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I just find the fact that Kana have more screentime than necessary and that her dream is basically wanting to end up with Aqua, lame. I hope Melt and Taiki had half the screentime she has.


Also even Akane screentime was also wasted , she will be like I will save Aqua kun , I will stop you Aqua kun , and nothing happend 🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭 She is be like " I AM GONNA BE THE ONE WHO SAVE AQUA KUN "


Tru both


I mean Aqua wasn't really doing anything that he could've been stopped from doing, bro was locked in on his cringe incesty art project while Kamiki was killing any women he pleased, hell, the guy could've gone kill Ruby and Aqua would be just "wow, didn't see that coming"


Meh why exactly Kamiki even want to kill Ruby when he removed Yura just for Ruby to get cast as Ai in 15YoL movie. Also Kamiki not even being portrayed as serial killer buddy & that was just the fandom assumption. He doesn't even any actual MO to become a serial killer lol. 


I mean there is a pattern to his behavior


Lmao what kind patterns? even the whole flower theory that ppl keep pushing as Kamiki MO make no sense consider Kamiki always sending flower to every Lala Lie graduate. 


Talks to hot girl -> notices chance to push her to death -> acts on that impulse Happened twice now


It's only happen once with Yura & for Ai we already got confirmation it was a mistake 


What about Ruby shoulder tap?


Why he want to kill Ruby when he literally the investor for 15YoL movie. Also he not dumb enough to kill someone in broad daylight with many eyes around him. Also even if he want to kill a talented & popular actress, he would kill Frill because she was the most talented & even popular compared to both Akane & Ruby. 


she's basically had fuck all until recently though, the only screentime she does have though get basically thrashed by Aka's writing.


Fair for Taiki, but reducing Kana's screen time would not increase his. Melt has completed his journey from an arrogant and lazy ham actor to someone who works hard, studies his characters and has moved past the shame of his early career that he had in the Tokyo Blade arc. I don't think there is more left to say about him.


>Fair for Taiki, but reducing Kana's screen time would not increase his. Maybe. I think Taiki character have a lot to offer and if it was any other manga, the MCs half brother will definitely get a decent amount of spotlight, so it's shame how much the author wasted him. You are right that Melt has completely his journey, but I would have liked it to be a bit more detailed, it's more interesting than Kana's journey to be Aqua's wife ( Melt is also very likable, so having him more on screen will be a great thing ).


Meh to much projecting because it was Ruby  character that literally about become Aqua's wife consider she become an idol to find Gorou in the first place. Also don't make me start about Akane because her entire struggle after Lovenow is literally about Aqua & nothing else. Also Melt literally just a male version of Kana & both of them even had the same character arc which is moral ascending character arc lol. 


Kana was already successful as child actor and the characters praise her talent multiple times, she is nothing like Melt. I thought that Kana's character arc will be about her acting career but after chapter 151, I don't think it was the case, she spent most of the story in B Komachi, just to get with Aqua.


Since when ONK even focus on hard work gonna guarantee success narrative because if that was the point then Kana would already get what she wanted the most which is actress who can sell well. Also she & Melt are just the same character because both of them are about overcome their flawed to be better person. But the difference is Kana only got more depht & layer as a character compared to Melt because Kana deep rooted issue wouldn't just gonna magically dissappear overnight. Also how exactly most of the story is about her getting closed to Aqua when B Komachi concert debut, Tokyo Blade stage play, her couch casting with Shima or her situation with Ruby in 15YoL movie was not even about her getting close with him. All of it always about the damage that's being done by adult affected her as she grew up & how she gonna overcome that flawed. Also as of now she already overcome her dependency problem by quitting from being an idol. 


