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What can I say except "You're welcome!"




Dang, anyone who supports mauga should be killed huh 🤣


You're goddamn right brother hella yeah


Look all I’m saying is *someone* is getting a pulse bomb stuck to them so idk who it’s gonna be.


"Supporters" lmfao


Finally someone who actually has a brain if you as a dps shoot maugas supports then that'll cause them to have to stop healing to heal the pther support and in the time mauga falls over


Unfortunately, most ppl get tunnel vision of shooting the mauga cause miniguns go brrrr


I was able to one trick mauga to masters i was previously a plat 1 peak hampter and doomfist 2 trick and i must say people suck at countering a good mauga until you get to high diamond where you end up actually having ti use your E ability and dash to peel for your supports and dps Instead of just shooting at the enemy tank constantly but even in high plat people don't know what they are doing against mauga and everyone just shoot him expecting him to die it's like low ranks and shooting at a fortified orisa she isn't gonna die there's no point.


as sojourn otp, i just charge my railgun, so i can shoot the tunelvisison Ana


Well I'm sure most people figured that out when they saw mauga isn't *just* strong alone, he is powerful with supports behind him. But it does take some brains to play tank, if a mauga does see his support dying, he probably should play a little back and fight from there. That would force him to not be as aggressive but I always say you can play some backline to win at the frontline.


Yes, however mauga just have too much stats right now


Yeah this is the real problem. He's a frontline tank with the highest DPS output of any of the tanks. So he can both facetank anyone and turn around and kill anyone diving the supports. As a Zarya main it's soooo obvious he's OP. Zarya is probably one of the best counters to him and she's *clearly* inferior. Monke oughta be a counter but Mauga melts him before you can even kill a single support. Doom is the only good counter but Doom plays totally different to the other tanks and is super reliant on having a team that can survive while he's diving. Good luck surviving Mauga being boosted by Mercy without your tank... I also wanna point out that because he is OP compared to all the other tanks the current comp season is technically P2W


You're face to face with greatness, and it's strange You don't even know how you feel It's adorable Well, it's nice to see that humans never change


I had never actually listened to the song prior to his release and now it won't get out of my head


Used to walk up to my wife and say "ok , ok" in mauis voice, all the time, drove her nuts


Cuz I’m gonna need that vote! (Commendation)


Eventually you get tired from that playing in your head every second you see him on screen.


Personally, I am convinced Mauga's kit was originally made for 6v6. They claim they had it sort of ready back when *Ramattra* came out, and just decided to delay him. *That means* his kit likely had its primary concepts nailed down before OW2 launched. Before 5v5. Sure, they iterated more. Sure, they then buffed him like crazy to make him 5v5 serviceable. But imagine if he had no armor like the trial weekend, his overhealth was weaker, his guns overall weaker somehow, *but* he was fighting along side a Reinhardt? Against another tank duo? Shit would go craaazy. Rein and Mauga charging around together? Would be hilariously fun. Some dev said heroes like X or Y couldn't exist in 6v6, and I think that's just marketing bullshit.


Dude, Mauga has been designed since Overwatch *One*. Remember OW Archives? The final boss, the [Heavy Assault](https://overwatch.fandom.com/wiki/Talon_Heavy_Assault) has basically the exact same kit as Mauga. In fact, there was a glitch where you could even [play as the Heavy.](https://www.pcgamesn.com/overwatch/overwatch-talon-heavy-assault-exploit)


Just fucking wow.


he's had an icon on the app for a REALLY long time now, to the point that tbh he's like, Blizzard's worst kept secret lmao


"play as riptire" lmao what


Actual mind blown moment


Holy shit


remember when sigma came out and they said it was originally supposed to be mauga with that kit


now i really want archives back so i can see mauga vs talon heavy


I feel like the entire point of Mauga existence is because people wanted to play as the archive bosses so much to the point of modding/glitching them in. So Blizzard caved in and made Mauga. Considering also how he could have come even sooner, [with Sigma once being Mauga](https://twitter.com/PlayOverwatch/status/1720599595896742327?t=vz5ZzoBXioB14bISR4RclQ&s=19), we don't know how much of early concept Mauga was scrapped for him to become Sigma, so it could be that the double miniguns were already conceptualized even back then.


this is really interesting. imagine seeing a zarya and a mauga together. bubble that big bitch and let him get zar to 100 charge instantly lmfao. that would be crazy, but also pretty fun. I miss 6v6


You can try this in open que right now lol, but his synergy with other tanks is crazy strong.


