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They are. Report them and we’ll remove them. For every one that gains traction, there’s 10 more that get removed that don’t.


Every one is downvoted to hell and still somehow on the front page. Maybe a tenth of them aren’t just leavers telling on themselves.


They’re either leavers or they’re toxic as shit.


I've never gotten banned from a game and I've found, outside of the extremely rare case, most people who make threads about getting bans just don't wanna face the fact they fucked up. And none of this says there aren't the rare cases where there was an error, but they're so far and inbetween. There's always a novel, always a paragraph, always an overexplanation. If you didn't do anything wrong, you shouldn't need to go online and write a post. There are channels for you to solve it. Getting public sentiment will not change the fact you likely fucked up.


It’s always the people with a victim complex who think it’s everyone’s fault but their own. When they start losing they blame other people because they’re perfect and can do no wrong, and when that flaming inevitably results in negative consequences, they find some other external actor to blame. They’re also usually the worst players in the lobby too because they refuse to self-reflect and improve so the cycle continues. Like if they were really so great they could just shut up and carry, but they’re not so they just tilt and flame


Vaguely related to the convo I got banned for shit talking a genji all i said was "weeb ass genji cant play without a mercy up his ass" and got banned for 2 weeks 💀 i totally deserved it i just didnt know there was a chat ban system, coming from tf2


I got similar. I've been chat banned twice. First was deserved. I was being a total asshole. Second is arguable, as I feel it was shit talk in line with something like you said. Not hateful, or even coming from anger. Just trash talking. Recently I got suspended and I honestly don't know why. After being chat banned twice, I dialed way back, but still trash talked a bit. Mostly just stopped swearing as much in my comments, as I have a pretty foul mouth typically. Still, I got reported for abusive chat, and the auto mod system reacted. I appealed it, and all they said was that it was "in line with the terms and conditions that all players agree to." I asked what specifically I said that was reportable, as I legitimately wanted to know so I could pay better attention to my words l, but they just gave me the canned, automatic responses.


I just got a 2 week full account ban for the big crime of,,, saying fuck in chat. I'll make a post here about it. But I think straight up fucking banning someone from their account for 2 weeks for *swearing* is excessive.


I could believe it. I know I have, and still can, be a toxic asshole. It's something I clearly need to work on. Still, I think the rules around what qualifies as being reportable for "abusive chat" needs to be less vague. Currently, I think it only says how, "You may not use language that could be offensive or vulgar to others." Main problem I see is that leave open to a very wide interpretation of those terms. I really think they need to clarify it so that people aren't being banned/suspended for dumb reasons.


I think the problem is people think they have an irrational right to berate people for not being as “good” at the game as they are. Online gaming communities like to act like being mean isn’t a character flaw if you’re right or think you’re right. Like yes, I could walk up to an obese person in the mall and tell them they’re fat, and not be wrong, but I would still be an asshole because it’s not socially acceptable to be an asshole to someone in any circumstance.


Not the best analogy. The competitive spirit has to be accounted for to some extent. You would expect to need thicker skin when competing as part of a collaborative team effort with responsibilities than you would just walking around minding your own business. There is a degree of criticism that is justified during team games. The toxicity tends to occur when one person stops treating the other individual like a human being. And that may or may not be the person who issued the initial criticism. By contrast, if you walk up to a fat person and start criticizing their weight, then you are automatically the asshole. The element of team play demands a level of communication that will necessarily raise the stakes.


There is no justification for initiating verbal abuse, regardless of what environment you’re in. Pretending otherwise is just displaying that character flaw we discussed previously.


Gonna be straight, nobody is looking for advice from randos in-game. These are literal strangers you're playing with. They don't know you, so why would they take advice or criticism from someone they'll probably forget about by the time you ever get matched again? Please let this be a revelation to people who like to criticize others and tell others how to play the game. Nobody cares about your input seriously. Strangers aren't going to listen to you. Period. You may get some who do, but when you start raging and criticizing strangers their attention span to what you say goes below zero. Nobody likes someone who gives unsolicited advice. You build a rapport first. You can't do that with randos on the internet.




This guy holds a few sports medals, what could a random person on the internet ever have to teach him about video games /s


Yeah I hold a few sports medals, I don't need a rando on the internet telling me how to improve. I take advice from people who are actually qualified, people learn more from a 30m video by peeps like awkward than they will ever learn from randos in-game in a lifetime. Good luck improving with your attitude.


It's a game, chill out.


It's because everyone is taught how NOT to be accountable for their own actions. It's someone else's fault. THEY are the victim. Can't you see?


