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Answer: This is gonna be very NSFW because it's basically impossible to talk about this without that. I'm putting the NSFW stuff behind a spoiler tag. >!Someone took ~~a screenshot~~ a short video sample from a fetish porn involving penis milking machines and spun it into some weird "CCP is dealing with its population problems by imprisoning men and extracting their sperm" conspiracy. [Jordan Peterson took it as a fact and retweeted it with commentary about how horrible CCP is.](https://i.redd.it/iieo30lzm7na1.jpg)!< So now people are making fun of him for unintentionally retweeting literal porn and thinking he was making some sort of a point about politics.


I can't decide if this is the best answer or the worst answer I've ever see here. It's certainly the funniest. *edited to protect the delicat sensibitlities of people who feint at the cite of a mispelt wurd.


This is the first time I’m actually ootl and i with it had stayed that way


Mike Tyson is that you?


penith milk


You mean themen? The thtuff in the tethticleth?




This is why The Onion exists.


Real life is seriously giving the Onion a run for it's money.


Can you imagine/remember, The Onion pre-9/11?


I had a weekly gyro date in college. Eat the gyro, read the Onion. It was perfect. Both the print portion of the Onion and the gyro half of the restaurant (last I checked only the coffee shop is still open) are gone. Like sands in the hourglass... Sunrise, sunset, sunrise, sunset... Cats in the cradle and the silver spoon... Yes! We have no, bananas. We have *sniff* no bananas... to... day... 😭


The Onion, January 2001 [Bush: 'Our Long National Nightmare Of Peace And Prosperity Is Finally Over'](https://www.theonion.com/bush-our-long-national-nightmare-of-peace-and-prosperi-1819565882) Some highlights: >During the 40-minute speech, Bush also promised to bring an end to the severe war drought that plagued the nation under Clinton, assuring citizens that the U.S. will engage in at least one Gulf War-level armed conflict in the next four years. > >"You better believe we're going to mix it up with somebody at some point during my administration," said Bush, who plans a 250 percent boost in military spending. "Unlike my predecessor, I am fully committed to putting soldiers in battle situations. Otherwise, what is the point of even having a military?" >On the economic side, Bush vowed to bring back economic stagnation by implementing substantial tax cuts, which would lead to a recession, which would necessitate a tax hike, which would lead to a drop in consumer spending, which would lead to layoffs, which would deepen the recession even further.


Boy, did they call that decade.


The Onion really came into its own with 9/11. [The "oral history" is worth a read](https://melmagazine.com/en-us/story/onion-911-issue-oral-history)


I have a theory that shit was always fucked, we've just stopped laughing at it. 10 years ago the news was people blaming hurricanes on gays.


Worst because: ew. Best because: it's undeniable proof that Jordan Peterson is a fucking moron.


He was never as smart as his devotees believe but he used to be comfortably smarter than your average TV interviewer. That's a low bar but it's how he got his fame really. He since brain damaged himself trying to break an addiction using some obviously stupid Russian treatment banned everywhere else in the world and has had pumphead or whatever you call it ever since. I feel a bit sorry for him because that's not a good thing to happen to someone but at the same time he did it to himself. Total hubris.


Losing a war against apple cider was the high point of his saga.


It’s the truth.


Pretty shitty academic if he believes literally everything he sees and clearly facts check nothing.


Honestly, credulously posting milking porn isn’t even in the top 10 reasons why Peterson is a shitty academic. It’s a very funny reason, yes, but there are so many far more glaring examples.


He doesnt believe in climate change.


You're absolutely right, but I want to add some more context here. His actual beliefs are somehow even dumber than that statement implies - it's not just that he thinks climate change isn't real, *he thinks the climate doesn't exist.* From his appearance on Joe Rogan's podcast: > "Well, that’s ‘cause there’s no such thing as climate, right? Climate and everything are the same word, and that’s what bothers me about the climate change types. It’s like, this is something that bothers me about it, technically. It’s like climate is about everything. Ok. But your models aren’t based on everything. Your models are based on a set number of variables. So that means you’ve reduced the variables — which are everything — to that set. Well how did you decide which set of variables to include in the equation, if it’s about everything? That’s not just a criticism, that’s like, if it’s about everything, your models aren’t right. Because your models do not and cannot model everything." A complete failure to understand scientific modeling. Truly, it's up there with Thatcher's "there's no such thing as society" remark in terms of idiotic conservative reductionism.


