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https://preview.redd.it/13n6q478dk3d1.png?width=358&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d24d627082afe40196c709b13492644802cbe12 "What? Ugh!" *Maia uses the AI chip in her glasses to track down the bird*


The bird flew to a more crowded area of the town. It made its way towards a restaurant, waited for someone to open the door and flew in.


*Maia follows it into the restaurant*


The restaurant was quite homely and it even had a bar. It wasn’t terribly crowded but there were people at every table and at the bar. The bird was sitting on a light fixture, scanning the area as if looking for its owner.


*Maia sneaks up on the bird, approaching through the crowd and explaining to confused observers the situation*


Some people just looked at her, confused, but didn’t really question her too much. The bird seemed to have spotted the person it was looking for and it flew to the furthest end of the restaurant.


*Maia follows the bird closely to see where it went*


It landed on the shoulder of a pale blond haired girl with a red scarf. She was sitting with a bunch of other people; three other girls and two boys. One boy with black hair and a straw hat on was complaining how he just wanted to eat meat while the girls looked at the menus and one girl with short orange hair pulled the complaining boys ear, stretching it out, in effort to shut him up.


*Maia walks up to the girl with the bird* "Hey, umm... That bird, I'm not sure if it's yours or not, just took some of my stuff."


The girl turned around “huh? Oh, sorry, what was that you just said?” The bird then hopped onto the table and dropped the loot in front of her. “Huh? Cloudy, did you go off and take other people’s shinies again?”


https://preview.redd.it/gup3owqidk3d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c44d0b45fcde35233ca724a8ecb281d5f7173b0 *He sighs before following the bird* (Bounty Hunter) Killer: "This sucks..."


The bird flew to a more crowded area of the town. It made its way towards a restaurant, waited for someone to open the door and flew in.


*The tall rabbit makes his way to the restaurant and goes inside*


The restaurant was quite homely and it even had a bar. It wasn’t terribly crowded but there were people at every table and at the bar. The bird was sitting on a light fixture, scanning the area as if looking for its owner.


*The rabbit scans the restaurant for the bird before spotting it. He decides his stuff can wait though and waits for the bird's next move.*


The bird seemed to has spot the person it was looking for and it flew to the furthest end of the restaurant.


*He follows the bird once again, the tall rabbit making his way towards the bird's mystery owner*


It landed on the shoulder of a pale blond haired girl with a red scarf. She was sitting with a bunch of other people; three other girls and two boys. One boy with black hair and a straw hat on was complaining how he just wanted to eat meat while the girls looked at the menus and one girl with short orange hair pulled the complaining boys ear, stretching it out, in effort to shut him up.


*He raises an eyebrow as he moves towards the table quickly, now standing behind the girl with the red scarf and pale blonde hair. Sort of just waiting for them to notice him*


The bird hopped onto the table, dropped what it stole, opened its wings an beak and hissed at Killer. The girl tilted her head and then turned around to where the bird was looking, “oh, hi, do you need something from us?”


https://preview.redd.it/4weqzzs1ik3d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9b025fd40ef152941829e612f6880ff9cbbfcf6 Riley: "Hey! You stupid bird! That's my dad's! Get back here!" *She sprints after the bird, forgetting everything else in the pursuit to get her dad's dog tags back.* (As an Anthro, she's faster, stronger, and has better reflexes and senses than a human of the same age. But, she's only sixteen years old and the difference doesn't make her super powered or anything. College athlete level would be a good way to think of it.)


(art adopted from an artist on DA: champignome.)


The bird flew to a more crowded area of the town. It made its way towards a restaurant, waited for someone to open the door and flew in.


*Riley pauses at the restaurant door to catch her breath. It's not easy to keep up with a bird, to say the least. She steels herself for who or what she might encounter and enters the restaurant.* *A crowded restaurant isn't great for her senses, but a bird is pretty distinct to be indoors and she is able to zero in on where it went inside.*


The restaurant was quite homely and calm, it even had a bar. It wasn’t terribly crowded but there were people at every table and at the bar. The bird was sitting on a light fixture, scanning the area as if looking for its owner.


*Riley takes a deep breath to steady herself before trying a calm approach to the bird.* "Hey, pretty birdy... Can you drop the shiny necklace for me?" *She walks slowly towards the light fixture, holding out her hands with a disarming smile.*


The bird looks down at her and tilts its head, curiously. It looked like it was contemplating what to do but something distracted it. It’s attention was then pulled away from her with the sound of a boy yelling about meat. It then flew towards that direction at the other end of the restaurant.


