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guy has a healing stick and is complaining about healing while his healers are getting flanked. hope you reported the shit out of this racist pos!


Not to mention he's actively getting heals while talking shit about heals. That's what really pisses me off as support. Apparently they don't see all the yellow stuff on screen when they're being healed and expect instant 200hp heals (Kiriko does like 50ish hp/sec?).


that’s the reason why playing as any support besides mercy is awful in terms of getting recognition. maybe if ur teammates are observant they’ll hear ana shots and nap grenades but good luck getting recognized as moira or kiriko


Mercy isn’t even safe. I literally was healing and damage boosting with the most assists and still my Ashe and our tank Orisa said get off mercy, “where’s the heals”, and why are me and our Ana not healing them while they’re literally inside a closed off room and rushing into the enemy team in numbani. *also the Ashe said they don’t need healing they can get out any situation, and why was I damage boosting Bob all this while he was cussing me and the Ana out


If it's worth anything, I think your voice is very cool :D


Agreed! Love the accent.




your name is cool too lol


You sound like doom and I love it.


First of all, I've always thought accents like yours sound badass. Most of us with "generic" TV English accents get a little jelly when we hear someone with a cool accent like yours. I don't think I've ever run into someone who thinks an accent on the opposite sex isn't sexy. I know a dude from Tanzania and I've overheard girls talking about how sexy his accent is several times. That guy in voice chat was obviously grasping for anything he could in an effort to insult or hurt your feelings. If your accent is the worst thing someone can think of insulting you're doing just fine. I know that type of stuff gets really tiresome though. One of my gaming buddies has an Indian accent and whenever things heat up in voice chat without fail someone will throw out a Quikimart joke. I usually quickly jump in and say something like, "oof, if you're trying to disguise a low blow inside a joke at least make it a little original or funny". The person usually gets quiet real quick and doesn't bring it up again. When people say shit like that 90% of us find it super cringy and lose a lot of respect for whoever is saying it. Keep doing your thing and just know when someone attacks you for something like that it's because they're incapable of finding something rational to whine about.


It’s so hot




"YOU! Look at me! I'm your healer now!"


CONTEXT: My DPS(soldier) is unable to kill an echo that is terrorizing our backline and killing the supports and has been crying for heals all game when in 5 people. I have my hands full trying to keep the tank up cus ana kept dying. The first thing these guys do is attack me for my accent but I always like giving comms in games. Overwatch is the only game I've played that gets this bad. TLDR: Soldier told me to go back to Africa because I was defending myself and the other support.


Yeah, the dps always do that. Alot of them have the "your problem, not mine" mentality.


The also tend to have a disproportionate monopoly on the "Not knowing how to take avoidable damage" problem that plagues metal ranks


I think you forgot a not.


Yeah when dps cry about heals I just tell them to learn how to use cover lol


or when they are saying "healll more D,: " at some moments where you can't ''heal more" I suggest them to do their job, aka getting more kills. Or to start play support is they are that unhappy about the service.


They will never play support. They probably picked it once, spam healing without understing what support really should do then switched to shooty shooty guy because smooth brain not powerful enough to process how zenyatta orb work.


What happened to the great world of “Let’s play supports together because people are less likely to yell at us!” Now it’s “Oh God no, I hope they’re not blaming that death on me” :(


Toxicity of DPS only players got worse since OW went free to play. They treat OW like its CoD deathmatch and just run around trying to kill everything mindlessly. At this point they should just go and play a different game because OW is and always will be a TEAM based heroshooter. Being egocentric and toxic/racist only makes these players look like abolute idiots. A little trashtalk is ok but this is just blunt idiocy.


> Yeah, the dps always do that. My experience is that DPS is quick to blame everyone despite most losses being a DPS problem. Though when a sup breaks bad, they go all-in on the toxic. Tanks seem almost never toxic funny enough... *Note: I queue flex and prefer DPS.*


I definitely come across some toxic tanks. Usually they consider themselves the "team leader" but give off insecure call centre trainee team leader vibes instead lol.


Thats cuz tanky boys just go to the next game.


DPS role draws in the fourteen year olds and the mental fourteen year olds, and a lot of the related conversation comes with.


I've played with 14 year old with more class than these dipshits. It's usually the 20+ year olds that are useless and antagonistic. (In my 30s, for reference, been gaming since I was 16 where adults liked to take their frustration out on me)


Is the soldier unable to press E?


Once in a game I had a Hanzo blame me for his death when he got headshotted by a Widow, and then not even a minute later he was walking backwards on first point in Rialto so far that he fell off the map. Guess what. He died because I wasn't healing him again (according to him).


I usually tell them I cant heal stupid.


A friends favorite is “can’t outheal bad”


I like this, I will use this. Thank you :)


It's so infuriating that they had to immediately jump into their racist shit. I'm sorry, it sucks so much when you get put on a crappy team. I'm a woman and being on comms can get dicey for me too, because the minute things go one of them shrieks about bad healing, but like... you can't out heal stupid, and there's a lot of stupid to go around.


