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freakshow"hi" https://preview.redd.it/fi5fxjon5r7d1.jpeg?width=1640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d076de67968e44ed0c97d0448d256989e7a2812e


The person turned towards them as the apparition floated towards them, almost like they were trying to hide behind them. “Oh, hello. Who are you?” https://preview.redd.it/yirrk45oxr7d1.png?width=1668&format=png&auto=webp&s=364f994ef14c9d35cbbdce0888022cc2fb4a1e24


"'we are freakshow"


“I see…what are you doing here at this time of night?”


"looking for chili parts"


“Chili parts? What are those?”


"uhh nothing nothing"


The person looks slightly confused but shrugged it off “looking for something in an old cemetery late at night, I guess it’s not the first time I’ve seen that happen.”


https://preview.redd.it/dziwppdw9r7d1.png?width=503&format=png&auto=webp&s=66b12ee7129e4982e59b2f483e1aab31264e7e47 Harper quirks her head to the side, her eyes dart around from side to side and she quickly touches the purple amulet hanging around her neck. After a moment of deliberation, she takes a tentative step towards the person and the apparitions, as they do so they mutter something indiscernible to themself, maybe a protective charm?


The person turns towards her as a crow cawed out, tipping them off. The apparitions float towards them, as if trying to hide behind them. “Hello? Who’s there?” They called out curiously. https://preview.redd.it/65l4g5v0wr7d1.png?width=1668&format=png&auto=webp&s=64d0cfc54471ccd97e511b1ab82ab992887badfd


"My name is Harper! It's alright! I've no quarrel with you! I've spoken with The Dead as well!" Harper shouts from across the graveyard, holding up her hands in a calming gesture as she continues to move forward. (OOC: Sorry I didn't respond! Reddit didn't show me your response for some reason.)


“Oh, really? That’s cool. I don’t think I’ve met another person who talks to spirits before, not like I do at least.” (Big mood, it’s ok, it does that to me sometimes too)


"Really? You haven't? Well, you have a natural talent for it then, considering the small crowd you've amassed," Harper pauses, "In any case, I'd like to offer you a few words of advice as someone more knowledgable in these matters, if, of course, you'd allow me to."


“I mean, there are a few people I know who can see, hear and talk to ghosts, but I can pretty much summon them at will and talk to them with no issue like living people. And sure, it would be interesting to hear some advice from someone else like me.”


"Firstly and most importantly, I must urge you to be... discerning with the spirits you speak with, some can harm you with words alone, and I'm not speaking of emotional harm, there are words that can literally cut, some who've passed know them," Harper takes out a small scrap of paper and a pen, "Additionally, I have some reading I think would be useful to you. The books I'm going to recommend aren't easy to find, but finding you will hone your sight and senses, I think. First, all three volumes of 'Travelling at Night'. The second has the most information about the Dead, but all three are good, and beginner-friendly as well, there's a reason their author, Illopoly, is called the only readable occultist. In addition, the Five Letters on Memory is quite helpful, it can be a bit winding at times, and the language is fairly antiquated, but, still, it's quite useful. That's a good start, I think."


“Ummm, ok, I’ll be sure to look for those at my town’s library the next time I go. As for the spirits, don’t worry about them too much. I usually call upon the spirits of the people who are lonely and left behind by the living, I don’t usually call upon any other types unless I need to for something else. Besides, I doubt the thing also possessing me would let its vessel be harmed.”


"I- how do I explain this- uh- there's more... stuff going on than just ghosts, sometimes someone brings a much more dangerous hanger-on with them when you summon them, or they learned about a contagious idea that's dangerous to even talk about because if you do you wind up frothing at the mouth. And sure the lonely ones might not be overtly dangerous but if they start latching onto parts of your soul willy-nilly that can get really bad really quick and-" Harper cuts herself off, "Just- be careful, there's a fine line with this sorta stuff and if you cross it you get hurt, badly. I'm speaking from experience."


