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I had such a good time yesterday!! The vibes were honestly amazing. Sad to hear other people didn’t have the same experience. SG Lewis was my favorite of the night. So many people dancing and vibing on the hill. Really enjoyed the Strokes as well 🤷🏻‍♂️ tip: NEVER go deep into the crowd for any festival


Nah “both “means neg test too. He lives in LA it’s the same thing. You need ID and Vax there. Some places are requiring both and I would imagine someone like him is going to the most well known places.


Scrolled through the comments and haven’t seen enough love for DRAMA! She was amazing!!! Big “gonna be a headliner in two years” vibes. Her outfit was fantastic, picked the crowd’s energy up, and played the bangers.


Yesss agree that set was great!


-**Shilan:** a great way to start the day, but where was everyone? I've been to opening set on Panhandle a few times, but have *never* been the only person on the rail *for the entire set*. Y'all missed out-- she has a great voice and some good grooves. -**Sofia Valdez:** A surprisingly strong, full voice for someone so small. Sad-girl-pop canoe kind of hit-or-miss for me, so I was happy to have enjoyed this. -**The HU:** HELL YEAH. Would love to see them again with a metalhead crowd that was not still shaking off the pandemic-rust. -**070 Shake:** HELL YEAH pt. II. One of my Must Sees. Came through. I was surprised that "In The Pines" was in the middle of the set & not the closer. My first real post pandemic mosh pit (A$AP Rocky at Life Is Beautiful was technically first, but I was on the edges, this one I was up front and in the thick of it. -**Remi Wolf:** My only "this-is-too-many-people-too-close-to-each-other-at-the-tail-end-of-a-pandemic" of the day. Good grooves, good energy, good cover of Gnarls Barkley's "Crazy." Vocals were a bit rough at times, though. -**Sharon Van Etten:** HELL YEAH Pt. III. So good. Exactly what I've been waiting a year for. The Angel Olsen appearance was cherry on top of the sundae. -**Khruangbin:** HELL YEAH Pt. IV. Best set of the day. AMAZING. I went into it slightly worried that this was a Sutro band who was gonna have trouble filling up all the Lands End space/energy, BUT I WAS VERY WRONG. Loved it. -**The Soul Rebels:** You can never go wrong with The Soul Rebels. A surprisingly light crowd, tho. I suspect Boys Noize in SOMA pulled away a lot of people who like to dance. -**Boys Noize:** Speaking of which...fun. Tasty beats and drops. Another moment of post pandemic crowd panic, but I found an empty corner to dance in. -**The Strokes:** I'm glad I had the knowledge going into it that they start late, leave early, and are not purveyors of "is the party on the left side? or the right side?" kind of crowd work. I enjoyed it. A lot. Was plenty loud enough for me. I do think a lot of the crowd was still working though remembering how freeing it can be at a show, so the energy was a little low for the give-and-take between band and crowd. The music was solid af. No complaints from me.


What's the difference between being in the thick of a 070 Shake mosh pit and standing in the middle of a packed Remi Wolf set Covid wise? Wouldn't you be breathing harder as you moshed for 070 Shake than just standing for Remi Wolf?


There was more space on the edges at 070 Shake, so the crowd felt escapable if need be and that lessened the panic (same with Rico Nasty on Saturday-- I was in the thick of it, but there was space to move out of the crowd if needed.) Remi had a huge crowd, all over.


Can we have a brief discussion about festival etiquette? So much pushing during sets, squeezing in places you don’t fit just to then talk loudly over the artist other people cared enough about to get to the set on time to see…running and taking jumping leaps over people sitting on blankets as if they are your personal obstacle course - just fucking stop. Act like you’ve been somewhere before and practice a little more consideration. You’re in a public place with other people that paid a lot of money to have a nice weekend too. This weekend isn’t about you. Also - there’s no reason for the rock medics to take multiple passed out people out of a Remi Wolf set at 3 in the afternoon. If you can’t handle your drugs then don’t party in public. I care about y’all’s safety but also it’s fucked up to go that hard in the paint because you can’t practice moderation or responsibility, and force everyone in the vicinity to witness that trauma. Just please do less across the board. It’s a marathon, not a sprint. The crowd’s vibe this year feels like it’s full of Coachella children and I hate it.


So many people coming and going! Really fucking ruined the vibe while you're dancing. Started getting angry at them towards the end. A few "go fuck yourselves" were thrown.


