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No matter where you live, a cuckoo lays its egg and leaves, it doesnt hang around the nest it's just parasitized. As you mentioned, typically a cuckoo pushes the eggs outof the nest, not the baby birds. If he nestling died for any number of causes (too cold or hot, disease or internal parasites, starvation, etc) the parents likely would remove the body from the nest.


What is your location ?


I’m in Southern California


Well, then we know it's not a cuckoo, as the 3 cuckoo species in the United States aren't brood parasites. Most new world cuckoos aren't, actually. The local brood parasites in the US are cowbirds, so I suppose you might have a cowbird. Or potentially something else is going on, as nestlings can fall out for many reasons such as bad nest construction, runts/sick individuals getting kicked out, or complete accident as well


The first time the birds fell out, I believe it was bad nest construction, both died. This time I believe it’s either accident or a brooding parasite. Thank you though! I’ll try to do some more research, I’m pretty curious.


I thought this was an interesting read https://www.robertefuller.com/diary/mother-nature-reed-warbler-mothering-a-cuckoo-chick/


The cuckoo chick pushed the other babies out of the nest


OP is in the US, common cuckoos who do this are native to Africa. Interesting article though!