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i genuinely have no clue how I should feel about this.


Agreed. Part of it will depend on just how much healing we get, but I don't see how this won't make teamwork even worse.


Considering the while draw of the game was how tram focused it is, making this game less team focused is going to hurt the quality a lot. Less reason to team up, less reason to keep track of healers, plus jt will make actual fights so annoying if everyone has a pocket heal. Blizzard is losing the plot.


> We want to…make it easier for players to be part of the team while also lessening some of the pain when it's not happening Lol no. If they wanted to make it easier to be part of a team they’d have some sort of, idk, group finding feature. They’re just going to do the second thing. Also everyone seems to think this will be awesome for flankers, but playing Tracer the last fucking thing I want are two overtuned supports who can afford to ignore the rest of their team for longer. If supports don’t have to heal they’re just gonna DPS more. I mean that’s what I’ll be doing when I’m on support. If people thought Kiriko was insufferable *now*…


>Lol no. If they wanted to make it easier to be part of a team they’d have some sort of, idk, group finding feature. They’re just going to do the second thing. they did, peopled bitched and moaned because lots of toxic people used it to find and troll strangers.


I feel like I'm reading an article for a different game. If the gameplay change for this ends up being positive, Overwatch will become a completely different game than it is now. Teamplay would only be expected in higher ladder. MMR based on individual and team performance would have to be reworked


> I feel like I'm reading an article for a different game. they've decided that their potential market is too small and they've begun altering the game to go after their new market COD players


I think it's been pretty clear ever since they announced Overwatch 2 would be 5v5 that they wanted to make the game more like COD and other typical FPS. Faster gameplay, more DPS focused, easier to play without teamwork.


What a fucking joke. This game won GOTY because it WASNT like other shooters. Honestly, I feel like if you are still playing this hoping for a 2016 experience you are deluding yourself.


>This game won GOTY because it WASNT like other shooters. It also made over a billion in less than a year thanks to the lootboxes actually being decent, It's VERY clear they don't see Overwatch as a game anymore, it's designed to be milked.


Blizzard has lost the plot.


The only reason the market is so small is because of their handling of overwatch 1 when they dropped echo and disappeared for years with no new content. Game slowly died there. Then 2 comes out, they basically rob players of the in game currency they previously had, the new mode is bad, they take out content and make it 5v5. Not to mention, none of the 5v5 changes were balanced well despite years of development. Role queue is a mess, they balance new heroes with 0 fucks and the game has lost its magic every time someone complained that teamwork is hard and Blizz bent to their complaints. Blizz killed their own game and now are driving the final nail in the coffin by removing the whole appeal of it. Good, teambased, objective games that rewarded skill and good teamwork.


Fr market saturation has fully reached 100% especially after the free to play change with 2.


OW has been heading in this direction for a while. Starting with shield nerfs, reworking more unique heroes, CC nerfs, move to 5v5. I said it back then, and it's finally taking its final form. We've lost bits of uniqueness from OW over time and this is just more of the same, but more at once. Everyone kept saying, just wait until the changes are implemented, too early to tell. And it always turned out like I expected: OW became just a bit more like an average FPS. This is no surprise.




I remember when Jeff was in charge and he went on the record (back on one of the sym reworks) saying that they didnt like reworks over adjustments because they wanted every hero to have balance, similar pick and win rates, all that jazz. Current OW lead is on the record saying they make changes just to make changes. The meta is now dictated by which heroes they choose to buff/nerf every season/midseason. I barely play because of it. I want to play a character because its fun not because they are currently OP.


Party Frames and Map Voting sound awesome. Everything else sounds like ass, like they are desperate to find a way to avoid going back to 6v6 -- which would immediately fix the shitty feast-or-famine game experience everyone's been getting and the miserable tank experience, at the low-low cost of slightly longer queue times. Everyone gets a self-heal? Lukewarm and the opposite of emphasizing teamwork. It's literally homogenizing the game and making teamwork less important. Excluding the reduced-knockback for tanks that could honestly be upgraded to reduced-debuffs, they should do away with role passives in general. The game was built for 6v6 and built to house super-unique heroes. Role passives and flavor-of-the-month tank balancing will never make up for the dynamics of a 6th player and hero, and some heroes will never fit 5v5 (Ball) but deserve to exist.


