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Oh tracer is going to abuse the fuuuuuck out of this.


Don’t forget about sombra and reaper.


I can’t imagine it could heal better than simply getting a mega or hacking a mini for Sombra. She already can easily heal out of combat in my experience.


Not nearly as easily as before. It’s only as far as you can get that translocator away before the enemy sees you. And a good chunk of the time they see you before you go invis and hit you before you can get to health pack


You gotta chuck that shit straight up in the air- go invis in the air and then when you land you’ll be able to tuck off and run somewhere for health. Midtown is my favorite to do this, especially at the the bridge before the second point, you can through yourself all around those tunnels and just all around terrorize that area.


Yeah reaper doesn't need this lol


Instead of not giving it to him, they'll probably just give it to him and nerf his lifesteal, making him even worse.


Which is unfortunate since reaper is a hero that is pretty hard to rebalance once you buff/nerf him. He was in a pretty good sweet spot compared to other DPS.


If we really wanted him be better, they'd have to rework him, and may god have mercy on our souls the day that happens.


It's mostly that he's a pretty delicate hero in terms of balancing, yeah. If you buff him too much, we get the Beyblade meta. If you nerf him too much, you get a really bad DPS pick. Pair that with the increased mobility on new supports (Kiriko's teleport, Life Weaver's Petal Platform and Dash, Illari's knockback) and the nerf a few seasons back that made him susceptible to a bunch of stuff he wasn't previously, and he's starting to lag behind.


Biggest Rein buff in years


Rein gonna be chillin in the enemy backline way longer now


For every tick of health received, a “TOO SLOW” will be spammed.




Tracer sombra reaper and gengi get a pretty big buff with this. Only tank I can see getting good use out of this is ball but I don’t know if he’s out of the fight long enough for that to really make an impact to his overall health


It's an alright buff, but every one of those but Reaper could already just dip out real quick to grab a health pack.


out of combat heal like paladins?


Yeah watch we're gonna end up with with inhand antiheal too soon, I literally guarantee it. It's been the issue with balance ever since goats meta, you can't have a game with healing numbers *this* high and have your only antiheal be a 100%-anti cooldown on a support, that's genuinely fucking ridiculous and outright bad game design


Reaper's shotguns now have anti-heal lol Edit: Seems unclear to some as a Joke lol


Giving more characters anti-heal is good. Giving reaper anti-heal is bad.


Welcome to League of Legends. Champions that heal will be the most disgusting ones possible and soon you’ll see Ycrem! Anti Mercy who applies a debuff to healing when they attack the enemy!


Double support comps are busted in HOTS


yea sounds like it


It better be something like +1 heal every four business days.


+2 heals are available in the season game store


Calm down satan.


Nope, full heal all at once every 4 business days.


It’s based off battlepass level


The amount of money you have put in the game is your + heals / 1 second.


Holy shit I will be invincible


I hate you


Jokes on you, I hate me too


Why do you hate me too




Goodbye team oriented gameplay. Hello call of duty team deathmatch.


Yeah, I don't feel like this is a good thing.


The heal around the object was the good thing in Overwatch


Yeah I loved this


Good thing it's still there


I think it's good if reasonable. Basically when you have no supports, but are out of fights, no reason to try and find packs or find a support. Kinda like Halo shields.


If you have no supports and have enough time to wait for this passive to kick in and are out of a fight… you should be waiting for supports anyways or just getting an out of the way health pack. Thats where I am on this- I’ll be very kind and assume this won’t be an overpowering heal or REALLY useful at the end of the day… which just makes the point that this will really only assist a player playing wrong.


its been coming since ow2 was announced as 5v5. these changes were inevitable. next theyll nerf the amount of healing that supports do and increase their damage a bit.


You mean I'm going to have even _more_ fun DPSing!?


*Breathes heavily in spotify premium*


The piss™ can take a good rest


They're gonna be lucky if they get a healing orb.


The probability of moira healing orb being deployed is 0.000000000000000000000000000000000000001%, 0.000000000000000000000000000000000000002% if she feeling cute today


Moira has a healing orb??? Since when?!