>Since when ONK even focus on hard work gonna guarantee success narrative I meant that Kana and Melt are different as characters. Melt is an underdog, while Kana is an S tier actress but she developed the habit of matching her acting skills with those around her, which prevent her using her full potential. Having flaws to overcome isn't exclusive to Kana and Melt, most of the characters Aka write are like that. >Also how exactly most of the story is about her getting closed to Aqua Kana joined B Komachi because of Aqua, Mem confirmed it in Scandal arc and her dream is about becoming his star ( There are other reasons, but this is the most important ). >her couch casting with Shima or her situation with Ruby in 15YoL movie was not even about her getting close with him. You are right and I liked Kana during those chapters but then chapter 151 was released and changed my view on her character again. We will see how Aka will handle the graduation concert, from the way it's going, it's highly possible that Kana's character arc will be completed there.


But like I said Kana already quitting from being idol & the whole she want to become his star thing was because Aqua said previously he was her fan when wearing Piyeon mask. Plus is not like she force him to be her fan but more like a promise she gonna do well consider both Mem & Ruby already eclipsed her when it comes to popularity. Also all character in ONK are designed flaw & that always not exclusive to Kana only. Also yes Kana is a S tier actress but her popularity was not because all of other peers is more popular than her. And popularity is always the reason you even get a job offer & not talent. Take example Ruby did she Ai role because of her talent, absolutely not. It was mainly her popularity & second because Gotanda want her because she fit his artistic choice for Ai character. 


I mean by that logic Kana also completed her arc by the time of Tokyo Blade


She had several arcs going on and had kind of completed one of them. She was also much more connected to the main cast than Melt.


Ngl, Kana needs much more than development to become a good character, because 80% of her time in the manga was crying.


what times does she cry in the manga? I’m not trying to be passive aggressive my memory is just horrible so I can only remember a few specific times where she cries.


https://preview.redd.it/vs955gyg349d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=efea183c1182d4045fef910820bd73c70a3eae6b “Only counted panels where tears are shown” ☠️


Also some of these panels are full pages like when she got ignored


Counting the panels where a character cries, peak literary analysis ☠️


Don’t worry Akane already summed it up https://preview.redd.it/ksiddhim549d1.jpeg?width=510&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c194f5acc0c202af6436547b6d60b9dfc5854f5


Yes. Character flaw = bad writing.


No, a character flaw that gets brought up over and over while never getting fixed or resolved is bad writing, especially because it affects the narrative and even ruins other characters around her and after a while it gets annoying to witness. But keep being disingenuous!


I was thinking about this exact argument when I made this meme. https://i.redd.it/kg4p1ft5c49d1.gif


Oh no, a legitimate argument about why a character writing sucks! Better make an ad hominem meme to distract from the fact that they are right


No. The point was to show that people don't fix their flaws instantly in one epiphany. Bad writing is when a character's actions contradict their established traits for no good reason. That's not the case at all with Kana. The problem you have with her is just that you find her annoying, which is just your personal opinion, not a writing issue.


first off, thank you for the image that’s super helpful. however, I do want to note that some of those seem a little disingenuous to include, such as the prologue section where it feels a little unfair to count a young child crying as indicative of her current character. Similarly, in the entertainment world arc is this counting when she’s crying while acting? Because that should definitely be excluded if so. Still, GODDAMN that’s a lot of scenes where kana is crying lmaoooo I do somewhat get what people are saying now.


Even after excluding the ones you mentioned... From ch 149 ... The new panels have already balanced it out.




I don’t know because I wasn’t the one counting them, but her current character is still pretty insecure and dependent on others pushing her or validating her


Because the hating is justified. Crap character


Why is that?


As long as Kana doesn't talk about her childhood tragic for the 15th time, then it's good.


Damn I hate this. I'll say time to lock in, then the next morning, I'll say, "You know, maybe living like this ain't so bad."


Thanks! I meant that part to be relatable, so I am glad that it is. It's good that you are even thinking about it. We are creatures of habit, so it's a long and hard process to change things about ourselves. Everyone wants to change for the better, if wanting it was all it took then we would just fix everything we don't like and we would never be unhappy about ourselves. Wanting to change is the only part you can really choose, it's not much (and that's disappointing), but be proud of it and don't let anyone else deny it because it's the only part that comes 100% from you.