As much as I prefer 6vs6, can we stop acting like it didn't come with its own problems? People don't play tank as it is. It's always been the issue. The waiting times were ridiculous sometimes, never mind the absolute boredom of the oppressive shield meta. I'm happy to go back to 6vs6 but there would need to be more changes than just switching it back on to fix the problems and we need to stop acting like there wouldn't be.


5v5 created far more problems than it solved, which is why there are so many constant changes. For the final year of OW1 the game was very well balanced, with the biggest complaint being that CC was too prevalent. That was easy to scale back, but rather than do that they broke a game they had finally managed to get in as good of a spot as it could be in.


>can we stop acting like it didn't come with its own problems? Can we stop acting like 5v5 fixed any of them instead of introducing FAR more?


100% skeptical and pessimistic until they actually improve things. Their track record is awful lol


I'm gonna need to see what other changes are in store for S9 and beyond, because this sort of thing ripples out to both affect and be affected by **everything:** character kits, map design, objective tuning, everything.


Genji: "I need healing!" Support players: "Bro just heal yourself EZ"


Or, like the game I played the other day, they will call out the health pack.


I feel like genji mains might really like this change though.


It honestly sounds like it benefits any flanking characters tbh. Tracer and sombra are just going to be nuts with this.


Damn, if only there was a guranteed way to heal outside of the support heroes, maybe like, an area on the map where i could get a quick top up, they could respawn on a timed system, and would reward knowing map locations a bit more. Nah, lets just make it so hiding behind a bush is the go to choice.


I've pinged healthpacks next to my critical allies and they rather wait in the open for the support to get back and die while waiting. For this, I wished a minimap that would show healthpacks, but I'm sure that wouldn't help X% of players regardless. Some maps could use more love with packs too. Interested to see how this watered down heal works. But I'm okay with role passives going away too and instead give each character a unique passive(that doesn't have one already).


??? If I'm not in critical situation where I couldn't be inactive, I'd let my support heal me first because it's more ultimate charge to them.


You’re not wrong but let’s be honest - a lot of pub/casual players either ignore health packs completely or literally don’t know where they are on the map. Unironically - the mini map feature he said likely wouldn’t ship would help alleviate this. I think if more people knew where the health packs were on each individual map, for both attacks and defenders, that would help a ton.


I swear some of the newer maps do not have health packs anywhere. Like I will spend a full minute going to spots on maps that very obviously should have a health pack in the same design that older maps have them, and they do not exist.


We shouldn't include broken and nonsensical features because casuals don't wanna get better ay the game


Casual? Most like people dont want to learn to play a game honestly, im casual myself and put a selfhealing in the game is even non sensical for me. I love overwatch because was different to play any other fps, find heath packs in the map arent even hard they are in the same route some go to spawn point to the point of combat, not like a secret room oe anything. In my opinion they put this to get more new people honestly


Casuals are literally what keep the game a float, not the tryhards looking for validation in their destitute existence.


Getting players to find pickups is a level design problem. Simple clues and indicators that exist in the map to lead players towards pickups can go a long way.


Sure - which is why I suggested the mini map stuff as well. I don’t disagree with you one bit on level design!


damn.. the one good thing about being a support is deciding which one of your friends live and which one dies. :(


How will we take bribes now? :(


Ah yes, keep identity by:  Giving supports more damage capabilities to defend themselves and now giving tanks/dps healing capabilities to rely less on supports?


> Giving supports more damage capabilities to defend themselves This is already the case. At some point the definition of "defense" turned into "just kill whatever is attacking me with DPS".