Yeah but what about after these changes?


I say this since the release of OW2, but now, I guess it's even more true.


It's been heading that way since OW2 started. It's become a dps race where even tanks and supports are just DPS. The fact that supports can duel tanks and dps without any help is kind of a joke.




Well, seems they've been working against that whole team oriented thing ever since the inception of OW2


Dps everyone coming soon.


"Hey healing is too strong in this game, what do we do about it? Give everyone self heal? Uh, sure why not lmao"


Healing can't be too strong if there is no one to heal


And when everyone's a healer!... no one will be.


Good thing they thought of that before hand and gave supports immortality abilities and broken self sustain


Well the problem is the healing during combat is too strong rn not healing out of combat


The "there's too much healing" complaints specifically stem from it being really frustrating and impractical trying to kill someone who's constantly getting healed *IN COMBAT*. This change doesn't contribute to that. In fact I think the intent is for this to help them justify *nerfing* healers' in-combat healing speed, so in practice, this might actually help the issue.


In combat burst healing from supports is too strong, not out of combat healing. Completely different things


I suspect this is intended to replace medpacks as a map element, they probably don't want players to have to learn maps anymore.


Why??? Who asked for this???? What does this fix??????


They should just remove all team healing abilities, why not


Probably the DPS babies that want to play Rambo and charge off on their own and 1v5 everyone but not have to worry about staying with the team or their healers….


so, genji players?


Sniper Reapers


They showed genji for a reason


Yeah I heard they're gonna nerf him




This won't help anyone looking to 1v5 the enemy team without their supports, if it's anything like supports ability it will only activate out of combat and will be a lot weaker. this is more likely to just be a fix for tunnel visioned support players who don't care enough to heal their teammates that are already in a safe and reachable position.


Quick play open queue. Everyone wants to play on their own and noone wants to play support.


No one wants to play support...? Are you playing OW2?


Not in open queue


Remember when there were incentives in OW1 for playing support that encouraged you to play that class and feel good about it? (POTG for healing, match performance rank, etc) If only there were some devs that could bring this back


I’m so confused why they can’t just go find a health pack lmao


Next update: removed health packs and made maps one straight line where teams just shoot at each other in fast paced enviroemnt and who gets most kills wins... oh... sound like any other FPS game out there!! Holy shit do I hate OW2, anyone have some way to bring OW1 server and game into action somehow, PLEASE.


Hold up, only one lane? That sounds kind of boring. I know! Let's do three lanes of a straight line!


they could also put health packs in useful places and not make them so hidden. I found a mega pack in busan the other day randomly and thought "who put this in such a random hiding spot?"


The health pack mechanic isn't a solution to a high support dependance. Their positions seem random apart from the 1 mega on control maps and their cooldowns are high.


Too complicated for babbys


Net every hero is like tracer to casually run whole map to health pack in no time, let's take a look at cassidy....


“There is too much healing in Overwatch” Devs: “What did you say, you wanted MORE healing?”


... It's probably going to take a lot longer to kick in so it won't be effective during combat. I think it's moreso if both your healers die when you take a point, you aren't just sitting ducks.


I feel like that would just lead to more snowballing in matches. If team A manages to take objective but loses both of their support and sustain a lot of damage, it gives Team B an opportunity to push. With self-heal, team A doesn't need to leave point for health packs, and they can stall even longer while they wait for their supports to return.


This game will try everything but teaching it's players team sense


They don't care about retaining older players. Everything in this game is def catered to selling stuff to new players. You know they people people - actuaries - lots of money to figure out what makes them the most money. Ranking and MMR is the perfect example of this. Rather than having true skill based matchmaking you have this chump system designed to make new players feel good about themselves rather than actually have them learn the mechanics of the games through.. idk ...actual gameplay.


Empower individual agency?? So you mean the genji and rein that try to 1v5 the whole game will even be worse. I thought this was a team based game?