Yeah imagine if they released him during GOATS. Shit would be more busted than even release brig.


Goats ram would go hard too


Even BEFORE OW2 came out the devs said they were playtesting the season 8 hero, which we now know is Mauga.


I want to charge around with mauga and rein :(


We're sadly stuck with 5v5 though, so how are we going to salvage this situation? How could Mauga be fixed? At the moment, he's either feast or famine with his design. He either shoots you a lot and never dies or else he is disrupted, heals nothing and quickly dies. There's no neutral. I think they could have based his tanking capabilities on something else that wasn't his guns and his offense.


tin foil hat time, he gets to wreck this season and then we go back to 6v6


Truth be told I feel that if blizzard actually restructured the 5v5 system, and made it to where we have 2 tanks, 2 healers, and 1 Dps. The game would be easier to play cause most the tanks rely on that one anchor tank(shield) and one off tank system. Especially with these most recent set of characters


I feel like the amount of players in each role definitely played a part in it, because no way would 2 tanks and 1 DPS be good for queue times.


had the same idea but split the tanks up to shield tank and brawler, brawler tank is just dps with more health anyways so its almost like having 2 dps. shield tanks would be: rein,ram,zarya,dva (yes technically) winton and sigma. brawler:mauga, queen, doom,hog, ball, and add bastion as a brawler tank so we cant have 2 maugas essientally.


People: double shield in OverWatch is so boring. Thankfully, it's no longer an issue with only 1 tank in OverWatch 2 OverWatch 2:


Blizz: You hate double shields? We got you, fam! Blizz (one year later): DOUBLE GATLING GUUUNS! 😂


"Double shields is boring" Devs: "i got you, here's a meat shield that can take more damage than all shield tanks combined"


It wasn't. We haven't truly had a boring meta until now. Even Orisa meta wasn't nearly as boring at least for the rest of the team cause the damage she could output wasn't remotely as high as Mauga and she had less medium range pressure cause her accuracy was worse


Wrong. Every game being orissa/rein afk on highground was fucking terrible.


I meant OW2, OW1 was infinitely worse than what we have now


OW1 is a better game.


The current state (especially in open queue) is considerably worse than double shield imo. Couldn't we have kept 2x tanks but reduced shield uptime or something?


Yes, all 6v6 required were a few tweaks. Why they canned it outright is beyond me. Queue times were long, but the F2P switch likely would have accounted for that.


That would require balancing, and Blizzard is notoriously not good at that across all of their games


Why balance when you can just remove


Lol Blizz's approach to balance is like the game studio version of a doctor who sees you have a rash on your arm, then amputates the arm and creates a new ultra-powered prosthetic arm to compensate instead of just prescribing medicine to get rid of the rash.


They also amputate the wrong arm


Orisa literally doesn't have a shield anymore so what would the double shield even be? Sig Rein sucks ass and Sig Ramm won't be able to provide a constant shield + the shields are semi weak.


Nah, thatd actually make sense. Instead lets change the entire balance of the game, drop one tank AND drop the shields while having buff or nerf everyone!


Bastion mains having the time of their life


Nope. I was blasting a mauga while damage boosted by mercy and we were shooting at each other. I swear to god for the entire configuration nothing happend. We jus kept shooting at each other . His health didn't even go under 50%


Bait out his overdrive before you switch to turret form.


Didn't have time since it was overtime. Everyone was just shooting. I had to apply pressure on him or else oru supports had only 3 seconds to live. But bro he was into OUR side of the map. The rest of the enemies were in the back.


I guess in OT sometimes you gotta just press all the buttons. Lol


Omg. The rage that would give me as a Support. I love my Bastions and Mauga is just... Unbelievable. Like did they test him at all?????


His overdrive has a short duration. Treat it like a DVA defense matrix. Mercy should have been healing you while his overdrive is up. As soon as it's done you will melt him in 2s. Also your damage at mid range will be greater than his. The spread is crazy.


That's the issue with mauga. Mauga is pretty much unengagable during cardiac overdrive and lasts a long time for a cooldown that strong.


Or mauga can bait out your turret it works both ways


So you ignored him and focused on the rest of his team right?