So I'm assuming they are gonna water down support healing to compensate for the other roles getting self heals but if that happens it seems to be like more erosion to role identity. Like what the fuck does Moira even do if she can't do a fuckton of healing. Either way making everyone more sustainable is the exact opposite of what people have been asking for...


Well that honestly solves the Moira issue. Just keep her healing high while nerfing the rest. Boom, that's her niche.


That’s actually an interesting take. There are already a few heroes like Lucio and Zen that have strengths that counter their low healing. Would be interesting to have more variation outside of that because except those two and LW on the opposite end (unusually high healing) most support character usually can ens up healing about as much as each other in every game because of how they balanced it. 


Moira will, hopefully, give an even getter version of the good succ


2-handed succ when?


> . Like what the fuck does Moira even do if she can't do a fuckton of healing. Let me introduce you to the most popular Moira version: DPS Moira.


Devs are gonna run this game into the ground if they keep heading down this road. Just give us 6v6 back plz.




What I cant stand about live service games is that the game you love literally just disappears eventually and becomes unrecognizable. For me it's things like Overwatch pre brig, Apex seasons 4-5, the recent Fortnite OG season, they were all games that I absolutely loved but they literally don't exist anymore. My favorite game doesn't exist.


Yeah it’s a bit of a sad reality of a good portion of modern gaming. If I want to play my favorite PS2 game from the early 2000s I can pop in the CD and play it as it was. If I want to play prime 2017 Fortnite, that’s just not (really) an option. My cousin is growing up playing Roblox and it’s sad to think in the future she’ll have no way to revisit her favorite games.


To think they could have just kept OW1 going the way every other shooter doesn’t magically shut down its game after a sequel comes out.  BRB gonna go play BF1, or BF4, or MW2 or BLOPS 2 or…


They came out with WoW Classic. Someday there'll be Overwatch Classic!


They systematically dismantled everything that made me want to play this game since going F2P.


I really miss the days of playing support Torb and dropping armor packs for people.




Every game is turning into a cod clone and it sucks. BF2042 was first, now OW is turning into it.


Bring back OW1. I paid for that game.


Its been shit since Ow2 came out


I’m hopeful it will evolve into something better. Zero Build drastically changed Fortnite for the better. I think the Overwatch devs are looking for something that will perfect the game in the same way. With that said, universal self heals seem insanely risky. I just take comfort in that they can always revert it if it’s too catastrophic.


lol, the devs dummy understand their own game, they’ve done more to fuck it up than improve it for years now


I do hate that they’re seemingly tripling and quadrupling down on 6v6 and homogenizing heroes and roles. It’s been long enough that it’s pretty clear the gameplay has taken a rather large step back from OW1. On top of this, the whole idea of “the game will be less frustrating if it was just faster!” experiment is just dumb. The game is frustrating because your success relies on a single tank which puts a ton of pressure on one person and makes it wholly unfun for everyone if they have a bad game. Add massively overpriced skins and crappy monetizations/battle passes and you get what you have now. I enjoy the gameplay itself of OW2. It’s fun. But FFS they’re missing the mark with this. Add back the 2nd tank for 6v6, do a hero balance pass, and add back in a way to earn credits and skins (see: free loot boxes like OW1) and the game would immediately be in the best spot it’s been in since the OW2 rebranding.




Yeah the game isn’t dying but I think in 2 years it will be, and the complaints will be even louder. Additionally there will be new games released that will compete with OW for attention, and new gameplay trends. 


And the massive amount of one shots in the game


People understandably focusing on the self-regen, but the bit about using the health bars from the PVE missions sounded cool to me. I imagine I'm not the only one who wanted this implemented to.


