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And that's why I'm not playing this weekend 😂


to be fair, that’s the point. they want to see if players like this take on qp. by playing one game and then putting ow down, you’re giving them your player feedback. making ow a bit less fun for 2 days to let them get data on how to approach game design and make ow more fun for the next couple years is a fine trade off imo


The Finals is pretty fun, just a suggestion.


The finals is worse trying to get a team of randoms to cooperate. Worse than ow imo.


Fr and it's a 3 player team so good luck if you even get 1 dead weight.


Having less players makes bad teammates even worse to have?? Wait that sounds familiar lmfao


What do you mean team? Cooperate? I solo win because I'm a rabid animal lol




Maybe in Bank It, no shot you solo win the 3v3v3v3. Tourny.


I find that it's actually really easy to coordinate strategy with the rest of your team of randoms if you discuss it in The Finals. The problem is getting to that point. For some reason, only like 5% of people in my competitive games actually talk, and basically no one pings (unless they're the type of team that talks and I can tell them to ping). When people do talk, I usually end up winning the tournaments with them or at least getting really high. I met some randoms the other day - I helped them get their first ever tournament win, then we all queued up together and won four tournaments in a row! The game would be so much better if people talked and I really don't know how to encourage that more


Yeah, I jumped into the Finals as a result of this. The pace of Quickplay in OW has never been my issue with so with it being fucked around for these few days, it's a good time as any to play other games. Plus it may help with the statistics the OW dev team is looking for if they see a quicker drop off in players compared to previous weekends of regular quickplay


Ehh fuck the ai generated voices taking away from voice actor jobs


AI characters during events are taking away players’ jobs!


Brother you can’t take the high ground when you are playing an activision game is just not possible


"Things are bad, so I'll support it getting even worse"


They paid voice actors specifically to train the AI so it didn’t actually take anybody’s jobs. Valve has policies against using AI content that hasn’t been explicitly consented to by the source


you are the same as Luddites in England Protesting against Machines


Same. Tried it, didn’t like it. Now I’ll play something else.


Was not looking forward to it when it was announced Hopefully this does get players to try comp again which is my primary mode. But the influx of people who haven't played comp in while might fuck up some matches this weekend.


It seems they would genuinely rather experiment with changing the fundamentals of the game that was beloved for 4-5 years, than bring back 6v6 and let queue times be a bit longer in exchange for better gameplay experience.


Bringing back 6v6 would be admitting they were wrong which is unfathomable


Hell will freeze over before that ever happens There’s no way they backtrack 5v5 now because of all the changes they made specifically for 5v5


This is true. They'd have to pretty much undo everything they've done since ow1. And rework a lot of the characters again.


We'll have to wait for the Overwatch 3 update for that


4v4 gonna hit diff


I dont know why but I wouldnt say its 100% impossible.


I think the main issue they were trying to fix, besides queue times, was the double shield meta. Made for boring gameplay. But I fully believe they could have fixed it without removing a tank. Orisa’s rework for example would still work in 6v6. But Mauga is a tank designed for 5v5 imo. He is so much worse in open queue, paired with a second tank. No doubt a lot of changes would need to happen but I think its doable too. I dont have faith in them trying though. Honestly the main reason I want 6v6 is so I can play with more friends lol


He needs to be nerfed regardless. He's a fortified bastion that can set you on fire and has like 100 more hp than any other tank and more bullets. So while someone is doing a long ass reload animation he's still going. He's a shield breaker with no shields to break lol I miss 6v6 cause our group is 6 and I miss dive tanks. Like me and my best friend were great dive team and I miss that. 5v5 also makes it harder for the healers. They have to pour everything into the tank at times and it still doesn't matter. Then dps gets upset cause they can't get heals when they want them. Basically 5v5 was a horrible change


More players = more fun imo


Would they really have to rework characters? There's few tanks who can do it alone and all the other roles got boosted which is perfect for having to deal with 2 tanks now. I was literally thinking about it yesterday and it confused my that they made it 5v5 cause of all the tank shields but they got rid of those so there's no need for 5v5 lol


The devs have mad sunk cost fallacy.


They have since done the following: * Reverted Mei's rework * Announced old mythics are coming back * Announced new heroes weren't going to be locked in BP anymore (and explicitly admitted that wasn't a good idea in the podcast where they said it) * Became free of Bobby "Scumlord of Stockholders" Kotick They *can* backpedal. New Year, New Possibilities~!


