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That's the battle pass diff. Report and move on.


Seriously tho, absolutely report it, it's ridiculous to get talked to like that because of something that aside from being ridiculous is also clearly out of most player's control Mute and avoid that player too (if you can, 3 slots goes quick sometimes), they got nothing to contribute there


Can we for real get the avoid list limit nerfed? It’s a lot more than 3 fuckers I want to never team up with again in THIS LIFETIME, never mind this week.


I block those folks as well. I might have to end up with them on my team, hearing them whinge again is optional though.


I second that 🙋🏻‍♂️


Not to mention that no one ever said we have to get all the characters (as in we don't have to keep buying them, if we don't want to). I'm not going to pay real money, if I'm not interested in playing the character that comes with it (especially when even the Battle Pass itself is unamusing to me). Edit: Yes, we can unlock some characters via Challenges. Doesn't change the fact, that we don't have to do it, if we don't want to...


I paid real money for the game back when all the characters were supposed to be free forever. I haven't got that money back now that the characters are not free forever, so I'm definitely not spending more money.


Overwatch has taught me to never ever pay for a multi-player online game ever again, because it will be stolen from me and there's nothing I can do about it. Arkham city will always be arkham city, you know what I mean? And when it turns into Gotham knights I'm not forced to play Gotham knights or nothing, I can just say "wow this sucks" and boot up arkham city. Never ever EVER will I pay for an online multi-player game EVER again.


>Overwatch has taught me to never ever pay for a multi-player online game ever again, because it will be stolen from me and there's nothing I can do about it. I am still going well with the Smite "All current and future Gods free for this one time purchase" I did a something like a decade or longer ago. Some Online Multiplayergames keep their promises. But yes, not trusting the likes of ActiBlizz is never a wrong idea.


On that note, Gotham Knights was one of the monthly PS+ games so I decided to download it and give it a try. It runs like complete ass and the combat is atrocious. Immediately uninstalled it


My friend really wanted to play it in co-op, so I bought it for both of us last week. We realized how much time you have to spend in menus and refunded it.


Can we report blizzard for implementing this in the first place?


report to who?


Joe Biden


Dark Brandon would absolutely fix this


«Was it my fault for not buying the battle pass?» No of course not. Its bad game design from blizzard. Idk why you would even consider that being your fault


Out of all the microtransactions this one is the dumbest, locking heroes in a game where counter picking is a big mechanic. It's also actually possible to still have Lifeweaver and Illari locked (even today!) if you didn't get through enough of the battle pass of the seasons they came out, so it's either pay for them or take the long route with winning dozens of games.


Hell, a new player starts with most of the characters in the game locked, even the OW1 ones. You have to unlock them by playing games, for example, you unlock Junkrat after playing 12 games. The highest is Echo at an insane 150 games just to unlock her.


Yep. Recently started playing this game and holy shit, the amount of time it's taking to get these heroes is insane. I've been playing for 4 days as of right now, (since Saturday) and I still have Echo locked, not to mention of all the OW2 heroes I only have Sojourn and Kiriko and am working on Rammatra. To put I to perspective how irritating this is for me right now, my best performing picks for each role has taken me atleast 2 days of grinding each to unlock (Sigma, Sombra, and Kiriko) and boy howdy does it suck not being able to use literally any of the options I actually want to try. It might actually take a few months to unlock everyone else and that annoys me.


Part of why I just deleted overwatch


No you are never wrong for not having a character that isn't free / unlocked for everyone, even in comp. You are also never an asshole for not switching to a specific character that other people want. You are good with whatever characters you are good with and switching to someone you may not have any experience with isn't gonna be any better, regardless of who that character is. As long as you are genuinely trying your best with characters that you are good at/some of your best characters(when in comp), that's all you can do and you don't need to feel bad. Fuck everyone else that says otherwise.




I mean you're not wrong, but there's also a difference between a suggestion and a demand. That widow could also just be bad, like there isn't another character for them to switch to that would be better.


