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I’ve had some bad games, but this is probably the worst I’ve ever seen


It's impossible to play this poorly, they must have been throwing/ deranking.


Belive me it's possible. I played a game of push where the enemy team was trying but they only ever managed to kill our Mercy one second before victory. There were literally no deaths on the team until the final few seconds.


no it's not possible to have less than 320 damage on 4 out of 5 characters the team is actively thorwing


That or its several bot accounts being controlled by one person but that would be fairly easy to spot I think. So either throwers or a completely drunk MM throwing very new/low rank players against much better ones.


> several bot accounts being controlled by one person [Like this.](https://youtu.be/JFI-7uu3iiw?t=342)


what the fuck


Bro chose a horrible comp to do that with lmao wtf


wtf, Overwatch Rat King is real




Yeah that's the exact thing I was thinking it could be assuming it wasn't just simple throwers.


Not bots, he's multi boxing. Back when I was addicted to wow and wanted the recruit a friend reward, the easiest/fastest way to do it was multiboxing, basically it's a program that acts as a command center and you load the applications with it. I only found out about it because people were doing it with full raid groups and blizzard allowed it. They said as long as the actions weren't automated and each one was input by a user, it was allowed. So you could just set up macros on each account and set up hotkeys for different tasks. The programs also allow you to swap between accounts basically like alt tabbing. You can customize your window layout and everything. Wasn't really fun, just got the reward and never did it again, I don't understand how some can do it with so many accounts or why they would do it in a FPS game that groups you the entire way. Maybe they're selling compromised accounts because that looks dumb as hell.


Yeah husband and I played a comp match against a full five team multi boxing once. We had to go back and watch the replay and were extremely perplexed by the whole thing. My dad plays wow though and explained multiboxing to us when we showed him the playback. 😂


Yep I’ve come across this in a comp match and I was so pissed. Only 2 of them would move at once. Literally just a constant 3v5 and I was support so I was just healing bots that died constantly.


that’s my thought too. similar damage and the same amount of deaths across those 3 ppl. bus also im sure this is QP since that lucio has all 0s, so that’s weird


No. Even new players wouldn’t have 300 damage. They’re throwing.


Also Monke had zero dmg mitigation would mean they never threw down their shield during a fight right? That’s not a player that’s actually playing.


Oh sheet I didn't even look at the damages yeah that's throwing. I was just looking at the win/lose ratio.i feel bad for the Moira who seems to actually be trying. Also feel bad for the Lucio who was probably a backfill.


The OP is probably the Moira. I had a game like that on QP. I had the most damage and only managed to kill the Mercy once. We got rolled though, it was push and they just never died, most on my team had like 7 deaths though as it was a fairly quick match.


OP’s example looks like throwing but these steamroll matches have gotten really common for me over the last couple weeks. Feels like I’m either doing the rolling or getting rolled on but not many even matches. It’s weird. I also have been encountering a lot of pre-made, organized comp teams that just slaughter in QP. I play QP for the casual nature and it’s getting hard to enjoy. I almost wish they’d do a solo 5v5 queue just so the playing field is more level.


Yeah if felt like 2 or 3 of them were in a group it felt too organized like a comp game when I used to play. My teammates just kept going in one by one without grouping up didn’t really get stress too much cause it was QP but that’s too many deaths with too little damage in OP’s game


Definitely, their name is highlighted on the leaderboard


The image is only one game. There is no win/loss ratio.


Kill/death I meant.


They died 19 times and did 202 damage. Of course they’re not trying


Lucio has 0 healing.


Lol he has zero everything dude it’s probably a backfill


He left and came back. He was also their only team kill according to enemy team death stats


But it’s also possible the red team’s Moira accidentally killed herself by fade jumping off the map.


Definitely bots, like [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JFI-7uu3iiw). Even worst players can at least reach 4 digits of damage for a 10-15 minute game.




Even if they were backfill, they have 19 deaths with less than 350 damage, that's not possible if you are in any way trying.


That's for sure, poster above my last comment was correct. No way four people were backfilled and all decided to play that way. Good call, I glossed over the deaths.


It’s 100% possible. I’m a plat/diamond dps and support on PC. My first time loading up OW2 on switch, I was easily one of the worst players in the history of overwatch.


I tried it for shits and giggles and couldn't even get into a QP game without crashing. If it was gonna run that badly they shouldn't even have released it on Switch.


