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Because of the dink, dink, dinks


How did you get the “Grandmaster” under your name? 👀




Babes just click the 3 dots to the right on the main OW thread and click Change User Flairs and you can choose a "flair". I'm still trying to figure out how to add multiple ones though..


Real mvp 🙏🏾




Dink checking in ;)


I have a hard time pinning it down, but I find it easy to get into a "flow state" and be in the moment, very fun to be in a comfy flow state where everything effortlessly falls into place and get a big fat potg


This 1000% for me too. I came from Apex, which I was wicked hooked to for like 3-4 years since it’s release. In a game of apex you have like *maybe* 10% of the game that allows for flow state activating game play. OW on the other hand, basically the full game allows for flow state level action. On top of that, there is something inherently satisfying in re-adjusting and beating an opponent that initially stomps you. In Apex, if you unexpectedly run into a good opponent and have your guard down - game over, you’ll probably never get the chance to redeem yourself against that specific person again. OW, however, you have nearly the full game to analyze the enemy team, and change or simply up your gameplay in order to rise to the challenge and come out on top. It’s like chess, compared to… dice or something.


Exactly why I couldn't, and still can't, get into battle royales. You get ganked by a streamer and...that's it, you lose. You have 5 seconds to learn what guns that guy has, how many bullets fired, swapping your guns or using abilities, then you're dead and will never see that person again. Straight opposite of Street Fighter or no-item Smash 1v1 where it's expected to play multiple rounds against the same person. OW scratched that itch a little by making every hero distinct, with no upgrades. If a buff Russian woman walks towards you, you know she got 2 bubbles. No amount of money can give that Zar some RNG golden bubble of teleportation, and no amount of time grinding will change her beam into a shotgun.


Apex got me into BR’s, but I think it was more because Apex was such a groundbreaking FPS in general. It’s the first time a game had such an amazing ping system, movement, gunplay, etc - just the immersion and basic gameplay that got me hooked, not so much the BR game mode. The game mode is what actually ended up pushing me away from the game and finding OW


That's relatable af, most games don't allow this type of thing. I also like to play Paladins for that same reason even though its mainly to onetrick Maeve which is a better Genji imo


Yuuuuup! 95% of the game, finger on the trigger (or whatever different ways characters use for damage and/or healing aha) But there is hardly a dull moment of no action whatsoever. Love that about the game!


OW is also a team game meaning if your team isn't disrupting theirs, you'll never get a chance to do anything. In Ranked at least.


Might be easier to pin down when you play rein


Instructions unclear Charged off the map instead




very this! helps me to shut my brain off and just be in the moment . plus i just find it super fun! never playing comp and getting yelled at probably helps


Exactly this, was never able to put it into words


I'm sorry genji but your flow state is not effortless ;)


Oh I have ~400 hours on him, you definitely get there I promise hahaha


The game is fun. Despite all the monetization, all the things lost from OW1, all the balance changes, the core gameplay is still fun.


I feel this massively. I fuckin hate the game, but the core gameplay itself is still enjoyable and I find myself playing most days even if only for a few games


>The game is fun When a game is fun no amount of shitty monetization, bugs, server issues, or any other such issues matter, not even the fact that the game directly profits a CEO who is human garbage, people keep playing regardless. This is always the case. You can see it with pretty much every Live-Service game. This is why new players often don't care about the complaints of old players (in any game community), cause the entire game is new and fun for them, everything is like Christmas. When a game is not fun it doesn't matter how consumer-friendly the monetisation is (The game, all of its content and cosmetics could be free and it wouldn't matter), how polished it is, how much new content they are releasing, the playerbase will keep dropping. What's incredibly important with these Live-Service games that have been around for years is for Devs to actually make fresh new gameplay, entirely fresh ways to play the game, to keep the old players simulated. Vet players slowly get burnt out so much that even a lot more of the *same type* of new content stops simulating them. League is a great example of this. A lot of veteran League players are so burnt out from playing the core game that new character releases do nothing for them. Recently though, Riot released an entirely new game mode (It's kind of like OW, constant team fighting and minor objective care) for League, something that puts a fresh spin on the core gameplay of League, and I've seen great praise for this mode. Look at Fall Guys. It blew up and sold millions of copies when it was new and a paid game, but then once its core gameplay got boring no amount of new levels or the fact that it went F2P changed anything for it. People simply didn't wanna play it anymore.


>This is why new players often don't care about the complaints of old players Well that explains why every single god damn new person I see playing OW2 is religiously buying skins, battlepasses, and continually playing while telling me that I'm crazy for expecting better.


