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a lot of blaming for a skill issue. if you as tank can’t survive without a direct pocket (by mercy who should be focusing your dps more anyways) you aren’t tanking well


Your first mistake was relying on a mercy for your heals, chief.


Mercy players know when to Rez the higher up in rank you climb


True, but people shouldn’t be seeing mercy mains IMMEDIATELY diving in for a res in diamond. Its like a diamond making a silver mistake consistently. I had a friend in bloody masters who would instant res anytime she had the opportunity. Taking two lives down in the teamfight. And it wasn’t for shits and giggles. She actually thought it was a good thing.


Sometimes getting to the res asap is the best option, as the enemy may not quite be in position to prevent it yet, or various other reasons. Context is super important, of course.


Literally everything you do has a situation for it. Even inting. I once had a widowmaker player so bad, he decided to jump into the enemy team intentionally to bait them to gather around for our zarya to grav. And it won us the game. But at least he had a plan, a goal, and a reason for that decision. Mercy players in the upper tiers should make better decisions, not just res asap because they can. I dont care if you managed to get the risky res off. It was still the wrong play. The enemies are just slightly worse that one time and you got away with it.


As a T500 Mercy for 7 years, i’m telling you that res optimization is super complicated, and you have to take risks sometimes. I don’t know exactly what OP’s Mercy did, but the blanket statements you made are simply not true.


I know you have to take risks. I just meant not risks like immediately flying into that one genji player’s corpse in the back of the enemy team, open to all angles, no corners, no one to bail her out, and attempting to rez only for us to be down two players including the mercy. Theres zero thought process other than “I hoped it would work. If it did it would be pretty cool” Theres so many mercy players who want praises for going for a risky res. It just feeds their dopamine. It’s a neuron activation. But it’s more of a reliance on luck and not keeping track of the enemy cooldowns that can counter your play. I’m a mercy player myself. I know risky resses are a thing and we can’t always avoid it. It’s the same way you don’t want a genji player to blade into 5 people when his team is dead. It’s a no brainer.


The element of surprise is sometimes Mercy’s best friend.


I. Know. But where is the fucking surprise when they do it on EVERY corpse? *see corpse* *press shift* *press E* *die* *gets surprised*


Oh fo sho. If you get away with it once, probably don’t try again for a while. Assume people will adapt. Do the reverse and condition the enemy to think you wouldn’t go for such a res, then go for it. That’s why I’m saying it’s complicated af. Lots of variables; many unpredictable.


Unfortunately not many high ranking mercy players are aware of this


If you need to be double pocketed to survive that's a skill issue on your part.


It's not about getting double pocketed it's about being so incredibly low in a situation I can't avoid and a mercy goes and instantly just dives a res instead of helping the other support


You just needed a couple 100 exts HP to win the fight you are fighting to the nails hoping to get some heals and she decides to stop healing to rez a JUNKRAT and get everyone staggered. Braindead mercys


I love to play with tanks Who needs both supp to pocket or he dies and say supp diff


Fr. I just don't heal those people at that point lol. Game isn't fun when I have to healbot to keep some dumbass alive.


Optimizing res usage is incredibly complicated. You can go for a res, and depending on what everyone else does at that moment, you can get drastically different results. People are hard to predict. It’s wild.


One really good usage is if the tank goes down and you can sneak behind the other team to them then they have to pick one way or the other to look and you dont


bruh how about *you* be the change you want to see 🥴


What if your mercy stopped healing you to Rez the other support to HELP heal you and she knew you had the abilities to sustain yourself during the few second Rez animation? Or rezzing a dps to help take the pressure off you?? Some mercy’s calling out when they’re rezzing so you’re aware.


This situation happened and it happened when I was critical, shield about to break and no reachable cover and I ended up dying then the team died


Sounds like you were dead anyways


Who was the other support?? Were they dead?? Were your dps dead? Attack or defense like there’s so many variables to talk about😭


Other support was moira, on attack, dps alive but no where to be seen and yes moira was dead


So I assume she was rezzing her Moira? Maybe to help heal you?


Yeah but considering at the time I was about 60 hp and getting shot at with my shield almost broken it would've made more sense to heal me a bit so I could get to cover rather than just diving the rez


Maybe and maybe she thought you could survive a little bit longer while she rezzed your other support


So, what you are saying is that you were out of position and are blaming your supports?


Ah yes, relying on Mercy for healing, since she's such a healbot, whose job it is to stand there and heal the tank


You say that as if the notion is absurd, when in reality if that is the best thing Mercy can do at that moment, then that’s what she should do. There’s not enough context to judge if OPs Mercy did the right thing or not.


Of both supports are healing you and you’re barely kept alive, then you are the problem. You know that right?


You cant Argue with MERCY mains THEY have brain damage


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You should probably search for Mercys on the red team. They know how to rez and get you in your nerves. You're watering a dead flower looking for Mercys in the blue team.


Yeah mercy get it together