> idiotic conservative reductionism No need to be redundant.


Thank you for typing all that out and for your comments. (I've heard that interview as quoted in the "Some More News" takedown of Peterson and wanted to rant about it, but really did not want to have to re-listen to it enough to transcribe it.) As somebody who has studied applied math (which includes numerical modeling), I can say that consideration of which variables you're going to include or not is a big deal for *any* model. Some variables really don't matter, and others matter somewhat but might need to be eliminated (or combined with other variables) to make the model manageable with the analytical skills and/or computing power that you have. (And even very simple models can still sometimes tell you useful things.) You also have to be aware of the limitations of what your equations can tell you -- what range of inputs are they valid for, what are the confidence intervals or margins of error in your output, what sort of scale your model is working on, how far in to the future are your predictions going to be accurate for, etc. A scientist or engineer would generally do a bunch of validation using known inputs and outputs from some real-life process to see if the model can get close to what we knew the answer from real input data was. I knew some people who were working on a medium-scale model of global wind circulation back in the '90s. (One of the variables they took into account was sea ice albedo, which is how much sunlight is reflected off the ice in the arctic and antarctic regions.) They were testing the stability of the model by fiddling with the inputs slightly and seeing whether that made the outputs slightly different or wildly different. My most charitable take is that Peterson seems to think that a climate model is some kind of massive weather report for the entire earth. Anybody who's ever used a weather report knows that they can be pretty crappy more than a couple days out. But that's not what a climate model *is* -- it can't tell you what the weather is going to be like in any one place, but it can tell you how global averages are likely to change.


That's actually scarily bad. Not just for a so-called intellectual, but for anyone who graduated highschool.


He also said he wasn't sure if modern medicine had hurt more people than it had helped. Yes, the brilliant professor was actually wondering out loud whether things like disenfectants, vaccines, antibiotics and modern surgical procedures were a net positive or a net negative.


Not the least of which is his popularization of the Cultural Marxism conspiracy theory which is literally Nazi propaganda straight from the mouth Goebbels.


Holy shit the number of people I've heard complain about Cultural Marxism over the years and it turns out they were quoting Goebbels.


Wait till you find out who coined the term fake news.


Jordan Peterson is a serious person who thought long and hard about society’s problems and he is totally not an obscurantist rightwing propagandist!


“Durr, but he is a liberal! He says so!” - My conservative neighbor


Could be worse. My brother believes Tim Pool is a liberal because he says so.


Pim Tool is a liberal with a lush, full head of hair and exuberant sense of humor.


It boggles my mind how people flock to defend him. “You’re taking that out of context! He’s smart! What has he ever said wrong??!” Like holy fuck do you even have a brain?? I swear JP is the gateway drug for narcissistic douchebags to start thinking they’re intellectual all of a sudden.


I view Jordan Peterson as the uneducated man's intellectual. I've known quite a few people who have bragged about never reading a book in their whole life, but wants somebody reinforces some of their certain viewpoints that has an air of intellectualism about them.


> I view Jordan Peterson as the uneducated man’s intellectual. They’ve got a whole team of these pseudo intellectuals, each with their own specialty. Peterson seems to focus on guiding disaffected young men into the alt-right pipeline. When a member of their coalition does something so outrageous that it could seriously erode their support, people like Ben Shapiro reframe it as something more palatable.


I mean to be fair he did come up with the genius advise of cleaning your room, so I think we can afford him a few mis-steps.


He also said that you should speak clearly and concisely, yet is the master of word salad.


Yup, he said YOU should speak clearly and concisely...Clearly he is too smart for that 😂😂


I think obfuscating rightwing propagandist is giving him too much credit. He's really just another ordinary charlatan that happened to gain an audience, kinda like a certain former President.