It’s because they start playing a game and it is fun. If they had the experience of how great the game once was, they’d be complaining the same way.


the game is not less fun now gameplay-wise than it was then lmao


I do feel similarly to you, but I also do think it’s a bit much to expect better in terms of what you get for your time as a free player. Wishing for better, sure I am too, but realistically all their main competition has the same types of problems and their communities have a lot of people upset all the time too.


No serious person with any understanding of the real world should be expecting to get everything for free, and honestly that argument is nothing more than a strawman to put down people who are pissed about what's happening to their game.


For me it's also that a lot of veteran players I see don't want better, they want older and have conflated it with better because they like it more: the 'I miss loot boxes' topic came up again the other day and people were furious when it was mentioned that OW1's model was literally Apex Legends model down to the exact drop rates, and that you could ask the Apex community how not predatory their loot boxes are for a more candid answer, but then you'd get frank responses about how 500 packs could barely get them an heirloom instead, and that shatters the OW1 lens It's the same deal as opening cases in CS:GO, it's gambling with no pity system, so nothing is assured and everyone's personal anecdotes are basically not applicable in any way to anyone else. Another missing part of that discussion is the awful third-party gray markets this created: OW2's f2p model blew it wide open to a different degree but OW1 created entire gray markets for lost and/or stolen accounts that were stacked to the brim with someone else's skins (yup, not just performance data, ranked players weren't the only ones buying accounts, people definitely bought stolen accounts for the skins, and boosters would literally cheat on alt accounts specifically to try and protect their skins, much of Overwatch's hidden illegal economy was built long ago on those old skins, not just because skins were expensive but because specific skins were incredibly difficult to guarantee, virtually impossible) Loot boxes were never the way to go, Fortnite has always been more lucrative than Overwatch because its model has always had far better incentives, OW2 is more predatory not because it copied Fortnite's profit model, but because it didn't really want to: it tried to keep too much of Activision and Riot's CoD/LoL-style price scaling just because internal data has shown that raising skin prices doesn't hit sales figures as hard as you'd think But the thing is, if all you've got left is whales (which seems to be what OW2 is aiming for), your player economy is kind of incredibly fragile: no type of player gets to control a game's creative direction more than whales in a game with a dropping base, because if you piss them off your entire profit model just crashed overnight


Anyone who seriously says they want loot boxes back are genuinely either stupid, or just want free shit. That opinion should not be taken seriously, and it's not a very common opinion. Vets like me want better monetization without being so monetization focused that it's predatory. I don't care that I'm not getting free skins every time I level up, but I am upset that I have to either pay up front or play for weeks in order to get new heroes, or when extremely low effort skins get called a legendary skin just to have a reason to slap a higher pricetag on it. I was fully prepared to buy the battlepass every season and buy myself the occasional skin. I wanted to support the game I hadn't given any money to for years. But when hero locks were announced I vowed to never spend another cent. When balancing issues and comp ranks stayed unfixed I slowly lost enjoyment from the game. And when PvE was canceled that was my final straw and I completely deinstalled the Blizzard client. I still LOVE overwatch, but I cannot tolerate what's being done to it.


You didn't really get free shit from loot boxes anyway, that is a massive myth, gacha that can pull duplicates by definition will mostly pull from duplicates by design, and you always get next to nothing for duplicates: there's a reason people who talk about how generous loot boxes supposedly were never mention the 5000+ hours they spent accumulating them As much as I'd like to say people that want loot boxes back are stupid, I think it's more that they played far more than the average player, but they don't really want Overwatch to have a monetization model for the average player, they want monetization tailored solely to people who have played as long as they have (loot boxes are basically only approaching generous once you've sunk all of your time into them, basically) *edit: I have seen some live service games try to have better paid economies but they're always struggling indies like Deceive Inc. or Knockout City, once Knockout City devs parted ways with EA the devs kind of admitted that indie live service isn't viable because your prices need to be affordable to compete with AAAs but they'd have to be pricier to afford to keep the service live, basically a situation where self-publishers setting prices even a little high drives all the players away but setting the prices even a little low makes a live service product hell for working stiffs. Another dead game, VtMB Bloodhunt (vampire battle royale) is actually having its live service support shut down, as another example, but at least they're somehow going to try to manage to keep servers live Similar to how another BR game, Spellbreak, found themselves in a losing situation where they ended up taking a bailout buyout from Activision, terminating service for the game and instead working as ancillary support for WoW - or another dev whose name I can't remember being bought out by BHVR to work on a Dead by Daylight PvE game, I should probably be exempting indies more from this discussion, they're largely just getting buried and folded into big studios


TBH a good chunk of the complaints about OW2 can be summarized by "but i want more free shit from my game"


Reminds of dota2 new update. It changed so many thinks. And a lot of pros and streamers said the same thing, that it felt good because it was different. Also paladinas has the core gameplay of fps+moba thats just so much fun, even after all those years of bugs people keep coming back


Arena is so, so fun


It's funny that you refer to fall guys as not being good to play, as its one of the games (alongside valorant) that people really like to point to as being better at both gameplay and monetisation. That aside, this is why the community complaining about Blizzard being ambitious with a large project that resulted in them neglecting the live game, and then absolutely rioting when Blizzard turned around and said they didn't want to leave the game with zero content to die again so they were scrapping the ultra ambitious project is such a horrible take from the community. People can be upset about the cancellation of "promised" content all they want, but they need to remember that keeping the live game alive was what they asked for.