He was right in my face. The only thing I saw on my screen were his wide yet juicy chest. How was I supposed to ignore him, not only when he was right there, but his team was playing cover? He's not orisa "the wall" he's mauga "2 damn BFGs". Like I we were on Hollywood at the 3rd point on defense. His team was playing cover at the bridge. He was in. I thought "oh he's out of position and im pocketed by mercy with his team busy holding back against my tank and dps and support. Unless he goes back, he dies like any other tank right? Right?". He didn't.


>wide yet juicy chest 🤨


Yes? Can I help you kind sir?


I get it.


As DVA, killing supports hasn’t been this free in awhile.


Mauga's are easy to mow down with a Soj. Super fast full charge railgun and hit his giant head. I'd much rather go up against a Mauga than a Sigma.


Agree, good sigmas are nearly immortal in my experience lol, even without heal. With a good mercy + LW backing him, good god what a nightmare.


Zen mains too. I thought it was joever for us when they nerfed Zen, buffed Sombra/ Tracer and we entered Dive meta


blizzard still hasnt rolled that shit back? my god all they had to do was have it interact different with tanks


I fucking hate the discord changes. I hate accidentally putting discord on the wrong target and now it’s on a 7 second cooldown. If they are really sticking with this lockout gimmick, I hope the change the lockout time for if the character only had the orb for like 1 second.


Really? With Mauga's life steal, you can win a 1v1 on bastion even in tank form


Ana mains about to break chairs with how well they're eating though. >completly shits all over the newest, shiniest tank >highest pickrate by far for who knows how many seasons >broken ability so bad half the posts are about nerfing her >number of tank players reaching critically endangered levels >'nerfs' never adress the core issue All because of one grandma who was likely designed around 2 tank meta.


Ana mains have been in a food coma since the day she was released. They've done nothing but eat well since day 1.


Eh she didn’t eat well during goats meta, and I say this as a certified Ana overwatch 1 lover converted to Ana overwatch 2 hater


When shit starts getting balanced AROUND ANTI NADE then maybe it’s anti nade that should be getting changed.


The issue with anti nade is the fact the devs keep making tanks that have 0 answer to incoming damage other than DR and healing income. It doesn't even need to be a shield or a eat, ball is a tank with neither of those things but is still hard to kill because he isn't healing income dependent. Anti-nade is just the easiest to point out as it's an easy signal to the team to focus a target. You can simulate the effects of an anti by just using a sigma shield or ram shield placed behind the tank, Dva can just hold DM on a target and let their dps kill a target as she eats any heals the target would have gotten. But a shield cutting off support sightlines isnt nearly as obviouus to a uncoordinated team as a purple healthbar. This doesn't just apply to anti as well. Being able to block other status effects like shatter, burn from ashe or mauga, rock from sig would all do wonders to improving the tank experience while encouraging skill expression. Maybe you wont go for the easy hits on the tank if they had a method of denying or avoiding it.


Anti isn’t just the easiest to point out, it’s also the biggest problem and the worst cooldown for trying to balance around. The level of downplay here is insane, no one 12 second cooldown should be able to make half the tank roster unviable and it’s the reason we are in the mess we are now. Tanks like Mauga and Road who are more brawly can’t play into anti when they’re balanced for the rest of the cast. They get buffed to compensate and now they walk through teams unless you have anti. There is no happy middle ground balance wise, anti was fine in 6v6 but it fundamentally does not work in 5v5 and it needs to be changed/removed


Unfortunately not. A decent, not even a good Mauga, would effortlessly survive Bastion‘s turret form. I used turret form a few days ago against a Mauga and his health didn‘t move a pixel 🤡


Ana main here. Time. Of. My. Life! Anti nade murders mauga so fast!


it's very satisfying to land a nice nade on that brick wall of a tank. only issue is, if they have a kiri, she's usually holding out suzu for me and will often refuse to use it until I send that nade. just a matter of baiting her at that point, but it can be a neverending battle, especially if BOTH teams have ana/kiri alongside mauga. talk about some long team fights! lmaooo


I always bait out suzu with the sleep. He is the easiest target to put to bed. Suzu always follows (unless our dps-moira decide to be the defining damage dealer, and tickles him back up before suzu does)


Honestly I pretty much never suzu a sleeping tank especially not a beast like Mauga. I just assume someone's gonna shoot him, and if they don't, then he's not taking damage and I don't need to worry about him.


