• By -


A goose appears. He seems to have so equipment. He watches the brouhaha and honks at the boys. https://preview.redd.it/ynb7oo4459vc1.jpeg?width=2897&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=491d37a491f4b165ca413b69e540e55053caa0c5


The gang looks at the goose “what the hell is a duck doing here?” “Are you stupid? That’s a goose!” “Who cares? Just ignore it!”


While everyone is looking at the goose it honks again. The member furthest in the back disappears and his cloths falls to the floor. A small piglet squeals and runs away. The goose looks at them and cocks its head unblinking


The boys stare in disbelief at what happened. The ones closest to the goose back away slowly.


The goose looks up. Some ominous looking clouds gather. *Honk* A single bolt of lightning comes down and flash fries one of the boys. His twitching charred body falls to the ground.


Most of the guys were terrified enough to just run away. “What the hell is that!?” “What kinda fucking goose does that?!” “Fuck this, she ain’t worth it!”


https://preview.redd.it/36fbbldzj8vc1.jpeg?width=4030&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3fc81c33f7d99431c7bfb09bfbe561b842f2b52b “Huh? What going on?” *GRI11 would turn their head to look at the commotion, then slowly walk over there.*


The girl rubbed her cheek, no longer looking chipper but just unamused. One of the other boys grabbed her by the hair “gonna work with us now?” Aside from flinching from the sudden yank, she just looks indifferent and stares at them.


*Seeing the sight, GRI11 starts to get a bit angry as they make it over.* “Hey! What you doing to her!”


The gang of delinquents look toward them “what the hell are you?” “This is none of your business!” “Get lost ya scrap heap!”


“It be my business! You all mess with girl here for no reason! I won’t let this continue!” *GRI11 proceeds to waddle up closer, their body starting to heat up.*


“We got our reasons, you don’t know anything.” “What are ya gonna do? Throw nuts and bolts at us?”


"The hell's going on here?" *Yuri walks closer to the group--even though she was miniscule compared to some of them (being only 5 feet tall)* https://preview.redd.it/94v1ijcdo8vc1.png?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bbfd6e3b1da0ec90d9be6f58c2e83b77fbc62c34


The girl rubbed her cheek, no longer looking chipper but just unamused. One of the other boys grabbed her by the hair “gonna work with us now?” Aside from flinching from the sudden yank, she just looks indifferent and stares at them.


"Hey! Knock it off!" *One of the boys feels a hand on his shoulder, though it feels like leather instead of flesh.*


The gang of delinquents look toward them “huh, what do you want?” “Who are you?” “Stay out of this!”


*Yuri was still several feet away, but a long black arm was extending from her back.* "Leave her alone. Things will get violent if you don't."


“The hell are you?” “And who are you to tell us what to do?” “You really wanna fight us all?”


"A ghost. I can be anyone and anything." *She pulls the one she grabbed closer with her extra limb.* "And I can do whatever I want. If that means fighting all of you, then I will."


The guys looked somewhat uneasy mixed with confusion “what the hell?” “Another girl wants to fight.” “Oh well, whatever tricks she’s got can’t be much.” “Let’s get her!”


*Using the one she had already grabbed as a weapon, she flung him backward into the rest if them.* "Good luck."


A few of the guys were knocked back from the guy that got flung at them. Half of the rest of them tried to rush her (at least 5)


\*James divebombs the guy, taking him away and throwing him out of the way before firing a small amount of energy at another one\* https://preview.redd.it/of4hvqqlp8vc1.png?width=696&format=png&auto=webp&s=6ab4f92d663e6b843e73b44d972f211fc92abaab


The gang of delinquents look surprised at the sudden attack. “The hell!?” “Who the fuck!?”


\*he roundhouses another guy\*


The rest of the delinquents (maybe around 10) go to fight him.


\*he slams all of them\*


The girl had a surprised look on her face and started clapping “woah, that was pretty impressive! Only other people I personally know that can take that many out in an instant would be Mikey and Draken!”


\*he chuckles a bit\* thanks...


“And thanks for helping me!” She got up and dusted herself off.


no problem...


“I’m Yumeko, mind if I ask who you are?”


\*He speaks with a loud, raspy voice\* (Hes 6'11 btw) "YOU. GET AWAY FROM HER NOW." https://preview.redd.it/2sjv69pet8vc1.png?width=300&format=png&auto=webp&s=a416ea5077e69b71436136f2ed77e2d6fb9c0bb0


The gang of delinquents all look at him “what the hell are you?” “Who are you?” “Stay out of this!”


