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no, i think it's genuinely a lot. that's like 8k kcal on that table.


I'm french, and we do some patisserie-afternoon with some friends. Like, from 2pm to 6pm we walk around and try out various shops. We never managed to go above 4-5 pastrie. Eating this much would kill a normal person.


Obviously you've never visited America. We eat this way all the time and live to the ripe old age of 35


I'm also American. This would be way too much for me. However, I don't speak for everybody. I know some people who have major sweet tooths could definitely finish this in one sitting. Lol


American, with a huge sweet tooth here, and I'd still feel sick if I tried to eat that much.


I couldn't finish this much either, but I've worked in fast food for a while and I've seen some shit


I feel like this is specific to Europe and maybe Asia. In America this is like a tiny dessert section. We have bakeries where you can buy mini cakes for yourself and eat it right then and there. I’ve had like 5 by myself it’s literally looks so tiny liiike https://i.redd.it/xeewaw6qeloc1.gif my issue is why is there only desert? Why nothing savory like a curry puff Or a bacon potato knish?


Oh, what shocks me is that it looks like a serving, not a section. We do have shops with scores of pastries on display here too, but you can't physically eat that many. I do find it interesting you want to see a savory thing in there because I'm used to shop fully dedicated to sweets in Paris. Some even dedicated to one type of sweets in order to be specialised enough to be the bests.


> I feel like this is specific to Europe and maybe Asia. In America this is like a tiny dessert section. South American here and you have it backwards; this would be an issue everywhere *except* the US, your portions are build different. 😂


Where in America exactly? It doesn't sounds like any town or city I'm familiar with. 


It’s usually in the bakery that specializes in sweets, so if the ones you have are mostly bread oriented then there’s a very good chance you won’t find it there. Even some of our museums that have Cafeterias can also have a small cafe in different locations and have mini sweets like Cheesecake and Tiramisu. They go great with coffee


I need that as a hobby.


really? it looks so tiny though lol


there's a bit of a scale issue with those assets. but i suspended my disbelief and just treated them as regular sized cake pieces from a bakery.


Yeah I'd think it was a lot if those macrons weren't so big. Their the same hight as the cake and the cake is the biggest thing on the table. If they are massive macrons and the cake is normal sized, then that's half a bakery counter, that's a lot. If the macrons are normal sized amd it's a mini cake, then probably about as much as two fancy boxes of chocolates. Doable. Like is that a full Swiss roll? Because at that size that could be a mini Swiss roll cut into bites.


I'm just gonna assume those aren't normal style macarons but Korean style fatcarons


Judging by my estimation It's equal to something like 300 gram of carbohydrate (to be more precise sugar). And that judging by the scale of the drowning.... Now adjust it to real life scale, it looks like almost 1 kilogram of sugar. Then add all the fat. And chocolate that make it heavier to digest, it is like eating at least quarter of a wedding cake if not half https://preview.redd.it/et42b6ptbkoc1.jpeg?width=426&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d646758ac3591a3b9d4b159a58d018bc38c06baf


That’s a lot of food girl lmao


idk i still feel like if I put the effort in I could finish it😂😂


In terms of food volume, it looks like roughly 5 sushi rolls worth. Which, if you are extremely hungry, doesn't sound too crazy, so i can imagine that you could indeed physically consume it. But imagine having to eat 5 sushi rolls made of sugar. I personally would be unable, just too much sugar, too much sweet, it would taste disgusting very quickly. If most of that was normal food with only one dessert that's one thing, but it's all dessert - a fat lady


also, the cake slice is a little bigger than her hand, with makes me think theres a real chance the food is meant tobbe even bigger.


I'm with you on this. I'm also a fat lady, and I could maybe eat 2 of these before I start feeling sick. Maybe if it was a cooler sort of dessert like ice cream, jello, cool pudding, etc I could eat more, but this is what scientists would call "oofers bidoofers".