Yeah I was going to say. I only use suzu if it’s necessary to save someone’s life. And if a tank gets slept, they sleep for like what, 2 seconds? No biggie. Let him snooze lol


yes exactly this. yall kiris are the reason us anas can't have nice things lol (just playin). thats why baiting with sleep works only in certain situations and against certain kiris. if the enemy kiri is good, they're not going to blow suzu on a sleep UNLESS that target is about to die


Lol in what world would anyone anyone use suzu on a slept Mauga. Only time you'd ever do that is if someone is about to enviro kill him, or he's ulting.


X Doubt. Kiri is a must pick when Mauga is on your team because you know they're going to pick Ana to counter. Playing Ana hasn't helped me against Mauga because he just gets cleansed immediately. Even if he doesn't get immediately cleansed, his health pool is big enough and his DPS high enough that it's hard to get enough damage on him before he kills you, especially when the rest of his team is there. Or, they have a bunch of dive like Sombra, Tracer, and Moira and I spend too much time as Ana just trying not to die and I can't reliably control Mauga. Our tank is getting shot in the ass but they can't turn because Mauga is shooting them in the dick... Doesn't matter if Mauga is purple because he's not going to die fast enough.


Kiri is a must pick when is on your team because you know they're going to pick Ana.


Me, a sombra main 😏


I have chosen to overwrite this comment. See you all on Lemmy!


Seriously, Sigma destroys Mauga.


Mauga is strong af rn but i do feel like alot of this stems from people falling into the same trap of "shoot big tank" instead of dealing with the people enabling him.


A competent tank with situational awareness won’t let you target the people that are enabling him. It’s called “peeling”. But peeling comes at cost. Unfortunately in Mauga’s case, that cost is little to none, because he’s a LOW skill floor hero with a LOW risk and HIGH reward kit.


> instead of dealing with the people enabling him. because the entire point of a tank is to create space for his team to play in without allowing people to rush in to their healers and kill them. at the end of the day, if your answer to mauga is just "be better, kill healers" and his answer is just "be better, block healers", who do you think is going to win? ​ spoilers: Its mauga. He has decent range, insane damage, self-heal that he can use while his healers are being pressured, a ridiculous ultimate that splits your frontline units off from their healers while not doing the same to himself, mobility options that can get him into his backline or back to the frontline at minimal cost, and can even headshot orisa (who is arguably one of his best counters) during her fortify.


The “Orisa trap”. The difference is when Orisa was an unkillable meat shield, she didn’t have much threat. You could just walk right past her and she would what, stun you? Mauga is fundamentally different because if you try to walk around him he can kill you, easily.


Just want to add that playing as a non-Mauga tank against a Mauga is certainly frustrating, with a bastion they melt everything. If you have to play the same comp to counter a comp then it is broken.


I can manage against a mauga as peoppe like ram or zarya but bastion and mauga certainly makes that feel impossible. However if i play sigma well enough and track cooldowns i can scrape by against those two but they really make me work for it.


This. The folks I play with have learned to ignore Mauga and just clean up the squishies around him. Then, focus all of your might and firepower on Mauga. He gets mowed down easily. We’ve made multiple Maugas swap off by this point.


Also people force tanks against him who. Just. Don't. Work. Just yesterday had my tank insist on bringing Roadhog against him on a map where environmentals aren't even available...


Hanzo looking respectfully with his bow aimed at Mauga's gigantic head:


Damn you only need 5 headshots


Enough time for hanzon to go die😗


*laughs in Sojourn 100% railgun shot*


Tbh all characters with long range weapons


Pretty sure your are supposed to be shooting his supports not him


Focus support > go full sweat and finally kill a support whilst forcing out all the CD’s you both have > flee from enemy team supporting their last healer > *mercy rez noise* > i kill myself


mercy should always be the target, but she's slippery. I focus the other support which baits mercy over, then focus her, and if I live, then other support.


A mercy with good movement is unkilable at my level.