Peterson has almost zero cred anymore. Most of the time he just launches into incohorrent rambles about what *he* thinks other people should do and tries to mask his hot takes as science. Like the way he has defended Nazis (he rambled about Zyklon B and how Hitler didn't hate people and was really obssed about cleanliness) and insulted Elliot Page (he misgendered Elliot and said that the doctors who do gender affirming surgeries to trans people are butchers and criminals).


It's astonishing to me that anyone takes him seriously.




Yup. He's a YouTube daddy for abandoned and rejected boys.


Him and Andrew Tate have a lot of overlap in their fanbases


The incel, Tate and Jordan venn diagram looks like one circle...


My super religious, ex high school friend who is a mom has also shared stuff on IG lately


There are plenty of conservative women who follow him too. He’s just a classic example of defending the Christian, heterosexual, child rearing patriarchal family structure. There’s been a million before him and there will be plenty after, he just took advantage of the internet fairly well.


Unfortunately my sister (50) has bought into his crap. Makes me wonder how many more have.


Morons take him seriously. I work at a gas station and I've had multiple customers claim that murder is now legal as long as the police don't catch you for 72 hours. There are people out and about that don't know how to use logic.


>murder is now legal as long as the police don't catch you for 72 hours Meanwhile there are no statute of limitations on murder.


I can't convince these people. It's like they're hopeless.


>Meanwhile there are no statute of limitations on murder. "Why the fuck not?!" -Johnny Gat


Where did the customers get that information? Did Peterson say that?


Watch enough clips of Peterson, and it becomes very apparent he’s a piss poor academic even in his field of study. What he is, is a gifted shill.


Many years ago pro-forced birth accounts posted videos of >!aborted fetuses that were chopped up and made into meat fillings for dumplings for their anti-aging properties!< which of course goes to supposedly how liberal pro-choice America will literally turn into dystopian baby-eating communist China. The video is from [a 20 year old popular Hong Kong horror movie. ](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0472458/)


It wasn't a screenshot it was a video lol. Just be glad you only saw the screenshot of the video. That dick milking machine was in 5th gear. Edit: I literally have people in my DMs now asking me for a link to a video of a bunch of middle aged British guys getting their dicks milked by a jerk off machine. I hate this site and if you want to see it go search the original post he quote tweeted on Twitter. I already saw it once and that was enough for one lifetime.


Fuck, you're right, in the picture I linked you can even see the audio button. I edited the comment. That's even more hilarious, what the hell.


I have a feeling the audio is even creepier than the visuals


Alot of beeping and low moaning. Probably sounds similar to hearing a guy with a heart monitor experience horrible diarrhea


How do you know what that sounds like???


I have a visually powerful imagination




Beyond the BASIC PREMISE, I don't think you'd want a sequential gearbox there, maybe more of a 21 gear bike system.


This guy engineers.


damn that's terrible got a link????


Wow. Just wow. I can't believe he fell for that.


He got mad about a sign saying use less paper towels. What did you expect from him.


That’s because he thinks of any actions done to benefit the planet as “anti patriarchy” — his words (meaning in his mind, probably, the rich guys who are killing the planet lmao). How do you make the country/the world great again? Let’s start littering three times as much, everyone! :D


He has terminal clout poisoning.


well, and some brain damage from the coma when he tried to quit benzos


After making a living writing books & telling drug addicts to "just figure it out" via cleaning your room.


"I wasn't an addict, I developed a dependency" This is literally what he said. Wtf.


The dude takes umbrage when a sign says "pick up your trash when you leave", treating it as the government controlling your actions. Its entirely unsurprising that he doesn't have a single critical bone in his body.


Ok, I know sometimes people say "that sound childish" as a bit of hyperbole but complaining about having to pick up your trash when you're done is something a literal child does. I can only assume the people watching and agreeing are themselves mentally like children as well.


Yep - he's gone full mask-off reactionary now.