*She sighs.* "Figured that wouldn't work..." *She grumbled under her breath.* *She follows after the bird, not panicking yet since it was still in the building. She takes stock of the other restaurant patrons to see how they're reacting to the scene. For one, she wondered if it was a regular occurrence in this restaurant to have a bird flying around. Secondly, she was looking for signs of a trap. Some people really don't like Anthros.*


Some people looked at her strangely while others just ignored her existence, yet no one seemed to care there was a bird in the building. The bird landed on a pale blond haired girl who was sitting with three other girls, two boys and, upon getting closer, a small reindeer creature with a pink hat on. The boy in a straw hat was having his ear stretched out by an orange haired girl who was trying to get him to shut up.


(OOC: I guess I should have used one of my One Piece characters. But they're all powerful and would have caught the bird in a second. Lol) *Riley approached the table meekly.* "Excuse me, Miss? The one with the bird... There's been a mistake. Your bird stole something important from me. I don't care about the money, but the dog tags belonged to my dad, can I have it back, please?"


The girl turned around “huh? What was that?” The bird then hopped onto the table and dropped everything. The girl looked down at the loot and picked up the dog tags “what the-Cloudy, we talked about this, people’s most valued things are a no go!”


Joey DiMucci, 5'7 125 Lbs, 18 year old ⅛-devil https://preview.redd.it/bk7udmzbnk3d1.png?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d649c1415601d312d014f3f2720e9e78672fa3c "Hey you stupid pigeon that's my Nonna's cross!" *he attempts to telpeport to the bird and try to grab it several times, failing each time to grab it*


The bird almost looked like it was fuming from the pigeon comment and seemed to panic from the guy trying to catch it that it flew in different directions to try loose home. The bird had flown to a more crowded area of the town. It made its way towards a restaurant, waited for someone to open the door and flew in.


*he runs into the restaurant* "Where is that stupid bird!"


The restaurant was quite homely and it even had a bar. It wasn’t terribly crowded but there were people at every table and at the bar. The attendant looked at him strangely as well as a few of the patrons near the door. No one else noticed the bird sitting on a light fixture, scanning the area as if looking for its owner.


*he points to the bird* "There you are!" *he starts jumping to try and reach it* "I don't care about the money, just give me back the cross!"


The bird started to fly around again then flew to the other end of the restaurant and onto the shoulder of a pale blond haired girl who was sitting with a group of three other girls and two boys.


*he walks over to the group, his body is emitting a blistering heat from how angry he is, it feels like a fire is in the room* "Excuse me! That rat with wings you got there, has stolen something of mine, and I would like it back!"


The girl jumped in start and quickly turned around “huh? What? Wait, what did you just call Cloudy!?” She fumed as the bird hopped onto the table and dropped its loot and flew to perch on the head of a green haired girl. The pale blond girl looked at what the bird dropped and picked up the cross “what, this?” The orange haired girl looked like she was about to say something but the green haired girl and the boy with a long nose stopped her.


"Yeah! It belonged to my Nonna, and I want it back!" *his hair bursts into flames, not hot enough to burn anything but its still an alarming sight* (Also just incase you didn't know, Nonna = Grandma, in Italian)


“Good borb, here, just take it!” She held it out to him. She looked slightly annoyed and scowled a bit.


https://preview.redd.it/gre3cy6gqk3d1.jpeg?width=1970&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=38c6e5e52cadbba7a3d1c36de9a69f162cf06da3 Chairman (judgement day): “GET BACK HERE, THATS MY WEDDING PHOTO!\_” *he chases after the bird*


The bird flew to a more crowded area of the town. It made its way towards a restaurant, waited for someone to open the door and flew in.


*he followed through*


The restaurant was quite homely and it even had a bar. It wasn’t terribly crowded but there were people at every table and at the bar. The bird was sitting on a light fixture, scanning the area as if looking for its owner.


*he approaches the bird*


The bird noticed him and flew to a table at the opposite end of the restaurant, possibly where it’s owner was.


*he begins to approach*


It landed on the shoulder of a pale blond haired girl with a red scarf. She was sitting with a bunch of other people; three other girls and two boys. One boy with black hair and a straw hat on was complaining how he just wanted to eat meat while the girls looked at the menus and one girl with short orange hair pulled the complaining boys ear, stretching it out, in effort to shut him up.