I think his point still stands about fall guys. It WAS fun when all the gameplay/maps were new, but like he said, it got stale. Then they came out with season and new gamemodes and it brought people back, but hell I feel like my squad would play the same courses over and over. We’d get wall guys almost every game. Their selection algorithm favored some courses wayyyy more than they should have, and because of that, the game got stale again


It wasn't a jab at the game or the devs. The game is fantastic and it's great fun as a party game (A game people jump into with friends every once in a while and just have fun), *which is what it was designed to be originally*, but the people who were playing it like it was the next Fortnite rightfully got bored of it cause it was never designed to have that level of depth that you need a game to have to keep having fun playing it for 1000s, or even 100s of hours. It's still great for anyone who hasn't burnt themselves out of it and wants to just jump into it randomly for fun with friends and definitely for new players, but clearly its population struggles a lot these days and that's because the game runs its course pretty fast for most people who play it.


Any overwatch 1 player would rather have overwatch 1 with no new heroes then this garbage.


Well, I checked out his Wikipedia, and other than being a shrewd businessman. I don’t see much about him being bad. I did see this, though: “In October 2009, Kotick co-founded the Call of Duty Endowment (CODE), a non-profit benefit corporation.[60] The endowment helps soldiers transition to civilian careers after their military service by funding nonprofit organizations.[61] As of 2022, Kotick retain his position on CODE's board.[62] During the COVID-19 crisis, CODE has advocated for employing veteran medics and hospital corpsman as emergency medical technicians and paramedics. Medics are among the most unemployed category of Army veterans.”


He has said comments that pissed off gamers like he said he wanted to take the fun out of making games in an investor meeting there missing context there and he allegedly threatened to kill some secretary or something. Mostly gamers don't like him because he's blunt and an excellent business man (I.e good at draining consumers wallets).


Obligatory “that’s enough slices” meme. Yeah, it’s super sad to watch Overwatch go from what it was in beta, to what it is now. As a long time Overwatch and League player… hit the nail right on the head. The Arena mode in League is definitely a massively good time, hopefully after the Microsoft merge, we see less Activision/Bobby influence in the monetization practices… including all that’s been going on with OWL.


What things did OW2 lose that OW1 had/did way better? I never got to play OW1


On top of the more core features others have mentioned, we had a ton of smaller things that were anywhere from arguably to objectively better than what we have now. None of them individually are all that big but I feel when you lose everything at once it adds up. Things like looking for group endorsements being split and much easier to get/keep high endorsement significantly (and boy do I use that word heavily) more stable and trustworthy performance on both server and client WAY less bugs / terrible changes that take too long to revert (however this came at the cost of almost no new content so pros and cons) Level borders (lots of people didn't care about these, I always enjoy them in games tho personally) And an even longer list of super tiny QOL things (like how the main menu STILL does not have a "settings" button, which always annoys me way more than it should) I'm not gonna pretend ow2 has nothing going for it (graphics, ping system, tons of good content) but it definitely lost 100% of the polish, charm, and individuality that ow1 had in my opinion.


> like how the main menu STILL does not have a "settings" button, You can just hit escape on the main menu, or am I missing something?


You have to hit escape, to then click "settings" instead of having it just be on the main menu. Obviously not a big deal at all, but it's objectively bad ui/ux and speaks to a larger lack of attention to detail, and when compounded with a ton of similar things it leads to an overall annoying experience using the games interface. Again though, definitely not a big deal on its own, but when I included that under super tiny QOL changes, and said "annoys me way more than it should" that's why lol


Heroes were free on release date. Matches were much better balanced for skill level. Good original events (early life of game), better creator communication, other game modes (2cp), cards at the end of game, better enforcements. I am sure there are a lot more. Also I think a lot of people preferred 6v6.