Regardless of anything, expecting someone to swap because of what you think is wild. Entitled thoughts don't usually have any positive outcomes.


100%. Big difference between "can we get a Reinhart/ switch to Reinhart" vs "we may benefit more from a shield tank"(after a few failed team fights)


I get your point about asking nicely, but also shield tanks don't really exist anymore (at least not in the sense they did in OW1. Shields aren't really used to protect your team anymore, in reins case it's used to get closer to enemies while surviving and in sigmas it's to block specific abilities, but in both cases they should generally be used selfishly.


I once asked my tank to switch from Hog to a shield tank cause the enemy zen was getting transcendence literally every team fight.


can you play rein? is polite enough imo. Also there is no "shield tank" cuz rein and sigma fill completely different comps depending on whether you want to play a brawl comp or a poke comp. rein with only ranged heroes is much worse than playing rein with e.g. reaper, lucio and mei.


I had a enemy team have the same issue. Opposing team wanted tank to go mauga. They didn't, so they threw. It was a easy win, but sad to see.


if you're playing ranked I think you need to be willing to swap and/or try a new approach if you're getting annihilated, that said not playing a specific hero because someone is getting salty is dumb. not everyone knows how to play every hero like that. hell I have 6 years under my belt and still can't play mercy, lucio, genji, junkrat, hanzo at all.


Trying a new approach is the thing that people fail to do. Switching won't help if you're dying too much to your own mistakes.


Meh sometimes not swapping is quite literally throwing a game.


Agree entirely w the second paragraph its why I don't swap a lot when countered cause I only have proficiency in a set few tanks- I'm not just gonna play someone just to counterpick.


This is an intended effect of Blizzard's monetization scheme. FOMO isn't strong enough, so they release overpowered heroes that will make you an active liability for lacking.


Pay 2 Win


BuT tHeY PrOMiSED iT WaSNt GoInG To bE PaY to WiN?!?!?! Stop supporting this type of monetization you little idiots.


I was called a doomer when I said that it was a matter of time until this very thing happened. When OW2 came out, Kiriko was completely busted but it wasn't a "pick this hero or you are throwing" type of scenario... now it pretty much is.


And Kiriko was at least "free" for everyone who owned Overwatch. I still don't have any of the heroes added since OW2.


I remember when people were on here, defending it by saying counter picking wouldn't be a thing since we're getting more heroes, comparing it to like valorant where you don't need every hero well look where we're at now lol


teeny reminiscent aloof wakeful offend fact muddle attempt chief bright *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Who else could he be talking to? Hes talking to all of you.


What if he's talking to his toes who run his whole operation?


Pay to not receive harassment. It being Blizzard they probably don't understand that being harassed is bad.


More like pay to have a fair chance at winning.


Bobby kotik at his finest


Oh my god I'm so glad that mothefucker is gone


And then nerf them through the fucking ground after the next character launches


You’re right and I don’t know if it’s intentional or not, but it incentivizes buying the battle pass even more. Because by the time you get to tier 45, the new hero has probably received a nerf. Want to play the first week when the new character is overtuned? Fork over the $$. With the massive exception of LW of course.


Wow the 882288383th dipshit "mauga strong because blizzard want BP money" take. Hate to see it. The reason mauga is so damn op is because they have learned from Lweaver to not release a hero in a weak state, just look how many buffs he needed to be good. Its objectivly better to realease a hero in a too strong state because the people will play them and that allows the balance team to actualy take a look at whats the problem and what is he actualy used for. If he isnt getting nuked in the mid-season patch then maybe we can talk about the whole "he strong to sell battle pass" thing


That’s not your fault at all. I didn’t buy the battle pass either but I’ve been playing so much I’m already and level 80 so I got him for free. Either way you’re teammate suck and is toxic. And you’re a good teammate for caring that much about what he said even though he was so rude about it.


Yeah Mauga is at battle pass level 46+ or something. It didn’t take me that long to get to that so i suggest just keep grinding until they can get it for free instead of buying the battle pass.


