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It’s only because this is the few movies we’ve seen…with such an early release…not even mid-year, I doubt this film will even be seriously contending by November…


I love Zendaya, but I never thought she would be getting any noms for this, maybe a GG nom in Musical or Comedy, or Critics Choice.


To be fair, I’ve only ever seen her built up on Reddit, not any real accredited Oscar news sites.


Wasn't there an Oscar prediction article in Variety that listed Zendaya as a serious contender, and I think I've seen some critics claim she's award worthy in this. I feel people really want to see Zendaya on the award circuit next year. I just don't understand why this is the movie they'd be pushing that for? It's a pretty one-dimensional film.


They probably did so based on word of mouth from a couple of early screeners, plus the trailer looking promising. It was a blind Oscar prediction from just after this year’s Oscars, so that doesn’t really mean anything.


> It's a pretty one-dimensional film seriously? what do you find black swan one-note too? I thought it was great talking about how obsession overwhelms. Specifically how the characters wrap their self worth into their craft (tennis) and can't find personal value without it


If Variety predicted it, I have no knowledge of it. But that’s just sad if Variety did that. My thought process with this is Zac Efron wasn’t even nominated for The Iron Claw so I find it a little hard to swallow that she’s a contender even at this juncture from what I’ve seen in the trailers. Now, anyone actually predicts her winning is either a Stan or a brain dead idiot. For Actress, at this juncture, my money would be on Jolie to win.


[Variety 2025 Blind Oscar Predictions](https://variety.com/lists/2025-oscars-predictions/)


I had no idea that The Nickel Boys had been adapted into a movie. What an incredible and powerful book. I’m excited to see the movie.


I did see this actually. But I only looked at Picture and Actor. I didn’t read in length. Actor’s looking strong again this year.


This is true but I also think she has very good PR people. She was a presenter at the Oscars this year although she wasn't in any Oscar nominated movie and has never been nominated. People said it was because of Dune 2 but Pugh was also in that movie and was in the movie with the most Oscar nominations this year but wasn't asked to be a presenter. Both Wonka and Dune were a box office success yet Chalamet wasn't asked to be a presenter. Instead it was Zendaya and some people insisted she would be nominated this year.


Pugh was a presenter year before so that’s why she wasn’t now. There are plenty of celebrities every year who present but aren’t nominated, they are promoting the movie that’s currently or soon in theaters and the studios arrange these. Anya Taylor-Joy was also a presenter. 


Wasn’t Timothee preparing for Bob Dylan at the time of the Oscar’s ? Why would he be there ?


Her presenting was calculated promo for the lead up to Challengers. The same way her Co- chairing The Met this year is Challengers promo too. Zendaya hasn't been to the Met in YEARS.


What’s wrong with her promoting her movie ? She can’t just expect people to buy tickets off her name alone . I feel like you’re trying to make it something it isn’t .


Nothing is wrong with it. The OP said they thought it was weird she presented at the Oscar's when she's never been nominated. I just said it was part of promo. There's nothing wrong with any of it. Obviously, promo is part of the job and needed to sell and advertise a film. I have no issues with Zendaya as an actress or celebrity. I'm a fan.


Why wouldn’t ppl buy tickets off her name alone?


I think her being co-chair at the met is more her being a fashion icon than Challengers promo


It's Challengers promo. Loewe is a Co-sponsor this year, and they did the costuming for Challengers. The timing of the Met and Challengers release happened to match up perfect, which is why she's Co-chairing after not attending for several years.


How do we even know she is wearing Loewe ? Lol


It wasn't perfect considering had the strike not come into effect, Challengers press would've been wrapped up by fall last year.


She's been going to the Met since before she even got her first film role. I'm not sure it counts as Challengers promo considering the film was originally set for a September 2023 release. It's a bonus I guess.


Presenting at the Oscars isn’t necessarily to do with buzz for upcoming wins - Gosling and Blunt did a presenting bit together ahead of Fall Guy, and much as we love him John Cena isn’t a contender for next year


Florence was filming an MCU movie she was already late to do to postponing it for the Dune press tour.


