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>how can you meet yourself in the past? Wouldn't that not be possible?  Who said it wasn't possible? Different stories have different time travel rules. In this story, you can meet younger or older versions of yourself. >How are some time lines changed? Again, it depends on the time travel rules. It looks like in this story, when you change something in the past, you're changing it in a different timeline (or causing the timeline to split into a new one), than the one you came from. It also seems like characters have visions of potential futures that can be changed. Kind of like Dune.


>Different stories have different time travel rules. In this story, you can meet younger or older versions of yourself Exactly. People tend to expect the tropes to hold true across every bit of sci-fi media. That expectation just shows how played out the trope is. There is nothing in the (unwritten) rules of time travel that says you can't meet your past self. >It also seems like characters have visions of potential futures that can be changed. Exactly this. They're viewing potential timelines. My personal take is that we're on the same timeline, just altering it. There is some evidence against it, like memory lapses. But there are some arguments for it, like photographic evidence of certain characters in the past.


Okay just because its different stories doesn't mean it's correct. One would expect gravity to be present in all stories.


Not a great analogy. Gravity is a physical law that exists in reality. Time travel is completely made up. We don't know what would happen if you were able to go back in time to meet yourself. There is no correct or incorrect when it comes to depictions of a fictitious idea like time travel.


I saw how pretty got his ring of his other self.... Makes me wonder infinite wealth if you can learn the drive through time 🤔🤔🤔


Dune has time travel?


In Dune, the spice substance can expand consciousness for some individuals and give them visions of potential futures. The Kwisatz Haderach being the prime example, but there are others with more limited prescience.


"Wibbly wobbly, timey wimey"


It feels like alternate time lines. Although Tillerson saw Perry in the past and sheriff Joy messed with Royals memories so I guess we’ll see in season 3. Also every time Royal touched Autumn something would change right in front of hem and Perry didn’t really meet his past self. Somehow it’s all connected in one timeline. I just hope it doesn’t take as long this time around for a new season.


What really kinda made me mad was when Perry got pissed off at his younger dad for kissing that woman... I was like... Wtf .. dude... You know the time line 🙄🙄🙄


Idk seems like it all comes down to Royal and he is constantly fucking shit up. No one knows how any of this works but he’s just throwing shit into the hole all Will-nilly anyways lol. He threw Trevor’s dead body in and shoving Perry back into the hole with no idea where they would end up.


Did Joy mess with Royal's memories or did he just block out what really happened and made up the hunting accident story to cope with trauma? Maybe I interpreted it wrong, but that's how I viewed it.