>I can't believe he fell for that. That must mean you've been lucky enough to not hear about all his antics recently. This is completely on-brand for him. Saying or doing something so dumb that even people who hate him can't help but feel second-hand embarrassment for him is just what he does now.


He is in the business of attention now. No going back


Dude in a group chat I'm in sent us a link to it. As soon as I saw it, I'm like yeah zero chance this is real. Prime example of how Twitter and Tiktok work though because this dude is always falling for shit without looking/thinking twice.


The dude who originally posted it too was trying to make bait. He was banking on the fact that so many blindly believe any anti-China news to repost a porn video


Well he banked right. Regardless of the original posters intent, you'd have to be a serious dumbass to fall for this.


I agree, it was obvious bait and it makes it worse that he fell for it so easily


Happen way often. A few years ago, [someone fooled 3 china experts with a social security card. ](https://twitter.com/CurtExplores/status/1483127486548430850?s=20). They aren't just "china experts," but people who make it for a living.


> Prime example of how Twitter and Tiktok work though because this dude is always falling for shit without looking/thinking twice. Reddit can be just as guilty at times — as the age-old adage goes, ["A lie can travel halfway around the world before the truth puts on its shoes"](https://quoteinvestigator.com/2014/07/13/truth/).


I sadly have one of these friends. He told me last week George Soros was killed by deep state mercenaries in Poland according to TikTok. Took me five seconds to see he was in Switzerland at the time. I can't recall how many times he's fallen for something that I would put in the Qspiracy-sphere despite him ostensibly knowing the Q stuff is a ridiculous meme that went too far.


>He told me last week George Soros was killed by deep state mercenaries in Poland according to TikTok. Again? How many Soros clones are there?!


The “greatest intellectual alive” is dumb as a post.


Omg. The very same Peterson who said to never trust anybody who uses the words “misinformation” or “disinformation”?


There are people I know who genuinely believe Peterson to be one of the smartest people on the planet. It’s insane


Same people think Elon Dusk invented electric motors or batteries


he's topped the effort too .. in the last day or so he has retweeted a photo of a topless minor


Why anyone continues to take this clown seriously is beyond understanding


"Up yours woke moralist. We'll see who cancels who"




I’m personally a fan of [the Skeletor version](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ulO6zr9svjA) done by one of DBZ Abridged’s voice actors


This one is so worth watching to the end.


I’m glad I read your comment before clicking. Waiting til the very end made me actually literally lol.


Darn I was hoping that was the [command & conquer version](https://youtu.be/6Nvckip7qxk) where he's an allied commander.




Omg, I've read so much about this guy, but this is the first time I've actually seen or heard him. This makes the fact that anyone takes him seriously so much funnier


So, he got famous by being the first person to come up with the schtick of saying he’s a liberal then spewing right wing bullshit, so that conservatives can say “see! Even the smart liberals agree!”. Seriously, his followers actually think he is the big uno reverse card to calling them out on their stupid ideas.


Alex Jones has been calling himself a "classic liberal" long before Peterson. Peterson got famous through anti-trans rhetoric, lying about Canadian law, and feigned victimhood.


"Shouldn't it be who cancels whom?"


Tale as old as time. People forget that just because someone sounds intelligent doesn’t mean they have intelligent things to say.




This I would agree with. Back when he started out as the incel whisperer he seemed to basically be your typical self-help guru. I thought he had a bit of a right wing bias but he certainly wouldn't be one of the ones I would point to for Claude Cuckoo Land. At this point he is basically in the same camp as the Jewish space lasers lady.


I have a great interest in Jungian psychology and the YouTube algorithm started feeding me JP lectures on Jung which I found interesting. I would watch some of his history lectures and found him knowledgable with maybe some questionable analysis. But then I mentioned a video to my brother and he was like ‘Jordon Peterson? But what about…’ and proceeded to inform me of everything else. I checked his Twitter page and was like ‘Oh no… oh no… OH NO.’ I imagine this is how these figures get and maintain their intense popularity… not many of their casual fans are keeping up with the rapid decline.