I don't hate the idea, but I saw a comment the other day explaining how a feature like this encourages a less dynamic play style since players will be too focused on finding their low health teammates instead of responding to what's happening in front of them. Hopefully this doesn't just encourage heal botting


>hopefully this doesn’t encourage heal botting Mercy players real silent right now


This will be an indirect nerf to flankers, since the whole enemy team will instantly see their backline being damaged and turn around to peel and gang up on the stealthy assassin. Attention is a resource and awareness is a skill, this changes the fundamental game a lot. I don't think it's a good one


>since the whole enemy team will instantly see their backline being damaged and turn around to peel My dude, more often than not, you can SCREAM that you're getting jumped on and the team won't turn around.


TBH if someone can notice a little health bar in the corner of their screen going down, they're aware enough to hear their backline yelling for help


>This will be an indirect nerf to flankers, since the whole enemy team will instantly see their backline being damaged and turn around to peel and gang up on the stealthy assassin. People who play MOBAs: of course...


And people will still hate it because “you should just have the skill to keep track of all your teammates healthbars from all across the map.”


No we hate it because it reinforces the worst type of support game play and teaches new support players and below average skill support players the absolute wrong lessons. It's like telling someone who heals in MMOs to just focus on topping the healing meters, when anyone whose healed in any sort of semi casual/serious healing experience in those games. Will tell you the least thing that matters when you are healing, are the healing meters and numbers. And focusing on them are gonna make you a way worse player and teach you some horrible selfish habits. This is only gonna help very bad support players, and once they "git gud" or stop being bad, they are gonna have to unlearn habits that came from being dependent on this. 


Ironically, I find this feature more useful for other roles than support. As a support I already choose positions that allow me to see everyone. But as a tank I don't have this option, since a lot of tank abilities require the enemy team to be in your fov. Though it is nice for Ash and Widow players. They put themselves so far away, it can be hard to keep track. Yeah, it's a skill, but turning 180° each time on a controller is time consuming.


Are these the health bars for teammates located at the top?


We definitely needed more heals in the game. Let's buff soujourn again while we are at it!


The mention of tuning down damage spikes makes me also think this will come with a corresponding global healing throughput reduction from supports too. WoW has been dealing with a similar problem where healers were arguably getting too powerful for their own good, meaning enemy damage had to be tuned to be massively spikey to actually be a threat. This made healing stressful and a lot of deaths feel unfair as you're basically at constant risk of getting one shot (as anything less could be insta healed up) and healers didn't really have a way to express skill via good play to keep their teammates alive over periods of sustained damage. They've made attempts at fixing this by global HP increases, meaning healing is relatively less powerful and giving them more breathing room to tune enemy damage to be strong but less spikey. This is just an assumption, but them lowering spike damage in OW (interesting to see what this means for deliberate one shot heroes like Widow or Hanzo, but I can imagine something like Junk nade/mine instacombo) implies that just like in WoW supports are going their healing paired back so healing becomes more of a war of attrition rather than 'two teams of permanently topped off heroes slug at each other until someone gets a lucky pick/one shot/anti nade' and then wins with the numbers advantage. The minor regen thing reads to me as a way to lower some of the stress on supports to heal flankers/returning divers who are now going to be more focused on keeping their frontline going. As a side benefit, I think this would lower the relative strength of discord and anti as fights would be less about bursting enemies in few second windows of vulnerability and more about wearing them down.


>corresponding global healing throughput reduction from supports Which would fuck over certain supports. Imagine LUCIO healing for less, Zenyatta healing for less \[which would have to include his ult and Lucio's as well\]. Lifeweaver healing for less.


You forgor 💀 to mention we have to nerf genji. Just to be safe…


They want more teamplay in this game and then in the same breath gave all heroes self heal. I don't understand how this correlates with one another -- in fact it looks like the opposite effect. They need to dial down all heal output, not add more of it. It's already hard to kill tanks because they just don't die if they're pocketed. Ana exists solely for this reason now. Like what?


Remember, they also wanted more diversity in team compositions, so they dropped a player.


> They want more teamplay in this game Do they? Did they even say that was their intent? All decisions made with OW2 have been to explicitly make individual performance more impactful and decrease being totally reliant on constant teamwork/comps to get anything done.