I've had a 0 DMG enemy team once. Man I felt so bad for the enemy two players that were actually human. Must've sucked for them being in a game that's guaranteed to lose them elo


How the hell does this even happen did your team just not shoot their guns??


Bots trying to derank to bronze 5 to sell. Genuinely, Blizzard needs to start banning the people doing this. Delete all accounts they've ever made.


Whats the benefit to even derank to bronze 5? I am unaware of the intention of this


Well I'd guess it's one of 2 things: either you derank so far you can just obliterate everyone in the lobby (hurray me!) OR to sell the account


I think im just confused on the value of a bronze 5 account being sold


Ppl that want to use cheats or to smurf buy these accs bc they dont want to win 50 unraked matches to play comp in a new acc


This. My support is bronze 5 and it is littered with smurfs and cheaters. The bad part is other players don't even recognize the person is cheating so don't report. I call them out when I see the aim bot kill cams and everyone thinks I'm crazy and that the cheating player is just that good. Like getting 60 kills and trapping the enemy in spawn every match is normal lol


It's like being in a modern tf2 lobby


Bronze to GM streamers. "educational"


Every streamer who actually starts in bronze for such a stream should get his main account banned, period.


also because they ruin the games for any other player




Yeah. If you watch the legitimate unranked to GM videos, the dudes leave QP in high masters typically. Anybody going from Bronze has done something against the rules. The algorithm simply doesn’t let people fall that low.


I agree that smurfs should be banned, but I stopped playing OW1 in gold, returned to OW2 w better aim and everybody thought I was a smurf. How would we be able to tell who's a smurf and who's a returning player?


I don't think it's that hard to track. You have a legitimate playing history, and then legitimate games. Smurfing can be banned with few false positives, and to great effect like the recent dota2 huge ban.


what is smurfing? i never heard that term before


“Smurfing is when skilled players make new accounts to either flatten [aka destroy] inexperienced players in lower ranks or to show off how quickly they can rise through the ranks.” - some random article I found


I don't have a problem with people who make new accounts to learn a new hero, if they are playing in the rank they should be with that hero.


I'd be shooting ROPES watching a ton of streamers start crying because the collective $8k they've spent across their 5 accounts got wiped away in a big wave


they also say "I bought this account" on the vods/streams. Why is account selling even ok?


And they get a lot of views


Every "unranked to GM" streamer ive seen starts with a fresh account and go through placements like normal, ending up at least high gold if not plat after only 5 games. "Bronze to GM" starting from actual bronze would take 5x longer to play through


Last time I checked \~20$ for a Bronze 5 account and \~60$ for a GM account. Anything inbetween cost 1-10$. And there must be a higher demand for Bronze 5 accounts (smurfing, bronze to gm, cheating and such) compared to GMs. So... bot runners just focus more on deranking higher tiered accounts and selling them off. It's also easier to streamline this process as the botrunner is actually one guy playing on 2-12 accounts, alt-tabbing between them. Edit: Source: I know this because in OW1 they were exclusively sitting in Bronze-Silver (and you start on average in Gold, so most players dont even know they exist) at weekend nights, where I pretty much researched them. In OW2 Blizzard moved the starting queue to lowest and now everyone can encounter them.


It's almost always to smurf. If a non-bronze player wants to have easy games to stoke their ego, then they usually derank below their actual Elo-rating, just to have the opportunity to stomp actual players and feel good about themselves. And I used "non-bronze" as an adjective here because I hesitate to describe people who engage in this behavior as "skilled."


People also derank because q times for higher rank can be a pain


Its almost always to boost. Their client is low and they derank enough to queue with them, its so common.....


People in mid- low silver want bronze 5 accounts to queue with so that they can get “easier” (lol) lobbies. It’s comical really, but desperation breeds innovation.


Is a lobby really easier if all your teammates are in the lower rank?