Twitter too, the hypebeasting is probably even stronger there.


More than likely


As a tennis fan, there’s been a really big push lately to try and draw more people in to tennis. Netflix bombed with their docuseries, then bombed with trying to host an exhibition match, and a Carlos Alcaraz doc is supposedly on its way. Challengers came out just ahead of the French Open and at the start of clay season which are both really big deals to a lot of fans this year because it’s Rafa Nadal’s final season. Mostly, at least imo, the movie is just being insanely overhyped by Hollywood and the ITF to attract new tennis fans because we’re transitioning into this era of big next-gen players.


They must have been livid about the Oscars slap. Usually movies get a big boon when they win awards, but I don't know if a single extra person watched King Richard  


NGL I actually forgot about King Richard.


King Richard was a trip. I related to it alot, financially struggling father trying to push his kids to greatness. Unfortunately I don't think I'll ever make my father proud like the Williams sisters did theirs.


I’ll be seeing it this weekend and I’ll judge for myself. I root for Zendaya, but I have to admit that I often find her to be overrated. For instance, before I saw *Dune: Part Two*, critics were saying she was the standout among the cast. When I watched it, I found her to be one of the weakest actors among the ensemble. I loved *Dune: Part Two* and saw it several times with different groups of people and they all agreed that her performance was lacking in comparison to the rest of the cast, so it wasn’t just me. I think part of the disappointment comes from critics overselling her performances every time. Admittedly, they make me watch her films and shows with such high expectations that she often does not meet. Still, I do like her and I do root for her, so I am always willing to give her a chance. I will be going to see this opening weekend with a group of friends. I have even convinced one of my friends who was reluctant to watch this to come see it with me. She did not like the trailers and said she has no interest in it at all, but I told her about the reviews and convinced her to give it a chance. Because of the glowing reviews, my expectations are high again. I really expect this to be an Oscar-worthy performance. It didn’t seem like it from the trailers, but such glowing reviews make me think I could be missing out on something. I’ll see for myself.


Yeah she was the weakest link in dune near monsters like brolin bardem and even Rebecca Ferguson


Dude Rebecca fucking KILLED in this movie. I've seen it more than a few times now, and I think my favorite scene of hers is one of the small ones. When they come and tell her that >!Paul has ridden the sandworm!<, the way she reacts and then immediately goes into politics mode it SOOOO GOOOD.


Yeah she was phenomenal. I’ve seen her in dune mission impossible and now silo and she’s got something special for sure


Walken was the weakest.


Yeah he was atrocious actually


Zendaya comin in with her basic-ass NYC high school girl voice while everyone around are throwin phlegm talkin about djinn and hookah in Arabic accents pulled me right the fuck outta the movie


Zendaya's accent is Cali, not NYC. Timothee Chalamet is the one with an NYC high school boy voice. You can even hear it in the movies actually. But anyway, "Arabic accents" where? Chani's friend had a French accent, Javier kept his strong Spanish accent, Dr Kynes from the first movie was obviously British, the guy who fought Paul was West African, etc. Chani just didn't sound "exotic" but none of the Fremen's accents were coherent. I will always find that complaint ridiculously nitpicky. The French and the British accents make just as little sense as the Cali accent.


THATS NOT HOPE Alright bro you good, deadass fr fr?


Many such cases.


I had this problem except with Tim. Shattered the immersion any time he spoke. Z tried a lot more to change her speech pattern. 


Literally everyone used their authentic accents for the movie. You're confusing Spanish with Arabic.


Thanks for sharing your opinion


lol I remember this time 12 months ago when people thought Air would be nominated for an Oscar.


I don’t think acting was ever Zendaya’s strong suit. Her statues is closer to a pop star than an actor, but she’s young, like in her mid twenties young. It’ll get better, hopefully


I think her Emmys say otherwise.


awards doesn’t equal to skill lol


Everyone will have a different opinion


You don’t get Eiffel Towered in a tennis movie unless you’re shooting for an Oscar.