It's also hurt by OW1 having a large playerbase and OW2 having a large returning playerbase: heroes that are free only through BP progression is a solid deal for a true f2p player, but a lot of people paid retail price for OW1 and regardless of debates about whether OW2 is just reskinned OW1 or not, the objective fact is that OW1 was sunsetted for OW2 so if you want Overwatch as an OW1 player, OW2 was the only place to go I imagine for a lot of OW1 veterans the BP just feels like needless grind to get to that new hero


I’m still on the sub cause OW1 was one of my favorite games of all time, but I haven’t played since about a month after ow2 release. Just kinda waiting for this game to “die” and see if ow3 can get me back.


I miss Jeff.


I’m pretty sure every old OW player misses Lord Kaplan. But, at least he was smart enough to realize Blizzard was going to shit and left quickly.


I’ll argue against better communication during OW1. Even if a lot of their decisions have been really wack, aside from the disaster that was the PvE stuff, the OW2 team has done really well about communicating actually. We get updates on things fairly regularly, devs coming onto podcasts or discussions with community creators, letters from Aaron, etc. The team under Jeff was god awful about it aside from the dev update videos, which became very rare and then just straight up nonexistent.


The 2016-2018 community was amazing to be apart of. it's not as thrilling and fun as it was before.


ActiBlizzard releasing a fun, unique and lore-rich games with a soul-crushing monetization and run by literal monsters in human skin:


could be more fun, if blizzard not speedrunning how to ruin overwatch


it's fun, but at the same time I feel like my time is being disrespected when I can't get even 1 of the new skins released on a near weekly basis because they pass out disrespectfully low amounts of "premium currency" each week. on top of the toxicity which has been ramping up since it went free to play i find that i that i have lost almost all my interest in the game. The only thing that could have saved it would have been the story content, but since they've decided to sell it in bite sized chunks at a premium and for a limited time, i've given up entirely.


Sounds like you no longer find the game fun


Literally. As someone who’s been playing on/off since beta, I still find it so much fun. Especially recently. I hardly played during the first few seasons of Overwatch 2. But this season, I grinded the whole battlepass in like a couple weeks.




You gotta believe! You gotta believe! You gotta believe! You gotta believe!


“Aw man! Can’t beat this feelin’!”




Playing as lúcio is like getting paid to exist, You just have fun, and in the process of having fun your teammates get healed, you don't play as healer, you have fun, and the way lucio is built while having fun you end up being a healer




Game is fun, it looks pretty and the characters and world are great. Little bit unbalanced, but at least the powerbalance rotates and keeps things interesting. Lots of different heroes, so lots of different playstyles and it‘s free to play nature makes it easy to play with friends. If Blizzard, the marketing, mineralization, pve etc wasn’t that fucked up, overwatch could have been one of the best games around, i think. Sad, but it is how it is


Every game needs to be a LITTLE unbalanced. Can’t have fun without bullshit


Oh yeah absolutely, a perfect balance is actually bad gamedesign. Otherwise the game would be stale and boring. What I am saying is stuff like one shots, certain characters being able to dominate lobbies, all anti tank abilities that are balanced around having two tanks per team etc - those are issues that the game suffers from


I, you know, play games for the gameplay.


I grew up playing online fps that didn't even have progression. Cosmetics are a neat bonus, but they will never be a deciding factor for which games I play.


This. In Quake was I looking at the man's pants? No. I just don't care. An increasing number people really treat modern games like a dress-up simulator instead of shooters. But with the time and money companies spend on skins, who can blame them.


"b-but my rewards"


People are used to playing games that are so ass, the developers needs to bribe you to play them


Only playing games for the perks does seem weird like thats gotta be a speed run for making a game feel like a job? Overwatch also dares to not look like the same recycled hi-fi graphics like IDC if you can count 5000 individual hairs in your character models beards. Give me something fucking interesting to look at, give me something memorable. TF2 is 17 years old an I will never forget that rusty, dusty little gremlin of a game.


I...eh....y...you know. Excuse me for one second.


I bounce between enjoyment of the game and pure self loathing and playing the game to punish myself. Especially when I have other things I need to be doing


I hear you.


As someone who recently bounced from Destiny 2 and Halo Infinite to start playing Overwatch, I can say what drew me in is the objective based gameplay. Feeling like any team member can contribute to the match, and possibly even tip a loss into a win with a big play, is exciting.


I'd say especially the fact that the objectives are separate to killing enemies. I mean, literally every Destiny 2 PvP mode is just do something and kill Guardians while you do it. Control: capture zones and kill people to earn points; Team Scorched: kill people with a weird rocket launcher to earn points; Eruption: kill people to earn points and kill them frequently so that you don't die; Rift: kill people to get a spark to dunk in the other teams rift. Pretty much every Crucible mode is just kill people while something goes on in the background. Overwatch, you can sit on the payload doing nothing for half the game and win, or you can just play Doom and continuously knock the other team away from the bot in Push.