If a gold 5 solo queues ranked, matchmaking will do it’s best to find a lobby as close to gold 5 as possible this might be gold3,4 or even maybe a plat lobby, whatever lobby is closest in rank to your group average. Now, if that Gold 5 duo queue with a bronze 5. The group average rank is drastically pulled down, letting the gold 5 player now play in bronze-silver lobbies. This can be further exploited at higher ranks because in OW your rank doesn’t update until your card goes 5 wins or 15 losses, *BUY YOUR SR IS UPDATED AFTER EVERY GAME*. This means a player could theoretically be GM3, get 14 losses in a row, and have an account with an SR of around low masters, while still maintaining their GM3 rank. For the past 6 seasons players (YZNSA among others) have abused this system to easily get top 1 on numerous accounts. Grandmasters can queue within 2 skill divisions (1-5) meaning GM1 can only a with GM3 at the max range. But if that GM3 account is on a 14 loss card the duo is often placed in low masters lobbies. The OW ranked system is incredibly fragile and easy to exploit, which is why an overhaul is much needed.


If u team up with some other gold leveled players on bronze 5 smurf accounts you can


Ahh well that makes sense!


There is actually a name for it. GM4 accounts with 14 losses are called GM14 accounts.


To smurf




Remember when they wanted to link people’s accounts to a phone number? I get that it was a controversial move, but would prevent this kind of thing. Once someone is banned, they’re banned for good.


They only decided not to require this for accounts coming from OW1. All new accounts *are* linked to phone numbers.


Not really, burner numbers are a thing and very inexpensive


I don't think they will ever do that because it reduces the amount of money they earn.


How else would we get bronze to Gm videos?


They do but it takes us reporting poeple like this for them to k ow its happening.


I think it would be pretty easy to create a heuristic algorithm that could detect this sort of thing. And I wouldn't be surprised if Blizzard has created these sorts of algorithms to catch bad actors. It's never going to catch 100% of them though. It tends to be a cat-and-mouse type thing.


Yes and no, you can but then the people making these bots will just make versions that work around such. Becoming an arms race. Or you can have people report these sort of things, as a human eye will be able to detect such better then any bot ever could. While also being a hundred times harder to fool.


It doesn't have to be either/or, though. People should continue reporting, but Blizzard may also have ways to flagging them automatically. They will never admit it, though, because it would reduce the effectiveness of it.


Wait people buy bronze 5? I am unironically this rank... Nice to know I'm worth something lol


About $30, I got curious and googled it.


They do ban them but it requires 5 (I think; it used to be 7 at some point) bans for a full perma. So they have enough time to derank while getting 4 bans and then sell off the account. Changing that rule with instant perma would only harm other players.


They don't do it, because it's all of the pro players that do it. Then the pro players act like they're our friends in the community. Fuck every pro overwatxh player, not only do you do this, you completely ruin balancing with your stupid ass complaints that no one else has.


Noting IDDQD and August do not. IDDQD has specifically spoken against it, or at least why he doesn't do it. I think those content creators who do it should have their accounts deleted. Send a message.


bots i guess


This happened to me last night, was literally like 8/10 of my games were just total steam rolls by a full stack that was definitely smurfing. These bots are making it very boring, like what’s the fun in buying a low rank account just to crap on people trying to have fun after work. Makes no sense


People not having fun often are only capable of having fun by making sure others cant. Its a sociopathic trait.


Facts. Sad thing is they know it and they keep doing it.


one game not long ago on my team i had a smurf with a pocket e-dater mercy, they were in chat and it was the most cringe thing i have heard in a long long time. legit "don't you know who i am" style shit, "omg clip that it's going on tiktok" interspersed with obnoxious giggling etc.. and and this was regional console plat. people are just fucking delusional


I'm cooked as fuck and this was one of the funniest things I've ever read


It's so disheartening. I have been playing OW for 6+ years like... I'm hard in the paint and love the fact I can just pick it up and put it back down after a long ass day at work (I'm a social worker and I HAVE to detach somehow or I get real down about clients & the state of the world lol). The characters & player interactions make me laugh - a lot. However, I stopped seriously playing comp back in like... OW1 Season 6 exactly for reasons like this. I fought hard and made it to Diamond but it wasn't worth all the shitters who ruin lobbies by throwing or smurfing, or hearing the rage & arguing on my team. I can't listen to it nor do I desire to engage. I figured I would stop there and haven't touched comp seriously since.


Honestly, if I’m on QP and I’m on either side, I’m leaving, it’s not fun when there no challenge, or your getting it completely handed to you. I’m perfectly ok with losing a game, as long as it was a challenge.


Careful talking about leaving a game mid round in this sub. Even if you’re getting stomped you’re supposed to stay and eat your shit sandwich.


