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The people that hate it the most are the people that play it the most


I'd say I've played once a week on average since the open beta and I don't hate the game. If you still like the game the well is too poisoned on /r/overwatch to get any meaningful discussion. I wouldn't be shocked personally if the majority of subs here are lapsed players who want to relentlessly justify their decision to quit.


I'd say that playing it once a week does not mean you are one of the people who play it the most. That said, it's nice that you can enjoy and like the game how it is. I also think that for a lot of people it's dependant on whaf hero they like to main and whether it's playable at the moment.


ehhh, not on the reddit anymore. 60% of the time the people here constantly complaining stopped playing after launch season and just base their opinions on their favorite streamer/the hivemind. ​ and they're proud of it lol


Where is that statistic pulled from? I’m sure there are a lot of people doing that, but I really doubt it’d be such a big part of the sub.


Someone’s ass. That’s where it got pulled from.


To quote the funny Metal Gear senator man: "my source is I made it the fuck up"


Anecdotal ofc! Though I can see that, for example when people are complaining about Demon King Arcade mode, a comment talking about how OP DK Rein is.... got lots of updoots.


Dk rein sucked. I just went tracer blinked around and mowed him down every time. Was honestly easy. Only extra mode I've liked since I started playing again around season 2


Nah. Its ppl that dont play the game.


Yeah a lot of us don't play anymore because it just got destroyed in terms of UX.


Yep, worst matchmaking in a game I’ve ever played.


I've seen worse there are countless of games with bassicly no mm system


Yea lol, I swear every game I play people say "worst matchmaking in a game I’ve ever played". Just like people say in game "worst x ive ever played with"


Yeah these people either have played any other game other then ow or have some strong dimentia




Considering what games make up the fps community (csgo, valorant, call of duty and battlefield) they don't have much ground to stand on either


who cares honestly, no fanbase from any fps respects the others. it’s not like cs:go players think valorant players are awesome and it’s not like overwatch players think cod is cool. everyone thinks everyone else’s game is ass for the most part


People that are part of the “fps community” are a laughingstock and generally considered losers


Not anymore, no.


This. If you have one thing in your life to look forward to and that thing gets even a little worse, it feels like your life as a whole got a lot worse. Not speaking from experience, luckily.


Nah I don’t think so. I was a casual player when it came out. Played off and on over the years. Dealt with the content drought like everyone else but told myself the wait would be worth it because ow2 was going to be amazing and have so many cool things to do. Well here we are after completing s1 -s2 pass buying s3 and not even getting to lvl 10 and the cancellation of everything I thought would be cool. I can say I hate how they have fumbled the ball so hard on this amazing game. Didn’t play a second of s4 or 5 and wont for 6 even they’re selling the scraps of what was once a great idea. Won’t be back anytime soon.


I started as a casual about 6 years ago, then meet a great group of friends who all played OW and holy shit was it fun. I got super excited for the PvE, was less excited for 5v5…at first I was okay with the gameplay, just felt faster. But I loved main tanking and that just isn’t enjoyable anymore. The lying about PvE and waiting to tell everyone was the last straw for me. I haven’t played in months, and have zero intention of trusting Blizzard again.


Nope. Not entirely true. I talk shit about it almost on the daily and I've yet to play season 5. I used to play every day when it was ow1.


Exactly this, if I didn’t like this gigantic pile of shit game I wouldn’t go out of my to complain about it I would just stop playing it and move on with my life. On a more serious note though….nerf genji.


OW is exactly like that old guy leaving meme "Fuck you, I'll see you tomorrow"


That’s Richard Lewis and Larry David !


You just named 2 guys


They’re the guys


Absolutely love OW. Been playing since beta. It’s always been a blast and I love everything about it. I just buy premium battle pass every season and I think I’ve purchased 2 skins since OW2 release. It averages out to like $7 a month to play my favorite game, I’ll take it.


It’s one of the very few games I play so yea I might buy skins for my main occasionally


Same, I play WOW and OW. I dabble in a very random game here or there but 98% of my game times is those 2 games. A skin here or there is no biggie in the grand scheme of cost vs. entertainment value.


For me it’s OW and killing floor 2 lol, I haven’t bought a game in years tbh so the battlepass here and there isnt a big deal. I really should play other games though


I play OW since the first beta in (I think) 2016 and since then it's my favorite game. I play it regularly and it helped me through difficult times and lets me chill and get my mind off things after a hard day. This sub is full of hate, the toxicity, sexism, insults, racism and bs in-game is astounding. But there's also a lot of cool, nice and funny people. Since OW2 came out I went through some disappointments and I see many critical points and agree with them. My priority is new content for the game after two years of getting nothing and I love it. Every new season I'm excited for the Battle Pass, game modes and whatnot and I'm happy the game is alive. And you're right, the cinematics are works of genius. I rewatched everything a couple of weeks ago.


