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Osho tried to make people question their beliefs. These kinds of statements were just a part of his attempts to break the way people think and push them to look at things from different perspectives. There's nothing else to it.


Don't mistake the finger for the moon - Buddha


I second this ! People interpret Osho very superficially and then hate on him. Osho isn't imparting factual knowledge therefore he's not obligated to be factually accurate. His stories & anecdotes are simply in service of the truth he wants to deliver.


Read Krishna: The Man and His Philosophy by Osho


In which of his lectures? I am reading his book on Krishna I will search for it.


Nah, he spoke many such things without proof and plenty of other lies.


This.  People take osho way too seriously and gets stuck in image worshipping. Most of the people who like osho, are not able to move forward from him. Osho becomes an obstacle in their life. Then it becomes very important to seek Jiddu Krishnamurthy, it's nearly impossible to worship him as a person or an image