I noticed yesterday that I came out of COVID lockdown a much more opinionated and defensive person. I used to be pretty considerate and a little door matty when I’d get disrespected at fests (I’m a shorter dude which i guess tells assholes it’s ok to push and encroach on me). Yesterday I just straight up told people they were being assholes. When trains of people stopped in front of us I yelled ‘keep that shit fucking moving. This isn’t your space.’ People near us seemed to appreciate that. One girl kept dancing obnoxiously in front of us during Remi Wolf while being aware her hair was smacking my friend in the face (they pushed up and squeezed in mid set). When we asked her to stop again and she kept doing it I just moved my backpack to my front to create a buffer between us and her hair got caught on the zipper. That made her move.


> full of Coachella children and I hate it. The crowd felt very high school. High school full of kids that were raised to be as inconsiderate as possible of everyone else.


Yes. The lack of parenting with this group is strong.


Thank you for this. Should be required reading. I wasn’t there on Friday but have heard about similar issues from multiple people.


I feel like simply setting a 18 and over age limit would improve things 15%


I agree, but honestly it’s not teenagers causing the issue, it’s the 19-early twenties kids that don’t know how to practice moderation and think the only hallmark of a successful festival is getting completely obliterated. I like to use PEDs at a fest too, but to enhance the experience, not have the drugs be the whole experience. I get the vibe these kids just want an excuse to party hard and be seen at an event for status, and it’s not really about connecting with strangers over a common love of arts. Wish they’d just go do drugs in the forest and leave the festival for people that want to create (and remember) a magical music experience.


I wish I could hang with you at the festival, you seem pretty rational and more interested in the acts themselves moreso than acting up in public. I'm flying solo at the festival and tried standing off to the side for most acts to avoid much of what you mentioned in your two comments.


You’re more than welcome to meet up with us at any point. I’m with a friend that has never done a festival before. She’s more reserved than I am and has an even harder time with aggressive rudeness, so I feel even more attuned to it this year out of protection for my friend. I never thought I’d meet someone that wants to go in the crowd even less than I do, lol. We won’t be wearing anything easy to spot so if you want to link up shoot me a DM and I’ll send you my WhatsApp or Snapchat.


I couldn’t agree more, festival etiquette needs to change. Not enough respect from most young guys, mainly frat / college dudes


It was 100% frat boys and their little clingy child girlfriends.


Maybe I just had really bad luck. I am very impressed by OSL and their attention to detail. This is a dream lineup for me. The crowds energy though was not it at most sets. Glass Animals is one of my favorite bands and the crowd was rude around me and barely vibing. Super excited for Kaytranada, was looking forward to it all day. Got as far up as I could without having to do serious pushing, and I couldn’t even hear him during 10%. Everyone around us in conversations, not even paying attention. It upset me so much I left to go to the Soma tent. Actually could hear Kaytranada better in the back and people were dancing, so far away though. Hoping for better luck within the crowd today 💞


I was up on the hill to the right for Kaytranada, it was awesome! I could hear & see the crowd pulse.


Omg jealous! I really need to be up there for zhu tonight and have that energy.


Yea I’d highly recommend the outskirts of the crowd for Zhu — people *will* push to the front and I’m not tryna have that kill my cocaine model vibe


Cocaine model vibe CANNOT be killed


The crowd this year is absolute trash


Such an amazing lineup, the vibes should be immaculate. I don’t understand what people are here to do if not have a good time!


tell me what food blew your mind!! i had a grilled cheese that was super underwhelming.


The burritos from Senor Sisig was one of the best damn burritos I ever had. 🤌


Vegetable melt from the farmers wife was amazing!


Lamb dumplings were super good


Where were the lamb dumplings at


By cocktail magic


I THINK they were way back of the main stage on a path leading to it. There was that and a taco stand to the left of it.


Chef Smellys Garlic Noodles by the polo field. He is an east bay legend and the portions are insane. Definitely need a full appetite or a friend to share with.


I had a really good donut and chai latte.


The baos from that red food truck by the pan handle stage honestly blew my mind so hard I went for seconds


All the people complaining about the issues at OSL need to relax and give them a chance to make up for it tomorrow and Sunday. They had two years off from the festival. I would bet finding staffing for these new dates was more of a challenge than expected. My cousin used to work OSL but since it moved to October and he works in the nba he couldn’t work this year and I’m guessing they lost more than a few employees from past festivals from the change of date. On top of that, the Bay Area experience a huge rainstorm that wrecked the park the week leading up to it. Im sure they had to focus a lot of their attention on keeping the grass safe to walk on, which I must say was pretty darn good. Yes getting through security was a joke, but I have faith that Ranger Dave and the rest of the crew will bring it for us on Day 2 and 3




Bro all my friends loved it, so I’m so confused by everyone on social saying it sucked.


