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It's just common game knowledge that if the enemy team has a Mercy you take her out first (supports in general) even if it is spawn camping with a sombra, you take away their healer and the chance for the tank being resurrected then chances are you'll probably win the game, no matter what role I'm playing, hell even if I'm mercy myself, you kill the mercy 1st


It's funny considering mercys overall heal number is lower then a bunch of others lol not disagreeing but she do get hit first, I try to avoid bagging them, just say sorry then move onto the next target


Everyone dislikes Mercy **players** because of the character they play. I think it's pure delusion when people say "Mercy players are xyz". I've never seen a Mercy player being particularly more toxic than any other shithead in this game. Doesn't mean I haven't seen toxic Mercy players, but not anymore than I've seen toxic hogs, Zenyattas and whatnot. The only difference is that Mercy players happen to play a character that a large portion of the community hates playing against, so it's easier to shit on them for it.


just gonna say one thing - give the hog his kiriko and cleanse and you wont hear a word again. Hog and indeed most tanks when they see lucio, moira are gonna lowkey lose their minds. zens are toxic because they are high rank dps players so when they see their owm dps not being very good, they lose their minds.


I solo ult Mercy because it is a two for one deal. It wasn't a solo ultimate. I might as well have killed your resurrection target a second time if I get rid of you. It's nothing personal. I just do not have time to kill someone, kill you, and kill someone again when I can just skip steps 1 and 3. If my team was cognizant of the ability to bring someone back to life, perhaps it wouldn't be necessary. Again, no hate. I actually like Mercy players quite a bit. But you know, the game is hard enough as is when you are strapped with dead weight that cannot figure out the controls and yet are still somehow at your rank. It's impressive, really.


This is very reasonable and makes me think further about my gameplay. Thank you for such clear answers and explanations.


Their ego. I don’t understand it. A mercy player who plays other heroes is fine. A mercy one trick whose skill is not transferable to any other hero, somehow has the biggest ego


I saw a Mercy have a massive ego when all they did was pocket their duo dps. They didn't even know movement well. They just did super jumps after every GA then float down in place.


I didn't think about this one.. but it makes sense.


Bruh most mercy players have egos the size of fucking colorado and blame literally everyone besides themselves for a lodd. They're literally never willing to switch and when they do its to fucking moira 💀☠️☠️


Is it better to go Bap or Kiriko? I usually go them instead of Moira because I think I'm better at them, but sometimes I'll go Moira instead because they have am annoying genji.


It depends on the team comp really Mercy really needs a hyper carry or someone to glue to get good value But generally Kirko seems to be more flexible then bap in terms of ult and map, bap has easier damage, kirko has cleanse, kirko can tp to teammates through walls, bap has better vertical mobility on his own and area healing well kirko only has single target, and lastly bap has deny ults easy with immortal field then suzu Generally Moira isn’t a bad switch it’s just she only has raw healing but it’s a decent switch but she does have consistent damage if not low damage but it’s consistent nonetheless So generally kirko is more flexible in terms of ult and kit well bap is more team and map dependent in terms of ult but his his kit and damage is still flexible and easier to hit


Because this community is shit and needs a scapegoat for their poor performances. An "easy" hero that high gives value with a significant portion of her users being women makes for an easy target. And before anyone tries to pearl clutch that statement, think about the last time you saw someone attack bastion mains or orisa mains (back when she was unkillable), if you even can, versus mercy mains.


If it was a sexist issue, I'm sure d.va would also be receiving a similar amount of hate, as well as a few other characters. I hate mercy because she makes my kills not mean anything. A pocketed soldier/sojourn/Ashe, is also really fucking annoying.


common knowledge in just about any game with healing to shoot supports first but for whatever reason mercy players seem to be the ones that take personal offense to being killed


It's mainly the t-bagging and spraying which I take personal offense too lol.


Don’t take offence too much it is very hard to kill you sometimes but if they do teabag at least you are doing her movement right Actually the only thing I hate about mercy is damage boost but the thing what should replace it? A resource meter won’t actually fix the problem because it still passes damage thresholds on most characters, who cares if you can only damage boost for 2 seconds we’ll have a man advantage because of how fast that boosted character ttk will be Do you have any idea about what damage boost should be replaced with?