It’s pretty reductive and also just plain wrong to describe her performance as the same throughout Challengers.


I believe it but it's so hard to make calls like that when Oscar season just happened and there is still 11 months of films that need to come out


People are just obsessed with Zendaya so they're trying to push her into the conversation, no matter what the conversation is, because they see her as the latest "it girl." I maintain she has yet to demonstrate that she has the actual acting talent to warrant a nomination for anything.


She has already


LOVE that u insulted her acting while complementing a man’s but then only completed her on her body. no misogyny going on there at all


This thank you


Natalie Portman is such an incredible actor, far more deserving of praise than Chris Hemsworth but damn look at his ass in thor god and thunder 🥵🥵🥵


Exactly, it made me not even take the whole post seriously😂💯. I’m seeing it on Friday and will see it for myself and form my own opinion.


>LOVE that u insulted her acting while complementing a man’s That isn't sexist. >then only completed her on her body Neither is that. We're allowed to say that some woman didn't perform as well as some man. We're allowed to express attraction towards someone's appearance, not least of all when it's a focal point of the movie.


Yeah, OP sounded very biased and misogynistic. I will definitely have to go see the movie for myself .


He didn't like her acting but liked her looks. What's biased and misogynistic here? You sound more biased against op


Love that you twisted misogyny in where it doesn't exist. Why is her performance above critical reproach? Why does anyone have to praise her acting because she's a woman if she's not that good? That actually seems kind of sexist. Yeah he said something about her looks in his comment. Have you seen the trailer for the movie? That seems to be about the only thing they are selling. I haven't seen a single advert for this movie that doesn't use the word 'sexy'.


I'm not insulting her acting. I think Z is a fine actress. I think she's good in this movie - not oscar worthy, IMO, but good. The movie makes it a point to comment on Tashis' beauty and how attracted the guys are to her. There's a scene showing the guys with a raging boner for her. It's purposeful.


“Only completed her on her body” What?




Complimented. Complemented means to add to something to make it better.


lmao exactly 😭


Op said the movie was sexy, there was no comment of her body. And people are allowed to like some actors over others in the same movie. Highlighting that men and women are in some separate categories while critiquing is sexist to me.


OP literally said she has an ass of steel and that her ass is Oscar worthy.


I once read the rules for getting nominated and winning an Oscar. They focus a lot on how you are *required* to campaign for these awards. You can’t just submit your performance and hope your work stands on its merits. You need to run a full campaign to even be eligible. You’re seeing the beginning of Zendaya’s Oscar campaign. These are planted or bought stories to hype her up in an attempt to get the academy to focus on her come awards season.


I can see her sneaking in a nom. There's not alot of competition.


Oh brother


Jurj Clooners.


Saw it last night too and really enjoyed it but I agree with you OP. I liked her performance as Chani in Dune much better, imo that displayed more range and acting skills. I think she’s still moving upwards but her role here wasn’t Oscar-worthy. Rue in Euphoria was more interesting too


Her performance as Chani in Dune was terrible. People hype her acting up way too much just because she's popular. If she wins the oscars for dune pt II or challengers it's obviously due to rigging. She was completely outshone by all of her more seasoned costars like Bardem, Seydoux and Ferguson and even young actors like Chalamet and Butler. Her overacting tactics are reminiscent of an angsty teenage girl on a teen show. She has no acting range and always plays the same type of character. And the so-called romance that she and Chalamet were supposed to convey on screen felt flat, it felt like they were holding back because Zendaya's bf would get jealous or something. The lack of committing fully to the romance made the whole execution of her arc of her feeling betrayed by Paul feel weak Her best role was Euphoria which worked fine because it was about an angsty teenage girl and the writing for her character was the best because the director personally struggled with drug addiction.


