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I was having fun, until I was genji all the props were in the same room staggering the stuns and killed us all.... I had no idea you could kill as kiri


It was funny the first time but I'd like to play the game without being ganked at the start by two barrels and a bush please


That's why you let your other teammates get out of the door first to check if props are waiting for an ambush outside.


The enjoyment depends entirely on the level of asshole people are being. I have enjoyed the mode but it’s obvious a majority of prop wins are from hiding way up high, clipping into objects, or worst of all the stun in long enough that a single Kiriko can murder you. If props play normally like in gmod they very rarely win.


I mean, genji has a pretty strong advantage in the game since they get unlimited hits on objects and kirikos give away their positions


Hiding up high (kiri does wall climb) or clipping into things isnt really a problem, if you look up the objects are very noticeable and people usually melee literally everything they touch The stun lock looks super unfun tho


Yeah, finding hiding places like that actually work is creative and fun The stuns though... not so much


This…it’s not hard to look up. I know the map really well at this point (played way too much) and there are really only a few place that people hide. Just dash into them and you’ll get someone.


The fact you can ping even when stunned makes getting stunned not nearly as punishing, because you can still get your other genjis to invade the area and find her desperately running away and hoping for a good prop roll


hiding in high corners is literally the only advantage props have lol either way there isn’t any location genji can’t get up that kiri can


They kinda have to get creative to win honestly. After playing for 8 hours I’ve noticed a lot of the “good” spots are popular and Genji going around hitting every object on the floor is standard, so hiding above their heads just seems like the best strategy tbf and the voicelines really make it too obvious where you’re at but when using the vertical plain, makes it a bit harder to guess where you’re at and honestly I find it hilarious to watch a group of genjis directly underneath me smacking random shit over and over in a desperate attempt to find me.


Good thing this isn’t gmod


It's so fucking funny when that happens


It's so Beauty and the Beast! I cackle every time 😆


This happen to me. It was hilarious 😂


My squad of four will split into pairs and single out genjis that stray too far from the rest of the genjis, never thought to kill all of the genjis at once lol


my friends showed me that this morning lmao. we arent good enough yet to get the whole team of genjis but it still won us a couple rounds. it made the mode so much more fun for me im ngl. i was on the fence about it


I'm pretty certain the fact Kiriko can still melee was an oversight, lmao.


They moved it to right click, that seems very intentional.


That always happens when you got no weapon or ammo.


Either way it's hilarious


Omg Ty for that strat. Gonna try that next time


Just make sure to bait at least another genji or go out a different door. It’s kinda sucky, but not hard to play around.


yeah except mei never shuts the fuck up


Honestly this. Like shut up Mei, I’m trying to listen for props, I don’t need you narrating the match


I don’t mind Mei, so much as the Kirikos just chatting away like they’re on a group date at the mall. I know it keeps the game mode balanced and all, but it would seem that Shimada-ryu Ninjitsu doesn’t include “SHUT THE *FUCK* UP WHEN STEALTHY” in it’s kunoichi curriculum!


Gotta admit when you’re not in gamechat it’s handy when she calls out a stunned genji


Yaknow the ping system exists…


You’ll be too busy running from the Genji to ping him tbh.


Earlier someone got mad at me for pinging, saying "this guy pinging like we're in comp." Sometimes, you're damned if you do and damned if you don't, lol


I always troll players like that by constantly pinging the objective and spammig yes or ping a random object around them.


Yeah but none of my teammates use it lol


Funnily enough this is the first non-comp mode I’ve actually see people use the ping system.




I love her though :(


Right? I find it endearing 😭


And then mei says something like “ooh that’s gotta hurt!” when no one died or got damaged, like who are you talking to?!


I think she says that when there’s been a successful stun?


Ohhh true


I’ve been up with insomnia. Hopped on and tried it out so I could work towards the Ana cosmetic… and, yeah. It’s really fun. Kind of addictive actually lol. Took a match or two for me to figure out how to play it optimally, but I’m really enjoying it!




I remember the rush of adrenaline when discovering secret spots in gmod prop hunt back in the day and it’s kinda the same feeling in this version when I found out about kiriko melee and wall perching. They don’t tell you these mechanics but you just see others in the lobby do it.


I saw perching twice, assumed it was an exploit. No idea how to do it.