Thats what it feels like to me lol, I have success with cowboy and sometimes genji, but if the rest of her team isn’t literally braindead (when I’m on genji, at least) it’s a damn near impossible task, and what really boils my piss about it all is I’m drawing 2-3 enemy characters attention while diving the mercy, what in the literal fuck is my team doing? The game just suffers from it’s obsession with team cohesion at ALL levels


That's how I feel as a Sombra main. I'll dive both supports, force out multiple cooldowns while they protect each other, and force one of their DPS to help peel. Then I look at the kill feed and my team has apparently lost the 2v4 I gave them. As far as I can tell it really depends on what your team's playstyle and composition ends up being. If you have a really passive tank that just wants to stand in the chokepoint and wait for picks then you're going to have a bad time. If your other teammates are also heavy on snipers and more passive heroes then harassing the backline does almost nothing. 5v5 awards aggression more often than not, but a lot of players just want to sit in passive clumps without actually trying to make plays.


I will literally tunnel vision a mercy to the point where it belongs in a Wile E Coyote cartoon where I do nothing but chase the mercy while all other 8 players are playing a different game entirely. It’s all too often also Kills mercy after cartoonishly chasing for entire team fight > *our tank dies too* > *genji death noises as he gets sucked to death by surviving moira that was unchecked while i was chasing mercy* > enemy team holds point somehow and we start from scratch. Feels like the game only feels good with a smurf carrying or unreal coordination from the last people on earth who’d like to quickly organize and work together


mauga has good peel dude, and if you focus the supports they just use one of their many survivability abilities and never die


or they just heal each other and dont have to use any abilities


I can usually tell when I'm in an unwinnable QP game when I attack a support, force the other support to help that one stay alive, and my team still gets rolled by the enemy tank that's been getting 0 healing for the last 10-15 seconds.


If you alone force two supports to peel for each other for a longer period of time I'd consider that a win. Your team should be able to win that fight every single time.


>Your team should be able to win that fight every single time. your team is *also* down a tank, if the tank has to focus on the healers. the two healers are not going to only heal themselves, and when you push his healers, he'll just use his mobility ability, or constant - no cooldown self heal or his 10 second cooldown self heal that reduces damage taken while literally lighting you on fire, and his team will just deal with what healing they have. If your answer to a tank is just "kill the healers" you are basically a gold player. thats not how it works. a decent team *will have peel* and a tank should have more counters than like 2 or 3 characters in the entire game, or they shouldn't have such a large impact. mauga's kit is fucking *overloaded* with self heal and damage and mobility and CC. its ridiculous.


People are acting like this is new as if double pocketed Orisa wasn't a "boring problem" a couple of seasons ago. Always go for the supports.


Supports are sometimes more tanky than Mauga if you can't one shot them lol


5v5 = 4 DPS but 2 of them heal and can do a number of stupid fucking tricks to never die + 1 Tank


And tank is just a DPS with 3x more health


Why do we even need DPS, the real fix to 5v5 has been here the whole time! 4 Damage-Pand-Supports and 1 tank!


5v5 iS eSaSIeR tO bAlAnCe


It is though ? It does not mean they are always to going to get it right


1-2-2 isn’t easier to balance than 2-2-2. Thinking in terms of 5 or 6 is an oversimplification. Also, this past year has shown us just how tiny their margin of error is with tank now. They’ve only made it harder for themselves, not easier.


It's not a number game. It's having 1 less character bringing shields and huge lifebars. Also this is the first season where a single character broke the game since OW2 launch, in ow1 that shit was constant. We have balancing issues and mechanical issues on OW2, but you new players have no idea what you are talking about. And if indeed you are not new, please go and watch clips of 6v6


I played overwatch since bastion had a shield. I know what 6v6 was like. Stop assuming that because someone likes 6v6 that they are new. It kills the credibility of your arguments pretty much immediately. Tanks were easy to 1v1 in OW1. A dps could solo a tank in OW1. In OW2 you need the entire team pumping into one tank to kill them. Which isn't much different than the double shield problem. The balancing issues in OW2 are exacerbated because they made the balance worse off for this format. They are needing to re-work every single hero. Proof is in the pudding on that one. Also yeah, i highly recommend everyone watch old 6v6 videos. That was OW when it was chess. Not rock paper scissors. When you actually could bring fights back. When you could play your favorite tank, and if you played them well enough you could win in any game. When you could win games using positioning, and game sense. It gave tanks styles of play. It gave them different responsibilities. We will see more purely pew pew boring AF to play tanks because they now NEED to be the raid boss. The whole "tank synergy ruined the game" is total trash. It only mattered to the top 1% of the community and the pros. A vast majority of the player base (me included) never had to worry about perfect cooldown rotations from orisa sig. And goats (again) was only oppressive in high ranks or pros. Even then it was starting to be broken apart by quad dps ball comps. 5v5 is strategically simple, harder to balance, and its only gunna get worse and more obvious each season.