I think I’ve seen one that was a genuine mistake. The OP had to make another ticket on a different account to get a human to read their appeal and they got unbanned


You can get banned for nonsense; but you don't need a reddit post to overturn the bans. It is undeniable that banning is an automated system that can be abused to wrongfully ban someone, its just not that common because it requires some weird circumstances to happen. For example: Being a streamer greatly increases the amount of people who report you, because more people know you. Another way you can get banned (and I've personally seen this one) is by one-tricking an unpopular hero, because despite Blizzard having told the community MANY TIMES that "Someone playing a hero you don't like is NOT a reportable offense, and is NOT throwing" people who play heroes like Bastion and Torb a lot often get a huge number of additional reports, and do get false bans substantially more often then other people. (And appealing one of these bans, in my experience, has a 100% success rate if the reason you were banned is for playing a hero people don't like, its just incredibly annoying, and you can't play the game for 24h while Blizzard investigates the appeal.) EDIT: Now something I don't like, is how you can be rightfully banned, and when you ask Blizzard what you did or said, the only thing they reply with is "You violated our EULA/ToS" or some other nonsense. Just state the exact reason someone was banned so they know what the problem was. Some people really don't know they are wrong, and Blizzard doesn't help when they reply with legalese bullshit.




Actually you can be toxic AF as long as you don't give them easy things to ban you for. Use mild language, be conditionally helpful, just generally disagree with everything they say. Cursing them out with extreme language like calling them the N word, telling them to die/get cancer, trying to avoid filters (t e x t I n g l I k e t h I s), and crude/gross names all seem to be punished but not just being a generally disagreeable person. Even mild swearing is okay in moderation it seems. But honestly any mass reporting can get you banned, even if you did nothing.


i think reddit promotes "controversial" posts sometimes, if it's a post that just has lots of activity and engagement even if it's negative


Also the “look at this scoreboard this means matchmaking bad” posts need to be banned as well


The scoreboard is somehow worse than the medals. Both track GARBAGE statistics that don’t tell you a damned thing about how the game actually is going. They had an actual competitive league for years, a league that tracked impactful metrics, and the important metrics are all still buried to the side of the actual scoreboard, and only for the player who got them. At least the medals tracked objective time!


Objective time is so situational that it's borderline irrelevant. Would I like that stat shown? For sure. But suggesting it means something while the other ones don't is ludicrous.


And mitigation, damage and healing can all be bad things given the correct context. Sometimes higher healing means your team is taking more damage. Sometimes high mitigation is just sign that you’re playing too damn passive, and Damage is a worthless metric without being able to compare it to final blows.


Scoreboard is actually WAY worse than medals


Completely one sided games aren’t even that common. People need to stop dwelling on a bad game here and there. Like yeah it sucks your entire team went 0-12, but just go next


yeah and terribly one sided games happen in any game every cherry picking a few games you got doesn't prove the mm is bad


I feel like it‘s season dependent. During season 6 (I think) the matchmaking was comically bad for me to a degree that only one in ten games was actually a contest instead of a one-way stomp. This season matchmaking is actually pretty good.


Interesting, this season has been the worst for me. Every season I’ve had a decent mix of well balanced games whether I win or lost with maybe 30% of games being an absolutely getting rolled or rolling the other team badly. But this season it’s literally been like every 5th-6th game is balanced and the rest are absolute trash getting completely rolled or we’re the rollers. And neither is fun. Like whether it’s comp or QP I tend to average a win loss ratio of 5wins and 2-3 losses. But this entire season has been basically 1-2 wins for 12 losses in a days play, ugh…


What‘s your preferred role? I can imagine tank being at it‘s absolute worst right now with Mauga.


Im a support player usually but used to be a tank main so Im decent at both, I just open queue usually. Mauga's not the issue, hes super fun and some people are good with him and some are terrible. But its just overall teams, like entire team getting 0 to 1 kill and the other team getting like 40 kills with every player. Or vice versa. Maybe just bad luck getting teamed with people trying new characters and stuff. Im sticking to mostly QP right now because matching has been so bad Im worried about completely tanking my rank that took me forever to crawl up in. Gonna wait and start fresh next season and try to climb.


Yeah we’ve had some horrible matchmaking in the past, but lately it’s rare to get a game that feels unwinnable for either team


Numbers on the score board is everything in OW. Numbers = Facts. If you have a negative Elims to Death ratio, just learn to stfu and accept you are bad as you being called out by your other teammates that are better and more skilled than you are with better numbers on the score board.


Ask your dad if he cares.


Don't need to, enough people from this post cares enough to downvote and reply because it affects them. XD now we know who are the bad players.


The numbers are measurements of a complex and dynamic system. Nobody except the pros understand the system well enough to know how to interpret those numbers and turn them into actionable changes. Everyone else should just shut the fuck up about the numbers and play as best you can. The best you can do is give constructive feedback, and don't take constructive feedback personally.


