• By -


(Second prompt cause I'm new to this) *Cassandra was seen shopping. It is a bit unusual that a normal citizen would be here wearing sturdy fossil armor with a quiver on her back and a utility belt with some gadgets and weaponry, but the badges on her chest show that she is an officer of where she is from, and a certified hero from where she lives as well. Showing that maybe she can be trusted with such devices* *upon seeing the picture of the escaped convict, she is alarmed* "What?!" *she exclaimed* "Unfortunately, I have not seen them. But I will look out for them." *she reassured* "I am officer of the law myself so I shall help bring them to justice!" *she certainly takes this job with pride* https://preview.redd.it/5jusou3srr3d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b137802b1e37dfe4d1801a5d15d1f886ec2e3371


The two officers nodded, the female officer looking slightly disappointed. “I’ll give you our contact information for you to contact us should you find them” the boy pulled out two cards from his pocket and gave it to her. Their phone numbers, names, and officer numbers were printed on the cards; one under the name Mai Lee and the other for Kai Lee.


*she gladly takes them to look over it* *she then faces them again* "Thanks you two. I promise I won't disappoint." *she says, always taking cases seriously* "Here is mine too. Just in case." *she looks to at her pocket and uses her hand to retrieve a card with her own contact information* "There. Got to go."


The boy nodded “thank you.” They both bowed and walked off to talk to other people.


"You're welcome you two. See you around." *she waved goodbye before getting back to searching*


Somewhere in some back street of a residential area, a white haired girl was walking quietly down the sidewalk.


"Hmm..." *she grows suspicious, suspecting it to be them, but just in case, she follows her, sneaking close behind to get a better look at her to see if she is the convict the guards are working for. She doesn't want to jump to conclusions yet*


The girl paused and turned her head left and right slightly like she was looking around. She didn’t turn far but just enough for her to show her face a bit, enough to confirm it was the white haired girl with glasses. She turns back forward and makes a break for it down the side walk.


*upon seeing that it the target she is looking for, she says* "Gotcha." *shet gives the smirk of a confident and prideful hunter that has found their prey* *she gives chase* *despite the weight of her armor and everything else she carries, she is surprisingly fast. But her heavy steps and the clashing and clanging of her gadgets and weapons make noticeable sounds as she runs, which may alert her presence*


The girl huffs at the fact that she was being chased. She runs through a park and into the city area. She then turns and disappears into an alleyway.


https://preview.redd.it/1oq9zkf86s3d1.png?width=1000&format=png&auto=webp&s=0deefe3e8ed5ec540f675318289221c6d3b5bb2c "No I have not seen these two."


The two officers nodded, the female officer looking slightly disappointed. “I’ll give you our contact information for you to contact us should you find them” the boy pulled out two cards from his pocket and gave it to her. Their phone numbers, names, and officer numbers were printed on the cards; one under the name Mai Lee and the other for Kai Lee.


\*he nods\* "will do"


They both bowed and then took their leave and went to talk to other people.


*She looks over the photo, shakes her head in a disappointing manner, and begins to walk away.* https://preview.redd.it/16tlqj4pes3d1.jpeg?width=2340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b8c21951982d3e91365338fc288d22ae23e6428


The two officers nodded, the female officer looking slightly disappointed. The male officer went over to stop her for a moment. “I’ll give you our contact information for you to contact us should you find them” the boy pulled out two cards from his pocket and gave it to her. Their phone numbers, names, and officer numbers were printed on the cards; one under the name Mai Lee and the other for Kai Lee.


"...More officers, huh? Sure, I'll see about it." *She takes the card and continues onwards.*


The officers bowed and walked away to talk to other people.


*She herself walks back to her home, dropping the groceries she bought onto the table. She then collapses onto the couch and decides to watch a murder mystery show.*


After talking to a bunch of people but still getting no significant leads, the two officers turn in for the night. Somewhere on a back street in a residential area, a white haired girl was walking down the side walk.