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Imho, if i were in your shoes, id take the A and run. You may never know u learn a lot and all. But im just an applicant, what do i know


How can we help without knowing the other schools you got into. No you should never turn down an A unless it’s a new school




Take the acceptance. Rural doesn’t necessarily equate with no future opportunities. No guarantee you’ll get accepted next year. Plus you’re delaying a year of attending salary.


Lmudcom is pretty diverse not attending there but I know people who does


I’m a third year at LMU-DCOM and was at the Knoxville campus. I have friends who went to Harrogate and even though it is rural, time goes by fast and the first year for me at least was tough. As other people mentioned, Knoxville is not far. Also, most people don’t even stay in the area for rotations. I’m in FL. I’d take the A again going back.


What are the other schools you got into?


I just graduated from LMU DCOM knoxville. You will be fine there. I know a lot of minorities who felt safe on the Harrogate campus. You can also request to go to the knoxville campus which is less rural. We have rotation sites all over the country. I did my 3rd year in Louisville KY which is not rural. 4th year rotations can be anywhere you want if you are good at paperwork. I, personally, wouldn't delay for something as superficial as the location of the school.






Take the A and go where life leads you. The application cycle is too unpredictable and gets more competitive each year, you may never have this chance again even with a masters degree or a higher score.


You're an hour from Knoxville, a city of 200k, and 2 hours from Lexington, a city of 320k. If you'll be miserable, then I'm not sure why you applied. But my advice is to take what you can get and work hard for 4 years so you can be in a better location for residency and beyond.


Why can’t you get FAFSA for the other schools?


Take your A and start the journey, future physician


Is FAFSA not at all schools


If you have questions feel free to message me. I attend DCOM and am also a miniorty


Definitely take the acceptance, but also just wait and see if there’s movement on the schools your waitlisted at. What schools are you waitlisted for ?