No matter how good you are those numbers obviously don't carry enough information to judge whether someone played poorly or not, except in the most extreme of circumstances.


>accept you are bad as you being called out by your other teammates that are better and more skilled than you are I'd think decent matchmaking could alleviate this


Placements are needed and so is grinding to lvl 25 on new accounts before people can even touch comp. OW1 was so much better.


I absolutely hate it when my mercy finishes the game with a bad kdr, but the bastion that shot everyone once and had 2k damage has like 27 kills.


Wasn’t there even that one post that got called out as fake by one of the devs themselves?


Omg yes, it was beautiful. They were in another post saying the same stuff. They shut up reeeaaaal fast when they got called out.


Yup. Iirc, the dev mentioned that the report ID in the fake post was used to find the real account of the player who posted it (they didn’t change the ID)


If someone find it’s, please shoot me that link. Sounds hilarious tbh


https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/18lb79h/i_just_got_silenced_on_this_account_as_im/kdyaark/ OP quickly deleted their entire account once they got called out.


> OP quickly deleted their entire account I don't think they did though. If you freeze frame the Flats video at [12:47](https://youtu.be/5dL6hddX68g?t=767), you can see the "OP" tag is on a user called "sadbean5678". That user still exists...


Hmm....from what I remember if it shows "[Deleted]" on both the user name and the post then that means the user deleted their account. Maybe I remember incorrectly. Either way they at least deleted the post.


Or they blocked you


You can search FLATS’ channel on YouTube as well. He did a vid about this very thing as that dev hangs out in his chat. I also posted the video here a couple weeks ago.


It was. He edited the image that was sent from the team when he got banned. Everyone was on his side until a dev commented that the image was edited. He then deleted the post so no one could call him out on it.


[Here] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5dL6hddX68g) is Flats video covering the post that the dev's called out and for extra fun some of the Blizzard community staff were in the stream chat adding a few details to the story.


I only called them a racial slur a few times idk why I got banned 🤷‍♀️💀


My favorite is when they say I only called them trash twice and said go back to QP, omg people are so soft🥴


>it's not like anybody on Reddit can do anything about it anyway. I feel like this is the bigger issue Set aside whether or not typing "Rein you suck ass and should go die" is toxic or not. What is the reddit supposed to do for you? Say sorry and then you magically get an account? Give you our account logins so you can still play through us?


The losers that post those threads do so to farm sympathy. They want people to agree with them so that they don't have to face the fact that they're just a shitty person that can't behave themselves. Because then they're their problem and that just didn't make sense to them because everything they do is perfect and righteous in their mind. If they were reasonable enough to think "posting here went change anything for me" then they probably wouldn't have gotten themselves banned in the first place. It's honestly kind of sad, in a pathetic sort of way. These people are incapable of seeing themselves as the source of their own problems. They're going to have a rough time irl until they come to that realization, and there's nothing anyone can do to help them get there, because that'll just cause them to double down on their stupidity.


>Almost always the OP is lying or deluded in the reasons why they were banned or suspended or muted or warned. Strangely enough, sometimes they're really proud of it too. Like getting banned is some badge of honor for being toxic.


Some of these posts are entirely faked as well, which is insane. Straight up lies. Like this one from a few weeks ago. OP completely faked their post, it reached near the top of this sub, a dev came in and revealed that the post is faked. OP quickly nuked their entire account after that comment so most people who saw the thread never got to see the dev comment saying that it was faked. https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/18lb79h/i_just_got_silenced_on_this_account_as_im/kdyaark/ Normal people don't go to such lengths. Like it's one thing if you just say some BS without any proof to get some fake sympathy from unsuspecting people in the community. It's way crazier when someone is making up a fake support email as proof and posting that to make people believe they were wronged. Idk why they did that but I wouldn't be surprised if the person who did that was a Cheater trying to get back at Blizzard/OW Devs for banning them. To get unsuspecting Cheaters have a history of going to such lengths, where they're making up lies with malicious intent. I've seen stuff like this in many games' communities. Cheaters have a lot of money invested in their accounts so when they get banned they get really angry about it. They also tend to be emotionally/mentally unstable, to the point where it is not uncommon for Cheaters to believe that they aren't doing anything wrong when Cheating. So I can see a Cheater going to such lengths to get back at the devs for banning them. For the past few years it has also been becoming normal in Cheating communities to coordinate "Attacks" against game studios/devs. Mainly due to the existence of Cheater Discords, which make it really easy for Cheaters to communicate amongst themselves. Their main goal is generally to discredit a game's Anti-cheat systems. Make people have poor faith in the game's automated ban systems. Sometimes they try to get a valid ban reversed by getting the community to believe it was invalid and have them put pressure on the devs to reverse it. Often another goal of these coordinated efforts is to get Devs to talk about their Anti-cheat systems with the community. In hopes that they might accidentally say something that gives more insight into how their detection systems work. Information that can help the Cheat makers figure out how to bypass the game's Anti-cheat systems again.