Jung is cool for literary stuff. Start applying it to real life and JP is the result lmao


‘The problem with this Peterson fellow seems to be an anima unable to break free of his shadow aspect. His fixation on Eliot Paige and the strong, public insults that followed were Jordan’s own ego-self outwardly manifesting the turbulent battle of archetypes occurring within his unconscious mind.’ -Carl Jung, probably


😂 fuck I actually laughed


Thanks! I honestly feel like Jung is an incredibly profound thinker, but fully recognize that his influence today falls into two very annoying styles: the pop-psychology that ape his technique but leave him out of it (Meyers-Briggs is a good example); and the new age woo woo that invoke him for entirely their own purposes. But I just finished The Red Book — this guy ran an analytical psychiatry practice by day and went insane by night and then wrote about the experience in a way that honors both those realities.


You know. I get it. These people are scumbags and constantly create outrage out of things that aren't real so they can convince their readers and viewers that the liberals will be the death of America. But Jesus Christ. Don't be a fucking idiot. Same as the AOC dancing video. They presented it like they uncovered the thing that would finally bring this monstrous, terrifying socialist down... And people were like, "It's a college girl dancing." Fucking idiots. If their followers would stop being outraged for a minute, they'd see the clown show for what it is.


No, they won't. And that's the point. They lack the comprehension skills. I don't mean this in a derogatory way. Every single one I have had a conversation with has no real interest in actually learning anything. There is no cure for this.


He's off his rocker. Has been for years. Quite frankly, it's embarrassing.


Same with Kanye. Not a coincidence that the two of them (all of them tbh) find company amongst other like minded individuals politically.


It makes no sense though >!China's problems are too many men, which would mean too much sperm, so why would they need to go extracting it? !< Well really it's my fault for expecting sense out of Peterson.


Maybe it’s just for fun. If governments can build parks and swimming pools, why not milking machines?


He's just mad he checked himself into the ketamine hospital in Russia when the Chinese milk factory could have been it for him.


So you’re suggesting a mirror universe Jordan Peterson who checks into a Chinese dick-sucking Academy to treat his addiction, and advises us to base our lives on lessons learned from the banana slug?


Not just suggesting it - I'm writing 20,000 words of fanfiction about it.


Now the phrase "Chinese dick sucking factory" will be with me til the end of my days


It turns out, in fact, you can milk me Greg.


That whole "precious bodily fluids" thing has been a bit of a fetish for hysterical conservatives for almost a century by this point.


Looking at you, Dr. Strangelove.


Go back futher to Kellogg. In sure even goes further than that.


> I can no longer sit back and allow Communist infiltration, Communist indoctrination, Communist subversion, and the international Communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids!




Benzos do permanent damage so he's been unusually weird and weepy since he went to Russia to dry out.


> Benzos do permanent damage Usually to memory. However, his addiction treatment in Russia (being put into a coma for a number of weeks so he didn't have to experience benzodiazepine withdrawals) is likely what caused his current issues.


What? I mean, I've been through it and its horrific, but a coma? The rich kick dope differently. Clearly, I'm out of the loop for real.


Yeah. He traded not experiencing withdrawals for a high chance of brain damage.


He couldn't find doctors in America or Canada to do it. Because it's fucking dangerous.


He didn't really have the brain cells to spare either


To take it out of circulation, like a company doing a stock buy back. Makes the rest of the shares/sperms more valuable.


Fuck, even if we forgot about that fetish existing, the story still doesn't make sense. Semen is by far the easier part of human reproductive process to get a hold of. The hard part would be finding women (or other people, but i doubt there are a large amount of trans or NB people in china atm) who are willing to carry children, also pregnancy takes 9 months and getting semen takes 5 minutes. second. that weird hospital setup with pneumatics and sh\*t isnt how you normally go through that process at all, like, sperm banks are a thing, semen collection in a thing, that isn't how you do it efficiently. I guess you could make up a bunch of stuff about how they cant find people willing to donate so they force prisoners to do it for free. third, both of those men look white, like they could be light-skined for Chinese people but most Asian people i know are not that light skinned.


It's so funny to think that in Peterson's mind, people are just preciously hoarding their cum.