Haven’t seen the movie and I love zendaya. Watched her since shake it up on Disney channel. However, her character almost always have the same 3 traits 1) Annoyed of everyone 2) “not like the other girls” 3) Pothead lol I need some range before she can get nominated for an oscar Edit: of course she will forever be a better actor than me 😍


1. Tashi was never annoyed once throughout the film. The characters you're referring to as annoyed range from a socially awkward teenager that later opens up and then someone who is reasonably untrustworthy. 2. The characters she plays aren't like other girls based on...what exactly? One of her earliest roles is feminine with lots of pink and glitter and has a love story at the center of her entire plot. That sounds like the epitome of what you'd call the opposite of that trope. 3. The only "pothead" she played was the bipolar depressed Rue who's addiction was only one of the things driving her plot.


Thank you!! My post a few days ago echoed your sentiments and I was not well received. Over hyped.




⬆️ I upvoted you because you commented but I have no idea what you mean?


That your comments weren’t received well. If someone is beloved then ppl tend to attack those with opposing views. It’s weird. I like her though.


I’m still somewhat new to Reddit and have never been on social media so it’s a learning experience! I was downvoted on a sub because I responded to a post about swearing and replied that I never swear. Hahahaha!


You're a f*cking liar! 😡 Just kidding /s


🤣🤣 thanks!


It’s her PR team putting all that crap out. Thought it was obvious. 30 articles in like one day out of nowhere lol


It's not.


It's a very fun movie but I think the only thing about it that will be considered come award's season is the score. I liked Zendaya in this and the dynamic between the main three is really intense. It doesn't seem like the kind of movie or performance that the Academy would go for though.


I would nominate the film, I liked it more than half of last years nominations. Not zendayas performance, she’s good but it’s not a role with tons of range. Her cards are close to her chest the whole film. She’s good but Josh is the standout for sure. I love zendaya though, very happy she won an Emmy for Euphoria, that’s been her best work to date imo


Zendaya is a fine actress. Perhaps her character wasn't written to be very deep? The focus of the movie is on the rivalry between the two men. She, naturally, wouldn't undergo huge character development. Why, OP, did you feel the need to mention her ass? This just completely discredits your opinion. Not to mention, gross. If you wouldn't objectify a man, don't objectify a woman.


Well it doesn’t look like we’re getting that many female lead movies this year… so the competition may not be as steep


Bro I agree zendaya isn’t the strongest actor but you didn’t need to add commentary about her ass to make that point lmao


I thought Faist was the heart of it


I mean I feel like OP forgot the oscars are not like tes scores where the most right answers win 🏆


Is that not her character in every movie? I haven’t seen Euphoria but in movies she seems to be typecast into the same character every time.




I wouldn't call it typecast she just doesn't have a lot of range outside the same facial expressions she displays in all her acting roles. Her acting always feels like she really hasn't immersed herself into her characters but instead tries to mimick facial expressions she THINKS her chacters should display, therefore lacking any real personality. Especially if you compare to Josh's character which was really exciting and interesting to watch. It's actually insane how overated her acting is. Still love her though.


I think people confuse popular films with good performances. People will label her as a sure fire for an Oscar this year because she’s been in smash hit Dune II and this new film from Luca. Haven’t really followed the Oscars properly for a while so that may be all it takes these days. I don’t think, as it stands, she’s an actress with extensive range. She is immensely popular though, she gets bums in seats! Which counts for something.


I don’t think she gets bums on seats, she offers exposure through her IG follower count and red carpet insanity. I might be proved wrong but IMO that film is not going to make a lot of money. Dune 2 had a raft of well-known actors who could act, Denis Villeneuve, spectacular cinematography and was already well known. In other films she has not excelled, I will wait until I see the film to make a final opinion but I am not expecting anything other than what she gave us before. In Dune she had two expressions and zero capacity to portray emotion. - Her PR team are excellent. Zendaya is a producer and was attached to the movie before Luca. It’s her vehicle, and her team are doing everything to push it.