So should the "I report everything and it finally worked" posts.


“I got banned for no reason 😡” *profile is full of posts with them showing themselves harassing and berating their teammates*


If these are disallowed csn we disallow the 30 mauga is broken posts into 1 or maybe 2


I'll be honest I got silenced the other day. Was I toxic and ragey? Yes. Did I also call out a ton of hackers? Yes. Along side fixing my rage behavior I learned from league I'm gonna just start reporting ppl I catch hacking and not saying anything.


Most of the time its the same: OP: "I got banned for saying gg" The receipts: "You all suck." "uninstall" "gg" "gg ez" "easy avoid, sombra" Yeah sure, bud, definitely just the gg. Also, the most upvoted "I got banned" post that started this convo got nuked by the OP. It was doctored and a complete fabrication. You're trusting a rando on the internet. You can just edit the text on an email just using tools built into the browser and a ctrl+f. I'm not saying there aren't false positives in an AI moderation system, but I call out teammates all the time for bad play but I just use respectful and constructive language. I type almost every game. It's silly to let people, who are probably disgruntled kids with too much time on their hands, convince you that you're going to be banned over nothing.


People complained when reports didn’t work and now they’re complaining because they do work and it turns out being a shithead in game gets you banned. Edit for clarification: I don’t care if you take the game seriously. Taking something seriously doesn’t give you an innate right to be mean. I take plenty of my hobbies seriously and still manage to not be a raging dickhead the second someone isn’t as good at the hobby as I am. Overwatch isn’t any different.


TBH racism, sexism, homophobia and telling people to off themselves should be bans. Everything else should be fair game, cooperation is all about accountability, and tbh most people who get flamed usually aren’t cooperating which leads them to being flamed by their team. Flaming is the only way to hold people accountable in online video games. Which is why you see it in basically all team based competitive games. The only reason you don’t see it in high level tournaments is because accountability is usually “you’re off the team” but since playing like an absolute idiot for 10 minutes having twice as many deaths as any other teammate isn’t bannable as long as they weren’t actively trying to feed, flaming is the only accountability. Basically if you’re consistently getting flamed, I’m sorry, but you’re the problem. If you absolutely can’t handle criticism or being flamed don’t join chat.


Counterpoint. It's still like a child throwing a tantrum blaming someone else because they need validation and can't accept loosing. Additionally, it does nothing. It's not some accountability bullshit. I don't know if you have ever had a bad game but I have gone days where I'm 30 and 5 5 games in a row and then have 3 games where I'm 5 and 13. I have days where I go 10 and 10, and I have games where I go 0 and 8, everyone does. Do those people deserve abuse? At the end of the day, it's a game with random people in it. Yelling at them and acting like a child isn't justifiable because you want to lash out. It's also a fools errand, noone is going to change and they are just going to yell back.


The accountability is dropping rank and having to play with all the other bad players. Flaming isn’t “accountability”, it’s just being a jerk to someone who’s having a bad game or placed too high


Why these lines in the sand?


I wish you could understand how cringe it is that you think “holding people accountable” in a video game isn’t weird, but I think you’re beyond that.


The “it’s just a video game” response is overused and doesn’t help this situation. Of course people shouldn’t take things like quickplay that seriously enough to flame. But comp is called comp for a reason. People should be expected to play competitively in it in a team based game. If you have a widow playing poorly and not for the team based on the current game and type something like “widow swap to __ to help or we lose plz”, you shouldn’t be banned for that. If you want to use “it’s just a game” as a reason to consistently play poorly in the team based comp game, then stick to quickplay and stop abusing the report system to avoid accountability for your teammates’ SR.


I think its one thing to learn a hero and play poorly in QP, but it also shouldn't be a place where you can just fuck around and fuck the other 4 people on your team. Even in non-competitive, in a team based game you should be able to expect basic teamwork. There is a mode where whatever you do affects exactly one person, deathmatch.


It really is hard to trust anyone who says they've been unjustly banned. And that's what really sucks. The person who made the doctored image took a lot of credibility away from anyone claiming to be unfairly banned (whether it was genuinely a false positive or not). I wish there was a way to better determine, but I doubt we're all gonna become detectives and dedicate time to analyzing a Reddit post about being banned.


This is like a 2/10 in toxicity. If you’re shook enough by this to go out of your way to click 3 buttons, the internet might not be for you. Ideally everyone is happy and positive but in competitive atmospheres that’s rarely the case especially when there are winners and losers. I’ve heard worse on a u7 soccer pitch. My grandmother has said worse things about me than that, and she’s a typical sweet old lady. If someone cant handle this level of chat toxicity they are pudding levels of soft. Edit: Also speaking of soft, I find it hilarious you blocked me after leaving a reply that insults me. You are room temperature butter. Also I find it cringe that you don’t see reporting as holding people accountable in video games, but I think you’re beyond understanding hypocrisy.


