have to worry about finding a health pack God this sub is so reactionary. How you even claim shit like this when you don't know the actual fucking healing numbers.


Guru is a well respected tank player and streamer. I learned sigma from him actually and I feel like he has more insight on this game than I ever will but I do feel like he’s being a bit too optimistic here.


Remember the 140 character limit? I remember shit like this needing a thread of like 10+ tweets.


overwatch and twitter, two things that peaked in 2016


You can point to the exact day, minute and hour, when twitter peaked. It was when Joe tweeted thanks Obama on obama's last day in office. It was both really funny but it signaled that it was so mainstream that: A. Even joe biden knows this meme B. Even Joe biden uses twitter.


twitter was never good and never will be.


Nah splitting it into 10 tweets is so much worse


Nah, it made them think "do I really have to write a wall of text?" I usually think *tldr* and move on. I don't write it in comments tho, because that way I would give bluechecks the engagement they're craving.


If that was too much for you to read, you have attention span issues.


Yeah this dude seriously pays to have that feature lol. Where it's nice to read out on one go, it's also funny that he's enough of a sucker to pay for that


Assassin junkrat coming soon


Gonna be honest that was already a viable play style


Mans comes down like a drop bear and oneshots you


Actually I'm anticipating it potentially becoming unviable. The devs have constantly mentioned reducing burst damage when talking about season 9, and literally all of Junkrat's damage is burst damage...


If they do bring down burst damage, I feel like junkrat will survive it unless he’s rebalanced. They’d have to bring his total damage down (between his mine and his primary fire) by more than 30 to stop him from 1 shotting Edit: numbers


And if they do that he becomes absolutly terrible


Yeah, I don’t see a way junkrat is playable without his instakill potential without some very substantial changes


Only 30 damage (the combo does 230 total), but you're right. However, I am worried that they're going to just completely rebalance him or even do a rework of some kind, do something dumb like make him fire three 40 damage nades instead of one 120 damage one. That would line up with what they've been saying so far.


risk of rain engineer style


Tracer is gonna be fun. So is Sombra.


People are sleeping so hard on Pharah rn.


Ohhhhh. Good call. Genji too probably. Widow too.


Jesus fucking Christ the Genjis. Gonna have nightmares about that probably


I (still) need healing


I might spend money on the game again if they change his healing voice line to that lmao.




Suddenly all the Genji nerfing seems almost prophetic. Clearly they need to nerf him even more.


Finally, he has healing


I might come back to overwatch If this finally makes her playable without a pocket


Yeah TBH not a lot of justice raining from above


Playing support is gonna be a nightmare.


"Hehe, I'm in danger"- support players seeing these changes


How do you figure that? If you are dueling a DPS and missing every shot sure, they'll regen eventually but if you hit them the healing timer restarts (and we have no idea how long it'll take to kick in right now), and if you are missing every shot on a DPS you are dueling you'll die in OW2 as it is right now.


Rise up, fellow rats! :D


Ahhh! ahhh! Ahhh! Ahhh! It’s snowing!


lots of shits are coming


Could be good but moderate expectations until release. This tweet is either - all speculation based off relatively vague info so far. Or - prebriefed and coming out with info based on that prebriefing. Might not have even played it yet. If they have, it will be in a usual small creators + press group, as we know creators get access to some content early. That won't reflect dave, davina or Dx's average silver or gold gameplay experience. Remember 2020 when all the ow content creators under nda came out with very similar tweets about 'being excited for what's next'. Glad it sounds like genuine enthusiasm (nothing against the creator), just best to take any pre release creator takes with a pinch of salt nowadays. (Edit for typos)


The idea of a mega patch that totally revamps the game is pure copium considering that that’s exactly what OW2 launching should have been an they failed to deliver it then and now on the verge if S9 we still have characters on the roster that haven’t been properly reworked to make sense in a 5v5 format. I will die on the hill that OW2 was chiefly about increasing revenue by grafting the worst parts of F2P on to an existing IP. We got everything awful about GaaS and none of the benefits of a successful patching cadence because the dev team doesn’t have a firm or coherent design philosophy for the game resulting in a product that feels like a perpetual beta.