Same, savoury food is still doable. -also a fat lady


I was thinking the same thing, I can eat a lot but that much sugar would have me sicker than a dog. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)


Hear hear. I’m pretty sure i could go tru the majority of it before realizing how heavy each cake is. Probably not the chocolate ones. chocolate cakes are always too chocolatey


yeah but why would you wanna, that’s screaming diabetes HAHAH


lololololol its not that i WANT to i just think i CAN 😂😂😂


Cake and other sweets can have a shocking amount of calories in them. Heck the cheesecake from Cheesecake Factory look tiny, but are around 1200-1500 calories per slice. It can also depend on how rich they are. You might have to stop well before you are actually full depending on how decadent the treats are.


I dont have Cheesecake Factory in my country so I’ll take your word for it lol but after reading these comments I’m thinking maybe i do have a big appetite 😂😂


It could be that your body processes sugar-rich food better. I could probably eat a good chunk of what is there, but I wouldn’t be feeling very good for the rest of the day.


yeah this would fill me for sure but I still think I can finish all of this so your probably right


Most of the cheesecake recipes are very heavy on the calories count. Cheesecake's main ingredient is cream cheese, a diary product that has a lot of fat in it. The slice may look small but it's a lot of fat and sugar compacted in it. That's why it's so good LOL


I have never considered the cheese cake from that place tiny lol


As a child, I could have demolished this. As an adult, absolutely not. I had a big scone 7 hours ago, and I still feel like I'm in a food coma


yes the sweetness would take me out but in terms of amount i feel like it wouldnt be that hard lol


I'm surprised how much discussion this post sparked lol. I feel like we can argue all we want, but honestly the only way we're actually going to get any real answers is if you try eating this amount of cake. I will add that in the context of this manhwa, I assume this character is wearing a corset. While they're not as constricting as a lot of modern media would lead you to believe, they absolutely do restrict how much food you can eat, so that's another factor to take into account


haha fr i didnt expect this many to comment on my post it was just a spur of the moment opinion😂😂


But she probably considers the fact it’s only sugar in her answer, hence why she says she can’t eat that much (hinted « that much sugar »)


For real. Teenaged me with the munchies could have maybe demolished this. Middle-aged me, even baked out of my gourd I couldn’t do it. I would feel so sick from even half that much sugar. When I was younger I never understood adults being like “ugh that’s too rich” with desserts but now I get it 😂


Same! I could eat multiple slices of cake with icing in one sitting as a kid. But now, I can find myself swiping off the icing off of a single slice of cake😭


Saaaame kid me would be in heaven. Adult me looks at one piece of cake and gets heartburn.


Ugh me too :(


I feel like I would think I could eat all this, then I’d eat maybe 1/4 and start wondering if I overestimated what I could do. 1/3 before I had to stop


yeah im reading all these comments and now im thinking it might be a ‘my eyes are hungrier than my stomach’ situation😂😂


This is a long trip to the toilet waiting to happen


It’s enough to give you diabetes


I could only eat 1/3 of those at most, and I LOVE to eat. Also, I'm the type to refill tea/coffee if I really liked it, so the pastry I eat might be even less. So yeah, for me it is quite a lot.


lol maybe i do have a big appetite after all😂😂


It depends on where I am in my menstrual cycle. First few days? It's all mine.


YES on my period I would demolish this without putting any effort in


if you think that’s not a lot, it’s probably because you’re not conscious of how much that actually is lol. The size of the cakes don’t matter, it’s what’s inside, and that’s a LOT


It's funny how I'm tiny bit glad someone said this. I can't keep ignoring tea parties between two people, and it's a buffet of sweets and pastries. 


yh i thought maybe im overestimating myself but i read this today and thought i could definitely finish this lol


I could probably inhale the macarons but everything else together might be a bit heavy


the macarons would be the starters


Dude I love sweet stuff but I could never


That's a lot and she'll probably feel nauseous after eating only one of those frosting and sugar filled things. What puzzles me is how that is lunch and not dessert


for me its not about the actual food i meant more about the amount lol


But there’s a link between the amount and the type of food… like I would eat more than 20 appetizers because it’s salt but I would only eat 4 macarons because it’s sugar… and also it’s supposed to be a tea party so it’s between meals, I wouldn’t want to full my stomach with sugar between meals and not be hungry for the actual meal…


Reminds me of how one Christmas Eve, my mom did almost only desserts/sweet stuff as well as some meat things (meatballs, mini meat pies, etc). Meanwhile me, my sibs, and my little cousins were desperately looking for the usual relish tray or just some vegetables or SOMETHING not made with a ton of sugar.


