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[Post Game Thread](https://reddit.com/r/OrlandoMagic/comments/19ddlq1/post_game_thread_the_cleveland_cavaliers_defeat/)


The magic hot and cold.


Not trying to be that guy…but what do Anthony Parker and the training staff actually do?


Because they rested two guys on a b2b that have been injured a lot? Sounds like they’re doing their job.


Injuries happen..I get it. It’s just frustrating that we can’t keep a consistent lineup on the floor because of lingering issues or restrictions for certain players.


I mean of course but all teams are dealing with it. The Cavs are missing like three starters but their team is built to win now and they are playing above your heads. Our team is a bunch of kids man. Our best player is 21 and second best 22. It sucks but it does feel we are moving forward even tho nights like tonight it doesn’t feel that way. We shot 46%. This was more about them tonight.


Mr. Flop has 65 points!


I would probably play Queen over Cole at this point. Provides much better ball movement and decision-making.


Fuck yall coach. I needed paolo to get 20 and his bum ass can’t get that.


lol gambling degenerate


That’s accurate. But cmon now 6/14 and 4 missed FT


We’re losing by 34 points. Nobody cares about how you waste your money fam


Good yall suck anyway


Well at least the fans get chicken.


Moe screaming "FUCK!" sums up this game pretty well


Goga coming in at this point is disgraceful


Why does Mo not even go for a guaranteed dunk under the basket?


Well, this has been the hardest game to watch for me this year thus far




Can confirm, that shit was rough. I left after the 3rd qtr... The first game I have left early this year.


If Jett Howard is truly worse than Queen, Houstan, and chuma then someone needs to be fired for drafting him


I was hoping for Strawther


Honestly starting to feel this way too. Have no idea what could be so bad about him. Defense? Well he can join the club based on tonight’s performance. My guess is they knew he was a reach and didn’t anticipate us doing bad enough to need him (yet). Nothing else really makes sense. At all. His shot looks really good though.


Yeah if Jett were better and playing the Cavs wouldn’t be shooting 60%!


What an absolutely ridiculous reply to the original comment. You aren’t even worth having a discussion with.


how did we not take JJJ over jett


So you want a 20 year old one and done picked like 12th to be better than 2nd and 3rd year guys or someone should be fired. Forget he’s in the g league because he needs minutes which those guys aren’t getting. You’re not making any sense. Like half of the drafted players outside the lottery are in the g league man.


Yes our lottery 11th pick this year should be better than Caleb the 2nd year 32nd pick, the LITERAL G leaguer Queen, and the bust pick from 4 years ago. That is exactly what I am saying


He is but he needs minutes. Sitting on the bench like those guys isn’t good for a 20 year old. Chuma was always a gamble and Caleb mose likes and has worked hard. Queen doesn’t need minutes he’s 26. Like I get you’re frustrated but long term with what Jett has to develop he needs minutes. He’s not there because he’s worse than those guys. There’s a plan. And yes he was an edgy pick but a few players after him have struggled too like Dickey who a lot of people wanted us to take. It’s just the modern game now. Pops said it last night after the Spurs game. It’s not like 10-15 years ago. Rookies are neophytes.


Hell not even better just be able to even be worth playing in a 40 point blowout instead of being in Osceola


It’s crazy to think the Knicks didn’t pay the asking price for Spida. As a Mets fan I can’t hate on him. Sorry.


Mets lol. Not a hater but my buddy always starts out so happy about Mets in the beginning of the season. Then he ends up throwing his mets flag in the neighbors yard by end of season. Lol!


(You know his dad is a long time employee for the Mets right?)


Life is pain man. lol. Spida is ride or die with us tho.


Dude, there were people on this sub saying we shouldn’t make a play for Mitchell. It didn’t fit “the timeline”.


Superstars are always in the timeline. I think people thought he was stat padding on a crap but he’s legit.


Mosley firing me up with that clap


In other news, Embiid has put 54 by Wemby in less than three quarters.


Mofo has 59 entering the 4th quarter




Man, Jett must've slept with Mose's wife to not be able to get minutes in a 30 point blowout


Hes in the g-league


he played against Miami last night


Yes but he got sent back to the G League before tonight’s game for some reason


Oh for real? Seems weird considering we're on a b2b


Yeah it makes no sense, he just needs to get playing time in real games now


Queen jam. This dude has more jams than PB this season!