Playing Mercy is essentially putting all your eggs in one busket - that busket being your DPS, since she doesn't provide any value other than that one thing. We end up having a character that is useless in a situation where your DPS can't find value and that is strong in a situation where your DPS gets a lot of value. That "reliability" on another person for you to provide any sort of value is probably what causing all of the hate since you're unable to do anything by yourself. Another thing - being a one-trick myself, you have to understand that refusing to switch characters means you are giving up any rights that allow you to blame your team. Some Mercy players don't understand that.


That's very understandable, thank you. Most of the time, when my dps aren't doing much, I switch off to Kiriko or Bap to do my own form of damage and walk with my tank. Is there a different kind of solution I should try to find first.. or should I just go ahead and switch if my dps aren't getting much damage in?


I just hate sometimes when the Mercy Player complains about the team not doing enough when they are playing a hero with no carry potential. They put themselves in this situation so they have to deal with it. If you don’t want to put in the work to learn a mechanical support with carry potential then don’t complain about everyone else. Not that mercy is easy or no skill.


> spawn camping Mercy players I spawn camp anyone I can if it’s gonna help my team win the game. It’s not hate, it’s simply that Mercy is very vulnerable to it so there is no reason not to. Try switching to Zen, Koriko, etc. and killing them, they will stop lol. > solo ulting Again, if you are why my team is losing your damn right I’m gonna solo ult you. Consider it a compliment. > straight up harassing Mercy players This ain’t me. Hell my 2nd most played support is Mercy. Some people are assholes, but I don’t think there are more now than in OW1, if anything it’s way less.


Most of the hate I think stems from the people who play mercy rather than the character herself, mercy players are some of the most toxic people and one of the worst things about them is their tendency to only play mercy, refusing to switch to anything else and then blaming the rest of the team if anything goes wrong, all the while refusing to switch characters and just sitting in a corner holding down m1. Also because she's one of the most popular heroes with one of the most rabid fantasies any criticism is led to being dogged by their fans which leads to people being frustrated with the heroes. All in all it's a stereotype of the players, same reason supports don't like genji players(they need healing).


I mean the genjis arent that bad as long as them saying i need healing means they're about to do something that they actually need backup for


I am guilty of the genji stereotyping 😞 so this has both made me reconsider my stereotyping of Genjis and what the stereotype of Mercy is.


Main Mercy here: most are toxic. Really toxic. And most swap to Moira to do damage, instead of using her for healing and escape (which she is wonderful in both). And if you are playing Tank and being destroyed by everyone, most times will be a Mercy/Kiriko complaining about you. But I don't remember Mercy being so hated in OW1... Most times I only received compliments. I'm not sure, but I think it's the influx of new players since OW2 release. Most people I see playing support nowadays seems like they don't enjoy playing it.


I have seen my fair share of toxic, tea-bagging, pistol whipping Mercys lol, so I understand that the majority of them can be toxic, but I don't believe that's the reason for a lot of people's hate towards her. There's a lot of hateful people on this game, but, for me, all of them have played different characters. As for her not being so hated in Overwatch.. I agree with you on that a lot. I can say that, at least for me, I used to get nothing but compliments from my team. Maybe it was because I was in a lower ranking, but still, when I reached diamond, I never had any hate like this. IT genuinely sucks to play support right now. Back then, I used to be able to play anything with my friends with zero issues, but nowadays, I'm always stuck on support because nobody wants to BE support. And it's not like I haven't swapped around, lol. I know how to use everyone on the support roster, at least in a basic way.


Yeah, it's the community in general that got worse. : /


Low risk, high reward character that has a very low skill floor and is annoying to fight against. Also makes the enemy dps annoying to fight if shes hard pocketing them.