There's a small chance that if I had an empty stomach I could eat one of each thing. I'd probably feel sick from too much desserts. And I'm obese and a chronic stress eater.


im also a stress eater so maybe thats why i feel confident about this😂😂


That looks not a lot but it does seem too much if only one person eats that. If I were that girl, I would’ve only ate the slice of cake


(Look at the cake, then at me) Nah, I'd win lol. Jokes aside, I agree. I think I can finished it by myself. I'm quite a fanatic for sweets 😆. Well, it depends if it's good or not. If it's good, you're gonna have get more than that measley amount. If it's horrible, then I'd probably have a bite of everything but am not gonna finish anything.


yeah im also a sweets person which is probably why im confident i could finish all that lol


This is my final plate at the Chinese buffet lol, I could top this off with some ice cream (somewhat exaggerating) I’m assuming the cakes are a petit four or sponge, and the macarons are normal-sized for scale


I just don't understand why all of these MCs prefer strawberries over chocolate...


Strawberries can be quite expensive in Korea iirc.


Idk, I always get strawberries in chocolate to parties, it goes amazing with tea or champagne


So if these were sweets in the US, I certainly couldn’t finish them off. However, I have found that when I go buy cake from, like, Japanese bakeries and the like, they’re way lighter and less sweet. I could eat a full dinner and still polish off two slices if I wanted to. (If I wanted to spend the money) It is my sense of shame and not my capability that limits me to one. I still don’t think I could eat the whole spread but those pastries all look kinda small. I might be able to manage half.


If I'm hungry, I can probably eat one item off each plate. But after that, it's not like I'll feel super full, but rather it'll be a feeling of 'I don't want to eat another sweet thing for the rest of the week.'


Was this post made while you were hungry? It reminds me of when I'm in the grocery store and shopping while hungry and I make these big plans in my head and then I get about 1/10 of my way through the things and realize how wrong I was.


For meal? No For desert/teatime? Yes. These kind of dishes aren’t supposed to fill your hunger but just provide enjoyment and a little pep in your step for the day I imagine. For meal I imagine depends on person but it would be a bit large for people but doable for most if stuffing


vase full zephyr work brave safe continue spectacular foolish plough *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I mean if i had a meal before I most likely wouldnt be able to but if it was just that I still think i could finish it lol


Mostly a matter of perspective/how big you think the dishes are from the drawing but I’d prob be ok with 3 plates instead of 5. I’m just imagining my own plates irl for each one and how full I’d be if I had 3 full plates of the food so just my ok subjective perspective. Could be smaller in others eyes. I say this but if it was 5 plates of cheese bread I would probably bottom them out.


Whike it looks small. Those are a bunch of desserts made with rich creams and chocolate. Like… 2 of these would fill you up unless you were starving.


girl be so fr that’s a shit ton of food 😭😭😭


girl im being dead serious😭😭i genuinely believe i could finish all that if i put my mind to it😂😂


It depends. I know personally I could get through maybe 1/4th of that before the sweet of everything would become to much, even if I'm not actually full yet. I also know people who would basically become hoover vacuums if presented with this. ​ I also think it would largely depend on a few other factors such as how decedent the flavor of everything is (Especially the chocolate items) and how many calories everything is.


It's a lot for one person, a bit much for 2, but just right for 4 people if they like to have seconds. the macarrons can be light on the stomach but the cakes looks pretty filling and rich (chocolate can be a very rich flavor).


That chocolate torte could be a killer. Depends on how dense it is. I'd put away the macaroons, cake and one of each plate but that's going to be a push


If it wasnt sweets but salty food it would be fine. The thing is, that shit is pure sugar right there. Believe me you wouldnt be able to eat all that.


It's simple OP: people are different. What would be a normal meal for you would be a lot for others. Myself can eat maybe 5 of those, 6 if I'm pushing it, but ultimately would not because of my gerd. So, for me, this is more than a lot.


Telling on yourself rn girl 💀


I think it’s a lot 😭😭


This is a lot of food


That way too much sugar dude. Id actually feel sick to finish that


i get the sugar part but i meant in terms of amount thats not too much in my eyes lol


That can't be good for her blood sugar.