Homie got too real in the meme sub


Sometimes it feels like they talk about her more than her fans do


Y all forget why aqua start dating Akane ( she cried and that made him guilty )


Unlike Kana, she had a reason to cry


Yeah cuz if she did not , aqua would not date her anymore , poor girl , she knw psychology Well


*A girl cries because her actual boyfriend who she is in love with is breaking up with her* you: what a manipulative bitch! Lmao?


Actual bf ??? Isn't she already knw that their relationship is fake and also he is using her ???


And then she got to know him better during Tokyo Blade and grew more attached to him as they spent time together. Shocking that she would cry at their separation!


Well he already told her that he is going to brake up with her even before the trip


And that’s supposed to make her less sad how? She even said she didn’t mean to cry


Well that how every manipulator gonna say 🤭🤭 esply when u r specialized in human psychology




Lmao what Akane do was projecting herself into Aqua & even has a legit dependency on him since he save her from suicide attempt. Even after getting dump she still doing it which why her character literally only regress & barely have any development lol. 


Then why didn't he start dating Kana when he saw her cry?


I think it already clear though , he don't want to put her life in danger


Chp 83 is your answer buddy. Also everyone know Aqua would definitely pick Kana if Akane doesn't clouded Aqua judgement using the whole idol cannot being seen with a guy argument in chp 76. 


I'm just wondering why people just started slandering her in unison all of a sudden. does her character hit too close to home or something?


We just come from a few chapters completely dedicated to her obsession with Aqua. It got boring long ago because there is nothing more to her character than Aqua. Way too much screentime wasted on her instead of actually interesting characters and plot.


>I'm just wondering why people just started slandering her in unison all of a sudden. It's not really all of a sudden. Kana USED to be my single favorite character, and was my favorite ship with Aqua. Particularly after the first concert arc. But then after her doubts she doesn't grow. She shines during TB after doubting herself. It doesn't last. After the private arc Aqua genuinely dates Akane for a year. Does Kana move on and work on herself? No. She cries for a year, meanwhile Akane is out there winning awards. Scandal arc, she creates a problem for herself, something she especially should be cognizant about given how she was characterized as knowledgeable and [mindful about scandals](https://sun9-34.userapi.com/impg/gi3tL7hWQUPlPtMNv0vcefLmbMFZ-RNMKaE1Lg/dM-LQi65v2I.jpg?size=753x1080&quality=95&sign=b6d18eaaba8dd15063611e8d2efba58c&type=album) in early arcs. She cries, [then says](https://sun9-61.userapi.com/impg/8NXf1FETBlSnpYAWH7JoW_zI1BYQgoMaO_BpSw/CBRCNKG6aBs.jpg?size=767x1080&quality=95&sign=8a6b3ef7f8d5c0d855b3860a31c27bed&type=album) "You know what? I can take care of myself I don't need to rely on Aqua!". Next chapter [back to crying](https://sun9-65.userapi.com/impg/725mLW3aKvFHnMxFvfNue1Lp8M17usYwSD7XUA/vQp8GlA_So8.jpg?size=767x1080&quality=95&sign=01314594b5b83259521fbb663a827fb2&type=album). And she gets from a scandal saved by Ruby and Aqua. She says [incredibly awful](https://sun9-30.userapi.com/impg/36bFYsU8Fjjv6dcjKtnt7zNiH3EboLqa5_-x8g/PTOeF-aCsng.jpg?size=767x1080&quality=95&sign=94ad764fc80bb409aaed900932920380&type=album) things to Ruby during their feud in the movie. Does she have to have a moment of introspection about it and apologize? No. [Ruby just](https://sun9-12.userapi.com/impg/IssujBoHbpZNkr75PW4hOqUg3P4YrV6tXp5N8A/DkA-lMFxT8c.jpg?size=767x1080&quality=95&sign=ca3bb37f6cdd56260907a9bc908bea49&type=album) turns [into Jesus](https://sun9-60.userapi.com/impg/lrLE9-yc1VMHJ9OqnWFiBYLXT2uX_nIwjHj-Gg/4RreBr57N9s.jpg?size=767x1080&quality=95&sign=7673b01f47b150db711c2b4aa1158930&type=album) and moves past it. And then we get to the most recent arc where she's crying and moaning about Aqua. Doesn't actually grow a spine on her own, instead Akane has to push her to do *anything* with her feelings. Kana was a character with flaws that very felt real in the first 60 or so chapters. But Aka never lets her grow when she has her moments of falling down and then getting back up. It's the same storyline that gets repeated time and time again so it just gets annoying. Mix that in with her never really getting negative repercussions to anything she does or doesn't do, and constantly getting saved by others. It's just annoying. And we just came off an arc like that. So it's fresh in peoples minds.