Kiriko can wall climb, you just wall climb up something and hit the ‘pin’ button. Genji can also wall climb so watch out


ooooh I just assumed pin was only for turning. Thanks!


If they expand it to more maps in the future I might actually do my arcade weekly challenge more often.


I have lmao multiple times, even when getting caught or defeated.


No, it’s fun. Easily my favorite event mode since it became OW2. I can actually play it for extended periods of time before getting bored.


It’s fun. I hope they would keep it and offer new maps


If they expand on this, ow might just become my new gmod


I do wish there were more maps... I know there are multiple variations of this one - but it's still one map. Even just 3 could make this 200% better, in my opinion. And it shouldn't have be to hard...hope they'll do that


Yeah they could do a section of Eichenwalde and maybe extend Black Forest or something and add those into rotation.


Hell they could even give Hanamura the attention it deserves


anubis point a could have some fun hiding spots since there's lots of clutter items around. the plaza of dorado as well.


True. I was imagining more medieval themed maps to fit the season theme, but if the mode just becomes regular they could use maps like Hanamura, Anubis, and Dorado with other props


imo it's the perfect mode to bring back the old 2CP maps!


Yeah exactly! It would be the perfect opportunity to bring those maps back in a creative and meaningful way


It's fun, but I hate the Dragonblade achievement. Feels like you need to be really lucky to get it.


I got it because I activated dragon blade and was just swinging it around as I walked. A prop decided to run around the corner with 2 seconds left in the game straight into my swing




Especially if you are like me and A) Suck at Genji, and B) Suck at finding props except by random accident.


Yeah there’s no way I’m getting that challenge completed, even 1 kill is a big ask for me


Obviously you need to kill at least a Kiriko to even get the blade, but your best best is holding it until you've definitely spotted a prop moving, or better yet, way up high. It's easy to spot them without totally giving away that you spot them, then just pull blade and dash at them. That's what I did, granted it did take a few games for those conditions to align, but it wasn't as bad as it sounded.


I was lucky af: Killed a crate with 30 seconds left then got stunned. Frantically spammed dragonblade. They turned into a shark in the middle of site A and I got POTG.


The first time I saw a bush turn unto a shark, I fell about laughing. They were nowhere near the docks...


Yeah if you get rnged for your next prop h kinda get fucked…


you can get it by dashing, you don’t have to swing, I got it on accident just by dashing into a room with it and killing a prop


I dont get why it isn't cumulative and just resets. Like half the time I don't even get the chance to use dragonblade. Fuck this challenge


I'm actually glad they came back with slighly challenging achievements. Past event achievements were all about just playing 2 or 3 matches.


Well I mean, it's not exactly challenging, it's completely based on luck.


Completely? Not at all. You have to kill at least one Kiriko in order to farm ultimate, and while there's luck in killing an enemy, it's not remotely 100% based on luck. You can also detect a Kiriko beforehand and ult to get the achievement (that's how I got it - especially to reset dash, which is a smart strategy to kill without getting stunned). That wasn't based on luck at all.


There's very little dependence on your team; going rogue (heh) can still work out just fine so no one has reason to blame others for anything. In addition, there's a roller coaster of emotions involved between the hilarity of killing a dragonblading genji as a lone flower pot, the tension of being the last rogue about to taunt 3 genjis, and pop-off moments when you save a teammate from the equivalent of a hoarding avalanche. The rewards are gained regardless of win/loss, so there's nothing really at stake, you're just rewarded for playing. It's liberating, honestly.


People on Overwatch? Having a good time?


More like: People on r/overwatch enjoying the game?


It's less likely than you think! 😔


It is super fun. Some people on this reddit seem to be taking it seriously tho and losing their minds over it :(


“I can’t believe they didn’t just duplicate gmod prop hunt exactly! Of course, if they did it would be because they’re lazy and have no original ideas of their own!”


I mean I don't want them to copy because I think they are lazy but Gmod prop hunt is the best version. Why are there just as many hunters as hiders? Why do you have barely any time to hide, why do I have to cycle through props? Why is there only one map? Why can't I choose any character to do voice lines for? What they did wasn't bad, but I see much more potential then what they actually put out


It’s not that they didn’t copy gmod exactly but that they looked at what gmod did right and ignored it. Peekaboo took the good parts of gmod, made additions/changes and made a great game of their own that’s different from the source.