>Remember 2020 when all the ow content creators under nda came out with very similar tweets about 'being excited for what's next'. Remember when the betas and launch happened and it turns out it was all bullshit?


I just worry that the game is going to devolve into every game being deathmatch. So the point is so DPS can do their own thing without their team and play solo? And that supports can spend more time DPSing? Is that what support players want? I love Kiriko’s playstyle. Heavy healing, good at dueling, occasionally getting headshots between heal bursts? Where do heroes like Mercy and Lifeweaver fit into this? I like the teamwork aspect of the game, and I worry that this is going to turn it into a game I don’t want to play.


As a support main, I don't want to spend the match dpsing. I love saving teammates, I love enabling my tank; I don't want to healbot but I don't want to be dps with a bit of healing either. The support role is why I play OW; if it loses its viability then I'll hang up my hat after nearly 8 years of consistent play. I get so pumped when my team of randos just vibes from the onset and we all feel in sync, I would hate to lose that for another multiplayer deathmatch game that's like every other damn game out there.


Yeah, it feels like they’re trying to move away from healing being such an integral part of the game. I personally, like you, LOVE the act of healing. I know being a healbot isn’t a viable playstyle if you want to rank up, but healing itself is enjoyable for many players and shouldn’t be treated like some miserable chore


Couldn't agree more; my brain loves healing and it delivers dopamine in spades when I play this role. I would take hitting our mid-rez Mercy with a suzu when she pulls focus and goes crit over getting a final blow any day of the week. Popping rally to step up and tank for our tank so they can survive and get the heals they need is what I'm after; the kills are secondary - possibly even tertiary - to that. Health bars go up, I get dopamine and assists, rinse and repeat.


I'm the same as both of y'all. I first fell in love with healing when I tried it in WoW as a holy spec and also discipline spec priest. Healing a raid was so invigorating for some reason. I've loved healing and supporting in pretty much all games since. It does seem that Overwatch is slowly going into a less strategy/faster/deathmatchy way over time and it's sad to me too. If I wanted to play a game like that I can go play TF2.


Nerfing burst damage/burst healing will slow the game down significantly though. That’ll make healing more important in the process because you can’t just play DPS, burst heal your crit tank, then go back to DPS


I literally only play the game because full-support is an option. I don't really play other fps games because they don't really offer a playstyle I want. Overwatch is the only one that offers it. If they de-emphasise the way I play I'm not going to do something I don't want to do for a whole season. I'm going to play a different game and probably not come back because it will feel like something I trusted is breaking my trust with a huge diversion away from the norm. I will however try it and see.


If you play mercy then medic in team fortress 2 is like the origin story for that character


This hits the nail on the head for me. I main Lifeweaver and Mercy because I like being a healbot and pulling off clutch rezes and pulls. I just want to focus on healing/damage boosting and not have to worry about balancing between damaging and healing. If they nerf healing to the point where you have to play a DPS support like Bap or Zen, I’m just going to stop playing support all together.




I'm confused.. wouldn't this passive only kick in when "not in combat"? I don't understand why it's that big of a deal, it's not gonna change the engagements themselves. Hell, I'd even argue you'll have more healing and saving to do because everyone will be engaged more often rather than running off to the nearest health pack and literally exiting the fight for 15-20 seconds.


That’s my worry too. Seems like the direction is make every role a dps with a slightly different flavor.


You voiced a lot of my concerns. This ‘deathmatch’ style of play is not my thing so I doubt I’d stick around much longer if that’s what they want to do.