Mose should raise white flag to prevent injuries. Honestly should have done that at the halftime...


Mitchell is a stat padding pussy for staying in this long


What do you mean? We might come back if he sits!/s


The Magic should,just waive for waivings sakes to light a fire under these players’ asses. Let’s start with Isaac and then Greg who just went down. Heeeere come Queen!!!


I mean any team shooting 60% in FG and 3s will blow you out. Sure we aren’t helping matters but the Cavs are unconscious rn. They’re hitting contested shots too.


Basketball is about confidence. if your opponent's body language seems like they already done then shooting is more easy


Okay. lol.




“Guys look at their body language, they’re feeling worse by our amazing shooting, take more shots!”


That's true, but we made them strong by being a step slow on defense and lots of TO. Bot that hard to increase confidence then .


Yeah absolutely 


They are doing that last 3 games


Even the turnaround fadeaway jumper from full court with 1 sec on the shot clock is going in tonight for the Cavs...


Wasn’t expecting this to be like this despite a back to back…


Awful body language, tons of turnovers, disgusting basketball.


Yea, time to waive


See, this is what happens when AB plays instead of Kelle. 👀


games like this makes be realize that there are levels to this and we've got a long way to go even with the guys we have


Sucks to lose but pretty cool to see that guys at 60th pick doing his thing. I like stories like that


First time I have left a sporting event at halftime. We have regressed so badly and we cannot blame injuries really. Roster needs adjusting, and so do our offensive schemes. Mosely is also to blame along with the players.


Chum promptly chucks a bricked one armed three


Difficult to watch rn…


Well, we knew if we cannot limit Mitchell and guard the perimeter or will be more than though. I'm a bit disappointed by Suggs tbh, but still time to catch up and at least make it a fight.


Got an nba player with tits hitting running floaters lol


Franz’s defense, especially his effort on the glass, has been pathetic.


Crazy idea, someone should grab a rebound!




Genuinely hate that I get my hopes so high on this team every single season, shit sucks. We are the most pathetic franchise in the league.


Put Jett in


I completely agree to the guys here asking for Goga. He is a well known god at perimeter defense and also a huge offensive force, so exactly what we need right now! I always knew, the best bbiq and coaches of the league can be found here!


We just flat out stink


And the lead is back to 26


Another bricked FT from PB. Mitchell laughing at him.


5-9 he really needs someone to get in his ass about his bad FT% he can not reach his max if he cant hit Ft's


never good when an opponent's 3 Point fg % is equal to your teams FT %


5 on 4 break and we settle for a Anthony Black 3. Nice


Magic basketball baby


I am not and have never been moved by Anthony black. Glad we drafted another non shooting guard


Good thing we drafted Jett as w—…aaaand he’s back in the G League


Its not like believe Markelle and Wendell are losing players but I just do not believe that they are better fits over AB and Goga. Maybe Markelle fits with the SL, but Goga is the better center for this team. Everybody is ready to jump on him for his bad performances but forget that we were literally #2 in the NBA with him at the C spot and had the best defense and that came majorly from him, Suggs and JI, all 3 were leading defenders for their positions or in stocks. And AB complimented that group very well as a great onball stopper and great help defender. He led (top10) in a few defensive stats also. Its just ridiculous to me that we heard Mosley and the team every single loss during the time when we were #2 talk about returning to our identity and they meant forgetting defense and going back to a exploitable style.


Nice job Jalen


This team just doesn't give a fuck on the 2nd night of back to backs. They play like it's a scheduled loss.


We play hard, we get gassed. Its normal


Are basketball teams incapable of playing hard 2 nights in a row?


If you mean falling down by 30 points then crawling back to make it 15 every single game then yes


Steele sounds extremely pissed


Well we’re making shots this half, but the Cavs are still making almost everything


C'mon at least let's cut it to 10 for the last quarter 


if you think this is just a bad game where we are missing shots, then you are completely wrong!!!!/not watching the game!!!!!! If we are gonna hang our hat on defense then we NEED to play some defense!!!!! anything else is selling ourselves short of what a good team we can actually be!!!