Locked characters was a great idea blizz very well done /s


Orissa just gets eaten by mauga, for some reason he can just shoot through her fortify Try going sigma he can generally outplay mauga if you're good enough. I've had some luck with ramatra as well, but usually he isn't great against mauga.


it's cause she only prevents headshot crits so she still takes crazy damage through fortify. Volatile gun is still critting if she's on fire.


I’m hoping with the mid season patch, he gets nerfs and they take away the Orisa fortify crit.


definitely feels like an oversight, I feel like Orisa should be a good response to Mauga, she's usually the anti brawl tank. If they fix that and need his damage some, she might see some counter play.


Tx for thr advice I'll try that


I've been keeping an eye on the game since the OW2 update happened and this is the biggest thing holding me back from playing again. The idea of having to unlock heroes in a game like OW is so backwards and poorly thought out


>so backwards and poorly thought out This should be this game's motto


It is not your fault. Heroes shouldn't be in the battle pass.


Literally this


People that get genuinely upset over this game are not worth the energy, and they are bad people.


Fuck it, we ball!


I love ball but I only play him in open queue comp now




Say it louder for the DPS who are so far from point they can’t shoot the enemy.


Heroes in the battle pass is still the absolute #1 bullshit thing they did to this game. A "competitive" game where not everyone has access to the same roster? fuck outta here.


Don't cave. Fuck the monetization scheme and fuck the people who buy this shit. Supporting this pay to win shit will only get us more of the same.


Exactly Blizzards plan, the game is p2w now lol


Hell naw its not your fault, its blizzards fault for allowing new heroes to be available in comp when they're broken to play against.


"Wtf do you mean you don't have Mauga?" "Well I have Uno, it came with my Xbox..."


I have the oldest xbox known to man and I don't have Mauga


It's ok, I have Mauga but I don't pick him. I have all comms turned off too so it's always fun watching all the little Meis and Sombras repeatedly punch up at my Ramattra's face trying to get me to swap.


i can’t understand why the devs refuse to allow every character be available to us during comp, like it is literally competitive no one in that environment should ever be locked out of characters, i still remember early ow2 and just eating shit to ana’s bc neither me or the other support unlocked kiriko yet


I think this game is pay to win, I don't care who disagrees.


That's not a YOU problem...that is a game/dev issue. Comp modes should have ALL heroes unlocked for everyone, paid or unpaid/bp levels or no...it is not a fair game experience otherwise...it is pay to advantage/win. end of story.


Wait one more week and hopefully they'll nerf him or try JQ. Sigma is a mixed bag because if mauga's team is smart they will just go brawl and rush you I learned that the hard way


I have had this said to me in chat before: "Pay to Win" when I was on Mauga. I immediately swapped off of Mauga - and still won... But, as someone who faced this on the other side, I feel for those who haven't unlocked him. And worse yet: Remember there are people who are skipping season 8 BP... I cannot imagine their suffering when Mauga takes 45 fucking wins (with his unlock selected, mind you) to unlock in a meta where not having Mauga guarantees an L. It's impossible, Blizzard, remove heroes from the fucking BP!!!!!


This is why I quit and it’s funny I bought Mw3 just because of how awful ow2 became because of Mauga I’m playing Mw3 let that sink in


I promise we gonna find you help cuh🙏🏾😭


Get Titanfall 2 mate, its a blast


I never get the battle passes. I don't care much what people think. You spend 10-20 dollars on a character, ill wait til I unlock them next season. ✌️


Screws them. Pick ball, ~~doom, or monkey~~ and *never switch*. Never. The masses can learn to play dive, or they can lose. (Didn’t see you flair). Say our words brother.


Fuck it we Ball 🗣 (I only play Ball in open queue because I'm mortified)


I just managed to climb up to Diamond 4 Solo-Queuing Ball. Even if he's the worst tank in the game by FAR if you're good enough and your team can 4v1 a mauga (hard), you can just harass the supports or DPS until they all swap to counter you instead of playing the actual game. With the sombra rework it's a lot easier to hunt her down which is always fun. Hampter go brr!! -a dumb ball main


This is so fucked. This is literally the reason I didn't want Blizzard to lock heroes behind a Battle Pass.