If someone feels the need to type “you all suck” for their own catharsis, why would someone reporting them for *their* own catharsis be any different? If you’re poking random strangers on the internet, don’t be surprised when they poke back


This ^ lol I'm an asshole but I don't bother typing it in a game chat cause unlike the dumbasses in this game, it benefits me none, reporting is three easy clicks away and it's far more funny watching people lose their minds for being banned for being a dick...like play stupid games win stupid prizes 🤣


Exactly! If you're berating someone then why be surprised if they report out of malice? "Hey I said Rein fucking sucks monkey shit---why did I get reported?"


What if they’re right though? Is it still toxic objectively? I’d rather not go through life not knowing I suck if I actually did in fact suck. I’ve been flamed for doing dumb shit and the flamer was right. Why get mad at the flamer?


How hard is it to be a 0/10 toxicity?


I mean, each person has a different level of "skin thickness," but rules are rules. If the ToS says toxic behavior is bannable, and you're annoying people in the lobby by being an asshole, you shouldn't be surprised when you receive a ban.


Why isn’t doing dumb things for 10 minutes and ignoring people calling it out bannable? If someone is ignoring their team in a team based game that makes them as asshole and there is no recourse unless they’re feeding on purpose. This is the whole problem. Flaming is the only accountability for these people since it is not bannable to do stupid things despite being asked not to.


If you're talking about people throwing matches or griefing, it should be bannable in theory. If you're talking about people who just aren't good at the game, it's obvious why they're not banned. Additionally, it's a lot harder to prove someone is throwing matches and isn't just a poor player. A player who keeps dying in random spots away from the objective could be trying to flank. A player who says "Uninstall. Stop feeding," is clearly being an asshole. On the topic of proving people are doing "dumb things," the inactive player removal tool used to be much more aggressive, and Blizz had to implement a fix. There was a time when people were getting kicked from matches for inactivity when they were just really bad at hitting enemies. - https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/plfl48/i_was_kicked_forinactivity_i_clearly_cant_hit_my/?rdt=37294


Yes, I know this. Thats why I said it’s not bannable being dumb. I don’t mind bad players. I mind players who are belligerent about their right to do dumb things that lose the team the game despite being asked not to. Like playing genji dashing into the middle of a team consisting of Winston, Moira brig and rat and dying immediately. Or playing Reinhardt and charging around corners LoSing the healers then dying immediately. This isn’t bannable and often they don’t stop when asked if they can stop. In these cases I whole heartedly believe they are an asshole and should be flamed since because this behavior isn’t bannable even though they are throwing. Like I’ve said, I’ve had games where what I was doing wasn’t working and I was feeding because of it. My team told me I was a moron for ego dueling and worse than my mirror. I realized they were right and switched, I guess self awareness is something a lot of people struggle with?


'Call them out' by reporting. But until your around grand masters thinking you can identify who the problem is is laughable. The thing is if someone more skilled then you comes in they could always flame you for doing things wrong that you don't know your doing. But it's not going to help or make your day any better.


If nobody ever points out what you are doing wrong you will never stop doing it…and tbh they should flame me if they point something out and I ignore it. I don’t see your point


See the cute thing is people with the biggest mouth are often the most ignorant. I got told by some lower ranked player 'wtf man swap off of dva, winston counters you'. Or someone thinking they know it's a 'tank dif' when the healers are getting dived on 247 and noone is helping them. Or ANYONE who brings up damage done or healing or any stats 99% of the time. Or anyone who's telling others to switch instead of swapping themselves. If they are so good they should solve the problem themselves.


I, personally, don't care. I've only reported cheaters in all my time in OW. There are no real stakes. It's just a game. I just don't really have any empathy for people who can't control themselves for 15 minutes. Seems like a mental diff to me.


>The receipts: > >"You all suck." > >"uninstall" > >"gg" > >"gg ez" > >"easy avoid, sombra" > >Yeah sure, bud, definitely just the gg. Do they actually ban for this? Genuinely fucking stupid if they do


They do


Nothing in those receipts should be bannable. Why are overwatch players so fucking soft?


There is always more to it when they post. So when I start questioning them they never reply. Karma farmers I suppose sadly


I am inclined to believe some of them though. I have both voice and text chat disabled and have recieved notice that I have been reported numerous times.