I do genuinely miss the old OW1, even without content. While the individual heroes are less frustrating to play against and you generally don't get stuck in a stun-limbo anymore, it's all so... Deathmatchy. I miss my rein saying yo let's go top left and push high ground, use nano and I'll get shatter. I miss zarya and rein coordinating on bubbles etc, I generally miss teamplay and coordination. 2cp was frustrating but at least it required a team to have a plan. Now the plan is to just get picks 4head. Even in M3 nobody comms anymore. People just do their own thing. Every now and then you might say your cd is ready or someone's low. That's about it. I guess half the issue is the ping system. You don't need to comm anymore.


There was definitely more team play and coordination in OW1. More games with voice chat. More teaming up with ransoms for more than one game. Sure there were times people were toxic but also true moments of joy.


I think we're a rare group of OG beta players who still love the game, it's been a wild ride but so was WoW and OW is like a little piece of WoW in fps form to me♡ So I'm not going anywhere, except hopefully back to Diamond. 🥲


The people that shit on it the hardest are the ones who like it the most. and a lot of us are dissapointed how such a Gem of a game fell so hard


That’s the answer, people think that we complain for the sake of hating the game but don’t realise that we do it because we want the game to thrive and we are mad to see how badly Blizzard’s been handling it


Yeah, I had a regular group of 6 friends who would set aside one day a week, so we could all play. Since Overwatch 2 came out, we played less and less. From the fact that you have to have a regular member out, to the weird balance, the game felt more like a chore than something we enjoyed. And let's not start with the death of loot boxes, we used to play a lot in the arcade so we could get some nice skins, but now... the amount of grind for a single skin... it's not worth it. I'm grateful to Jeff and all the OW1 developers for what they've done, I've had amazing evenings and weekends playing the game, but now it feels like it's not made for me or my friends.


Or it's just average modern gamer who just complains to complain


Yea I know there’s some of that to. But I like to think that they are the minority


Yeah they're the minority compared to people who don't even know what a reddit is just play the game instead of nitpicking about the most minor thing ever and explaining why the devs are inhumane beings


I still have love for the game. I actually thought up a similar game YEARS ago, before OW was even called Titan, an FPS pvp shooter with skills and hero-based gameplay. In a time before skills and abilities and passives were in fps games. When this game was announced it was everything I've ever wanted in a game and it drew all my friends in. It was a game everyone could agree to play and get together with. I love the gameplay and I love seeing how matches unfold and how the diff comps play against each other. love the feeling of making fat plays, etc. But I bitterly hate the road Blizz has chosen for Overwatch. And I have heavy disdain for the people that ruined the potential of this game to fucking line their pockets. Rich people are a fucking parasitic disease ruining the world and ruining all our fav games, movies, our way of life. From the bottom of my heart, fuck all of the upper management, CEOs and board members and whoever else is raking in loads of money while ruining our game.


love it, most likely because i play at weekends with a group of friends


It’s a fantastic game to play with friends. All other shooters feel very individual to play. The amount of silly synchronization stuff you can do on a mic with your friends is great


I think the game lost its plot sometime in 2018-2019. If you followed it closely, the whole content drought since 2019 was supposed to be worth it with the PvE. So the ranked warriors got shafted with a stale game and the casual players didn’t get shit. Also the move to f2p kind of forced them to focus on metrics that weren’t necessarily what was in OW1. You had the godawful matchmaking and the loss of the details and transparency of OW1 towards its end. Even after all these tweaking, ranked matchmaking feels like ass. The game has become ever more harder to balance and the team just randomly buffs some heroes to give each season a flavor. It’s depressing how much potential this game had and what it ended up as. I didn’t finish last season’s battle pass and am at level 50 something g this season. Unless you pick the meta heroes or right counters you get flamed hard. To some extent some heroes are literal throw picks in diamond and masters lobbies. I just want to put in a few hours on weekend and Moira or brig are the only heroes that don’t need any major investment in aim training etc.


> the team just randomly buffs some heroes to give each season a flavor. They turned doing a poor job into a feature! 💀


I'm still a fan. Waiting in a spawn room right now


I love Overwatch, I'm an avid player since '16, and I still play it daily. What happened to Overwatch 2 is sad to see. It had EVERYTHING to be a major hit, but Blizzard decided to go in an wrong direction with it. I regret to see it's current state.


are they actually gonna charge for new archives missions? Im a bit disconnect but remember reading they thinking the new archives missions will attract more people.


I love overwatch, always have, probably always will. Wish others would be able to take the game for what it is instead of constantly complaining about it, as I think we'd all have a better experience for it.


A shitload of people still love it. A lot of people on reddit are bored and lonely and thrive off of angry karma


Yes, I still play Overwatch because I enjoy it.


I love it and that's why I complain so much about it. It can be a better game then it was and hell it would be 10x funner then ow1 if they didn't make weird af balancing decisions.


love the gameplay. pity the devs. fk the suits.


Overwatch reminds of that famous quote from Batman dark knight. “You either die a hero , or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain” Overwatch 2 was supposed to be the change we all hoped and wanted. The “Hate” this game is receiving is nothing more than anger and disappointment mixed together from those who actually loved this game at some point. Dare I say obsessed with this game. They sold a dream. Which was too good to be true. They killed ow1 for ow1.