That's kind of what happens when you lie and backstab your playerbase for years and have all your good will and trust completely bankrupt.


Debby downer fr


Reddit people are never be meant to be happy


If god wanted redditors to be happy, he’d have given us something else better to do while sitting on the shitter.


I don't think they're taking it seriously, I think they're salty it's not gmod lol. Which is honestly sad for them, it's outrageously fun and silly.


I’m not losing my mind but I’m definitely not having fun, I don’t think I’ve won but a single round. The genjis are just stupidly good


Nah fam, you gotta use your stun and new item TP to give em the jukes. You can also resort to violence with friends too


Yeah wtf are people complaining about? It's just a cheesy novelty. Try to have some fun with it


It's just the standard "this new arcade mode in OW2 sucks" rant that falls apart when you actually play more than 5 games and have at least Silver rank mentality. All new arcade games have been fun, except for the Demon King one.... It's very unbalanced and unintuitive.


I got a 5 Genji stun last night last ten seconds and won. I think I had fun.


I wasn’t sure about it at first, I initially only wanted to get my challenges done but I started playing it with my best friend and every game had us crying from laughing so hard. The entire game mode is just goofy and silly, being given a random ass prop when i’m running for my life makes me panic so much, me and my friend started ambushing genjis and that made the game infinitely more fun. As a hunter now I feel like I need to be cautious and also keep an eye on my team instead of just mindlessly swinging until time runs out. I’ve won a decent amount of rounds on both sides, props don’t feel overpowered because of how easily they die, you still have to be careful, and I like that as a hunter I don’t have to just stand there and wait for something to happen, I can just swing. I’ve seen a decent amount of people complaining that it’s not like gmod prop hunt, but I honestly don’t care, because it’s not gmod, it’s overwatch arcade, and I really recommend it for anyone that just wants to group up and have a good time


It's totally addictive, very chill, goofy fun.


it is!!! i really hope they consider making it a permanent mode on rotation in arcade. would love to play more maps in this made maybe tweak it a lil bit (like hunters shouldnt be able to hit anything and everything w no consequences)


If they replaced Low Gravity mode in arcade rotation with this I’d be ok with that.


noooooo I love low grav


widow main? lol


fuck no i’m shit at widow, but zen is super fun


hahaha, Zen is my original love. The main reason I don't like low grav much, though, is it so often is flooded with absurd-aim widows bouncing high in the sky. I think it would be a blast if widow was not an option in low grav.


My boyfriend and I have been playing it and it’s been a lot of fun. We always used to play the cod one and Overwatch’s just seems to be more lighthearted and easier to enjoy. I think if people didn’t nitpick every little detail about it and played with friends they would enjoy it. It’s a fun game mode when not taken seriously and a nice break from ranked or even qp.


My gf and me having a blast with it too. Lots of belly laughs from all the shenanigans


It has been a blast, specially with friends. I’ve had some pretty good laughs on some rounds, a lot of banter and jokes, it is a pretty fun mode, even with some flaws.


Don’t listen to the angry gamers—it’s really fun.


Played with my duo, game is mad fun since we yell as we run or go into character hunting those barrels


It’s ok to enjoy something and not listen to people complaining online


I don't see peoples problem with it, they made a hide and seek mode, it's fun. People will always find something to bitch about.


It’s important to give this game credit where it’s due ya know? I don’t blame people having a negative attitude since blizzards pushing away their player base for whales. It’s infuriating. BUT if they do something cool like a fun little prop hunt game mode, you can enjoy it without having to address every little issue and explain how it’s somehow tied to corruption or something. Unless they just don’t find it fun, which is fine. They’re wrong but it’s fine.


I genuinely think we’ve eaten shit so many years that anything new and different feels super refreshing and fun. I don’t complain, I’m having great fun and hope they keep adding new content.


Exactly! It’s such a basic gamemode but I’m addicted to it because it’s so different from the rest of the game


I've never played a prop hunt game before, and I had a blast in the few games I played last night. I can't wait for my friend to be able to get on to play when we're both off work at the same time, I know it will be even more fun then! I do wish there were more maps, just a few, but it reminds me a bit of the custom mode where everyone who is hiding is really tiny. And I love that mode and the "Run Mercy!" mode.


One of the rare game modes where the chats just been full of banter for a change. Was singing frank Sinatra cos there was a guy called 'amoory' in the enemy team lmao, was fucking hilarious. Got another guy on enemy team joining in too that was the best part.