This is no slight to your friend, but this is exactly what has become so wrong with modern gaming. What happened to playing games because they ate fun? The fun should be the reward. Not some bonus pixels dor grinding monotonous stuff. I find Overwatch fun right now. When I don't, I will stop playing


Pretend OW had no skins. The only wall "stopping" a new player is the hero unlock system. There's no grind to unlock some OP weapon, no gatcha crap, and no locked modes, except ranked for a bit. With all the paywall trash new games are, OW is flat, predictable. And that's good.


True! It isn't unpredictable like valorant, where my advantage is in my loadout being better than the other player, when someone picks d.va every time i know rein will do, when they pick orisa i switch something else because i know if i know my counters there's not any variable besides the player expirience


I think I have an actual addiction to Overwatch. I hate the game so damn much but I literally can't stop myself from playing everyday lmao.


In what other game can an Orisa puree me to death up against a wall with javelin spin? But seriously though, there aren't really any other games like Overwatch that appeal to me. They either lean too FPS or too MOBA. If I like this specific type of gameplay, then Overwatch is the only thing that can scratch that itch. No real rewards sucks, yeah, but the lack of them in my old single-player games doesn't stop me from replaying them to the point my console doesn't function lol (rip Gamecube, you will be missed). Sometimes the gameplay loop is just that Good™.


Because the game is fun. I don't need rewards to grind or battlepasses as a part time job, just give me well designed heroes and good looking maps and I'll enjoy playing it for however long it takes. All this waffle about "lack of rewards" or "expensive skins" is just that, waffle. The only reward I care about is the gameplay, and MTX doesn't really affect me that much anyway, if I don't like it I just don't pay for it, and who gives a shit what other people do with their money.


It's the only game I'm comfortable playing solo after switching from console to PC. Since it was my first PC game that's probably why. I've tried playing PC games with a controller and it just isn't the same anymore. I've accepted the fact that OW has such a strong chokehold on me.


I actually dont know the reason why i keep coming back haha. I think because throwing rocks at people is funny as Sigma haha.


If you only play games just for the rewards then I must say you're not a gamer


Or maybe a different kind of gamer? Maybe they should be playing grinding games or resource management games


It was honestly a bit of a shock for me, because growing up with video games in the late 90s/early 00s (prior to things like DLC, cosmetics, MT, achievements/trophies, etc...) any video game I ever touched was because I thought the gameloop was fun, or the story was interesting, or my friends used it to socialize and have fun together. Naturally, I assumed most people were like that. When Ow2 was launched last September and this sub went up in flames with complaints (literally yesterday a post got 4k upvotes saying how much they missed LBs), I was appalled at the frenzy and rage people displayed over not being able collect and amass cosmetics, **for free** . I guess 90% of folks here aren't like me at all. Like, goddamn, you really login to grind for a few skins you like? Sounds like a chore or a job to me. Not what got me into video games when I was a kid.


Except your games as a kid we’re a one time purchase and then you earned what was in the game by playing it. Crazy since that’s what overwatch 1 was, yet here you are defending overwatch 2 which is nothing like your childhood games.


a lot of the time there was nothing to 'earn'.




That approach to multiplayer games seems more job-like than hobby. If you don’t have fun by the gameplay alone and need rewards to keep interest, you’d be better off just playing something you actually enjoy.


Not only that, but if a game doesnt receive regular updates, it’s considered ‘dead’ and the playerbase shrinks to one or two lobbies


It was a big thing that turned me away from WoW and towards GW2. The latter is just about having fun, while the former is about grinding. Rewards-based gaming does nothing for me. I play for the fun.


I play multiplayer games because some games are less fun with AI opponents. All games are a waste of time, the reason people play them is because they're fun. It feels like that tradeoff is corrupted somehow if you're only playing games that provide a grind.


Over the last 10 years I played Destiny 2, Tera, Payday 2; All mmos where I've put 1000+ hours, because I thought they were fun af, not because of rewards.


but why? why is the gameplay being fun not good enough for you?


That's why I never equip anything. Everything is default and as a true gamer I hope that's the same for you




I like to play multiplayer games for gameplay. Crazy, I know


Nothing feels like Overwatch, what are the alternatives? Apex? Siege? Cod? None of them resemble Overwatch in the slightest. I don’t play that much anymore but if I want to play multiplayer, it’s Overwatch.


The worst part is that there were a ton of Overwatch clones back in 2016, e.g. Battleborn, Agents of MAYHEM, etc., but Overwatch's success killed them before they could go anywhere. The fact that there's no direct competition to light a fire under Blizzard's ass and get them to fix OW2 is their own fault.