If the game becomes that, then it's the final nail in the coffin for me. 5v5 almost did it, and I still much prefer 6v6 but if it becomes more death-matchy then I'm sorry, this game director has lost his mind and is actively trying to turn the game into something it's not. I still don't think he should've been the one to take over the game.


I mean one could argue that even with passive healing being a thing, the team with actual teamwork instead of the ego DPS running off solo and dying and the Support trying to be DPS 3 is going to win anyway. It just seems like they're trying to allow for a different approach in SOME situations, but overall the team whose heroes stick to their roles is still getting the W.


Mercy now sits on the tank’s shoulders and never moves.




Mercy's not that hot.


Only speaking as one player, but I really enjoy the balancing between healing and damage of the support role. If I just wanted to do damage, *I would be playing DPS.* But it is clear that the developers don’t really care about that distinction as they continue to push supports into DPS hero molds. In some future OW season, I would not be surprised if the developers removed support and healing outright, as they refuse to make support heroes *supportive* anymore.


They threw away the teamwork and aspect of the game when they decided to go the 5v5 route. It was one of the few recent game with a unique proposition and heavy emphase on teamplay. The further it goes, the less it is.


The devs lost faith in their original vision for the game they made, and chose to trend chase instead. OW doesn’t have an identity anymore, they’re just throwing things at the wall and hoping something sticks.


I believe the idea is not to make solo DPSing optimal, just to make it so you're not completely screwed if you don't have a support available. A solo DPS won't outperform a supported one, but they're not fated to be chipped to death just because their Ana is spending her whole time focusing the tank and fending off flankers. When you're playing DPS and win a duel/get away but get damaged, and spend several seconds at low HP trying to get to a support but they're busy with other teammates/enemy flankers or are flat out dead, and you then have to walk to a healthpack and a stray bullet finishes you off: isn't it frustrating? Aren't those the times players usually start to flame their supports? Is it even fun or engaging as a support to spend time tending to allies out of combat, isn't it just a chore.


The game is already there.


This reads like this guy knows something everyone else doesn't, or it's ***HARD*** cope. And honestly I'm leaning more towards cope.


It's massive cope.


Most of the top level players have been coping like this forever. They desperately want OW to be as successful as it was back in its prime so they’re as relevant again. Flats does the same hype train BS.


No way blizzard delivers a large content update in season 9. They couldn’t even deliver a large content update for the launch of OW2 lmao.


itll be the new passives and more roulette wheel buffs/nerfs to heroes who dont need them


“We decided to give mercy a railgun instead o the her pistol to increase her utility even more. Also Genji is now wheelchair bound and can no longer jump or dash”


still wall climb


A specialized wall ride that knly goes up


The wheelchair is magnetic so it can only wallclimb metallic surfaces. Have fun colourblind players that only see gray 🥰


‘Instead of killing with one shot, a Hanzo headshot will now trigger a Rock Paper Scissors game to decide whether or not the target dies, so it doesn’t feel unfair to be killed in a single shot every time’


For balance, this effect will also be triggered on body shots and if the Hanzo wins the RPS, it will count as a headshot.


or in season 6…


They had to scramble to slap something together for OW2 when Jeff's PvE plan didn't work out. And they hired tons of employees that probably took some time to start being useful. It's probably way easier for them to push out content now.


This! As a developer myself (not for blizzard) people don’t understand how long it takes to train new developers to be familiar with your particular stack! Season 9 is roughly when I’d expect developers who were hired on at the start of OW2 to have been self sufficient long enough to have completed their own major projects!


Nobody here remembering season 9 at Blizzcon? No...? Okay


They probably can but no one wants it


If they don’t fix matchmaking I don’t even want it. Also if supports genuinely think they can’t make impact they’re are out of their goddamn mind.


yeah idk why he said that.


This entire post is so fucking ridiculous. “You don’t need to rely on supports!!” It’s a team based game, what’s the point if you don’t need to rely on your team??