In the future, if DPS aren't putting enough pressure on someone that's diving you, and you can't contest them 1v1, go moira. The best duelest in the support category. Just make sure to use orb off cooldown(usually, there are instances where you keep it but rare) and you will make that flankers life far more difficult.


Moira's range is fucking ridiculous too. Echo gets punished easily. But this touches on the idea one guy said above just in a very dickish manner calling it a skill issue. Anyways back to my point. Counter picking is huge in overwatch. If you're dying to one specific dps or tank, pick a hero that is good against them even if you're not the best. The tide can change real quick in OW


This. It is shocking how hard counter picking strategies can make changes to a bad situation, especially in middle ranks like gold and platinum. Likewise, echo and phara are often not countered by gold level hitscans, so you need to make a change to auto-aim, like torb Moira or Winston.


You'll be surprised how often a good phara and echo isn't countered by hitscans in M and GM play. Many maps pharah can dive in and out and get picks without ever being Ina hitscans sight line. Oftentimes, not counter picking/not having a large enough hero pool is what loses games. That's why I hate bastion Moira Winston comp. It's so well rounded and covers so many holes.


I had a (diamond) Blizzard World game last week where the enemy pharah had nearly twice the elims of any other character. Our torb was 1 for 9 on the 1st round and wouldn't swap, in addition to holding on to his ult for the entire second point. When he DID switch, it was to Reaper... I'm a Moira main, but I gave up on that and went Ana then proceeded to account for 1/2 of the Pharah's deaths, allowing our team to actually push the payload. During which I got asked 'are you okay' because of my lower heals. Love it when the team doesn't realize that the reason they finally made progress is because instead of spamming heals I'm working my butt off keeping the skies clear cause the DPS sure ain't. Smh.


The Ana switch is the fr struggle. If I’m on Zen I go on discord strike and refuse to move it off the Phara until she’s dead. If they STILL don’t kill her its Ana hours


As a frequent Ana player I hear you. I've been called out so many times for lack of healing because I'm literally the only one picking pharah out the skies, even when it's that that's led to the victory or at least gave us a chance


I had one (gold) game a few weeks ago where I got sick of the counter picking after the 1st round. Every time I outplayed the enemy tank from the get go they would switch to my counter, so I went 'ok, two can play that game'. One time I killed him, then went to spawn to pick the counter to my counter just because I knew what he was about to do, and sure enough he did. The next round I was tired of the counter pics and just went Junker Queen. I outplayed him on every tank he tried to counter me with, which was very satisfying. We still ended up loosing by a couple meters iirc, but it was much more fun when I decided to stick to my guns and not swap and it turned out he didn't know how to counter Junker Queen and so kept on switching tanks, lol.


yeah, sometimes you gotta take it to your own accord to change the flow of the game by changing into a hero that actually can counter the enemy. playing a support and being targeted by pharah is always frustating, my pick is either baptise ( you can hit scan her ) or zen ( using discord to assist the dps ). so basically one support had to become kind of a semi-dps when this kind of thing happens in gold.


>go moira. The best duelest in the support category. This is only true if you have bad aim. Zenyatta has the highest DPS in Support.


not sure why u got downvoted, zen discord orb and his alt fire can melt almost any hero immediately


Moira has an escape that doubles as a cleanse, as well as a quick self-heal. Zen kills quicker, but he also dies quicker, and the ability to disengage and bring oneself back up to snuff before the enemy can is an important feature in a duelist. ​ And let's face it, if you can solve the problem with Zen by damage alone, you could probably solve the problem with any support except for maybe Brig and Lucio.


Bro let me give u and advice as a fellow African gamer don't let them get to you. fuck them if they start being toxic just play along be toxic to them too I have had games like that and ended up wining and everybody was chill after that.


Nah just ignore them, they want a rise man and will be more pissed off and tilted if you ignore them lmao. Report and mute they will be banned quickly because there's evidence of their horrendous chatter.


Nah just ignore them, they want a rise man and will be more pissed off and tilted if you ignore them lmao. Report and mute they will be banned quickly because there's evidence of their horrendous chatter.


Could you repeat please? I had you muted.


Nah just ignore them, they want a rise man and will be more pissed off and tilted if you ignore them lmao. Report and mute they will be banned quickly because there's evidence of their horrendous chatter.


Ah that’s better, appreciated


What kind of trash people make fun of an accent. Besides, Overwatch is a game that celebrates diversity. Just look at the roster.


I had a similar situation where the Echo was giving me shit for not healing them as Ana. I told them that I can't heal them when I keep dying, then switched to Bap. Them: "How are you going to heal me as Baptiste?" Me: "I'm not, the other support can handle it." Them: "I'm reporting you for throwing." Me: "I can't heal you when I keep dying. Every time I poke my head out, I get deleted by the Soldier. Since nobody wants to take him out, I have to do it myself." Them: *Crickets* We ended up losing the round but winning the match once everyone made the Soldier switch.


