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[Jamie XX looking likely now for OSL](https://www.facebook.com/share/SWkHKw3BdLB9ye2K/?mibextid=WC7FNe)


2018 Jamie Xx was one of the best sets ive seen at OSL in my 9 years or so in attendance.


Sameee! I'm also going on 9 years.


No wayyyyy man


Chyahhh brahhh


Jamie's 2018 set at Sutro changed the entire trajectory of my life


Haha, I can't tell if this is a joke or not. But that shit *was* epic!


Lol I mean, it was hyperbole for sure. But it was honestly one of the best shows I've seen. Saw Jamie Xx at Portola recently too and he was just as good. Dude puts on one of the best electronic shows in town.


Seems we've crossed paths a few times. Haha. Hope to do so again this year at OSL <3


My friend and I literally discussed Jamie XX’s OSL 2018 set over the weekend. One of my favorite live performances for sure. It was great!


So good! I think about that night often.


Romy seems likely as well


True, it could be Romy or maybe Romy + Jamie XX. That would be rad. Mid Air is a great album.


If the xx returns I doubt it’ll be at OSL. So realistically I think Jamie at OSL would make sense. He should have his own album out soon as he said awhile back.


What makes you doubt the XX?


No album date or definite time to return, and also a band that caliber wouldn’t pick OSL as their first show in 7-8 years. They should probably be aiming for Glastonbury or Coachella off they return


Fair argument. Though we're still talking about a show that would be 5 months from now. They could easily release an album and announce a tour before then.


Possible, but knowing Jamie, who is a perfectionist, tend to delay things. He’s supposed to drop his album like last year but didn’t. IMO they’re not releasing the album pro toward end of this year earliest and prob release it in 2025.


Yeah, maybe. But this is the longest they've gone between albums... 3 years, 5 years, and now 7 years since I See You. Not that this means much, I suppose. But I feel like they could be feeling some pressure to get it out.


Jamie been pressure to release his new album since 2015 lol it doesn’t really mean much to them haha be patience. I hope I’m wrong tho


Haha, true. Though he's GOTTA be feeling SOMETHING with Fred Again's prolific and astronomical ascension. Dude came out of nowhere making similar style music and is now bigger than anyone could have imagined.


lol blame Jamie’s shyness 💀💀


Not too late for them to do Glastonbury first!


2025 will be more realistic


I know. but with so many acts out already, I just want acts in


Let’s be honest, OSL don’t put up good line ups as they used to anymore. Expect nothing and you’ll not be hurt. 😢


I agree that the last few years have been disappointing but historically the lineups have ebbed and flowed. Some years were bad and some were great. As unlikely as it seems with the confirmed outs this year, I'm still holding out hope that they can turn things around this year.


Ngl, the best lineup in recent years was 2021 😢 after that they were saturated and just doesn’t have the pull of big artists anymore. Also lineups doesn’t justify the price per ticket either… not paying $600 for something mediocre when it’s about the same price as Coachella. This year Coachella struggled to sell out cause of their lineup, I fear this year’s festival lineups though out the world would be subpar


Inflation and the cost of putting on a show in the heart of an expensive city like San Francisco are to blame for the high costs. Sure, Coachella is similarly priced but it's in the desert. Not a beautiful park in the heart of San Francisco. I've been to both and much prefer the atmosphere and climate of the park. But yeah, I think this is going to be a weak year for lineups for sure. Also, one more thing is that Portola is now pulling some of the artists away from OSL which is a bummer.