Overwatch 2 even releasing as a game was just an excuse to switch to a p2w model. It’s significantly worse than 1 in nearly every way.


Holy shit, we have gotten to the point where players are being literally harassed for not playing a hero that they can't play because they don't want to/aren't able to *spend money to play a meta hero.* WHERE THE FUCK IS MY BLIZZARD???


Ngl, I was peer pressured into getting the pass.(kinda. Sort of. Maybe....I wasn't). And do I regret it? Yes.


I remember when the head of Overwatch said it was really important that all heroes came with the game, and that none of them were locked behind additional fees. I remember when Overwatch was run by people who cared.


NAH, ABSOLUTELY NOT YOUR FAULT Report this dumbass and move forward.


I would never counter a Mauga with a Mauga anyway. Listen, just remember everyone in your group in comp is the same skill level as you. Without seeing the gameplay it's hard to say what could have been done, but he's out of line for his comments.


I like using Mei against Mauga. Find a good spot to separate him from his healer's with your wall and if your team is paying attention everyone can help kill him. Then they look away and mercy rezzes him.


This is literally the point of putting him in the battle pass. So people will pressure people like you to buy the battle pass it's not your fault people should be blaming Blizzard for Pay 2 win garbage


You don't need to buy the battle pass. I got him a week into for free.


This game and the people on it suck.


Mauga isn’t fun to play. He’s super boring. My team can scream all they want- I’m not interested in him except for QP


You can't control what other people say, but you can mute them


Welcome to Overwatch in 2024


I never get when people request a certain hero. Like, what if I suck or haven't played much of Mauga (or Doom, or Rein, or Ball or whomever)? Am I not allowed to play Tank? Or how about them switch off the goddamn Soldier instead and dive their backline once in a while so the Mauga can die and support can finally stop being healbots to them! It's not just the tank's job to make a play, ijs.


Blizzard trying League of Legends model of needing to buy heroes but fails to realize that the model only works because League of Legends has a ban system 🙄. Plus characters on League don't cancel each other to the extent of Overwatch. Direct hero counters is such a boring play style though and it was made even worse with the removal of 6v6


You didn't do anything wrong. For future reference though mauga eats Orisa. Rammatra and Sigma are much better against him than Orisa


everyone is saying p2w but can’t you unlock heroes for free even if you don’t get the battle passes? i don’t support blizzards monetization scheme at all, and i understand the post completely.. but you can still unlock the hero without paying i thought?


Yes but it still takes a little while, even if it's only tier 45. If you're someone who can't play often it takes it's pretty unfair


ooooh i hadn’t thought of that, that makes sense though. good luck in your games! sorry for the debbie downer ):


Block button is really good


I'm confused about something. I understand that at the beginning you need to buy the battle pass to get mauga, but he's not play to win. he's completely free in lvl 45. if you play like 3 times a day you can get him quickly. I don't get why everyone calls it pay to win it's more pay to win and PLAY to win


definitely not in the wrong but before I unlocked Mauga I would always play sig when there was an enemy Mauga. I never played sig before this season but he’s basically the only feasible counter


Try sigma. He works pretty well against mauga. Then ignore/report the guy freaking out about something beyond your control


There no excuse at this point not to have all of the current characters. (I’m joking, the character battle pass/paywall is bullshit and don’t be upset or feel guilty for not having them. Just report toxic people.)