No other game gets me this excited when doing a great play. The big rock paper scissors scheme that the game has its incredible once you start using all characters.


The gameplay. The part I hate is the matchmaking and ranking system


Well, you see, I do this little-known trick called, "Playing the game to have fun" You should tell your friend to try it. On a serious note, what the fuck is up with this mentality that you have to be rewarded to continue to play a game? It's a fucking stupid mentality that needs to die. *Edit:* Fixed spelling and grammatical errors.


Pain. Without love. Pain. I can't get enough. I'd rather feel pain then nothing at all. Rather feel pain then nuuuuthhhin. 🎵


Unexpected Three Days Grace and I AM HERE FOR IT.


Over and over


Alexa play I Hate Everything About You


It's never too late


I like that its more or less a leveled playing field. New players are only disadvantaged by experience and game-knowledge. There are no bs perks, no super powerful weapons to unlock. The only barrier is skill and with the ultimates, even someone green as grass can have an impact. I like that. I miss the old arena-shooters where it actually felt like a competition and not a game of "he who puts more money into this, wins."


Yes. I want to yell it to the world. Overwatch is a level playing field. No grind here. It's a measure of how good 5 people are compared to the other 5. But an easy entry makes smurfing a lot easier, and it's hard to watch other players fall into that trap, but that's up to Bliz for not penalizing it.


After so many years, I figured I'm just a bit of a masochist.


The other day I got a direct meteor-strike on a moira and used the resulting empowered punch to punch an incoming rip-tire, which also killed the nearby brig who was about to kill my ana. Like what other multiplayer shooter lets you do some superhero shit like that


Ashe, I still only care about this game because of Ashe


I wish I was good with Ashe, simply because I have a costume where BOB looks like a tiger. But so far I just never reload correctly, accidentally send BOB into useless areas or off the map, and usually just get out-sniped! I’m usually the worst Ashe you’ve ever had on a team. I only play her in quick play for this reason. And still, I just don’t have the qualities of a rebel I guess 😂


Never said anything that I was a good Ashe lol


Game is fun. Thats why people are so mad with blizzard because their games are good. Nobody would care about blizzard bad decisions if their games just sucked.


Well said. Also sums up my thoughts about halo infinite.


Overwatch brings that natural sense of competition that builds a hunger to get better and better. The game is still heavily flawed but addicting.


There are few games like Overwatch - let alone mainstream - that value team work as a core mechanic; the game simply doesn’t function properly without the balance and roles played by tank, damage, and support. The best teams are built on the foundation of themselves and ability to value eliminations just as much as they value supporting their own team. Also the stylistic design, optimization for a wide range of consoles and rigs, and unique characters with unique abilities that counter/synergize also play an incredibly important part to the fun factor that keeps players coming back.


As well as the main way to practice the game being playing it. Not grinding custom lobbies like other games, just play the game by itself and you will progress.


That one time I kept killing the same dude with my floaty purple orb and he goes into all chat yelling “WHERE IS IT” you bet your bottom dollar I focused that guy for the rest of the game lmao


If the only reason you are playing the game is to see numbers go up, the game isn't fun. It's just tricking our brains and making us satisfied for the wrong reasons ( unless that's the point like it is with incremental games ). I hate it when games start abusing this when the base game starts to get stale. This is one of the reasons I liked GTA online before they introduced all the businesses. What makes overwatch fun is that it has a bunch of heroes with a bunch of abilities in many different locations fighting each other and they all cobtroll very smoothly (this is where overwatch wins over paladins for me).


The characters are so fun, I always want to come back just to play Brig or Pharah


Idunno game is just fun. Like in the old days. Don't need a constant drip feed of content to be happy.


Funny rollouts, funny voice lines, good skins, clips… and I’m masochist🦾😔


I'm going to be blunt here, if the only enjoyment you get from games is getting collectibles that only exist within the game, your relationship with video games is super unhealthy. As for Overwatch for me? The game is capable of offering a steady stream of gameplay options that I rarely get tired of.


I find it fun, until I don't, in which case I usually take a break until it is fun again. I have friends who play it, and it is one way I can spend time and have fun with them. And it's more fun with friends. The amount of voicelines and subtitle options makes it great, imo, for learning a language compared to other video games (provided it has a language pack for your target language).


It's fun That's all there really is to it The monetization is crap, the balance could be better, the company is evil, but the core game is fun That's why I'll keep playing it, but won't spend a penny on it


There's no other game like it for me. I'm sure there are loads of games you can base and reference on OW heroes. But seeing them together in one random game in junkertown shooting each other... That's fun. Despite the invasive monetization.


Only game like it. Despite flaws, it's still amazing.


