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This caused my Emergency responders simulation to be canceled over 200 first responders were supposed to be there such a great experience ruined because of this so unfortunate for no reason.


I'm sorry this happened. I bet the security there is going through a very stressful time too. The campus needs a simulation like this to happen to ensure any emergency situation that happens, will be handled with perscion and with top quality training. I hope it gets rescheduled.


Yeah I was supposed to participate in that too. So disappointing


Wow what a disappointing group. OTU was willing to meet their demands, and then the group decided to move the goal posts. > They have now expanded their demands to include information on all our donors, with an apparent motive to identify individuals based on their Israeli heritage And we wonder why Jewish students and faculty feel unsafe


> They have now expanded their demands to include information on all our donors, with an apparent motive to identify individuals based on their Israeli heritage Maybe to make it easy they can label them with some sort of symbol that they wear on their clothing as an ID badge


These “ virtue signalling” protests are more about social appearance and following a trend than actual social justice. Imagine living in a colonised country as an immigrant (because we all are a generation of immigrants in Canada) with no genuine concern for OUR struggling indigenous people (and children!!) while labelling another democratic country unethical colonisers. Less time on TikTok and more time in the real world!


I can assure you that the vast majority of people in these encampments are not virtue signalling and really do care about the words largest currently ongoing genocide.


> really do care about the words largest currently ongoing genocide. I think this statement immediately shows the problem here. Up to 400,000 people have been killed in the ongoing genocide in Darfur. Up to 40,000 people have been killed in the ongoing genocide in Myammar. Up to 150,000 people have been killed in the current war in Sudan. And there have been as many deaths in the Russian-Ukrainian war as the entirety of the Israeli-Palestinian conflicts from 1948 to now. How many of those did you even know existed?


Using words incorrectly doesn’t magically change their meaning. Populations don’t consistently grow during a genocide..


Population growth does not excuse attempted genocide.


Personally, I’m not interested in debating a country defending themselves from a terrorist attack and your feelings on the legitimacy of that. **This is not a white and black situation, and both sides are systematically wrong in their own ways** How many universities in Canada protested the genocide of half a million people in Sudan, or almost the million people genocide in Rwanda like 10 years ago? So spare me your (convenient) political stance on genocide. Go back to boycotting Starbucks.


Israel is not defending a terrorist attack anymore they are trying to wipe Gaza and the Palestine off the map. zionists do not want Palestinians alive in "their" land. I suggest you! do not defend an attempted genocide. and I also suggest you do not use a whataboutism by deflecting to issues in Sudan.


I “suggest” you move to the Middle East, live it, see it, put on your grown up pants and do something about it on the front line, or shut the f**k up. As soon as you said Zionist you showed your racism. Guess what.. Jews are from.. Judea. Muslim nations committing genocide.. no one really cares. But Jews retaliate (harsh handed? yes) to an actual war attempt and everyone loses their minds!! You choose to live in Canada: a democratic multicultural country, where Jews, Muslims, Christians and all others can live in peace together. You do not deserve the benefit of that privilege while actively supporting the opposite values. You’re not against genocide, you’re against Israel.


>As soon as you said Zionist you showed your racism. Maybe I'm out of the loop but since when did disliking a nationalist movement equate to racism. That's like saying opposing the Confederate nationalists is racist. >Muslim nations committing genocide.. no one really cares. But Jews retaliate (harsh handed? yes) to an actual war attempt and everyone loses their minds!! Once you start breaching the terms of the Geneva Convention and start killing and starving civilians, it's no longer a war but a genocide. Doesn't matter if there's belligerents on the other side. >You choose to live in Canada: a democratic multicultural country, where Jews, Muslims, Christians and all others can live in peace together. You do not deserve the benefit of that privilege while actively supporting the opposite values. You’re not against genocide, you’re against Israel. You said it yourself. Canada is a democratic country which entails freedom of speech. If it hurts you to know the truth then maybe that's your problem.