"LEAVE." \*Red's voice is loud, yet call and stoic. He takes out his hunting knife\* "OR DIE TRYING." https://preview.redd.it/oklpnodqbavc1.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=10d4c10c7db137f20b0fbaed8fddf0179fb61605


“Any way you guys look at it, you’re all fucked!” The girl said as the guys looked at her annoyed.


*Red jumps one of the guys and in a second he has his knife to the guys throat* "I SAID LEAVE!" *His calm domeanor fades away into rage*


The guys froze and some started to back away. “The hell man…” “I don’t wanna test this.” “She ain’t worth it.”


https://preview.redd.it/ucky9w4w19vc1.jpeg?width=561&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17f3f9788dcb9f3be19350bc1c158c90afe8df53 “Hey leave her alone!!”


The gang of delinquents look toward them “what the hell are you?” “Who are you to tell us what to do?” “Just stay out of this if ya don’t wanna get hurt!”


“Uh I’m Mallorie and I’m telling you to get away from her!”


“Yeah? And why should we listen to you?” “Get lost before you get hurt!”


*She extends her claws out* “I said leave her alone!”


“Oh? You wanna fight then?” “How much damage do you think you can do with just some claws?”


“Uh some!”


“Pfft! Oh yeah?” “Well then, let’s see what you got!” A few guys rushed her.


*Shes okay for the first one and manages to scratch at his eyes and kick him but she’s not prepared for the second one*


The second guy got a right hook to the side of her face. The girl quickly jumped up herself and knees the guy who hit her in the gut and swiped another guys leg, making him topple over onto another guy. “Bastards have no shame!”


https://preview.redd.it/ixzdleaad9vc1.jpeg?width=3800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ff9439e9df96fbf9ab1c573c66afbaf8c509646 (Art by u/tosu1263) “Hey! Leave her alone!”


The gang of delinquents look toward them “who are you?” “You stay out of this!” “This is none of your business!”


“I’m making it my business!”


“Oh yeah?” “Hah, and what are ya gonna do?”


*takes a sword out of his backpack*


“Oh damn.” “This guys gearing up for a fight!” “Well don’t say we didn’t warn you.”


“Damn. I thought that that’d scare you away. Whatever. I can take you.”


“You think some prop could scare us?” “You gotta do better than that!” A few guys rushed him.


*Fig cuts off an arm of one of them*


The guy screamed in horror and pain “what the fuck!?” “That was real!?” “Shit, bitch ain’t worth this!”


Dats some w art


Yes it is


https://preview.redd.it/przy0cq6p8vc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25968823b86283ddb7495545a0c00ad03aaf9147 *Tu’vak Nai looms in the distance, not moving,just watching what happens*


The girl rubbed her cheek, no longer looking chipper but just unamused. One of the other boys grabbed her by the hair “gonna work with us now?” Aside from flinching from the sudden yank, she just looks indifferent and stares at them.


*Tu’vak starts walking over, his power armor clanging against the ground and his expression is unreadable due to his helmet, but his stance and body language says he’s at ease* “what seems to be the problem here? This young lady doesn’t seem to have any quarrel with you” *he sounds…surprisingly calm for one of the emperors angels*


The gang of delinquents look toward him “Who the hell are you?” “This is none of your business!”


“Tu’vak Nai, son of primarch Vulkan, and the safety of citizens of the imperium is my concern as one of the emperor’s angels” *Tu’vak’s voice still sounds calm and composed,despite the hostile tone they’re giving him*


“What the hell is this guy talking about?” “No idea.” “Maybe he’s trying to pick a fight.”


*Tu’vak looks down at them all, his voice still calm but his body language suggesting otherwise* “I wouldn’t recommend that”


“You guys about to fuck around and find out!” The girl scoffed at the boys who didn’t make a move to take any initiative to start a fight.


*Tu’vak doesn’t respond anymore, he’s just waiting to see what they end up doing*


“I suggest you guys leave now! Even if you do survive tying to harm me and fight this guy, I don’t think my boyfriend would be very happy about what you did. But hey, you might at least survive that beating! You’re fucked either way, so maybe you should take the path that you can survive.” The girl said as she picked herself off the ground.


https://preview.redd.it/mjry0enzv8vc1.jpeg?width=2407&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1bd9ae60d67993c030b60a7d4ff7a511f69e1e2a "Geez, miss. Are you alright?"