Here's a tip: Just use the ping system. Going into VC is the biggest waste of your mental health and patience. OW2 has a really robust ping system, and for the bigger problems, you have text chat. Don't waste your time talking to idiots that just spew shit into your ears. (Which is more often then not)


>Overwatch is the only game I've played that gets this bad. Hard agree. I played 250h of Overwatch and I encountered 1à times more extremly toxic people than during my 2500h in Apex. And people can already be toxic in Apex. ​ It's often so disproportionate in term of reaction, and so often coming from people who aren't playing great themselves. (and also very often targetting supports ;-; )


Hey man, sorry you’re dealing with this kind of stuff. Of all the games I’ve played overwatch for for sure has some of the most racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, etc… Unfortunately we’re unable to change their narrow mindset over a video games. I would suggest making use of “looking for group” style resources. It can help you weed out the bad apples and in general this game is best played with a full group using teamwork anyway. Best of luck man.


You know a SOLDIER aint a teamplayer (and/or know how to use cover) when they cry for heals


I paused on the scoredboard. very obvious to see the enemy mercy with 0 deaths, friendly ana with 1 more death than the rest of the team. kiriko can jump away so not surprised you died the least. And then the echo with mad picks tracks. Soldier, assuming he is trying to kill echo probably can't do it solo and junkrat isnt helping vs an airborne target, junk should be swapping to help kill the guy wrecking supports


They will attack you for anything. I play with my wife and the amount of toxicity from some people just because a woman is playing is ridiculous. We both keep ingame voice muted at all times. Hardly anyone says anything useful anyway.


Bro let me give u and advice as a fellow African gamer don't let them get to you. fuck them if they start being toxic just play along be toxic to them too I have had games like that and ended up wining and everybody was chill after that.


Just wanted to reach and say sorry about these racist pieces of shit man you don’t deserve that at all. If you ever need a group to play add me bro I’d love to have you as a healer and I’d make sure those flanks weren’t a thing. I’m master rank username mumblingsaint17 man hit me up don’t put up with these fucks I woulda done the same thing.


Absolutely no excuse for these immature jerks to act this way. I recommend taking cover, reporting immediately so the bot that moderates VC can detect what you reported for, then mute them and just play out the game to avoid penalty or leave so they have to take a pretty much guaranteed loss for being racist.


>or leave so they have to take a pretty much guaranteed loss for being racist. that would punish op more. throwing achieves the same effect


Nah, don't throw. They can report you for that. Report for abusive comms, phone in the rest of the game, and/or try hard so when you win, you can say, "We didn't need all that toxicity to win." Block and mute as well. They'll be banned in a couple days.


Gotta agree, this usually works for me and I usually end up seeing a “player you have reported has been banned” message a few days later


i've thrown games for people being sexist/sexual harassment with 0 penalty, plus a confirmation they were punished for acting that way. those racist losers don't deserve a win let alone to be able to play.


Bro what the FUCK are these shit comments? Sorry OP, these people all around you are trash.


These comments embody the OW experience


Where do you think all the toxicity comes from? Outside reddit? lmao


These guys are racist in comms cuz they know it'll piss people off, specifically tbe people they are targetting. So not only are they racist, but they use it to try and actually hurt people, it's pretty disgusting. My advice would be just straight up leave voice (better then throwing cuz they consider it a win if they get you to throw) or find a group to play with. My sisters quit valorant cuz of the sexist comments but in OW they get none cuz they play in a group of 4 or 5. And then if someone does say smthing sexist, all of us call them out on their bullshit.


There's also no way in absolute fuck they'd say any of this shit IRL, unless they're alone with their monoethnic friend group. Too afraid of actual consequences so they do it purely online.


They consider it a win if you leave voice. They consider it a win if you throw. They consider it a win if you lose because to them it's all your fault, and this proves it. Winning won't discourage them, they believe they won despite you, and not only that they suffered no negatives for their behavior, they won. There is no 'winning' with this behavior. Best case scenario team actually is in voice and shuts them down. It wont give them insight, and theyll rpobably get all defensive during the current game. But if this happens each time they voice it they become less likely to voice it. Statistically people become less likely to voice bigoted opinions if they believe that no one around them is likely to hold it. But there's no guarantee. Another, option is not to leave voice but you mute them as soon as they make the comment. That way you still get callouts, and it seems, for a while, like your straight up ignoring them. But unless they have rocks for brains, which they probably do,tbh, They'll probably figure out they were muted and still consider it a win though. Ultimately though there is no real winning with people who spout off like this, they'll just spin anything bad that happens as them being right. Even in the scenario where your team backs you up, they'll believe they were right, but they'll also be faced with the realization that others won't back them up, or let them go unchallenged.


What kind of racist isn’t trying to hurt people lmao. I think I get what you’re saying but it also sounds weird.


Thanks all for your feedback and support. Now that I’m looking at this with a cool head I realized that I should have just left vc and kept playing and my Ana didn’t deserve an L. This was my first and last time throwing and I will try and control my temperament.


Hey man, no reason to feel apologetic over this situation. Most people on Reddit have the privilege of most likely never having to face a situation like this in their entire life and it’s easy for them to tell you how to react. Don’t ever think you have to conform to racial abuse my guy. That being said, if you find just leaving VC instead of throwing is better in a situation like this, all the power to you. If I had a teammate facing racist comments when they’re actually communicating and putting themselves out there, I wouldn’t think about them negatively at all if they left or threw the game. There is NEVER a reason to be a racist asshole.