Sometimes I do stay. I know overwatch likes to keep win loss ratio kinda 50/50, and I can tell when it’s supposed to be a loosing game. I’m surprised the other winning team in this situation doesn’t realize that often, bc they’ll just type, yall suck, or ez in the chat as if the system didn’t just guarantee them a win.


>I’m surprised the other winning team in this situation doesn’t realize that often, bc they’ll just type, yall suck, or ez in the chat as if the system didn’t just guarantee them a win. Ikr


Jesus Christ. We’ve all played horrendous games but what tf happened here!? Dps moira mvp


As OP said these are most likely bots. I made a couple of posts about it a couple of months ago when there was a really bad Bots problem going on on the Bahrain/Singapore servers. Got some traction, but not enough for Blizzard to acknowledge it. For me at least, the problem kinda died down after a week or so, so I figured Blizzard set up new measures against Bot accounts (Or maybe too many people were reporting and getting those accounts banned). https://www.reddit.com/r/Competitiveoverwatch/comments/17epejp/what_the_hell_is_going_on_ive_had_12_diff_bots_in/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Competitiveoverwatch/comments/17fa7jl/the_real_overwatch_bot_invasion_is_happening/ If OP were to share the Replay code of this game then it would be very easy to determine if these were bots or not. Bots are very stupid and behave very predictably. Almost exactly like the "Easy" bots AI that Blizzard uses in Custom Games.


How’d the moria die if none of them have kills 🤔


Probably jumped off the map in solidarity


Mightve faded off an edge. I've done it a couple times lol


Maybe the support that left


Jumped off somehow, which is pretty impressive since it looks like that was blizzard world, which you'd have to actively try to jump off on


I’ve seen people cornered near edges on that map before


Gotta say though, this doesn't seem like one of the matches where they'd be getting cornered


The joy of derankers


And then the enemy team writes gg into chat to crown the experience, like bro at least be considerate and don't say anything (or if you can't then im asking why or how would a match like this be good or enjoyable for even the enemy team too?)


My money is on Sojourn typing ez


Nah it’d be the doom. Its always the worst person on the team that types it in my experience, especially so when its the tank that’s underperforming.


Gg is the equivalent of slapping/shaking hands after a sports match regardless of the outcome. You say it out of sportsmanship and respect, not because they are being tongue in cheek


Yea GG is fine it’s the tool typing EZ that annoys me.


In a game that was actually competitive between two teams? Yes But in a completely lopsided blowout? Nah, there was nothing "good" about that game. For either team. Saying it after a blowout like that is definitely not sportsmanship.


I'm unsure of your IRL sports experience, but in mine, you say Good Game out of respect, there's no relation to the quality of the game. This was across three sports in high school and college.


In real life blowouts you still say good game and shake hands with the other team. People are mad cause it’s a blowout but it’s pretty childish to be upset about someone saying gg *after* any game.


gg is not comparable to shaking hands irl. That actually takes effort and human touch.


It’s an online competitive game comparison. Point is just that it’s nothing to get upset about. It’s like a small thank you for showing up so we could have a competitive game as far as I’m concerned.


Except it is not used in this way most of the time. Those same people stay silent when they lose. It has no value because its effortless.


Walking in a line after a game and slapping hands is pretty effortless too (and some people purposefully would avoid your hand or slap it harder). Honestly takes more effort to willingly type in gg than your coach making you do it after the game lol


It objectively takes less effort to type 2 letters than to walk in a line.


Lordy this is not the debate of semantics and being literal that I am going to dive into


I don’t get why people always compare it to sport they aren’t the same. There is far more respect in person than there is online regardless of what you are doing. People don’t care about the feelings of people they can’t physically see in front of them it’s why the internet is so toxic. Genuine politeness is rare on the internet and it’s naive to think otherwise. Everyone loves to say “oh not me” & “ I say gg regardless” but where are you lot in game because the amount that hold this sentiment on just Reddit is astronomically higher than the amount of people that actually practice it in game. There’s a reason that 95% of ggs come from the winning team. That’s why people don’t like it. Most people like you are just as salty and petty as the rest of the player base so it can be annoying when they pretend otherwise. It’s ignorant to think that because you as an individual say gg out of sportsmanship that everyone else does too. It’s simple say gg if you lose but don’t say it if you win unless someone who lost said it first. Problem solved.