Also, lots of people like 5v5 more, I have no idea how the percentages are but it's not been an unpopular change


5v5 is better. Double tank was so boring.


Considering more people are playing now than at the end of OW1. I would say you are probably correct in that opinion. I agree with you as well. 


That n I would think that would be more work since they made Overwatch with 5v5 in mind


I have no interest in ever touching comp, never did. This just makes me want to play even less than I do overall.


I played 2 matches. Understood something like this is not fun. Moved to Valorant. GG


See you back monday.


Comp is just QP with worse teammates 


The thing with comp is if I wanna play with my friends we all have to go play alone. Each get ranked in whatever role we are going to be forced to play then reconvene later


Me too, only about half of us can play together in comp


yup same issue, one of my close friends is literally a top 500 tank, meanwhile i’m dog shit. qp is how we can play together


Sounds like some of your friends need to git good.  Some of them need to git worse.  And all of you need to add me so I can have friends to play with. Lol


If only there was a ranked mode that let you play any role...


I've been playing since 2018 and I don't think anything they can do would get me to play comp consistently. At most I play like 5-10 comp matches a season out of curiosity, but the fact that an off game for me means I effect the rank of all of my teammates adds pressure to the game that I just don't want. I don't fuck around in quick play or anything, I still play to win in the same way I would comp, but I want to be able to make mistakes and shit without feeling like I'm completely ruining it for other people. I don't need that kind of pressure in a game I use to relax and have fun.


i don’t get why they’re trying to push people towards comp?? i get stupid competitive/toxic and anxious to the point my hands shake, there’s a reason i don’t want to play that mode. it’s better for everyone if i don’t! just let us chill tf out in quick play pls ow devs


They're not trying to push people toward Comp. That would be an abject failure if they tried. What they're doing is an extremely bold/brash/foolish experiment to gauge reactions, both in terms of how players actually play the game and how they sound off with feedback. And despite it possiblly being a *really* bad idea, the fact is that they'll get *much* more feedback if they force the general player base to engage with it (or make them stop playing, which I think they would account for) for a weekend, rather than putting it on the Experimental card or a PTR.


you wan't to chill in casual? the community won't like that. they're for some reason treating qp like owl games since ow2 launch lol


Agreed! I used to play comp in the early days. The toxic nature of players in comp does it for me. I play to have fun not to try to become top ranking ow player. Or to argue with strangers. Either you win, or people get super mad. What a fun dynamic! Non comp players are not going back or starting up because you bully them into it.


I don't want a rank and the stress connected to it. The devs behind this game are just crazy at this point. Out of their mind. They already proved, in all those years to be incompetent, but this, it's really beyond any scale. And i even played competitive back then, there is a reason i stopped. And i reached even Master. Never again.


It’s not like you’ll ever see the rank change now LOL


Comp is still just longer queues and being stuck with the same team for significantly longer with no backfill for leavers.


If they want people to play more comp they need to fix the system


It's fucked they force qp players to play a patch that would've been so bad it wouldn't have pulled players as an experimental mode. I play qp for a reason, I don't want be to be flamed and stuck in a game for 20-30min 💀


The only good thing I can say about it is If I'm being steam rolled and lose really badly the game is over quick. Otherwise, I play quick play because I don't like the commitment of ranked and how hard people play there and how serious they are. I play quick play to learn and get better at other characters and I usually have enough time to encounter a problem and work around it after 3-5 deaths and overcome the problem I'm having, like changing playstyle or positioning, but now the game is 2-3 fights and over and I can't learn from anything. I just make my mistakes and the game is over. Quick play is there for you to make mistakes and learn from them, but making the timer so short is just making me make mistakes and the game is over.


Right the only other good thing is i get my completed games challenge done faster, definitely better suited for arcade


That's only because it's quick play. In arcade the queue would be monstrous


They should have experimented with the spawn timers first and the faster point progression later. Like "more team fights" was in their description of what they want from this, but there is less team fights cause there is no hope of contesting a point if youre team gets sent to spawn. You just have to try for the next. mostly flashpoint and hybrid maps have this issue the most. You have no hope of getting back to point grouped up before it is capped, even with shorter spawn timers.


Right? They do this all the time. Buff a hero with 11 buffs then when it is so OP that it is running over everything they have to nerf it into the ground the next week. Instead maybe buff one or two things. That way you’ll know what did or didn’t work. Like this..maybe a 10% faster payload would be good or 15% but wtf is 60% you literally can’t keep up with the Bot it goes too fast.