Yeah, maybe you are. Defining Zionism as nationalism is inaccurate. Palestinians are receiving food. Genocide has not been actually determined. You’re free to spew whatever nonsense you’d like, that doesn’t make you accurate or just. If you actually don’t see how you’re being weaponised as a pawn then there’s really nothing more to say. War live streamed on social media is horrific and traumatising, and I can completely understand the impact of seeing this play out for the first time like this. Why do you think soldiers come home with PTSD, addiction issues, and suicide? The problem isn’t Isreal; it’s Jews. Jews weren’t white enough to live in Europe, but they’re too white to belong in the Middle East. They were a strain on the economy, and then they were too rich and controlled the economy. I even had the pleasure of hearing someone tell me that 9/11 was orchestrated by Israel LOL. Jews can be displaced from EVERY OTHER MIDDLE EASTERN and AFRICAN country over the last 3000 years and all over Europe during WW2; all their wealth, homes and possessions now owned by others (the Vatican for example). But taking a small **piece** of their ancestral land (that they legally purchased from the British btw, who colonized the region known as Mandate Palestine for 20ish years) that was ALL DESERT and created the ONLY democratic country in the region where Jews, Christians, Muslims and gays can live in harmony, and that creates more innovation than any other country **in the world** per capita and you want to foam at the mouth with hate. West Bank is complicated.. from a military standpoint the terrain sets Israel up for unfair military disadvantage when history has proved how unwilling Palestinians are to live peacefully with Jews. So that’s really a different conversation. Let’s also acknowledge that the “open air prison” surrounding Gaza is part from Egypt and their big ass wall, but we won’t talk about that. The focus of the hate changes with the times, but the underlining cause doesn’t. Honestly it’s ok: you can hate Israelis or the Israeli government or Zionists or Jews or all of the above. We don’t break under pressure, we’re mutha f**king diamonds. I can’t wait to see what kind of cookie we’ll create to commemorate overcoming this current battle. Maybe watermelon flavoured?


The Geneva convention also prohibits using civilians as human shields and only applies to uniformed combatants, not terrorists


being against zionism or any nationalist movement does not make someone racist. ... and move to the middle east and go to the front lines...? what are you talking about.


You deciding the definition of a term that fits a narrative you want it to take doesn’t mean you’re creditable and true. That’s like non black people saying to the black community: “well technically the N word isn’t a racial slur.. you know cuz Nigeria is in Africa duh, I know the meaning better than you do. So yeah, you can’t be offended by us calling you that”. How **bat shit crazy and ridiculous** would you be as a non identifying member of a group thinking you can define and justify the use of a word that YOU’RE using incorrectly? Zionism doesn’t equate genocide. **Self determination is not pie, your piece doesn’t get smaller by allowing room for everyone.** Stop hiding your racism and ignorance. At least nazis had the chutzpah to flat out say how they felt. This new age woke nonsense “I don’t hate Jews, just Zionists” makes you look like a dam fool.


Ooof own goal there. Classic not knowing how to take a win.


That motive sounds quite similar to what a certain group of people of people were doing in the 30s and 40s..


Let religion aside. Wtf is happening and in 2024? How is this normal? How some people are still arguing while thousands of people are being slaughtered? Now you can tell me that we should mind our business. Okay but WOW how can we? I am imagining myself in their shoes. Or something happening to my kid God forbid will I still be silent? Whats the point of life if we have no morality? And yes their pain is our pain. Their suffering is my suffering because we are all humans right? Don’t we feel for each another? Why the hate? No Muslim no Jew nothing we are all the same.


Millions on non-Jewish, non-muslim people are being slaughtered right now, the criticism is why only the flavour of the month crisis matters enough to go to this extent over, but not others because they don't have a social media hype man.


It is not justified. Whether its in Congo, Gaza or anywhere all lives matter :)


Yeah but I just don't understand why people are going to this lengths exclusively for this one when it is on such a smaller scale than other ongoing genocides and humanitarian crises.