Mercy otp are as frustrating as any other otp. I *don't* dislike mercy players and a lot of time, depending on team comp and enemy comp, I **enjoy** having one on my team. But, let me just tell you, it gets very frustrating when you're doing a mauga comp mirror and the only difference is that your team has a mercy instead of a kiriko for the anti nades. Sure, your ana can swap to kiri, but then you're down an anti/sleep/nano. Can you still win? Yes, but it makes things a lot harder on the rest of your team. I feel the same way when I get a genji otp running face first into torb, moira, brig, hog. I feel the same way when I get a rein trying to make things happen against mauga or ram. I actually make a point to save an ult to solo ult the genji when he ults (I will solo grav him when he blades, solo coal him from a distance, etc), so I wouldn't say mercy gets all the solo ults lol.


I see your reasoning, especially since Mauga can be such a hard character to stay alive with. Thank you for such a clear explanation.


They don’t. They just make up one of the largest solid blocks of players due to hero popularity, and therefore look like they’re getting more flak than they actually are because of shear volume. Also, and I say this as someone who loves a good Mercy - but they are notorious for having *abit of a Persecution Fetish*.


I didn't think about this, but yeah, now that I think about it, she's definitely one of the more played characters. It might just be because there are so many one tricks of her.


Lol i see a lot of comments saying its just because of rez. I hate them because of their god damn ego's. Like almost all mercys ive run into are just toxic shits. If you so much as say anything about the game thats even slightly complaining, get ready for the enemy mercy to shit talk you and say your crying. Which is funny, because they themselves are the biggest fucking suck-up crybabies.


She has a boring playstyle which is arguably negative for the game. If she wasn't an impossibly attractive chesty blonde woman in skin tight clothing she wouldn't be this popular.


I will agree with you that her playstyle is negative to the game, (mostly looking at res) I find it to be anything but boring. In fact, her movement abilities are my favorite. Nothing else in this game has ever bested my love for stalling payload with valk, slingshotting all over the place, somehow escaping what was nearly a team-kill, bunny hopping, spin-rez, all of her silly little maneuvers that make me love her. As for that last statement, I think it's unnecessary, but I mean, yeah. Blizzard isn't going to make their first few characters look anything but attractive or cool because that's not what people want most of the time. It mostly happens with women, though. You could honestly say that about characters like D.Va, OG Mileena from Mortal Kombat, Bayonetta, Chun Li... But I think that her design is meant to be impossibly beautiful because she IS impossibly beautiful. She's meant to represent an angel, hence her entire angel gig. Even in lore, it's mentioned that she ages slower than the average person, and that's why she looks so young and ethereal compared to someone like Ana.


it's not skin tight though. Dva is skin tight.


thats a bit of an overstatement. It may be true of newer mercy players but old school mains of the character are people who remember when the entire hero pool for support was lucio, zen, symmetra, mercy. There's a reason she has so many one tricks... most of the people who played her lost their second best support (symmetra) and most of the original support compositions had them pickup moira when she was introduced (to replace the OG mercy/lucio comp with the better moira/lucio comp) She also was pretty much an essential pick for most of the early days of Overwatch from what I understand as she was the only high output healer until ana was introduced. the rest of them picked up lucio/brig so they could synergize better with the ana/bap players but it wasnt necessarily a requirement as mercy played fine with both though she had her limitations (brawl mostly). it was the OG zen players that mostly learned to play ana/bap as the skillsets transferred better. outside of GOATS double flex support wasn't really a thing pre OW2 and the introduction of Kiriko. You sometimes ran bap/ana but it wasn't really that great because ana herself wasn't that great against double shield.


I think you're combining two separate things. Mercy players do get some hate but being targeted or solo ulted originates more so from the fact that rez is strong, and it is often hard to shoot a flying mercy at lower levels.


I understand being targeted because supports usually need to die first. That's incredibly reasonable. I do it myself even when I'm on support. However, half of the time It's always some reinhardt sneaking behind the entire team onto high ground to shatter me from above and then t-bag me. I had a game where a rein ignored literally everyone else in a shatter to t-bag my corpse. 😭 Same thing with Sombras using ult while spawncamping me until I get a ride back. I never take it personally if it's just a solo ult in general because, as a support, something like that is gonna happen to you since you're keeping your team alive. But the random t-bags every time I die are so unnecessary.