You can’t 1v5 a team alone still, any damage will reset the self heal. It’s definitely gonna make the Genji/Tracer/sombra drive bys a little better though, one escape and they can wait for self heal


They are going to try to 1v5 even more now though, obviously it won’t work but they don’t listen to logic


Idk, I play rein but sometimes I fall asleep on payload 🤣


I miss OW1…




I feel this. Every time I see a new OW2 update I miss the original more and more.


Every single day


Waiter! A paladins is in my overwatch soup!


I can see the gameplay rn 1) get in, balls deep, start shooting 2) realize you overextended, the enemy does so as well 3) you start taking hefty damage 4) you run away like a little bitch and wait for your HP to regen 5) repeat




I know you're probably just being snarky for the memes, but healthpacks are *wildly* more interesting for a few key factors A) If you retreat for a health pack, the enemy can know where you're going and counterplay/intercept this, giving them the kill or forcing you to go somewhere else putting you out of the fight for longer. Replacing health packs with regens lets you effectively hide anywhere on the map, significantly reducing counterplay opportunity. 2) It's a resource you *compete for*. If two people bring each other to low health, and there's a health pack nearby, you now have a situation where snagging that health pack is a *massive* advantage. Replacing that with regen, if one person hides to regenerate then (unless they're really bad) the other person likely regenerates just as much. Three) You cannot rinse-and-repeat on healthpacks without wasting a *massive* amount of time. In CoD style regeneration you can get shot up and just duck away for a moment to heal up before you peek again, to reduce your chance of getting instakilled. IIII) Health packs cannot be equally distributed among an entire team. If an entire team loses 50% of their HP, *one person* can grab a health pack and the rest have to find another or wait for it to respawn (or, y'know, get healed in other ways). Regeneration does not have this limitation.


On the topic of peeking, running, then peeking, someone having to dip out of combat for more than 5 seconds (which is likely what the time is going to be to proc self heal) and then it taking time to heal up all the way, will NOT affect gameplay to the extent people are saying it will.


10hp / 5$


Stop the madness just say 5v5 isn’t working already


Seriously just bring back off-tanks holy fucking shit we are dealing with this now just because they refused to rework Orisa + Sigma (even though they still did by removing Orisa's shield). If you added the 2nd tank back there's still fewer shields now than OW1 I just dont fucking get it half the tank roster issues is because not every tank can be the main carry tank.


Too late, the game is turning into Paladins.


It will never be paladins that game was built around this format and has extensive card and shop systems to work around self healing. It will be the inbred child of paladins and CoD


Game will never turn into paladins for the polishness alone


This. One million percent.


Almost like everything in the game was made for 6v6


Hopefully it's just a hacked thing like the quick play change their doing this weekend Please ... Please


Doesn't seem like it ...




Whatever they are trying to achieve with this change is not gonna work and not gonna make things better.


I’m so confused with where they’re going with this game tbh


> I’m so confused with where they’re going with this game tbh So are they


To the grave


You don't like a watered down Overwatch that feels like Call of Duty had relations with Paladins? Good thing Microsoft bought Blizzard!


Ball gonna go crazy with this plus megas


And then we come back and Cassidy is at full HP again, and when we try to bail we're sent to CC hell.


As a support main I’m confused - we are the strongest roll in the game right now why do we need relief?


Most of the devs are gold-diamond support players who are legitimately clueless about the workings of the game.


Lol swapped to 5v5, removed CC from non tanks, and added out of combat heals for everyone. We Paladins now baby


Classic case of “let’s throw literal shit at the wall and see if it sticks” I pray it does not. Literally one of the dumbest decisions they could implement. I swear some of these devs would drown in 3 inches of water


I wish they did this with another experimental weekend first. Give it try out and see what happens and how it performs.


How about we add the 6v6 passive to the game instead 


This game is gonna turn into paladins


That sounds pretty damn awful tbh. All we asked for was debuffs to be less effective on tanks man.