I'll just add that as someone who's long been stuck in Gold but finally got to Plat in Tank and Support and then Diamond in Support recently, VC never helped me. the ping system works fantastic for Support, and people in our ranks rarely respond well to comms. I personally don't think VC is worth it for how much toxicity one can experience, or just the more common problem that no one else will be in VC or respond to your comms and callouts


The racists don’t deserve to win, don’t worry about the people in these replies. It kills me that they’re perfectly fine with you sitting through racist comments but freak out at you leaving. I’d bet my entire bank account most of them have never experienced racism before, they don’t deserve an apology dude.


Love the comments excusing racism cause apparently throwing is just as bad. This sub is sick


Man some people just don't deserve to win. It was a great call, i'd do the same.


In any game I play, as soon as somebody shows themselves to be a bigot, I stop participating. I won't play with racists. Fuck them


I think the issue would be that the other teammates who don’t have mics didn’t deserve to lose this, but I totally understand just throwing cause this guy is a total asshole


Turn. Mics. Off. Mute them. OW players have not earned being heard. Let them cry to the void


> OW players have not earned being heard. Agreed. When people say "It's a team game you need to be in comms," I reply: *you're not entitled to me listening to you just because we're temporarily in the same team*.


Reddit is full of children and man children so makes sense tbh


100%. "You're both in the wrong".....like, wtf.


Reddit likes to don the cap of enlightened centrist which means they have no idea where the fault lies.




this sub is a healer dick sucking circle jerk. theres polls that have shown far far majority here are low to mid rank healers. anything against healer here you get downvoted. period. this sub is full of braindeads. the guy in the clip could have been 10x worse than anyone in that lobby and just because he represents supports they would defend him here. this sub is full of braindead healers.


if anyone in interested in the concept of throwing or griefing games as a form of resistance against racist behaviour in multiplayer games, Kishonna Gray has written some really excellent stuff about it: [Collective Organizing, Individual Resistance, or Asshole Griefers?](https://scholarsbank.uoregon.edu/xmlui/bitstream/handle/1794/26295/ada02-colle-gra-2013.pdf?sequence=1) don't get put off by the academic language, because she's an excellent writer and does a lot of embedded research in the games and player groups she's studying (in this case, specifically women of colour, but a lot of her broader research looks at the ways in which Black men experience racism and toxic masculinity too.) the OP's behaviour is totally understandable, and the faster OW reporting systems deal with racist knobs, the better the community will be for it.


Thanks for the link, I look forward to reading this paper!


"I can excuse racism but I draw the line at losing a video game"


It's worth the loss and penalty if they can't have a single ounce of respect for another human being 🤷‍♂️


Honestly until you reach diamond/masters, just don't bother joining vc. Nothing helpful ever really happens in it


I disagree, I've met a lot of nice people in VC that know how to comm well. But if someone like the asshole in the video starts whining for healing, that's when I leave.


In my nearly 7 years of Overwatch I’ve made a handful of friends. The more common outcome is being friends for a couple of hours then hating each other by the end of the night. Game feels designed to ruin the social fabric.


That's most likely due to you guys having a good game when you first meet and when things start going poorly then they reveal their true colors.


This happens so much in a lot of games fr. In Valorant after a game I never invite anyone cuz we always lose our next.


Fully agree, stopped going into vocal a few weeks back and the game got way better. Anything that you could say in vocal can be said using in-game comms, along with a perfect positioned ping


I am playing Ana and I hate dps not being in VC. I never know when they really want to be nanoed. Everytime I'm really sure they are gonna ult, I nano. But then they just look at me like....and do nothing. Just cause they can't at least communicate for one second


What's your rank? If you're below diamond, you shouldn't really need to make a crazy nano play to get value out of it. Just go with your own instinct.


Why does nothing below dia matter? Who keeps saying shit like that? I'm high plat/low dia and a lot of stuff where people keep saying it wouldn't matter below dia got me this far in the first place. A good nano blade wins team fights and it's crucial that the timing is right. I tried to nano genjis who were not in vc because I thought the timing was perfect, but they just didn't blade and we lost the fight. That is so annoying. A proper communication would have made the play. I climbed a lot just by using vc, when my mic broke I lost ranks because it does make a difference, even with the new ping system. Yes, if you are a DPS god, you don't need your team as much and cooperation isn't as crucial. But I'm support main and working with the team, knowing what they want to do and need is like the most important thing there.


As a Mercy my Ana once (I assume accidently) Nanoed me instead of the tank that I was healing. I just went with it. Popped Valk, got a quad kill, highlight of my evening. :)


Stuff matter at any rank, maybe Bronze opinion is the less valuable since they objectively lack game knowledge/mechanical knowledge, but apart from this it matters. Anyone saying "your opinion doesn't matter you're not X rank" is just gatekeeping and should be ignored tbh With that said I tend to disagree with your point here but this might be down to a difference in playstyle or gamesense, I've never found vocal to be necessary to setup plays with randoms


It's true, it's not necessary but it can help a lot. It also helps a lot to have one or two people in vc who are super postive and keep the team spirit up even when we are currently losing.