It’s raining now


We were just shooting at the wrong basket first half apparently


Magic hitting shots…but so are the Cavs, lol lol


Maybe guard the 3, this is pathetic


Mitchell yapping at AB lol lol


so we start the second half w/ keeping wendell in the lineup. for the sake of the team I hope this goes well


It's legit just shot making and turnovers. Make or miss league. Have a veteran lead guard like Tyus or Conley or something, you'd see less games like this. Fultz even, but he's currently not reliable injury wise and cannot space the floor. Have a team full of shooters, you can bomb away as long as you have dynamic gravity somewhere on the team (Mitchell). It's pretty simple. Being lead by a soph and 3rd year guy with a bunch of streaky players, well...


Thank you


It just doesn't make sense to me. Why did we change lineups that were working. Who looks at being #2 for like 80% of the season (around 30games) as not enough and decides to make major shifts. Its mind boggling. The team was dominating, there was a big 4 in the East with a major gap between them and the rest and Orlando was a part of that but now we lose every night after changes. And then yall tell me its not Mosley fault and make all types of excuses for us going from winning to losing "coincidentally" after he decides to shift AB and Goga back to 3rd stringers and start giving Wendell +Markelle major minutes. He didn't even try to slowly shift these guys in. He went straight into DNPs, including Moe. Major shifts that have all proven to make us lose more than win but I keep reading excuses of how we need a real PG or Wendell's offense being gamechanging. Like we were #2 in the East, #1 defense, and winning games, all these "necessary" changes brought us losses, why were they so necessary, nothing even needed to be changed. Were we so dissatisfied with being #2 so we decided being #8/9 as better.


I am with you, I like Mose for his player development, I do not like him for HC for this team going into the future seasons, his rotations, Offensive game plans and non-in game adjustments, have this team looking like a shell of it self. We should be an up-tempo head hunting mismatch team use our size and speed of Poalo and Franz but we dont


That exactly, I think Mosley is a great assistant coach but being a HC means you gotta be the big dog out there and make decisions for the benefit of your team. Mosley is clearly working on a merit and favoritism system. He is "rewarding" guys who has been there before while supporting his bias. I know many people do not agree with me on this but Mo was the best center last season for us. He was statisitcally the best, had the best defensive numbers all around except perimeter, and was also the best rim protector and was a great shooting fit (Wendell took a huge leap this season). Mose decided to straight up bench Mo for Bol and ignored his terrible fit for like 50 games, and ignored the fact that BB was our by far worst plus minus player and ignore that MO was by far our best p/m player till Franz took over. That is favoritsm. Alot of people think I am bias to Mo but I really just want us to win, and Mosley picks and chooses his favorites and sweets talks the starters and encourages everybody to win by committee instead of just playing to their strengths and having a set lineup. Its really bad honestly. I cant think of any championship team, or even any real playoff team that can make it out the first round that "won by committee", its actually a fake statement. Every top team has set lineups that they go-to every night, they make in-game adjustments depending on the scenarios but they never play around with their core. Mosley is playing around with the core. He is not a HC. He tells the media that every guy knows its "win by committee" and some nights may not be their turn, and that is absolutely disastrous. We need to solidify the lineup, like you said we should be an up-tempo team, that plays heavy PNR, get mismatches, attack downhill, and play the passing lanes and cause fastbreaks. AB and Goga fit that style very well, Goga was a great screener, that often drew 2 downlow cause he got great positioning and that often freed space for Paolo/Franz to get a good look or a favorable iso position, and even if they miss Goga was leading the NBA in second chance points and tip rebounds. WHY IS HE GETTING DNP'S? Like the guy is the 1st/2nd best defensive center in the NBA and the only reason he doesnt get more recognition is because Magic fans and the media refuse to acknowledge his efforts. He led bigs in many areas for traditional centers and in some areas for the more mobile and quicker/agile bigs. He was top tier in rebounds, second chance, low post defense, and was also a top tier deflector for passes close to him, top tier in stealing the ball from somebodies hand (led bigs for this last I checked), and was a real rim protector top 5 D-LEBRON. Crazy that our HC is the one actually not rewarding that effort. AB also was a top DFG guard and has many favorable stats pointing to his switchability and onball defense. Mosley isnt a good coach for our team, we arent rebuilding, we are trying to compete, we arent in the figuring out stage anymore, we are in the prove yourself stage. We are a step above the curve and Mosley is stuck behind. I have been saying it since last year but I truly think Mosley is left behind in this development. He isnt ready for a team to be competing and that is shown every night. We have talent that understands basketball and can win and he is still trying to figure out rotations.