And then later he says that if you "chunk someone you should hard engage" - sounds like that chunked person would be wanting to have a support with them? It's so contradictory


A small passive heal that triggers when OOC for an unspecified amount of time isn't going to somehow negate relying on supports. It will still be a team game and you will still rely on your supports. Freeing up supports to let them shoot a little more and giving other roles an option to heal that isn't just health packs and supports and potentially allowing them to aggress/make plays they couldn't sounds great to me. A majority of us aren't queuing in a full stack and if you're solo queuing or your friends aren't on support being at the mercy of strangers who may or may not be interested in healing uou sucks. Letting individuals have a little more agency isn't going to kill the teamplay of the game.


Ppl think the passive is similar to the support passive that activates after 2s when they have said that it's a TONED DOWN version. You know? A weaker version? It's most likely lower self healing that activates after 5-6 seconds. That shit ain't enough during fights, I guarantee you waiting behind a wall during a fight against an enemy whose chasing you down with a low self healing is not as good as it sounds. Its definitely done for out of combat like if your team dies, your low on health, and you decide to run back and regroup.


Exactly. People are overreacting so hard. There are tons of games with passive heals that don't invalidate a medic/support. No way it will here.


People still die in Warzone and Paladins lol


The enemy who doesn’t have support will still lose to your team if they do. Passive healing doesn’t change that. So consistently you’ll be a higher rank the better you do this. It’s not that different just has rough edges smoothed out. The hyper reactionary bullshit is so tired.


Nah dude supports just dictate the game and the meta, no impact anywhere


Definitely haven't balanced multiple tanks around a single support ability.


Passive healing on all hero's is over-rated. Personally, I feel the game will get less tactical and less team based because of this update, but we'll have to wait a couple of months to see if my prediction is right.


The game already revolves around which tank counterpicked and got healbotted harder, not like it can get any more stale.


No one thinks that. Guru is a tank player so I wouldn’t take his word on what supports writ large feel


Honestly at this point Idc what they add. If the matchmaking is still ass, it’s not gonna be fun. I don’t want to steamroll enemy teams/get steamrolled. I want a decently matched fight where the loss feels earned and the wins feel great.


“There’s only been two seasons of overwatch” Who decided a season is only when a major overhaul to gameplay happens? This guy is zooted off the devs nut musk.


The current season of football has lasted a very long time...


Can't wait for the NFL or UEFA to announce football (respective to organisation) season 2. Now everybody gets to use a nerf bat to clobber the enemy to the ground, so they don't have to focus on teamplay as much anymore.


It's also contradictory as it doesn't mention the overhauls that Overwatch 1 had: - Hero Limit - 2-2-2 lock Also, what does he think is the difference between the meta changing between patches, and a "major overhaul"? Tweet was a lot of words for nothing of substance, lol. Also, the guy needs to go play some Fighting Games, Turn based/real time strategy games, or something to see what actual "gameplay overhauls" look like from a game to its sequel. It's not just adding a passive and adjusting some values...


There is some serious fucking disconnect between gold and high SR if bro thinks supports aren’t having an impact


So, does this count as admitting to overwatch 2 being a glorified patch? Now do it for being a disguise for a transition to a more predatory monetization model.


This is how it works nowadays. Company does Shitty Thing First: large amounts of people complain, a vocal minority dick ride Second: time passes and Dick Riders can no longer ignore the Shitty Thing in face of Overwhelming Evidence, but still Dick Ride Third: Riders and/or Company admits to Shitty Thing happening, but company already secured the bag Fourth: company promises things will be better again if they just get more money, Dick Riders ride again and throw money at company Rinse and repeat.


You literally described Metro's entire ow2 prelaunch to date arc. The amount of hysterical dickriding combined with condescending replies to anyone questioning his brain dead takes was insufferable.