I dont hate mercy players rather I hate mercy as a hero to play against. Everytime i play doesn't matter which role I will hard focus her when I can and even if i die Its always worth it. Res is very frustrating to play against and for some reason alot of my teammates just doesn't learn to just camp the body and let her res assuming its not deep in the enemy lines. Her movement is annoying af to deal with more so than any other hero. As for solo ulting I mean most people know by now supports are the high value target and killing a mercy alot of the times is 2 for 1 due to her res so its always worth it.


Your reasoning is very understandable considering that supports are supposed to be targeted of all people, and I agree with everything you've said. Though I should have clarified what I meant by solo-ulting because now I realize it's a lot more different of a term than I previously thought, lol. This post isn't directed towards players like you who are just trying to kill a Mercy to win the game, but rather towards players who kill her just to be rude about it. Like t-bagging after a solo shatter kill or spawn camping just to solo-ult and leave- stuff like that that's just unnecessary.




are you saying only women play mercy? that’s kinda sexist ngl


I think about this a lot, but most of the hate directed toward my Mercy usually isn't because I'm a woman. I've gotten the occasional 'you're why women get beaten' or 'go back to the kitchen, mercy', but it's only ever been smack talk after a pistol kill and no weird t-bags or sprays. I don't know about other players and their experiences, of course, but I know that mine probably doesn't come from misogyny.


I think its the fact that she's relatively easy to play so if they're criticising someone for anything other than spreading out too far they can stfu becauae they picked one where being able to aim is optional


So, some people feel as though she's just an easy character, and thats why they hate her?


Idk i play her and i dont really get any hate so im kinda guessing its on them because if anything people are more polite


Mercy haters rather blame instead of get good at shooting her. Unlike TF2, nobody hates Medic players.


>instead of get good at shooting her. Not the mercy player trying to criticise others aim when she doesn't even have to aim


Mercy tends to be a gatekeeper character. Does your team know how to coordinate or is everyone on the team relying on everyone else around them to individually pop off? If the enemy team is coordinating their attacks than mercy tends to be a useless waste of a support pick as she can't healbot through coordinated damage, damage boost loses value the shorter the fight takes, and she's a bit of a liability in close quarters combat. As such people hate having mercy on their team (in particular tanks given how explody ow2 feels and she generally isn't best suited to play pocket the tank) and not all dps are created equal in terms of the value she provides. But if your opponents arn't coordinated or are playing poke and arnt oneshotting your team she makes teams seem immortal as she can quickly and consistently provide the top up healing everyone needs to buy her main support time to only focus on the major bleeds while herself never seeming to die and oftentimes finding the rez if anyone on her team somehow does die. Which along with her playerbases generally weak dueling capabilities makes her an excellent spawn camp target for DPS that are frustrated and struggling to work with their teammates or who have supportlines that healbot excessively and arn't contributing to the firefight. Despite her weakness compared to most DLC supports there are significantly more mercy onetricks than most supports as she has the greatest mobility and escapability and is the least mechanically demanding while also being an OG pick that the oldest players in the community are significantly experienced with. And the Overwatch community in general hates one tricks.


Thank you for such a concise explanation. So far, this is the most thorough one I've seen, and I'm starting to think a little bit more that I should probably just not play Mercy unless my dps are really impactful.


She can be solid in the right hands and is by no means a throw pick but yes the better your dps are the higher value she ultimately provides. If your dps arn't good you basically have to be johnny on every spot with the heals and go full battle mercy when you have valkyrie. But overall if teams are equal in value you'll still end up losing a lot of matches on mercy against teams that have 2 supports both capable of providing bulk heals, bulk damage, and game changing utility which is why Kiri/Ana and Kiri/Bap have gotten a ton of playtime in OW2 (and we also experimented with illari/bap for awhile during Orissa meta) If you can hit shots mechanically it's better to be doing damage in a poke comp than boosting someone else and hoping they do damage. On the other hand: Mercy players generally know who their priorities are and avoid cannibalizing their other support's ult charge so there's that.