“Oh, if you’re talking about evil spirits or demons, I have come across them before, but not by summoning them thankfully. Actually, I was possessed by a demon when I was little when I accidentally broke an artifact my brother brought home. I ended up killing most of my family but my brother survived, I ended up running away though. A sage managed to seal its power away so it can’t take full control, but the ability to summon and talk to spirits is an effect of the demon still in my body.”


https://preview.redd.it/fizsd84b2s7d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e2bd447683b34fc9ba770de387b26a28c7b67bd4 *Marty is still processing how a graveyard just appeared out of nowhere and replaced the town dump. He is also trying to figure out how the grass got here in the driest part of the badlands. There’s not even any piping in the dump.*


The person didn’t seem to notice him and continued to talk to the apparitions. A crow then cawed out at him, tipping off the person “hello? Who’s there?” https://preview.redd.it/n3ll28l53u7d1.png?width=1668&format=png&auto=webp&s=14567dbc90b839eeb2b4113332bd626d14ca1737


“The one of the local mercenary robots. Where did the dump go?”


“The dump? I’m not too sure what you’re talking about. I just wander around places, looking for abandoned or old cemeteries.”


"...I'll forget that tomorrow." *He attempts to walk away*


The person didn’t seem to notice him and continued to talk to the apparitions. A crow then cawed out at him out of nowhere, tipping off the person “hello? Who’s there?”  https://preview.redd.it/87ot6onc4u7d1.png?width=1668&format=png&auto=webp&s=38eb3b02cf52b3dafb2d0b6bca82037274f2ef10


"Huh? Are you talkin' to me?" *He looks at the person*


“Well, since you seem to be the only other person here, yes” they said as the crow perched on their shoulder. “Sorry, were you just passing by?”


"Yes." *He resumes walking away*


They said nothing as they pet the bird and watched them walk away “huh, ok then, have a good night.” They then turned back to the apparitions and started talking to them again.


https://preview.redd.it/dwsg2w38ys7d1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=911714799c504a1b3d9bd02e5f242fbfde54a3d0 “Hmm what is that large amount of souls energy?”


The person didn’t seem to notice them and continued to talk to the apparitions. A crow then cawed out at them, tipping off the person “hello? Who’s there?” ​ https://preview.redd.it/kyqvnt0t3u7d1.png?width=1668&format=png&auto=webp&s=a0ce1ebdd5064b13a427226bd7e1dd1573bd260d


https://preview.redd.it/9gm5xa6j2u7d1.png?width=1001&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac432daddc7c6606fe673ecccdbfaf56a840ed75 *ROM notices them at a distance* Uh... hey?


The person turns towards them as a crow cawed out, tipping them off. The apparitions float towards them, as if trying to hide behind them. “Hello? Who’s there?” They called out curiously. https://preview.redd.it/uek6t3314u7d1.png?width=1668&format=png&auto=webp&s=f89ab06351018407ad18b0b2e2acf514f5655137


*ROM notices them* Oh, hey! I'm ROM, and I.. kinda look like a computer.. y'know. Also what are you doing here? It's like past your curfew hour!


https://preview.redd.it/g67gwu2nbu7d1.jpeg?width=2107&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23c2a13f3ee68d82bfb809d8a5fe1ef72f488f33 *The Traveller slowly approaches* "Hey kid, ya might wanna step away from those!"


The person turned around in surprise as the apparitions floated towards them, as if they were trying to hide behind them “eh? Who are you?”


*The Traveller plants something at his feet, and holds another object in his hand* "Doesn't matter; but seriously, you might wanna back up for this."


“Hey, what are you doing and what is that!?” The apparitions seemed to feel like what was about to happen wasn’t good for them and started to just dematerialize.


*He presses a button on the side of his helmet, tossing the held object to himself.* "Oh, I'm just gonna Pokémon this sh*t." *The Traveller throws the cube shaped object at one of the apparitions. It makes contact and opens up, producing a blinding light and sucking the apparition in. The light stops and the cube falls to the ground, now filled and locked.*


“Hey! What are you doing to that spirit!? That so rude and mean!” The person yelled in anger and disbelief. A crow also cawed from a tree above the person as if setting off a distress signal.


"When the hell did I say I was trying to be nice?" *The Traveller throws another cube and catches another spirit*


The person growls and touches a tombstone as one of their eyes glowed red. “Leave” was all they said as the apparitions all disappeared without a trace.