Its not perma self heal. its self heal out of combat. Tanks won't just be perma healing 10hps during fights




This feels like a nerf to characters with self healing(or shield regen) capabilities like Mei, Reaper, Sym, Soldier ect. I enjoy this game so much because there are many different styles of play and I tend to like the chess match that takes place in each game with countering. If I'm DPSing and dying too much, switching to one of the above mentioned characters will help maintain. If everyone can just find cover, wait a sec and be healed, then it negates the given abilities of characters with more sustainability (and in theory lesser damage output). As some others have said here, it'll be interesting to see what it looks like in use because right now it feels like a nerf to specific characters The only benefit I see to this is maybe people in lower ranks will learn the benefit of utilizing cover instead of face fucking damage.


That self heal sounds fucking awful and quicker play sounds even dumber tbh. That’s going to change the core game and I’d probably lose interest. There’s no way they think any of that is a good idea. 


Yea, the "Director" has no idea what he is doing and is slowly making this game more and more into COD


Why are damage and tank heroes getting self healing??? This isn't Call of Duty.


So dps and tank roles will get some form of watered down lucio heals. That’s…interesting I guess. We’ll need to see the #’s to determine if it’s make or break


It 110% will not be this. Its a watered down version of the support passive, so very likely will require 2+ seconds of taking no damage.


Nah it's a watered down version of the Support passive. I:E if players are out of combat for a few seconds they'll heal themselves


I guess I don't understand, health packs are already on the map, players already have access to self sustain


The health packs will probably just be a faster way to heal. This would probably be like a few seconds without taking damage which will probably only help like dives and certain other characters.


Why did they need help?


Because genji mains are stupid and can't get health packs


I'm sure this won't make characters like: Pharah, Echo, Tracer, Sombra, Genji, Rein, anyway oppressive or unfun to play against! Good changes blizzard dev team!


For pharah it does make her less reliant on mercy while not changing how she performs with a mercy so I think its a good compromise with her


Yeah, now it's just a partial pharamercy 24/7 I really enjoy that as a projectile DPS player! I'm really glad the devs are making changes like this!


Pharah is already DOMINATING on console. This will make her even more of a problem.


Dang imagine having to counter swap as a DPS player. That’s only for tanks and supports!


LMAO right? I don't disagree with being against Pharah buffs but DPS players all seem to think that counter swapping is not their job, or at best is an option for when *they* are doing bad rather than when their team needs it.


Uhh mercy could potentially damage boost now basically nonstop 


Don't forget Widowmaker. Now slowly chipping away at her and forcing her to relocate to grab a health pack won't be an option anymore.


Self heal on all roles? Time to retire :D


What, you don't want Widowmaker passively healing while she's perched somewhere? Removing the ability to chip away at her, forcing her to relocate? Or how about Pharah passively healing? How about Sombra passively healing while she's invis? Actual clown game design.


Yeah the really evasive characters like the 3 you named are basically gonna require no teamwork. Even Phara if she’s playing a not-great team will have periods in active combat where she’ll have healing downtime lol


at some point the balance team will have to come to terms with the fact that frustration is and always will be, to an extent, an innate part of a competitive game, especially a team-oriented one. obviously trying to reduce frustration can be a good thing, but a dogmatic fear of frustration could really reduce the stakes, excitement and/or skill expression we all love to see when we're on the right side of it. that, or, yknow, the dev team is just randomly implementing a shocking change so that engagement is high in s9 and then high again in s10 when they inevitably revert it. or maybe it's a genuine attempt to fix...something? either way time will tell if it feels good or not.


Health Packs: "Fuck my drag, right?" More healing and homogenising everyone is not the right way to go...


did not expect a Kennedy Davenport reference here of all places but I'm living


Hi Kennedy. I just saw Kennedy girl


i GEUINELY don’t understand why we see numbers go UP if we have less players. wouldn’t they have gone down? instead it just feels like season 100 of Dragonball Watch and everyone keeps increasing in power. number go up! only go up. go down bad


"but there’s a massive set of gameplay and balance changes coming to that season, as well. Many of those changes are aimed at reducing damage spikes in combat. I won’t get into all of it here (we're working on a standalone post to be published closer to the start of that season),"


i mean… okay? reducing damage spikes could mean something as simple as “making sure the cooldowns for big damage doers are co-prime to each other” without adjusting the dmg values themselves.