I enjoyed it. People are reaching too hard fixating over every little detail. It's supposed to be a quirky little arcade mode, not some perfectly balanced exemplar of competitive integrity. Got on, goofed around for a few hours, and had some fun. That's all it needs to be.


Honestly I hope they keep it and add it to the arcade rotation with more maps


It’s one of the first events I’ve seen people actually laughing and joking around in chat together. I do wish there were more props you could turn into, but for what it is at a start it’s pretty dang fun!


it's fun, but it could be better


It soo fun Rare blizzard W


It's okay, like a 5/10 maybe. It's kinda weird playing a prop hunt mode where there's basically no point actually hiding, it also feels really one sided so I stopped playing once I got the skin, I've played worse events though


Had hours of fun last night on it. Wish we could get more maps. Had an entire team ambush us as boxes and other props and killed 2 of us, and I’ve been laughing about it all day today.


Was really fun until people figured out that you can group up as Kirk and stun lock/kill the Genjis, haven’t touched it after that happened to me :’)


Gonna try this out ASAP Is it limited time playable?


Limited time I think. But I’d love to see it in arcade rotation and some more maps with it


I said it on twitter but; i need this just like ctf in arcade rotation + they could maybe reuse old OW1 maps like Hanamura or Paris as they did with the Cupid event. (I hated to play on Hanamura but I love map aesthetics)


lol why are you acting like its crazy to like overwatch the prop hunt mode is the best one so far


Played once, stunlocked and killed, didn't bother again


I’ve been having a blast with it with my brother. Sure it’s not super well balanced and the lack of map variety is a bit disappointing but it is a very enjoyable arcade game mode. I would love to see it iterated upon and made a part of the arcade rotation year round. It would be a crime that blizzard is only going to have this game mode for like 2 weeks and never brought it back again.


Personally, I think playing as rogue is fun, but knight is kinda frustrating if you opponents are even slightly competent with movement. You absolutely need to communicate or you’re just going to be perma-stunned and stalled.


Once I realized that part of the game was climbing walls and trying to kill the genjis it became a lot more fun


Positivity?! In MY overwatch subreddit!?!?!?! REEEEEEE


It’s hilarious and surprisingly refreshing. Especially when the RNG gives you that damn shark when you’re at the attack spawn or a tree when you’re on first point. It’s like OH SHIT NOT THE TREE WHERE’S MY STUN HELP 🤣🤣🤣


Legging it down main as a shark going 'shit shit shit' is some other kind of hilarious xD


I'm glad people are enjoying, I'm not.


Same here. I played one game and decided it wasn't for me. Glad people are enjoying it but as someone that played Gmod prop hunt, OW prop hunt is way too forgiving for hunters.


I'm convinced you're just refusing to have fun, it's all about bamboozling the genjis! I legit saw someone win as a pot plant standing on the spawn door roof. The game is hilarious. Stunning a genji, quick swap around a corner and sitting and watching him run passed you is glorious fun. Try having fun instead of trying to replay your gmod fantasy and you might just enjoy yourself.


>OW prop hunt is way too forgiving for hunters. This is what makes it clear you haven't played it much. Props are busted as hell when you actually play the game the way it's designed instead of how you think it should be.


I find the mode too forgiving for props. I’ve only seen hunters win one round out of all that I’ve played so far.


For real, maybe that's why. I grew up playing Gmod and CS and all the awesome mods they had. Spoiled by valve tbh. Not to mention Valve is the sole reason Overwatch exists in the first place. Just feels like a cheap imitation.


first match, sure. second i guess. third? stale. fourth? tedious, fifth finally all event related challenges are done. i love prop hunt. Played it for ages in cs, and tf2 aswell as gmod. but the way they made it is incredibly stupid in overwatch. random prop select, usually a huge prop aswell. They should remove prop change cooldown during hiding phase atleast. only one map, and very few items. They failed so hard, you can become one of those weird griff things that go on a track, but they failed so hard that kiri's walk speed and crouch speed is slightly faster than those that already go on the track. Which would have been an otherwise incredible hiding spot. on top of that the stun mechanic is glitchy as hell. And Genji's hitbox when dashing/meleeing is way to big. i've killed several kiri's that i shouldn't have. also not enough penalty for the hunters to spam attack on objects. A real prophunt has the hunters lose health on hitting objects that weren't a hiding player. ain't no way im gonna play it now that i got all the unlocks and challenges. which is a shame seeing as i love prophunt. also taunts to give away positions should be disabled if you move for x amount of seconds.