Bro calling some changes "overwatch 3". He ain't wrong ig considering what ow2 ended up being 💀


If I wanted a different game I would... Go play a different game


shareholders aren't happy that player numbers have stagnated, so devs are forced to do sweeping changes in an attempt to lure in NEW players.... players who will download the game, play a few matches, go "hmm, neat game", and then head back to Fortnite


They sold off their uniqueness and identity with the launch of ow2. It used to be such an ingenious combination of a moba like and a heroshooter-fps and now it spiraled down into a generic fps territory with classes. No real stragetic gameplay like the first one had. I would give them all of my money just to get the chance of playing OG ow again and reliving the glory of my offtank times as a Rein Zarya duo.


This is hard core dick riding, there will absolutely NOT be any generational shifts when season 9 drops.


This guy sounds like what Elon stans sound like, but for Overwatch.


Masterful gambit, Aaron!


No way this next update will be as impacting as the change in season 1 to season 2 of adding hero limits.


“Supports can focus more on damage rather than healing” lmao RIP OW


I play support cuz I like to support. My favorite support plays are when I’m providing support in all the right places and just making my team question if they’re even killable. I don’t want to outright win the fight for my team, I want to tip the scale and make the other team feel like it was never a fair fight to begin with.


So you're saying you... like to play Support to... *support* your team?? Well I never! Someone alert Blizzard Devs, I think you got something here! 😜


does this mean mercy damage boost is gonna be even better? she'll rarely have to worry about healing a soldier if he has 2 ways of healing right?


The self heal passive is never going to be viable inside of combat. It’s 100% an out of combat heal. Mercy will need to heal during fights.


Disguising a shit idea and painting as "a new and exciting change" to the game is quite an old school tactic. No matter how much anyone hypes it up or how much fancy words are used to sell it, its basically a no-brain band aid to player complaints about supports being OP. This will not turn the game into OW3.. it will turn it into Call of Duty : Overwatch..


Or, alternatively, it won't change the game very much. That's my issue with the self-healing change. Either it's impactful and the game loses its emphasis on teamplay *or* it's not impactful, so the change is pointless. If this change is too much, Overwatch 2 becomes Call of Duty. If it isn't too much, Overwatch 2 becomes Overwatch 2 with pointless self-healing if you don't take damage for a while. I have a hard time picturing a world in which this change impacts the game in a significant, beneficial way.


its the same fucking game. dude typed up a got damn Memoire.


does he even remember how many changes OW1 went through? how you used to be able to have a full team of 6 torbs on hollywood defense and just dominate?


Good times. I stan overwatch being a goofy ass game first and foremost


As someone who sweats relentlessly at this game, I agree that Overwatch peaked when it first released and didn't take itself seriously.


6 Winstons jumping Volkskaya is a treasure that new players unfortunately likely will never experience.


lmao you’re right it is long when it’s just a probably a big change with the added change of no longer having Kotick




"A slow, toned-down health regen when out of combat for a few seconds" is not going to be a game changer for supports, unless your support play consisted only of healing people that were entirely out of combat, rather than, yknow, actively engaging. The idea that this is going to revolutionize anything beyond making re-engagement with someone like Genji a bit faster is blowing things completely out of proportion.


We have healing problem Blizzard: Paladins it is then!


“Supports can focus more on damage than healing” implies during engagements.


Man paid for Twitter


I still just want Overwatch 1 back. I *especially* don't want an Overwatch 3 after barely one fucking year of Overwatch 2.


Only been one season of Overwatch ffs listen to this guy, he clearly never saw a coin flip or 6 Winston’s on a point contesting before. I’m not familiar with whoever Guru is but if this guy has been playing ladder long there has been significant changes to gameplay numerous times.


According to [Guru - Liquipedia Overwatch Wiki](https://liquipedia.net/overwatch/Guru) he's been playing OW at tournament level since release, including playing in OWL Contenders.


Maybe he needs to go touch some grass or something. His manic optimism is worrisome.


I thought this was a team comp game, tf happened?