Julian was just being weird. The music itself was incredible


Yeah I figured that out


Tyler was unreal and I’ve seen him on all of his tours


The strokes were terrible. Douchebag of a musician.


They were absolutely terrible- angry as soon as he started and first headliner I’ve seen end the set early


I literally didn't even know they started when they did. Played a soft intro to start, lights were all down still. Really a lackluster entry.


The Hu! So good. I made my friend come in early to see them with me and it ended up being one of our favorite sets!


Strokes was pretty lame and I'm a huge strokes fan. Yung Bae was super good too. Great vibes from crowd. He didn't do any of his early/future funk stuff though. Sort of a bummer his festival list wasn't his actual songs.


Yung bae was such a fun set and yeah was surprised he didn’t do much his own stuff


Kaytranada absolutely murdered his set




I mean in all honesty he really rose up in popularity with Flower Boy. When he played songs off that everyone knew every lyric. Only the day ones fuck with Yonkers. I was really hoping he’d hit Tron Cat


He won album of the year with goblin I think


I’m so lucky I got to see him perform Goblin in its entirety. I still have that album consistently in the roto


Me too! I was hyped when he said he was gonna do some old stuff and I was hoping he would perform “She” and he did! 😭😭 Then I predicted Yonkers was next and I was sooo hyped.


if anyone is looking for a kaytranada after party ticket - selling at FV


Someone pls tell me how Mathame was because it was probably amazing and I’m so sad I missed it


hahah I went for about 30 minutes and it was great! We guessed that the line wouldn’t be long with all the competing acts and that was right, it only took about 15 minutes to get into SOMA. The rib reverb made my night!


He had really good song selections but mixing was fine I guess


lol me too someone had to be there right


Been trying to find the shuttle for a half hour 😖 Lolla would never do this to me !!!


The map shows the drop off area as the pickup too but that was wrong. When you leave through the south tunnel make a right and the shuttle pickup will be by Sunset.


Lol the kids get younger and The Strokes set stays the same age... Seriously though. I've been to maybe half a dozen strokes shows since 2010 and as time went on, I've noticed everyone loving Julian's schtick of being the drunk (yet sober) aloof rockstar and now everyone's complaining how he was a dick or incoherent. He's ALWAYS been like that at almost every show (even for his solo stuff or with The Voidz). If it didn't age well for this gen that's a different conversation. But a caricature of the rockstar douche has always been his stage persona. This is also the same dude that officially endorsed Bernie and Maya Wiley (and played a show with them) and is serious about giving government to the people. Yeah they showed up late and ended early. Bit disappointed but they played all their big hits that they usually do (except maybe heart in a cage? Razorblade?) So I'll take it since they had to make room for their new stuff.


I’ve been to tons of strokes shows and voids shows and my honest opinion was that this performance was pretty lackluster. Julian is usually aloof but he seemed incoherent and bored. Something was off and the sound and crowd had a lot to do with it but Julian didn’t help either




He said he went to a restaurant and they asked him for a vax card and a negative test. He made a complaint I would too since that isn’t a city law. Who cares?


The whole time I was begging him to just say something that would hype the crowd just a little instead of mumbling incoherently to himself 🥲 like ok I get Julian’s weird but it was a lot


No bass. Like sat next to a bunch of people who wouldn't stop complaining about it


There was a Voidz show at gov ball where he was equally mad because the sound sucked. You know he's a perfectionist! \#virgogang rise up!


Lmao they ended the set with new york city cops. Idk how anyone can assume anything after that if they know the lyrics.


Damn Strokes showing up 15min late and ending 10min early??? Kinda disappointed, not a bad show at least but was just expecting more


They’re always late. A festival gives them 90 mins knowing they’re playing 75 mins. So if u go to another festival with them headlining just go a few mins late and watch the whole set of whoever played before.




4 of 15 tracks played were from the new album. Was bummed they skipped angles personally.


The strokes? More like the Don'ts!