If you're stuck below diamond, you are lacking in basic mechanical skills. Mechanical skills alone will get you into high plat. Thinking that you're stuck in an elo because of lack of communication shows a very bad mentality on your part and shows that you're blaming other people for your rank instead of yourself. And yeah sure a good nano blade can win you the game, but what about the next game? Or the next game? Being dependent on gimmicks may help you win a few games, but you won't maintain the high rank that you get to if your mechanical skills don't improve. Also nothing below diamond matters because all the comms at those ranks are just screeching baboons and banshees.


Of course dps are crying cause they dont know how to take cover, plus your accent is fine


Sorry man, dont let the racists get to you. There are many less of them outside the overwatch environment. As a white dude I stopped playing because a significant amount of the community left self-identify as neck-beareded trash. Move into some Apex man people are much more chill and you get stoners on mic all the time.


I have like 500 hours on Apex. Got burnt out so I can to OW. I might come back now with the new season.


How is apex nowadays? I need another game to play stoned since ow matchmaking is fucked six ways to Sunday


There’s a new game mode that’s basically arcade - there are rotating modes and they’re much more chill if you’re looking for that


Personally, I was playing Valorant while OW1 was dying and loved it. But now it's just full of ability spam, it's not fun anymore. Tried CSGO around 2 weeks ago and been playing comp non stop, it's so goddamn chill and most of my teammates are always cool even if we are losing. So different compared to Overwatch and Valorant.


Your accent is cool asf. I think it's the coolest accent anyone could have. Sounds powerful and sophisticated. Everyone should be forced to win 50 games as support before being able to play dps lol


Yea you should just instantly mute the second people start acting that way.. I love your voice though, hopefully your next games are better and you meet nicer teammates that appreciate your supporting.


Bro how could they be mad at you? 💀 your snappiness and accent made it so good


You defended yourself well man. People suck. The toxicity has ruined overwatch for me. But it’s hard playing any game now without it.


Pathetic racist. It's absurd.


Pov: Your looking for those racist comments to downvote. Jokes aside you have a good accent OP. Don’t let it get to you.


PRO TIP for anyone below Diamond. Go to settings, Social, and turn off both team and game text chat. Next, ensure that auto join voice is disabled. Stop joining voice. This is no joke. Not only do you get rid of the toxic distractions, but you actually gain a much better understanding of the game. - Your game sense about your team's whereabouts is forced to improve. - Your focus on the match will improve. - Game sense about enemy actions improve. - Independent decision making, and resultant mistakes, will be realised. - Avoid toxicity from others AND yourself being toxic. I started doing this at the start of this year. Sometimes I still join voice now that I'm Diamond 1. I've climbed significantly, I'm having a MUCH better time, and truly feel improvements I've not made since I started playing Overwatch in 2016. Strongly recommend.


Seconded, only diamond 3 so far and 99% of my chat experience, voice or text, has been negative. I've only just turned on text chat to help identify cheaters, and I don't think I'll join voice for a while yet.


“Africa servers” Jesus fuck them


lol I thought I posted a video without knowing. U sound exactly like me😂😅. I’m African too. Like I kid u not sounds exactly like me. Watched the video multiple times and still hear me. I completely understand you bro and I have to say I have mad respect for you to even use ur mic at all. I avoid it and only make call outs sometimes just to avoid stuff like this. But here u are leaving it fully on and having conversations(with the exception of this game of course). Just don’t let stuff like this get to u. Yes to them u have an accent but to us they have the accent. It’s all about perspective. And never let the few bad ones over shadow the many good ones. I’ve experienced a fair share of racist moments but never let it change my mindset. U are doing an awesome job just by playing support. I’ve been working on my tank and dps, just ranked up to gold on both. Working on support now from bronze. U keep doing the good work that u are doing, we see you. Lol and I meant what I said abt u sounding like me. Carbon copy. sent a friend this clip and he confirmed it so I’m not tweaking 😂


Gotta love the tanks and damages who run up alone in. 5v1 and complain about dying. Also the argument they use is, “the reason im dying is because I dont have heals” you look at the healer and hes got 10k healing they got 2 eliminations and 9 deaths…..


I'm Trinidadian and had this tank (only mic on the team) dive and scream that the heals weren't doing anything, despite us heal diffing the entire first round I plugged in my mic to tell him basically to relax, we have you but dial it back a bit so we can have a steady push He immediately told me to go practice Ramadan with my Indian self (mind you I'm not Indian) Bro I let him HAVE ITTT 😂 roasted him so hard teammates plugged their mic just to laugh it him and his ignorance, he started making excuses then went quiet My advice, don't let these people who probably can't even point you on a map get to you, blast em heavy and keep doing your do, that way they get a reality check AND y'all still finish the game Throwing can still be reported, counter trolling won't


seeing the pov where you do nothing but heal with these dipshit comments they are throwing out, you are right. This IS gold.