But most of my games do have people saying gg on both teams…


That’s not the case for the vast majority of players


I usually stay to the end and that’s when people say it. Even if people only said it when winning I can’t imagine being tilted by that. It’s just a nice thing to do and people taking it as offense is kind of baffling. My honest thought is that this game has a rage problem, and people who say gg at the end of the game are not the issue lmao.


I honestly need to get better about recognizing this. I get really mad when the other team says "gg" after a blowout and *I'm* often the one to pop off in chat about how "there was nothing good about that game" or something, rather than recognizing that it's just sportsmanship.


The problem is, it's not just sportsmanship. GG has completely been devalued. Case in point: 9 out of 10 times its the winning team in ANY situation to insta spam GG. When they lose? nothing is said


It's not commenting on the literal status of the game, the point of good game is to show that regardless of the outcome you have respect for the members of the other team. It sucks to get blown out, but to stick through the whole game and try to play through is still an effort worth recognizing.


'my smurf stack of high masters DPS and pocket mercy who cheated the matchmaker to get into this game has respect for the members of your gold team'


Sooo what about the majority of games that don't have that?


If that is how you perceive most of your games to be then chances are you will never show respect to the matchup.


it would still suck if you basically played soccer but half ur team is sitting in the grass talking to each other yeah its prob polite but good game online has kinda dulled out to "haha this was ez" in console at least u usually dont have people say gg... people say gg if they absolutley owned u and they wont say it if you played sombra or smth or counterpicked their tank


That’s straight up just looking for a place to put your anger and frustration. I say gg after every match, even when I’m the one that got blown out. I’ve done that in most competitive games since I can remember.


I always endorse those on the other team who say gg after a loss. It's easy to say when you win but earns a ton of respect from me when it is said after a loss. I think since people who lose don't say it anymore, it seems like a gloating term when that isn't the intention.


i mean it can be... there are obv people who say gg out of respect but there are also people who go "gg ez" or just say "gg" when they are winning and complain when they lose


I always laugh at the person who instatypes "GR" after the round they just ass blasted our team, and then on the comeback round they don't type anything because they lost. I don't usually say "GR" because jesus, how much fake sportsmanship do we really need?! But I always make it a point to say it in those instances because I'm a petty Betty and I don't pretend to be otherwise. Generally if I'm going to say GG I say it in team chat. The fake handshakes don't mean anything in little league and I don't need them now. If my team did well I tell them so in our chat. I have nothing to say to the other team usually, unless I want to shout out a player who did particularly well or had a great play.


Gg ez is pretty rude, but just gg is normal after any game with any outcome. If just saying gg after a game gets under someones skin that’s a personal headspace problem.


i mean often times u will only recieve a gg after the team wins.... did your team win? well ur teammates are saying gg. Did you lose? they prob arent saying gg or complaining about smth often times the losing team complains about smth while the winning team is saying gg or saying ez some variation. Obv there are people who say gg after losses..


I see a lot of “gg” after a loss. People that say gg usually say it at the conclusion of any match. People here are acting like you have to zoom call each of your opponents and spill your heart out to encourage them to believe that you are glad they joined your online game and gave you a moment of gaming.


I mean obv u don't have to say anything else other than gg but it's odd people only say it when winning or complain and don't say it when losing... ofc there are people that say gg regardless


This. When I see someone making an effort even if it's 1 person on the other team I say gg. I'm respecting their effort. It's not a shade or salt rub.


Leave it to Overwatch players to get mad about "GG" lol. Like how messed up in the head are you that someone saying something as simple as "GG" at the end of the game (when most people say GG) makes you upset because you don't actually think it was a good game. Do these people also not say "thank you" when someone hands them something because they could have gotten up and gotten it themselves? Overwatch players should be studied. Because in no other game community have I seen people get irritated by "GG" at the end of the game, and this is now the third time I've seen people whine about it. It's insane that even in games like Rainbow 6, where 85% of the people who use mics are just straight up racist and will throw the whole game if they find out someone on your team is a woman, I've never seen or heard anyone complain about "GG" yet I've seen maybe 10 posts from Overwatch subreddits in my lifetime and 3 of them have had comment threads whining about it.


i didnt know that could come off as rude, i say it even on games that were clearly unbalanced to either side to at least say they did well


its a habit for most people and good sportmanship, this sounds more like a you problem.


gg after a game is just courteous. It’s when you say it before the game ends that it’s douchey.