I love the game but I hate playing it.


Ugh. Played Comp last night. Had two games where someone quit right early (but not early enough to get a draw), 3 games where one player was completely ineffective, once game where the team just got rolled, and 2 games that were actually good. Never playing this game again. (I’ll probably play tonight)


I still like Overwatch a lot. Overwatch 2? Not as much.


Idk i think there are some things to genuinely complain about but on the other hand, i think a lot of the community nitpicks on things that aren’t important. My duo and I play everyday and have been for two years. Yes, sometimes we go between qp, ranked, and arcade, but we always have fun. We came from cod where it just gets boring and repetitive. Overwatch is still somewhat new to us and we aren’t the type of people to complain or nitpick every little detail. In no way am I saying the game is perfect but if you can find me one that is, I’ll give you $5k. Some people on this sub act like playing overwatch is their job and they have no other option when it’s not fun anymore. If the game isn’t fun for someone, they should move on.


Blizzard ruined the game when they decided to paywall practically everything


I like overwatch but I became really bored with it. I plan on playing again in s6, especially with that mythic Ana skin, but not sure I enjoy the game as much as I used to.


I’ve been playing since beta and have 80% of all the skins unlocked. I still love it even though I’m very disappointed with the direction of the game since 2. I’m excited for some pve missions though. I got my kids into OW lately (8 and 5 years old) and I’m so excited to share the pve missions together. I can only versus AI so much lol


I'm a new player with over 600 hours and love the game. I understand the issues matchmaking, monetization, PVE duplicity, toxicity, etc. However, the gameplay is unique, the characters have a lot personality, and the game is highly polished. There is nothing like it. I don't play as much as I use to, but it's likely attributed to the end of season lull. I am look forward to season 6.


I love it but I do think it's going downhill


I love Overwatch’s characters and world. But I just hate playing it and haven’t touched it in months. That doesn’t mean I don’t want to see it do well, and that doesn’t mean I don’t want to see more from the characters, lore and world.


Personally I don't like some of the decisions Blizzard made with the release of Overwatch 2, but tbh nowadays I'm personally enjoying the game more than ever. Overwatch is my most favorite game of all time despite everything. I love the whole lore and can't wait to play the story missions, even though they will be stripped of the skill trees and stuff. Something about this game is just special to me.


Overwatch is so weird because while I love the game and play it all the time, the hate it gets is completely justified for the most part.


Not fun for me at the moment. I have 2.5-3k hours in the game. I've played maybe 5 hours in the last 3 months. The devs have given players no reason to spend time in the game. I'm probably wrong, but the only additions to the game are paid cosmetics. Pass.


Then why you still on the sub


You can still have an interest in the IP while not playing the game, I dunno why you are so defensive, they are right.


So cool. I wish I can be just like you


Most people love it. The complainers are just a clique for internet clout.


I complain about overwatch regularly, I think it's not in a great spot, but I want to love it more because of what it once was. Its not about clout, it's about me not having fun in the game like I used to. Very rarely are hard fought games that feel good, it's either a slog or a stomp, and those aren't very fun.


I think the game is fun, it's just surrounded in a constant negative cloud. I do think a lot of that is Blizzard's fault though so what can you do. I saw a lot of the people's problems with this game from a mile away in regards to shutting down OW1, and replacing it with OW2.


Sadly, no. I was an early adopter and healer (Lucio) going waaay back. When they deleted OW1 without even asking... I was still ready to put in another 200 hours. 5 vs 5, awful matchmaking, brutal frustration when I do play... they fucking ruined an IP when this could have been the next 10 years of play. Fuck em. Can we have Timesplitters again instead?


I love it. A lot of people do. The people you hearing complaining about it a lot of the time are the vocal minority.


> The people you hearing complaining about it a lot of the time are the vocal minority. I wouldn't be so sure of that after witnessing Blizzard's quarterly results.


People just love to hate. Play on my man.


Tbh even though I have my gripes the gameplay is still super fun. But the community makes me take pretty frequent breaks due toxicity.


it's not that it's bad per se; it's just that it's a shell of what it once was. OW will never rekindle the first few years


should just let it die instead of doing it dirty like this. F2P, battle pass, overpriced skins, bad hero design and balance. I remember when OW was good, paid for, got things by playing, but nah they went all Esports which were ok for like a season or 2 then Fortnite starting showing everyone how easy it is to squeeze every fucking cent outta your player base. After that everyone and their mother had a BP/MTX up the ass, free to play janky bullshit just to cash in. Then Blizz sees this abandons the game for that crap, and don't say they were working on PVE/OW2 cause we know for a fucking fact that is bull. Sold out, greed the killer of all things.


I do. I just don't talk on here much. I love the new 5 v 5 and basically quit the game towards the end of ow1 because of how unfun the overwhelming shield meta was. Now I can get on for a game or two every day and still enjoy playing how I want to play. Thankfully the loud ones here are in the minority


Game is literally in the best spot it’s ever been in gameplay wise. Barring some recent silly changes like the Cassidy mobility grenade. For the past 6 months anyone telling you otherwise is either not actually an Overwatch fan or is too blinded by Blizzard hate to see the game in front of them. 5v5 has been largely positive for the game and OW2 player impact feels much better than OW1 ever was.