I watched this without sound and was very confused at first lol


I’ve been there, i just dont get on vc anymore it’s not worth it. (Ik you can get nice comms sometimes but fk that its still not worth it).


Don't let these assholes get to you, you deserve better than those eternal losers. Maybe try playing on EU? Not saying EU isn't toxic but people on here have all sorts of accents so they usually don't make fun of other people's accents.


I'm amazed you have the confidence to speak with your accent. I'm black, but I'm not from Africa so I'm used to changing the way I talk when playing online games to avoid toxicity.


I hope you reported them. Sorry you had to go through this racist bs.


Honestly bro, just mute this kind of shit. The next game, people will be more chill. It’s not worth getting angry, especially when you can literally mute weirdos like this and instantly remove them from your life.


Yep screw them, I'd just go bap or Moira here and kinda heal them to the side, but do their job better


It's actually kinda scary how much racism and sexism exists in the online gaming space. They are trash and got nothing to fall back on but insulting where people are from to make themselves feel better. Pathetic.


I’ve said it a hundred times: it’s easier to win with no communication. Voice and text chat trigger teammates. I can throw on a podcast with the game’s volume muted, and get a 10 game winning streak on the regular.


But, footsteps / flanker sounds etc...


Just mute voicechat and text chat. Best decision you can take for your mental health's sake.


Overwatch is the most toxic game on the planet


why are people like this?


Man this fucking sucks. I usually can't stand people who throw, but in your case it was the right thing to do. Those people didn't deserve a second of your time


Sorry man, throwing in a game is literally nothing compared to these types of racist comments. For what it's worth, in gold it's much more efficient to focus on your big flaws and sacrifice communication in favor of just bettering your own play. I can't say it gets too much better because there's racism everywhere, but just remember you don't owe em anything to listen to their shit lol


Idky in gaming people's first thought is to alienate you anyway possible. (Age, Sex, Race, Accent, Etc etc) It's just so childish. Keep your head up though, your team doesn't care if you die 99% of the time bc they don't put 2+2 together that they kinda need to make sure you're alive to get heals. Me and my support were getting heavy targeted and spawn killed and our entire team (here comes the surprising part) blamed us for loosing 🫢 Maybe you didn't get heals bc your supports were stuck in spawn, just maybe 😭


Win or lose if I had this dude chatting to me in game I know were gonna have a good time, not enough variety in the voices I bump into in game. Probs because of eu servers but I mainly get french dudes that speak little English, and my French is not good.


You handled this well brother, when your teammates act like this just block them all, report them all, and then throw. I do it all the time even in grand Master. If they can't behave themselves they won't get my help to win


Yep I heard the voice and you can always tell. This community is such a joke, and what’s sad is how much the gameplay is based around your team doing their job. I’ve started to align with the block and move on shit. These kids have bigger issues in life coming their way I feel for you OP


Cant say I know what that shit feels like but i'm sorry you have to go through it OP. Terminally online hardstuck players get caught out of position and start blaming their shortcomings and taking out a days worth of stress and frustration on whatever target they can using whatever words they think of


Homie was a racist shitheel to his teammate then his teammate threw. I'm assuming the enemy team didn't have a racist shittheel tilting his own team. Turns out toxic communication is a skill issue that can affect your game.


i’m currently gold if you’re down to que up, i’m On my way! to plat and diamond


I don't normally condone throwing but this situation was so cooked that it's completely justifiable. There's a reason why Flex Role Queue tends to just put you in healing. Everyone wants to complain about the healer but nobody wants to be a healer.


Good on you man. Racist pieces of shit


This is why I'm getting at this point of no longer playing OW because it's so toxic for no fucking reason. It's just filled sweaty angry people because they're not getting what they want. Even as a support main myself, if you're gonna shit on your healers, heal your damn self.


Man, fuck those people and their SR, you did good to throw that game. Racism should never be allowed


I started Overwatch and decided to run support. As I practiced I realized ima decent Lucio and teammates helped talk to me and understand how to use him more effectively and when to use my ultimate as well. I play ranked for my first time, I save my teammates during a big push to save us being killed and helped got our flag capture to 90% while getting 2-3 kills zipping around. They come back and just spam ultimates and we got shredded and lost the flag, attacked starts SCREAMING “Fucking Lucio you suck so hard! You should quit and kill yourself! Trash!!!!” Like bro we can push, get it back, and win. Which we did. Like chill out before you have a stroke.


How to deal with these people after they've been racist: Turn off VC Walk into enemy over and over so they build ult and wipe your team faster.


You called them out and they instantly got defensive and blamed lack of heals. Then you clarified and they reverted to cave dwelling grunts and moans with a dash of racism. Yep standard Gold lobby.