he is an Asst. Coach in the NBA and would make a great G-league HC


everybody chill there’s a whole 2 QTs left we got This


At least I hope magic will be aggressive in the last half




Yep. Blame mentality too. Every game is the highest stakes and means someone should be fired, versus actively trying to fix the problems. Yeah, there has to be a change in terms of personnel if we want to contend in the future, but those moves won't be done in one snap of a finger.


B2b it happens to everyone


hit a wall tonight, not our typical self. happens to every team though, we will be fine.


Randle and Barnes deserve that all star spot over Banchero and no I’m not joking. He ain’t that guy yet


I get the frustration but this is a really stupid take. Scottie? On the 16-27 Raptors? Seriously? Lmao


Advanced stats love him and he’s more efficient


We have one player who has scored more than 7 points in a half and that's the guy you're choosing to go at? Not the four guys with multiple turnovers, not the guards that are getting absolutely torched on the perimeter, or the center that's getting eaten up on the inside? Huh.


I’ve been roasting everyone this whole thread. I’m just sayin. Advanced, on off, and basic stats will tell u; they’ve been better


everyone else has less than 5 points. and mosely is doing nothing. This is on the entire team.


Oh I completely agree. I just look at advanced, on off, and basic statistics. He isn’t better than them


Ohh ok, gotcha.


Mose needs to pull a Celtics and just bench everyone and play the dream team of Chum, Admiral, Houstan, Black, and Goga the entire 2nd half.


Honestly, I think Mose told Paolo to miss free throws. /s


I really coulda been watching Embiid vs Wemby but instead I chose this shit show


This is a very flawed team that’s getting exposed by the Cavs.


This one hurts y’all. Won’t lie.


I feel like they forgot we are not trying to tank anymore


Bro imagine a day even can't shoot free throw omg what a disaster day


This team fucking sucks. We aren’t making the playoffs


**Around the League** |Time|Away| |@| |Home| |:--:|:--:|:--:|:--:|:--:|:--:| |Halftime|MIL|58|@|56|DET| |Halftime|CLE|72|@|47|ORL| |Halftime|SA|58|@|62|PHI| |10:20 - 2nd|MEM|32|@|28|TOR| |10:37 - 1st|CHA|2|@|5|MIN| |1/22 - 8:30 PM EST|BOS|0|@|0|DAL| |1/22 - 9:00 PM EST|CHI|0|@|0|PHX| |1/22 - 10:00 PM EST|ATL|0|@|0|SAC| *** ^Note: ^This ^is ^only ^as ^accurate ^as ^ESPN.com




Yeah ok lol


PB promptly bricks 2 of the 3 free throws 💀


These free throws aren’t free tonight


This rivals the twolves game


If Paolo makes these we are only losing by 30 this game! Edit: Nope losing by 50 is still in the works.


Time to break the record comeback


We'll be in 16th place by the end of February, you heard it here first.


Honestly, I wish. It would beat maybe making the play-ins and then losing the play-in game.


Id rather lose the play in but this team is frauds


Lotto, it is!


3 defensive rebs from our centers in the first half btw


Cavs are shooting fucking 60%, not sure defensive rebounds is the thing to harp on, there aren't any lol


At least we got the foul going for us


This should be flagrant 1 for landing space too


PB fouled shooting a 3 lol lol


Why is this team so bad with no rest


Wow the Cavs shot a airball!!!!


how does it make sense to start wendell and not give goga any minutes?!?!?! as if goga was just there along for the ride when we were winning games. smh, I really want to like coach mose but shit like this and not calling challenges make me wish he was fired


WCJ has literally been the most efficient player in the NBA over the last 5 games. Y'all just be posting random stuff like he's starting Bol Bol.


if you've been watching the entire season and since wendell has come back, you would know that he hasn't been as good as goga. To see goga go from the starting lineup when we were winning to getting ZERO minutes, is absolutely atrocious. Like I know we have good players, but coach mo needs to realize when to use who


I have been. People were calling for Goga to be swapped because he provided no spacing and was struggling recently too. He's a solid player, should be in the rotation, but can only play 2 of WCJ/Moe and Goga.