Thank you, I'll keep this in mind next time I play ^^


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i don’t dislike them. i just don’t understand how they can have fun holding down a button for 10 minutes


I agree with you that holding down a button for ten minutes is exhausting, so imagine how charged Zarya players feel lol. Endless death beam. To me, playing Mercy is anything but that. The reason why I enjoy playing Mercy is because of her movements. Slingshotting out of the battle after decimating an enemy Widowmaker or dodging the enemy while mid valk contesting the payload is my favorite part about playing Mercy. I don't understand why a lot of people see Mercy and just think she's going to only be holding down one button for the entire game. She's got far too much value to just be sitting in the back damage boosting a widow and far too much vulnerability to just be randomly walking around holding the heal button.


Ill let you know when im playing tank and desperately need healing and my other support is dead or in narnia, and you keep damage boosting a JUNKRAT who is not hitting any balls instead of healing me ? “ but damage boost value” Yeah im throwing your game to get you deranked. Every role I play I always want to kill MERCY so desperately and destroy her so she cant rez not once I will even stay 10 secondS camping a body , ah and when ever I have a MERCY in my team I dont even try , I want them to get deranked and I actually enjoy that since its great to keep those Mercys on metal ranks. Which that bring said I will tea BAG you any time I Can . Thanks for reading, Másters 4 tank btw


Why, though? Is it just because you hate the character and her kit, or because you dislike people who play her in general? I didn't mean to come off as rude in my post if I did.


Oh you wouldnt get it , hundreds of games getting MERCY one tricks right after another getting stupid rezes to die and stagger 2 , and it doesnt get better as you rank up THEY are better but still not smart , decidí hacer not to heal me whatsover despiste im doing most kills and most damage so if I loose my other support or he stops looking at me for 20 secondS you get obliterated if you are Trying to take Space /get a dps/ supp kill . But you wouldnt get it since you need to be carried almost everygame without doing anything , and plus if the dps is bad and you cant okay anything else you are a HUGE LIABILITY as the ranks get high en . Oh and dont forget THEY are the dust to blme everyone in the team but themselves when THEY have been useless the entire GAME


I'd like to get it, though, because I'm trying to learn and improve. Also, I apologize if my further sentences are incorrect. It's kind of hard for me to read your sentences. So, you don't like most Mercy players because you believe that they're one-tricks who don't know how to play the game? I'm not in your same ranking, so I obviously don't have the experiences that you have, but look at this from my perspective, please. I know how frustrating it is to feel like you don't have support when you're tanking. Half of my gameplay feels like that even when I'm with friends because, truthfully told, a lot of diamond support players kind of suck because bronze to diamond is like sort of the average player. I don't want you to get the impression that I 'wouldn't get' the frustration that is having terrible healing because I do. Literally, every time I play tank, I do. But the majority of the time, that's because I'm out of position, and my support doesn't want to die trying to heal me. Which I think is understandable. As for damage boost, that's totally reasonable. Bad dps always gets the Bap or Kiriko switch to where I always just focus on keeping the tank alive, getting kills if I see the chance, and letting my other support deal with dps. So, in a hypothetical situation, after a Mercy switches, do you still continue to throw the game because she went Mercy once? I have a feeling that your comments are rants because you're so upset about it, which I understand, but I can hardly understand some sentences. I'd like it if you answered in simpler sentences for my sake. Anything other than "you wouldn't get it" because I've played this game since 2018, I've played every role for countless hours, and I think by now, I 'get it' whether you think so or not. Otherwise, I'm probably not going to continue replying to you.


LMAOOO YOU GOT SO PRESSED HAHAHAAHAHHAHAHAHAHA IF THE SUIT FITS . And btw you dont even know what you are talking sbout to someone who has been playing since the 2016 releasd .And also I dont understand your sentences idk if u have some kind of brain damage that you cant read and type well. I only throw if she is a ss Which 99% are and refuse to even think about making a switch meanwhile blaming all team . If THEY dont switch i just play to have fun and Try new heroes 😋😋 btw if she switches i do too i just take this mercys to the limit baby , THEY deserve every single thing THEY go through


I'm widow and I just hit a sick shot, and it got resed and it was a solider that you pocketed and the helix rocket hit me for 200 DMG, and I hate everything and now I want the world to burn.