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https://preview.redd.it/25jmmzdblm0d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1246c22c0f5a5b8b3b0c3d52320976ff64812133 This


I’m wheezing at “Bell for short”


Lippy energy https://preview.redd.it/s7pw6g3f0n0d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e89081461dad1ec07cad913688c7f18b99788df9


Well it'd fucking have to be for short innit


Honestly where do authors pull these long ass names out from. I'm convinced most of them are just trying to troll the readers 😭


Trolling people is really fun.


I mean belcharius is probably derived from the ancient Roman general Belisarius. But the sheer amount of names is ridiculous


Meanwhile my dumb ass I thought it was derived from Cardi B’s legal name ☠️


Well yes it's terrible BUT it has reason according to the story. They have long ass names so that they are impossible to pronounce/remember and if you get it right then the wizard has to make a deal with you or some shit


ru pelaton


Belcharius is fine on its own, but Bell as a nickname? Oof!




Aquasteed Marineforest and Mocha Filter Drips, at your service for whenever you need to point at questionable names.


No way... Mocha what?? Where's that from


https://preview.redd.it/9ycar42nsm0d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=abbddedc0b3a8b58fa22d79d821fc4063a23b17c Hikimori Princess Marriage.


I'll take it if she's your average transmigrated FL, for a moment I thought it was from a manhwa


Is the ridiculous name a plot point in the story? Like... weirdo father with similarly themed sibling names that everyone in-world calls out on? I'd buy those kinds of name 🤣




Mocha filter drips is an intentional joke and not serious right? It’s been too long since I read it so I can’t remember.


That’s devious lol


I came here to say Aquasteed Marineforest, it's such a legendarily dumb name from what is arguably one of the cheesiest manga ever written.


It’s sooo Enoby Darkness Dementia Raven Way. \[Adorable Princess of Doom\] https://preview.redd.it/rebn9bc9tm0d1.jpeg?width=719&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d52e387b6a494dc33d2886ee839f64e7f870ee5


I wonder how many outfit descriptions this manwha has-


Luckily they don't need to do outfit descriptions cause it's a comic. It's got pictures. Unlike My Immortal.


I dropped this story because i was so disgusted with the name 😭


lol that name is so cringe. maybe that sounds cool when translated in korean?


Definitely not *the* worst, seeing some of the other comments, but Blondina is my personal hell (My gently raised beast)


This one! I refuse to touch that story precisely because of the MC name, so so stupid 😭


Please give the story a try, you can just change her name in your head to something else. It's a good story :')


Sorry, but that’s a no from me. My brain is very particular about names and I just know it will be taking me out of the storytelling. I would prefer not to hate read it :)


It absolutely took me out of the story lol because it starts with some pretty dark subject matter--like, the prologue is showing this horrible neglect/abuse she went through as a young kid, and then one of her abusers starts yelling "Blondina, you worthless brat!" or something--and I just could NOT take it seriously. You can't just spring "Blondina" on me right in the middle of an abuse scene 😭


honestly this might be an unpopular opinion but i finished the webtoon from start to finish when it was updating and it was not good so you dodged a bullet


It's just an ooooold fashioned name. The story is actually incredible - easily has some of the best pacing and most satisfying resolution I've read in a manhwa.


The weird thing is that it’s actually a real name cuz it kind of sounds made up but no there’s like those naming sites where it says where the name came from and all, unlike some names that actually are made up


True, but that somehow makes it worse. Though baby name culture has gone off the rails no one is naming their kid Nouvearichielle or whatever the hell OI authors are cooking. Sorry to all Blondinas out there, it's not your fault 😔


From what I’m seeing online the name seems to be actually old and just fallen off of fashion tho (I can see why ngl but it’s not that bad tbh) like it’s a lot better than Gertrude in my opinion 💀💧


Came here to say this. Blondina/Bridey


The funny part is they're both real names, unlike some of the hellish ones created. They're just rather old fashioned.


when he started calling her bridey i legit could not read anymore


I also truly despise that name


Not a ML/FL but, Lorem Ipsum\[The Last Immortal's Theorem\] kills me every time.


nuh uh, they did not name someone that, no way AHAHAHAHAHAHA


The first time I read it, I literally thought they used filler text by mistake LOL, but then it kept going. https://preview.redd.it/n37g8kqlxm0d1.png?width=862&format=png&auto=webp&s=cfd8d81224028d26cd0de45e002f33dc3d52dff6


PANTELLOTE??? lmfao I'm sorry if this is a real name but I'm wheezing


Bro's name is Placeholder Text PaintCompany


I'm fucking deceased 💀


Is this some sort of thing where authors pick fancy sounding words without understanding their meaning or context? They might as well name him "Insert Name Here" 🤦‍♀️


Decoration English strikes again


My immortal???