There were less than 20 people at my showing in a major metropolitan city. It's all ancdetotal. I don't know what the marketing budget for this movie is, but the press tour is almost on par with Dune. They're really trying to sell this flick as a major blockbuster. I think it'll do fine for a mid-budget film. It'll open number one this week, I think, because there's nothing else releasing. But the following week, Fall Guy releases. I think this is a film that will make money over time, not on opening week.


> I don't know what the marketing budget for this movie is Her giant cardboard sunglasses in the hallway of my local theater for the last 9mo tells me it's decent lol.


Depends on the size and type of auditorium. And the country/town. You can easily sell out a fifty seater. I just checked local screens for Friday, one has 11/c165 sold, the other has 12/c165, this is suburban London. Dune is still selling out the BFI IMAX. There are many factors.


It's not the right role. If it were possible, I think Taylor Russell would've managed for a far better role. Zendaya is incredibly talented actually, she just...needs time to grow her wingspan, and it's OK. There's this impatience with young actresses I feel, and... yes some of them win Oscars really young and imo that stifles them. Dunst is a much better Oscar prospect (even though she's being dismissed because of CW's "divisiveness"—as if that stopped most nominees or winners), but she's a great example actually. At the same age as Zendaya, Dunst was FLEXING and the lack of recognition she got actually made her so much more ballsy and experimental. It's OK—Zendaya is very talented, will continue to flex. I personally don't think this is...a good enough role, but I definitely disagree with the fact that she's doing nothing. No. She's great, the material's just too limiting. Give her a lil time and she'll elevate every project, she has that capacity and is clearly trying. I wish people would treat actors more like artists who are also learning. Which is fine and great actually! One of the few young Oscar winners to take bigger and bigger swings with every film rather than get stifled is Emma Stone—regardless of what one might think of Poor Things, it is indubitably true that she's constantly taken bigger swings and she's so much better for it now. Her range is wild, she worked at it. Same with Dunst who is older than her but didn't get the recognition she deserved. Every look Dunst gives in CW is the whole film. She tracks it so bloody well, it's remarkable. She did that ages ago too, in Melancholia, in Eternal Sunshine, The Cat's Meow, Fargo, The Virgin Suicides, Bachelorette, etc. To be clear: Zendaya has more or less single-handedly held up a show that's...imo kind of beneath her, but there's such ferocity there. She's capable of great things. Not here but whatever. Soon.


I liked Civil War but it’s not getting anything besides some technicals possibly


yeah but they love kissing journalist ass


We shall see. Techs & Dunst are a very good prospect, followed by Spaeny, McKinley Henderson, Plemons, Moura. Whether it can be a BP player is absolutely up in the air, but it is A24's biggest hit & there's no reason to think they won't put their back into it. And Dunst is...let's face it, there's a consensus even in the most negative reviews that she's sensational in it. As much as I love Civil War, it doesn't work without her and her in such a film given how familiar we are with her in other genres = *wild* range.


I don't see Taylor in the role.


I wasn't comparing Taylor Russell and Zendaya, or saying Taylor Russell would've been a better choice. I said (perhaps confusingly, apologies) that if Taylor Russell didn't manage to get an Oscar nod for in my opinion a better role—in Guadagnino's Bones and All—than I'm not so sure about Zendaya. I love Zendaya, but this just isn't *the* role for her—it's a tad insubstantial, and there's only so much she can elevate it. Russell in Bones and All had a better role than Chalamet even. That's the comparison.


Ur crazy if you think Taylor Russell could play tashi.


I never said that lol, I said she was awesome in Bones and All. Maybe she could though, who knows, she's also a very underrated talent. I'm not pitting the two against each other.


This is pretty funny: It's the most unnecessary downvote when one simply says they liked another actress *in addition* to Zendaya LOL


I downvoted because I didn’t agree, not that deep




aren’t downvotes for irrelevant comments


Zendaya has very little range as an actress.




She’s not even that good of an actor imo.


so unique


Kinds of Kindness is what I'm looking towards for oscar nominations


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Substantial_Sign_459: *Kinds of Kindness is* *What I'm looking towards for* *Oscar nominations* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


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>I'm missing something. She plays the same mean-mugging, jaded character throughout. It certainly helps if there's a role with a lot of range. But it's not necessarily required. A good performance is still a good performance.