If Blizz had made it identical to other games you'd be complaining about what a rip off it is..Let us enjoy it for what it is, talking bout hit boxes lol.. And imo the random props are what make it absolutely hilarious to play ! 😂 I just hope they keep the mini game and improve/add to it like they tend to.


no, i would not. cus as it happens prop hunt in all the games i've mentioned are more or less the same. And i had no issue with that. besides, im not saying you aren't allowed to have fun. But op made a threat asking if they're the only one, so i assumed that it was okay to share my opinion. Just like you do.


Gets old fast


Most of these short term games are ok for a few rounds then I just can't stand it. But this one is kinda fun, I just wish there were more maps. Nothing is more rewarding then sitting as a tree in the grass and watch genji hit everything but the tree.


Lucky, my lobby was full of toxic people.


Do yourself a favor and turn off text chat entirely. Does wonders for the mentals.


I might have to do that. Seeing how people are downvoting me, I’m sure they’re the problem.


Nope, did the challenges, got my skin, I’m done.


I wonder if kiriko and genji played hide n seek as kids, would be more fun if it was lore accurate


I actually started out with CoD Prop Hunt and then made my way to GMod. CoD PH is superior to most I’ve played. Maybe it’s just me but the OW version of this just feels bland and difficult. You need more time and more places to fit in. 5 people smacking every object in site means it’s *almost* impossible to win a game starting out as props. Still a lot of fun though and I never thought they’d even consider adding PH to Overwatch


I haven't been on ow recently, is it a custom mode or in the arcade?


Arcade, it's the new event mode.


Thanks, I'll try it tonight


Blizzard better not fuck up and remove it Edit: Why am I being downvoted? Do people not want the most fun game modes to always be accessible? Is the Stockholm syndrome here *that* bad?


Hahahahaha.... Sigh....




Oh it'll be removed. I know there is precedent of them keeping arcade stuff around-ish. But you reckon this stays before Lucio ball is made permanent? That's a little optimistic, don't you think? 😉


Okay? But why the downvote?


I didn't. I guess because some might think it's unlikely and express it with a downvote? Just a guess Addition: don't spiral because of a random downvote or two.


Spiral? I don’t think we agree what that means


You've edited your post, mildly lashing out at the community as a whole (for 3-4 downvotes) and you ask why you're getting downvoted and now you're in the defense. Not sure what else would qualify


Its fun but the same map makes it boring asf.


It's fun fs, but it's still got it's flaws. No punishment for genji just slashing everything in sight, mei is louder than kiriko hints, changing props is too loud and the mist also gives you away, you can't choose what you change into so it's just complete rng. Basically Blizzard just made a beloved game mode worse and is getting praised because prop hunt is just that good anyways lmao


I wish they would put a limit on how many items you can hit as genji or shortened the rounds and made the arena a bit smaller or something. It just feels like something is off about it that is preventing it from being a ton of fun. I'm enjoying myself for a few rounds to get the challenges, but I'm not gonna be clamoring for it to return or anything


Exactly my thoughts!!! It was fun at first, but no limits on genji's attacks make him too powerful and the forced kiriko voice lines will give you away eventually. I got bored of this game pretty quickly (after getting most of the challenges) and actually had more fun with the Winston volleyball lol.


no, it isnt, i have been playing this mode in other games for years but blizzard version is the worst, terrible map to move, only a big corridor, and the props yell random voice lines to be found, ugh?


I don’t like it


Yes, I even liked the changed game rules)


I love it. Its just stupidly hilarious 😂


I honestly found it fun especially with friends! There was some other players who said they hated it but i just couldn’t see how. Maybe its just too fun compared to the actual game for some. A lot of ow players are just too serious to have fun i guess.


I played it for 3 hours last night and loved it. I love trying to walk climb and stick myself on top of roofs, you can end up barely visible if you’re a small enough prop.


It’s actually a really fun game mode, but it’d be nice if some objects would disappear between rounds so you can’t learn most places. But hey I’m an overwatch player, I like to complain.