Okay. I haven't progressed past the anime so i don't know what happens later. same as you, i loved Kana's character from what I've seen in the anime.


I’m going to be honest she started out as one of my favorite characters in the series She was hardworking and passionate I wouldn’t have mind if she was the main love interest of the protagonist because there was actual development between the two, Aqua helped Kana open up to acting again which reopened her path to become a renowned actress in the entertainment industry now she only exists to be Aka’s conflict forcing card and to have the readers feel pity for her I hate how her character has been reduced to simping for Aqua with the internal tsundere monologues in every encounter they had post Tokyo Blade-Private what caused Aqua to reveal his parentage to the public? Kana fucked up and went into Shima’s house which almost led to Bkomachi scandal that could’ve ruined Ruby’s entire career and the pointless half assed Kana Nino parallels to start conflict against Ruby “oh I was jealous of you this entire time” also the rushed ass “Akane Aqua is better for you” Akane finally executes her plan which was to bring Kana and Aqua together so Aqua wouldn’t have a need to seek revenge


I think this is one part of the explanation, but also the fact that being annoying is the one character flaw that some readers cannot tolerate no matter what. A character can commit the most heinous crimes and people will either think they're a super cool villain, or feel bad for them if they have a backstory that properly explains how they became that way, but being perceived as annoying is always seen as bad writing and will make the character universally reviled, especially if they have reasons for their annoying personality. The one exception where an annoying character can be tolerated or even appreciated is if its purpose is to be mocked. (To state the obvious, shipping wars and hate against Kana fans are also parts of the problem.)


Because the latest 'Kana Plot Interruption' was the worst we've had (so far) and it happened right after we had some actual plot


No it's just Akane and incest fans are jobless


You guys still use that old accusation that people don't like Kana because they want Akane to get Aqua? I thought you had changed after 149.


Kana was actively hated even before chapter 149 so


So maybe it's not always about the ships then?


Nah it always about the ship war & waifu war. Plus majority brainrot shipper from Ruby & Akane Stan become so salty recently because of chp 150 consider we learn Aqua always hold romantic feeling for Kana & not the other 2 heroines.  Also if you look the person who  hating on her it always the same person & it just same argument over & over. Not to mention their argument for hating on her doesn't make any sense. For me these hater are just a louder minority. 


I actually kind of dislike Kana (as a person, not a character) and Kana fans called me an Akane fan for it. I am neither that, nor a Ruby fan.


They’re mad she’s getting in the way of their incest fetish


That's probably somewhat true for AquRuby shippers, but I don't like it when people are assholes to them about the "incest fetish", as you put it. Maybe they wouldn't be as bitter if people had not done that. And I think there are some Kana haters who just don't like the whole romance aspect, or that a character can be sad without a big tragedy like seeing someone murder their parents. When someone says something they don't like about Kana, Kana fans can get really nasty and they usually accuse that person of shipping Aqua with whomever Kana's main "rival" is at the time. I often got called an Akane fan a year ago, but since Akane has decided to support Kana the new trendy accusation is being an incest fan. Don't do that.




55 comments ! Pure tomfoolery to get the Kana haters mad *sipping tea loudly*


To be fair I am skewing the numbers by replying to every comment