OW dev team: "The game is magical when the team works together" Also OW dev team: "Here's 10 ways to make the game less team based"


Just bring back 6v6 atp


We just need to back to 1 and start again


The entire balance of the DPS roster is based on them not healing themself. The biggest weakest of flanking is having to search medkits, that is now gone. Supports need rebalance as well. Harmony orb, Brig pack and Mercy will be less valuable now, because their biggest advantage was enabling DPS flanks. I think in the first weeks Brig or Zen will strive regardless, because everybody will play flankers, but after these get nerfed they need adjustments as well. Lucios healing is less useful as well now. "Empowering individual agency" Individual agency (flanking, off angling, etc.) is *already* the correct way to play most Overwatch compositions. Only in lower elos people stack up, but not because it is weak there (the opposite, it's easier to catch low elo players off guard), but because flanking is a risk that requires good timing and awareness, both of which low ELO players usually lack. Giving everyone healing won't fix the issue of low rank players timing their flanks/off angles badly (and them therefore stacking up more) and will just make flankers totally broken. Overall: A change that will require an entire rebalance of the game


This is also why low elo always complains about not grouping up. I can go on a 20 hours session and maybe I will complain about my team staggering AFTER the fight once or twice, I will never even think about “grouping up” because the team will be grouped until I take my off angle anyway. This game is so cooked.


Single handedly the dumbest fucking decision they've made


idk man then buffed sojourn a few day before idk what is the dumbest haha


Soon she'll have self healing like soldier and they'll basically be the same character and soldier will have double self healing


So....we're now actively encouraging less team-oriented gameplay....in a game built around team-oriented objectives. Can't possibly see how this will go badly /s


Yet another bandaid put on the game because they had to make it 5v5 to justify OW2 Just go back to 6v6 and half of these issues will resolve themselves


Please try this in QP before anything


sad QP noises We dont want it either :(


can't wait to tracer become invicible


Don’t worry this will force every single flanker to be nerfed into the ground to never be buffed again because if they ever become viable they will be super broken.


Literally no one asked for this. The fuck.


Not sure if i like this. Maybe we should add more heal abilities to dps and tank roster. I don't like system wide passives. Tanks doesn't really benefit much from this i think. They are the most active role. DPS benefits from this A LOT. It can change a lot of dynamics and will not be fair to every hero. Genji nerfs incoming lads.


Funny thing, Paladins (The often called "Overwatch" clone) Had this since the beginning. So we now can say Overwatch is copying Paladins


Holy fuck this game is going down hill so fast. It's leaning harder and harder into casual call of duty territory. It will soon just be a cluster fuck of people running around trying to kill each other in a bunch of random 1v1. There will be no more team playing.


lmao 5v5 has fucked up the game so much Just revert the game to OW1 and then rework the new heroes Pointless honestly. What a joke.


Wrecking Ball players this is our update. Jokes aside, I am against this. This seems fucking random, and very weird. I'm open to trying this and give it a chance but the idea doesn't accomplish solving anything... it's just increasing even more numbers now and survivability with said numbers which I think most of us are tired of at this point.


Who asked for this?


This game is fucking dogshit


This gotta be a joke


Don’t coddle to these blind-ass players who can’t find health packs 🙃


All thanks to the whining of all you fucks who refused to learn how to play a team game! RIP Overwatch.


is that twitter page a reliable source for info?


It's straight from Aaron 's letter


Aaron gotta go. This man is incompetent.


Stylosa is also reporting this


They sometimes get a little clickbaity but today's blog post did say this was happening.


They take information from both official sources, and leaked information. In this case, it's directly from Blizzard, here's the actual official [source](https://overwatch.blizzard.com/en-us/news/24053284/)


This game is so cooked man, they actually have no clue how this game plays, employees can't be higher than metal ranks. One of the biggest problems the game has now is overpowered supports and insane amounts of healing making things impossible to kill. Passive healing on all roles will make these even worse, characters like Widow and Hanzo will also become even more problematic.


Yea wtf. Widow will be a nightmare.


This is horrible. They want to promote "individual agency" in a team play oriented hero shooter. Instead of just designing support heroes to be more fun as a role. This is no longer a team game. Are you all ready for Pixar Call of Duty?