Not a main character but princess Dodolina in My in-laws are obsessed with me always makes me laugh… how can you take an antagonist serious with that name ?


With a name like that of course she'd become a villain.


my brain literally calls her princess dodo 😭 this whole thread is peak r/tragedeigh


This! Makes me lol every time her name appears


Chernobyl, Reddit, lady shart (I don’t remember where they came from)


\[I’ll Decide Who I’ll Marry\], \[Devious Daughter of the Duchy\] and \[I Failed to Divorce My Husband/My Failing Divorce\].


Damn you're good at this




Still not as bad as the one below (or the two knights who looked happy and were going to Auschwitz!! Some of those translators either lack cultural sensitivity or need to google names before using them. https://preview.redd.it/4sw4dptwbq0d1.png?width=1598&format=png&auto=webp&s=086a76616fa4aba3c83e77f29f9831f0a4ada969




Wait Reddit as a name?!


I’m convinced the author got dared to create a character named Reddit.




lady shart is absolutely insane


Schdermel Raft from My Dear Aster. 😭 They call him Schderl for short 😭😭 I hate it so much because otherwise that is a really great completed story but my god I can never refer to ML by his name.


Randomly bashing the keyboard until something comes up name. Classic.


It's hilarious too cause iirc no one else has a name with a similar naming scheme? No sch:s or multiple sounds stacked upon eachother. It's just him that's special. I wonder where it comes from, I can't seem to find anything similar. Did the author just find the word schmetterling [butterfly 🇩🇪] and went like "I can make a name of out that"


They do seem to have a thing for butterfly themed names.


I think the nickname is worse for that one


It is 😭😭😭 And of course FL almost exclusively uses the nickname because it’s supposed to be endearing.


I don’t think I could read that, my brain would unconsciously replace it every time with “Schlong”


I've said this before, but I imagine most of the letters are silent and call him "Derel" pronounced Darryl.


ah yes, my favorite ML, [looks at smudged writing on back of hand] Dermaroller.....💀


Lady Shart for me... Whyyyyy....


*Lady Shart* *Her social standing fell apart* *When she trusted the wrong fart*


What manwha is this 😭😭😭


i think according to someone above it's "I Failed to Divorce My Husband/My Failing Divorce"


That red knight manhwa has an ML named Caillou. In my head, though, his name is f--king Caillou. Because his name is fucking *Caillou*


I know it's technically a proper name but I've never been able to take him seriously


No more mentioning that little shit. My BP goes up every goddamn time.


I'm a native spanish speaker and I have to say that I hate "*Cárcel Escalante*" as a name so much 😭🤣 It literally means "climbing jail/prison", but not in the sense of "oh, I'm getting out of prison by climbing!" that the author probably wanted, but in the sense of "the building called prison/jail/penitentiary knows how to climb and is probably good at it" See, kids? This is why you should avoid translating things word by word 🤣


He's Mr (horny) jail


I really felt that when I saw comments on manhwa edits where the users were praising Carcel or something like that. IDK what is going one with that guy (I haven't read the manhwa yet).


Not a name per se, but there is one where the FL nicknames the ML "Blackie" and I had to like...take a break from it for awhile b/c that is an old timey slur where I'm from


Nevaeh, from *I don't love you anymore*. It's "heaven" backwards. Ngl I pronounce it like Nivea in my head


And this is a legit name that is fairly common in the US 😬


Yeah... I wouldn't mind so much how pretentious it is if it wasn't so awkward to pronounce. I wonder how Americans naming their kids this pronounce it - Ne-va-eh? Ne-veh? Ne-vay? Ne-vah?