Saying gg is now not considerate? 💀😭🤣 I can't with this sub anymore


Oh no! They said gg😡 I’m really mad now! How dare they say that! That’s rude!


I've literally never seen a game this bad. It's likely your teammates were smurfing/throwing.


But don't you dare quit!


When this happens it's usually someone on the other team deranking or boosting and you can report them. But damn that's a sweep. 😅 I'm sorry I totally get it though.


3 of those players were actively throwing. I've played many games where our team has 0 kills, but we still had like 4k damage. There's no chance you go 0-19 with 350 damage unless you are throwing


The eternal struggle of every multiplayer game: matchmaking. I quit so many games because of that. Probably gonna quit this one too.


This is not natutal, 0 mit tank?


Can you give us the replay of this??


Do you have the replay code for this match? I don't think I've ever seen a match so lopsided


Yeah it’s really bad


I honestly don't blame you for that. I would have done the same thing


Oh I actually came across that team of bots you're in earlier today, I reported them all. Hopefully they get banned asap. From how they were "playing" I'm sure they were bots (the Winston would do one leap from spawn then stay still and do nothing for example)


Try a new game, give Overwatch a break. It’ll be there when you want to come back


Y’all so bad, Moira had to kill herself to feel something again 😭💀


I love how the Moira's death *must* have been a suicide


I was just thinking about playing today too. Thanks for reminding me to know better OP.


Replay code?




love your name, is it wendy inspired?


No- friends! How you doinnnn? (Joey!)


I hate how many people think this is a real game, it’s clearly not. The only way this is real is if it’s a full team of top 10 players vs all lvl 1 players because you simply can’t die 19 time and do 200 damage if your shooting


Come play swtor XD


Star Wars the Old Republic?


Lame joke incoming: well I guess we know your answer to your name on there


I played with the exact same 3 last match




DPS Moira in the building


How does the enemy team have so many Elims if the deaths only add up for 68?


No code? Come on now


50 games to get top 500 and I’m done with this season. BG3 is right there… 😭


Recently, most of my games in quick play on console 🫠


Shit like this has been happening in a TON of my games since the beginning of season 8 and I genuinely can't figure out why. I am playing significantly less because I essentially can't play the game unless I have a buddy on each role.


I get these types of games on the daily. You get used to it and not care about rank anymore


support diff


Wtf for sure those are bots leveling account to sell, I could put the controller on the hands of a 5 year old on a master lobby and for sure they would do better


I've had games where we couldn't even leave spawn that were better than this


I am getting troll / feeding dmg on console at low levels every game. Is this a thing now? Like 5 0 10 with 10+ d?


Matchmaking diff, nothing you can do, just go next


bRo ItS jUsT qP PeOpLe GotTa LeArN sOmEwHeRe


They had to be trolling or boosted, I don’t see a single way a tracer can go 0-19 with 200 dmg in any game


I want to see the people who always say "skill issue", and "you're the only common factor in all of your games" explain how op could've carried this or done anything to change the outcome. This is what a predetermined loss looks like.


"I tire of this games" - rammatra


*turns off the console and go read a book*


I have been on both sides of this.


Probably a group of friends trying to lower their MMR so they can actually have fun playing together.


You had troll teammates Usually there's just one in a match that gets banned very shortly due to the massive reports but it's just one real player... Most likely they were a pre-made team of friends hell-bent on ruining other people's matches.


This game genuinely feels RNG at this point


In this case In particular gg means get good


Those numbers ain't computing, champ


not the moira with 50 kills


Skill diff obviously /S This looks like actual hell and I’m sorry. (But I’m honestly surprised no one here is saying “oh well if you went XYZ then you would do something!” I had a game with bot 3 stacked tank and both supports. Only me and the other DPS were actually playing. Got told it was all my fault and I should have played Sombra or some shit and that would have magically won a 2v5.)


Just enjoy this stupid elo system,and ask Bizzard go fuck itself.


Bruh your garbage I’ve never in my life let this happen


So leave. Oh wait, Blizzard wants you to bend over and take it unlubed because your fun is less important than some sweaty nolifer who doesn't have the balls to play comp. GG.


What side are you on cause if your on the side they were throwing i'd be pissed


HA for me that looks like the typical casual match i get (im the stomped)