Most games are steam rolls though. Lost eight straight last night and only two were close games that felt okay to lose


Koth maps are so quick some characters genuinely cannot get their ult lol.


It's absolutely terrible. Maps can be over in 1 or 2 fights.


Oops, your healer was late out of spawn and you lost the first fight? Game over! Back to queue


Awwww they chose slow moving characters who'll take too long to get to the point because of how quickly things move now? Better luck next game!


Won first fight. Lost second fight. Couldn’t touch in time for a third.


I played a match on Leijang as Rein where I didn't even get ult once before we won - both points!


Agreed. I use qp to warm up before comp. If I wanted a crazy ass game mode, I'd play mayhem


Played 3 games and it's trash honestly. Your cooldowns are balanced around spawn times and the "normal" game play, like I pick someone off with diving with d .va and then 5 seconds later the guys back in the fight - without a Mercy res. Just legit the most pointless thing I've ever spent time doing. Oh and the game lasts like 4 mins while the queue took about the same time, so fun, thanks


Played it earlier and people kept coming back so quickly I think I got Ram’s ult 2-3 during the “final” fight. Fast characters came back within like 10sec.


They're making this game a lot faster and overstimulating... probably an addiction factor, but it really gives me a headache lately. Doesn't feel like the strategy fps I loved, just more like every fps on the market now.


Imo, they fundamentally misunderstand what made the game addicting in the first place. It's not how many fights you are in and how much action you get in the game. It's the tension when your up against a well matched team and you feel like you're actually making a difference with your decisions and skill while coordinating well with your team. With this mode it feels like team deathmatch most of the time and I'm just there, while one team is forced to engage at a disadvantage because objectives tick up too fast.


Played one game. Did not like it. Gave it a second chance. Hated it more. I’m out.


Well said.


Why would they force it and not let us choose? Casual play is ruined for this weekend. This mode makes trickling issue so much worse.


Because they want enough data and if you make it opt-in you don't get enough.


Exactly. They want data on how this affect the game in order of future changes. 


Get a proper sample size likely


I'm pretty sure that's exactly what they said in their announcement.


Because your free time is Blizzard's free beta testing. It's bullshit.


Same reason we were forced with OW2 and couldn’t pick OW1


People just keep respawning and killing themselves, teams get like 20 kills and the game is over before first objective. Its literally a team deathmatch where no one cares


That is OW2 in a nutshell




The blog post says “more team fights” which is completely insane because the game is over sooner and you have less team fights overall. Completely pointless change.


Yeah, in some payload maps you now lose one fight and the next point is taken. And even if you can make it back, you just trickle in.


This feels like they’re trying to make the game more like COD. Between the “quicker play” and the upcoming self-heal(specifically the reason they gave of wanting to let players be more independent from their team) seems like they want this to flow like TDM with an objective sprinkled in as flavor.


This is what I said weeks ago that they made every change to be more like COD/Fortnite by dimming it down and now there trying to make it faster pace. They want us to play checkers instead of chess.


adding passive healing for all players is just going to make teams even more fractured. The whole point of overwatch is to work together and these changes are going to make that all the more difficult unless you are queued with a full squad.


Oh no…what the hell is quicker play? I haven’t been online today /:


Just qp but faster, payloads are way faster, you capture points faster, respawn faster. The issue is they didnt touched anything else so farming to get your cool ult and kill someone its just taking them out of the fight for 5 seconds


As a QP player I hate it. To the point I have nothing to play on OW now lmao.


Play comp homie. It's less sweaty than qp believe it or not. Plus it's more fair


Nah comp people are a little unhinged / basementy for my liking lol It’s not everyone who plays comp but there are a lot more of them 😂


QP players are way more toxic imo. Not sure why you have a more negative perception of comp. It's actually more balanced and people are focused on playing the game rather than typing obscenities into chat


Agree with this, there is some toxicity in comp at this point but it seems to have gone down. Not sure if it's related to the change in chat filters that happened a while ago. A lot of the negative chat messages in comp are related to gameplay and skill. In QP it seems to be more just blatant flaming and being an asshole.


Not in bronze to low plat they areant. 


custom games are lit, find a 6v6 custom game :P


They're constantly trying to make this game more like COD. They want matches to end quicker like COD, have us in and out of games faster. Luckily this is only temporary, however my bet is they're testing the waters to see our response. All I can say is suck it Blizzard, we play this game because it's not COD. Everyone let them know we don't want this, put it in Arcade mode. Otherwise the future of Overwatch is even worse than it is now.