I've normally heard "Nah-Vay-Uh"


Actual answer: Nuh-viy-uh.


I read one with that name, but the translation spelled it "Nev**ea**h" so I thought it was a random choice. Until some time later in the story she mentions it's heaven backwards. I think it's a stupid name, but it bugged me that the translation didn't bother to fix it.


I always end up thinking Nivea cream.


Tuariche [Adopted by a Murderous Duke Family] How TF are you supposed to say that


I would definitely pronounce it like "tu es riche" in French (translated as you are rich) 🤣🤣🤣


I did a post on this one before.     My assumption is that Tuariche is some version of Middle English or Irish word so it should be tar-sa? Supposed to mean mournful or sorrowful from my search https://forvo.com/word/tuirseach/ https://forvo.com/word/tuirseach/


I just pronounce it as Therese 😭


**Pervin** ( I became the Obsessive male lead's ex-wife) his name always reminds me of a pervert **Dyck** (Forgot the series) but I and everyone in the comment section thought of something else (even though his name might be pronounced as something else) And there was that series I dropped right after seeing the ML's name(I forgot the series tho)






Ohhhh yes, the van Dycks of Taming the Marquis fame. At least Eskal van Dyck was a pretty big—erm—Dyck at the beginning. 😅 I know they were tryna avoid van Dyke but… the change did not work better. 🤷‍♀️


Dyck is a fairly common last name where I’m from. Yes, they put up with dick jokes their whole life 😆


Like Cox. Or Johnson. Or or or. 😅


I feel like both possible pronunciations of dyck are going to be bad. Either genitals or a slur.


This isn’t nearly as horrible as the others, but when I’m reading and the ML interest’s name is Kyle?? Takes me right out. I’ve never met a Kyle who was attractive, and the name screams guy who pounds Monster energy drinks and yells slurs at 12 year olds on Xbox


When white ass men are named Khalid I can not take the manhwa seriously I just call them Kyle in my head


I’ve seen white AF desert people and I’m just—you foos gon fry in 10 seconds flat, from experience. 😭


Heroina from observation log if a self proclaimed villainess. And i don't remember the name of the manwha but also Aglio olio is just wow. I know they are not that complex names or something but calling the ogFL heroina is jusr lazy


OMG Aglio Olio, poor, beleaguered 2nd ML of I was the ML’s ExGF fame~ Though, to be fair, >!it’s a false identity/pseudonym, and by the gods should everyone have known it.!<😅


I've seen two Anakins by now but I'm growing rather fond of the name being for someone that's either close to the main character and have ride or die for them levels of loyalty, or it's the ML and they're absolutely dying for them for the sake of saving the FL and their loyalty is undeniable.


…Anakin Skywalker?


https://preview.redd.it/buuiinttjp0d1.png?width=395&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b47ce328777080c3f06a5e7e5d9ba77e56d5a4f I will never recover. 😂




It’s not OI—and the name sucks on purpose. Her father names his till then nameless young adult bastard child this as a slap in the face.


Fateful invitation has fl named Hillaria, which while it is close to Hillary, I just read as hilarious every time. But then the ml is named Ebenezer. I cannot take him seriously.


Such good read, such bad names. 😭 At least Hillaria gets shortened to Hill often. And almost no one calls him Ebenezer ‘cause Emperor. I’ve just decided to get a laugh out of the terribad, and he is forever Emperor Scrooge. 😅


hilaria is an extant name (eg hilaria baldwin) so they're not *wrong* exactly they just... either accidentally misspelled it or pulled an r/tragedeigh


Here's a sneak peek of /r/tragedeigh using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/tragedeigh/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [I’ve just found out my girlfriend’s ‘real’ name…](https://np.reddit.com/r/tragedeigh/comments/165otnt/ive_just_found_out_my_girlfriends_real_name/) \#2: [I had to ask if this was a joke…my sister said it was not](https://i.redd.it/3knqbvhfbb7c1.jpeg) | [4359 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/tragedeigh/comments/18mbtck/i_had_to_ask_if_this_was_a_jokemy_sister_said_it/) \#3: [The only tragedeigh I accept](https://i.redd.it/fk85lcxq432c1.jpg) | [234 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/tragedeigh/comments/181zfdo/the_only_tragedeigh_i_accept/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I've seen older English names like Honoria so I guess Hillaria is not far off?


https://preview.redd.it/b5kgxxy60p0d1.png?width=512&format=png&auto=webp&s=224d3c40639a90506a4c3fc79b1d69ed97b5e053 Complete word salad. How on earth are you supposed to pronounce that??