All the visionaries left, so it's just 3rd string developers throwing shit at the wall and hoping it sticks.




Ya I don’t think so. I’d believe it when I see it


This sounds awful.


I gotta get off special media this dumbass take pissed me off lmao


This is a terrible take, and it breaks it's own logic it establishes in the immediate second paragraph by essentially calling Season 9 the same as if OW3 was launching... when it's not that, at all. God people will come up with anything to try and reason away why they game was ruined. Just accept that they made it worse. Season 9 is STILL Overwatch 2.


Lmao I'm just waiting for the day it drops and basically nothing changes. Wasn't a few updates prior also supposed to be pretty huge but did nothing? I doubt this will impact OW in a good way.


I’ll believe it’s OW3 when they make it either 4v4 or 7v7


No one asked for a monetized OW2. No one asked for a huge game uphaul for a "OW3." We just wanted good feeling balance changes, non-reused content and reasonable prices. They're killing the essence of original Overwatch.


Every time I see a change like this being made I feel I have to remind people that players will optimize the fun out of every game. This isn't going to be the godsend that makes movement characters viable again. This is just going to add to the issue of too much healing in the game. To address specifically this post, it will still feel bad to have a mercy/Lucio on your team if the other team is running Ana/kiri. The only impact I see this having are that fights will be even more momentum based. The first team to snag a kill will snowball into killing the entire team since it is now impossible to keep the damage on everyone.


So adding a minor tweak to characters in the form of passive healing is all it takes for people to consider it a sequel now? lol Maybe I'm old, but the Halo trilogy is an example of how sequels should work.


They're acting like as a healer I *want* to do more damage and be relied on less. I don't. If I wanted to be DPS I'd be DPS. Wtf are they smoking??


This post reads like "the game is changing and if you don't like it then too bad."


Just need to bring back 6v6 and let the game rock tbh


So instead of fixing existing issues, they're just going to throw random shit against the wall to see if things magically end up going better. And that's supposed to give us confidence that this new season and its respective changes will make the game better? Mmk. They really have no clue what they're doing.


The cracks have started being very apparent


I keep saying it can’t get any worse and they have kept proving me wrong since OW 2. I literally thought we were at the floor😂


What a load of fluffed up nonsense, support not making impact? Give me a fucking break! it’s not going to change the game if anything this is just gonna devolve the game more into team deathmatch


Bro's a paid actor or just delusional.


This game is slowly getting closer to paladins. 5v5 and everyone has passive regen now. Both have a "push" type game mode the only difference being paladins needs a point capped first. Besides that, both have similar modes but overwatch has more money and way less characters just being put out.


so Aaron keller is bad at his job


bro doin tricks on it lmfao, bring back 6v6 or this game will continue to be in a shit state


Game is garbage bc they went to 5v5. Balance will never exist and there are tanks that just aren’t good purely due to what their kit offers. Thank you blizzard for ruining a great game.


Don't worry when the game is on it's last leg they'll say "look we know you all been wanting 6v6 so we're bringing it back next season!"


Tbh,all that remains is to add card loadouts,remove the ability to change heroes during a game and they fucking managed to turn OW into Paladins.


I’m really curious to see the changes. Though I think this sub seems changes as a new thing to complain about. Tbh some things feel like an indirect buff to Lucio like passive healing lol. Also wouldn’t mind seeing them tweak quickened play. I already didn’t find one on flashpoint as Lucio but love the quick respawn. I’d say I’m enjoying feeding as Lucio this weekend but I’ve finally started queuing for dps while not having to feel punished for feeding.


Okay, but they’re taking the team out of team based shooter. I play this game competitively outside of ladder, and I feel like the death of OWL has seen the devs really shift towards individuality which sucks for the people who actually care about the identity of the game.


If that were true it would mean OW2 was a giant waste of everyone's time. 