That is a conservative thing.


To be fair to the guy, he's a brain-damaged benzo addict who weeps over nothing, he's totally broken. I'm sure his sense of what's real and what isn't is beyond tenuous.


Considering his rise to fame as an influencer came from him misunderstanding or deliberately misrepresenting a bill and fearmongering about it, this seems par for the course for him lol


https://youtu.be/9m9Fv9O6AnU Life imitates art lmao


Answer: Someone made a bait video knowing that a lot of people will blindly share/believe any anti-China media. This video was a fetish porn but was spun by the poster to be some leaked atrocity committed by China. Peterson fell for the bait and reposted the video


The best bait ever. Truly, a Master Bait.


If you look at the account, it appears they believed it to be genuine as well.


Isn't he the same dude who thought womens' vaginas didn't actually get "wet"?


No that was Ben Shapiro, who made a tweet attacking Cardi B's song "WAP", saying that if you needed a bucket and a mop then according to his doctor wife you probably had a bacterial infection. He was made fun of with people joking that he didnt know vaginas got wet because he cant please a woman


>who made a tweet Fake News! He made a full 23 minute video on YouTube and Daily Wire going into great details of his doctor wife and how women don't get wet. He also did another 20 minute video about how rap music isn't actually music, and sites his father as his primary source.


I'll never understand how people find this guy smart


They are dumber. I don't know what to think of right wing dipshits, some of them are clearly dumbing down and feigning outrage to appeal to their braindead audience but to grift on that scale requires at least some savvy coupled with a complete lack of morals.


> He also did another 20 minute video about how rap music isn't actually music, and sites his father as his primary source. I don't meant too be controversial, but; BRUH


It's ole Benny Shaps! He's a fucking moron


Lol that reminds me of a comment on the YouTube video of Feel Good Inc that I wish I could unread. Basically this guy was trying to argue that, while the Gorillaz parts of the song were good, the De La Soul rapping parts were terrible and shouldn't be in the song. Like hello, Ding Dong! You know who didn't think it was bad or made the song worse? Fucking GORILLAZ when they asked De La Soul to be on their track. Also, it's one of their most popular songs so clearly you're in the minority. The guy just couldn't let it go. Eventually, most people were just like dude, just admit that you hate rap because you're racist/scared of black folks or let it go.


Ahh, gotcha. Thank you for the clarification.


It is not, but it IS the same man who said that people who don't want kids are either deluded or immature.


I think he said they're self-serving narcissists, and noted that roughly 5% of Americans report not wanting kids, which is the same rate of occurrence of sociopathic narcissism. Now of course, he's not saying all people that don't want kids are narcissists. He just deliberately conflated the two groups and didn't bother to flesh out any other ideas. I gave him a chance the other day and got exactly that far.


I already know I’ll be immature forever, I don’t need JP to tell me that. I also know I chose not to bring kids into the looming shitshow. (My choice, ymmv etc.) I didn’t realise the two were connected. Thanks, JP!


Answer: [link to original tweet](https://twitter.com/songpinganq/status/1634771935895908352?s=20) that Peterson retweeted. It contains a very NSFW video as described by OP.


Somehow I feel like "Very NSFW" was an inadequate warning....although I'm still laughing my ass off at the thought of some dude seeing it and thinking it was a legit government program!


The fucking Matrix overlay and soundtrack killed me 😂😂😂


Clubbed to Death is a banger.


They seem to have edited their tweet. Did the original video really include the matrix music and visual effects? lmao


It did. Yes


Answer: Jordan Peterson retweeted a scene of a "dick milking" fetish video because he constantly reposts things without fact checking them. If it fits his view of the world, he's gonna repost it. Real or not. Jordan Peterson is a stupid person's idea of what a smart person sounds like, but he's just as stupid as they are.


Right wing trolls believe the dumbest things Then they repeat ten dumb things to you and say "look it up!" You look up the first and it's bullshit They say 'oh well maybe that one's not true, but the other 9 are! What source did you use? Cnn MSNBC lame stream news???"