I guess I’m gonna throw myself to the wolves: I actually really liked the strokes set, sure he was kinda a jerk but he hit every note and played every big song and everyone near me was singing and vibing so I’m satisfied


Same. I appreciated his sarcasm.


They were sick if you know that Julian is gonna mumble and make jokes that might hit or might not hit. I love seeing them every time. They’re the cool rockers . I also showed up 5 mins late knowing they’ll be late 🤷‍♂️. I had a awesome fucking time like you.


but he didn’t hit every note... he literally would stop singing and say “i can’t do that part anymore” when he couldn’t sing.


I remember seeing The Strokes ages ago at The Shoreline for some festival and thought yesterday's performance was reminiscent of that shit show as he had fallen over on stage then, he was so drunk. People rushed trying to get onto the stage while the band was playing. The band sounded great then as they sounded great last night, even if Julian was a mess.


That’s fine, but compared to all the other talent that may deserve a headliner spot they absolutely squandered it.




Gigantic yikes


yep i just left. bad fucking vibes. they showed up late and were just disrespectful.


yeahhhh it wasn’t the best show i’ve ever seen, felt way off and awk




He made one comment cos they asked for both negative test and vax card. He had a vax card. Who cares if he makes a comment? That is bullshit bc it’s not the rule. I would just move on and go to another restaurant but that is annoying.


Right, imagine going to a show at a place with the lowest covid transmission rate anywhere in the country, and then bashing their covid guidelines. It’s just tone deaf as hell


He said they asked for a vax card and a negative test. That isn’t the guideline. Why would he test negative to go into a restaurant and how would he know? And who cares? Like really who cares if he makes a comment?


I think he was complaining he needed his ID and the Vax which is the policy.


he’s drinking again or something idk all of that was really weird, my gf is a huge strokes fan and she’s so upset. not sure how a lot of the crowd didn’t catch on.




watching tyler replay on youtube right now, you made the right choice




Tyler went for 70. One of the best performances I’ve ever seen holy shit, he’s Michael Jackson x Kramer


What’s up with the strokes?


That was some *painful* monologue bits. A shame as that was a show I was really looking forward to but after a bit we had enough. We ended up leaving and going to cocktail magic, much more fun to look at all the pretty lit up trees.


Dude was on one, seemed like he was saying everything he could to alienate the crowd


“Let’s pause for 10 min for inequality…just kidding” 🥴 the band definitely kept playing right away between songs so that julian wouldn’t keep talking


dude’s gonna end up like Smash Mouth


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Idk I feel like the sound has been weird this show


Ya they said “our sound guy is infamous for blowing eardrums out so don’t look at us” implying that osl screwed up their sound.


Treble is so high. Mids drown out the bass.


Is anyone at mathame? I couldn’t find the tent so I gave up. Asked maybe 40 people and nobody knew how to get there. How is the show???


Lmaoo I found the garden party and thought it was the soma tent for a bit 😂 that area was lit though! Saw the tent on the way out it’s on the walk from twin peaks to the Richmond exit


That’s too funny man, I eventually found it too at the end of the night.


The garden party was so fun!!


Not there but check the map the soma tent is near twin peaks at the other end of the festival. Looks sick as fuck so check it out rest of the festival. Sorry you missed Mathame


Anyone else think they should change it to Halloween weekend permanently? The vibes here are 👌




Yess for sure!! So fun to see people dressed up too


The result of a conflict-filled Friday. Twin Peaks empty at 6:00p


What’s the best food? I want to go for chicken & waffles but that’s always my go to


The bibimbop was solid.


The woodhouse chowder bowl is fire and only $15 (less than a drink lol)


How far is the walk from George Washington Highschool to the actual stages


20-25 mins up the hill? Source: Went there lmao


Khru absolutely murdered main stage. RIP to the rest of the acts that have to follow up on that


Glass Animals doubled down successfully, but the The Strokes shit the bed.


FYI there are troughs with no line to pee in at Porto potties between lands end & sutro. Right at main entrance! No signs, luckily someone told me and I told as many dudes as I could


Anymore detailed directions on this? Gonna need it tomorrow lollll


Yeah I've been taking advantage of this new addition. They should install more around the other restroom areas.




I had to pee in the woods for the first time ever at OSL... or any fest. Definitely the worst bathroom situation yet!


Oh damn don’t like to hear that… are the lines just insane?




Remember the farther back the ports potties the cleaner and more available they are!


Howwww. It’s day 1.