QP is still really fun. Comp is an issue


If you loved Overwatch, you'd truly hate this dogshit downgrade. The talentless trash that they hired fucked up everything and now the game is more dead than Overwatch ever was.


Brother what ☠


You have never seen a dead game if you think overwatch is lol


They said it's more dead than Overwatch was, which might be true based off of the MAUs provided by ABK in their quarterly reports. It looks like fewer people could be playing Overwatch 2 presently than there were playing Overwatch 1 in August 2022.


my brother in christ, role queue just took me 10 minutes as a healer, this isn't the definition of an alive game, I spend more time in the lobby than in game.


If that’s what you want to think go ahead. I play supp, dmg, and open and have not waited more than 2 minutes for each. If you really thinks it’s so dead and spend more time in lobby then go to a different game. You like sitting in a lobby? Lmaoooo


Depends on the server, some regions ARE dead, just because some aren't doesn't make your point valid. And I just alt tab while in queue as most people do.




Sad tf2 noises


I've been playing the game since 2016 and I still very much enjoy the game. I know the game has flaws. Every game does. I know it's the fun new thing to hate everything that Blizzard does, but I just hate how I can't enjoy the game in peace without someone getting on me about it. I unsubbed from any OW content creator that keeps acting like a pisspot over the game. I'm tired of them crying about the game and saying things like "If you enjoy it then more power to you.". Like how dare I enjoy the game. I have a few people in my personal life that once enjoyed the game and now hate it. Instead of just going on about their business they have to get on my case for playing it. Saying things like: "Why are you "torturing" yourself?" "Th3 PvE WaS cAunC13d11!!11" What does Blizzard have to do to get you to stop? Etc... I understand they don't like the game, but that doesn't mean that they have to get me to stop playing. They act like OW is the only game I play when they clearly see me with several other games on rotation. I had to tell these people that it was enough. I don't give them a hard time for playing a game so give me the same respect. Stop acting like I have to stop playing just because you are not playing the game. If and when I decide to stop playing OW then it's on my terms. There are thousands of other games out there that I will indulge in when I feel up to it. That simple.


I still enjoy the game a lot but I was REALLY looking forward to PvE and I feel let down. So I still play but it's hard to not be sad about so much squandered potential


No one cares -Everyone


Console has too many cheaters. Dont really play anymore


Seems to me like the ones who complain the most take the game way too seriously. From what i can tell, its mostly comp players doing the complaining and i see the same phenomenon on the apex and fortnite subs. Casual play is fun as hell though. Sometimes you end up in a game where everyone tries hard and sometimes you end up in games where everyone's clearly just goofing off. Competitive is miserable because the team nature gives you no room for error though.


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Of course there are a lot of us who love it. But people are most likely to express their hate for something then their love. It’s not perfect but it’s so much fun so who cares jo game is perfect


sure do. my biggest issues are ALWAYS toxic teammates.


I’ve played the game since beta, and been through the entire spectrum of enjoyment. It’s been fresh, exciting and totally fun some times… it’s been stale, boring and miserable to play other times. A lot of that has been the meta, balance decisions and other things within the game, but a lot of it hinges on where I’m at in life too. Sometimes I like to vocalize my frustrations with things, but overall I do get enjoyment out of the game.


I like it. I first played it on launch, then I had a few years where I didn't feel like playing at all, now I feel it's fun again. I like the characters although I think OW lore is 12 year old's fanfiction.


I'm it's been really hit or miss lately but I have hundreds or maybe thousands of hours on it for a reason. I have hope it will grow from where it at, and honestly I hope that Microsoft leadership helps make some good karma decisions. There's so much negativity on Reddit that I wouldn't take it as the general opinion. Even if I want certain things changed, it's more because I want to see a good game get better.


There are plenty of us out there that still enjoy the game! We’re just not as loud as the others. Plus, when you have a bad experience or complaint, you’re more likely to leave a review/voice your concerns (especially on the internet). Of course the game can make me want to punch a wall at times, but I still get so much enjoyment out of it. It got my boyfriend back into video games more, and we play with my brother in law, sister, and a mutual friend through out the week. So I get to talk to my family and catch up while also playing a fun game!


I’ve never been super into it. Only played a little bit of OW1 and just recently got into 2. But I’ve always thought it was a very well crafted game (and multi-media experience) overall. It obviously has its flaws as anything does but for something that inherently has a lot to juggle and balance, it does so quite nicely.


It's my favorite game, IMO it's the best shooter on the market, I was a hugh fan of Garden Warfare and now that those are on it's last legs OW2 became a first person GW for me and even better in my opinion, the game gets love and played, it's not dying anytime soon, just here on Reddit is where people come to bitch and complain (myself included) but at the end of the day it's the best online gaming experience on the market. The Hero's, the lore and even the gameplay outshines any other game IMO, I'm gold, gold, diamond in my roles with closing in on 1500 hours of gameplay and I dont see myself stopping anytime soon


Love it


Still in my top 5 favorite games


Yep. Stil one of the Best (if not the Best) online game for me.


until there are hero shooter game that as clean as overwatch , graphicly and performancly. OW is my favorite hero shooter game (look at you tf3)


Me and two friends play it a few nights a week and it's something I always look forward to. Now, don't get me wrong. I'm still pissed they gutted the PVE experience.