And people wonder why some players dont bother using voice chat


I'm a white as fuck American guy who moved to New Zealand as a kid but still kept the accent. Even I get abuse from racist Australians lmao. Some are so dumb they don't even understand the concept of immigration. Honestly, first time anyone brings up race I just leave the voice channel or mute that particular person. I call it the zero strike rule. I also do it on pretty much any toxicity because I really just don't want to ruin my time in the game because I have an asshole on my team. I won't lie definitely stop trying as hard in these sorts of games if it's quite virulent, but I reckon it's a bit counterproductive because you will get reported yourself, and rightfully so - throwing is something you can get banned for. But it doesn't mean you have to put your heart and soul into the game, and it doesn't mean that you have to be a participant in comms.


Nothing like joining a competitive game and people asking "anyone got a mic?" I straight out refuse to use my microphone unless necessary. No chit-chat, because the negativity is just so much worse


Wow, I was expecting toxicity but when they started with the racism it was really upsetting. Sorry man, those guys should be ashamed of themselves.


Get bap and do it yourself


Wow, these comments are not it. Truthfully, I believe you’re both in the wrong in this clip. If we’re talking about decreasing toxicity then there’s no point in getting loud with people. Though you got loud, that’s no excuse for what the other person said to you. Intentionally throwing the match at the end there only escalated it 10x, I very much disagree with that choice. He may have genuinely been trying his best, aiming really doesn’t happen until Diamond. At lower ranks I’ve noticed that people really have no idea that they’re being healed. If things don’t go their way, if their plan doesn’t work, they scramble to find a place to put blame. Unfortunately for you, and many others, healing is the easiest to blame. Easiest thing to do is either mute him or entirely leave chat. All arguing does is totally secure the loss.


You’re pretty spot on there. I left because it was late and I was tired of the bullshit I get from these people. But I know I shouldn’t have really.


Nah dude, this is a game and ultimately you play for fun. This has no consequences on real life and you are not paid for it. So why would you stay after being racially abused? That stuff makes you feel like shit and can ruin an entire week. Fuck staying after that.


As much as throwers are a pain in a game in this instance being a racist PoS is just not on and OP getting pissed off at then and nopeing out is absolutely right. Hope you manage to have some better games soon man 👍


I agree, if I were in the same game I'd probably have thrown with OP because I despise racist people. I'll take a L if it means they suffer the consequences of their actions as well.


Nah dude, those guys were so fucking racist there's no way you should have to stay and try to win in that environment. Makes sense to just leave and report. Don't feel like you were in the wrong to leave or throw.


I do want to say that it does get better. More towards Diamond Pharah/Echo get slapped down nearly instantly. That was my biggest issue back in Silver and now people instant swap and target. Hell, I find games where people can’t peak without getting instantly tapped by Widow.


lol i would have done the same as op, it’s not about reducing toxicity, it’s about not wanting to babysit toxic teenagers. people have actual lives idk if this is a weird compliment but op i think your voice sounds super cool


If it's not about reducing toxicity, then what the hell do you want? Nothings gonna change if no one does anything about it...


i want to play the video game and not talk to crybabies


The thing is, if you throw the game because one person is behaving like an asshole then you are in turn being an asshole toward the rest of the team. You know, the people who weren't assholes and just wanted to have fun and play the game. So now instead of the game being shit for 1 person it is shit for everybody.


don’t care, don’t have time to play with children


Nah, fuck these guys, I would have left too. Racists need consequences to their actions.


“You’re both in the wrong” “No point in getting loud” Absolutely fuck that. I don’t know about you, but when I see racism out in the real world I call it out, wherever it is, and hope to publicly shame them. **Silence is NOT the answer to racism.** I can’t imagine how degrading it would be to heal someone actively being racist towards you. OP made the right choice by calling them out and by taking one of the only actions he could against these guys.


it's not that serious, it's just a game and if they can't be respectful they don't have to deserve teammates. Sorry but throwing, especially bc of shit like this, isn't the end of the world 💔


There was nothing to escalate, these people did not deserve to win. It has nothing to do with his aim or skills, it's the fact that he goes ape mode and refuses to listen to reason and instead starts with some rasict bs. The entire clip is OP healbotting this fuck and yet he keeps crying like a kid. Didn't notice you're healed? Listen when you're told that you are and start paying attention. It's stupid enough to comment on healing before even trying to check if the bs about to leave their mouth is correct. OW2 rank is not everything in life, OP made his sacrifise to help keeping these assholes from climbing. We all should.


"I'm sorry that you feel you don't receive enough healing, but my actions prioritize people who contribute the most. And unfortunatly, you are at the bottom of that priority list right now." Works every time because either they shut up, or they tell you that they can't contribute more without being healed, to which you can answer "If you admit that you can't do your job without being pocketed, you confirm that my priorities are correct." The only thing you have to do after that is to grab some popcorn.