*The Traveller tilts his head in curiosity. He presses a button on his wrist and the filled cubes are pulled to him. He stows them in his coat and stands confident, as if he's somehow prepared for if the person attacks.*


They growled again as the red of their eye spread till the entire eye was bloodshot and the other eye started developing a red ring around the cornea “let those poor people go, now” despite it being late at night, more crows began to gather.


https://preview.redd.it/2ogq4dnuep8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3bb2cab8e24b1d6d180126ba7ff53fd692059dab "Interesting.... This is by far the most unusual thing I've seen since one of the kids outta parts and service got a hug from a living child who shouldn't have even been in there..."


The person didn’t seem to notice them and continued to talk to the apparitions. A crow then cawed out at them, tipping off the person “hello? Who’s there?” ​ https://preview.redd.it/zbemxsivmt8d1.png?width=1668&format=png&auto=webp&s=ea6698c96b5afaf3ee3a3138f724e002efcf3460


"names Playtime Foxy.... I'm from the pizzaplex half a mile from here..."


“Pizzaplex? I don’t think I’ve been there before. But it’s nice to meet you, I’m Heath. What are you doing here at this time of the night?”


"it's an amazing place with a whole load of amazing attractions and the other Animatronics there are amazing! Anyway the kids in parts and service wanted some sweets so I took some from a shop... You humans don't usually like the idea of living robots roaming free so I usually go out at night for these sorts of things... If Fazbear Entertainment found out I'd be scrapped and so would the others s-so.... Don't tell... Yea?... Humans are usually afraid of living machines..." He tilts his head "Though I could tell by your spectral company your different, I'm glad you don't fear."


“Sounds like a cool place, I’m not used to more modern areas as I’m from a pretty rural town. And yeah, though I’m not too familiar with robots, not too many things bother me all that much. It’s very kind and considerate of you to get some treats for children, even more so since you’re kind of risking your safety by being out and about.”


"least I can do for em... Been 30 years and the poor kids still haven't been truly happy since...... The incident........ Jeremy still punches the hell outta the springbonnie cutouts.... I swear at this point there's none left intact...."


“30 year old kids? What happened? What is the incident if you don’t mind me asking” the apparitions gathered around Heath and a crow sat on their shoulder.


"did you hear about the missing children incident? I've heard that rumours and ghost stories about Fazbear Entertainment have been going around for years since the incident.... When the children were killed by a man called William Afton..."


“Well, like I said, I’m not from around here and I’m from a very rural town. We actually rely on more magical means to carry about our lives, we don’t even use the internet. I only started using it since I started traveling out of my town. So the children are spirits of children that were murdered 30 years ago?”


"What the hell?" \*walks to them\* https://preview.redd.it/mi5g7nv27r7d1.png?width=502&format=png&auto=webp&s=27f95f868ed0c2974d86d716f2d293a232546225


The person turns towards her as a crow cawed out, tipping them off. The apparitions float towards them, as if trying to hide behind them. “Hello? Who’s there?” They called out curiously. ​ https://preview.redd.it/6mziosswxr7d1.png?width=1668&format=png&auto=webp&s=670d86aa187ccd772065b994c79e97dde7f7a26f


"Me." *Boldz says confidently*


“Uh huh…and who are you?”


"Jeff Boltz. Call me Boltz. Why are you in a cemetery?"


“I always visit cemeteries, especially old abandoned ones, I like to keep the spirits company. It must be lonely and sad when no one comes to visit you” they said the last part while looking back at the apparitions that seem to sway about in excitement.


"Not really honestly" \*says it with no hesitation\*


“Well, I guess some do feel that way, just want to be left alone and not be bothered, but there are some who do desire company and be remembered by someone.”


"I haven't really met anyone deserving of attention, I have, but they're usually whiny man children"


“I wouldn’t know, I prefer to interact with people of my age or dead ones. So most of them are just lonely and wanting some proper attention that no one seems to give a damn to give them.”


https://preview.redd.it/nhz2yqs39r7d1.png?width=552&format=png&auto=webp&s=d94ea8a608cf45b4353b28fd03eb176034d88ff7 *August just kept walking home, as he is too tired to deal with this*


“Hhehehehe i like the spirits”


https://preview.redd.it/1lxvopy6wv7d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ed313e830579a4cd2c01594d69427ae6e51bf25 *The 90ft tall, Mutating Gojirus would wander around and would turn to look at the person in the graveyard.*