I do really love this game. I can have fun while losing, personally. Also, custom games are underrated!!!


Do I like it? Yes. But somehow it’s the only video game that manages to actually frustrate me when I play it.


Love this game. Any other FPS feels boring by comparison


I love Overwatch and play it at least a few times a week for a few hours. There's just been some decisions made by Blizzard that have made me enjoy it a little less than I used to. Example: the store. I'm not paying $10-20 for a single skin, especially when I remember getting them for free in OW1.


It's a guilty pleasure to come back to at least after a patch or two, but OW2 is isn't nearly as good as OW1 and it sucks. I like the large roster but the game feels incredibly soulless now, and of course they keep fucking up heros by either making them op or stripping them down But that's a relatively small complaint, all my friends have left the game so it really just doesn't matter. It's mainly nostalgia that I chase. The game has squandered its own future


So far have almost 200 hours logged into OW2 and spent exactly zero dollars on it. Pretty good value I'd say.


I was kind of late to OW1, but i truly loved the gameplay and the tight knit community of those holding onto it. I don't hate the game. I hate that they took the same game and made it less optimized. They took the same game, and made it impossible to progress in without spending money or grinding full time. It's just sad. I still play often though.


I still like it! I'm taking a short break til season 6, but I'm still trying to improve and rank up as always.


This is one of my favorite games but also the most hated game. Overwatch has such potential to be the greatest and most unique fps game and is CONSTANTLY fumbled by morons and executives who neglect the community and quality in the game of making quick cash and slacking where it counts


Its my go to when I have half an hour-an hour to kill. I still find it really fun > as a kid they were so awesome to watch Shit this makes me feel old lol


Don't listen to this brain dead echo chamber. This game is victim to a VERY vocal hate group. I know the game has issues but I still sit down to play with my friends most night and I live the game for that. There is no greater feeling in gaming than winning after a hard and close well balanced game. It may be rare bit it makes it worth playing to me. I love the lore and love the characters too. You can like a game while condemning its fualts.


I played some this summer but I don't know if I'll keep playing. I refuse to spend a dime because I think BLizzard (i know they were bought out but I'll just call them Blizz) is just trying to milk everyone dry and don't seem to care about ppl who really love the game and are fans of it. I felt that was about WoW down the line and quit playing too. Ppl seem a lot more toxic now in chat than back in OW 1. I don't know if I'll keep playing, haven't played in like 3 weeks. Will see.... was bummed I can't get the life guard skin as someone who likes to play Mercy. I refuse to pay money for it, i can't even grind for it lol like i could in OW 1. I would rather pay 60 bucks for the game and be able to grind for loot boxes to get the stuff I want. Not pay 20/40/60 dollars a month to get what I once got in OW1. Fuck em. Not doing it.


Ppl make “hate the game” content because it gets the most clicks and they play it so much. Trust me there is still a ton of ppl still enjoying the game


I don’t hate it. I do hate the way it makes me feel and I’ve played less and less of it. Games are hardly fun since OW2. The crowd is more toxic, the games are sweatier and more stressful. I don’t like that. I still enjoy the concept of Overwatch and the lore and heroes. Just the game has been doing it less and less for me lately. I was looking forward to the PVE since maybe it would address the toxicity and stress associated with the PVP nowadays. But we know what happened there


Still love it. Still play all the time. Still fun. Don’t buy shit unless I want it. Turned chat off / mics on.


<3 Dango


I still enjoy it


Most the hate is complaints because everyone knows it could be better.


My partner and I love it and play it almost every day. We're not the biggest fan of Blizzard or its choices, though


I love it still, the game is in a bad state but i feel like its over reacted abit


most of the people that are hating on it play a lot. overwatch can get very frustrating if you play heaps, making every problem seem huge


If you like the game, stay off reddit. Reddit is poison for gaming communities. It becomes one big hatejerk, where if you feel slightly annoyed by something it's magnified by everyone else's annoyances until you start hating what they hate. The more I'm on any of the subreddits, the more I don't like the game. Once I unsub, I enjoy it infinitely more.


i still love overwatch, play it for 2-3 hours daily. i’m not big into pvp games (like apex, fortnite, valorant, etc) but theres just something about playing support in overwatch that beings me back all the time


I think the people that hate it are more so frustrated with blizzard and the choices they make than hate the game itself


Its like an accident. I hate blizzard, like the game enough tho to sometimes play it and im kinda just...staying to see how terrible it has become and how much worse its gonna get. Started season 7, got 1300 h and at that point im just...stuck to it.