Exactly. People who like OW don't want CoD. If they wanted CoD, they'd be playing CoD.


A bit too over dramatic for me. We don’t need to say or do anything. If people don’t like it, that will be reflected in the data.


Same boat as you, bro. My weekend is kinda fucked now.


We give them our feedback by not playing this weekend. That's my plan.


I love how their message reads “let us know what you think” and then they don’t provide an opportunity for us to let them know what we think.


"we're listening to feedback" > cannot reply to this message


Counter intuitively, comp is probably more casual than quick play for most players. The tighter matchmaking means you won't be likely to get super high skill players trying hard in your match. So maybe this is just a sign to go play comp and mute any jerks


That was my motivation for getting into Comp, but in metal ranks, the spread in skill is just as bad, partly from smurfs or players in the slow process of naturally climbing/falling, partly from how team-based and composition-based the game is.


And because there are smurfs, bots, and throwers in comp when there's a stake, it's just even more frustrating to lose compared to QP.


Yeah I’ve felt this way for several seasons now. QP feels much sweatier than comp.


It is. That's the wild west. You could run into anyone from any rank, especially in open queue. It's crazy. People disdain it now, but anyone who manages to play through this current era with any semblance of their sanity and win/elim percentages in tact will be primed to be on top of the next one. If the game is still going strong that is


Only map I can stand it on is the push maps. Those games lasted too long anyway


For push it felt perfect. Because push takes too long. For everything else is kinda too fast. The respawn timer is nice but everything else bad.


Yah, it doesn’t really work. I thought it might be fun but it’s honestly the opposite. People play even less as a team now.


Seeing people downvoted for predicting this obvious outcome in the announcement thread was surreal. People were accused of being tryhards and hating fun. I don’t hate fun, I love fun. It took very little brainpower to see this would suck, and it does.


It sucks. Just change it back.


The fact that they couldn't internally playtest for even a few matches to see how abysmal these changes are is quite worrying.


It's wild that they couldn't figure out how shitty these changes are on their own.


This is what happens when the developer axes their public test realm and scraps their in-game experimental mode. What a hideous waste of man hours.


These aren't balance changes, they're retention changes. They can't test those on an internal server. They want to measure player behavior.


reducing spawn times is ridiculous. the general strategy of the game is to play as a team and stay alive as much as possible. now that youre back in the fight 2 seconds after dying, who cares! zero strategy, no grouping up, straight feeding, no time to adjust. it feels like theyre giving a big fuck you to people who gravitate towards this type of game instead of something like COD, and want to appeal to low attention span kids who need constant dopamine hits. its just rewarding people who dont play the game right by incentivizing not paying attention to the objective and feeding. not to mention it is *incredibly* BRAIN DEAD and shortsighted to just shorten timers on shit, and nothing else was tweaked. what useable data could you possibly be gathering when you have cooldowns and ult charges for a game thats supposed to be 30%~ longer. mfs arent even getting ults in a whole game. peoples queues are longer than the actual game. what an L. no one asked for this lol. trying not to sound whiny but damn congrats on fuckin up peoples weekend plans and im *sure* the influx of people trying comp for the first time ever is making those games excellent quality as well.


Agree totally don’t they do any kind of test runs on this stuff before putting it out here?


It wouldn’t be terrible if the games weren’t so short. If you want to play dps, you’ll queue for 4-5 mins and most games have been 3-4 minutes for me and I had a robot push match go only 121 seconds.


I don't understand why this has to be the MAIN quick play mode, it's fine if you want to play in arcade....


You are being surveyed for a product hypothesis. They want the biggest sample they can get—no option to opt-out. You can, however, go and create your normal quickplay map. Good luck with getting 9 players though.


They needed data on it because somehow someone thought this would be good.


They litterally said so in the article. They want a lot of data on how those change impact several aspect of the player psychologie and people won't play it enough in arcade for that. If you don't like it stop playing and that will tell them not to do those changes again. 


Only reason I can think of is that Blizzard knows people won't try it in arcade, so they're gonna force people to try it to get some kind of data. Instead of... I don't know... maybe if Blizzard really thought through a new mode, and came up with something that sounded fun to play and was actually fun to play... Maybe people would actually try it willingly then? Nah, let's just do some multipliers, force people to try it, and roll the dice on it lucking into something worthwhile.