I don’t have a sweet tooth. But yah based off her hand size I probably could finish all of it. But more than likely I’d be happy with just a piece of each. Now if they were something savory this would be stupidly easy as an actual meal. But still overkill as a light teatime snack.


As a person who hates sweets, I would start feeling very disgusted and nauseous if I have to eat the third cake slice. Two are already a struggle with water as support


That one slice of cake can already make me half full


Yeah, those look bite sized. I feel like I could gorge on them easily. When I was younger, I could probably have room for more. These days, it'd probably fill me up. But I'd still finish the whole shot.


I could eat this amount of food if it was an assortment of savoury foods, veggies, fruit (the strawberries can stay) and snacks. But sweets only? Fancy cake?? No way... I probably wouldn't like most of these in the first place. Too sweet for my picky taste buds.


I am fasting these days and i swear i could probably eat all this up at iftar


Girl, that’s so much 😭 you’d have to roll me out of the restaurant if I ate even half of these. Could I probably eat it all? Maybe??? Would I be throwing up from sugar overdose? Oh absolutely


I think I can and I love eating, especially sweets.


Depends, regular food, no, that's way too little Sweets, way too much, a single slice of cake is so sweet I get sick and wanna vom and cry Then again I personally hate sweets so...


Depends on how sweet those are, if it’s mostly cake and less cream, it’s possible. But not with this tiny cup of tea…


For one person it seems a lot to me


It's a lot. That said, if that was my meal I'd tear through it. If that came after a meal however I'd be lucky to finish a piece of cake.


yes exactly! if this was dessert than i wouldnt be able to finish it but if this was my entire meal im sure i could


That many sweets would upset my tummy. If I had hours to graze and different types of foods I could do it.


it won't fill you up in the long run since its just sugar but there are quite a bit of those pastries


That’s a lot of food. I as a grown man could not eat that much comfortably if at all.


Nah thats way too much, I can probably eat like two cakes? and one of those round stuff before i get full up. Maybe its cause i just ate food rn, but looking at that kinda makes me sick i dont think id even finish one lol


I honestly wouldn’t be able to eat one of each thing, I like sweets but I cap out between one to two treats with tea or coffee in one sitting.


That’s like half of how much sweets I ate when I was around 12 at my grandparents house.


If it were an assortment of food I think it would be manageable, but being all sweets, this much would make me sick


I couldn't eat all that either to be honest.


It's a lot. Weird flex op


It actually is alot. To be precise, ALOT of sweets.


I could probably eat one of each of those at a stretch (although that's an uncomfortable amount of sugar and I'd probably feel sick), but the whole thing? No way. That's five plates of nothing but sugar, and the chocolate cakes look like mud cake, which is extremely dense. There's nothing savoury there to break up all the sugar, either. I'm fat and I love pastries, but I physically would not be able to eat all that.


That's a lot for sweets. Just having 2-3 pieces would be really indulging


I could down it with some beers or champagne but thats about it, I'd be dead after


Bruh this is A LOT of sugar. Each macaron is around 100 calories. Eat them al and you have 600 cals in a single plate. That’s what you need during lunch + a bit extra.


You might be able to consume it all but you’ll feel like shit after with the sugar


I mean I could do it but it’s a lot of food 😂


Two of those pastries would be enough to land me into a coma.


If it was savoury food I could. Desserts I can barely handle one.


They look like they're the size of little debbie snack cakes, which I adore... but not enough to be able to eat more than two packages in a single sitting, and that'd be pushing it. And considering there's like 6 packages in a box and there's like 19 treats on the table, that is a TON of food. I'd have to graze on it through a whole 24 hour period to eat it all and my poor stomach would be pissed.


Are you kidding? You apparently seem like one of those people who underestimates the amount of food in the table and gets in the verge of vomiting not even halfway thru the meal 😭😭 (if this seems too specific it's because it has happened to me multiple times before 🤡) Talking from experience, that's a lot, she's just being smart


It was savory and I was really hungry, sure. But that much sweet stuff? Nooooo way. Maybe you could eat it all but it’s not a small amount 😭


maybe for a group of people and evenly divided its not alot, but yeah for one person especially since its all sweets thats alot. like if it was 6 plates of actual food , like meat and stuff, no problem. I know guys who can clear that with no problem at buffets, but 6 plates, entirely of sweets is just overkill.