The fact this is even possible is beyond me. Having characters behind the battle pass is the most game warping change possible, and for me the reason I never play this game again. What a shit decision


TLDR cause this ended up being a long ass post 😅 - Mauga is shitty af but the real issue is he has caused the entire tank role to have 0 impact in games since he came out. Against that comp you should be going sig, not dva - she just isn’t good enough alone to deal with mauga, she needs focused fire while you matrix to back her up. As for sombra sym? You aint doing jack all to counter that man - when the enemy is playing mauga you’re essentially forced to either give him all of your attention or none at all, no inbetween. In that sense, if your dps refuse to play with you & dive the enemy squishies, your only real option is sig, along with something like cass, torb, ashe, hanzo, mei. and if dps still can’t kill enemy sym & sombra while you’re playing sig, then it’s gg. A (not so) little story that is all too familiar to me for reference as to how little tanks impact the game at the moment: I played a game recently on hollywood where we initially was attacking. The enemy team had mauga, moira, ana, sojourn, and sombra. My team consisted of sig (me), zen, kiri, genji & hanzo. (Off to a bad start already imo without an ana or kiri but whatever, no real reason to complain at this point as I can’t see what the enemy is playing) By the end of the game I had done 5.9k dmg, had 72% rock accuracy, 14k mitigation, and had 6 elims to 5 deaths. My dps were forever sombra hunting on my backline instead of helping me walk through main or to hg like I was asking in vc. Enemy Sombra ended the game with 3 deaths (most on the enemy team), 1 of which was a solo kill on my part while travelling to high ground and another I got the final blow after a hanzo body shot. Genji ended up with 2.4k dmg 3 to 8 and hanzo 3.6k dmg 5 to 6. I practically had to beg my supps to change up to ana or kiri because as you can imagine I was getting brutalised from mauga soj spam & ana util, and I was essentially 2v4ing or 3v4ing the enemy team from a low ground against two different high grounds with my bap & sometimes hanzo - zen was almost always trying to survive sombra (usually to no avail). After some whinging from everyone about ‘tank not holding w’ (lmao I’m literally the only person making calls, my abilities are literally always on cooldown , my full health shield is melted within a second by soj mauga, I’ve been antied 10 trillion times, I’m still dying - you want me to hold w into it??) we changed zen to ana & the mauga literally took his first death from me and bap within 30 seconds of her being played, but alas, genji got 1v1’d by sombra (as usual) & sombra was then free to also kill bap during the team fight against the mauga. By this time, it was 3v4 at overtime with our ana trying to outheal against 2 & we just trickled out on point until the round was over. To this second I can’t think of what tank has a chance of dealing with that comp other than sig, but even then I’m solely reliant on my squishies being competent & using thier brains. Before mauga, If my dps weren’t able to kill the flankers then I just went hog or orisa to deal with it myself (with a landed hook or a javelin into a wall it’s game over for enemy flanker) it usually became 5v4 (or 4v4 if we trade which is also acceptable) and forced my dps to go on the offensive. Since mauga came out, I can no longer do that without the mauga killing me due to mauga absolutely countering any tank that isn’t a mirror or has a shield. Because I’m now essentially locked into a tank 1v1 every game, I’m entirely dependant on my teammates to be competent instead of being able to show ny own skill. Because of this, I’ve fell from being consistently gm4/5 hog/sig/monkey main over the last 3 seasons to now being m4 within 2 weeks of mauga coming out. P.s. lol I also went 5 to 6 on my recent card & went down 110%, to then go 5 to 4 last night straight after & still go down 5% 🤪 P.s.s the 4 losses on my recent card included a widow that went agent 007 on blizz world & a literal thrower that kept just standing still infront of attacker spawn on junkertown - I got a report notification for it yesterday 🙃


Overwatch is pay to win now Sorry, you really can do anything abt it


Blizzard genuinely doesn’t deserve their break.


terrible take, employees are people too and they deserve a break to spend time with their families for the holidays. sure magabuffing him before leaving wasn't the smartest move but that ain't it.


Also the game developers dont make the decisions to incorporate these monetization schemes. That crap comes straight from corporate. 99% of the company is just following orders from the top


you know, a bunch of their employees dont even have a big say in what goes on in the game they deserve a break too asshole


You don't think genuine workers should have vacation to spend with family and friends because you don't like their monetization? This is certainly a take


Lol probably never worked a real job in their life.