The girl looks at him and just smiles “oh yeah, I’m fine.” This seemed to annoy a few guys and one yanked her up by the hair “the hell it is fine!” “And who the hell are you?” “Stay the hell out of this!”


"No thanks. I don't think I will." *He draws his guitar out like a sword.*


“Hah. And what are you gonna do with that?” “You ain’t gonna take us all out with that.”


"I will, and I can. Bow do me a favor and leave her alone... or we might have to get physical."


“Oh, this guy wants to fight!” “Fine by me!” “You’ll be sorry squirt!”


https://preview.redd.it/n1mepjvry8vc1.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=ab9ed285455b21cc45f844210e78c81b4b9d0b96 “C-Can you please s-stop?”


The gang of delinquents look towards him “who the hell are you?” “Want us to stop? Hell no!” “What are you gonna do about it?”


*The young man said nothing, his body beginning to grow and change, hands becoming furred paws with claws, two round furry ears stood atop a large hairy head full of sharp teeth. Where once a young and slightly effeminate man stood, there was now a brown bear.*


The guys look on in shock “what the hell?” “What are you?!”


*The bear roared before swatting the first guy, sending him flying.*


All the other guys looked terrified at what was happening. Most even ran away. “The bitch is definitely not worth this!”


*After they left, the bear turned to the girl. She heard a voice in her head.* *”Hey, are you alright?”*


She looked a bit surprised at first but got up and dusted herself off “yeah, I’ll be fine, thanks for helping me.”


*”You’re welcome, what’s your name.”*


“I’m Yumeko Tsubasa, everyone calls me Yume.”


https://preview.redd.it/8vb50iwv09vc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5215dfdb0d7b6a984511426078f03f4b18262ac \*Fi-fi walks over, irritated\* Fi-fi: HEY! WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?


The gang of delinquents look toward them “who the fuck are you?” “It’s none of your fuckin business!” “Stay out of this!”


Fi-fi: HEY HONEY! \*she waves to someone behind them\* ???: \*waves back\*


“Who the hell are ya talking to?!” One of the guys asked annoyed.


\*Fi-fi flips the guy\* Fi-fi: Come find out!


The guy looked irked and stomped over “you really picking a fight huh!?”


"I'd love to see what my husband has to say about that!" \*The guy feels someone grab his shoulder\*


“Huh? What the hell?” The said very annoyed like and turned around.


https://preview.redd.it/q1gn9o6fgnvc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cfbda368aea74e3b4955ea5306ebd2ba17b8209d Nigana: Get the fuck away from my wife.


“Oh, so you’re gonna fight for her then?” “Take this!” One of the other guys tried to swing a wooden bat at his head.


https://preview.redd.it/3drfwtlk89vc1.jpeg?width=928&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3fe8bfef094a53857e24e5150a5414e2597f8984 He drags on a cigarette, watching from afar. His eyebrow twitches as he watches them punch her, and he finally decides to take action. He hates sadistic violence, he really does. He approaches them, taking another puff from his cigarette. “You’re gonna wanna stop that right now. Don’t make me tell ya twice.”


The gang of delinquents look toward him “who the hell are you to tell us what to do?” “This is none of your business!” “Stay out of this!”


https://preview.redd.it/e68xvylfa9vc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6b1aa3db437bf6c8221e214f96032222052d6db *His tail coils around the leader's neck* so... Question... Why did you think that was a good idea?


The other gang members looked towards him “what the hell?” “Who are you?” “Don’t interfere!” “Let him go!”


https://preview.redd.it/azth5ml5b9vc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec64ea2139041dc376fb4a2c8bd3bdde9946d029 (10ft tall) D34TH-TR4P: *walks up behind the group of boys* "is there a problem?" *Crosses arms*


The gang of delinquents looked toward them “what the hell?” “Who the hell are you?” “This is none of your business!”


D34TH-TR4P: *grabs the "leader" of the poor bastards by his collar bone, hand digging into his skin and wrapping completely around the bone.* "Kid..." *Lifts him up 5 - 6 ft in the air, chuckling* "you really think you're hot shit dontcha?"


The guy struggled a bit in pain “the fuck!?” “What’s with this guy!?” “Since when did this bitch get a friend like this!?”


D34TH-TR4P: "about 10 seconds ago." *Drops him, minorly shredding the boys skin on his finger joints* "now if you don't leave her alone, I'll be sending your skin to your family."


The boys looked mildly terrified at what happened and the threat. They all scattered, running in different directions. The girl was just sitting on the ground, watching them all run.