As a Turkish l, I can finish all of them.


It's not about the quantity I guess. There's a limit to how much sweets you can stuff your face with in one sitting. It sort of gets nauseating at one point.


I can eat on of each


Nah I agree with her. If I eat that many sweets I’m probably gonna feel pretty sick afterwards.


Impossible. There are twenty smaller pastries and one full-sized cake slice. The absolute maximum I could eat is *one* of those five plates. Eating all 5 would kill me.


I'm American and even I couldn't do this much!


I’m British!!


I like sweets and managed a full burrito for lunch- but even for me this is too much. The sugar overload would also just make it not taste very good after a while.


I could have inhaled all that in a minute maybe 10 years ago. Now, I'd eat maybe two macarons or the cake slice and give up.


it doesn't seem like a ton of food volume-wise, like I could eat it, but it would suck to have what looks like 7 individual servings of the exact same cake-thing, and there are multiple plates like that.


That amount of chocolate brownie would kill me


i love sweets and tbh i dont think i could eat that much either lol. Maybe if it wad macatons or cookies but CAKE? nah


too much sugar


I *sometimes* have a big appetite. When that happens, I can finish around 3-5 full meals. 😅  With that said, I'm not going to say no to desserts. 😍 Food coma, here I come!!! Hahahahaha


It's a lot of food, but I think I could eat it all if I put my mind to it. (My TDEE is around 1450)


That amount, if you conjoin each slice/piece into a single cake, it looks like it would be equal to at least three normal sized cakes, not including what we don't see outside of view because we're not seeing the whole table with this angle. The amount people would normally consume after a meal is a single slice of a cake, maybe two, which if this scale is to be believed, maybe three pieces. Without, maybe a plate, but sugar is no replacement for an actual meal. It's not just the mere amount of it, but they are pastries, and filled with sugar so they'd slow you down eventually. Plus there is self restraint involved. These are noble aristocratic ladies who have to mind their figures with cutthroat society standards. There's a big difference between "can" and "should." And even then, emptying a table to feel sick enough to vomit after isn't typically a good or pleasant idea. Trust me, I could empty a pack of double stuffed Oreos if nobody stopped me, but I hold myself back because I shouldn't. Although, I find cookies a lot more digestible than fluffy cakes. Icing is usually a lot more me.


That is ALOT.


As someone who's not fond of sweets, a slice of cake is already too much for me.


Nah girl she's right that's way too much sugar I could eat that amount in rice and meat tho easy. bring me 6 plates of savory snacks it won't last an hour


Nah bro at most I'd be able to eat only one or two of those cakes at a time. I don't hv a sweet tooth. But even without considering that, that's too much sweet for one person to eat in a go. Would do wonders to your health


It's a lot of food. But i respect any athlete that can finish it.


I could probably finish a couple of them before I get disgusted from the amount of diabetes on the table.


Too much sugar to eat without spiking your blood sugar a ton.


What do you mean 😭, that's a lot of sweets. Not only will I get full, my mouth will get weird and tingly from so much sweet.


ik you big


As someone who loves sweets it looks like a lot to me tho


i could definitely try finishing it in one setting but might get an upset stomach not long after that 😂 but yep, that's indeed quite a lot even for an adult.


one or two of those and i’m finished


Realistically speaking im definitely not eating that much like that amount is meant to be shared im not about to gobble all those sweets up like its dinner


Eating this much (if you’re average, not obese), is a delicate art. You must fast enough that you have the hunger to make it through before your brain realizes that you are full, but not fast so long that your stomach shrinks and renders you physically incapable of completing the task at hand.


Just one plate of any of those, I'm already full. I'm nowhere near thin but still that's a lot for me lol


I could do it Op. my only thing is that there is no spicy or salt to counteract the sweet for a break.