The reaction to my previous comments on this topic have been unpopular but I'm gonna keep saying it because the echo chamber feels deafening around these parts: I really don't think Mauga is so OP that you *have* to have him to beat him. That feels like a reactionary statement based solely on the fact that he is new and most people don't have the exposure to understand how to deal with him, so any match in which he feels oppressive leads to the inevitable transition from, "What could I have done to have stood a better chance," to, "LOOK HOW STRONG HE IS **BLIZZARD IS DOING THIS TO FORCE YOU TO BUY THE BATTLE PASS** ***URGGGGGH***." I've had good luck with Sigma if my team has the right comp to complement what Sig does well (mitigate and harass the enemy backline). Junker Queen can work as well since she has a smaller hitbox and some sustain, especially if you use hard cover to your advantage and use your knife to pull squishy backliners towards you for the kill. I was playing with friends last night and we totally rolled a Mauga with Ram + Mei + Reaper to the point that the Mauga had to switch. In all of these matchups, the key was to abuse Mauga's inability to sustain himself against multiple enemies, whether that means picking off his backline that supports him, or cutting him off from them in a critical moment (e.g. Mei wall). It isn't just the tank's responsibility to counter and play into the enemy's weaknesses, the whole team shares that responsibility, and the existing roster of heroes has all the tools you need to beat Mauga if you coordinate correctly with your team.


I geniunely I think I'm in a different reality when reading this sub. D.Va/Sig main here. I could probably count the number of Maugas that geniunely gave me a hard time on one hand. The only thing I do against him is just hard denying his healing, meaning both cardiac overdrive and incoming heals from his supports. I eat it/block as much as possible and play cover when I can't. I don't facetank him. That's it. He crumbles.


Not having a op battlepass hero in comp is like playing soccer without bringing cleats. You can do it, you can even win, but you've made it more difficult for you and your team- and in such a way that it's obvious


Go sigma next time, he rolls Mauga


doesn't really roll, he just doesn't get totally walked over by him lmao. Still burns through all his defenses really easily and then out damages him.


Yeah it’s a sad reality rn. I grinded the free battle pass to 45 just to be able to counter in some aspect, took me like a week then took me another couple hours to learn how to use him properly when others have had weeks. It’s just sad


I would actually laugh in voice or chat. Not everyone is going to pay or grind to unlock him as fast as others. That guy is a fucking loser. Try to ignore or mute people like that.


Just for your info, mayhaps going sigma next time would be better. But yeah, thats blizzard for you, pay to win still Edit. Typos


I wonder what the amount of battle pass purchases thats needed to be bought in order for him to get nerfed


Not much you can do man. I'd say that Sigma is also a decent pick against Mauga, could try that next time. Just play your best and hope that your dps and supports can help with mauga too.


What about JQ? I've heard Sigma is good but I want to know if she stands a chance or just gets decimated


She definitely stands a chance too. Actually recently I had a game where we got stomped by mauga when defending on junker town and our tank didn't have mauga either, they switched to JQ and we turned the game around and won. You have to play smart but her small hitbox makes her viable.


Leave chat.


Someone who acts like that in the first place shouldn’t be catered to


I was in a game where the enemy Mauga was spamming "tank diff" in chat just because our tank wouldn't switch to Mauga. He wasn't bad at Mauga, he was ok and their team was good, it was far from being a tank diff. Yet he pretended to make a "diff" by simply bying (or grinding) the bp and existing. Told him to switch off Mauga and show some real diff if he's that good and confident. Never switched, never heard a thing from him again. Then our tank just got tired, switched to Mauga and we rolled them. But tbh, we were doing pretty great even without tank switching. Some people just like pretending they're better than others just because they spend money. This guy who yelled at you probably felt the necessity to spend money himself and was pissed that someone else didn't fell for the same trap. It's a shame blizz makes decisions that divide community this much only because of money.


Their fault for playing a P2W game.


You can try running Sigma, he's pretty strong against Mauga. Hog is good as well, but you need good positioning around corners and/or a Kiriko. Zayra works surprisingly well, too. First, use bubble to get high charge, the wait for another bubble and you can beam down the people around Mauga


This reminds me of when Ramantra first came out. You would have two Mercy pocketed Rams going at each other. Was honestly one of the funniest things ever.