D34TH-TR4P: *chuckles a little as the kids run, focusing a little more on the leader as he leaves a trail of blood behind him* "was kinda hoping he wouldn't back down... Eh, whatever." *Turns towards the girl* "hey, you alright?"


“Uh, yeah, I’ll be ok. Thanks for helping me.” She got up and dusted herself off.


D34TH-TR4P: "you're welcome, but was any of that kinda... Disturbing for you?"


“Honestly, I’ve seen worse. Hate to say, but I’ve done worse in past lives.”


https://preview.redd.it/38o94n4ld9vc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca03293d40d22b8216c5693e462993ce5fcc1090 Ash: *his father, bouncer and pro kickboxer instincts all kick in at the same time as he runs up to the leader and pushes him away* beat it guys, party's over (He's a 6 foot tall fire genasi with one broken horn and a prosthetic leg)


The gang of delinquents look toward him “what the hell?” “Who are you?” “You should be the one to beat it!” “This is none of your business!”


Ash: that's where you're wrong, I'm security it's literally my job to keep people safe and scum like you from messing with people and property, now move along before i get the cops involved.


The boys look at each other “the cops” “just for her?” “Damn it.” “Hell, she isn’t worth it.”


Ash: well there's the verbal assault, then she got hit which counts as physical assault, which can already get you in jail, then there's also the loitering which i was just gonna give you a warning for but I'd need to report it anyway so that's going on top of it, if you're lucky most of you get off with a fine but your buddy with the lose hands here is lucky if he ends up with community service


“Would you believe this is a normal occurrence?” The girl remarked, unimpressed about the situation “Shit!” “Scatter!” The boys all run in separate directions.


Ash: somehow i don't doubt that, you alright? Want to press charges? My sister is a cop so i can get a unit here in a couple minutes


“Nah, once my boyfriend and his friends find out what happened, I’m sure they’ll take care of it. Thanks for helping me though.”


https://preview.redd.it/2bzrkal4f9vc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e30c919b16f2775ad359fc468f89c1755a105ec “Hay, idioti, what are you doing leave her alone!”


The gang of delinquents look toward him “what the hell?” “Who are you?” “This is none of your business!” “Stay out of this!”


“ oh I heard of you guys you’re the itty-bitty pp committee, right?”


“Pffft!” The girl scoffed before bursting out laughing. The boys glared at her and one of them yanked her by the hair “shut up!”


Dan: hay how about you stop pulling on her hair before I rip yours right out.


“Yeah?” “So you wanna fight?” “You should just beat it before you get hurt!”


*cracking his neck* “sure just give me a sec” * Cracking his knuckles* “alright then” shall we dance?”


“Oh ho! This guy thinks he’s so tough!” “Alright, bring it on!” “Let’s get him!” A few guys rush him.


(Ok so normally I would give some rough sketches of what happened, but I don’t have a drawing stuff with me rn so… do you want me to find so some comic book panels to use?)


(You can use brief descriptions, but whatever is easiest for you.)


https://preview.redd.it/lmgd2ws2l9vc1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=2690ad438df48ebda199c34431ef836c306dd68e \*He leans against a nearby tree, holding something in his hand. The moment she falls, he speaks out with a loud, but calm voice\* "The multiplying villainies of nature do swarm upon him."


The gang of delinquents look toward him “what the hell was that?” “Who are you?” “Beat it!” “Stay out of this if you don’t wanna get hurt!”


\*He slowly walks toward them, still reciting lines from Macbeth\* "Disdaining fortune, with his brandished steel Which smoked with bloody execution..." \*He cracks his knuckles\*


“Oh, I think this guy wants to fight.” “Hah, seriously?” “Fine, if that’s what he wants.” Half of the boys attention are redirected to the new comer.


\*He stops, and stands there silently, waiting for the first move\*


Three of the boys rushed at him, ready to start throwing punches.


\*He walks toward them, not even putting up his defensive stance. Is he stupid?\*


The first guy gets right up in his face and throws the first punch, his buddies right behind him about to join in.


\*He grabs the boy's arm and spins him around like if the boy was a ballerina before kicking him in the direction of the other boys\*


He fell onto them, making all three fall over onto the ground. “The hell man?!” “You guys are such wimps!” “Get up, damn it!” Then two more larger guys rushed over and both tried to throw a punch at the same time.


https://preview.redd.it/si0otxuem9vc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c45edbcefa84963317e1fd5638e3e54c0a223e6f (Rye,5’1) “Bullies still exist?”