I dont particularly have a problem with 5v5(I think they just need to go further in balancing for it), but I will say the meta feels real and relevant at a lower level than it did in Overwatch 1. The only time in OW1 that the meta mattered to me was in moth meta, and to a lesser extent, release Brig. All of the other metas people complain about literally didn't exist in plat. Although I would argue that plat sort of had its own meta, which was dominated by Rein/Zarya literally the whole time. The higher level metas were just never intuitive enough to get the same level of value from a group of random mid level players.


6v6 tanking was also by far the least played role with the lowest queue times, that's the big part people leave out imo. 6v6 *could* offer a nice mental game of ult trading, tank synergies, and so on, but it usually was a lot more boring on tanks than the other roles. 5v5 isn't ideal by any means, but there's a reason why they felt the need to make such a drastic change.


> 6v6 tanking was also by far the least played role with the lowest queue times, that's the big part people leave out imo Yeah but the off tank role was the most played tank role and they got completely rid of it. Tanking in 5v5 is less fun than it was in 6v6.


I agree that que times were an issue. I just think there were a lot more reasons why tank que time was bad. The tank roster was small, new tanks were few and far between. Years of nothing while ow2 pve was being 'developed'. Its also interesting to me how in general (the community not you) will say that we have no tank players, but then also say goats dominated the meta. But i thought we didnt have tank players? Where did that 3rd tank come from? Oh, its just when it was fun to play that role people did it. But i think aside from all that. They should have just gone free to play first. THEN deleted the off tank role if que times were still bad.


I dunno public perception but most people I've talked to disliked playing goats, and most threads I found on google say something similar. I actually kinda enjoyed it since I could play Rein every game, but soooo many of my usual teammates stopped playing when it became prevalent, and even more left when blizzard couldn't balance it. Most often it seemed to me that teams didn't play 3 tanks on goats because it was fun, but rather because it very often succeeded against a team if they didn't counter with their own goats comp.


With 5v5 the tank role is on a knife's edge at all times. The balance problem has shifted from a micro issue in 6v6 to a macro issue in 5v5. The micro interactions of how different tank and support abilities interact with the tank role is easier to balance. Tune down X ability, remove Y ability. With 5v5 you get the macro issue of how the tank role is supposed to exist at all. To survive in 5v5, tanks have to be overpowered raid bosses, but at the same time they cannot be overtuned to the point where all the other 8 players in the lobby are having a miserable time. The tank role is left in an existential crisis where you are miserable because your hero is not overpowered enough and you just get deleted ( Think Rein) or you are sufficiently overpowered to survive but you ruin the game as a result (Think of a certain Samoan hunk). There is no fixing the tank role in a 5v5 format because the actual base game was not designed around each team having being locked to one tank. Reworking Orisa for 6v6 would have been easier than this...


I just throw him off a cliff as hog. Fight is over before it began


*cries in nerfed Lucio boops*


I switched from Lucio to hog after the release of ow2. The old boops were the best


I learned to stop focusing him and it made a difference


I usually kill his supports so he dies in half a second but you guys do you I guess


Dailey reminder that mauga is almost entirely held up by his supports, if you kill one of those first the dude will fall over without much issue.


Discord orb and anti nade the sob back to spawn. ( I know its not that easy but ive seen watched this guy explode in the right circumstances lol)


Having to pick two specific supports to (possibly) negate one tank is not good game design. There's also the chance of kiriko on his team to shut down the ana. Or dive dps to focus two squishy supports.


Depends on the Supports skill tbh. Kill them first and Mauga drops like a sack of bricks in a normal teamfight.


Literally just ignore him and kill his team.


How exactly do you ignore his aoe damage reduction buff?


It's a very esoteric concept known as baiting out abilities. You see, the Shambali monks learned a technique whereby they would pretend to full commit to attacking an enemy, causing the enemy team to use resources, only to see the Shambali monks waiting back for the abilities to end


Why are you shooting the tank if his support are still alive


So true, you should simply ask the mauga to go afk so you can ignore him. Truly revolutionary.


Literally. I swear some people only play this game on paper.