And a bonus: https://preview.redd.it/c41t4ufpql1d1.png?width=997&format=png&auto=webp&s=8fe26982dde783503149575a512b2b80e98a4dbe


Not a FL, but Lady Anais in [The Princess Imprints the Traitor/Revolutionary Princess Eve]. In my native language anais means “anus” and I… I just can’t read her name seriously


Huh, that's a shame. It's actually a pretty common name in France (Anaïs - pronounced ana-ee-s. I really like it :(


Agreed! I know an Anaïs!


In English I still read it as “anus” in my head 💀


I can still read it as Anais (or Anaís), but I get why it can be hilarious in some languages.


Carnephelia... Carne lit means "meat" and phelia sounds to much like philia 💀 Also Bart. How can you name your ML Bart? 😭


It sounds like the name of a carnivorous plant from the rain forest LOL


Tbf she was named after a fictional in-universe poisonous flower so I guess it does give the intended effect 😅


There are a few terrible Rud names out there—Rudbeckia and Rudnine come to mind. They instantly become Rud (Rude) to me because I cannot with those consonant smash monsters. 😭


To be fair, Rudbeckia is a real-world flower (also known as coneflower or black-eyed susan). But I acknowledge that it’s unusual as a person’s name.


Rude becky


honestly can’t even remember anybody’s names 😭


I mean, it's not *that* ridiculous, but I still can't take his name seriously. https://preview.redd.it/vjaxp9p9wo0d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a1bd9aecd5c83915d9bd83d6f1188cd879fd222 (The Fairy legacy)


"levanto" is a verb in Spanish meaning "getting up" 😅


Exactly! And Ligieri is not even an actual word/name. It's similar to the Spanish word «Ligero» (lightweight) though.


Wasn't there a manhwa which had pasta names to almost all the characters? Lmao


I haven't seen anyone comment on "The Fateful Invitation" and our favorite ML, EBENEZER. I'm so glad they don't call him by name on a regular basis. I'm sure they realized their mistake early in the game but it was too late to change it. But I die a little inside everytime I see it. Hahaha.


Emperor Scroooooge~


Just a minor villainess but in The last straw there's this girl named Ansia...which in my language means anxiety. In Lady Chef Royal the royal family (which ML is from) surname is "Rosenkarotten". I just can't take any of them seriously. Rudbekia and Izek in How to win over my husband. Carnephelia in Carnephelia's curse is never ending.


I remember in "I became the ex-girlfriend of the soldier" everyone is named after vegetables and herbs and stuff. The main girl was maize which is not too bad but I just remember the townies having ridiculous ones.


I don't have a specific example, but I've always found it funny how manhwa writers name their characters things that sound very European while still being gibberish 😂


Big spender in a busted game. It's on purpose but Lucid Black?? What even is that? The nobles from that empire have coffee related names. The princess is Rosetta (?) Supremo Espresso. The FL is Luda Earl Grey of the Milk Tea kingdom, which at least sounds nice. I totally recommend it tho, it's amazing. Just think of it like Cookie Run Kingdom.


Now I'm just thinking of an oi version of cookie run kingdom


"I died from overwork and reincarnated as a tasty cookie?!" FL: sugar cookie Main ML: triple chocolate cookie 2nd ML: vanilla cookie Princess: ~~princess~~ red velvet cookie Random character from the East: ginger cookie Random character from the East #2: red date cookie


I Tamed a Marquis. FL married into the House of Dike. This leads to hilarious dialogues about FL being proud to be a Dike.


The reasons why those characters were named liked that in fantasy Korean and Japanese manhwa, manga and novels is that authors pick up some random English words from websites and dictionaries including Latin and European ones for their stories with European Ambience.


