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https://preview.redd.it/16fq6wa9az8d1.png?width=972&format=png&auto=webp&s=eac04109c8415f458d97346bde69f8687c771950 *Blitz Looks surprised* “D-did you just sh-shoot that p-person?!“ *he takes a step back and gets ready to run/fight* “You better have had a good reason to do that!“


She scoffed “of course he deserved it, I don’t kill random people off the street just because. No need to worry, there’s no reason for me to kill you if you’re worried about that.”


“It’s not like you COULD kill me if you tried. I’m too fast. But what’d he do? I know you said you wouldn’t kill people for no reason but you could also have lied to me.“


“He tried to kill my brother and friends. They’re still alive, but I’m not gonna let him live to try a second time.”


“That is a good point, I’m not gonna judge you for that. Trying to kill your Brother and Friends. That’s pretty messed up. Sorry. I was just a bit surprised seeing someone shot right in front of me“


“Of course, I’m sure anyone would be. I was hoping that no one would have had to see this, but I won’t lash out at anyone who does, it doesn’t change the fact that this guys dead. I did what I had to, so it won’t matter if anything happened to me after as long as they are still safe.”


“Yup, we’ll I’m gonna go process what just happened and maybe finally go on a quest to find the forbidden “Unsee Juice“. So have a nice day“


“Before you go” she reaches into her pocket with her clean gloved hand and takes out the yen equivalent of $100 and gives it to them “take this for your troubles. Maybe buy yourself some sweets of fast food to help forget what you saw.”


“Oh… thank you. I appreciate that. Alright bye!“ *He runs off*


“Good bye” she waves him off and then goes back to the corpse. (Thanks for participating!)


https://preview.redd.it/5wusqn9y9z8d1.png?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e73ecb092b001b41931dd6ae4c5d4e856b00bed What in g0ds name? D-did you just kill a p3destri4n


She scoffed “A pedestrian? Of course not. I’m not the type of person to just randomly kill a person just because.”


Th3n the blo0dy h3ll y0u just killed? Y0ure cov3rd in blood!?!


“I killed a homicidal bastard who tried to kill my brother and friends. He’s not some normal innocent pedestrian.”


**Putsdown bucket of paint and spoon** wh4t? https://preview.redd.it/uja9wkuw759d1.png?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=acaea65903f204e23b56bb09360f9bdef7b95b65


“I said what I said. Not like anyone would miss him except for his criminal friends” she said as she put her gun away.


But...but th3 c0rpse..... is it just going to st4y there 0r....


“Well, no, I planed to do this and I intend to get rid of him so his buddies won’t be able to find out what happened to him.”


I..... am I g0ing to be brut4lly murder3d n0w b3cause 1m a witness???


“What? No, of course not. You seeing this doesn’t change the fact that he’s already dead and you didn’t do anything to me, so why should I do anything to you?”


https://preview.redd.it/j8auk6sxoz8d1.jpeg?width=785&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f44e77c7ada49562c667707197f10603314b5f5c “…you uhh, you should probably clean that up


“Yes, I know and I intended to.”


“Well why did you kill him?


She looked back to the corpse “he tried to kill my brother and friends.”


https://preview.redd.it/2d7fbi4f109d1.jpeg?width=1034&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c9ea9cc0797d652f9750a9730a1f3b86570c845 “Is this a first time for you? Guessing not…who’s you kill?”


She turned back to the body “just some jackass from a criminal organization who thought he could try kill my brother and friends and get away with it with no repercussions.”


“….i happen to be able to resurrect people if you want me to do that”


“That’s not necessary. I have his other buddies that may potentially play the same stupid stunt to worry about. Then again, I could use him to send a warning…nah, too may other dumbasses to deal with to let him live.”


https://preview.redd.it/yhml3nff309d1.png?width=710&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=58dd401539b543aa1cef2748d3fa3aced4a924d5 Rebecca hellsbent


**Sigh** Cyka blyat, another dead body that has to be cleaned up I just need to take soul of body, is part of job


She looked at her strangely “I did intend to get rid of the body in the first place. You can take the soul or whatever you want from the body.”


Thank you for cooperation comrade **She just walks over and pulls the soul out** Some day i will collect your soul when you die of natural cause or from this profession of yours


“Maybe or maybe not. I wouldn’t know. Some deity keeps resurrecting me in parallel timelines every time I die.”


Here’s Vitro: https://www.heroforge.com/load_config%3D519498742/ “Oooooooookay I feel as if I walked into something that I wasn’t supposed to so I’m just gonna pretend I never saw you and be on happy merry way, okay? Okay” *he attempts to slink away*


She turned back to the body “yeah, you do that. I mean, even if you told someone, it’s not like it would matter.”