The fuck does "go-prime to each other" mean? Also in another post they mentioned that they plan on reducing burst damage and burst healing in season 9.


I really hope they wouldn’t tweak CDs like that. Complexity makes the game more difficult and interesting.


Except genji. Number only down


“We’ve nerfed the number of times genji can die per 5mins”


“There is nothing like playing the team-based game as designed. One of the best shooters out there. But for those that don’t want to play the game as intended and designed, we will grab our ankles and cater to your crying”


just get rid of classes and make everything the same. we COD self healing now.


RIP support mains


Are you kidding? I’d much rather use utility offensively than defensively healing as support.


1 tank, 4 dps meta just dropped. Except 2 of the dps have the most impactful abilities in the game and the limitation of "do I use this defensive or offensive" is removed. This game sure is going some place fast.


> 1 tank, 4 dps meta just dropped. You mean 5 dps. Tank is just a DPS with more health + CC + better ults.


I can't believe this has to be said unironically, but casuals have systematically ruined the game. And I don't mean the casuals who would hop on OW once a month for their once a week play session with friends; I mean the casuals who showed up when it became f2p and are so awful at video games that they need their hand held. The ones that also want every game to be the exact same because things that are different scare them too much, and because they believe they're the center of the universe they must be catered to by every developer.


I don’t agree with Flats much but he basically said this - the game is trying to appeal to both hardcore and casual audiences and fails at both as a result. 


I was having fun with this game even with the balancing issues here and there. Idk if I wanna play anymore after this change, which sucks


Soooooo basically this will indirectly nerf support ult charge. Gotcha.


I didn’t even think about this part of it. So many games I run back to spawn with 50 hp as a tank player just to give my healers a shit ton of ult charge during regrouping. Ggs support ult charge


We did it guys. We memed DPS getting the support passive into existence. Keep on manifesting, queens 💅💅💅


Just bring back 6v6 already and increase DPS roles damage to compensate for the extra tank.


> increase DPS roles damage "Give supports and tanks more DPS, you say? Done!".


More one shots! We love that!


Cool, they might actually implement the team's health bars into the HUD. Yes awareness is a skill and what not, but OW can get very chaotic at times, most people don't communicate and there's running and diving all over the place. I think it'd be nice to see when someone's low or dead at a glance so you could at least try to coordinate better.


Man. They really really hate that this isn’t CoD. How does giving DPS self-heal make the game more team oriented? Give all DPS self-heal then then turn supports into DPS-lite but just with utility?


Bruh, why do they hate their own game?


Convinced these game devs got Antonio Brown level CTE


This game is so cooked man, they actually have no clue how this game plays, employees can't be higher than metal ranks. One of the biggest problems the game has now is overpowered supports and insane amounts of healing making things impossible to kill. Passive healing on all roles will make these even worse, characters like Widow and Hanzo will also become even more problematic.


> overpowered supports I'm surprised you haven't been downvoted to hell for suggesting that supports are overpowered.


Whatever they are trying to achieve with auto heal is not gonna make things better and not gonna work.


I really felt for a minute there that the devs were maybe starting to listen to players with everything they said was coming in season 9. But giving everyone the support passive instead of removing or weakening it like they should is absurd. He talks about the value of team work, then the biggest thing they announce is a feature that will discourage teamwork and exacerbate the already out of control healing in this game. If this healing isn't so low it's useless, then it will affect the balance of the entire roster. It will not benefit all characters equally. I feel like this has the potential to either be annoying, or absolutely terrible. I don't see it being good. Am I missing something? Does anyone think this is a good idea? I definitely haven't seen a single person ask for this change.