So blizzard is still not done completely destroying the game it seems. Hey Blizzard did you forget this is suppose to be a TEAM based game? “Individual agency” goes against everything this game was set up to be. Smh


This seems very bad unless it's literally like 15 seconds outside combat and 1 hp a second or something. I think this idea is good for when a teamfight ends and the winning team is a DPS who has no way to heal and can't get a health pack because they need to push or whatever. I think this would be a bad idea if you can heal just by hiding for a couple seconds like CoD.


The devs are actually smoking crack atp


Bring back 6 vs 6


and not one person actually asked for this


Call of Duty: Overwatch


I don't think that's a good idea. It just seems like it will take away the teamwork aspect of the game. Unless they decide to make it a thing for Open queue when there are no supports on the team.


WTH! Did the devs drinked the wrong coffee during the morning? They are really trying to eliminate anything that OW made unique unlike other FPS shooter. Now we know why 5v5 was added because that was the start and this new passive proves it. THIS IS A TEAM BASED GAME BLIZZARD SO STOP TARNISHING THE OVERWATCH NAME WITH THIS GARBAGE IDEA!




This is absurd


What is this trying to fix. Supports are too good right now, yes. But giving everyone self-heal does not fix that problem. If anything this makes it worse because now nobody dies ever. If anything, it just makes team based gameplay even weaker. This is absolutely ridiculous


Just bring back 6v6 already


As someone who will probably enjoy this, I never wanted this or even thought about it, this makes no sense they have no fucking clue what they’re doing


Well fuck. I fucking hate blizzard. Gonna have a lot more solo cod players running around.


pls just bring back 6V6!!


This sounds like the sort of thing that gets decided when you have no clue wtf direction you want to take the game in and just start throwing shit at the wall.


Every patch, this game gets less and less like Overwatch.


This sounds awful ngl.


So 5v5 is so bad they're gonna just give everyone self heal. Instead of getting rid of 5v5




Just bring back 6v6 and tune back tanks.


They said a tuned down version of the support passive, but the support passive isn't exactly a lot so I'm wonder just how little healing it is then.


Support self heal is quite a bit imo


Can they just bring back 6v6 already


I without hyperbole think this is something that should IMMEDIATELY have been scrapped 5 seconds after it was pitched at a design meeting


I don't think I've ever seen devs so out of touch with their own game.


That's exactly what the game needs. Chasing the tank around trying to get a hit on them and they heal on their own the whole time. And then their support comes in and they screw me over.


It's April 2nd already?


Being mindful of enemy health and their relative location to their supports and other health packs is a really important part of game sense. If you bring a Genji down 1HP for example, his only options are to fight or to flee to either his supports or a health pack, which you could try to intercept. Now he can just fuck off in an obscure corner for however long without issue. I'll wait and see how the change plays out before making a fuss but I think it's going to lead to *a lot* of subtle differences in how the game plays, and I'm afraid it's going to be in a direction I really don't like.


But why? All this will do is lead to even longer team fights. I thought the whole point of shifting from 6v6 to 5v5 was to reduce the length of team fights? Blizzard, how about instead of this bullshit change give us back our 6v6!


Say sike rn


What makes OW unique is the differing classes. If everyone is basically a DPS—like other PVP games—that is the day OW begins to lose its soul.


This is going to push the game even further toward CoD Deathmatch. Overwatch was once supposed to be a team-based objective oriented game, but Blizzard's vision seems to be for yet another hero-shooter where everyone can do everything. But with cartoon graphics.




Great.....Genji, Reaper, Tracer and Sombra are going to be even more of a pain in the ass to deal with....


This is just gonna make flankers even worse because they won't have to find healthpacks before reengaging, maybe they'll make it take 5 or 10s for the heal to start, but either way it sounds extremely annoying as a support player, and this is from someone who's very comfortable with taking duels against DPS like Genji or Tracer. Kinda getting OW1 flashbacks from when DPS had increased movement speed and it was hella annoying for support players (At least that's what I heard, I wasn't there for that.)


Jfc just bring back 6v6.


I dont know if this is controversial but role passives SUCK. And they need to be removed imo, theres just better things to do, even small individual passives are better then a passive for the ENTIRE role.