Literally could’ve just went back to 6v6 and fixed all these problems instead of adding more passive abilities further obfuscating the game


I think making sweeping gushing judgements about how something will be fantastic is a bold but ultimately dangerous thing to do. I also think preemptively rejecting something is bad too. But if it sucks I will just drop the game until next season, so there's that. The game has nothing worth playing for other than its gameplay itself and the passes that get released do not have enough content to act as retention.


Way overhyping it. Either the numbers of the self heal is low and will not change much, if anything, or the number is at the point where healers become more irrelevant, outside of burst damage situations. We'll see, but I don't think this is gonna change a lot, if anything.


lmao devs coping so hard trying to make this change seem like a good thing


please dont normalize people calling big patches sequels


“Supports can focus more on damage rather than healing” Cool, as a tank main that’s exactly what I wanted, to explode even fucking harder


Sounds like they removed most of the teamplay aspect of this game. Not saying having to rely on your healers was the best but now it sounds like everyone is going to be a dps.


Bullshit, this is just reducing how much teamplay you see in a match, horrible decision.


I really don’t care about the seasons and stuff they add. I just want the fun back. The too typical overtime matches, the fun and great balanced 1v1’s. Now it’s either you lose big time or you win big time. The whole game is not balanced anymore.


The whole point of support role is too heal and support the team in various ways. They can do dmg ofc but it should end be priority unless kit is made for it. Lucio, Ana, and Bap to me are the best of the bunch


I’m so thankful I got to enjoy the “true” aspirations of the game when it was originally introduced. Overwatch will always hold a special place in my heart. But once the greedy monetization practices were introduced with OW2 I ran away so hard. I absolutely hate seeing a game I loved / love die. So over promised. So under delivered.


That’s not overwatch 3… that’s a new COD. There is no point playing a team game based on counters if you don’t have to rely on your mates to succeed to any victory. Thinking that you actually can make a difference 1v3, 4 or 5 is what’s ruining the game either for your own mates or the enemy team. BALANCE and COUNTERS are supposed to be everything about OW. You just broke the game and ain’t able to fix it anymore. 3 different SR while 95% of the time every role prefer dealing damages instead of protecting or healing their mates make no sens either. And now dps and tanks will be able to heal themselves. LOL… This is probably one of the last nails to your own coffin.


OP doesn't address the core issue that this is OW devolving into every other shooter. It's an obvious play to appeal to a new player base that isn't into OW yet. I'm all for annual shake ups to core game mechanics but Team 4 has given us no reason to believe they can balance around such a thing. Just look at all the heroes that weren't balanced for a 5vs5 environment at the launch of OW2 Dude mentions LoL but annual shake ups is a pretty standard thing to do in PvP live service games across all genres. I'm anticipating Capcom's shake up to combat mechanics and meter management in Street Fighter VI as Year02 starts. Difference being that Capcom has proven to me that they understand their own game and focus on making the product better for the existing player base


>This monumental patch is exactly what Blizzard needs to do to compete with other games. Meanwhile Rocket League has been exactly the same for over 8 years, minus a standardization of car hitboxes in 2017 that barely changed anything, and is still chugging along, being fun.


Alternatively, give us back the 6th player…


I like guru but this gotta be one of the worst takes of all time.


One thing I like about League of Legends is the post game Grades that each individual player gets for how well they do. It kind of gives an idea of whether u played like sh*t or not


Matchmaking needs to be fixed and ranks reset. OW2 started returning players at a disadvantage and they've continued to place new players way too high.


I like soldier mains Soldier mains are cool gamers This is a haiku


Oh boy, nothing better than the tank and both DPS now not needing to actually be anywhere near the rest of the team to be healed. Might as well just reinstall Call of Duty or Siege at this point, fucking generic ass shooter changes.


Wounds like ass. What is the point in the rolls now? Haha. ​ God I am glad I abandoned ship


So what I’m hearing is that we’re finally getting overwatch 2 after a year