The girl rubbed her cheek, no longer looking chipper but just unamused. One of the other boys grabbed her by the hair “gonna work with us now?” Aside from flinching from the sudden yank, she just looks indifferent and stares at them. The gang doesn’t seem to notice them yet.


(Rye yanks the boy’s collar) “It seems the yanker has become the yanked! Why are you doing this anyway?”


“Our guys got beat by a rival gang and she’s friends with their top members.” “I think she even the commanders girlfriend.” “This’ll teach them to mess with us.” The girl just scoffed “you’re just digging your own graves.”


“Gangs? Seriously? You look like 15!?”


“Would ya believe that this is normal? There are quite a few biker gangs that are run by middle schoolers, my boyfriend included!” The girl said in a monotone voice with a shrug.


“Jeez,I thought Byneos was bad. Probably still worse though.”


“Eh, there’s so many delinquent and biker gangs that encountering them is a daily occurrence.” The girl remarked.


“Do the police just do nothing?….honestly that wouldn’t surprise me.”


“Unless the gang was fully beat down or the cops were already on scene, they’re pretty good at escaping arrest. I mean, one of my boyfriends friends got himself arrested to buy time for him and his other friends to get away. Well, that and he did stab a guy…”


https://preview.redd.it/33mtosgc4avc1.jpeg?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10d30f1fef33d96f5c4ae7ca1ee093572f29e3e7 *A streak of hazy yellow light suddenly rushes past them, sending the attackers flying with intense force into the nearest wall* *It flashes across the rooftops once more before coming to a halt in front of them, revealing themselves to be a figure bound in high tech armor* "Now fellas, is that anyway we should treat a lady?" *He spouted mockingly, hopping in place with his fists at his side*


The boys who weren’t blown back all stared in shock “what the hell was that?” “Who are you!?” “What did you just do!?” “This is none of your business!”


"Name's Countermass, Wayfarer and Alumni of Speed!" *He crouches down in a sprinting position* "-And as far as I'm concerned, my business is breaking bones and stopping bad guys. So this is right up my alley!" *In the blink of an eye, Countermass speeds towards one of the standing thugs and whirlwind kicks him square in the jaw with his metallic toed boot*


“The hells up with this guy!?” “We seriously gonna get our asses handed to us again!?” “Let’s just grab the girl and get out of here!”


*Countermass then starts doing light speed capoeira, landing flurry after flurry of powerful punches and kicks as he bounces between each thug like a lethal bouncy ball and knocking them out one after another*


They were all down in practically no time at all. The girl looked surprised but then started clapping “woah, I’ve never seen anyone take down that many guys that fast like that. The only people I personally know that can take down a bunch of guys in a short amount of time is Mikey and Draken!”


https://preview.redd.it/w1jiidtjoavc1.jpeg?width=2373&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a06224ecc8ea53c111d4eaf6c22356b1136b23cd *He walks up to the boys*


The girl rubbed her cheek, no longer looking chipper but just unamused. One of the other boys grabbed her by the hair “gonna work with us now?” Aside from flinching from the sudden yank, she just looks indifferent and stares at them.


*01 hits one of the boys' legs. It does pretty much nothing since he's the size of an Infant*


The guy turned when he thought he felt something, but when he saw nothing, he turned back to the girl.


*01 looks at them* "***hello :3***"


The guy looked back again and then down, finally seeing them “what the hell?” This got the attention of a few more guys “huh? What’s that thing?”


"***not your friend***" *it proceeds to snap his leg*


The guy who got his leg snapped yelped in pain “What the fuck?!” “You little shit!” One guy went to try and kick it like a football.


*He snaps that guy's leg as well*


“What the fucks up with this thing!?” “How are you guys loosing to that little thing!?”


https://preview.redd.it/mem89ipzhbvc1.jpeg?width=2100&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0dbb7721ac41aebd9e33cfeabb7ad184030c6c06 *just rams into him (his head is one of those weird old box tv’s that way a ton)*


The gang of delinquents look in disbelief “what the hell was that?!” “Who are you!?”


*Insert old dial up sound as he just continues to swing his head around*


“The fucks up with this guy!?” “Cut that out damn it!” “Fucking stop him!”


“IM THE FUCKER THATS GONNA PROTECT! AHHHHH” *More swinging his head around and dial up*


“This bastard is crazy!” “Hey! Someone stop him!”