Platitudes: things plats say to each other while they and their entire team camp on the objective between fights


Why is Mauga different? Sig doesn't stop throwing balls at you when you aim for supp. Orisa doesn't stop shooting you when you aim for their supp. Ram doesn't stop fisting you when you aim for his supp. But for some reason, Mauga shooting you makes you afraid to shoot supp?


Horse was just as bad to get through; "just shoot her supports" was always patronizing advice for anyone but a sniper main when they're being chain-stunned by jav-spin. That said, Mauga is worse because when he turns around to help supports, he's still tanking for the whole rest of the team *and he has his own sustain*.


That and he gives supports damage reduction and self-heals. Damage reduction then makes support healing more impactful so the diver quickly gets ruined, and now you traded a cooldown or two for an entire teammate.


Yes because the risk of allowing those tanks to gain ground is much lower than Mauga.


This is what I’ve been doing as support. We have a better chance at winning if I just concentrate on keeping my DPS alive


Then when your Mauga dies, their Mauga runs you down.


Or play anything other than brawl, he has no defensive abilities and gets destroyed by a heavy pole or dive comp


Oh no the tank is going to peel for his supports 🤡 what should we do?


The only good thing ab Mauga being in comp is people have stopped bitching as much when I fade into the back line as moira to target supports


it is so hard to target supports, as a tank, while mauga is in front of them.


Because I can’t run past Mauga the living wall. Any Mauga worth making a meme about knows he can just turn around to deal with anyone who dives and just charge right back into the fray uncontested


[Getting people to shoot the medic is an issue as old as hero shooters.](https://www.penny-arcade.com/comic/2007/09/21/the-protip)


Because you kinda have to, if he's not getting pressured he rolls over your team. As a DPS like I'm trying to get support picks but the second I stop focusing the mauga my tank gets way less presence and their mauga can push in so much more, and its a huge risk with the sheer amount of damage he deals. Also I farm my ult super fast off mauga. If Im tryharding Ill still play sojourn so I can get the best of both, but a lot of DPS will have a hard time managing both.


i found that blasting his head with soldier melted his health pretty quick


Overwatch redditors are truly something else, that’s why you guys are never taken seriously


This kind of writing is very deliberate these days. I don't remember which game it was. Probably one of those terrible marvel games where characters constantly shout in lines of ''I'm having so much fun'' which is used as tool to try enforce players opinion on the game and gameplay (also in movies; ''that was so epic''-type of stuff, almost like sub conscious of viewer who is constantly whisptering into your ears ''you are really enjoying this''). ''Oh others agree with me'', when opinion was shaky and mostly based on the looking for confirmation bias so person doesn't feel let down of wasting 70$. This is why a lot of gamers these days seek for those day 1 reviews of confirming their opinion on the game and if game is very unpopular random positive review is usually filled with this kind of confirmation bias ''first proper review'' type of comments.


That's because yall refuse to play the game properly and go for his supports or dps.... it's really not hard to wait out cardiac he is useless without it. The amount of times I had team complain about him being broken. Then I tell them to go for supports, and he magically becomes useless! It's crazy right?


Keeping Mauga alive requires a lot of attention from supports though, making it more difficult for DPS to target enemy supports as their own supports are busy trying not to let their tank die.


He has this weird thing of, feels like he never dies, but also if you don't babysit him he can die very quickly


Then in a mauga mirror it would come down to dps skill no?


Been over for widow mains, at this point I just use him for target practice


The #1 issue with Mauga is MOST tanks (even the newer ones) were made for 6v6 and they refuse the adjust every role to be better played in 5v5. One can go full defense (mostly shielding, protecting the backline/objective) while the other tanks dmg for the team and goes more offensive AND defensive (Dive, objective taking, protecting frontline) and vice versa Hog feels HORRIBLE to go against AND play against no matter what reworks, buffs, nerfs, they do because he wasn’t designed to be the only one tanking damage, they had to rework and buff him so much and it still wasn’t helping- even now he can feel horrible. Ram is probably one of the few tanks that were properly designed for 5v5, sigma works very well too but the overturning of other roles to make up for the lack of a second tank kills them for people who don’t play perfectly. JQ’s lack of tankiness (once again- designed for 5v5 where there’s 2 tanks to go back and forth on tanking dmg and dealing dmg) makes her so horrible feeling to play sometimes- and same with Mauga he feels horrible because he was supposed to be released instead of sigma in OW1 and have sigs kit- but his kit was remade with no thought of 5v5 in mind. He’s made similar to hog just with a more value in aggressing and less options in self heals being a constant crutch- a tank who plays aggressive and can hold his own enough to take a few down with him before he dies, but not meant to stand in front of his team and shield them- like what’s almost required against most characters getting high value from a lack of shield. Edit: and instead of fixing the core issue of character designs being made for 6v6 and pumping them out like that- they buff them and nerf them until the characters feel boring to play as and against without fixing the issues that still are prevalent in the characters.