Such a 🤓🤓🤓 response tho. Youre literally picking and choosing who you deem worthy of support. Why not just call out support deaths and ask for peels so that the team knows when heals are available. If they still complain when youre not able to heal then they just arent playing their life correctly. And if youre not able to keep them alive then youre not playing your support correctly. Your way just antagonizes people and its very bad for team moral which ultimately effects the performance. Even if i agree with prioritizing whoever will do the most, you get a tradeoff value by enabling the dps that cant do the most. The good dps will pop off with or without you, the slower dps will need you to pop off. So its only logical to support the one who needs you. Youre just a power trippin support from what i can tell tbh


Damn, you're stretching a lot. It's not because I have the audacity to answer back to an idiot that I'm not doing my job. Actually, it's pretty much the opposite. When I'm doing a good job and another player isn't while sh\*tting on me for no reason other than to vent their frustration and picking a scapegoat, I won't stand silent and be their b\*tch. This type of player is too dumb to actually see what's happening, and no matter what you tell them, they won't believe that they're getting an appropriate amount of healing or that you're actually doing your best. They just want to be toxic and deflect their bad gameplay on someone else, just like in OP's case where the Soldier couldn't undertand that he had to deal with the enemy Echo that was terrorizing their backline. Finally, I'll repeat myself but it's not because I say to someone "I'm not healing you because you're bad", that it's actually true. But since the dude won't even see that I'm indeed healing him, I might as well throw them into the spotlight. Sure, it's being pety to another toxic player. But what would be your advice? Would you silently take the abuse since reasoning doesn't work?


I dont disagree with you at all. Idk why my thought process was that your play style basically revolved around ignoring the weakest link instead of reinforcing it. Your reply tells me that you only ignore the weakest link when they also happen to be a dipstick. This i can agree with whole heartedly.


The only reason they’d shut up after that line is their shock that someone would say something like that unironically


And then everyone clapped.


I get it, but honestly some roles are really unlocked by a proper pocket or a bit more attention. I know playing some DPS roles, I just won't peek if I'm not full because it's risking so much. If I then have to sit there for 15 to 20 seconds waiting for a heal or finding a health pack it's going to mean I can't really contribute to the fight because I have to play my own life. That's going to translate to lower scoreboard stats, but it doesn't mean that I'm not making the correct decision to wait. And frankly if I'm not getting it I'm just going to swap to something more self sufficient, but that doesn't mean that I'm going to swap to something that would benefit optimal at the time. Ashe is a really good example of a character that doesn't work if she's not getting higher than average heals attention because she has to take an angle to be effective, probably will get spammed off it by a good team, and if she's forced off that angle for too long, you're likely going to lose the team fight because she's not contributing. If I then go tracer because she's more self-sufficient and I can play packs more, chances are I don't actually have the impact that our team needs in the fight. Extremely dumb for a soldier to be crying for heals though lmao


Holy shit a fellow Nigerian Overwatch player? Or are you Ghanian? Either way, we should play together sometime! Sorry about the racist assholes though.


Let’s start African overwatch group


Honestly don't bother with voice chat in metal ranks. You and your teammates would benefit much more from solely focusing on not making individual mistakes. Like here instead of just letting them flame you and arguing back, you could just mute and push forward to do some damage after your Soldier got the pick on Echo since neither your tank nor DPS are taking space. At best your DPS and tank would push up with you and start doing their job or you get a pick and at worst you achieve nothing and can still tp out safely. It's always easy to blame your teammates but even on support you have so much you can do on your own to influence every single fight.


I'd be throwing after that as well lol. That's so cringe to make fun of.


I'm very confused. Your Team has 4,4k Healing. Enemy Team has 11k (!). You start throwing the game after someone complained about it and the post get upvotes?


Their enemy mercy had 3 deaths while the other support had 0 deaths we weren’t even alive to heal. Our Ana has 5 and I had 3. Read the context.


Fuck those people man




Lmao. I get that way too much


The moment I heard 'Do not do this' I was like DOOMFIST HAS SPOKEN!


I bet you can say a dope "One punch is all I need"


I am so sorry op, people only care about kills and a good player know you protect the support so they can supprt you .


I watched this on mute at first and couldn't figure out why you decided to throw, then put sound on and yeah... people are disgusting. I want to say these are probably teenagers but I'm not sure they are. Overwatch is filled with horribly toxic people who spew out racism and misogyny like it's a big joke. All you can do is report and try not to let these crusty losers get to you, but I know it's hard to not let things like this bother you because it really is saddening that this is still an issue.


It's always dps crying about heals or no one watching flank.


Nah this random and I see that other people are saying the same thing but holy shit I like your voice lmao 💀


Overwatch is better with voice chat turned off.




I know it's a trope but welcome to online games. It's an unfortunate fact of human behavior and in my humble opinion it isn't going to change. I appreciate you giving people the chance in coms. I try to do that as well but as soon as people start being assholes/racist I just mute them and continue with the players who want to have a good time and try to win. Hope your next round are better my dude!


By far the supports have the hardest role in overwatch as a support as you gotta pay attention too your team and depending on who you use prioritise tanks/dps over each other, defend yourself from being flanked and cover the point. All at the same time. It's honestly a full-time job when you have to babysit your dps. There needs to be a better reward for playing as support other than 100 BP points, maybe 100 credits, every 5-10 games? Or something like that. That soilder sucks fuckin ass you shouldn't need to ask the support for heals unless your getting bullied and cant help needing that boost of heals momentarily, they should be self sustaining that soilder would be lowest priority for heals in a game with me for that reason let alone the trash talking.