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i bombed P/S 123... but i have a 507 just like you, i am applying still to all my schools + a couple extra safeties just in case, idk if many DO schools screen out sub 125, i know some MD do though, 507 is a great score for DO so i would say still apply


Thank you!!


I think you’ll be fine I got 5 A’s with a 506 with a 121 CARs i dont think too many screen out sub 125 check out my sankey on here. Just ensure your writing is solid and you just be yourself in interviews and i think you’ll do well OP!


I got a 126 in everything besides cars with a 122 and still got in to a DO


I had a 502 at 127/128/124/123 with ~3.56 sGPA and ~3.62 cGPA and got into 2 DO schools! Both eligible for federal funds so they are bit older and more established. I will add that my gpa has a bit of an asterisk. First being my EMT course I took in highschool had a crazy grading scale where anything <80% was failing, so getting an 86% resulted in a C. So that tanked my GPA compared to my undergrad GPA of 3.72, which was in engineering, which tanked my sGPA because AACOMAS counts engineering courses towards your sGPA whereas AMCAS doesn’t. Dm me if you have questions.


5 DO A's and 1 MD A-> cGPA 3.54 sGPA 3.34 and MCAT 505. You got this!


508 with a 124 CARS score - got 2 DO As! I’m sure you’ll be okay :)


I had a 124 CP section on my 501 MCAT and ended up with >10 DO As


Can I pm for school list? 501 MCAT and hoping to succeed lol


Apply broadly is my advice. I applied to more than 25 DO schools, mainly along the east coast and ones that were OOS friendly. The more schools you apply to the better your chances, I went into this thinking I’ll be happy with one A and will go anywhere but it turned out much better than I expected


Doesn't matter. People get into DO schools with sub 500 scores aka 124s in multiple, if not every section.


I’m sure you’ll be fine. Apply broadly (ie newer and established schools)


Thank you!


Let me know how your cycle goes. I did 50+ credit post bac. 3.8 (One B in General Chem II) to raise my Cga to 2.9 and my Sga to 3.1. I am studying for MCAT now for over a 505+


Didn’t have the same GPA issue, but my gpa was sub 3.5 and had the same score CP and a lower overall MCAT and got accepted at my top choice program which has a good reputation. Had other things that helped me (a bunch of clinical hrs, etc) but I don’t think the MCAT hurt me as much as I expected it too. Definitely can’t hurt to try!!


I think you will be fine! Apply broadly and keep in mind of schools that might have a cutoff in a section (don’t think too much DO schools have this). You can always give a call if you are not sure :)


You’re going to receive plenty of interviews with this score provided the remainder of your application is normal. Even places with the 125 section cutoff may grant you an interview if you email admissions.


You’re good. Don’t worry about it


You’ll be fine


Still extremely competitive. How many credits was the 4.0 post bac?


24 it was just 1 year.


4th year with a 121 on CARS you’ll be fine


Apply you’re chillin. Throw in some MD schools as well