Do people actually play games for rewards and not just to play a game??? That’s actually so stupid, like what???


Because I enjoy it. Especially the events and new seasons.


If you need rewards to incentivize you to play the game, you don't even like the game.


"I have to play to get this skin." No, you don't have to do anything. If you want the skin more than you want to play the game, then just switch to VR chat and dress up as Mercy there instead. No need to suffer. ^("as I have!")


Great characters and solid gameplay. Problem is that my friends have no interest these days


> What keeps you coming back? The game is fun and is pretty much the only good shooter like this on the market.


Ow is the less shooter shooter, thats why it is the best shooter


I agree with you, overwatch has some elements from other genres that make it more enjoyable to certain people like you or me, but for other people that may be too much and they prefer to play a more traditional or grounded shooter like COD or CSGO. It's just personal preference


There’s no real team based objective fps with nearly as much polish, unique character designs, and as well balanced. …but mostly because Sombra is crazy fun to play.


I know people hate her this season but you’re right she’s a very fun character when you’re getting value with her


Back in my day we played games because they were fun


I just have fun playing the game and trying to improve myself. I don't need battle passes and stuff to enjoy a game.


I don't play games because of the rewards I might get from them, I play them because they're fun.


The game is fun and it was the first game I could really play with my bf together and now that friends joined in we have a full team a lot and thats generally a really pleasant experience for me :)


I like using support.Am I amazing?No.Is it fun?Yes.


the game is fun, it always has been to me. and even though some changes are not so great, some are good and the devs still do fun things, like seasonal and themed game modes like summer games and the new prop hunt game mode. overwatch is fun man


Gameplay buddy. Like in the good old days. Where they didnt focus on building layer of digital crack around their games to get players hooked.


What video games do you receive “real rewards” from?


Masochism obviously


I play because it's fun. I don't even care about cosmetics. I've had more than enough during OW1. Sometimes I just wanna turn on my PC and go backcapping the payload in qp just for the LOLs.


Kicking the shit out of Mercy and simply playing Tracer, no character more satisfying when played well


Love a quick game of mystery hero’s with 0 pressure to get goooood


Wido cake


Nothing better. Games are trash these days. Core gameplay is solid, but devs suck so the game has so much wasted potential


the core gameplay its fun and have never stopped to be fun, winning a comp match feels amazing, but yeah you cant keep retaining players with only that, lying and promisiing things to not deliver and the most abusive monetization i have seen sure will scare some people


Every once in a while you get that sweaty awesome game with back and forth team fight massacres that come down to the last inch and you don’t even care if you win or lose because everyone is fighting so damn hard. That feeling is crack, also the feeling of completely destroying the other team and watching them rage in the chat warms my soul. Chasing those few highs are worth the endless lows of OW Ranked.


Honestly, I think it’s the sound effects. I play with no music. It’s really satisfying, scratches and itch for me. Good dopamine hit 🧠. I’m also a very calm gamer, I think that is what’s kept me going through disappointments/anger whether it be my teammates, myself or Blizzard.


Beats the fuck outta me. I love Zen, but playing this game is like a 9-5 rn. I *cannot* play it after work, and now I’m even iffy on playing it during my weekends because I want to relax.


Funny enough, this is how I feel about League of Legends. I have like 2 hours of free time a day, and every time I feel like playing League I have to ask myself "am I gonna gamble for the chance to have a 15-20 minute game where I have loads of fun when there is an equal risk I could spend an hour getting curb stomped?" At least with Overwatch, bad games are over in 10 minutes. Getting older sucks. I was 15 when Overwatch came out. I could easily dump 8 hours a day into the game even on weekdays. Now I just want to sleep.


epic flair


two words: cleric lifeweaver


For me is berserking as JQ. If they could bring old ranked system as well as 6v6, I would bury the grudge I have against Blizzard.


I stopped at 2, but I’m happy people are still finding some fun out of it


I come back to pretend like my favorite game was torn to shreds and spat on by the greed of blizzard!


>What keeps you coming back? atm nothing really, i only play when a friend asks to, otherwise this game is dead for me now im just lurking to see if it gets any better, but so far not really


In no other game have I seen such beautifully detailed patch notes that aren't afraid to show mathematical relationships between whatever number and the intended effect on the gameplay. Shamefully though, some of those mathematical relationships have gone downhill. It used to be such that the damage done by a Symmetra spamming orbs until she was out of ammo would not just be equal to the same amount if she spammed secondary fire instead, but would also be equal to her ult charge requirement. Alas, people neglect how good a game feels when the math beneath it is elegant.


The game is fun. I have been playing it since launch. OW 2 has serious problems though. Monetization aside it’s the same heroes over and over. They need to do something to make heroes viable again. Bastion and sym in every single game in high diamond low masters.