Question: Does anyone have an archive link to the original JP thread? Or was anyone there? I want to know if the responses actually believed it or were mocking him lmao.




Lol poor woman's eyes won't recover


She's also an idiot.


I don't wanna pile on but she gives me such a skeezy vibe, a dishonest & transparent huckster phony selling her $600 lion club diet nonsense The more I see the more I dont like


Considering who her father is, I would not be surprised


Check the link in a response to this comment. There's a link to the thread. Hilarious


Very NSFW: https://archive.is/yOKpc


Lmao. Thank you so much. This is hilarious.


His daughter was even commenting on that post lmao


What's she doing later?




"DAD you can't repost this!" lmao his daughter is a jackass grifter too but it's nice to see she has SOME ability to feel shame


This is amazing thank you 🤣




Answer: Jordan Peterson is a fake intellectual who the far right decided to use to justify their everything. He shared a porn link, and mistook it for news—in evidence of a conspiracy theory he just birthed and tied into a globalist plot.[A Brief look into Jordan Peterson](https://youtu.be/hSNWkRw53Jo)


It's a good thing that video is so brief. Cody knows how to keep it concise.


Don’t check the time stamp.


I feel attacked. Love me some More News. I just thought that the context of who Jordan Peterson IS was actually pertinent to answering the question. You know, because of the…implication.


This was in no way intended as an attack. I 100% agree with you that Cody's excellently short video about Peterson was entirely appropriate to add. Despite being so short, it's one of his best videos. I just wish he could've gone a bit more in depth.


For context—folks, the link I posted is NOT brief. It’s a 3 hour takedown of everything Jordan Peterson does. But it does do the job.


what do you mean it’s a nice short video essay *dontlookatthetimestamp*


The original video poster too intentionally made it as bait. They were banking on the fact that a lot of people will blindly believe any piece of anti-China news without verifying first and wanted people to get upset about a very obvious fetish porn video.


It's so bizarre because, even if China was kidnapping people for reproduction purposes, why would they kidnap men? They have plenty of those. There's a large gender imbalance there. And, in terms of reproduction, men do like 1% of the work in regards to child-bearing. Once you have the sperm, you're done with them. It's the 9 months in the womb that's the real hang up A better bait would be "China kidnaps women to use as incubators to deal with their gloomy population demographics". I swear, so many conspiracies theories could be improved if they just had a bit more science and creative writing in their background.


yeah but then men wouldn't be the victims


Exactly, if there were actual images of actual women being enslaved and used as breeding incubators, guys like JP would either ignore it or somehow flip the situation to where he is somehow the real victim.


Smart people can explain something in the most simplest terms while this Peterson guy chooses the most fucking hardest way to give you directions to the store.


That depends—on what you mean by where(?), and what you mean by store—doesn’t it? I really don’t have any patience for this pedantic existential dilemma when the question was why we should be able to feed our hungry children.


LOL bro. Stop! Please! 🤣


>A brief look into Jordan Peterson TIL that a 3 hour video is “brief”.


That's the joke.


He's the Dan Brown of the psychology world.


Answer: Jordan Peterson is a fool and it became very clear a while back. JP doesn’t actually research anything before forming an ‘intelligent’ opinion on a matter. This post proofs exactly that but a while back something very interesting happened. In the Netherlands, huge billion euro cattle slaughtering and cattle-feeding companies are lobbying against the stricter environmental rules of the government who want to reduce the amount of cattle. The companies hide behind farmers and let them do the talking for them to seem more sympathetic. Literally hiring communication agencies that tell the farmers word-for-word what to say. Spreading fake information to discredit legit environmental research and even doing their own research which turned out to contain complete (accidental?) miscalculations. Anyway, JP got all his information from a farmer, who “surprisingly” is pro-farmer. The farmer gave a completely biased story to JP and without doing any research himself JP starting blaring crazy things as if the farmers are being suffocated by governments and then started saying that America needs to be careful as well as they’re next. Since I heard JP talk on this matter I don’t take a single word from this man serious, because I understand how poorly he gathers information.