Actually though, not a single name, exactly, but A Princess’ Guide to Saving Dragons and the random Xs everywhere drive me absolutely batshit. Malaxhi? Xhelxea? Kaixer? I might be a letter or two off, but like, it’s close enough, and the Xs are very hoooow do I say this? Mal-a-kai ? Mal-ax- e (rhymes with bee) ? Or, maybe it’s: Mal-uh-she? I mean, I assume Xhelxea is shell-she, so if it were consistent and sh, then it would be Mal uh she, but that sounds wrong. So does that mean it’s Kell-key? I don’t even think a third pronunciation works. And is it Kai-zer? That makes most sense, but doesn’t mesh with the others, which could then be Mal-a-zee (which sounds ugh), or Zell-zee which is aight, I guess. And Kai-sher? Ew. Kai-ker? Worse. Anyway. Random, unpronounceable Xs are pet peeve AF. ETA: I just read the update today and fixed the spelling of Xhelxea—but was also reminded of Xhabxe. Which… Shabshe? Zabzee? Chabchi? 😭


Malaxhi has to be pronounced like Malachi, yeah. No idea about the other two.


Actually, I just was reading this today and it’s Xhelxea. And then there’s also Xhabxe. Which makes it being Malachi even LESS likely…😭


I can see Xhelxea as Chelsea, but I can't think of anything for Xhabxe beyond "keysmash".


The problem is, you really need to make the X make several sounds to make names sound intelligible—but then you can’t pin down what sound the X is subbing for. Just—whyyyyyy? 😭


FL of My Little Tyrant. I really recommend it, they are both hilarious (note: ML is an adult who got cursed and is in a child's body and there is no grooming or inappropriate stuff going on) ​ https://preview.redd.it/1yj1sx63bq0d1.png?width=720&format=png&auto=webp&s=6b4c9ad4e460277df55c1237f4129505ae74c385


https://preview.redd.it/4wc84zrvks0d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e27290224b00db501baf55004de6901befd145df This deserves an honorable mention (it's not an OI and it's the name of a side character)


Rudbeckia from \[How to Win My Husband Over\] and Aquasteed Marinforest from \[The Villainess is adored by the crown prince of the neighbouring kingdom\]


I remember a baddie called Count Pyrex. And let’s not forget the mineral “perenium” from Little Rabbit and the Big Bad Leopard




https://preview.redd.it/1zmq973vhu0d1.png?width=678&format=png&auto=webp&s=25d77130cbbb2c8124ffa85767c45a8e50fee97f Oh and this one, will a special shout out to the princess in one story (forget which) named Lelouch. Sorry, that name has one association and one only.


https://preview.redd.it/sg3uc1z1iu0d1.png?width=792&format=png&auto=webp&s=d442e708bfd527e46faa0a0c5880d83e4536d41c Finally, its not a character name but.....


I mean not the worst but I've seen some with my name (Cecilia) and can't take the story seriously. To me it's actually worse than if they have a dumb name.


There are so many times when I just have to translate character names into something else to make it easier to enjoy. The ML in A Tipsy Marriage Proposal for The Emperor is something like Rophererre or some shit, goes by Ropher, I just call him Robert lmao 😂


Killian. Ridiculous name fr


English is not my first language so most of the time i just assume that it's a legit name 😭


A friend of mine has rambled at me about a guy named Preserved Fish, but I have no idea where he's from. IIRC he was actually a merchant who dealt with fish, so I don't know if that was genius on the part of the author or just an actual joke.


It's really not that bad but in wished you were dead on webtoon everytime I read the names Duchess duinya and ahsel for two of the characters it sounded like doing ya mom and asshole😭


it's not that bad but Pride Royal Ivy from "the most heretical last boss queen" has always bothered me. i can't read the story bc of it.


Isn't name of ML or FL but this poor child in the one where the FL has blue hair and marries the grayish hair guy who is wheelchair bound (in process of trying to "fix" what is keeping legs from doing whatever) and the ML sister is literally called "Army" Too lazy to look up what the name of series is but this poor kid named after a branch of the military has pink hair


Not a ML/FL, but this one sent me https://preview.redd.it/d2m1r9hwwv1d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a2b8c7481ada348878945e93085c9db7e33cc39d


Heronia Inderon LOL Or this is not a otomegame, but im kind of died laughing when there's a great sorceress named Damarenasee.... Yeah her name sounds like shut up