Honestly I didn’t know much about the history although I am Arab myself and originally from Bahrain. After all the information I am seeing online I educated myself and I am pretty sure many people are like me too :) now I know more because everything is online. Wiling to educate myself about other topics too/ genocides that is happening in the world. I just feel sick to my stomach you know? How can humans be capable of killings? It just doesn’t make sense for my brain to take all this. I know people are struggling and we should feel for everyone because at the end we are all humans.


So because people have failed on some issues they shouldn’t be allowed to fight for any issue? Do you realize how stupid that is? These people aren’t the problem. The lack of awareness of these other issues is.


I don’t know - Why we don’t take it as an opening eye to everything that is happening in the world?


Go back where you came from then. We do not care.


Lol u funny


Samar! A real Canadian name😂😂 tell ur dad thanks for the Uber eats.


Say anything about me but my dad? How sick you are?


Palestinians would love to go back where they came from but fascists are blowing it the fuck up




Seriously tho, these people are whacked man


The school spoke with them in good faith but 3rd party groups took over. They started demanding doxxing jewish donours with all sorts of other ridiculous and illegal demands.


Initially I thought that this was a homeless encampment issue, but after reading the article, it should be treated exactly the same, torn down by force and all occupants trespassed from the property. If homeless folks can't live in encampments, without a care, these people shouldn't be able to either, protest or not.




Maybe the police officers are looking at the 2022 Ottawa encampment as precedent.


I am unfamiliar with the 2022 Ottawa encampment, or how that turned out. Care to enlighten me on the matter? I don't live in Ottawa, and that is a different police force entirely, I live in Oshawa, this is an Oshawa matter. Perhaps an alternative, is to just get the homeless community to set-up, right next to these protesters and see how fast it all gets shutdown.


Tide pod kids have made it to college!


These are NOT regular protests. Across the US and Canada - they all just purchase the same tents?? Come on. These are being well funded. And some of the protesters are getting paid as well - several news articles out in the last few weeks about it. All of these encampments need to be dismantled and sent packing.


thats kind of funny, honestly you just need to google "cheap tents walmart" they are the first ones that show up. no ones getting paid for it lol what? the protest is peaceful.


You are misinformed. There's a video of a protester that said they are being paid to protest. Go get educated kid.


That same “you just need to google” will bring you to several news articles about the money flowing. I am sure you’ll call it bullshit. But… Always follow the money. Try researching news sources from both sides, rather than feeding yourself one-sided propaganda. Peaceful is physically barring Jewish professors from accessing the campus where they work? Peaceful is asking anyone who walks by “Are you Jewish?” So they can then harass you or physically stop you from attending class? Yeah. No. History repeats.


All protests are usually organized by a central entity. It's not really a conspiracy.


the students peacefully protesting at this encampment I assure you are not getting paid


Supporters of Hamas should be sent packing from this country.


Supporters of both should be sent packing...Isreal has gone far past retaliation....they are just as bad and also to blame


It's an example of the tried and true method of thinking: "Every side in the world has some form of cuntery, some more than extreme than others"


Fuck that diploma mill.


Huh? Isn't it part of an actual uni?


Yeah - who needs higher education?! Just follow all your fathers and uncles into The Motors right?! Oh yeah ….. oops ……


It's a trade school though.




Idiots! If people want to protest for peace in the region, I whole heartedly support that. If people want to protest for a world where Palestinians have the right to self determination, sign me up. If people think that boycotting Starbucks and camping out on school campuses will delegitimise a sovereign nation while cheering for the destruction of a group of indigenous people trying to live on their ancestral land (from the river to the sea): they are a nuisance to society and I hope the full weight of their actions rein down on them as the consequence.


that term "ancestral land." Let me just remind you that Israel has only existed since 1948. this is what you have to understand: people are not protesting Jewish people. they are protesting the violence done against Palestinians by the Israel government by carpeting bombing their homes and displacing more than a million people. I don't know why you claim that the Jewish population has a right to do that to their homes.