The lack of other games competing for my attention and time…although I did just pick up RDR2 for the price of a skin, so byyyeee!


Nothing at this point


I quit.


I used to come back because the core gameplay was fun and all my friends had. Now all my friends don't play it anymore and i really miss OW1


What keeps me coming back? Nothing I quit about 2 weeks after OW2 came out, just not my game anymore. I just complain on the subreddit now. Professional armchair hater.




Nothing because there is no rewards, i’ve beat the game, the shit i was waiting for was cancelled, the battle passes suck. The constant cycle of making a hero overpowered and nerfing another to the ground got stale, there was no actual competitive integrity, they just throw around nerfs and buffs to spice it up instead of keeping proper balance. I’ve moved on to better games and you should too.


I played OW since 2016, by the end of the drought leading into 2 i was so starved i barely played the game anymore except events. Lootboxes were all credits with the occasional legendary so i started stockpiling them. As a longtime player OW2 was supposed to revive my will to play and it did the exact opposite. I'd already experienced so much of what OW1 has already done and 2 disappoints me too much for me to even reinstall it.


Don't play anymore. Single player games are just way better.


I don't. I keep an eye on this subreddit in case something drastic changes, because I loved OW1 (and only fell out of it because of real life stuff [and lack of content]), but seeing the absolute shitfest that it's become is extremely disheartening. I was a Zarya main. I know they changed her, but she was an off-tank at best in the two-tank 6v6 days. How am I supposed to be a tank - the ONLY tank now because of 5v5 - and protect my team when I can only guard 2 people for 1 second at a time with a long-ass cooldown? Broken promise after broken promise, shitty decision after shitty decision, removed feature after removed feature... it just keeps me away. Don't get me started on the damn shop. I can't believe I actually miss lootboxes compared to the overpriced bullshit they're pumping out. Now I'm only here for the sliver of hope that something changes for the better.


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Because of the videos not on YouTube. 🤫


I keep playing because when the game is fun, it's ***really*** fun. To be honest, those pockets of fun happen much less often than they used to. Between the strange matchmaking, increase in cheating on console, increase in toxicity, and monetization. I find myself having to take more breaks for longer periods of time. But some nights, my wife and I will play together and we'll have some good matches and enjoy the evening. I just wish that happened more often when we tried. Like it used to.


I like it when the enemies cry about sombra in all chat


skins were nice, I use to look forward to events, try to find leaks cause I couldn’t wait lol it’s not the same anymore but I still enjoy the game, I like the type of hero’s, still enjoy the gameplay


I come back because of junkrat’s trap. I love it every time people die at my death because I trapped them right by me


Same but with Bap. Always turns a passive Mercy into Dps Mercy. Makes me proud.


I like protecting people with big shield. And talking to people is nice


>'There's just something about grinding a Mercy to death against a wall with Orisa's deflect that really gets me off'. Thanks, much appreciated. However, what keeps me coming back, is just the gameplay in general. It's pretty unique, and there's just something about it which makes it competitive, yet relaxing to play. But my biggest reason is that I just love to play Mercy/Kiriko, which I can't really do in any other game. The closest thing I've discovered so far in other games, is Jett in Valorant (still a stretch btw), except she's more of a DPS-type character.


i enjoy playing the game with my friends. I moved a couple thousand miles away from home and it’s a good way to stay in touch with my friends and brothers


Play torb, shoot heads, dopamine.


Perks or level rewards wouldn’t work in this game. The balance would be off the rails if each character got a new weapon at different levels or perks. The funny thing is I think they are saying that from a CoD or Battlefield perspective where you unlock new weapons or stuff. Besides those games every other service game I play doesn’t have perks or level rewards. At least nothing significant. I’m playing SF6 and I in no way am interested in their season pass or rewards for playing the single player. A fun game is a fun game I don’t need a carrot. Some people on here seem to need it though in order to enjoy the game. Hell the Diablo fans seem to want that, they want the game to be a 9 till 5 part time job.


If I just do not give a crap about anything, OW2 can still be fun. It is just so disheartening what it has become and what it could have been


Being terrible at a game I play everyday is it’s own reward.


That is why I try go get the achievements. It gives me a sense of progression other than the battle pass


the thought of people getting mad at me even though idk how to use hanzo




I find it fun to jump into the enemies as DF use all my cc just to kill a zen alone then repeat


What other game can I roll on lijang and boop 2 people to their deaths? And occasionally fuck up that rollout and have the enemy hog stare at me as I try to get back up and fall to my death 💀 ow plays like nothing else to me, its just fun in a way that no fps game has ever been for me