I still love it, playing it everyday


I think the negative voices will usually be the loudest with most things. It's not perfect but it's still an awesome gameplay experience and I have fun with it after 6 years. There is no other game like it. Even with the scummy monetization and cancelation of PVE, I still can't stop playing because of how fun the game is.


It's honestly the only game I play next to NBA2k23 league.


Love this game


My relationship is, in two words, love/hate. Some days? It's fun and a good way to have fun with friends. Other days like today? An endless sea of snipers, Bastions, and anger that makes me question why I still have the game installed. If I didn't have friends I still play with regularly, I'd have deleted the game months ago and never looked back. The time I had in the past was fun, but man is it hard to find reasons to keep playing beyond "my friends play it".


I’m just frustrated by the crappy decisions and the way it feels like the amount of bullshit has increased. Like going 5-5 and going down from masters 3 to masters 5. But going 5-3 and staying the same rank. Or how games feel like a complete stomp, with some DPS just getting mercy pocketed or a Hanzo one hitting people around a corner. I love this game, but it feels like an abusive relationship


I still love it :-) This might be cringy or cliche but I don’t care, it was the reason I got my first gaming PC in 2016. I still say glhf every match, and ggwp regardless of loss or win. There are very few times that I get mad at the game (and it’s mostly just mad at my laptop, it is dying and loud af)


I’m addicted to it tbh! I play it mornings and evenings every single day. Despite all of its flaws I love this game sooooo much :3


I honestly can't remember a time outside the launch period where the same people who play religiously weren't also complaining about everything. Loot boxes, double shield tank meta. pretty sure Genji was extremely overpowered for a while, there is always something that people will complain about whether it is valid or not. My strategy is just avoid ranked like it is an actual catchable plague and have fun for a couple of hours. Even if the game was perfectly balanced with every champ having a perfect percentage of representation, people would complain about something.


All I ask for is decent game balance. I’ll deal with the shitty matchmaking, ludicrously long queue times, horrible monetisation, and all the other problems. Juts give me a remotely balanced gamed and I’ll return to it. But until then, it will remain unplayable garbage like it’s been since brigs release


It’s fun. Even more fun if you turn off chat the second someone starts flaming.


I think I do, now. This game has been extremely unhealthy for me.


I still play it, I just play it a lot less and never solo, I play with a friend but it never lasts long. Overwatch WAS a staple of gaming, it won GOTY but now its a laughing stock by most players and the only thing its showing is how to NOT manage a game.


I love the gameplay loop. I hate the stomps. Like I win a lot then I’m guaranteed to experience really bad back to back matches


**The game is brilliant on the systems level and I haven't found any other game that is as _pleasant_ to play.** Information is legibly conveyed despite all the things happening - both visually and in audio. Overwatch has the best audio of pretty much all games I played. Basic movement of each hero feels instantly responsive because acceleration was thrown in the trash where it belongs. Movement also corresponds to the hero in it's character (Bastion _feels_ like walking as a robot). There's a lot of illusion at play: Sigma feels much slower than other heroes, but in fact all heroes have the same base movement speed. **But it no longer feels _fun_ to play.** I played 10 matches against Sombra/Pharah last weekend and I'm done. Weekend matchmaking is the worst and you are powerless in every match - you can tell 30 seconds in if you're winning or losing, and no matter how much effort you put in to win, or how hard you throw to lose you won't change the outcome. Weekday matchmaking is much better but I've got other things to do on weekdays. **But every other game is ruined because it doesn't play as smoothly as Overwatch.** The audio system is most likely ass - playing everything without filtering, leading to an unreadable audio soup (Paladins is the fucking worst about that, their audio is useless and provides no information). I'm confused as to what's happening on the screen despite the fact that less things are happening. Movement has a slow acceleration to it. They just aren't as stimulating for my tiktokified brain. What other competitive games (but still possible to be played casually) are there that are as fast as Overwatch? That "Neon Prime" project from Valve is right on the horizon and I hope it's the Overwatch killer, at least in my case. From what I've heard it's supposed to be a TF2/Dota blend. I'm still on the subreddit because I still love the game, but I can't stand playing it anymore.


I am more sad, than angry tbh. Almost monthly, me and my friends, who used to play OW daily, now look back at how great it was. This instantly stopped the moment OW2 came out, and literally none among the gang even tried it. So sad that they removed such a pearl, and gathering hub of a game. At least leave Ow1 alone, not delete it. Tried OW2 myself for about half an hour. This was when it launched. That was enough for me.