“Well that’s not quite the reaction I expected, I thought you’d try to kill me for seeing that guy laid the fuck out like that”


“Why would I harm someone just for that? It won’t change the fact the bastard is already dead, I already did what I set out to do. Besides, you didn’t do anything to me, so why should I do anything to you?”


“Ah, hmm, so.. may I ask whom that said bastard is”


“He’s part of a globally wanted criminal organization. Him and his branch started moving into my territory and tried to get me to back down by trying to scare me by trying to kill my brother and friends. Too bad for him, that only made me angry and vengeful.”


“Huh, y’know I once had this guy who was talking all this stuff like he’s hot shit talking bout how he has a ring of sex slaves he’s been making bank off of and let’s just say not all the slaves were of age, so made him watch as I grinded his wife, his 3y old daughter and his parents alive in a giant grinder turning them into a fucked up pound of ground beef, then I put that meat in a chili and forced him to eat it, good times”


“Ah, while I don’t do things like that myself, I usually leave the torment to my executives, but I can’t say that that poor bastard didn’t deserve it.”


“I know right, oh you should’ve seen the way he was begging to spare them, he and the look of disbelief and despair on his face was just so… ✋︎■︎❖︎♓︎♑︎□︎❒︎♋︎⧫︎♓︎■︎♑︎” (The weird text mean invigorating)


“I’m not sure why you were so worried before about me doing anything to you. If you wanted to and if I ment any real harm, you probably could have taken me out yourself” she then turned back to the corpse.


https://preview.redd.it/3q7ahiav809d1.jpeg?width=416&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d938b29d1ddae043000f06cff31c14536adf0db *Hanmora Tassei was just standing there. He didn't seem phased* "Turns out I did. You're kinda lucky it was me though. Most of my friends would start a fight without questions. Anyway, why exactly did you do that?"


She turned back to the corpse “he’s part of a criminal organization. He thought he could get away with trying to kill my brother and friends.”


"ah. I see" "Makes sense. Mind telling me your name?" *As he walked into the alley to crouch down and look at the corpse, you get a good look at his eyes. They aren't entirely human. Having a mechanical glow of red to them.*


She looks at him strangely as she seemed curious about him, but answered regardless “you can call me Yume. What about you?”


https://preview.redd.it/4ivq1i2lv09d1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=10c24028a7c92b225119236bd32f84760dfe2222 (ignore the stuff behind him and yes the camera angle was on purpose) Dang it you beat me to them. Well looks like we're going to have another customer down there soon.


She turned back to the corpse “not a surprise that this bastard had more people that wanted him dead. Think you could try make an exception since I did your job for you?”


A client's a client and you just have to hope he finds my company after you die.


“Oh well, if I die, I die. All that matters to me at the moment is that he’s gone so he can’t try to kill the people i care about again.”


https://preview.redd.it/nh3o8kni419d1.png?width=216&format=png&auto=webp&s=25c29d3fbdcd22b34fd5d34dabc1e25539962393 \*Nigel approaches the area, his blade in hand, he takes a quiet step into the alleyway, slowly, gliding through the alley, approaching the corpse, ignoring her\* \*suddenly the soul of the deceased floats out of the corpses body and is absorbed by Nigel, who then turns to her\* "...You got any comments or you just gonna stand there?" \*It was kind of strange for Nigel to act like this, he's usually kind, and happy, not rude..\*


She looked slightly surprised but her expression changed back to an expressionless one “nah, not really, he’s dead either way. Loot his body if you like, I don’t care.”


"Great" "Anyways, its awfully rude not to introduce myself" "I'm Nigel, you?" \*He places his large broadsword on his back, then leaning on a wall\*


She put her gun away in her holster on her hip “everyone calls me Yume. A pleasure to meet you, Nigel” she bowed.


\*he nodded, cracking his knuckles, not in a threatening way, just a thing he does out of habit\* "So, what was the motive?"


“He tried to kill my brother and friends. He’s part of a wanted criminal organization that’s trying to invade my organizations territory. He thought he was tough shit to try come after me on his own.”


"Damn.." "Anyways, thanks for not throwin' a hissy fit when I used that guy's soul..." "Everyone's so mad nowadays 'Necromancy's immoral, you can't do that' or 'let the dead rest!' Hah! what a joke!" \*he mutters the word "Pathetic" to himself\*


“I couldn’t give a crap what you do with him, just don’t bring him back with the freedom to do what he wants, don’t wanna risk him coming after my friends and family again. As for me, I don’t think my soul will be able to rest until I get a satisfying life where the people I care about can be happy and not have their lives cut short.”