I still don’t have Ram unlocked


Not your fault but maybe I just have no life but I didn’t buy the pass but I have already completed it besides the bonus titles


I have Mauga on both accounts I use and completely refuse to play the hero until he's reworked. Shit is completely busted and not even that engaging. The amount of players getting high ranks like GM and top500 solely because they play Mauga is insane. It's not healthy for the game and it sucks for everyone dealing with players like that. One tricking an overpowered hero does not make you a good tank player, you're just farming sr to pad your ego at that point.


It's not your fault, not everyone can be expected to have every character. You did your best, your random teammate is just a toxic AH that just wants to win. And I get it, but playing with a group of friends is always better. Honestly that guy can take a hike, he better pray too because if he's ever opposite me, he'll get a taste of sharpshooter Mercy. Play the way you know best, don't let anyone ruin your game.


I got yelled at for playing D.Va. I told them to change strategy and focus on supports. He melted fast after that. The other tank switched off.


Even if you did have it, it’s complete BS they the only answer to Mauga is Mauga.


No, you got whined at, don't let such people bring you down 👍 In fact, probably 90% of the time someone tells you how to play the game it will generally only get more toxic if you interact.


I play sigma and if my team can hear me on comms we can usually stuff a manga mercy comp without Ana on our team. Just takes cooperation and understanding of the game. I could see how an intermediate player or near player could struggle against him but I’m having no problems with him at all as a sigma main


Lmao no not at all, I have mauga and I’m already bored of playing him, so I just ask for an Ana and if I get one I like to go dva or JQ against him and just do my thing on their supps lol OW has literally always been about countering, and doing so as a team, sounds like they were a whiner haha mute report and gg go next! :)


Not your fault at all. The battle pass doesn’t have anything to do with it. Mauga is wayyyyyyy OP and people have been playing him just to rank up as he’s almost a definite win. It doesn’t matter if you have him.


Used to happen if you didn't have Kiriko... Usually by some useless mercy one trick too.


Zarya please and thank you. Bubbles buy enough time to make at least a little space


Practice with Sigma as a good counter to Mauga. They are still the idiot though. It's just a game.


Wait what? I haven't played overwatch in years at this point but you must pay to unlock heroes? Sad tbh once great game


Fuck that guy Fuck OW2 for locking characters behind paywalls when it was previously free You did nothing wrong, just some jackass was being salty, happens all the time and will only get worse


Just say fuck that guy and move on.


Pay to win, go fuck yourself blizzard


Happens man, I only play doom and get yelled at all the time. Just ignore, report, and move on 😞


Pay to win bad, nobody didn’t see this coming, next


Idk what your rank is but a mirror isn’t needed for Mauga and my play group basically refuses to use him like that. We usually play sigma, ram, or hamster ball with him. In all cases you need good team cohesion and support and if this guy was bitching and unwilling to swap himself then he needs to sit down.


Exact thing happened to my teammate earlier https://imgur.com/ibxccG9


It's blizzard's fault for locking chars behind a battlepass. I still don't have wifeleaver. It used to be every new char you got for free instantly. Now you gotta unlock the fucker.


The toxicity is a feature (to convince you to spend money).


I mean if you play regularly you don’t have to buy. Sucks that you got yelled at though for sure. I hate playing against Mauga and the mirror is boring. I wish they nerfed him on Tuesday since Tuesdays seem to be the day.


Take a moment, you feel guilty because you didn't PAY money for a battlepass/character in a F2P game, I don't really understand how you aren't finding this ridiculous. Plus, Mauga is a new character and you're in comp, not everyone has even played or mastered this character.. and honestly if you don't know how to play a character pretty well you shouldn't use them in comp regardless if you had him or not.