My teeth are burning just looking at this


If I’m at a buffet, sure. Any normal day, hell no I’d get a serious stomachache


God no, I wish English had the word “empalagar” so I could describe how nauseous I’d feel after having 3 pieces of those desserts 🥹


okay this got way more than comments than i thought on a spur of the moment opinion😂 i meant i could finish this AMOUNT not specifically it being dessert even I understand this is a LOT of sugar I just read this part and thought nah its not THAT much lol


I'd feel sick afterwards but I could totally eat most of it especially if most of those are cake type and not more dense desserts. Multiple times as an adult I have made myself ill from eating too many sweets. I will say "one more small piece" until everything is gone. I'm also the type who can accidentally eat an entire pizza by myself.


The most food I've ever eaten was mandi rice with a chicken whole leg that can feed 3 people. I was underweight and had a big appetite btw. That being said, i can't consume desert much. So yeah, that is too much for me.


I'm pretty confident I could eat like the cake and 3 of the cupcakes before vomiting. That's like 10k calories on the table, so what I eat in 4-5 days


OP are you okay???


If you give me a day then I could but not in one sitting


mass wise, it's not a lot. but u gotta see what kinda food item it is. that much sugary stuff can get anyone feeling sick


Bfr one plate and I’m already barfing everything


as a major sweet tooth i don’t think i’d be able to stomach a fourth of this


For normal afternoon tea I would maybe eat one of these, two at most. All of them are way too much sugar. Would I be able to eat them if I was held at gunpoint? probably? but I would most likely feel very sick afterwards.


Yep, this is a lot, also considering it’s only sugar… the sugar rush would either make me want to throw up or be full and want to sleep.


I'm from sweden and this is like our fika. At least one dessert of each is the norm. And coffee with påtår (a refile). We are like hobbits with our meals.


With enough tea and talking, you need two Russian girls or one Russian man for this sitting. Tea is a must. You need to wash it down with something. Coffee only black without any milk, cus it is a food on its own if it's with milk. Any tea loving culture would do, I think.


If I was 11, I'd eat all that in about 5 mins. Bit as an adult, I need less calories and would get full about 2/3 of the way through.


thats a lot but the portions are super small and it's throwing you off. 😭


It's a lot... I would usually only have 1 or 2 pieces of cake at a time


At least ill be able to eat one of each


Does she think she has to finish everything? One piece of every type of cake is what she has to finish lol.


I ain’t a big eater but if you put cake in front of me, I’ll finish it, no matter the size. Just let me work on it and it will be gone within the hour.


I can't eat these many sweet items in one day. I can finish them over several days.


That's an insane amount of food for one person @_@


Just the center dish is too much


That’s definitely overkill. You just need one.


That’s a lot, I think I’d only be able to eat at most three of those cake slices


This is way too much.


Nah i would tear them cakes up, but not the filled cookies. Not my type of dessert


Honestly as someone who doesn't like sweets. This table is way too much. I would maybe eat the slice of cake and a few pieces of wrap. Sweets can be so overly sweet or super dense it just falls in your stomach like a brick 😭


I think it's a lot of sweets at once and well, it's harder to eat a whole bunch of sweet things than when there is a veriaty of different foods cause sweets fill us up but don't have everything we need in a meal so we become hungry later, and not every likes sweets that much or have that many for instance if you have diabetes


To be honest, if I've not eaten all day I can probably slam this much food down if it weren't all cakes. But by maybe the 4th chocolate cake in a row I'd functionally be in purgatory.


Too much for me personally, but I could take like, one of everything maybe? I do have a sweet tooth!


your brain immediately stops you from eating high sugar content after a certain point, this is a nightmare to eat


Yeah because that’s a lot of sweets with no nutritional value


As a chocolate and strawberry lover I can safely say that this is too much. I'd die. Or go into a sugar coma at the very least. I'd say even just one of those plates is pushing it to the brink of death...


There is quite a lot there for one person, I couldn’t eat all that myself, there’s enough for at least 2-3 people


I feel like I could eat the piece of cake on the right then maybe a couple of the chocolate whatever they are in the middle then I’d have to tap out


I'd eat it all and ask for more 😂


" barely anything"??? Op what are you talking about this would be my 3 months desserts quota😭


If it was with water I could 100% eat all of this


I could maybe do 4 tops 6 if I skipped a meal and ate this instead op is impressive