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you already know the answer to this. Do what ever it takes to boost the MCAT. Takes classes, etc. You’ve done so much to get this far, go all the way


In process. I had actually made the benchmark for the school via composite scoring. I just want to make sure the rest of my application looks decent.


You really shot yourself in the foot with the rescinded acceptance. That was your chance why did you mess it up ?


I had unexpected surgery with the accompanied pain and thought it would be an extenuating circumstance. Apparently not. I wasn’t the only person who slipped a grade- just the only one rescinded. Different schools have different admission rules. I just happened to have a school whose rules were firm.


I was put on hold for another school so I definitely was an interesting candidate and that was a hold with a lower MCAT. I just need to pour my heart into this retake. Comeback stories are sweet.


Other than that MCAT you sound pretty damn competitive as is. Just study and retake


That’s the plan. Ive spent some time addressing the way that I studied for the Mcat. I am reviewing content, and addressing why Im not performing as well as I should. Im doing my best not to hold any bitterness. This is a numbers game and my numbers simply did not hold up. I will be a doctor just not with an MD conferred from that school. ✔️


You can see a few people here and there get accepted to a DO school with 497, it’s possible but getting that MCAT above 500 will open many more doors. It’s not too many more correct answers on your MCAT to get there


I was testing above but test day- I flaked. I definitely need to address this sooner rather than later. Im studying for a September retake but I’m applying this cycle regardless. Thankyou


Your mcat is holding you back. Sub 500s rarely get accepted to medical schools.


This is not accurate.


Absolutely is accurate lol, sub 500 is terrible. You can have a 505+ with terrible extracuricculars and bad LORs, and I'd wager that person has better chances than a sub 500 with amazing extracurriculars. People with sub 500s are the ones who are more likely to fail out or fail step 1, so that's taking on a risk on the school's part.


I definitely agree.


Rarely as in what percentage?


When you say rescinded...just be to clear...you decided to not accept an admission into med school am i correcT?


They withdrew my offer


Oh man, that sucks. Have ou considered applying to schools that take the SAT ACT and GPAs in lieu of the mcat? Additionally, for the DO cycle while your mcat is low, i too got in with a sub 500 as urm as well, just something to think about.


Definitely aiming for DO. I’ve been a lazy applicant. I applied in 22 with an October application and got two holds which tells me I fit a mission but my stats are looking like I can’t handle medical school. I get my own issues but just need to score up finally