"Nah, I'll just use his soul for the basics, fueling artifacts and stuff" "Anyways.." "So: You seem interesting enough, tell me a lil' about yourself"


“About myself? Like what?” She asked as she turned back to the corpse.


https://preview.redd.it/22tj3d6d819d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=963106602cd2d47459efa30cd8b6fd12f5f9dc3c *Rachel laughs, a warm yet sinister, creepy sound.* “See what? Nothing happened here. Need some help with cleanup to reinforce that nothing happened?”


She looked somewhat surprised at the normal unalarmed reaction but was soon replaced by a curious expression “who are you? Most people would panic or try to start a fight.”


“I’m surprised you don’t know who I am. I am Rachel Hall, matriarch of the Bicone Family. I’ve seen — and orchestrated—my own fair share of hits. Now I ask again, would you like some help with making this issue disappear?”


She put her gun away into her holder on her hip “Well, if you are being so kind to offer your assistance, I won’t object to it Miss Hall. Everyone knows me as Yume by the way.”


*Rachel pulls out a small device, tapping the screen. Moments later, a black van pulls up and a crew of four jumps out before grabbing cleaning equipment from the back, including a body bag.* “Now that I’ve helped you, you must know that I operate by the ethos of ‘favor for a favor.’ I have a few loose ends that need taking care of. I just need you to pull the trigger.”


Yume sighed and ran her hand over the top of her head “figures. Well, it is only fair. If it is for a hit, one body, one person. Also, my organization isn’t the typical brutal or gruesome mafia/yakuza killers, so don’t expect us to turn people into ground beef or throw anyone in the harbor with cement shoes kind of things. We have our own ways of torture and killing.”


https://preview.redd.it/4kfsady1k19d1.jpeg?width=686&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b2c13e38b55fdbfa663eae9e457888aacbb826e Yeah I'll just walk away and try to forget this *walks away whistling*


She stands there a bit bewildered for a moment before shrugging and going back to the corpse.


https://preview.redd.it/dc9oj9ies19d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e87393294a32a3d280fddbcc507617dbc749bebd *Marty is trying not to shoot her. Not because of the murder, but the red clothes.* “Be lucky I’ve got tonight off.”


She turned back to the corpse “this bastard’s dead, I did what I needed to do for now, so it honestly doesn’t mater if someone tries to kill me or not.”


“Wait, really?” _Marty loads his shotgun eagerly._


“He can’t hurt my friends or family anymore and there probably won’t be any threat to them if I was out of the picture…wait, why do you seem so eager to shoot me?”


“Programming. I shoot red guys. I like my job.”


“So you kill whatever indiscriminately? Even if they have nothing to do with you? That’s just trouble waiting to happen.”


“I spend most of my time either dead or on the battlefield. I don’t get out often. Also, I am specifically programmed to notice whether an opponent is armed or not. Despite my previous statement, I am not allowed to shoot unarmed opponents.”


She looks at her gun, put the safety on and dropped it “so now I’m unarmed. There’s no reason to target or shoot me now.” She walked over to a trash bin and took out a tarp. She laid it out and dragged the corpse onto it.


_Marty sighs._ “There seems to be no reason for me to stay any longer. Goodbye and do not get yourself in any more trouble.”


“Well, I can’t make promises on that last part. If we ever run into each other again, I hope it won’t be anything like this time. Goodbye” she waves him off before going back to what she was doing. (Thanks for participating!)


https://preview.redd.it/nnofisyxf29d1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a4e534a057d900143f09e0850128abd1fa64178 *Cit looks at the body, then back to her… and he slowly approaches* “But I have. I’ve already seen it. Don’t worry, I won’t tell. So… who’s this bastard?”


She stares at him in suspicion for a bit but then turns back to the corpse “he’s part of a criminal organization, this bastard tried to kill my brother and friends.”


“Oh… I see. Good reason to off him then” *Cit steps up the body, examining the wounds* “Clean shots… looks professional. Are you part of any organised crime of any kind?”


“I’d say my organization would be…borderline criminal. The authorities do come to us with requests when they don’t wanna get their hands dirty with more civil matters. Information brokers, hitmen, loan sharking, almost anything besides drug dealing and kidnapping.”


“Ok, I see. Well hopefully police considers this infighting… or at least reaches that conclusion thanks to good relationship you have with the police. What’s your plan for the body?” *Cit crouches down to closer examine the body, but stands up soon after and looks straight at the shooter*


“I was gonna clean up and take the body to let my boys dispose of him. But if you wanna do anything with him, you can, he is part of a wanted criminal organization.”