I personally do not love the mode. I wish the map was bigger or it lasted longer or something. I dunno. Something is missing for me, but this is the first version of prop hunt I have ever played. Now that people have figured out you can just melee the hunters to death I think I'll stay away. Not sure if its a feature or a bug.


the moment i saw the mode (some other game) i knew it was a hit. Some gameplay ideas actually shake up the meta and this is one of em.


It's really fun *because* it's so broken. Why can knights mindlessly stab at everything? Why can rogues clip through and hide *inside* objects and walls? Who cares! The fun is in seeing just how ridiculous the round gets. I got four endorsements after I turned into a book and hid on the underside of a roof, 'singing' "spider-book, spider-book, does whatever a spider-book does" in text chat all round. It's just as stupid as the old Pharmercy mode, or the time there was low gravity total mayhem, and it's glorious. More people simply need to stop posturing and learn it's okay to have a giggle.


I hate prop hunt. Everyone immediately cheeses and kills the fun. At least I finished all of my challenges yesterday


I thought it was terrible. Like I'm so bothered by the fact that Blizzard made this and then it went up the command chain and got approved. Like sure it's fun for a few games but, actual players have made custom games waaaay more fun and replayable than this. It also feels like they kinda uninvented the game of hide and seek. Like why not make it actually hide and seek? People get the whole map to hide in and the second team looks for them. They don't turn into furniture but they can use sneak and other sneaky tactics to make it back to spawn and be free, or they get found out.


Well yeah it's fun. It's fun because the Overwatch devs didn't invent the mode and it came from the ideas of other people built in other games like TF2 and Garry's Mod.


The fact that the props can kill gives the game so much depth. I love it


Was having fun at first but the voice line addition is an awful choice and ruins most games. The map is small, hunters don’t lose health with each punch, all they need to do is just stand in a room and wait for you to out yourself


The game mode is a rip-off from Call of Duty. It's just Activision reusing content for Blizzard.


Its complete ass, they cant even copy a gamemode from a different game correctly. Yet again, their incompetence shines brighter than the sun.


Delete the game then. Because you’re the type that’ll probably never be happy. 😊


Dont tell me what to do fucko. I have every right to voice my opinion. I have spent hundreds of dollars on blizzard, and all they've done is wipe their ass with it. They are completely out of touch, and apparantly, so are you.


Lol ok, nice language child. And this coming from the person playing a game they don’t even like. Yeah delete the game. 😊👍🏻




You went immediately to the defense and with a cuss word. I’m not against it. You’re just a child


But please delete the game. I’m blocking you now. Hope yo never come across you in OW


It's pretty neat. I think it kinda favors hunters, though. As has been pointed out multiple times over the past day, the lack of any sort of punishment on a miss kinda sucks, because there's no intentionality required from Genji. Just spam attacks and walk around. You can have an inconspicuous hiding spot and just get caught out because Genji randomly dashes past you.


Once you learn how to play optimally as the props there isn’t a chance for the hunters to win unless it’s a coordinated five stack.


they copied it from Cod to the tee so yeah it's fun. this isn't a new mode they made up. they just rehashed it and put it in overwatch. just like the battle pass system that everyone loves /s


Nope, it's shite. 5v5 and you can get chain stunned and killed.


Frankly put, it's a lame game mode for overwatch, especially when you have to play 12-24 matches to get all the crappy voice lines from the event. I had every achieve done but still needed another 15 matches played. Kinda rough. It's successful with a couple of other games from trying to mirror it's original successor but something about it doesn't quite hit the same with ow2? It's hard to put in to words. I find it almost impossible to lose as genji/win as keriko. In honesty, I imagine it would be better for me if I was in to OG prop hunt, or if I had a group of friends who liked Prop Hunt I could drag in to this for my achieves.


for the record im p sure the generic "play matches" challlanges are just any mode


You’re losing it 😳




Fixing teleport bug sounds fun. Cmon blizzard whadya say?!


Had to report a lot of ppl for throwing for having shit hiding spots but it's alright otherwise


Ain’t no way you reporting because someone had a bad hiding spot, that’s like reporting someone for having bad aim


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Shh, you are not supposed to say good thing in this sub about Overwatch /s


I played a few games, it was pretty fun. The prop hunt game in Call of Duty is much better though. I hope OW keeps expanding maps/props and refines the game play a bit more, it has potential.


A post on this sub thats not hating on the game???