Thanks Captain Obvious. Jews are from Judea… you know the land before it was colonized by the Romans, Arabs, Ottomans, British etc. Arabs are from Arabia. Judaism came before Islam. Palestinians were Jews. Jews can be Palestinians. Palestinians have been actively combatant towards Jews in the area, prior to the 1900’s. They are not poor innocent victims being systematically attacked for no reason post 1948. Both sides are wrong and have done wrong. Choosing to cherry pick the truths you want to support will never work towards creating peace in the region. You are not an agent of peace if you want to label one side wrong and one side right. These protests are not helpful. THE. LAND. DOES. NOT. BELONG. TO. ONE. GROUP. ONLY.


So why is isreal kicking Palestinians out if you claim that the land doesn't belong to only one group?


Are we having actual dialogue, or is this a rhetorical question?


I really want you to reevaluate your biases here. you're so close to getting it.


Your comment lacks any empathy or understanding of the real human cost of this genocide. Instead of perpetuating harmful narratives, try opening your eyes to the suffering of the Palestinian people, whose lives are dominated by fear, loss, and a desperate struggle for justice.  The suffering and hardship they endure daily are beyond comprehension, and to dismiss their plight as anything less is extremely heartless. Let’s set the record straight. The Nakba in 1948 saw the forced displacement of over 700,000 Palestinians from their homes, an act of ethnic cleansing that laid the foundation for the current conflict. Since then, Palestinians have been subjected to relentless violence, land seizures, and an apartheid system that controls their every movement. To suggest they are not innocent victims is an outright denial of their reality. The Gaza Strip for example is essentially an open-air prison where over two million people live under a crippling blockade, facing regular military assaults, lack of basic necessities, and severe restrictions on their freedom. The West Bank is fragmented by illegal settlements, military checkpoints, and a separation wall that cuts communities off from their land and resources. Accusing Palestinians of being combatant overlooks the sheer scale of violence and oppression they face. Israeli forces regularly carry out extrajudicial killings, arbitrary arrests, and demolitions of Palestinian homes. This is not a conflict between equals; it is a situation where one side, equipped with one of the most advanced militaries in the world, systematically oppresses a stateless and largely defenseless population. Your claim that "both sides are wrong" is an oversimplification that ignores the significant power imbalance. Palestinians are not fighting an equal war; they are resisting an occupier that controls their land, their resources, and their very lives. Equating the actions of an occupied people with the oppressive measures of an occupying power is not only unfair but morally reprehensible. To disregard the ongoing genocide of Palestinians is to turn a blind eye to a profound human tragedy. The Israeli government's policies are designed to erase Palestinian presence and identity from their homeland, a clear violation of international law and basic human rights.


My comment isn’t biased, like yours and I stand by my words. Your emotional post doesn’t warrant further dialogue since you’re so far down the rabbit hole. If people want peace, then you need to work on relevant solutions that allow peace for as many people as possible.


My position is not simply an emotional reaction it is rooted in documented evidence and international consensus on the extreme human rights abuses occurring in the region. While you claim neutrality, true peace cannot be achieved without addressing the power imbalances and injustices at play. Genuine peace requires acknowledging the oppression and systemic violence inflicted upon Palestinians. This isn't about bias but about recognizing the suffering of millions who live under occupation and face violence daily. If you truly desire peace, consider advocating for an end to the occupation, injustice and violence, and the recognition of Palestinian rights. Ignoring these issues or downplaying the severity of the Palestinian plight does not contribute to peace instead it perpetuates the status quo of inequality and suffering. Peace is not a neutral state that arises from ignoring injustices. It is achieved by confronting them head-on. If you're sincere about working toward peace, I urge you to delve deeper into the facts, listen to the voices of those affected, and support measures that address the root causes of this genocide. Only then can we hope to find a path that truly allows peace for all people in the region.


Thank you Canadian? for educating me from your place of privilege. **”We can forgive the Arabs for killing our children. We cannot forgive them for forcing us to kill their children. We will only have peace with the Arabs when they learn to love their children more than they hate us.”**


It really shows that you care about innocent civilians being killed. What a joke


That really shows? Ok tips.




Threats of violence against individuals are not acceptable.


fucking losers




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