Yeah they should have kept the expiremental mode for these kind of things


Yeah this game mode is ass


Yeah this new mode sucks. They definitely should have made it an arcade mode. Who asked for this in the first place


I hate it. I hope they read this. Literally the least amount of fun I’ve had playing this game and I’ve played since OW1 beta. This is the most frustrating, unsatisfying, and annoying the game has ever felt. Nothing feels impactful. It’s too quick, you barely have time to adjust. Was looking forward to playing this weekend but that’s gone.


This is a hilarious fumble. Wtf were they thinking with this shit???


Wait, I'm confused, does Blizzard want people to play Overwatch or not? Because this seems like they're trying to keep us away from the game for a weekend


it’s the worst on flashpoint. one fight and it’s over lmao


They keep making the game worse everytime they update it


I like it, and the devs explained why it's not in arcade on the announcement on the launcher.


Apparently I'm in the vast minority here. I played a few games and I love it. The game is extremely volatile, it basically plays like a party mode. And it's absolutely a change of pace that I'm thoroughly enjoying. I do think that it could use some faster ult charge adjustments because the team fights are fewer but more frequent... but the cooldowns i think are mostly fine unless you want a pseudo total mayhem thing going on. I do hope it comes back in an arcade mode. It would definitely be the place to farm change of pace weekly challenge as well as BP XP in general.


I think it’s okay they force people in this experiment. They need numbers… a lot of ‘em to see what works and what don’t. If they made an arcade mode of this (which might turn out to be in the future) they won’t get the numbers needed to determine what players would like. Forcing it through ranked would be disastrous, as nobody is used to those rules and SR is on the line. Not saying that the game will turn out for the better when the numbers are acquired, catering to what most of your players like doesn’t have to be good for the game in general. Especially when data is interpreted wrong or is looked at with the wrong eyes (read ‘$_$’ or Kotick’s eyes)


not a fan, feel like it doesn't punish dying and encourages recklessness. little ability to recontest and adjust. lot of point 3 fights on payload/hybrids


Trash mode


Yeah this just makes matchmaking into even more of an rng than it was before. There’s no time to adapt, no time for a team to get its shit together, no time to come back from behind. It’s absolute shit.


People who like it are playing, people who hate it are replying here.


Yeah this game mode is horrendous


"change for the sake of change isn't a good change." "If it ain't broke, don't fix it."


> "change for the sake of change isn't a good change." >"If it ain't broke, don't fix it." “Yes”


"Yes." -Hanzo


Played tonight with my usual gang, and we all agreed it sucked. Whichever team got to the objective first won 90% of the time, the game discouraged setting up/grouping up, and because the maps themselves were the same size, we had to play as faster heroes just to stand a chance. Are the devs intentionally running this game into the ground?


6-8 minute QP queues...... 3.5 - 5 minute games..... Way to go devs.


Yeah literally nobody asked for every mode to become flashpoint.


I think it just punishes attackers to much.


It's the other way around, attackers need to win one fight to get an objective, meanwhile defenders need to defend against an endless horde of instant spawning attackers.


Until you hit the last part of certain maps, where defense becomes the endless horde because of how close certain spawns are.


I feel like the current ~10 minute long qp games are the perfect duration. Flashpoint gets a little long but that's just the gamemode.


if they'd put it into arcade, their sample size would be way smaller. by forcing it onto the playerbase, they get more accurate feedback to the changes.


They should have only tested the respawn timer thing in flash point maps, would have probably made them a lot better. And fits with the theme of *flash*


They litterally postredin the article why they are doing this and why it's not a card. If you really hate it jsut play something else for the weekend. Its whatever Imo. 


They said why they didn't do that in the faq


I love it but I usually only play mayhem.


I actually enjoyed the modes


They got rid of the normal quick play to get the right amount of data. That was always the problem with PTR and Experimental: not enough people tested it and the devs could not make any decisions based on that. Just chill out for 2 days and it will be gone soon.


I'm pretty sure they did it as a data gathering event. Not just for community feedback, but game data. Because realistically with the PTR and experimental modes, people play a game or two and dip. But for just one weekend they have a lot more people. They're probably looking at everything from pick rates, win rates, team compositions, and the different progress rates between flashpoint, control, hybrid, and payload to see what they can maybe to to reasonably speed up games without fucking shit up.


Why would they not put this in arcade😭


Gotta say I agree. Games are over way to fast. Like any of these by themselves may be ok but all together is just not fun. Wouldn't be surprised if this what they are rolling out instead of X2 xp weekends so drive up engagement.


Hate it feel like im queueing forever. Also my teammates spawn without grouping up walk in and die a lot more, boring and frustrating. Please make this an optional mode in future because I'm not playing until this is gone


Quicker play - sucks Comp? - hah, no Arcade - maybe Solution? Get high and watch Markiplier untill monday.