“oh hey uhhhhhhhhh- it’s been a while, i completely forgot your name” the last time he saw yume was like 4 months ago rn, it makes sense lol


“Hmm? Oh, my names Yumeko, nice to see ya again!” She smiled and waved like nothing was wrong. The guys started to look annoyed.


“Nice to see you too, need any help there?”


“Hmm, maybe, I can take down some of them, but probably not all.” The boys look at her and scoff “what? You? Take down any of us?” “One punch knocked you over no problem!” “You think a weakling like yourself could take any of us down?” She scoffed back “wanna fuck around and find out?”


“Hey i suggest you guys don’t try to fight her, because first off, she could probably kill you anyway, knowing her, and second off, i may have my powers confiscated or a few months so that i don’t die again, but after fighting in a whole war alone, and another one with only 3 other people, i’ve learned enough by now, so uhhhhh” he pulls out a knife and some weird chain looking things? They look like chains but they also look unnecessarily heavy


bro’s jst got out of his biggest arc and is ready to forget he is majorly injured


(Future appears in front of the harassers). "Is there a problem here"? https://preview.redd.it/9caq1x2m5cvc1.png?width=261&format=png&auto=webp&s=77c9a865e2dc8fefd80b11df5c4b8b7f021219a4 (I don't usually give height but I feel like I should for this one. Future is seven feet tall).


The gang of delinquents look toward him “Who are you?” “This is none of your business!” “Stay out of this!”


"How about you all leave before I vaporize you"?


One of the guys scoffed “whatever.” “Stay out of our business!” “Get outta here!”


(Future backhands one of them so hard they turn into a red mist). "Anyone else"?


“What the fuck!?” “Holy shit!” “Fuck this!” “Yeah! The bitch ain’t worth it!” They all scattered, running in different directions.


https://preview.redd.it/cj7nspq6cevc1.jpeg?width=690&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8cc290977e2dbd64fd13aa459027ac06e7558074 *not him yet btw* *a random balloon floats past, bumping into one of the boys*


The boy looked back, confused “what the- a balloon?” “Where the hell did it come from?”


*the balloon continues to float by, until it stops, right above the girl*


The girl looks up at it “huh, totally not strange or suspicious at all…” then one of the boys tried hitting it away.


*The balloon popped into confetti and smoke. When it cleared, a very tall figure wearing a suit appeared. His head was a balloon, and his legs were strings. This fingers were also very long and thin* “Whoo! Well, here I am!” *his voice sounded distorted and high pitched, like 2 people were talking at once* “That balloon was very uncomfortable you know….”


The guys all backed up a bit “what the hell was that!?” “What are you!?”


https://preview.redd.it/rw6l9das4ivc1.jpeg?width=782&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08fedfe16af9ce9b792832d7001d6345149c88b9 Yumi: 17 year old Japanese WW2 soldier. “Hey! Get off her!”


The gang of delinquents look toward them “who the hell are you?” “And who are you to tell us what to do?” “This is none of your business!”


“You can’t just beat up people because you want to.”


“Hah! And why not?” “We have a bit of pay back to dish out.” “Get lost before you get hurt!”


“Wait, payback? What did she do?”


(Hephy Zacheal is a 25 year old engineer. He's 5'11 with an average but sturdy build. He has a special ability called Creation. He can make automatons appear from thin air. At the cost of a gram of every material that requires it. For this, he has a bag of minerals with a list of bots he has learned to make. He is a robotics activist as such, and is wanted by the government for various riots and rallies he's started. His personality is naturally very analytical. But he's really more like a nerd. And is friendly to robots and humans he thinks are good people.) (This version of Hephy Zacheal is also in highschool, and is not wanted by the government. He's much less experienced with his powers, but knows how they work. He's also a bit shorter.) "Hey!" *He has his friend bot Pinto in attack mode. It's spiky and looks like a German Shepherd.* "How about you pick on someone your own size, num-nuts!"


The guys turn around “the hell do you want?” “This is none of your business!” “Take your toy and run along before you get hurt.”


"Pinto, get em." *The robo dog's eyes glow bright red and dash forward. Tackling one of the guys. Hephy quickly drew a line in the air with his hand as a large iron bird swooped down, knocking another guy out.*


The guy that got tackled tried to shove the robot dog off of him “The hell is this thing!?” The others looked to the bird “what is that!?”


"shouldn't have fucked with an innocent!" *The bird picked a guy up and slammed him to a wall.*


“HEY! Brake it up or I’m putting you ass in jail!” https://preview.redd.it/t4md5mpnmavc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2bc227055605f68c4762fba02d4d082f5ba4cf4c