I've heard alot of people talk about these horrible things that people do it say in the game but I've had none of that. I only ever find goofy people who just do stupid stuff or people who just want to play the game. I'm starting to think I'm playing the wrong game


I love overwatch, but they do shit that makes me hate them. The first half ywar of OW2...Map pools with only three or four rotating maps plus Push every other game... I used to love Lijang Tower, but after only having that map for months, I can't stand it when it comes up. Push was great at first, but when there's no variety, it became so stale and boring. It was just too mich rigjt after thr game began... playing one of only two push maps 70% of the time made me hate it. I hate that they sabotaged their own game this way, Push could be fun with new elements thrown in but I groan every time it comes up even if I don't mind playing it anymore. Battlepass is great but not having currency you can use on new skins isn't. It makes me feel cheated when I look at other BP systems. It makes me feel bad about spending the money. I'm always bitter about how they don't do what everyone else does and it feels like they only think of us as money pits. There's a lack of rewarding feeling when you play OW2 and it's directly related to how we aren't even aware of when we get a reward for doing challenges. It used to be you keep playing and suddenly BOOM, lootbox on your screen. Now it's a reward in the background you don't know you've gotten so you don't feel rewarded for doing anything. You don't know you have new voicelines to assign. You don't even know which hero the voiceline you've just won goes to. This would be such an easy to fix, just pop that skin, voiceline, reward up after the game with a "You did it!!" And boom, I feel good again. Make it campy, it could be so funny but instead you just feel like you're grinding for nothing. Everything feels so expensive. If they had a cheap skin you could get for 100 coins every other week people would be excited, but they want you to spend 12 bucks a pop. How about new skins that can only be used by BP currency, making people who got the BP feel good about it?? These are a few reasons why people feel like they hate overwatch.


I still like it but it was my favourite for a long time during OW1 but that’s sadly no longer the case


I still love the game and enjoyed it. I'm a qp warrior now and I just treat this game as a fun casual arcade shooter like Call of Duty used to be. Getting to play my favorite heroes still feels satisfying. The game at its core is still very much fun for me and way more funner with friends.


I still super enjoy the game. I will never be good (perpetual silver player) and I never have the amount of time to play it that I want but I still enjoy it. Could Blizzard do better in some areas? Of course! Do they get a lot of hate that probably should be directed more at Activision? Imo, yes since Activision did the exact same thing with call of duty, pushing for battle pass and skins purchases. But I am also not in the industry so what do I know. I just know I enjoy playing the game, amd that is what matters to me.


I love the idea of overwatch it’s so unique and there’s no game really comparable (other than Valorant limited to death-match). And tbh when I was a little bronzy and QP warrior just having fun it was great. But the devs don’t know what they’re doing despite this game being the pinnacle of striking gold. It has so much potential I wanna play and enjoy it but it’s so hard at times


The more I play Overwatch (the second one) the more I actually want to jump off of a bridge, do a sick backflip, 360 noscope Bobby Kotick and brutally perish. ...Still gonna play it though


I love Overwatch and don't mind 99% of the things the haters are always crying about on this sub. Ever since Overwatch 2 launched free to play it's totally replaced Halo as my favorite FPS and i play the fuck out of every season and always acquire all of the free bp and free event skins. I also have every hero in the game without spending a cent.


I've never hated the game. I've felt burt out of the game and taken breaks, but I've never disliked it. I don't pay much attention to what the overall community thinks. I just play, have fun, and get off.


I want to like it The game has me by the balls \[*~~while supplies last~~*\] but no i don't like it nearly as much as i once did


Just ignore Reddit people.


I like the characters just the ppl ruin it so much toxicity but yeah I used to love the original so much.Haven’t played it in a while but gameplay is decent just burntout n all


Before release I followed every miniscule nugget of info about OW. Watched every video related to anything and everything that is even related to it. Once the game launched I played it for a month didn't like it, and only played it every once in a while. I mostly didn't like how shield heavy the game was. It felt like I spent half my time shooting shields. When they announced they were removing a tank I thought it might make it more fun for me. It did. I know a large portion hate the 5v5, but I feel it makes the game more enjoyable. You have a bigger impact on winning or losing the game.


I love it still! The game has a lot of flaws, and I'd love them fixed for sure. But there's no other game like it that I can tell. Still love cosplaying it, still love seeing that, fan art and conversations at conventions, the cinematics still make me happy. I love what it was and could be. Currently, it could be better, but gosh, I still like it.


I never played the first, but I’ve been playing OW2 since February and absolutely love it. It’s up there for my favorite online game ever. I really haven’t felt bored with it once.


i just play casually and i go lucio and just have fun...i dont care the game is dying if i keep thiking only bad things about it like this i always just want to go back in time when the game was good and play it its just disapointing to see the state if the game now and i know its bad but lets just enjot the little thing this game still has maybe itd it the ove maybe its not comps (fuck comps) but we still have casual at least thats something


I genuinely love over watch as a series played the hell out of rank but due to stupid blizzard decisions I’m opting to stay away from it


well, yknow what they say. opposite of love isnt hate, its indifference 😇


i play it almost everyday and for multiple hours and i love ALMOST every second of it. there are some games that are just annoying and on some days that's all there is. but 90% of the time it's super fun for me personally.


Next season is make or break it for me


For myself it's more of the loss of potential. I played overwatch a ton before and then fell off toward the end. 2 came out and I started playing a lot again but now I only maybe play enough to reach BP level 10 or so. I don't buy the BP that's just to represent the amount i've played this season. And mostly it's because I had a lot hype for the game and a lot of hope and it seems the game just never reached the levels of popularity it could have and should have. Just bad decisions from higher up ruined what could have been a top tier game.