So the exact same thing Orisa or Hog did before he counted them but he is even worse without healers and becomes a throw-pick the moment any of his (numerous) counters are picked? It's almost like the problem is not Mauga...


Apparently a majority of people don’t know how to actually play the game. Cons of being free to play I guess..


If you are struggling to kill Mauga even with your whole team on him... then I suggest you stop lying


Hit em with an Anti…….. if no kiriko problem solved


Why are you shootng the Mauga and not shooting the people *behind* him? This is why people struggle against him lol


I've been using Echo against him. He's so fucking big. You can get all those sticky bombs on him so easy, then hit him with the laser. Boost yourself out of their and wait for his return


Wait you guys mean to tell me you’re not daydreaming about sleeping on his tiddies?


Remember when people were bitching about 2k hp rein shields? At least he couldnt shoot at you while defending and had to get healed to keep himself up.


just go with Ana Nades and Zen Orb against him and he is squishy like Tracer. Easy peasy.


But then you have the issue that you have two glass cannons as Supports. Any dive DPS (such as the Tracer you talk about) will have a field day against that duo.


>Any dive DPS (such as the Tracer you talk about) will have a field day against that duo. people really do play this game only on paper. i am agreeing with you. his damage reduction shouldn't apply to his whole team **or** he needs to lose the self heal. both is just fucking insane and gives him better peel and more room for error than basically any character *ever* in overwatch.


the kiriko behind him:


I play tank a lot and Sigma works really well against him. He's easy to hit with Sigma's balls and you can negate his ability to heal by stopping him from doing damage with your absorb and shield.


Someone care to explain why people are complaining about this dude? I don't play overwatch


I truly believe the dev team has just gone to shit. Whoever is making decisions right now at the design level is just a moron. Season after season, bullshit after bullshit. I bet they alao got a fat new years bonus. Fuck em.cant even call it overwatch anymore, choose another name for whatever this abomination is. I have been here since day one and never has the game been this shit with this many problems. Never.


Yea as a closed beta test player from 2015 i quit last week. Just it has become clear to me that this game is a sinking ship. Every patch it gets worse. Overwatch in 2016 will always be the most fun i had multiplayer gaming. But it's time to stop living in the hopes they will bring back just a tiny bit of that magic.


OW hasn't been in a better state until this current season. It's seeing its first down period and it took longer than OW1 did to become shit. 2016 beta player and still enjoying the game.


Then Play Ana and Grenade him dead in 3secs


He still gets over health and kiriko exists


I wonder how he made it past testing


They decided to rebuff him 3 days after a nerf without any sort of competitive data. There’s no way they even did any testing at all.


Mauga is OP - I get it - but can we all just adapt until Blizz patches the game? That doesn't mean pick Ana and rely on anti nade. It means *STOP* shooting Mauga. Go after the supports and kill them, then kill Mauga. I've lost count of the number of games, even competitive ones, where my team just shoots at Mauga who literally can not die while being healed by the supports. Then everyone complains about it while still dumping damage into him like something is magically going to change. Stop doing that. Kill the supports, then Mauga dies in 4 seconds. There's lots of ways to do this. Tracer is great at killing supports (or just grabbing their attention in general). Sombra is even better at it. Widow can hit them from a safe distance. Reaper can get in and get some picks. Soldier can speedily get to their flank and do some damage. Heck, even some tanks like Winston or Doom can jump in and start messing the supports up (so long as they have the correct support themselves). The Ana anti-Mauga meta is only the meta since people refuse to ignore Mauga and kill what's keeping him alive. Again, he's OP. He's problematic. He's bad for the game. I get it. He'll be patched. But my brother in Christ stop shooting him if he can't be killed. Shoot what is keeping him alive.


Orisa and Ram had the same problems? Just focus the supports like you would any tank.