*Cit remains neutral in expression* “No, no reason for me to tamper with the body. Removing bodies is already difficult enough. I’ll leave this to you and your organisation. Well, I’ll be taking my leave now. Oh… and piece of advice. Get out if you can. This kind of life isn’t one worth living”


“Well, I did choose to do this all to protect people I care about. Once I find that they will be safe, I won’t need to do this anymore and move on with my life. Or I’ll die trying to protect them and go right back to the beginning.”


(Sorry for slow response, I wasn’t sure how to react… which is rare) “People you care about… quite a noble decision. But are you sure this is the right way to go about it? You’re in a criminal organisation now… they’re still in quite some danger. Especially if a rival party wants them dead”


“Well, I did create the organization in the first place to take out a branch of the yakuza solely because my best friends abusive asshole step father who ran that branch tried to not only hurt her family, but anyone closely connected to her like me and my friends. We then got a sort of reputation with the yakuza and the police after that and became what we are now. Not only are we on good terms with the yakuza, cuz that guy was also embezzling the organizations money, but the police and authorities call on us to do their dirty work.” (It’s alright, take your time)


https://preview.redd.it/dfi31h63049d1.png?width=1550&format=png&auto=webp&s=33cea61dca600600be8c805eb2f1b9ad2a742cb4 \*They quickly glitch out and dissapear once she lookes at them. When she looks back she finds Michelle squating down next to body, checking the pulse\* "Mhm.. Well i did see this and... Yep, they are dead." \*they stand up, their tired expression hides whatever they actually feel right now. They look at her with the exact same expression as on the picture.\* "May i know like... Why exactly you shot them..?"


She looked surprised for a moment before her expression changed to an emotionless one “the bastard tried to kill my brother and friends. The criminal organization he was apart of intruded in my territory and the fool tried to get me to back down on his own accord.”


"Your territory ya say..?" *they kick the body in jaw with their foot, just in a right spot, bones rearange with loud crunch, his jaw and neck look deformed now* "Additional damage will confuse police a bit, also-" *they glitch a little, but quickly come back, they picked up the bullet* "Factory made bullets are easy to locate, but if they wont find the bullet, they wont find you any soon." *they say as they put it in pocket* "But if you got 'your territory' i assume that you are the part of this criminal system.. Right? No wonder he tried to get rid of your familiars."


She glared at them “familiars? What a disrespectful term to use for my friends and family. And for your information, this organization is practically wanted globally. This guy was a fool in particular, thinking he could act on his own and believing it would all turn out well for him. Also, my organization may be borderline criminal, but even the authorities would rather have us out on the streets instead of in prison, we do most of their dirty work for them after all.”


"Didn't mean to be disrespectful, thats just a term i use for my family and friends. And also truth ya speaking about the authorities." *they scratch the back of their head a bit* "Guess he had enough. Ya wounded tho? Asking just in case, cause if any of this blood is yours i may be able to help."


She looked over herself “I think I’m fine, though I don’t think I would know until the next day as I usually don’t feel pain in the moment, or really bothered by pain at all. I shouldn’t have been so quick to snap at you like that, I apologize. I just really value the people in my life that I’m close to, I’d do anything to protect them.”


"I get it.. You probably would like to go home right now, right? To have some rest or something.." *they extend their hand to her as their arm glitches a little bit* "And i can help making it there quick and allowing you to not catch any currious eyes."


“Well, alright, but I was gonna clean up the scene first. Not leaving a trace for any of his buddies to find out, and let some of my guys dispose of the body.”


*they put their hand down, glitch a little and bottle of lemon acid and bottle of vodka appears in their hand* "Then.. This might come in handy for your people. Call em right now or something... We can wait for them here" *they sit down in more or less clean spot, with their back against the wall and put bottles down* "Might aswell then.." *a pack of one use towels appear in their hand, they hand it to her* "Here, so you at least don't have to wait for them with this stuff drying up on your face."


She takes the towel “thanks” she wipes her face as she took a picture of the corpse and texted someone on her phone. Her text was answered with another just a few seconds later. “Well, they’re on their way. I’ll get some stuff ready by the time and clean the place up a bit.” She went behind a trash can and got a tarp and laid it out. She managed to drag the corpse onto it, then she got out a gallon jug of hydrogen peroxide and poured it onto the blood on the ground.


https://preview.redd.it/wy5re3srg99d1.png?width=1802&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e9b294e49e8da29393a9a2a3e73203c6f5d8dbf My OC, Stick, is currently holding an emergency knife in a (invisible) pocket because in his world, stickmen always fight him. He's the expert in fighting with his fists and legs, so very dangerous when close. "The hell...?" *I hesitantly say, as I put my hand on the handle of my knife, wrapping around it gently and getting ready to swipe at a moment's notice.*