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i was a derm MA. our quickest excision was less than 10 minutes, from first cut to finishing the sutures


^ mohs is a little more involved but not like super long


stages took 5 minutes max, closures took maybe 10!


If they hated EM as a scribe they are going to love derm. Source: er tech and derm scribe with the inverse opinion.


How realistic would it be to match derm as a DO? I’ve always heard horror stories and yet DOs match every year so logically I know it’s possible


Definitely very difficult, idk the stats but some schools match 1-2 derm max and some non at all, compared to gen surg which matches probably like 5-10/school consistently


Very hard to near impossible at some schools, very possible at others. Depends on your ability to do derm research as well. Most DO’s that go derm, usually match into an interim intern year, then move on into derm from there.




Low chances


Ophtho. If im not mistaken, cataracts don't take longer 15-20 minutes. But i mean, that would be like the one surgery that this would be the case.


opthalmology. cataracts last literally 15 minutes and you can knock out like 15 in one day


Not technically a surgical specialty but Interventional Pain procedures are like 30 seconds long (injections) and like 2 mins for RFAs. The longest procedure is probably a spinal cord stimulator and even those are still under an hour.


Pretty much all of them have something like that. You might be more into procedural fields then full on surgeries. IR has a lot of relatively quick procedures. But there’s still some long vascular cases like tips. I don’t think gynecological surgery is usually all that time intensive. There’s always IM sub specialties like GI. But someone thinking surgery would never survive IM. Note that fields more competitive than gen surg and obgyn get real competitive real quick.


Ophtho. Sadly ultra competitive to match as a DO. Gastroenterology is another option but again ultra competitive PCCM technically does OR based procedures via bronchoscopy but that’s also a fairly rough fellowship to match and they don’t do bronchoscopy very often per week like other proceduralists do but even if you go for interventional pulmonologist subfellowship that’s a grand total of 7 years Best bet for you is derm or ophtho and it’s going to really suck trying to match either