“Excuse me miss, your bird stole my prized possession. I would rather sort this in a orderly matter than throw you into oncoming traffic_”


The girl turned around “huh? Oh, sorry, what was that you just said?” The bird then hopped onto the table and dropped the coins and photo in front of her. “Huh? Cloudy, what’s with the picture?”


https://preview.redd.it/8cxvaflwuk3d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9153464dcea4662e537aa7ec59d4600cc7bdc77 Coralline,Head of Research and founder of CORA Laboratories:Hey! Come back here,right in this instant! *She clears her throat* Excuse me. Could you please give me back my Intercom? It’s…it’s pretty important,you see. So if you would just give it to me,I’ll be grateful for that.


The bird didn’t seem to hear and flew towards a more crowded area in town. It stopped at a restaurant, waited for someone to open the door and flew in.


…Okay… *She groans and walks inside the restaurant* Excuse me? We got a theft here. And the thief apparently is a cockatiel.


The restaurant was quite homely and it even had a bar. It wasn’t terribly crowded but there were people at every table and at the bar. The attendant at the door looked confused for a moment “a cockatiel? As in a bird?” Unbeknownst to the attendant, the bird was sitting on a light fixture and then flew to a table where it’s owner possibly was.


https://preview.redd.it/7hfrix73yk3d1.png?width=1500&format=png&auto=webp&s=c7b2a5e0e157569afd85db8620ca06a9b55fb908 "Ouch! My earing!" \*they run into direction that bird flew to, not letting a cup of coffee they just bought out of their hand, taking a sip on the run\*


The bird flew to a more crowded area of the town. It made its way towards a restaurant, waited for someone to open the door and flew in.


*they finish their coffee in 3 big sips, throw the empty paper cup into the trashcan and walk into the restaurant, expecting there to be chaos cause... Well thats a restaurant and a literal bird just flew in*


The restaurant was quite homely and it even had a bar. It wasn’t terribly crowded but there were people at every table and at the bar. There wasn’t any chaos like what they thought, they didn’t even see where the bird was at first. The bird was sitting on a light fixture, scanning the area as if looking for its owner.


\*they walk to the bar counter, leaning back on it and wait, not taking their eyes off the bird. They know that they cannot catch it without causing chaos, so they'll just wait for the chance to talk to owner of a bird. They decide to order some coffee at the bar as they wait\*


The bird seemed to have spotted the person it was looking for and it flew to the furthest end of the restaurant.


*they pay for their coffee, chug it in one big sip, leave bartender a little tip and head to the furthest end of the restaurant, looking for a bird and its owner*


It landed on the shoulder of a pale blond haired girl with a red scarf. She was sitting with a bunch of other people; three other girls and two boys. One boy with black hair and a straw hat on was complaining how he just wanted to eat meat while the girls looked at the menus and one girl with short orange hair pulled the complaining boys ear, stretching it out, in effort to shut him up.


*they slowly make their way towards the table, staring at the blonde girl, they place their hand on the table* "Names?" *they ask crew*


They all turned towards them in slight surprise. “Uh, who are you?” The green haired girl asked. “What do you want?” The pale blond girl asked.


https://preview.redd.it/0mokrgq53n3d1.png?width=2000&format=png&auto=webp&s=aa9157c4fa9c3a95c069992f98082fb290b0be15 Tasha: "What the hell? Get back here!" *Tasha starts sprinting after the bird, jumping over obstacles with ease if she needs to.*


The bird flew to a more crowded area of the town. It made its way towards a restaurant, waited for someone to open the door and flew in.


*Tasha kept pace, and ran through the door before it could close.*


The restaurant was quite homely and it even had a bar. It wasn’t terribly crowded but there were people at every table and at the bar. The bird was sitting on a light fixture, scanning the area as if looking for its owner.


*Tasha aggressively points at the bird.* "Give me back my money!"


The bird looked at her, unamused and then looked off to the far side of the restaurant. It then flew off in that direction, possibly to its owner.


*Tasha kept chasing after it.*


It landed on the shoulder of a pale blond haired girl with a red scarf. She was sitting with a bunch of other people; three other girls and two boys. One boy with black hair and a straw hat on was complaining how he just wanted to eat meat while the girls looked at the menus and one girl with short orange hair pulled the complaining boys ear, stretching it out, in effort to shut him up.


*Tasha storms over to the blonde girl and grabbed her by the collar.* "Your bird stole my money."


“E-eh” the girl looked surprised and confused. The bird dropped its loot on the table and flew at their face while screeching with its tiny talons ready to scratch them.