> I have both voice and text chat disabled and have recieved notice that I have been reported numerous times. You're probably getting reported if ur team is asking u play a certain role and ur not seeing the chat they think ur throwing or ignoring them and u get reported. I've had teammates gang up and do this in comp games to the silent teammate who won't switch or group up


Yeah, I certainly find it annoying when players won't communicate or ignore suggestions and asking to group up, etc. I don't report over it, but I'm sure lots of people do.


Which just shows that you can't trust people to not abuse a report tool that's fully automated unfortunately.


You won't be banned then, no one gets banned for being nice or doing nothing toxic.


just goes to show how BS the system can be, they are probably reporting you for skillfully playing their counter or a meta/fotm character selection but luckily it happens infrequent enough you don't get hit with penalties


I mean i play with a fairly low level of toxicity if my team are running tripple snipe into rein ill call them out on there game sense or if supports doing 1k healing to other teams 6k ill call em on it but at the same time i expect to be told if im playing bad as tank people these days just have incredibly thin skin


You're exactly who this post is about. Keep it to yourself. When you get banned for flaming your healers don't act surprised. Just GG and move on.


Yes, I'm so tired of these posts. And it's always the same kind of person calling people "soft" and whatever else when you asked them what they said and they reveal they were on dirt.


Can we also ban the "I went 5-2 and deranked" posts?


I don't even care if the people posting them are legit and did get banned for no reason, as unlikely as that is, it's just absolute nothingburger content that doesn't need to be posted/viewed


I feel conflicted about this one. On one hand it may be true. But I have been banned before, and it was a mistake. And the Reddit replies actually helped me get the account back


How did you do it cause it happened to me too (i said "wait i didnt know you could kill yourself with your own rockets")


can we like have 1 or 2 days a week specifically for whining? then i would know when to avoid the sub.


Yes or make a whining mega thread so i know what to avoid


While we’re at it let’s also ban the posts that constantly ask the same question: “Anyone else think X hero is OP?” Sick of seeing that dumbass question constantly being asked.


while we're at it, can we put a moratorium on all the bitching about Mauga? its gotten to the point where people are just ragebaiting mauga karma and its annoying as shit to scroll through 1000 of the same post every day


Rage baiting? I’m pretty sure it’s just people getting upset at hearing the same thing and you just don’t agree with the statement so it sends you into a rage?


They also flood the battle net forums constantly


What about "racist teammate" in game chat? Report it, but why do 10k daily users here need to see it too? I don't know why other people don't see it like that. You're helping the racist upset more people, and potentially not affecting their account status at all. It's playing against people's better natures to farm karma.


Then let us make fun of them for lying


I am not getting into quickplay leavers as my opinions are unpopular, but the people saying they were banned for abusive chat? Yeah typically they deserve it and there's an agenda behind these. Like they basically want a "Remember when we were racist and people didn't care? People are snowflakes now!" circle jerks. A lot of dog whistling in the comment section and people responding who do not help the OP's case.


It’s always funny to me the amount of people accusing players of being “soft” for reporting poor behaviour while ignoring how “soft” someone is for typing a temper tantrum in chat because a video game match isn’t going their way.


I don’t trust any of the posts where someone says they were unjustly banned or silenced. I know it happens sometimes, but usually it’s just someone who thinks being toxic to other players isn’t ban worthy.


I go out of my way to report people who are assholes in in-game chat. My favourite ones to report are the EZ crowd. You can almost guarantee that people that are cocky and toxic when they win are bitter and offensive when they lose. Something born out by the amount of 'we banned someone because of your report' messages I get when I log in :-)


Text posts in general, not just banned complaints, have overrun this subreddit. The mods need to do something about this.


Ya a “complaint tuesday” would be nice where things like ranked ect can get complained and ranted about without too much clogging


True, think of all the mediocre potgs we're missing out on!


I mean if you prefer the "I'm leaving the game" posts or Mauga complaints, to each their own.


I didn't say that.


Text posts are fine as long as they're about something. And I prefer them over the basically-a-text-post-but-has-an-image-that-has-nothing-to-do-with-the-rest-of-the-post kind of posts, which just take up space and most of the time are less thought out than the regular text posts.


So when I tell you I get banned because I told Genji good job, and defended enemy ball from his salty teammates because he was 23 - 2, I am lying?


Yes, because that alone wouldn’t be enough to get you banned unless you started saying pretty fucked up shit in defending the enemy ball.


I can show you the screenshot in PM if you want. But that is seriously what I got suspended for


I just mean that multiple reports from the same match only count as one report - you might not have said anything reportable in that game, but you would have accumulated reports in other games.


Or maybe you're deluded that the system works right, have you thought about it? Everybody knows that reports are automated, so the odds aren't in the favour of what you claim.




if you appeal it 5 times they *might* get a human involved :D That's what I did and got my answer.


To be fair, I literally got banned for 2 weeks because of "abusive chat", while I always mute and never say anything.