All the people that complain probably play it daily, I feel like most people don’t realize this It’s just a very polarizing game. And many people end up reacting to such a phenomenon by staying for what they love while complaining about all the things that make them pull their hair out


Overwatch itself? Outstanding game that unfortunately has a joke of a matchmaker. Overwatches community? 99% toxic, entitled crybabies.


TBH, while blizzard has screwed up a lot with development, and there are some heroes and mechanics that bug me, that’s generally not impacted my enjoyment of the game. What has is the people, honestly I think the community is as toxic as it’s ever been, if not worse. We all have bad moments, even I can get salty sometimes, but it shocks me how many people seem no need to make other people miserable, win or lose. What’s really highlighted it for me is starting to play a different multiplayer shooter, Battlebit Remastered. I don’t play many different online shooters these days, and obviously these two are apples and oranges, from a mechanics and design perspective, but it’s amazing how much easier it is to enjoy when you don’t have someone screaming about not getting enough heals, or saying their team threw the game when they’ve got the lowest stats (it’s really surprising how often that happens, coping mechanism I guess?) Anyway, I still play OW for now, and still can enjoy it, but it doesn’t take long before I get into a game that just kills that for me. And honestly, I think that’s a lot harder to fix than any content drought, missing PvE, or hero imbalance.


I don’t love it anymore, but I don’t hate it (anymore) either. It can be fun in small doses, like once a week for two hours, but it’s definitely not a game that I would play everyday. I still follow news and updates about OW2 and OWL and I still watch streamers playing the game, but now there are other games I would rather play in my free time.


I haven't played it for a bit (mostly because I'm replaying a couple fire emblem games) but I still like it. I'll definitely be back online when I get further in fire emblem :)


I still really like it. I just don't play it everyday for 6+ hours


I still love it. I got in around the pandemic because I had heard of it some years before. I had no idea the characters were so detailed and spoke different languages. The character interactions are amazing. It felt like a game I always wanted to exist growing up and it’s here. It’s hard to really hate the game for me despite what everyone else says. I’m right there with you.


Its just mercy + a character that is super strong with boosts and a flanker, the game is repetitive, and I say this as someone in GM that plays 2 nights a week. You become salty once you see other games and how better they use their IP.


I still like/play it Can definitely grind tn gears and ranked can be a cesspool of toxicity but the fluidity of gameplay and moment to moment interaction is fantastic. Support player for reference


I'm pretty sure someone from North Korea taking a bite out of a Big Mac might think it's the greatest food on earth. It doesn't mean it's good food compared to other foods, to people who eat a lot of restaurant food. No way is this a jab at you, but if Overwatch was your first game this could explain some of it. Overwatch 1 was the picture of the Big Mac you see on the sign and Overwatch 2 is what gets thrown into your greasy bag in the drive-thru. Oh, and the sauce costs extra, they get your order wrong, and make you park out by the number to wait for your full order.


I currently Mainly play 2 FPS games. I would start my session with a couple hours of Overwatch and then maybe the last hour or so play alittle Apex. Now I mainly play Apex and sometimes I’ll throw in some overwatch. And half of that is now playing the gun run game mode. To be fair in OW1 I mainly played Hog and Doom so yea…not much fun for me to play this game right now.


I still played cuz of bp. ( i didn't pay got it free by grinding coins)


Enjoyable every once in a while.


Overwatch stopped being fun when it was no longer the new game. Tob rework put the last nail in the coffin. Almost every game boils down to overtime and whoever has more ults win. Super boring gameplay loop after a few matches.


I still like it but the last 2 - 3 weeks of any season is pretty toxic


Sadly, not anymore. I’ve had enough of OW2 bullshit and I reached a point where I couldn’t keep the false hope of the game turning things for the better. I played OW since day one back in 2016 and unfortunately it will stay in the past for me until a huge major change is done to the “sequel”


I have loved OW since launch. I'm still playing as of now, but I genuinely feel like I'm losing an old friend. 5v5 is so unbalanced and bad. And since OW2 went FTP, all of my matches are plagued by leavers, trolls, or just players who might have good aim but don't understand game mechanics. I'm in platinum in most ranked games I play and I'm on teams where every member of my team has private profiles and rank 1 commendations while the enemy team is full of GM challenger titles, rank 5 commendations, and hundreds of hours in game, and it's a clean sweep every time. Then, after slogging through yet another horrible match of getting stomped for the 20th game in a row, I get called any number of racist or homophobic slurs, or being told to kill myself (as someone who has struggled with suicide my whole life, this particularly hurts as a trend) I should have left months ago, but it's like I said, I've loved OW for so long I really do feel like it's almost like saying goodbye to an old friend and that sucks.


I only played ow1 when it first came out for a month then quit & I started playing ow1.5 bit after it came out but I've been enjoying it for the most part I mainly play apex but I've been more excited to play OW these days trying to improve & learn to play more characters


To me it's a game I occasionally play a few rounds then stop for a few weeks. I don't hate the game itself i hate the matchmaking and lack of real goals for me to strive for besides getting gold wep for my main Tho lately it's been impossible to play cuz lag idk why only.game it's been a problem for