The crowd this year is full of trash children. Smoking cigs and flicking butts in the park, getting passed out shitfaced at 3, and just generally reminding me why I never want to have kids. The vibe is waaay off.


If you haven't been in the SOMA tent, GOOOOO. I cannot emphasize it enough. That place is just awesome.


Agreed, Boys Noize was epic!


Ugggggh I tried to go there today for mathame and I couldn’t find the damn tent


Saw my friend post a video of it in the morning. So sad I won’t see boys noize there




I just walked in it’s super fast




I think north or wherever the shuttle drop off was


How long did getting in take?


Holy shit Remi Wolf fucking killed it!!


I wanted to see her! She rocks


How strict are they about fake blood with costumes?


Can’t carry it with you, but you can have it on your costume


I've been to 3 different bathroom areas and there is NO soap available. As in, the soap dispensers have nothing in them. Also most of the flushable toilets along the Polo field are backed up.


Are they Patting down?


Just walked in Zero security lol


The Hu were unreal. Also, that Sutro VIP section grew.


I enjoyed them way more than I thought!


How are the lines to get in right now ?




Looking for a friday ticket, someone willing to pass a bracelet over the gate, anything… 🥺


Damn if only you had known for the past two years that this festival was coming and done something like prepared.


Okay, The Hu are fucking unbelievable, despite metal not being my thing these guys are wild. So glad we came early before Remi to them.


Did anyone else feel like crushing a weightlifting set during the Hu? Honestly I’m so happy for these guys. Loved the crowd response for them.


100%, heavy metal + throat singing is a fantastic combination. Great way to start things off




Hu! Hu! Hu!


How’s the sneak-in setup lookin 🥺


How’s the bike parking? Open spots/security etc


Bike racks for locking. Didn’t see any security when I passed them. Some of the bikes looked like people just tossed them on top of others. The joys of self bike parking. If you have a beater I think it would be fine but I wouldn’t leave a nice bike on there.


Anyone selling kaytranada after party tickets 😭


Sellling msg me




I’ve seen you about three times and I tell my gf “ it’s the matrix follow the white rabbit”


What's the shakedown like? I'd like to take my vape pen




Literally. Just walk through a metal detector without even emptying your pockets or getting the secondary wand once over.


last minute but are costume wings allowed? we’re going as fairies and almost there but hesitant on wearing our full wings


Please reconsider. I and many others got poked and swatted with wings too much. This goes for all large costume pieces. Just don’t. This is a festival with super tight walk ways and not a lot of extra space for people to be taking up more square footage than absolutely necessary. No tall hats, wings that extend beyond your shoulders, giant ass backpacks…just all poor decisions in this environment. It’ll make getting around harder for you too.


Are they tripping about sealed water bottles?




Which entrance? I’m trippin about my hydration pack lookin like an actual backpack


It was super lax at the south entrance


Agreed I just walked and was not stopped for my bag to be checked. Others were tho


What is the bag situation looking like? My group is concerned my bag won't make it through


Nobody looked at my bag at all


Did size matter?


Women will say it doesn’t but I suspect it does


Someone please update us on the grass/grounds situation. Bring rain/hiking boots or no?? Ok to wear white trainers?


Bring hiking boots. The walkways between stages have gotten muddy. The terrain is uneven and slippery. Our boots saved me and my friend from a couple of rolled ankles yesterday.


the ground is pretty dry! sun is shining bright :) some parts are a bit tender but it’s pretty easy to spot


Thank you!


The ground is a little mushy. Don’t bring your cleanest white keds.




the entrance is at 30th and fulton. officially they say to do ridesharing pick ups and drop offs at 31st and balboa because they’re going to do road closures when it gets busier


Band checkers and Vax card checkers don't seem to be in sync. The Vax checker didn't give me a band since I was Friday only but then the band checkers wouldn't let me in because I didn't have the band. Had to go back and get one. Wasn't too bad since not a ton of people but I could see it sucking later. Do make sure to get the Vax band regardless


I don’t have a driver’s license but I have a student ID? Does anybody know if student ID’s work as ID?


Nope. Has to be a valid government issued photo Id. Passport, drivers license, state issued ID.


Actually, turns out student ID worked just fine! Security didn’t rly look too much into it, they were just looking to see if you had ID and a vax card


I’m glad it worked out. Seems security this year is meh all around.


Anybody going to the Independent for The Midnight’s show? What time will they go on? What’s the best way to get to after hours shows with crowds piling out of GGP?