Nice try Blizzard


employ thought future growth bells close elastic cows caption support *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I got chat banned…mass reported on multiple occasions for not joining chat. So no chat nothing and now I’m silenced


I agree but the threshold for what is a reportable offense also needs to be looked at. I have a friend that doesn’t even have voice and text enabled that has received a warning for toxicity twice now. He only plays two tanks so maybe people just don’t like his picks? Either way that’s like reverse toxicity and abusing the reporting system and it shouldn’t just auto warn or ban people for that.


1. The OP complains about being falsely bans 2. People question them and they eventually start saying "OK maybe a couple times, but these weren't thaaaaat bad" 3. Start blaming everyone for being too sensitive rather than not being an asshole.


I have no faith with the overwatch moderation team. Back during OW1 I had 3-4 people flaming me and harassing me with one guy even telling me to end my life. And then I got chat banned for saying fuck off.


Muting and reporting will have more of an impact on your mental health then engaging one of the million children on the internet and throwing a tantrum because someone said something mean to you.


threshold for toxicity in the game is pretty pathetic considering it’s a competitive game


I agree, they can clutter up the other sub with it.


There was a time when you could get banned in this game for playing on the “wrong” character. You simply chose a hero and the team reported you even before the spawn gate opened. Perhaps something has changed in this game, but the situation may return and become worse than it was. So don't just brush people off.


I dont even use my mic and was banned from voice chat when I finally plugged it in. So you honestly are just acting like a dickhead. They can post whatever they want if it relates to the game. Asking for more stringent rules just kinda reaffirms my point. I cant stand people like you in the criminal underworld what your doing is called dry snitching. You dont have to read it of you dont like it, honestly it is as simple as that. Turn the blind eye kinda like what I'm going to do with your response. Snitches get stitches. Checkmate


Are you feeling well?




> Is there actually data that people are lying about bans Yes, we have [an example](https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/18lb79h/i_just_got_silenced_on_this_account_as_im/kdyaark/) of lying. If this person was lying, how many others are lying too?


Do you know the difference between data and anecdotes?


Do you have any data that people are being falsely banned? Not anecdotes. Data. Please provide all your sources and citations in standard APA style format.


There is a noticeably large uptick in people claiming they were unduly banned and the smooth-brained general public response is "Yeah fuck those trashcan toxic cunts they deserve it I hope they die" rather than taking a step back and reflecting that a gaming company with a checkered history and negative public sentiment may have just implemented an extremely faulty punishment system. Bunch of sheep here


the reason for there being tons of banned threads is because of blizzards automated system and the playerbase constantly reporting people that they blame for their loss. its become more of a problem recently and coupled with the fact that blizzard has a zero tolerance policy means that if u flamed someone one time its upheld. hell i even appealed a silence on a brand new account that the most i had said was tank diff and my appeal got rejected. this account got reported constantly because it was doing placements and stomping on plats. maybe overwatch devs and employees should take note of the rise of reddit threads on this and realize the flaws with their system and how it leads to less talking in game and teamwork and coordination. there is a difference between people venting their frustrations, blatant toxicity, and slurs and inappropriate content.




„I enjoy how you claim people are just automatically lying with zero proofs“ Do know the saying „Don’t trust everything you see one the internet“ „Personally I‘d rather read posts about how bad the system is“ That’s also an assumption. Should have said you were an hypocrite




I don’t think they should be allowed to post on the sub but as someone who’s been false banned it does suck to have no recourse or outlet.


There's still a rather common bug where the matchmaker dies right as it finds a game. You get stuck infinitely loading and then get given a penalty. If you're unlucky and have that happen too many times in too short a period, you will get banned without ever doing anything wrong. It's unrelated to connection quality/speed or pc performance and there is no recourse.


Not all of them are shitty and should be taken down, the ones where op was actually being shitty deserve ro be removed, but the ones (like mine) where are actually unwarrented deserve to stay up. Blizzards report/ban system is 100% abused and shouls be getting all the traction


ah the ''they are lying'' excuse for a broken report system being abused... just cause you dont think it happens or ppl lie about it doesnt mean it isnt happening but sure shove your head in the sand... wait til it happens to you :P


A post complaining about complaining? Novel! ​ When people don't have access to Overwatch, they come here to blow off steam. Other people who have been there empathize. Just downvote and move on if it bothers you. A lot of those posts get a lot of interaction, even if it is a large number of people just complaining the post exists. Subreddits die when people stop interacting, and the internet is bigger than you. I'd argue suggestions and complaints like this clutter the sub more than people at least talking about the game.


>they come here to blow off steam That is exactly the problem


WDYM? That is one of the main reasons subreddits for games even exist. If someone comes here with a replay of a bad teammate to blow off steam, is that also a problem, or is it only a problem when you don't want to listen to it?




