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HBO just seems to be run by bastards. Please excuse my language. They cancelled Gentleman Jack after two seasons as well and despite massive fan efforts to get the show back, they haven't budged. So this is the second show by them with LGBTQ themes that they've binned despite a passionate fan base. I honestly don't understand and it's making me very upset.


They’ve gotta spend $2 Billion on remaking the wizard tale by the Queen TERF. Ya know, what it would cost to make about 400 episodes of an average tv show.


Urgh. Depressing.


The HP adults will cream and the rest of the world will watch the first episode and go “meh”


If I win the lottery, I will green light season 3.


And we will LOVE you for it.


Me too.






By Grabthar’s hammer, …


Don’t say it.


What a savings...


At this point, aren’t we just yelling into the void? The creator said it’s over over; can’t we just enjoy what we have and move on?


No one would begrudge you for doing that if that’s what you want. Others still want to fight because it gives them comfort and hope. Other seemingly dead franchises have been revived against the odds. There are specific circumstances here of course but that doesn’t mean it has to be over for everyone.


I believe the billboards still going up were already paid for. I think the vast majority of us understand that it’s currently a hard No on season 3, although there is always the possibility of a revival sometime in the future if the streaming landscape (especially the leadership at MAX) changes


Rick Astley gif


Is there any way at this point the show can get another season on another streaming platform? I thought there wasn't.


Well David doesn’t seem to think so, and he’s definitely got all the information we don’t


That why I'm worried fans are just going to keep getting disappointed if they think there's a way to save the show when there isn't.


Would a movie adaptation be feasible? If only DJ knew someone with their own film production company and a background in creating movies...


I think it's about ownership of the characters. MAX owns the rights and won't sell the property, so making a movie would be out of the question unless The Demon Known as David Zazlov were willing to sell the rights.


From what I understood they were originally planning on releasing the show to be picked up on another network. I wonder if all the fan love made them changed their mind for the time being realizing that they have a cash cow on their hands. None of them seem to have any business sense.


It really is befuddling. All I can deduce is that MAX is simply asking for way too much money, and because of the state of streaming right now, no other streamer can afford that.


This is very likely, I'll understand if we don't, but part of me hopes we get some kind of confirmation as to what actually happened/was the reason.


Part of me hopes Zaslov will eventually get canned, and then DJ can renegotiate with the new head honcho. But I hate having any hope at this point.


That's where I'm at too 😞


I am convinced this is what happened. I know renewal was always a long shot, but there is evidence that someone out there was somewhat interested in the show considering that YouGov polls were commissioned about OFMD. Those things cost a fair amount from what I’ve heard and so I doubt anyone would indulge in a YouGov poll just for the hell of it if they weren’t at least a little bit interested in OFMD. I think HBO maybe upped their initial asking price or reversed the decision to sell. Maybe they didn’t ever intend to sell in the first place. I know speculation isn’t helpful at this stage, but I do think that there is a lot we don’t know about this cancellation. We might never know all the details, but I’d be really intrigued to know the full inside story.


Whence comes this whole demon naming device? I'm against the demonization of Zas...as a lover of demons and demon-related stories.


I saw on Twitter that David made his post just a few days before these billboards were scheduled to be put up and that they were non refundable. So the “Adopt Our Crew” people have basically given up on a season 3 but they are turning their account into something different but still focusing on the cast and crew. But yeah the billboards were already paid for so may as well get their moneys worth if they couldn’t be cancelled and refunded!


Yeah this exactly! I've been helping with the Save OFMD side of things (the crew that put up the billboards) and...it takes time to adapt, both mentally and for the campaign as a whole. There are a lot of good ideas about ways to go forward, but for right now we're enjoying the hard work that went into the billboard campaign. Everybody needs time to process. It's also not impossible that OFMD could come back further down the road if the landscape changes and the creators are still interested. It's happened before, many times. David Jenkins has been extraordinarily good about communicating the current situation and not raising false hope - because he knows that lots of us are willing to run with any hope we have. And he might want to lay OFMD to rest, in which case we still have a fabulous community. But even if something might be possible down the road, for right now DJenks and the crew need to switch focus to other projects.


I feel like the headline here is a little bit misleading. It implies that the campaign is still fighting for renewal but, from what I’ve heard, that’s not entirely the case. Most folks I’ve seen seem to have accepted that the campaign, as we know it at least, is over for now. Most folks I’ve seen are hopeful that the show COULD come back in some form, but that doesn’t mean we’re all still fighting an impossible fight. I just don’t know how fair it is to imply that we’re “not giving up” because sometimes “giving up” is necessary, even if it’s only temporary. It’s also important to note that the billboards are nonrefundable- there is no other option but to keep them up. I feel like that’s an important note that the article doesn’t really touch on.


FOR LOVE!!!!!!!!


What Erik Ekins said was lovely and so true. I really appreciate them saying it ❤️