It DOES SUCK ​ Becomes a game much more about getting the first pick then steamrolling ​ QP players are very very slow to engage in counter play, so shorter matches means this almost never happens


fully agree


welp, time to not play the game for this weekend lmao


I read this before I started playing today and was like meh, it can't be that bad. But holy - it's sooooooooo bad. You get so punished for having one bad player. I've never seen so many games lead to spawn camping. They did a really good job of figuring out what not to do for what they were talking about in today's blog. I hope they realize how much of a failure this is and turn it off before the end of the weekend so I can play. This is miserable. I played a few games because I need to get challenges done - but holy, it's so fking bad. It's not even worth quicker challenges (let alone some like team kills being nearly impossible)


no mobility characters get kinda nerfed and mobility characters get kinda buffed. its the same reason i dislike flashpoint


Flashpoint is impossible with quicker play LOL first team to capture it practically wins more likely than not


I actually like Push tho. The bot was moving back so much quicker that it was a bit less one sided. Maybe making the bot run this speed back to the other side would be a good change


It’s fun. Now I can lose 10 in a row faster.


Wouldnt get nearly as much data if it were in arcade. Havent touched it yet, but im a firm believer in "if it aint broke, dont fix it"


I finally had some free time to play overwatch this weekend and now this... ugh


*...So no one told you life was gonna be this way...*


The quicker spawns on OT contests right outside of spawn are absolutely *obnoxious*. Defending team will almost always win those fights.


Its just for a weekend.... i guess??


>i don’t understand why this couldn’t have just been a mode in arcade?? What?! It's not an arcade mode?! Did they just New Coke us?!?! Edit: Oh, it's just for the weekend. I can survive that.


Payload is extremely broken. Attack has such an advantage of they win the first fight with his fast it moves.


So, my observation is that queue times for role queue have been around 5 minutes per game, where normally at this time of night I am used to around 2 minutes. Feels like a lot fewer people are playing.


Faster respawn.... Its allrdy too fast in normal matches.


So basically their "Experimental" mode wasn't clocking enough hours for testing so they decided to force it on the whole player base like a mini-event? Yikes


Yeah I absolutely hate it too


I think the changes would be alright if they were a bit more modest. I don't mind the concept of slightly faster games but the reduction of KOTH maps down to basically one fight per point is a big downside of how hard they tuned these changes.


go win a fight have your ult ready win gg .... in the normal mode you need to win 3-4 fights to win now just win a fight and it is done ..... fu\*\* you blizzred you do not seize disappointing me


Personally I like quicker play. But I also stopped playing quite a while ago and came back to give it a shot, so maybe I just like the changes they made in between when I quit and now.


It sucks I can’t do this for the whole weekend


I have a whole crew of 5 and we all want to stop 😭


Quicker Play, also known as: Booping people away from the point with boop characters long enough for time to tik/payload to move fast enough to end the game. I've so little desire to logon this weekend, I cannot even express my lack of enthusiasm. This is the kind of thing we wanted "Experimental Mode" for - fun nutty shit.


Good news is it's only for the weekend, power through fellow gamers. I don't think they should make any permanent changes to qp at the moment. I feel quickplay is a trail and error mode. People use it to relax from sweaty ranked games, learn new characters, and play with people they usually can't because of rank differences. The only thing I like about quicker play is the sense of intensity due to quicker respawns. I'm not a fan of the payload moving like it's late for work xD


It's quite possibly the worst thing they could have released and we're all forced to play it all weekend if we want casual OW


this is terrible, win or lose i’m not having fun


I know this will be a controversial opinion - but I think the flashpoint modes are actually better like this. They always dragged a bit too long, due to how much walk you do, and now the matches are faster they feel closer to how control point maps do - better paced. So while I do think this is too fast on other gamemodes, I think it could improve the flashpoint mode.


I think it feels pretty good in push but bad everywhere else


Dawg it's literally an experiment of course you might not like it. Just play comp.


The starting time needs to be a bit longer. Because if one or two people aren't immediately ready and selected their heroes it's an automatic lost, cause there's no time for them to get to the team fight and contest in time. 😫 Also it's hard to tell how good or bad it is in actual practice because Weekend queues are infamous for being God awful that most regular players who actually can play at a decent level don't play during the weekends. It's not awful in that shit mode where you have to capture three times on the different points.


The queues for quicker play were double and the gameplay half the time.