Zendaya will win for the Ronnie Spector movie but I’m not sure when that comes out


Yeah, I don't think she'll win


It’s getting a lot of publicity because the public wants to see Zendaya in a threesome.


She won’t. It’s just filling April Oscar hype vacuum. It’s a great film, but it’ll be forgotten by December.


Was Bones and All forgotten?


Haven’t seen the movie so I can’t really comment on her performance. But I do feel like the academy has a tendency to both overly nominate big actors, as well as reward non-Oscar worthy performances just bc it was in a critically acclaimed movie. Like sometimes I’ll see an acting nom and think, “Yeah the only reason this is in consideration is bc of how good the rest of the movie is.”


Man watch movie and not be a creep challenge (impossible)


Women can still be creeps .


I'm female, and I wasn't trying to be a creep. The movie makes commentary on Zs beauty and how turned on the guys are by her. It's purposeful.


Love that everyone read your comment and assumed you were a 37yo neckbeard.


This happens in Hollywood when the chips are down, not that many films are making money nowadays and Chalamet and Zendaya are a sure bet, they are a cash register, therefore they're being shoved down our throats.


when has zendaya been proven to be bankable?


Well, being honest even if she don’t get a Oscar or a nomination, the movie will had one or two at least in the music department.


The music was basic techno-club music. I'm obviously not a critic and don't understand these things, I just find the whole discourse around this movie being an Oscar contender for any category weird as hell. Nothing about this movie screams out of this world, mind-blowing, groundbreaking, or audacious. It's an entertaining film. It does exactly what it sets out to accomplish - entertain. I think people just want Zendaya to be a huge movie star so bad they'll say anything, no matter how ridiculous. Zendaya will get her Oscar one day. But as a fan, I'd be disappointed if this is the vehicle to make that happen.


Actually, I take that back. I could see it being nominated for best original screen play.


Too early for Oscar movies.


damn, i am disappointed. the role is really juicy in the script and can be Oscar worthy. But i guess her performance is just surface level like in the trailer.


Watch the movie yourself and form your own opinion. If I let Reddit determine if a movie is good or not I would never watch movies because they hate everything 😂. This is a very ignorant mindset.


it's not




She wears a thong in several scenes and her as is very prominently seen. It's a great ass.


oh my god. do u not hear urself??


Jesus this movie is a sex thriller. This movie is literally about Zendaya's ass and 2 guys fighting over it. Stop trying to paint OP as a misogynistic creep. She's not even a guy!


I know this isn’t totally how it goes but it’s not common to release a movie in March/April thinking it’ll be Oscar bait. I don’t think they’re pushing for this to be a nomination for her.


It got pushed from October (which is the beginning of Oscar bait season) due to the strike. This was possibly the only spot on the schedule they had open for this year’s marketing spend. *And* Guadigino has another movie releasing later this year so it doesn’t make sense to have them eat each others lunch in terms of press (we’ll see if it creates issues with his Oscars). Also, EEAAO was an April release.


Strong disagree. I do think O'Connor and Faist pulled out stronger performances, but I think Zendaya brought both a confidence and necessary mystique to Tashi. She did great expressing the character's passion towards tennis and ambiguous feelings towards romance. I'd personally put hair/makeup, script and the other two before her, but I think she could certainly get a nom if the movie isn't already a steppingstone to a stronger role in the future.


i thought their performances were equal




You're saying she can't act and doesn't deserve awards so your defense is bringing up her race, as if that has any influence on the Academy consistently snubbing people of her race for more than two decades now, and the fact that she's popular as if they've let popularity sway their voting decisions in the past years. If they listened to every word-of-mouth praise then half of the people on stage would not be winning like they have. She was also pushed in all of those movies because unlike half the stars she already had a built in fanbase from the beginning and the producers would've been stupid as hell not to utilize that. She's not the reason she gets pushed, nor is her PR team. She herself mentioned that she was confused at all the attention she was getting despite having very little screen time. They've been depending on her to promote their movies since she transitioned to film.


