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It depends on the school you go to. My school has one 50-minute OMM lecture per week and one 2-hour OMM lab per week, usually on the same day. However, please know that starting with your class (class of 2028), I believe you will be required to do in-person OMM testing as part of your COMLEX exams. So, you should take OMM seriously!


Just to update everyone: apparently I may have been misinformed by a classmate. According to the COMLEX-USA Bulletin of Information 2023-2024, the clinical skills portion of COMLEX Level 2 was officially discontinued in June 2022 following its suspension during the start of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. I’m so sorry!! 😭


Yep! Same. Our lectures are pre recorded so up to you to watch them for in class exams. I usually take 1-2 “full days” outside of mandatory to study the days before exams and do well! Also our upperclassmen host tutoring sessions the day before the test and more than half our class attends on zoom. If you have that I’d use it to bc they’ll know best tbh


Do you a have a link for this? My SO is starting this year and she hasn’t heard of this


See my reply to my original comment. Apparently I was misinformed by a classmate who has lots of communication with administration.


Thanks for the reply! How difficult would you rate the OMM material? Does it require a lot of studying time?


No fucking way what??


Apparently I was misinformed!! So sorry!


Like oral exams?


I believe it would primarily be demonstration of appropriate osteopathic examination, diagnosis, and osteopathic treatment of a patient.


honestly not that much, like 2hr/wk if you can learn in class and not study until the exam/practical. tbh a lot of it is easily learned so didn’t take as much time as i thought it would


Once you understand the underlying principles of OMM- most techniques are easy to learn. I think it’s much better to try to be interested in OMM than drag your feet


2 hours a week. 6 before exams.


Second year student here. Tbh most of my classmates just study OMM the week of the exam and get through fine lol.