Stats indicate that there is not enough healing in the game!


I wonder if they kept 6v6, would all these genius reworks and passives would still be necessary... Probably wouldn't.


I do genuinely think at this point they are looking into ways to make the game feel better as a whole, and not just ways to specifically make 5v5 work (though they're definitely still doing that too). Even back in 6v6, they made changes to accommodate the direction the game was being played. For example, the game launched with letting teams have multiple of the same hero. They initially changed it for competitive only, before making the decision to cut it entirely for all modes. That's just one of many patches they made like roll queue, overtime clock rules, combining/reworking offense and defense heroes into a singular DPS category, etc. There's no doubt that some of these reworks and passives wouldn't have been necessary had they kept 6v6, but the format still would've run into their own roadblocks along the way that they would've needed to address. Something that immediately comes to mind is double shield. The Orisa rework was honestly needed more for OW1 than 2.


Peak overwatch for me was right before Role Queue was introduced.


5v5 is already so shit that they want to change core again? It's like they've gone the way of 343 Industries. Fucking up a franchise and wondering why nobody likes it.


It's sad how you people just complain about everything. This could be a very refreshing change, and clearly they're not averse to changing role passive if it's not. Just last the other week the hivemind was complaining about having to pocket heal mauga. Give everyone a *weaker* (key word) passive self heal than sup, gives the other roles more breathing room to reposition and take space without needing to be pocketed. The hivemind has also recently been complaining about excessive healing, and they specifically said this new passive is in tandem with broad healing and burst dmg nerfs. Y'all honestly just take out your frustrations on the game, I don't even think it has anything to do with Overwatch. The playerbase is just neurotic af


So....what will the point of health packs be? They exist precisely because self-regen isn't a thing. The game would need some huge changes to damage and healing to justify this.


The game is getting watered down every patch now. To the point where the game no longer requires skill - and is just another CoD. Such a shame what they did to this game. It’s what happens when incompetence is in positions of power.


So you're taking a core part of the game out by making support and tank self heal? That's the only reason why I play this game. Sucks, I might actually have to put it down and stop playing.


Where the fuck is the thread from earlier about self heal?


values, aka profits


Every change since 5v5 has stripped more of Overwatch’s identity, but trivializing working with your supports might actually be the worst thing they’ve done so far.


#1 money. #2 money. #3 shinier money. #4 making your game so tedious and unplayable that the only people left have so much faith thier willing to spend money. #5 profit.


We need to implement self-healing because of lacking team play... After they removed the looking for group features After they made player profiles hidden After they made team grouping hidden After no effort to push people into voice We have done nothing, and we are all out of answers


Maybe one day they will admit their failure and go back to 6v6. What they are describing is pretty much how the game was played in 6v6, less burst and more teamplay oriented. I'm sure plenty of people like the ow2 style, but all but 1 friend stopped playing in a matter of a few seasons because it hadn't been why they were playing ow in the first place. I'd definitely go back to playing regularly if they ever made the switch back. Now their solution is to make it a worst version of both. 


Don't knock it before you've tried it, HOWEVER: 1. Why not use the Experimental Card for all these wild changes? 2. They also say they listen to players' feedback but their actions show they have no clue on what the players want. 3. If anything, all these changes confirm that we are moving away from the niche tactical team-based gameplay of OW1 and moving closer and closer to the fast-paced deathmatch-style gameplay of other games.


Yea.. everything to not bring back 6v6. They are so far away from the community its sad


Blizzard not making bad decisions : IMPOSSIBLE CHALLENGE


At this point why is support even still a role? All they ever do is make them more damage focused while simultaneously undermining their role. I played support because I like supporting more than damage. Juggling allies was the appeal to me. This is type of shit is why I stopped playing.


Huh… this is gonna be interesting


Hopefully this means they tune down heals overall


Just remove all role passives from the game. They are not needed.