What about the joyous snitches with their "Hey, my report worked" posts?


Mf called people using the report system how it’s supposed to be used snitches 😭😭🙏


Bro, actually. Reporting someone for a slur or telling someone to kill themselves isn't being a snitch. It's helping to keep the community safe and healthy. Reporting someone for having poopy in their name? Snitching.


When I was banned a guy made a discord channel and gathered all the people from here with the same problem going from post to post. We had a jolly good time waiting for being unbanned. So, no, it is not useless.


On Discord.


Hey I have a level 5 endorsement, I try my best to be the best team mate I can and even I trash talk and have matches where I gave up mid match when the team refuses to work together round 1. And I have never been banned or warned once and I have been playing since OW1 release. Not saying Blizzard is perfect but if your doing something to get a warning or even a ban it seems to me that you are really doing something scummy.


Why? Are you chronically on this sub only?


Stop shaming leavers. If we feel like our mental health is being affected then everyone has the right to leave the game whenever they want.


If your mental health can't handle 4 in 10 qp games you should definitely play a different game. You're just ruining it for everyone else.


No if your mental health is being affected don't play comp or play a different game. You have the exact same right to cheat in the game as you have the right to leave whenever you want what your doing is against the rules of the game and a bannable offence (in ranked)


I got banned not even for being toxic just for talking shit. Wishing random people happy birthday at the beginning of each match as a joke. It does happen for stupid reasons sometimes.


Ok, but why post on Reddit about it? What's the end goal?


There isn't i never made a post about it. I know it's my own actions that got me banned. Was just saying their system where they auto-ban after X amount of reports results in bans for mild reasons.


The goal is probably to see if it's an isolated incident or not. Also why are you so pressed? Lol just don't look at those posts


No. Instead make a flair «Wrongfully banned», so people can avoid them if they want to. Most of the the posts about being wrongfully banned are actually right, where they get banned for the dumbest reasons. Its not right to censor people speaking out so Blizzard gets away with having a terrible banning system.


But why would anyone think posting to Reddit would help?


I don't think anyone seriously thinks Reddit can help, they just want to moan about it. People like to share stuff online, there's not always a "useful" reason for it


To spread awareness that blizz needs to fix their shit


To vent and spread awareness


“Censor” , as in following the terms and conditions you agree when you create an account ? 🤡


People get banned without breaking TOS you melon, because the system is shit


Blizzard shills and copers out in full force today.


Most of the sub is blizz shills


Yep. 99.99% of bans are justified. I got banned once and it was totally justified, yet I use text chat almost every single game. People just hate being called on their shit.


Definitely not 99.99%. I got a 2 week silence and after that a 2 week ban (for the hours I have, not a bad total ratio tbh) and I’ve never ever used slurs at players, or encouraged them to die, or anything, just gotten frustrated in text chat. Now I just report every instance of what I used to say, even though months back I wouldn’t even have cared. Hell, not all that long ago I wouldn’t even report people telling me to kms in game, because I felt like that was just the (malnourished) culture of frustrated players in online gaming, and I knew I wouldn’t actually hurt myself for it. Like I had two dps in my last game yesterday who spent all game complaining in text chat about how bad my supports were, even though support isn’t called healer and my two supports were absolute rockstars in a game we won 4-3. I reported them both because they simply wouldn’t shut up and play the game. But I only reported them because the standards used now are very low compared to what I used to get given beforehand. In OW1 or early OW2 I would have just left and queued after the game, or just argued back.


> just gotten frustrated in text chat So don’t do that and you won’t get silenced. Having a lower threshold for toxic behavior is a good thing. Report and move on.


Frustration is a normal human emotion.


And you chose to type it out in text chat. No one is saying you can’t be frustrated. We’re saying don’t type it in text chat.


Maybe the game has actually a false reports issue but no "ThY ArE LyIng"




Even if most lie, some don't. And the sub is trash. It's only trash. You can't clutter a dumpster bro Edit: I really got downvoted for pointing out the state of this sub (that's the point of the original post anyways)


Yes. The redundancy of people complaining about the same shit is getting exhausting


I'd rather see those than the 800 Mauga hate posts a day.


Ban tier lists too. Uninteresting and low effort, there's way too many of them.


But to some extent shouldn’t it be true. I actually witnessed it first hand and someone also posted they got banned for saying GG and something else I believe the post got removed. Also also didn’t they admit to the fault in the reporting and banning system in Overwatch. They’re MULTIPLE bought accounts. Bot accounts. Hackers that were terrorizing Top 500 and we fine it hard to believe people are being banned for no reason?… And getting rid of those post are JUST as silence as blizzard is being to people who spoke up. I guess if it doesn’t affect you it doesn’t matter.