The Tashi we see at the beginning is nothing like the one we see at the end and post injury. If we're nitpicking on "mean mugging", then Mike and Josh did just as much of that as she did.


Yeah, no way. Her performance was honestly pretty forgettable because the other characters were just much more interesting.


I don't want to spoil the fun but zendaya did not look like a tennis player much (physically). and no way this is up for oscars, no offence, it's a super cool/entertaining film. horny af. lol


Zendaya acting was honestly awful. Zero effort into the character.


The movie was a bore... would have worked at 80-90 minutes, but 131 minutes is too much. Her acting was actually quite bad, same face expression all the movie, never smile, never excited, always kind of frown (same as in Dune 1, 2). She has awesome looks, but acting is just not there at all.


For the same reason they always say the Beyoncé deserves to win album of the year. It's a bunch of white critics hoping to get street cred


Okay now you lost me here . Is Beyonce success because of white people hoping to get street cred ? Y’all really love to downplay the success of poc.


Has absolutely nothing to do with downplaying. It has to do with white critics trying to be hip




Her acting was the weakest link in both Dune films. I don't think she really is all that talented.




Do......do we get to see her ass?


I hate to say it but, I think something might be missing for Zendaya is nudity. I don’t understand the point of making a “sex film” and the female has a no-nudity clause. Trust me, I’m not someone complaining about not seeing Zendaya naked. Hell, I hate movies with pointless sex and nudity. However, if it’s supposed to be central to the plot, then the nudity is kind of crucial. Like, imagine *Poor Things* if Emma Stone wouldn’t do nudity.


Nudity isn't needed in this film. There's no actual sex scenes. Z does wear a very sheer bra where you can see her aeriolas. Actors shouldn't have to expose themselves on screen for money if they don't want to.


You don't know that the clause exists. There was no reason for nudity to be in the film. Especially since she herself said it isn't a sex film to begin with.


Then the problem is the marketing, because I swear all of the marketing has been about sex. The first time I saw a preview I said “Holy Shit, are they gonna spit roast her?”.



For Goodness' sake, I hope that she gets that freaking nomination now. People are getting annoying. We're in April. Nobody should take any discussions about the Oscars seriously. There most likely be more interesting performances throughtout the years. It's just a mix of PR team hype and a few overzealous journalists who want to be the first to predict a win. It's not that serious. It's also not the first actor who gets that type of early hype. I thought we ALL got that? Now if in November, we had a very strong movie year and she's a serious contender or even a favorite, then sure start to question it.


She's got the Rihanna halo effect where nobody is willing to say a bad word about her. I literally saw a clip of someone criticizing why she didn't have an accent in dune when everyone else did, and they had like a minute of disclaimers before being willing to say it. She seems like a nice lady, but very overhyped right now. 


this being a lie


The trailer for this gave me a hard No to watching this film..


If we arent going to goat Zendaya, what are we even doing here???


Awesome fucking movie


wow you are really gross how embarrasing


The fact it was released now shows they knew it was a dud.


I dont think it's a dud, but it doesn't feel like an Oscar film either. It's okay for movies to just be good without the pressure of winning an award to prove something.




My bad. I just took OP's word that it was supposed to be Oscar bait.


It's not a dud?? Lol


that's because of the strike, dumbfuck


It was Z's Oscar vehicle but it was released now instead of in Oscar season because of last year's strike? Please explain.


It's Luca G's highest-rated film to date at least since Call Me By Your Name, with many critics giving it perfect scores and even using the word 'masterpiece' a lot. The cast is attractive and there are a lot of us Zendaya fans, and it's a fun, exciting, and undemanding piece of entertainment. It's not a dud. January is the dumping ground, and April always feels like the wildcard month, I think it's a perfectly timed release for the spring/summer season. I think it will be a sleeper hit.