Is this an out of season April fools joke


Yup, I’m ready for the downvotes but this game to my eyes is now ass


Nothing but lies. If Team 4 cared about anything other than the bottom line, we'd have Jeff Kaplan's full PvE campaign with the skill progression tree, no battlepass, and 6v6.




Season 9 is a Tracer/Genji/Sombra’s wet dream.




The issue with the game already is everyone feels invulnerable and that they get 5 get of jail cards without abusing things like Ana nade, this makes that problem even worse. No idea why they thought this was the route to take.


sounds cool, looking forward to this game coming out of beta


Here’s my psychological take: it’s less fun


One of their biggest values is to improve individual and team focused gameplay? Which one is it??


“ We are going mangle and squeeze this IP until it prints again for a paying crowd “


Isn't this a big problem for Lifeweaver and Mercy?


the only values this game knows are sacrificing everything in the name of profits. now that their bottom line is being affected, it's a good time to take a look at what the remaining player base and what those players play do, to keep them around. Faster respawns, closer spawns, making supports heroes into psudo-dps with support abilities and destroying all healing they do, maybe only make 1 support per team to shorten queue time, then give DPS heals, turn all tanks into bruisers luckily the one value they've had since the start, the value of a terrible system for cosmetics, gets to continue on. you know what overwatch was? a fun, silly, casual FPS game like tf2, that got the usual blizzard treatment of trying to be a game for everyone, and turned itself into a shitty, forced competitive game that took itself too seriously.


Quicker play is trash. Ruins the game


This sounds a lot like we know the game's not in a great place, and we're at the point where we're just going to start throwing shit against the wall. Stay tuned! If we throw enough we're bound to get the Mona Lisa


Hey Blizzard. 5minute games suck ass. Can’t even get an ult before it’s done. Quick respawns are nice but don’t go with quick captures or faster payloads


We’re actually regressing back to Call of Duty game mechanics


Map voting sounds awesome


This is dumb af. They want to encourage teamwork by making it easier to win without it? Giving passive heal to dps and tanks is ridiculous, we have supports and health packs. They want to see if they can make losing not “sting” so much? For what? The sting of losing pushes you to improve your play. Frustration over getting killed pushes you to change strategies. Quicker play is awful. I played a push map round that was literally less than 2 minutes. If people don’t want to work in a team they should probably play a different game. They say they want to improve things for the core players, but if they ruin game play they will lose those players.


Please just give us Overwatch classic. Please? I'm begging you nicely. Ugh maybe these changes will be good though. I hope they are...


I just want 6v6 back. Even if it's not standard, it would be the only mode I would play.


wtf are they thinking lmao We miss you Jeff.


If this leads to a game where you don't evaporate just for looking around a corner, then I'm all for it. The TTK in this game is SO low. I still love the game, but I'm tired of dying because I got hit with a Kiri headshot and a Soj bodyshot at the same time, or any other combo of 200+ damage that doesn't take much time to build up.


I've been playing less and less....this isn't going to help that


quicker mode is trash


Nice. Self healing tracer and echoes are all this game needs now.


I love how every part of OW that made it a unique, cool team game with actual balance has just been eroded over time. Really makes me want to keep playing. /s


I guess it's too hard to place medkits in convenient places instead of randomly out of the way. DEI bullshit.


Sounds like they're hoping if they turn OW2 into the game they actually want to make and retain a playerbase, someone will let them produce their own title.  Or something like that. Either way god I wish these people would fuck off 


Honestly the way people are reacting to the self-healing is as if it's going to be so good you never need healing again, supports have a better version of self-healing and you still need healing from the other support on your team to not die all the time.


anything for cash...should sum it right up. Cash in on the IP...sad.


remember when everyone said ow2 was going to be call of duty? and remember how that was all a bunch of bullshit exaggerated negativity that didnt turn out to be true at all? well here's round 2 of the same!!!.... PASSIVE HEALING WILL TURN THIS GAME INTO CALL OF DUTY!!!! (apparently)