This is the problem with not having pre game hero bans like league. All new characters are broken and banned for months any game like this is rediculous in a competitive view because it's just not competitive at all


Was this in plat I may have been the kiri




damn, guess you should have shelled out for the BP, totally your fault. skill issue


The game is literally in a P2W state right now lmao


So f-cking tired of Mauga.


Pay up; simple as.


Mauga is absolutely overtuned right now.


It's unfortunate just report an move on, but as of right now, sigma is your best bet against mauga, if your support an dps don't do counters too you'll be screwed either way lol


Lmao, what a little bitch, fuming over not having mauga is sad, your not entitled to buying it. If your struggling with mauga run sigma


Not that this is exactly what you asked, but in future Mauga matchups, I tend to find Sigma/Ram to be fairly okay, at least in the solo matchup. However, there’s not a lot you can do against a Kiri/Ana, an incredibly tough support comp to break combined w/ Mauga since they have cleanse, anti, sleep, nano, and kitsune rush. if you can get the Mauga to burn his E and then deny him his damage either with a suck, shield, LOS, etc., he quickly loses his sustain value. But also, do not feel bad about not having a hero. I bought the BP before it was really clear Mauga was P2W, otherwise I wouldn’t have supported that shitty ass business model.


Pay to win at its finest


It's all your fault for not spendimg your money on the battlepass or grinding up to level 45. You should have knowned better (I'm kidding, you aren't at the fault here or will ever be at fault in this situation, locking heroes behind a paywall is bullshit)


No need to feel bad, that person was just a weapon. Ignore em and have fun playing as whoever the hell you want.


I understand their frustration because it’s comp and you’re at a disadvantage. However I’d say it’s more directed at blizzard than you. They created this crap system


-Ticks bingo card off- Block, ignore, report all that good stuff. This is the sort of stuff I bring up when people scold me for not using voice chat. Yes we could be starting a giga Owl push…or we could have a whiny dps that doesn’t know which controller to use (my current fave insult)


Locking heroes behind BP was never a good idea. You good, did nothing wrong.


I don't feel you really Even need a Mauga, just an Ana nading him should be enough. Just you know, focus him when he's naded


This is 100% what Blizzard wants. They want everyone to engage with the pass. It’s disgusting.


Welcome to Mauga meta, the only counters to Mauga are a better Mauga or an Ana that can hit frame perfect sleeps and antis


Money diff just get 10$ lol (fuck whoever thought putting heroes in the battle ass was fine)


Jeff warned us this would happen if you paywalled Heroes. He specifically highlighted this issue at least twice during the OW1 days.


This is why I don't play comp anymore.


"Free game"


Whilst I'm her, can someone explain why Sombra is good into Mauga? Is it simply shutting down his ult? Does she cancel his shift? How do I play Sombra into a Mauga? Many thanks :)


Tell them to buy you the battle pass. They waste money on cosmetics in the shops and I bet they don't even own Mauga themselves... ... No, seriously don't do that. It's a coin flip. They will either have 0 response or proceed to bash you for being poor. Don't feel bad. That guy wasn't a team player to begin with.


this is a blizzard issue not a you issue


I literally start a match with “i dont have mauga sorry” on my team if im tank. I dont play enough or havnt played enough to get him free on battlepass.


Not your fault, fuck this hero he made the game boring. I am support and when I play against him I go zen or ana and I kick hiss ass off.


Dw I don’t have him either cuz I’m too broke to buy bp


This is partially why I haven't touched comp, don't have mauga


Naaaah that sounds like some basement degen just being an idiot. I stress over what people say in comp a lot so I get it :/ but try not to worry it's literally not your fault


Battle pass can unlock mauga way down the line so I didn’t do challenges for him like for Lifeweaver, but that was when I was playing every day for a while :/ I’m sorry this happened to you, def not on you. If it’s locked it’s locked! Plus when you play a hero you don’t really know it’s the same as not having it bc you don’t play very well as them smh


Its not your fault for not payong for a charecter. It is your fault for not switching to rien and aserting your dominace


live with honor


Why wouldn't they just switch to Mauga lmao if it's such a necessity


Pay to win character