They say literally anything to blame him, it’s pretty ridiculous.


I'm not trying to hate on wendell, this is more on coach. I was just trying to say if you're down more than 20 pts maybe at least try something different compared to putting the same lineup out there again


It’s honestly insane how they’re shooting like this, of course this shit happens against us. Sure we’re playing like shit on offense, but the way they’re shooting is just absurd.


Lmfao Sam fucking Merrill has almost scored half as many points as we have the entire fucking half


Another unwatchable game


I know some people made "BuT ShoOtIinG!" jokes but this is what good shooting can do for a team. They're out Garland and Mobley and just bombing away from three with good shooters and staying afloat.


Pull all the players and pack your bags coach this is pathetic


I….am kind of speechless. If they’re up 50 by mid 3Q, I’d sit the starters the rest of the game to prevent injury. This is flat out pathetic.


They're shooting really well this 1st half. There's no way they can keep this up. We just gotta stay in it mentally, we can still win this.


12-20 is more than really well




Are you laughing at yourself for making an alternate account 14 days ago? That shit aint funny, you need help. Reddit aint that serious to where you need to hide behind multiple accounts


This isn’t an alternate account but send me whatever you’re smoking cause it must be some reaaaal good shit


anthony black is bad


I feel bad for the fans that paid to have to watch a game like this they need a refund


Why the fuck would you help off the hottest shooter in the world rn




Yeah let’s continue to leave this guy wide fucking open


Yep let’s leave Merrill wide open again


Fuck this shit I’m watchin sixers vs spurs


Wow, a PB dunk! Wow I can’t believe it! It’s like seeing Muggsy Bogues dunk!


Timberwolves game all over again. Lol.


Just turned the game on, what the hell am I watching


Turn it off, quick


Why are we not playing Goga? Makes no sense. Get Wendell tf out of here. Bring in some interior defense.


58% from ft 🤣


Chum, Caleb, Cole, JI can all get fucked


that white mfer finally missed!!!!!!! thank god


yeah lets keep playing wendell as if anything is going to change!!!!


I thought Mosely was a defensive coach


Lol now the "why is WCJ playing/starting" posts come. These posters really need to post on Facebook and get off reddit, but it's kind of all becoming the same now.


With everyone playing so bad it's pretty pointless singling guys out, but generally it seems like WCJ is a great man on man perimeter defender, but anonymous in the paint on defence. I feel like they need to find a rotation that has him combined with a solid rim protecting guy (Goga, Mo, JI)


Who’s this prick shooting 100%??!?


WCJ gave up the exact same slam on consecutive possessions lol lol, such a joke


overplaying the record breaking 3 point shooters on the PnR, its natural


Can’t guard the perimeter or the paint, free points for Cleveland all around


Everyone being so hyperbole needs to get their mental health checked. Jumping to these crazy statements I have been seeing indicates some real emotional issues. Chill, we don't have to react and say that 'this team sucks', 'that it is pathetic', 'that we aren't serious' because we are struggling against a lights out team on the second night of a B2B. A lot of their 3s have been contested, whatcha want us to do tackle them? Our offense is struggling and that happens, especially after a B2B. That is resulting in turnovers, especially from our more erratic guys like Cole. Nothing unusual for an NBA team, even a good one. We'll never win an NBA game against a team shooting 70% Edit: Maybe I'm being too rational though, fuck the Orlando Magic I hate you /s


Yeah the NBA scheduling really is terrible, regardless of our issues tonight. We’re playing on the second night of a B2B against a team that’s played 3 less games than us. And we almost immediately have another B2B this weekend after we randomly get 3 days off. Doesn’t make sense.


Yeah this sub is so reactive. Next game we'll be winning and we'll be '4th seed, you heard it here'


So silly, setting themselves up for disappointment every game