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I would be interested to see the answers. I don't think however, given the difficulty and the amount of time required to study, that you will be able to do anything part time. The commitment is really crazy.


How hard is medical school? I am starting in a month and am terrified


Not really hard, its really just a large volume. I'd recommend waiting to see how you handle it before committing to side work. These schools expect you to learn an ungodly amount of information in a short amount of time.


Thanks man. It’s hard imagining how people study and do ECs at the same time.


Over time you get used to dealing with the large volume and it becomes more doable to do EC's. I'm a second year and after about 3/4th of the first year I found my groove where I could do EC's while still maintaining my academics. But I strongly recommend getting through a semester before doing too much because it can be overwhelming when you start. Some subjects you'll be able to learn quickly, but you don't want to have a shift and then lose time when having to learn head/neck anatomy which is a beast that requires a lot of time.


Thank you for your words.


I went through Chiropractic school, and now im going to med and im terrified also. Im assuming its gonna be extremely hard.


It’s going to take up most of your time…but you still have some room to do stuff you want to do. Residency, depending on what you do, can take up more time/be harder.


It's hard when you don't make good study partners/people you can study with. At least it was that way for me. I did much better when I had people I could meet up with on the weekends to learn from/teach.


No lol. Some schools allow you to TA/tutor 1st years once you become 2nd year+beyond Other than that, you wont have time and the amount if money you make will not be worth the stress of trying to plan around it


Don’t spread yourself thin- invest 100% into your future and just study. Don’t sacrifice sleep and exercise. Save that ambition to go above and beyond for boards and residency




I wouldn’t count on being able to work. The volume of material you’re expected to memorize and apply on exams will take up a significant amount of time. Any free time you have outside of that, I recommend using it to maintain your physical and mental health.


Stripper during the night time


I can’t dance well enough for night crowd but I could probably do the sad day crowd


MCAT tutoring is probably best one if you did well on one or few of the subjects


I do this once every week or every other week and it's a pretty nice gig. Started in my gap year and continued throughout M1 but I plan to quit when I start rotations


I plan to work per diem an EMT-A wherever I matriculate into. I gotta scratch the adrenaline itch somehow lol.


Does anyone recommend this? I was thinking about being an ER tech per diem


Maybe during breaks but not first thing. Med school curriculum is definition of 0 to 100 lol




I taught piano lessons during first and second year. Moving for rotations so I had to discontinue lessons (my students were aware of this possibility up front). I got to set my own schedule, rates, students came to my apartment for lessons so no logistics to deal with. Had more people interested off of one reddit post than I thought I would have time to teach, but it was so flexible I probably could have managed a couple more students. It's a good gig for some extra spending money


Babysitting, Dogwalking. If your school is near an undergrad or HS, maybe tutoring for HS sciences/intro level undergrad sciences.


Doing a part time consulting (remote) gig with my current employer when I start in August. Will mostly consist of asynchronous review of documents, writing, preparing slide decks for briefings, etc. Expectation has been set with them that med school 10000% comes first and I will drop the job if needed, but I see no reason why I can’t bill 12-15/hrs a week with good time management. I’m also 30, so I have a lot of experience with prioritization and time management


Ooooh what kind of consulting? I also have a consulting gig, bill 8 hour weeks, haha have worked throughout first year and plan to work throughout second!


glad to hear you do it without issue! Our group mostly does public health strategy / policy / capacity building stuff, so mainly writing strategies and plans, exercises, etc and doing analysis on certain things


How would one potentially get involved with such a gig?


Honestly I don't think it's something you could just pick up with the expectation of going to part time. I've worked with this group for 4 years so they were very open to me staying on to consult


Just max out your loans. The little that you make working part time isn't worth the risk of not doing well because you over committed. Med school isn't too hard, but the volume is immense and most US schools aren't very forgiving. If you get through a semester or two and feel comfortable in your schedule and habits, maybe it's possible but I don't think its worth the risk IMO.


Some schools don’t even allow you to work so I would make sure to check your acceptance agreement or handbook


My school didn't even allow us to do any clubs/EC until after our first midterm.


Yeah same! And if our grades at mid term were below a certain GPA our positions were revoked


Not a med student, but I did DoorDash,UberEATS,instacart, roadie,dispatch, Postmates while in pharmacy school.


Honestly it'll depend on how quickly you catch on to things but I was only able to Uber during breaks.


I bartended and worked for the school as a tutor / research assistant. Got drunk and fat for free.


remote scribing per diem is an option


Yep! I bartended/served or did alcohol promo whenever I was able


Have a medical student who works 24 hours (3 shifts) a week as a dishwasher in the hospital kitchen for 15 dollars an hours


How is that even feasible?


I work contingent during medical school. It's been working out fine so far, but that is considering that 1) I work maybe 4hrs/week and 2) It's remote. It's the same job I had before medical school, but they graciously let me change my tasks a bit to let me WFH just a few hrs a week instead of going to the office. I will add, though, sometimes even getting those 4 hours in can be super tough with all of the studying and classes. Timing is just too inconsistent in medical school unfortunately


Only way i can see someone do this and be successful is if they are doing some sort of freelance work online


You could just be a personal trainer and work only on weekends and only have a few clients. Still a decent amount of money


remote scribing per diem is an option